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Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2017 with funding from
Boston Public Library
Boston Public Library.
0| §00h Uk& 10 Ik
NUMBEES 20 TO 35 -OCT., 1871, TO OCT., 1875.
t 1875.
Art Department
Barton Library,
East Boston,
Lower Mills Delivery, ,
Catalogue (Card),
Channiug Collection
Classes of Users,
Jewett’s, Prof. C. C., Death,
I. 227
I. 368
II. 164
n. 24, 52, 72, 164, 246
II. 228
II. 227
II. 318
I. 252,296
II. 392
II. 23, 70
I. 324
I. 148
I. 30
Law Department
Medical Department, . . .
Methods of Management,
Musical Department, . . .
Non-residents’ Use, . . .
I. 200
I. 166,228; II. 51
I. 250
I. 348
II. 184
Patent Room, I. 324; II. 24, 52, 138, 248
Prince Library, I. 188, 202, 276
Recording Loans I. 3
Registration, I. 3
Theological Department I. 163
Ticknor Library I. 322, 363; II. 52, 246
Tosti Engravings, . I. 146, 148, 186, 200, 221, 270, 347; II. 47
Africa II. 264
Almanacs I. 97, 129
America discovered by Chinese, II. 368
American Periodicals, I. 80, 129, 145
Architecture, II. 429
Arctic Explorations II. 239, 305
Arnold’s Quebec Expedition, II. 371
Bibliography, II. 288
Books for the Blind, I. 80, 96, 114, 130
Booksellers, History of, II. 234
Boston Massacre II. 383
Plans of Estates, I. 350
Port Bill, II. 383
Siege of, II. 388
Tea Party II. 383
Bunker Hill II. 350, 385
Catacombs II. 289
Centennial Reading, II. 382
Christ, n. 256
Columbus, II. 340
Concord Fight, II. 350, 384
Corday, Charlotte II. 89
Costume II. 348
Cremation, II. 268, 353
Decoration II. 339
Engraving II. 267
Erasmus II. 338
Fish Culture, II. 89
Franklin, Benjamin II. 277
French History, II. 86
German Universities, II. 279
Glaciers, II. 263
Goethe, II. 78
Grant, President, II. 84
Greeley, Horace II. 79
Henry IV. of France II. 339
Huguenots II. 85
Ismaelites, H. 302
Joan of Arc, n. 363
Johnson, Dr II. 239
Kingsley, Charles II. 153
Lamb, Charles, H. 333
Lexington Fight II. 350, 384
Libri II. 175
Lincoln, Abraham, IT. 84
Macready H. 370
Marco Polo, h. 374
Mass. Election Sermons, I. 114
Monte Casino, 308
Napoleon II. 360
Netherlands, History of, II. 240
New England History II. 87
New England Periodicals, I. 46, 59, 62, 75
Newspapers, History of, II. 427
Nineveh, n. 343
Northmen, n. 257
Ornament, 339
Ornithology H. 232
P5re Duchene 319
Pilgrims of Plymouth n. 294
Prehistoric Archaeology n. 298
Salem Witchcraft n. 297
Shakespeare 11. 97, 247
Shakespeare and Bacon n. 363
Shelley H. 89
Social Reforms, m
Societies, Reports of, I. 96, 113
Sumner, Charles, H. 208
Symmes’s Hole, 286
Thirty Years’ War, 277
Troy n. 342
U. S. Coast Survey, l. 326, 343
Waterloo Campaign H. 424
Wesley, John, H. 428
Board of Trustees.
Samuel Little, 556 Warren Street, Alderman,. .
Joseph II. Barnes, 68 Trenton Street, Councilman,
M. F. Dickinson, Jr., 156 West Newton Street, Councilman,
William W. Greenough, 56 Temple Street At Large, ..
Jarvis D. Braman, 38 Charles Street, “
Samuel A. Green, 25 Kneeland Street, “
Ellis W. Morton, Tremont House “
George Putnam 130 Highland Street, “
Weston Lewis, 81 Worcester Street, “
Term expires 1872
“ “ 1872
“ “ 1872
“ “ 1872
“ “ 1872
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
« « 1874
“ “ 1874
JUSTIN WINSOE, Superintendent, and Secretary of the Trustees.
William A. Wheeler, Assistant Superintendent.
Edward Caeen, Keeper of Lower Halls. Joseph Sykes, Keeper of Bates Hall.
William E. Ford, Janitor.
Sarah C. Godbold, Librarian of East Boston Branch.
Days and Honrs, etc,
All departments are open every secular day except the
five legal holidays, — February 22, Fast Day, July 4, Thanks-
giving, and Christmas, — and such other days as the
Trustees may direct.
Bates Ball, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in winter, and to 7 P.M. in
Lower Ball, 9 A. M. to 8 p. m. Open for receiving hooks
at 8.30 A. M.
Central Reading Room, 9 A. M. to 10 p. M. Seats for one
hundred readers.
East Boston Branch, 0 A. M. to 8 p. m.
Extent of the Collections. The Bates Hall has about
141,000 volumes; the Lower Hall, 32,500 volumes; the East
Boston Branch, 0,500 volumes, — a total (including 7,300 sale
duplicates) of more than 187,000 volumes, besides 97,000
The Central Reading Room has about 380 different period-
icals; the East Boston Branch Reading Room has 35.
Persons Admitted to Use the Libraries.
I. To use periodicals or books in the buildings. Any
person above the age of 14 years may use the Reading Room
for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books
within the buildings, without previous registration.
n. To take books away from the buildings. All citizens
and residents of Boston above the age of 16 years ; all non-
resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular professional
occupation in the city ; all inhabitants, even if under 16, who
have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence
prizes, from the Public Schools ; and all pupils attending the
Girls’ High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a full use of
the Library. All these must sign the application card, and
give the name of a citizen, who may be consulted, if neces-
sary. The registration takes place in the Lower Delivery
Ball of the Central Library, and at the East Boston Branch.
HI. Non-residents. Non-resident members of educational
institutions in the city and other non-residents (when
.“pecially permitted, in consideration of the advancement of
the public interests), may take books for home use, in ac-
cordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the
A fresh list of accessions is posted almost daily in each
Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the books added
to the Central Library. Those for the Lower Hall and for
the East Boston Branch show only the hooks added to those
The printed quarterly Bulletins reached the end of the
first volume with No. 19; and the present. No. 20, is the
first number of the second volume. For sale (excepting No.
2, out of print.) .at 2 cents each. Books witli numbers be-
low 2110 are in the Lower Hall ; and above 2110 are in the
Bates Hall. Those with E. B. prefixed to the number are
in the East Boston Branch.
Bates Hall.
I. The Index of 1S61. (Includes the Bowditch Library.)
Royal octavo, 902 pages. Out of print.
II. The Supplement of 1866. (Includes the Parker Lib-
rary.) Royal octavo, 718 pages. Bor sale at $2.00.
octavo, 160 pages. Bor sale at $1.00.
IV. Public C.\iid Cat.vlogue. The printed cards, to-
gether with those in manuscript in the same boxes, show
the books added to the Bates Hall since 1866. Those in print
show also the books added to the Lower Hall since October
1, 1871, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub-
jects, etc.; those in manuscript do not cont.aln such cross-
references, but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is
the intention, however, to embody the titles of the Manu-
script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces-
sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles
from the printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have
been inserted among the printed cards in their proper
alphabetical places; and in due time it is hoped to em-
body with them, in the same way, the printed titles from
the Bates H-all Index and Supplement, and from the Lower
Hall Class lists, so that the public shall have access in one
alphabet to a catalogue of all tlie books in the Central Li-
brary. Until this is done, the visitor will have to search in
various printed alphabets in book form, and in the manu-
script part as well as in the printed part of this card cata-
V. The OrncLtL C-urd Catalogue, which can be con-
sulted. in cases of need, upon application, supplements the
printed Index and Supplement, and supplies full cross-refer-
ences to that part of the Bublic Card Catalogue, which is at
present in manuscript.
Kote. — A limited number of copies of the iNTiEX and Scp-
TLEMENT circulate like other books.
A List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings is for sale
at 5 cents.
Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the
Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound volumes,
embracing nearly 5,100 prints.
Lower Hall.
I. Fiction and Juveniles. — hth edition, August,
1871, 76 pages. Price 15 cents.
II. Art.s, Sciences, and Professions. 2d edition,
September. 1871, 71 pages. Price 10 cents.
HI. History, Biography, and Travels. 2d edition,
in press.
IV. French, German, and Italian Books. 1st
edition, September, 1867, 45 pages. Price 2 cents.
V. Poetry, Drama, Collections, and Miscella-
nies. 1st edition, August, 1870, 128 pages. Price 20 cents.
VI. A Card Catalogue, contalulng only the titles of
works (not anonymous) which have been added to the
Lower Library since the issue of the various Class Lists,
has been placed at the Clerk’s desk in the Distributing Hall.
In the printed Bulletins, such works are entered only under
the names of their authors. These printed entries have been
cut out of the various Bulletins, and inserted in alphabetical
order in a book, which is in the custody of the Clerk, and
which can be consulted on application to him. This CON-
SOLID.ATED BULLETIN, therefore, and Uie Card Catalogue,
taken together, show all the additions, both under author
and title, which have been made to the Lower Library since
the publication of the several Class Lists.
OBSERVE. Many books properly belonging to the
classes of the preceding Lists will be found in No. V, because
they form one of a series or collection. *
East Boston Branch.
A Finding List of the books in the E.ast Boston Branch
Library has been printed separately, and is for sale at 20
Central Periodical Beading Boom.
A List of Periodicals currently received (nearly 800 in
number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading
Room), issued in September, 1870, is for sale at five cents.
Bote. — Copies of these various Catalogues are always ac-
cessible on the tables of the Bates Hall, at the Clerk’s Desk
in the Lower Delivery Hall, and at the East Boston Branch.
The Oatalogne System.
The so-called Dictionary System, upon which all the Cata-
logues of the Boston Public Library are made, is thought
to be more simple than any other.
There are three things, one of which a person wanting a
book must know, and the Dictionary System guides the
average reader more readily than any other, as he always
looks in the proper alphabetical place for the entry he is in
search of. These three things are as follows : —
I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject
of the work (if it is, the subject should be looked for rather
than the title), search for it under the first word not an arti-
cle or a preposition.
n. The author. Find this in its proper alphabetical
place. If the name is a pseudonym, there will be a refer-
ence from it to the real name.
IH. The subject. Find this under the most speefyfc /icad,
and consult other heads referred to there ; but observe that
these references are not to more general subjects, inasmuch
as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for matter
pertaining to the horse, for example, under such general
heads as Natural History, Animals, Quadrupeds, and Mam-
mals, books on which general topics have, almost as a matter
of course, chapters or sections on particular animals. Again,
books on the same subject will sometimes be found under
different heads, where the terms are synonymous, or nearly
so, as, for instance. Coins and Numismatics, but in such
cases cross-references from one to the other will always
assist the searcher. Indeed, a multiplication of cross-refer-
ences is a fundamental idea of the Dictionary System. This
necessitates, of course, the disadvantage of turning from one
part of the catalogue to another, but there is, on the other
hand, a great advantage in the certainty of getting a clew
somewhere, — a thing often impossible in a classified cata-
logue, except to such as have made its system a study.
Assistance to Beaders
will be afforded by officers and attendants of the Library in
the examination of the Catalogaes, to such an extent as other
duties may permit; but it should be remembered that all in
the Library have special duties, and no considerable portion
of their time should be held at the exclusive disposal of any
individual reader; and it is enjoined upon all visitors not to
occupy the attendants’ time with conversation of any other
N,B.— From this List are omitted continuations of Periodicals and of certain serials,
booksellers’ catalogues, duplicate books, many pamphlets, and the like.
JKg- The letters E. B., in full-face type, prefixed to the shelf number, indicate an addition to the East Boston
Branch Library.
Shelves numbered 2110 and upwards are in the Bates Hall ; those below 2110 are in the Lower Hall. —
A single dash stands for the preceding heading; a subsequent dash for a subordinate heading. — R. R. means Reading
Room ; N. R., Newspaper Room ; M. S., Map Stand. — In the headings of titles, the German diphthongs, {i a, u,
are written ae, oe, ue; as. Doering, H.von. — Initials inclosed within marks of parenthesis stand for Christian names
not usually retained; as Dickens C. (J.H.) — When the date of publication of a book could not be ascertained, the year in
which it was copyrighted (if stated) is given within brackets, with “cop.” prefixed. — 8“, 12”, 16", etc., designate the form of
a book, or the actual or probable fold of the printed sheet as shown by the signatures ; but the epithets “ large,” “ small,”
and “oblong,” or the like, are sometimes added to give a better idea of the size or shape of the bound volume.
O' All books in this list, except the few which are starred, can be had without special application.
*** Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the
Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the autho7'ship of amj woo'ks
treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym.
Boston PttWitrijibrary
Shelf. No.
Abbott, Edward. The baby’s things : a story in
verse for Christmas eve. New York, [1871].
63 pp. 5 pi. 16" (N.s.)
Abbott, Edwin A., and Seeley, J. R. En^ish les-
sons for English people. Boston, 1872 [1871].
xxiv, 303 pp. 16" 405.27 and E. B* 36.17
Abbott, Jacob. The August stories. August and
Elvie. New York, 1871. viii, ll-388pp. 3 pi.
16" 500.45
— Gentle measures in the management and train-
ing of the young. Blustrations. New York,
1872 [1871L 330 pp. 12" 154.34
Abbott. John 8. C. llistory of Louis Philippe.
With illustrations. New York, 1871. (2), vii-
405 pp. 16" 559.29
Achard, (L.) A. (E.) Olympe de M6zlfercs. Lemari
de Dclphine. Paris, 1870. (4), 403 pp. 16" . 2679.54
— ROcits d’un soldat. Paris, 1871. (4), 305, (1) pp.
18" 2629.67
Adair, SirlR. A.) S. Lectures on national defence,
and on military organization and history. Lon-
don, 1871. 6 pans in 1 V. 8 maps. 8" . . . 4517.13
Contents. — Part I. Organization of the militia ; Mili-
tia of the United kingdom, n. Defence of London.
First and second Bvstems. III. Defence of Portsmouth;
Defence of East Suffolk. IV. England and her wars
since ISIS. In three parts. V. Irdand, her wars and
strategical history; Communications between Central
Asia and Hindostan. VI. Classitication of the causes
of war; National defences and militia.
Adams, H. G. Beautiful shells; their nature, struc-
ture, and uses ; with directions for collecting,
cleaning, and arranging them, .and descrip-
tions of the most remarkable species. Illus-
trated. London, 1871. (4), 156 pp. 16“ . . . 5875.13
Adams, Henry C. The AVinborough boys. With
illustrations. London, 1872 [1871]. (2), 382
pp. 16“ 756.20
Adams, N. A voyage round the world. [Illus-
trated.] Boston, [1871]. 3,152 pp. 12". . 708.24
Adams, W. H. D. The land of the Nile. 100 en-
gravings. London, 1871. xi, (1), 3-338 pp.
16“ 698.31
— Temples, tombs, and monuments of ancient
Greece and Rome. 100 engravings. London,
1871. 307 pp. 16" 698.32
Shelf. No.
Adams, William T. Upward and onward series.
Cringle and cross-tree. By Oliver Optic,
E pseud.']. With illustrations. Boston, 1872
1871]. 294 pp. 16" E. B. 13.7
ADVENTURES of Bachelor Butterfly, illustrated.
Now York, N. D. 64 pp. Obi. 16" 1888.6
Aconie, L’, de le commune. Baris en feu. 2e Edition.
Bruxelles, [1871]. 80 pp. 8“ 2625.50
Aiken, J., and Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home.
Revised and corrected by C. Hartley. Illus-
trated. New York, 1852. viii, 446 pp. 12".
E. B. 21.5
Aimard, G. The trail hunter. A tale of the far
West. Philadelphia, N. D. (5), 18-175 pp. 8". 503.11
Alcott, L. M. Aunt .Jo’s scrap-bag. My boys, etc.
Bcr.ap bag. Vol. 1. Boston. 1872 [1871]. (6),
215 pp. 2 pi. 16“ 769.25 and E. B. 325.10
Alger, H.. jr. Paul the peddler. Boston, [1871].
281 pp. 12" 417.19 and E. B. 28.31
— Strong and steady. Boston, [1871]. 362 pp.
16“ 756.& and E. B. 28.29
Allen, S. M. Myles Standish, with an account of
the exercises of consecration of the monument
ground on Captain’s hill, Duxbury. Aug. 17,
1871. Boston. 1871. 76 pp. 2 pi. 8" . . . . 2356.50
Allge.meine militararztliche Zeitung. Beilage zur
Wiener medizinischen Pressc. Redakteur
J. Schnitzler. 11 Jahrgang. [No. 1-27, 30-
50.] Wien, 1870. 4“ *7720.6
Almost faultless. New York, 1871. 193 pp. 8".
E. B. 211.2
American association for the advancement of sci-
ence. Proceedings. lstr-14th, 16th-19th meet-
ing, 1848-70. Philadelphia, [etc.], 1849-71.
18 V. 8" *3935.1
American Lloyd’s register of American and foreign
shipping and record of signal numbers. Com-
piled by R. T. Hartshorne and J. E. H. King.
New York, 1871. 4 pi. Obi. 8“ 5954.19
American register. The, or, general repository of
history, politics and science, for 1806 [-9] . Vol .
1. 2, 4-6. Philadelphia, 1807-10 . 5 v. 8" . . *7240a.0
Ames, E. Speeches in congress, 1789-96. Edited
by'P. W. Ames. Boston, 1871. 166 pp. 8“ . . 2392.50
Amigues, j. La Erance a refaire. La commune.
Paris, 1871. 48 pp. 8" 2625..50
Shelf. No. '
Andr^oli, (M.) fi. 1870-1871. Le gouvernement du
4 septembre et la commune de Paris. Paris,
1871. XX, 370 pp. 18» 2628.53
Andresen, a. Handbuch fiir Kupfersticlisammler,
Oder Lexicon der Kupferstecher, Maler-Radi-
rer und Pormschneider aller Lander und
Schulen. Auf Grundlago der zweiten Auflage
von Heller’s Handbuch fiir Kupersticlisamm-
ler. B. 1. Leipzig, 1870. 8" *8062.10
Angot, a. Nos ruines. Paris, 1871. viii, 134, (1)
pp. 18» 4029.23
Annali universali di viaggi, geographia, storia, eco-
nomia pubblica e staUstica. Milano, 1824-70.
183 V. in 109. S” *3287.2
Note. — The volumes of this work arc numbered con-
tinuously from 1 to ISO, but there have been various
series, each numbered separately, as well as changes of
editorship, title, etc., as is shown below.
Whole no. Title. Serial no.
1. Annali universali di viaggi, geogra-
phia, storia, economia pubblica e
2.5. Annali mniversali di statistica, eco-
nomia pubblica, geographia, storia,
e viaggi.
C-80. Annali universali di statistica, eco-
nomia pubblica, geographia, storia,
viaggi e commercio.
81-109. Same. Compilati da Francesco Laia-
pato. Sene seconda.
110 116. Same. Compilati da Giuseppe Sacchi.
Serie seconda.
117-140. Annali universali di statistica, eco-
nomia pubblica, Icgislazionc, sto-
ria, viaggi e commercio. Compi-
lati da Giuseppe Sacchi e da varj
economist! italiani. Serie terza.
141-183. Same. Serie quarta.
Shelf. No.
Bailey, A. Manuel pour I’etude des r.aclnes grecques
et latines. Publid sous la direction de E. Eg-
ger. Paris. 1869. (4), 8, 504 pp. 18“ ... . 2947.12
Baker, H. N. (W.) The Leslie stories. The secret
of success. By Madeline Leslie, [psettd.].
Boston, 1869. (6), 9-24S pp. 16'> E. B. 14.48
— [Rosy dawn stories.] The little Indian. Bos-
ton, [1869]. 100 pp. [Illustrated.] Sm. 16“.
B. B. 21.1
The picnic party. Boston, [1869]. 159 pp. [Il-
lustrated.] Sm. 16" B. B. 21.14
The twill brothers. Boston, 1869. 160 pp.
[Illustrated.] Sm. 10» E. B. 21.15
The two birthdays. Boston, 1869. 160 pp. [Il-
lustrated.] Sm.ie" B. B. 21.16
The violet-girls. Boston, 1869. 159 pp. [Illns-
trated.] Sm. 16" E. B. 21.12
The water cress girl. Boston, 1869. 160 pp.
[Illustrated.] Sm. 16" E. B. 21.13
Ball, R. S. Experimental mechanics. With illns-
trations. London, 1871. xv, (1), 352 pp. 8".
194.2 and 5943.2
Ballance, C. History of Peoria, 111. Peoria, 1870.
viii, 271 pp. 16" 2379.50
Ballantyne, R. M. The iron horse. A tale. With
illustrations. London, 1871. vi. (2), 407 pp.
16" 757:25 and B. B. 28.33
Ballantyne and co. History of the Ballantyne
press and its connection with Sir Walter Scott.
[With illustrations and portraits.] Edin-
burgh, 1871. (26) pp. 4" (N. 8.) *2571.12
Ballantyne’s miscellany. Vol. 1, 3, 5-13. With
illustrations. London, 1869, 70. 11 v. Sm.
16" 810.83
Anncaire [de la pairie et] de la noblesse de France
et des maisons sonveraines de I’Enrope [et de
la diplomatic], public par M. Borel d’Haute-
rive. Paris, [1846-52]. 6 v. 12" *4639.14
Annuaire photographique pour I’annee 1865[-70],
par A. Davanne. Paris, 1865-70. 6 v. 18" . *7979a.6
Arban, J. B. Complete method of instruction for
the cornet a pistons and Saxhorn. Paris, N. D.
(4), 244, (1) pp. L. 4" 8040.50
Arkolay, pseud. L’Allemagne du Sud sous I’hbgd-
monie prussienne ; sa perte certaine en cas de
guerre entre la France et la Prusse. Par un
officier allemand. 4e Edition. Traduite de
I’allemand. Paris, 1869. 60 pp. 8" 4825.8
Arnoelt, C. .a. d’. Les communeux. 1871. Types,
caractferes, costumes. Par Bertall, [anagram-
matiepseud.']. Paris, [1871]. (4)pp. 34pl. 4". *2620.50
Arsac, J. d’. Les coneiliabules de l’H6tel-de-ville.
Comptes-rendus des sdances du comit6 central
et de la commune. Paris, 1871. vii, (1), 185
pp. 18" 2628.80
— La guerre civile et la commune de Paris en 1871.
4e Edition. Paris, 1871. 655 pp. 18" .... 2628.56
— MOraorial du sibge de Paris. 5e edition. Paris,
1871. xii, 724 pp. 1 map. 18" 2628.79
Arthur, R. Treatment and prevention of decay of
the teeth. 38 illustrations. Philadelphia, 1871.
265 pp. 16" 177.7
Arthur, T. S. Idle hands and other stories. Phila-
delphia, [1871]. V, (1), 23-208 pp. With iUus-
trations. Sq. 16“ . 741.6
— Mary Eliis, and other tales. Philadelphia, [cop.
1850]. (2). 72, 162, 71, 71, 90 pp. 12" . . E. B. 245.1
— The wonderful story of Gentle hand, and other
stories. Philadelphia, 1871. 144 pp. 21 pi.
Sq. 16" 733.19
Appleton, D., and co. Illustrated almanac for 1870.
Edited by S. F. Cooper. New York, [1869].
48 pp. 8" E. B. 75.2
Atkinson, H. G., and others. Report on spiritnal-
ism, of the committee of the London dialectical
society. London, 1871. xi, (1), 412 pp. 8" . 3605.52
Nate. — Published by the committee without the au-
thorization of the society.
Atlantic almanac, 1871. [Hlustrated.] Boston,
[1870]. pp. 64. 8" E. B. 75.1
Audebrand, P. Histoire intime de la revolution du
18 mars. Comity central et commune. Paris,
1871. (4), vii, (1), 3lfpp. 18“ 2628.59
Austen, J. Northanger abbey, and Persuasion.
Leipzig, 1871. 446, (1) pp. Sm. sq. 16".
730.76 and E. B. 249.21
li.VELTNG, S. T. Carpentry and ioinery. London,
[1871], (6), 120 pp. 1 pi. '16» E. B. 36.20
Averill, A. 8. Annie Mason. New York, [1871].
420 pp. 12“ 755.22
Avon.more, Viscountess. See Yelverton, T.
Contents. — Vol. I. Fighting the whales. HI. Fast in
the ice. V. Sunk at sea. VI. Lost in the forest. VII.
Over the Rocky mountains. VIU. Saved by the life
boat. IX. The cannibal islands. X. Hunting the
lions. XI. Digging for gold. XII. Up in the clouds.
Xrn. The battle and the breeze.
Banks, W. S. Walks in Yorkshire : Wakefield and
its neighbourhood ; with maps and 55 wood-
cuts. London, 1871. xv, (1), 608 pp. 16". . 2496.8
— Woolley church. [No title-page.] N. P., 1871.
(4)pp 2496.8
Barber, J. American book of ready-made speeches.
Added resolntions, toasts and sentiments.
New York, [1871]. 215 pp. 16“ 1397.12
Barker, Lady M. A. [Mrs. F. N. Broome.] A
Christmas cake in four quarters. With illus-
trations. London, 1871. (8), 304 pp. 16“ . . 797.16
— Travelling about over new and old ground. With
[6] maps and illustrations. London, 1872
[1871] . xii, 353, (1) pp. Sm. 8“ . 665.20 and E. B. 98.7
Barlee, E. Effie’s prayer; or, “ Thy will be done.”
New York, London, 1872 [1871]. iv, 245pp.
1 pi. 16" 500.8
Barlow, J. The Columbiad. Philadelphia, 1809.
2 V. 12“ 4.509a.22
Barrau, C. de. La femme et l’6ducation. Paris, 1870.
268, (1) pp. 18" 3579.52
Barton, J., and Spencer, A. J. One hundred and
thirty comic dialognes and recitations. New
York, [1871]. 180, 192 pp. 16" 1397.25
Bassini, C. Art of singing. Edited by R. S. Willis.
Boston, 1857. 168 pp. L.4" 201.18
Bastian, F. Les abeilles. Traitd d’apiculture ra-
tionnelle. 53 gravures. Paris, 1868. (4), iii,
(1), 328 pp. 12“ 5898.9
Bates, Joshua. Portrait. See Cheney, J. B. H.
Bates, L. Downward and upward. By the author
of “ The climbers.” Philadelphia, 1871. (4),
xi-245 pp. 12" 765.6
Bavaria. Koniglich bayerischer Generalquartier-
meister-Stab. Antheil der koniglich bayeri-
schen Armee am Kriege des Jahres 1866. Mit
3 Beilagen und 6 Planen. Miinchen, 1868. (6),
229, (21), xix, (1) pp. 8" and .atlas, l.f" . . .4821.5
Bavoux, (J.) E. La France sous Napoleon HI. Paris,
1870. 2 V. 8" 2625.60
Bayer. C. R. Sphinx; or, striving with destiny.
Translated from the German of Robert Byr
[qyseud.^. By Auber Forestier [pscMcJ. of A.
A. Woodward]. Philadelphia, 1871. 400 pp.
2 pi. 16“ 423.3
Beach, W. The American practice of medicine,
revised. Illustrated. New York, 1855. 3 v.
8" *3711.51
Contents. — Vol. I. Pathology. H. Surgery. HI. Ma-
teria medica.
Beale, A. Simplicity and fascination. 3d edition.
Boston, 1866. 499 pp. 12" . . . . r . . E. B. 247.5
Shelf. No.
Beale, L. S. Life theories; their influence ui)on
religious tliought. Loudon, 1871. viii, (4) 97
pp. 0 pi. Sm. 8“ 6769.5
Beard, O. M. Eating and drinking; a popular man-
ual of food an(l diet in health and disease.
Kew York, 1871. xvii, (1), 180 pp. 12» . . . 157.46
Beauceerk. Ladij D. Do Vere. True love. Phil.a-
delphia, 1870. 228 pp. 12» E. C. 327.17
Beaumont-Vassy, E. P. do La B., vicomte de. His-
toire authentique de la commune de Paris en
1871. Paris. 1871. (4). 309 pp. 18'> . . . . . 2628.68
Beckford, W. Tile caliph Vatheb. Verbatim from
first edition. 2d edition. New Y^ork [Lon-
don], 1869. (4), viii, (2). 189 pp. Sm. 16’ ... 799.8
Beecher, C. E. Womiin’s profession as mother and
educator, with views in opposition to woman
suflrage. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871], (8), 223
pp. 12« 1126.34
Beecher. II. W. Life of Jesus. New York, 1871.
viii, (2), 510 pp. 5 pi. 2 maps. 8“.
2103.4. 5476.14 and E. B. 362.13
Beever, W. H. The daily life of our farm. Lon-
don, 1871. xiii, (1), 313 pp. Illustrations. 16“ . 6008.15
Belin, L. Guerre do 1870-1871. Le siege de Belfort.
3e Edition. Paris, 1871. vi, 198, (1) pp. Por-
trait. 1 plan. 18“ 2629.64
BfeNARD, T. Abr6gd de I’histoire de Prance. 8e Edi-
tion. Paris. 1871. vi, 231 pp. 18“ 6619a.4
Bennet, .1. H. Treatment of pulmonary consump-
tion. 2d edition. New Y'ork [London], 1872
[1871]. X, 190 pp. 8“ 3795.51
Benoist de Matocgees. — , and Chesnel (de la
Charbouclais), (L. P. F.) A. Diotionnaire de
geographic sacree et ccclesiastique. Paris,
18.54-65. 3v. L.8» *5532.1
Berkeley, G. "Works. With prefaces, annotations,
his life, [etc.], by A, C. Fraser. Oxford, 1871.
4 V. 8“ 3601.50
Contents. — Vol. I, TT. Philosophical works, m. Mis-
cellaneous works. IV. Life, letters, etc.
Bernard, M. Notes on some questions suggested
by the case of the “ Trent.” 1862. Oxford,
N. D. 39 pp. 8“ 7618.2
Best, The, of all good company. Edited by Blan-
chard Jerrold. London, 1871. 2 parts. 8“ . *6541.7
Contents. — Part I. A day with Charles Dickens.
H. A day with Sir Walter Scott.
Bethell, a. Millicent and her cousins. With illus-
trations. New York [London], 1872 [1871].
vu, (1), 239 pp. 16“ 497.4
Bible. Whole Bible. English. The Holy Bible ac-
cording to the authorized version, with a com-
mentary and a revision of the translation, by
clergy of the Anglican church. Edited by P.
C.Cook. Vol. 1, parti, 2. London, 1871. Iv.
in 2. xii, 928 pp. 8“ 7410b. 13
Contents. — Vol. I. Parti. Preface; Genesis; E.xo-
dus. 2. Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy.
tiote. — Popularly called the Speaker’s commentary,
the plan of the work having been suggested by the
speaker of the house of commons, John Evelyn Deni-
The Holy Bible, with notes, [etc.]. By T.
Scott. From the latest London edition. Added,
Concordance, by J. Brown. Philadelphia,
1871. 3 V. 8“ E. B. 362.12
— New Testament. Gomels. Harmonies. A har-
mony of the four Gospels in Greek, according
to the text of Tischendorf; with a collation of
the Textus rcceptus, and of the texts of Gries-
bach, Lachmann, and Tregelles. ByP. Gar-
diner. Andover, 1871. iv, (1), 268 pp. 8“ . . 3424.50
Biffart. M. Venctien, das Fcstungsviereck und die
Kiisten der Adrea. 3te Auflage. Darmstadt,
1866. iv, 141 pp. 8“ 4728.7
Bigelow, H. .1. Medical education in America : ad-
dress before the Massachusetts medical society.
June 7, 1871. C.ambridge, 1871. 83 pp. 8“ . 5710a. 16
Bigelow, J. XtjvwSki, or the classical Mother
Goose. [Anon.'] Cambridge, 1871. 28 pp.
Sm. sq. 12“ *2409.50
Billing. A. First principles of medicine. 6th
edition. London, 1868. xix, (1), 714 pp. 8“ . 3712.50
Billings, Josh, pseud. See Shaw, H. W.
Bisset, a. Essays on historical truth. London,
1871. (6), 468 pp. 8“ 4514.7
Black, W. Monarch of Mincing-Lane. A novel.
With illustrations. New York, 1871. (2), 11-
1.53 pp. 8“ 421.8
Blaetter fiir Medizinal-Gcsetzgebung und oflfent-
liche Gesundheitspflege. Nr. 1-32. [Wien.
1870.] 4“ ..... *7720.7
Shelf. No.
Blashi.s, j. H. a list of the birds of Europe. From
the German. Norwich, 1862. 24 pp. 8’ . . *5904.20
Bleser, E. do. Rome ct scs monuments. 2c (idition.
Louvain, 1870. viii. 632 pp. 8’ 2730.50
Boggs, J. The resurrection of the redeemed; and
Hades. Philadelphia, 1871. 145, (1). 09 pp. 16’.3459.50
Boisduval, j. A.. Rambur, P., and (Jraslin, A.
Collection iconographiquo et historique des
chenilles d’Europe. [Livraison 1-42.1 Paris,
1832[-43. (2), 14, (484) pp. 126 col. pi. 8“ . . *5894.3
Bonamy, C., Broca, P., and Beau, £. Atlas d’an.a-
tomie descriptive du corps humain. Paris,
1866. 3v. iu4. 240 col. pi., with explanatory
text. 4“ *.3750.52
Contents.— To\.T. Oetoologie, synrtcsmologie, myo-
logie par M. Bonamy. n. Cceur, nrtercs, veines, vais-
ecaux lymphatiquea ct aponevroses par 51. Bonamy.
III. Appaieildela digestion, appareil surrCual, rein.
IV. Appareii gfinito-uriuaire, organes de la respira-
Bonnycastlb, R. H, The C.an.adas in 1841. Lon-
don, 1841. [With map and illustrations.] 2v.
12“ . . . 4467.19
Bonstetten. C. V. The m.an of the North, and the
man of the South ; or the influence of climate.
Transltited. New York, 1864. 200 pp. 12“ . 5889a. 7
Book, Y', of sense, a companion to the book of non-
sense. Philadelphia, N. D. .32 if. Obi. 16“ . . 1888.4
Book of travels of a doctor of physic. Philadelphia,
1871. 373 pp. 12“ 657.22
BOPP, F. Vergleichende Graramatik des Sanskrit,
Send, Armenischen, Griechischen, Lateini-
Bchen, Litauischen, Altslavischen, Gothischen
unrl Deutschen. 3te Ausgabe. Berlin, 1868-71.
3 V. 8“ 4957.7
Borbstaedt, a. Preussens Feldziige gegen Oesler-
reich und dessen Verbiindete im Jahre 1806,
mit Beriicksichtigung des Krieges in Italien.
2te Auflage. Berlin, 1866. (6), 180, xi pp. 8“. 4824.9
Borchardt, a. Littdrature frantjaise pendant la
guerre de 1870-71. Berlin, 1871. viii, 152 pp.
8“ 2678.55
Bordier, H. L. Le chansonnier huguenot du xvie
sibcle. Paris, 1870. 2 v. Sm. sq. 16“ .... 2679.51
Borel d’Hautebive. a. F. .1. Les sieges de Paris,
iusqu’a ce iour juin 1871. Paris, 1871. (4), iv,
379 pp. 12“ ^ . 2628.77
Bossert, a. La litt^ratnre allemande au moyen-age
et les origines de I’epoptSe germanique. Paris,
1870. (4), 382 pp. 8“ 2875.50
Boston, 3fass. Department for the survey and inspec-
tion of buildings. [Act of the state of Massa-
chusetts and ordinance of the city of Boston for
the regulation and inspection of buildings,
etc.] Boston. 1871. ,36 pp. 12“ *6349.1
— Public library. Lower hall. Class list for Eng-
lish prose fiction, including translations and
juvenile fiction [and some juvenile books not
fiction]. 5th edition. [Boston, 1871.] 76 pp.
8“ *6200a.23
— Society o.f natural history. Address, on the
centennial anniversary of the birth of A. von
Humboldt, by L. Agassiz. With account of
the reception. Boston, 1869. 107, (1) pp.
L. 12“ E. B. 194.11
Boccicault, D. (L.) The Colleen bawn. Drama.
N. P., N. D. 42 pp. 12“ (N. s.) E. B. 164.28
Boullier, a. iltudes de politique et d’histoirc
etranghres (Allemagne, Turquie, Italic).
Pari8j^l870. (4), iv, 336 pp. 8“ 2294.50
Boutaric, E. (P.) Saint Louis et Alfonse de Poi-
tiers. Etude sur la rdunion des provinces du
midi et de I’ouest k la couronne et sur les ori-
gines de la centralisation administrative. Paris,
1870. (4), 550, (1) pp. 8“ 2625.60
Boutell. C. a Bible dietion.ary [including] the
Apocrypha. London, 1871. vi, (2),661pi). 8“ . *5436.1
Bowring, L. Eastern experiences. London, 1871.
(8), 475 pp. 6 maps and diagrams. 8“ . . . 5040a.9
Boyd, J. A. A summary of Canadian history. To-
ronto, 1869. 151 pp. 16“ 2319.51
Bradley, "W. J. .Jack Arcombe. By Glance Gay-
lord, [nsciii?.] . Boston, [con. 1888]. (4), 9-306
pp. 16“ E. B. 24.33
— Will Rood’s friendship. By Glance Gaylord,
[pseud.]. Boston, 1870. vi, (1), 10-254 pp.
4 pi. 16“ E. B. 24.30
Br.vinard, S. Album comique. A collection of
popular comic songs. Cleveland, [1871]. (4),
3-111 pp. 4“ 201.17
— Bong diamonds. A collection of songs. With
accompaniment for the piano-forte or reed
organ. [Anon.] Cleveland, [1870]. 224 pp.
Shelf. No.
Brat, C. A manual of anthropology. London,
1S71. xxiii, (1), SoSpp. 16“ 3609.52
Brehm. a. E. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Habesch.
Hamburg. 1SG3. vii, (1), 439, (1). pp. 8“ . . . 5827.19
Brehm, O. L. Cassell’s book of birds. Tfranslated]
by T. R. Jones. [Illustrated .] London,
[1870, 71], 2 V. 4“ *5900a.2
Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable.
London, [1870]. Sm.‘8“ *R.R.,A.23
Briggs, C, P., and Pctnam, G. P, Homes of
American authors; comprising sketches, by
various writers. Hlustrated. New York.
1853. viil. 366 pp. 8“ 2346.51
Bright, R. Reports of medical cases, illustrating
the sjauptoms and cure of diseases by a refer-
ence to morbid anatomy. London, 1827-31.
2 V. in 3. 55 pi. 4“ *5790.50
Cmitems. — Vol. I. Diseases of the kidneys, lungs, in-
testines, etc. n. Diseases of the brain and nervous sys-
British museum, London. Catalogue of Syriac
manuscripts acquired since 1838. By W.
Wright. Part 1, 2. London, 1870, 71. 2 v.
4“ *6130.11
— Hand-list of genera and species of birds. By G.
li. Gray. London, 1869-71. 3 v. 8“ .... *5895.2
Contents. — Tol. I. Accipitres; Fissirostres; Tenuiros-
tres; Denitrostres- II. Conirostres; Scansoros; Co-
lunib®; Gallinfe. HI. Struthiones; GrallvC; .^seres;
Indices of generic and specific names.
Broca. P. Memoires d’anthropologie. T. 1. Paris,
1871. (4), iv. 544, (1) pp. 2 pi. 3 maps. 8“ . 2235.50
Brock. Jfrs. C. Sunday echoes in week-day hours.
[lst-3d series.] New York, 1871. 3 v. 16“ . 447.20
Contents. — Tol. I. A tale illustrative of the collects.
H. A tale illustrative of the church catechism. HI. A
tale illustrative of the joumoyings of the children of
Brockle-SST, J. The amateur microscopist. Hlus-
trated with 247 figures. New York, 1871. 144
pp. 8“ 5924.6
Brooke, S. A. Freedom in the church of England.
Sermons suggested by the Voysey judgment.
2d edition. London, 1871. vi, (21, 109 pp.
Bm. 8“ 3449.51
Brothier, L. Philosophie des constitutions poli-
tiques, avec une preface et des notes de C.
Lemonnier. Paris, 1871. xliv, 256 pp. 12“ . 3569.50
Bryant, A., sr. Forest trees, for shelter, ornament
and profit. Illustrated. New York, 1871. 247
pp. 12“ 3848.50
Bryant, W. C. Poems. New York, 1871. 390 pp.
Portrait. 23 pi. 8“ 324.7
Buchanan, R. The land of Lome; or, a poet’s ad-
ventures in the Scottish Hebrides, New York,
1871. 384 pp. 2 portr.aits. 12“ 655.17
Buleetin des lois arretes. decrets et proclamations
de la commune de Paris. Recueil de tons les
actes ofliciels de 26 mars au23mai 1871. Paris,
1871. 106, (1) pp. 18“ 2649.54
Bcnnett. F. E. The hidden power. Philadelphia,
1871. 288 pp. 3 pi. Sm. 12“ 446.8
Bcrat, a. Cours d’exploitation des mines. Paris,
1871. Text. (4), 539 pp. 8“. Atlas, (2), 8 pp.
88 pi. L. 4“ Text *7863.17. atlas *7860.18
Burleigh, W. H. Poems. With a sketch of his
life. By C. Burleigh. New York, 1871. xlv,
(3), 306 m). Portrait. 16“ . . . . • 376.12
Burmeister, H. Reise durch die La Plata-Staaten,
mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die physisclie
Beschcafifenheit und den Culturzustand der ar-
gentinischen Republik. 1857-60. HaUe, 1861.
2 V. 2 maps. 1 pi. 8“ 2315.50
Contents. — Vol. I. Die siidlichen Provinzen. H. Die
Bordwestlichen Provinzen und die Cordilleren zwi-
schen Catamarca und CopiapO. Nebst einer syste-
matischen Uebersicht der heobachteten Ruckgratthiere.
Bcschen, — de. Aper5U statistique des forces pro-
ductives de la Russie. Paris, 1867. (2), 268
pp. 8“ 5065.4
Bustajiante, P. C., and Vitali, G. Hanual de la
aonversacion y del estilo epistolar para el uso
de los viageros y de la juventud de las escue-
las. Espanol-italiano. Paris, N. D. (6), 354
pp. 32“ 3099a.24
Butler. W. The land of the Veda: together with
the incidents of the great Sepoy rebellion.
With a map, 42 illustrations, tables of Chris-
tian missions, and a glossary of Indian terms.
N'ew York, 1872 [1871], 550 pp. 8“ 5040a.9
Shelf No.
Buxtehude, D. NTT Choralbearbeitungen fur die
Orgel. Herausgegeben von S. W. Dehn.
Leipzig, N. D. V. 2-27 pp. Obi. 4“ 8052.50
Byr, Robert, pseud. See Bayer, C. R.
Byrd, W. A mass for five voices; preceded by a
life of the composer. By E. F. Rimbault.
London, [18411. (4), 12, 32 pp. 4“ 8050.22
Byrne, O. Spons’ dictionary of engineering, civil,
mechanical, military, and naval; with techni-
cal terms in French, German, Italian, and
Spanish. London. 1869-71. 4v. L.8“ . . . *A.200.5
Contents. — Div. I. Abacus to Body-plan. H. Body-
plan to Bridge, m. Bridge to Damming. IV. Dam-
ming to Pounding.
Cadalso. or CADAH.ALSO, J. Cartas marruecas.
Madrid. 1793. (10), 3-224 pp. 8“ . . . . **D.164.12
Cadet, E. Etudes morales sur la societe contempo-
raine. Paris, 1870. xiv, 219 pp. 4 pi. 1 map.
8“ 3564.50
Calmet, a. Taylor’s Calmet’s Dictionary of the
Bible. [American edition.] Charlestown, 1812-
17. 5 V. 4“ *5431.50
Contents. — Vol. I. H. Calmefs dictionary of the
Holy Bible, historical, critical, geographical, and ety-
molorical. Revised under the direction of C. Taylor.
HI Fragments, being illustrations of Holy Scripture:
with additional remarks. TV. Scripture illustrated, by
means of natural science. Principally by the editor.
Added, an appendix ; selected chiefly from travels in the
East, ev.j Sacred geography. By E. 'Wells. Revised.
C-VMPAGNE de 1870. L’armde de Metz et le marechal
Bazaine. Par un oflicier d’^tat-major. Paris,
1871. vii, 159 pp. 8“ 2625.66
C.4.MPBELL. A. Life and death. Cincinnati, 1868. 96
pp. 16“ E. B. 368.10
C-4MPBELL, J. R. How to See Norway. London,
1871. viii, (2), 84 pp. Imap. 5 pi. 16“ . . . 4869.6
Campbell, L. J. Kurzer Abriss per Geschichtc der
Vereinigten Staaten. Aus dem Englischen
iibertragen von G. Fischer. Mit Karten und
Abbildungen. Boston, 1872, [1871]. 227, (1),
30 pp. 12“ (N. s.) ; 2327.50
Campin, F. Practical epitome of mechanical engi-
neering. With engravings. London, [1871].
(8), 180, 34, (4) pp. 16“ 8018.16
Canada. Committee of the Quebec exhibition, 1855.
Esquisse sur le Canada, considere sous le
point de vue economiste, par .L C. Tachd.
Paris, 1855. (12). 180 pp. 1 map. 12“ ... . 2319.50
C.ARLYLE, T. Collected works. Library edition.
London, 1869-71. 30 v. 8“.
Contents. — Vol. I. Sartor resartus . . . *2474-50
H-rV. The French revolution *2474.51
V. Life of Friedrich Schiller *2474-52
VI- XI. Critical and misceilaucous essays . *2474.53
Xn. Heroes and hero-worship *2474.54
XIH. Past and present *2474.55
XIV-XVIH. Cromwell's letters and speeches. *2474-50
XIX. Latter-day pamphlets *2474-57
XX. Life of John Sterling *2474-58
XXI- XXX. Life of Friedrieh II of Prussia . *2474,59
— Translations from the German. Uniform with
his collected works. 3 v *2475.51
Namely: — Vol. I. Goethe, J. W. von. Wilhelm Mei-
ster's apprenticeship. Books 1-6.
H. Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship. Books 7,
8. Travels,
m. Tales by Musteus, Tieck, Richter.
Carter, T. T. Spiritual instructions on the holy
eucharist. 2d edition. London, 1871. vi, (2),
188 pp. 16“ 3449.53
Carteron, E. Analyse des recherches de M. Le-
tronne sur les representations zodiacalcs, con-
duisant a une refutation scientifique complete
du eysteme de Dupuis. Paris, 1843. (4), ii,
136 pp. 8“ 3926.51
Castle.mon, Harry, pseud. Rocky mountain series.
Frank at Don Carlos’ rancho. With illustra-
tions. Cincinnati, 1871. 280 pp. 16“.
446.23 and E. B. 28.27
Frank among the rancheros. With illustrations.
Cincinnati. 1871. 2.54 pp. 16“ 446.22
Frank in the mountains. With illustrations.
Cincinnati, 1871. 277 pp. 16“. 446.24 and E. B. 28. 28
Cat.axogue raisonne. A, of the select collection of en-
gravings of an amateur [described by the
owner]. London, 1828. (4), hi, (1), 279, (1), xii
pp. 4“ *8062.9
Caussette, — . Le bon sens de la foi. Expose en re-
ponse aux objections philosophiques et scien-
tifiques du jour. Paris, 1870 . 2 v. 8“ . . . . 3454.50
Contents. — Vol. I. L'allirmation chietieunc. H. La
negation antlchreticnne.
Shelf. No.
CnALMERS, J. The Cliannel railway connecting Eng-
land and France. Illustrated. ‘2d edition.
London, 1867. (1). iv. (1), 50 pp. S" . . . . . 8016.11
CnAMDEUs, R. Life of Sir Walter Scott. With Ab-
botsford notanda by R. Carruthers. Edited by
W. Chambers. London, 1871. (6), 196 pp.
Kjo 6549a.22
CiiAMBORD, n. C. F. M. L). d’ Artois, comte de. fitude
politique. Correspondance. (1841-59). Nou-
velle edition. Bruxelles, 1860. cxxvi, (2), 207
pp. 6658.1
CnANNiNO, W. E., of Concord, Mass. The wanderer.
A colloquial poem. Boston, 1871. lx, (2), 9-137
pp. 12» . . 1357.23
Chanete. O., and Morison, G. The Kansas city
bridge, with an account of the regimen of the
Missouri river, and a description of methods
used for founding in that river. Illustrated.
1 _ .. tw Aft OCtlrt Cl
New York, 1870. 140 pp. 17 pi. 4» . . . . . 8010.51
Chanzt, a. E. a. Campagne de 1870-71. La deuxi-
feme armde de la Loire. Paris, 1871. (4), 662,
(1) pp. 5 maps. 8® 2625.58
Chareton, V. Projet motivd de reorganisation de
I’dtat militaire de la France. Paris, 1871. (4),
492 pp. 18® 5958.40
Charriact, F. Collection gendrale des lois et dd-
crets du gouvernement franjais a partir du 4
septembre 1870. Vol. 1. Gouvernement de la
defense nationals. (Du 4 septembre 1870, au
11 fevrier 1871.) Bordeaux, 1871. (4), 276 pp.
8" 5027.5
Slielf No.
Ceau.sewitz, C. von. De la guerre. Traduit do
I’AUemand par [J. B. C. F.] Neuens. Paris,
1849-51. 3 V. 8® 3955.50
CtonreiKs. — Vol. I. De resscnce dc la guerre ; Dels
tlldorie de la guerre ; De la strategic eu general ; Le
combat. II. Les forces armees; De la defensive. HI.
L’ offensive; Plan de guerre ; Appcndice.
Clemens, S. L. The innocents abroad. By Mark
Twain, {pseud.']. With illustrations. Hart-
ford. 1871. 651 pp. 8® E. B. 232.1
— Mark Twain’s pleasure trip on the continent.
Previously issued [as] “ The innocents abroad”
and the " New pilgrim’s progress.” London,
[1871]. 259pp. Ipl. 10® ......... 699.24
ClLre, j. Les hommes de la commune. Biographic
complete de tous ses membres. 3e edition.
Paris, 1871. 195 pp. 18“ . 2628.73
Clerval. G. de. Les ballons pendant le sidge de
Paris. Paris, 1871. 148 pp. 16® 2629.60
COBDEN, Paul, pseud. The beckoning series. The
turning wheel. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 364 jrp.
Illustrated. 16® 1727.10
Cochin, (P. S.) A. La manufacture des glaces de
Saint-Gobain de 1665 a 1865. Paris, 1805, 192
pp. 8® .4024.14
Colburn, Z., and others. Locomotive engineering,
and the mechanism of railways. Illustrated.
London, 1871. 2 v. L. 4® *8010.53
Contents. —Vol. I. Text. II. Plates.
Chasles, M. Traitd des sections conlques. Ire
partie. Paris, 1865. xi, (1), 368 pp. 5pl. 8® . 3924.50
Chemists’, The. and druggists’ almanac and pharma-
ceutical text-book. 1870. London, N. D. 112
pp. 16® *7789.2
Cheney, J., engraver. Portrait of Joshua Bates.
Paintedby W. E. West. iSise.SJlu. X4.5-I6in.
Framed. With fac-simlle of Mr. Bates’s sig-
Chevalet, ]fc. Histoire politique et militaire de la
Prusse jusqu’a 1867. Paris, 1867. (2), 391, (1)
pp. 18“ 4829.6
Chevalier, L. La commune. 1871. Le coup d’dtat
du 18 mars. Paris et Versailles, du 18 mars
au22m.ai. Paris, 1871. (4), 200, (1) pp. 18® . 2628.75
Chevallier, (H.) G. S., called Gavami. CEuvres
choisies de Gavarni. fitudes de moeurs eontem-
poraines. Aves des notices. Paris, 1847, 48.
2 v. L. 8® 2071.18
CojUenis. — Vol. I. Le camaval a Paris; Paris le
matin ; Les dtudiauts de Paris. II. La vie de jeuue
homme; Les debardeurs.
Childe, F. C. The English words of the “ Passion
play,” at Ober-Ammergau. 2d edition. Lon-
don, 1871. 36 pp. 16® 4879.14
Christian evidence society, London. Modern skep-
ticism. Lectures [by the archbishop of York
and others] with an explanatory paper by C.
J. Ellicott. New York [London], 1871. viii,
544 pp. Sm. 8® 3488.50
CmiKCU.Y formerly Miss Marryat. Her lord and
master. Leipzig. 1871. 2 v. Sm. sq. 16® . . 720.86
— The prey of the gods. Boston, 1871. 146 pp.
8® 433.25 and E. B. 302.1
Church, P. Seed truths ; or, Bible views of mind,
morals, and religion. New York, 1871. xvi,
323 pp. 16® 7440d.30
Cincinnati industrial exposition. Report of the gen-
eral committee, 1870. Cincinnati, [1870]. xUv,
33-400 pp. 1 pi. 1 chart. 8® *2376.50
Claretie, j. (A.) La France envahie ( juillet a sep-
tembre 1870). Paris, 1871. xvi, 384 pp. 18® . 2629.77
— Paris assidgO. Tableaux et souvenirs. Paris,
1871. (4) ix, (1), 324 pp. 18® 2628.63
Clare, G. R. Sketch of [a] campaign in the Illinois
in 1778-9, with an introduction by H. Pirtle,
and an appendix containing the instructions
to Col. Clark and Major Bowman’s journal of
the taking of post St. Vincents. Cincinnati,
1869. vii, (1), 119 pp. Portrait. 8® (N. s.) . *4603.52
Clarke, Mary Cowden. The iron cousin. New
York, 1871. 511 pp. 12® E. B. 242.3
Clarke. R. S. The doctor’s daughter. By Sophie
{pseud.]. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 330 pp.
11 illustrations. 16® 748.26
— Little Prudy’s Flyaway series. Aunt Madge’s
story. By Sophie May, [Tiscfiif.]. Illustrated.
Boston, 1872 [1871]. 214 pp. 16® 719.31
Cole, M. See Harris, 3Lrs. B. S.
Collection, A, of old ballads. Illustrated. Lon-
don, 17-23-25. [Reprint, London, 1871.] 3 v.
12® 4556.14
Note. — This has been ascribed to Ambrose Pliilips.
Collins, M. The inn of strange meetings, and other
poems. London, 1871. viii, 190 iip. 16® . . 6568,11
Collins, W. Illustrated guide to London and neigh-
bourhood. With 68 illustrations, and a clue-
map. London, 1871. 189 pp. 16® .2438.50
COLLYER, R. H. Mysteries of the vital element in
connexion with dreams, somnambulism, [ete.].
Modern spiritualism explained. 2d edition.
London, 1871. viii. 144 pp. 8® 3805.50
COMiTf:, Le, de salut public. Paris, 1871. (4), 66, (1)_
pp. 8®
. 2622.52
CoMMER, F. Compositionen fur die Orgel aus dem
16, 17, 18tcn .Jahrhundert. Cab. 1-6. Leipzig,
n.d. 17,9,10,10,21,23 pp. 4® 8050.18
Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, S. Cj
Cooper. J. F. The deerslayer. Illustrated. New
York, 1872 [1871, cop. 1861]. 14, 13-597 pp.
12® ............ ***4399.27
— The Monikins. Illustrated. New York, 1872
[1871, cop. I860]. 454 pp. 12® ***4399.28
— The pathfinder. Illustrated. New York, 1871
[cop. I860]. X. 515 pp. 12® ***4399.26
— The pioneers. Illustrated. New York, 187*2
[1871, cop. 1859]. 505 pp. 2 pi. 12® . . .***4399.25
— The prairie. Illustrated. New York, 1871 [cop.
1859]. ix, (1) 9-479 pp. 12® ***4399.24
COQUEREL, A. (J.), the younger. Libres paroles d’un
assiegd. ficrits et discours d’un repubUcain
protestant. Paris, 1871. (4), xi, (1), 250 pp.
jgo . . . , 2628.52
CORPiELD, W. H.’ A digest of facts relating to the
treatment and utilisation of sewage. 2d
edition. London, 1871. xxvi, (2), 343, (1) pp.
go A.200.6
CoRNAY, .7. il. Mdmoire sur les causes de la colo-
ration des oeufs des oiseaux et des parties or-
B.aniques vegiitales et animales. Paris, 1860.
20 pp. L. 8® (N. S.) • • 5905.6
Cornelius, M. H. Young housekeeper’s friend.
Boston, 1871. 312 pp. 12® 186.74
Cornish, S. W. The Waverley manual, or hand-
book of the chief characters, incidents, and de-
scriptions in the Waverley novels. Edin-
burgh. 1871. X, 504 pp. 12® ...... . . . *4572.4
Cosmopolitan, A., pseud. Miss Columbia’s public
school : or. Will it blow over ? 72 illustrations
byT. Nast. New York, 1871. 82 pp. 1‘2® . 1889.1
COTTY, (G.) H., baron. Dictionnaire de I’avtillerie.
Paris, 1822. vii, (1), 508 pp. 4® 7952.17
Cox, J. E. Tlie old constitutions belonging to the
society of free and accepted masons of Eng-
land and Ireland. Four reprints of the first
editions. London, 1871. xliii, (9), 26, 93, (1),
24, (2), 81, (1), 17 pp. Illustrated. 8® . . . . 3565.50
Shelf. No.
CnAiK. D. (M.) M., formerhi J/iss MulocTi. Hannah.
New York, lS72[187i]. 310 pp. 12» 798.26
— Same. New York. 1872 [1S71]. 100 pp. [Illus-
trated.] 8“ 495.3 and E. B. 241.14
CR^:Q^Y, R. C. V. de Froulay de Tesse. marquine de.
Souvenirs do la marquise de Crequy. 1710 a
1803. Nouvelle Edition. jParis,1867. 5v. 18“ . 2649.51
Note. — Generally regarded as spurious, and attributed
to Maurice Couscu, sel/styled Comte de Courchamps.
Crittenden, J. J. Life, with selections from his
correspondence and speeches. Edited by Ids
daughter, Mrs. C. Coleman. Philadelphia,
1871. 2 V. 2 portraits. 8“ 2345.51
Croly, G-. Salathiel. Cincinnati, N. D. 2v.ini.
12“ E.B. 363.26
Crous,vz, a. von. Die Organisationen des hrandon-
hurgischen und preussischen Heeres von 1640
his 1865. Anclam, 1865. xiii, (3), 422, (1) pp.
8“ 4821.4
CuLEERiER. A. Prdcis iconographique des maladies
v^nOrieimes. Paris, 1866. Text. (4), cxx, 488
pp. 12“. Atlas, 74 col. pi., with descriptive
text. 4“ Text, *3799.40; atlas, *3770.51*
Colley. R. 8. A handbook of practical telegraphy.
5th edition. London, 1871. xvi, 408 pp.
Plates and illustrations. 8“ 5963.17
CCMMING, 'W. G. Wild men and wild beasts. Illus-
trated. Edinburgh, 1871. xv, (3), 351 pp. 18
pi. 8“ 3045.50
Curie, J. Nouvelle theorie de la pouss^e des terres
et de la stahilitd des murs de revetement.
Paris, 1870. viii, 285 pp. 6 pi. 8“ 8016.12
Curiosities of entomology. With coloured illustra-
tions. London, [1871]. 64 pp. 8“ *5895.14
Curtis, G. T. The American conveyancer. 2d
edition. By M. H. Durgin. Boston, 1871.
viii. 351 pp. Sm. 8“ 5639.7
Cutter. B. A history of the Cutter family of New
England. Revised by W. R. Cutter. Boston,
1871. xi, (1), 363, (1) pp. 1 pi. 6 portraits.
8“ *2335.54
D***, V. Histoire de la guerre de 1870. Avec [12]
planches. Paris, 1871. 623 pp. 8“ 2625.56
Dabney, R. L. A defence of Virginia. Hand through
her of the South,] in recent and pending con-
tests against the sectional party. New York,
1867. 356 pp. 12“ 3579.51
Dale, R. W. The Jewish temple and the Christian
church : discourses on the epistle to the He-
brews. [2d edition.] Boston [London], 1871.
(8), 314 pp. 16“ 3459.53
DalsS;me, a. j. Paris pendant le si^ge et les soi-
xante-cinq jours de la commune. Avec un plan
detains et des fac simile. Paris, 1871. (8), 416
pp. 12“ 2628.60
Dante Alighieri. The divine comedy. Translated
by H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1871. viii, 760
pp. Sm. 8“ 4794.3
Darling, M. G. In the world. Boston, 1871. 330
pp. 16“ E. B. 23.27
Daudet. E. L’agonie de la commune. Paris a feu
et a sang (24-29 mai 1871). 3e ddition. Paris,
1871. 152 pp. 18“ 2628.81
David. C. G. A positivist primer : being conversa-
tions on the religion of humanity. New York,
1871. 141 pp. 12“ 7809.29
Debrit, M. La guerre de 1870. Notes au jour le jour
par un neutre. 3e Edition. Genfeve, 1871. vii,
(1) , 376 pp. 1 pi. 1 map. 12“ • 2628.55
Dechajip.s. A. La convention de Gastein. La France
et I’Allemagne. Situation de la Belgique.
Paris, 1865. 157, (2) pp. 8“ 2617.50
Coruenu. — Preface! Aprils GasteiUi Avant Gastein.
2e edition.
De Forest, J. W. Overland. New York, [1871].
209 pp. Portrait. 8“ . . . . 431.22 and E. B. 281.16
De Kroyft, Mrs. 8. H. Little Jakey. New York,
1872 [1871] . 1.32 pp. 8 pi. 16“ 446.21
Delamotte, P. II. The art of sketching from nature
[in water-colours] . London. 1871. vi, (2), 74
pp. Wood-cuts and 26 (25 col.) pi. 4“ . . .*8070.51
Del-Xunay, F, Histoire de la campagne de France,
1870-71. Avec 8 cartes. [Vol. 1.] Paris, 1871.
(2) , iv. 368. (1) pp. 8“ 2627.53
DELfcCLUZE.E. J. Louis David; son ecole et son
temps. Paris, 1855. (4), iv. 452 pp. 8“ . . . 8076.10
DELMA3.fi. De FroeschwiUer a Paris, Notes prises
sur les champs de hataHle. Paris. 1871. (4),
ii, 262, (1) pp. 18“ 2628.84
Shelf. No.
De Mille, J. Fire in the woods. Illustrated. Bos-
ton, 1872 |T871]. 323 pp. 16“ 450.58
— The young Dodge club. Among the brigands.
Illustrated. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 328 pp. 16“.
450.75 and E. B. 28.32
Demoget, a. La construction des ambulances tem-
poraires. Avec un appendice mfdico-chirurgi-
cal par M. L. Brossard. Paris, 1871. 324 pp.
With illustrations. 8“ 3794.50
Demogeot, j. (C.) Histoire de la litt^rature fran-
qaise. lie Edition. Paris, 1870. xiv, 684 pp.
16“ . . .2678.62
Dempsey, .1. M., and Hughes. W. Our ocean high-
ways : a condensed universal hand gazetteer
and international route hook, by ocean, road,
or rail. London, 1871. cciv, 482, (2) pp. 3
maps. Sm. 8“ *6286.9
Denhson. M. a. Chip, the cave-child. New York,
[I860]. (2), 9-100 pp. 16“ E.B. 16.15
— The Talbury girls. By Clara Vance, [pseud.'].
Boston, 1871. 4S7pp. 3 pi. 16“.
500.39 and E. B. 24.31
Derby, G. The influence of anthracite fires upon
health ; with remarks upon artificial moisture,
and the best modes of warming houses. 2d
edition. Boston, 1868. 176 pp. 12“.
197.38 and 7769a.2
Deux terreurs, Les. (1871-1793.) La revolution de
domain. 2e Edition. Bruxelles, [1871]. 90
pp. 8“ 2625.50
Dewey. M. E. Life and letters of C. M. Sedgwick.
New York, 1871. 2 portraits. (2), 9-446 pp.
12“ 544 25, 2347.53. and E. B. 195.1
Diary of the siege of Paris, taken from Galignani’s
messenger. London. 1871. 176 pp. 16“ ... . 2629.53
Diaz, A. M. William Henry and his friends. With
1 illustrations. Boston, 1872 [1871]. (2), 265 pp.
16“ 4o0.70 and E. B. 16.14
Dickens. C. (J. H.) A child’s history of England.
With illustrations. Boston, 1871. x, 303 pp.
16“ 969.9
— Dialogues and dramas. 2d edition. Arranged
hyW. E.Fette. Boston, 1871. 335 pp. Illus-
trated. 16“ 1397.13
— The mystery of Edwin Drood, and other pieces.
With 8 illustrations. Boston, 1871. v, (3), 535
pp. Sq. 16“ 475.11 and E. B. 325.14
Contents. — The myste^ of Edwin Drood; Master
Humphrey’s clock Aludiog association ; A child’s his-
tory of England; Holiday romance; George Silver-
man’s explanation.
— Same. Hlustrated household edition. Boston,
1871. Vi, (2), 551 pp. 16“ E. B. 325.15
Contents. — Same as preceding.
— Same. With illustrations. Boston, 1871. vi, 607
pp. 12" E. B. 284.18
Contents. — The mystery of Edwin Drood; Master
Humphrey’s clock ; Hunted down ; A message tlom the
sea ; ’The Mudfog association.
Diekinga. I. E., and Ashworth, T. M. Tom Chips.
Philadelphia, 1871. 236 pp. 12“ 795.14
Disraeli, B. Miriam Alroy; a romance of the
twelfth century. New York, 1870. 168 pp. 8“ . 725.22
Distant cousins. With 12 illustrations. Boston,
1872 [1871]. (8), 179 pp. 16“ 450.69
Dodge. M. -A. Woman’s worth and worthlessness,
by Gail Hamilton. [ pseud.] . New York, 1872
[1871J . 291 pp. 12“ 908.11 and E. B. 369.3
Doering, H^. von. Deutschlands Krieg gegen Frank-
reich im Jahre 1870-71. Mit einer Kriegs-
karte. Berlin. 1871. (4), 380 pp. 8“ 2825.50
Domenech, E. Histoire de la campagne de 1870-71
etde la deuxibme ambulance, dite de lapresse
franqaise. Lyon, 1871. xii. 456pp. 12“ . . .2625.52
Donaldson, Walter. Recollections of an actor. Lon-
don, 1865. viii, 350 pp. 16“ 2449.51
Donaldson, William. Switches and crossings. For-
mulae. Loudon, 1871. vi, (2), 256 pp. O pl. 8“. 8016.7
Donbavand, B. Wild Ireland. Philadelphia, 1872
[1871]. 75 pp. 8“ 761.3
Dostor, G. (J.) Tile mdthode nouvelle do transfor-
mation des coordondes dans le plan et dans
I’espace, avec application anx lignes et sur-
faces des deux premiers degres. Greifswald,
1856. (2), vii, (1), 77 pp. 8“ 5937.9
— Nouvelle dtude algehriquo des lignes et surfaces
dn second degrd. 2epartle. Parahole. Paris,
1868. (4), 43-74 pp. 8“ . 5937.10
Shelf. No.
Dostor. G. (>T.), continued.
— Proprictes nouvelles des quadrilatferes en gene-
ral avec application aux quadrilateres inscrip-
tibles, circoiiscriptibles, etc. Paris, n.d. (4),
109 pp. 8» 5937.9
Doty, D. Smith’s interest tables. [Detroit, 1871.] 132
pp. 8« 132.2
Douglas. A. M. [Kathie’s stories.] In the ranks.
[With illustrations.] Boston, 1872 [1871]. 278
pp. Ki” 797.18
Kathie’s harvest days. [With illustrations.]
Boston, 1872 [1871]. 272 pp. lO" 797.19
Kathie’s soldiers. [With illustrations.] Bos-
ton, 1872 [1871]. 269 pp. 1G» 797.17
— Lucia: her problem. New York, 1872 [1871].
315 pp. 12« 806.8
— With fate against him. New York, 1870. 370
pp. 12'> E.E. 322.36
Douglas, M. Pieture poems for young folks. With
illustrations. Boston, 1872 [1871]. vi, (2), 104
pm 16<> 339.13
Drake. D. Pioneer life in Kentucky. Edited by C.
D. Drake. Cineinnati, 1870. (4), xlvi, (2), 263
pp. Portrait. 8“ *4503.55
Drake, S. G. History of the Freneh and Indian
war in New England and parts adjacent. With
a memoir of Major-general Shirley. Boston,
1870. 312 pp. Portrait, and illustrations.
Sm. 4« 2316.50
DrIiolle, E. La journOe du 4 septembre au corps
legislatif avec notes sur les journees du 3 et du
5 septembre. Paris, 1871. 138, (1) jjp. Sm.
ri® 2649.54
Druitt, R. The surgeon’s vade mecum. lOth
edition. Illustrated. London, 1870. xvi, 823,
(1) pp. 16» *3749.50
Du Chaillu, P. (B.) The country of the dwarfs.
Numerous engravings. New York.'1872 [1871].
314 pp. 12» 657.23 and E. B. 233.8
Dudevaxt, a. L. a. D. Journal d’un voyagaur
pendant la guerre. Par George Sand [pseud.].
Paris. 1871. (4). 310 pp. 18» 2679.61
— Les maitres mosaistes. par George Sand [pseud.] .
Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1864. (4), vii, (1), 238
pp. 18» 6678.39
— Monsieur Antoine. By George Sand [pseatf.].
With 11 iilustratlons. Phiiadeiphia, [1871J.
228 pp. 8« 431.25
Duff, J. G. History of the Mahrattas. [With illus-
trations, plates, and maps.] London, 1826. 3 v.
8» 5046.8
Duhamel, j. M. C. Des m^thodes dans les sciences
de raisonnement. Paris, 1865-70. 4 v. in 3. 8®. 3925.51
Dumas, A. (D.) Le batard de Mauleon. [Vol. 1. 2,
Nouveile Edition.] Paris, 1854-71. 3 v. 18®. 2679.55
A'ottf. — Begun by Dumas and Onished by A Maquet.
— The countess de Charny; or, the fall of the
French monarchy. Philadelphia, [cop. 1853],
(2), 9-392 pp. 8® 431.24
— George ; or, the planter of the Isle of France.
Philadelphia, [cop. 1847]. 171pp. 8® . . . . 474.2
— Twenty years after. Philadelphia, N. D. 280 pp.
8® E. B. 321.28
Dumont, a. L’administration ct la propagande
prussiennes en Alsace. Paris, 1871. viii, 260
pp. 18® 2829.51
Dunkin, E. The midnight sky : familiar notes on the
stars and planets. With star-maps and illus-
trations. London, [1869]. (8), 325, (1) pp. 8».*3921.52
Durand, J. P. (de Gros). Ontologie et psychologie
physiologique. Paris, 1871. xiii, U), 360, (4)
pp. 18® 7608.36
Duval, J. Notre pianfete. Paris, 1870. viii, 380 pp.
16® 2278.50
Dwight, B. W. History of the descendants of John
Strong, of Northampton, Mass. Albany, 1871.
lix, (3), 1586, (1) pp. 19 portraits. 2 v. 8® . *2335.52
Dyer, R. Nine years of an actor’s life. London,
1833. (16), 241pp. 16® 2449.50
Eastman, J. A. The Romneys of Ridgemont. Bos-
ton, 1871. 346 pp. 3 pi. 16® . 508.17 and E. B. 14.49
Eclectic, The: a monthly magazine. Cincinnati,
1870. 2 v. L. 8® *7390a.l
Eclectic magazine. The. New series, vol. 9, 10.
W. H. Bidwell, editor. New York, 1869. 2 v.
8® E. B. 393.2
Eden, F. The Nile without a dragoman. London,
1871. viii. .312 pp. Sm. 8® 5059.9
Edward.s, A. Ought we to visit her? New York,
N. D. 194 pp. 8" (N. s.) . . . 732.26 and E. B. 241.15
Shelf. No.
EDWARD.S, N. W. History of Illinois, 1778 to 1833:
and life and times of N. Edwards. Spring-
field, 1870. 549, iiipp. 8“
Edwards, T. Pearls; or, choice thoughts of the
best authors. Introduction by W. B. Sprague.
Boston, 1872 [1871]. 432 pp. 10 portraits.
Eggleston, E. The Iloosier school-master. A novel.
With illustrations. New York, [1871]. 226
pp. 12“ (N. s.) 806.21
Eitel, E. j. Hand-hook for the student of Chinese
Buddhism. London, 1870. (10), 218, (5) pp. ,
8»(n.S.) 3027.4
Coiitente. — Parti. Sanskrit-Chinese, etc., dictionary.
IT. Chinese, Pali, Singhalese, Tibetan, blongulian,
Burmese, Siamese indexes.
Eliot, George, pserud. See Lewes, M. J.
Elliot, J. A practical explanation of the safe and
rapid method of issuing library books. Wol-
verhampton, 1870. (9) pp. 2 folded sh. 2 il-
lustrations. Sm. 4® (N. 8.) *6129.5
EmIiric-David, T.B. Recherches sur Part statuaire
considere chez les anciens et chez les modemes.
Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1863. viii, 348 pp.
12® *8079a.24
Emilkroob, M. Fiibrics : a story of to-day. [Anon.]
New York. [1871]. 380 pj). 12® 755.23
£my, a. R., and Barre. L. A. Traitd de Part de la
charpenterie. Suite. Elements de charpenterie
metallique. Paris, 1870. Text, viii, 292 pp.
4®. Atlas, 28 pi. L. 4® *8010.52
6nault. L. Les perles noirs. Paris, 1870. (6), 474
pp. 16® 2678.53
EncyclopISdie gOnerale. Comitd de publication Mi-
chel Alcan [et autrui]. T. 1-8. Paris, 1869
[-71]. 3v. L.8® *A.117.1
Englishwoman’s domestic magazine. The. An il-
lustrated journal. Vol. 1-9. London, 1866-71.
9 V. L. 8® *5380a.l
Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. The invasion of
France in 1814. From the French. With me-
moir of the authors. New York, 1871. 369 pp.
4 pi. 12® 418.23 and E. B. 135.5
Erhard, — . Fauna der Cykladeii. Th. 1. Leipzig,
1858. iv, (2), 116, (2) pp. 1 pi. 8® 5885.7
Contents. — Vol. I. Die "Wirbelthiere der Cykladen.
Nebst einem Anhangc iiber deren Pdanzendecke. Mit
einer Karte uberdie Verbreitung der Hasen uudKania-
Erichsen, j. Science and art of surgery. Im-
proved American edition, from the 2d London
edition. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1860 . 996
pp. 8® *5751.19
Erk, L. (C.), and Filitz or Fielitz, F. Vierstim-
mige Choralsatze der vornehmsten Meister
des 16 und 17 Jahrhunderts. Th. 1. Essen,
1845. iv. 106 pp. L. sq. 12® 8053.7
Every Saturday : an illustrated journal. New series.
Vol. 1. [Boston], 1870. F® E. B. 401.7
F., E. E. Little people whom the Lord loved. Bos-
ton. [18711. 251 pp. 16® 500.41
Fabre. M. H. L. Dictionnaire franqais - basque.
Bayonne, 1870. viii, 400 pp. L. 8® 2681.50
“ Fadette,” pseud. See Reeves, M. C. L.
Faidiiherbe, L. (L. C.) Campagne de I’armce du
Nord en 1870-71. Paris, 1871. 135 pp. 1 map.
go ^ _ 2625 57
Farjeon, B. i,. Joshua Marvel". Boston, 1871. 222
pp. 8® 421.6
Fawcett. E. Short poems for short people. New
York, 1872 [1871]. 95 pp. 12® 339.14
Fay, C. (A.) Journal d’un ofiicier de I’armde du
Rhin. 4e Edition. Bruxelles, 1871. 375 pp.
Imap. 8® . 2627.52
Ferishta. Mohammed Kasim. History of the rise
of the Mahoraedan power in India, till 1612.
Translated from the original Persian, by J.
Briggs. Added, an account of the conquest,
by the kings of Hydrabad, of the Ceded dis-
tricts and Northern circars. London, 1829. 4v.
8® 5047.16
Ferry, H. de. Le Maconnais prdhictorique. Me-
moire sur les ages primitifs de la pierre, du
bronze et du fer en Maconnais et dans quelques
contrtSes limitrophes. Avec notes [etc.], par
A. Arcelin. Accompagnd d’un supplement
anthropologique par le Dr Pruner-Bey. Ma-
con, 1869, 70. viii, 136, 62. (2)pp. 42 pi. 4® . 2230.51
Fetridge, W. P. Rise and fall of the Paris com-
mune in 1871. With a map of Paris and por-
traits. New York, 1871. 516 pp. 12® ... . 925.11
Shelf. No.
Fetdeau, E. (A.) Histoire des usages funfebres et
(les sepultures des peuples auciens. Planches
ct plans. Paris, 1856, 57. 2 v. 4“ *2230.50
FI/VEON, E. Legoiis d’histoire litteraire. t6c si^cle
ct commencement du 17c; Corneille. Reims,
1869. (8), xi, (1), 347 pp. 8» 2672.50
Field, H. A home for the homeless; or, union with
God. Philadelphia, 1869. xxviii, 414, (1) pp.
16" 118.11
Figuier, (G.) L. Le lendemain de la mort, on la vie
future selon la science. Aceompagnd de 22
figdres d’astronomie. Paris, 1871. xi, (1).449
pp. 16" 3609.51
— The world before the deluge. The geologic.al
portion revised by H. W. Bristow. With 233
iilustrations. London, [1866]. viii, 449 pp. 8". 3863.4
First heip in accidents and in sickness. Boston, 1871.
264 pp. 16“ 159.45
Fletcher, B. Model houses for the industrial
classes. Added, hints to investors in small
house property. London, 1871. viii, (2), 86
pp. 13 pi. 8" 8095.7
Flint, A., y>. The physiology of man. New York,
1871. Illustrated. 3 v. 8“ E. B. 382.9
Contents. — [Vol. I.] Introduction ; The blood : Circu-
lation: Respiration. [II. I Alimei:tation : Digestion;
Absorption; Lymph and chyle. [III.] Secretion: Ex-
cretion; Ductless glands; 'Nutrition; Aui:nal heat;
Movc:nents; Voice aud speech.
Fonvielle, W. de. Paris eu flamme; ou les jonr-
nees de m.ai, 1871. Bruxelles. 1871. 80 pp. 8". 2625.50
Forrester, Francis, pseud. See Wise. D.
Forster, J, Life of Charles Dickens. 'Vol. 1. 1812-
42. Philadelphia, 1872 [18711. 16".
578.27 and E. B. 195.20
Fort, F. Paris hrul5. Paris, 1871. 144 pp. 18" . 2628.81
Folrnier, E. Histoire du Pont-Neuf. Paris, 1862.
2 v. 12" 2629.55
Fowler, R. History of the case of the Welsh fasting-
girl (Sarah Jacob), with comments thereon;
and observations on death from starvation.
Loudon, 1871. viii, 307, (1) pp. lilustrated.
Sni. 8" 7768.8
France. Ministry o.f public instruction. Biblio-
thfeque imperiale — Depart^ment des manu-
scrits. Catalogue des manuscritsfranqais. T.l.
Ancien fonds. Paris. 1868. ix, (1). 783 pp. 4". *6140.5
Recueil de rapports sur I’etat des lettros et les
progres des sciences en France. Rapport sur
les progrbs de la geomdtrie, par M. Chasles.
Paris, 1870. (4), 388, (1) pp. L. 8" 3921.51
— Ministry o.f the interior. Papiers et correspon-
dance de la famille imperiale. T. 1. Paris,
1870. 8" 2642.50
Franklin, B. Correspondance. Traduite de I’an-
glais et annotee par £. Laboulaye. Pans, 1870.
3 V. 16" 4440a.23
FrEdallt, F. Histoire de la medecine. T. 1. Paris,
1870 . 8" 3711.50
Freeman. E. A. Historical essays. London, 1871.
Vi, (2), 406 pp. 8“ 2475.52
Fr^minville, a. (.j.) de. Cours pratique de ma-
chines a vapeur marines. Paris, [1861], vii,
(1), 456 pp. 8", and atlas, f ".
Text *8011.8, atlas *8010.50
Friedrich Carl NicoL.AUS.pnitce of Prussia. L’art
de combattre I’arm^e fran^aise. Traduit par
AY. Reymond. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1871.
36 pp. 12" 5957.3
Freend.s and acquaintances. By the author of “ Epi-
sodes in an obscure life.” New York [Lon-
don], 1871. (6), 455 pp. 16" 765.22
Frond, V. Actes et histoire du concile oecumenique
de Rome, 1869. Paris, [1869-]71. 4v. F" . *3510.50
Contents. — Vut. I. Bref du Saint-pere Pie IX; Avant-
propos par V. Fro::d ; Introduction gcncrale par M. le
corate Henry de Riancey ; Biographic du souverain-
pontife Pie IX, par Franc^co Mas^i, traduite par Adrien
de Riancey; Appendice: Faits nriiitaires du r^gne de
S. S. Pie IX : 1. Castelfidardo. Rapport du general de
la Moricie:'e. 2. Mentana. Rapport d:: general Kanz-
Icr, H. Avant-propos, par V. Frond ; Introduction par
Barbier de Montault. Le sacro college. Portraits, bio-
graphies et autographes des cardiuaux. III. Avant-
propos, par V. Fi-ond; Ceremonies pontificales. His-
toire liturgique et descriptive des chapellcs papales
tenues pendant I'ann^e dans les diverses eglises de
Rome par Honore Fisquet. IV. Histoircs des conciiea
oDcnnieniques par M. le professeur Egiste Ceccucci. Tra-
duite par J. B. Jaogey.
Frost, S. A. Dialogues for young folks. New
York. [cop. 1867'^]. 176 pp. 16" 1397.23
— How to write a composition. New York, [1871].
178 pp. 16" 406.30
Shelf. No.
Frost, S. A., continued.
— Humorous and exhibition dialogues. New York,
[1871]. 178 pp. 16“ 1397.23
Froede, .j. a. Short studies on great subjects. 1st,
[2d] series. New York. 1868, 71. 2 v. Sm.
8“ 1815.15
— Same. [Ist scries.] Loudon, 1867. 2 v. Sm. 8". 4567.5
Fulton, R. Torpedo war, and submarine explo-
sions. New York, 1810. 57, (3) pp. 5 pi.
Obi. f " 5954.21
Fuzier-Herjian, E. La province au siOge de Paris.
Garde mobile du Tarn. Paris, 1871. 96 pp.
18" 26929.6
G.4IL Hamilton, pseud. See Dodge, M. A.
G.xin of a loss. New York. 1869. 12" E. B. 347.2
Gaius, or C.Aius. Gaii institutionum iuris civilis
commentarii quatuor, or Elements of Roman
law. AVith a translation and commentary by
E. Poste. Oxford, 1871. xv, (1), 543 pp. 8“ . 5610a.6
Gambetta, L. La guerre dans la province. Tele-
grammes militaires (du 9 octobre 1870 :iu 6
fevrier 1871). Documents officiels publics par
Georges d’Heylli [pseud.}. Paris, 1871. (4),
174, (1) pp. 18“ *2629.60
Gamgee, J. Treatise on horse-shoeing and lame-
ness. Illustrated. London, 1871. x, (2), 315
pp. 8“ 0003.9
Gant, F. J. Science and practice of surgery. Illus-
trated. London, 1871. xlv, (1), 1265, (1) pp.
8" *3741.51
Gardner, F. B. The carriage painters’ illustrated
manual. New York, 1871. 126 pp. 16" . . . 199.33
Gastyne, j. de. Memoires secrets du comite central
et de la commune. Paris. 1871. (2), iil, 291
pp. 18“ 2628.71
Gatty. M. The mother’s book of poetry. Boston,
1872 [1871]. xxiv, 270 pp. AVith illustrations.
16“ 345.22
Gaylord, Glance, pseud. See Bradley, W. J.
Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Ritter- und
Adels- Geschlecbter. 1 Jahrg. Briinu, 1870.
32“ *4839a.l6
GfeNiE industriel, Le. Paris, 1851-69. 38 v. in 19. 8" . *A.205.1
Genin, F. Des variations du langagc fran9aise de-
puis le xiie sifecle, ou recherche des principes
qui devraient rOgler I’orthographe et la pro-
nonciation. Paris, 1845. xl. 553 pp. 8" . . . 2687.50
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. Histoire naturelle
generale des r^gnes organiques, principale-
ment etudide chez I’homme ct lea animaux.
Paris, 1854-62. 3 v. 8“ 5824.11
Geofroy, L. Mei veiado ; poesies provengales, avec
la traduction fran^aise en regard. Paris, 1869.
247 pp. Portrait. 18" 2689.50
Gerard, J. Condition of catholics under James i.
Father Gerard’s narrative of the gunpowder
plot, edited, with his life, by J. Morris. Lon-
don, 1871. cclxii, (2), 344 pp. 8" 4517.16
Gesner, a. Geology and mineralogy of Nova Scotia.
Halifax, 1836. xl, 272 pp. 2 pi. 1 map. 8" . 7864.39
Gevaert, F. a. Les gloires de ITtalie. Chefs-
d'oeuvre de la musique vocale italienne au
xviie et xville siecles. Traduction fratl9aisc
de V. AVilder. Vol. 1. Paris, N. D, 4" . . . 8040.51
Gibbons, J. S. The banks of New-York, their deal-
ers, the clearing house, and the panic of 1857,
With a financial chart. 30 illustivations. New
York, 1870. x, (2), 9-399 pp. 12“ 5649.16
Kote. — The original edition of 1858, without addition
or alteration.
Gidel, a. C. £tudes sur la litter.ature grecque
moderne. Imitations en grec de nos romans
de chevalerie depuis le Xlie slide. Paris, 1866.
(4), vii. (1), 371 pp. 8" 5074.3
Gilbart, j. ay. Principles and practice of banking.
New edition. London, 1871. (2), viii, 030 iq).
Portrait. 8" 5654.2
Gilfillan, G. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh,
1870. xii, 384 pp. Portrait. 16" 0549.12
Gill, W. F. Parlor tableaux and ttmateur theatri-
cals. Boston, 1871. 3.52 pp. 16" 307.5
Gilles, I. Campagne de Marius dans la Gaule ;
Buivie de Marius, Marthe, Julie devant la
Idgende des saintes Maries. Paris, 1870. xiv,
(2), 220 pp. 3 photographs. 1 pi., 1 map, and
wood-cuts in text. 8" 2635.51
Girardin, £. de. Le gouffre ; questions des annees
1870-71. Paris. 1871. (4), viii, .530 pp. 8“ . . 2625.55
— L’ornifere; questions de I’annee 1869. Paris, 1871.
(4), iii, (1). 507 pp. 8" 2625.54
— La voix dans le desert; questions de I’annee
1868. Paris, 1870. (6), 592 pp. 8“ 2625.53
Boston t'liblic Library.
Shelf. No.
Glasenapp, G. von. Der Feldzug von 1870. Berlin,
1871. viii. 315, 71 pp. Illustrated. 8® . . . . 4826.7
Gleisbf.rg, P. Die Lehre von der Entstehung des
Menschen, oder Schiipfung nnd Zeugung.
[Heft 1-15, 17-20.] Dresden. [1871]. Illustrated.
80 . »3774.50
— Die miinnliclicn und weiblichen Geschlechts-
Organc. Cirea 40 Farbendrucktafeln. Heft
[1-11]. Dresden, [1871]. 8“ *3774.51
Godefroy, F. Poetes fran^ais des xviie. xvme ct
xixe sibcles. Paris, 1869. xii, 528 pp. 18“ . 2678.50
Goethe. J. W. von. Poems and ballads. Translated
by \V. E. Aytoun and T. Martin. New York,
1871. xiv. 240 pp. 12“ 376.14
— Elective affinities : introduction by V. C. Wood-
hull. Boston, 1872 [1871]. vii, (1), 325 pp. 12“ . 2878.50
— Faust. Translated, in the original metres, by
Bayard T.aylor. [With notes.] London, 1871.
2 V. Sm. 8“ 4873.8
— Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship and travels.
Translated from the German by T. Carlyle.
London, 1871. 2 v. 8“ Vol. 1, 2 of *2475.51
Contents. — Vol. I. Apprenticeship. Books 1-6.
n. Apprenticeship. Books 7, 8. Travels.
Goizet, J. Dictionnaire universel du thOatre en
France et du theatre franjaise a I’Otranger, al-
phabOtique. biographique et bibliographique.
Avec biographies de tous les auteurs et des
principaux artistes de toutes les ^poques, par
A. Burtal. Paris, [1867]. 2 v. in 1. 8“ . . .*6162.10
Contents. — Vol. I. Lcttre A. Ire partie. Biblio-
graphie, par J. Goizet ; 2e partie. Biographies, par A.
Burtal. V'ol. IT. Lettres B et C. Ire partie. Biblio-
graphic, par J. Goizet.
Goodixo. R. a manual of domestic medicine. Lon-
don, 1867. viii, 204 pp. 12“ 168.38
Goodwin, J/rs. H. B. Sherbrooke. New York. 1871.
463 pp. 12“ E. B. 323.19
Gould, J. M. History of the lst-10th-29th Maine
regiment, from May 3, 1861, to June 21, 1866.
With the history of the 10th Me. battalion, by
L. G. Jordan. Portland, 1871. 709 pp. 1 map.
23 portraits. 8“ 2325.50
Grabow.ski, 8 ., Graf von. Der Krieg am Rhein im
Jahrl870. Berlin, [1871]. 1437 pp. 8“ . . . 2825.4
Gbaxier de Cassagxac, a. History of the work-
ing and burgher classes. Translated by B. E.
Green. Philadelphia, 1871. 13, (1), vii-^352 pp.
8“ 3568.50
Grant, J. The newspaper press. London, 1871. 2 v.
8“ 2475.50
Gray, A. Introduction to structural and systematic
botany, and vegetable physiology, being a 5th
edition of The botanical text-book. New
York. 1871. 555 pp. Illustrated. L.12“. . . 3857.50
Great Britain. Puhlic record office. Ghronicles.
Annals of Loch Cd. A chronicle of Irish af-
fairs. 1014-1590. Edited, with a translation,
by W. M. Ilennessy. London, 1871. 2 v. 8“, *2412.50
Greene, Mrs. R. J. The grey house on the hill.
New York. 1871. (6), 10-205 pp. 1 pi. 16“ . 759.22
Greene, W. B. Imogen, and other poems. [Ation.]
Boston, 1871. 81pp. 12“ 348.29
Greenouch, a. j. The boys and girls of Beech hill.
Boston, [1871]. 298 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . . 446.7
Greenough. Mrs. R. S. Arabesques. Boston. 1872
[18711. (6). 213 pp. 16“ . . 505.19 and E. B. 323.18
Gregory, B. The thorough business man. Me-
moirs of Walter Pow€ll. London, 1871. viii,
414 pp. Portrait. 1 wood-cut. Sm. 8“ . . . . 4448.30
Griffet, U. Traite des differentes sortes de preuves
qui servent a Otablir la veritO de I’histoire.
Nouvelle Edition. Liege, 1770. (8), 484 pp.
Sm. 12“ 2219.50
Grimaldi, S. Synopsis of English history to 1870.
2d edition. London, 1871. 200 pp. 16“ . . . 4519.22
Grimaud de Calx, G. Do septembre 1870 a fsvrier
1871. L’academie des sciences pendant le
sif-ge de Paris. Paris, 1871. (4), xxxii, 240 pp.
18“ *3217.4
Griswold, Mrs. S. M. A woman’s pilgrimage to the
Holy Land. Notes of a tour through Europe
and the East. With illustrations. Hartford,
1871. 423 pp. Sm. 8“ 688.22
Grotius, H. Le droit de la guerre ct do la paix.
Nouvelle traduction prOcedOo d’un Essai bio-
graphique ct historique sur Grotius ct son
temps. Paris, 1867. 3 v. 18“ 5618.3
Guerre. La. comme la font les Prussiens. Paris, 1870.
128 pp. 12“ 2029.05
Shelf. No.
Guerre des communeux de Paris ; 18 mar8-28 mai,
1871. 3e edition. Paris, 1871. vi, (2), 308 pp.
12“ 2628.76
GuiLLORf:. F. Self-renunciation. [Anon.] From
the French. With an introduction by T. T.
Carter. London, 1871. xix, (1), 345 pp. 10“ . 7740e.5
Gully, ,1. M, The water cure in chronic disease.
New York, 1846. xi. (1), 405 pp. 12“ . . E. B. 34.36
Gdyho, C. L’armOe; son histoire. son avenir, eon
organisation, ct sa legislation ii Romo, en
France, en Europe et aux fitats-Unis. Paris,
1870. (4), 498 pp. 8“ 5954.20
Haddan, A.W. Apostolical succession in the church
of England. London, 1809. xii, 394 pp. 8“ . 5227.8
Hagen, A. Norica : or tales of Niirnberg from the
olden time. From the German. London, 1851.
xiv, (2). 374 pp. 16“ 809.15
Half hours with modern scientists. [University
scientific series.] New Haven, 1871. (8), 288
pp. 12“ 7917.5
Contents. — On the physical basis of life. T. H. Hux-
ley. — Correlation or vital and physical forces. G. F.
Barker. — As regards protoplasm. Reply to Huxley.
J. H. Stirling. — On the hypothesis of evolution. E. I).
Cope. — ScientiOc addresses : On the methods and ten-
dencies of physical investigation. On haze and dusf On
the scientific use of the imagination. J. Tyndall.
Hall, R. The Half-crown and his philosophy. Illus-
tr.ated. Philadelphia, 1871. 208 pp. 12“ . . . 507.14
Hall, W. W. Sleep : or the hygiene of the night.
New York, 1871. 357, (iv) pp. 12“ 158.48
Hai.lam, H. The student's history of the middle
ages. [Edited] by W. Smith. New York,
1872 [1871]. 708 pp. 12“ 946.13
Hamburg. Randelsstatisiiches Bureau. Tabclla-
rische Ucbersichten des hamburgischen Han-
delsim Jahre 1867, [68, 70]. Hamburg, 1863-71.
3v. L. 4“ *4830.3
Hamerton, P. G. The unknown river, [an etcher’s
voyage of discovery] . [American edition.] Il-
lustrated. Boston, 1872 [1871]. xiv, (2), 70 pp.
37 pi. 8“ *A.225.3
Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A.
Hand-book for home improvement. New York,
1872 [1871]. 12“ 1125.1
Hannoveraneu, Die, in ThUringen und die Schlacht
bei Langensalza. 2te Auflage. Langensalza,
1866. 206 pp. 2 maps. 8“ 4824.8
Hans, L. Second siege de Paris. Le comitiS central
et la commune. Journal anecdotique. Paris,
1871. (4), 253 pp. 18“ 2528.65
— and Blanc, J. J. Guide a travers les mines.
Paris et ses environs. Paris, 1871. (4), 116
pp. 1 map. 13“ 4629.23
Hardy, E. Principes de chimie biologique. Avec
figures [etc.]. Paris. 1871. (4), iv, .563 pp. 18“ . 3769.52
Hargrave, J. J. Redriver. Montreal, 1871. 506 pp.
8“ 2367.51
Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V.
Harley, G. Albuminuria. London, 1866. (6), 61
pp. Sm. 8“ 5809.41
Harper’s bazar. Vol. 3. New York, 1870. F“.
E.B. 401.8
Harper’s weekly : a iournal of civilization. Vol. 14.
New York, 1870. F“ E. B. 401.6
Harris, Mrs. S. S., formerly Miss Cole. Richard
Vandermarck. New York, 1871. 330 pp. 12“ . 765.8
Harrison, J. The old back room. New York, [1871],
392 pp. 3 pi. 16“ 434.10
Harte, (F.) Bret. East and West poems. Boston,
1871. 171pp. 12“ 3.57.25 and E. B. 167.37
Harting, j E. Hints on shore shooting; with a
chapter on skinning and preserving birds.
London, 1871. (6), 83 pp. 1 pi. 16“ 6008.13
Hartwig, G. The subterranean world. London,
1871. xix, (1), 522 ijp. 3 maps. Illustrated.
8“ 3866.50
Hassard, j. R. G. Life of -J. Hughes, with extracts
from his correspondence. New York, 1866.
519 pp. Portrait. 8“ E, B, 193.1
Hastings, H. L. The family circle. Anecdotes.
Boston, 1871. vi, 9-318 pp. 16“ 1818.11
Hatch, E. II. Fletcher genealogy. Boston, 1871.
279 pp. Portrait. 8“ *2335.53
Haussonville, j. O. B. de Cldron, comte d’. La
France et la Prusse devant I’Europe. 2e
Edition. Paris, 1871. 68, (1) pp. Sm. 12“ . . 2629.80
Haivk’s-eye, pseud. The stage of 1871 : a review
of plays and pl.aycrs. 1st series. London,
1871. (4), 61 pp. 10“ 2479.51
Hawthorne, N. Fanshawe, a tale. [Anon.] Bos-
ton, 1823. 141 pp. 12“ ***4506.20
Shelf. No.
II.VWTHORNE, N., continued.
— Passages from [his] American note-hook. Bos-
ton, 1871. (2), 222, (2), 228 pp. 2v.ini. 12“ . 1817.27
Hatdn. (K.) J. Symphonien fur Orchester. No. 1-14.
[No title-page.] Leipzig, N. n. 4“ . . . . ***8050.24
Haynes, G. Pictures from prison life. An histori-
cal sketch of the Massachusetts state prison.
With suggestions on discipline. [2d edition,
■with apiiendix.] Boston, 1871. 334 pp. 2 pi.
16“ 6579.31
Headley. J. T. Mountain adventures in various parts
of the ■world. Selected. With an introduction
and additions. 41 illustrations. New York.
1872 [1871]. vi, 3.50 pp. 12“ . 607.24 and E. 3. 236.19
Healy, M. The home theatre. Boston, 1872 [1871].
(4), 292 pp. 16“ 307.6
Hefele, C. J. History of the Christian councils,
to the close of the council of Nicaea, A. D. 325.
Translated from the German by W. R. Clark.
Edinburgh, 1871. xi, (1), 502 pp. 8“ 3412.50
Heinzen, C. Her teutsche Editoren-Kongress zu
Cincinnati. (Gesammelte Sehriften, B. 5.)
Boston, 1872 [1871]. 418 pp. 1-2“ (N. S.) . .*2409,51
— Was ist wahre Demokratic ? Beautwortet durch
eine Beleuchtung der Verfassung der Ver.
Staaten. N. P., 1871. 77 pp. 12“ 4427.21
Henry, H. L. Little Ada. By H. L. H. Philadel-
phia, 1872 [1871]. 267 pp. lUustr.ated. 16“.
450.73 and E. B. 21.6
HerbE, — . Costumes fran^ais civils, militaires ct reli-
gieux avec les meublcs, les armes, les armures,
I’architecturo domestique, les ordres de cheva-
lerie, les dtendards, les sceaux, les sceptres,
les couronnes etles blasons les plus historiques
depuis les Gaulois jusqu’a nos jours. Paris,
N. D. 106 pi. 4“ *2630.50
Herbert, H. W. Prank Forester’s [pseud.'] field
sports of the United States and Ilritish prov-
inces. New edition. New York, [cojs. 1848].
2 V. Portrait. 8“ ®008.14
Hetty’s resolve. A story of school life. By the
author of “Under the lime trees.” New York
[London], 1871. iv, 362 pp. 1 pi. 16“ . . . . 806.9
Heylli, Georges pseud. See Poinsot, A. E.
Hibberd, S. The amateur’s flower garden. Illus-
trated. London, 1871. iv, 284 pp. Sra. 8“ . . 3859.50
Hidalgo, D. Diccionario general de bibllografia
espauola. Madrid, 1862-70. 4 v. 8“ . . . . *2161.10
Hxllebrand, C. Bino Compagni ; dtude historique
ct littdraire surl’dpoque de Dante. Paris, 1802.
xvi, 439 pp. 8“ 2825.52
Hioden-Thsang [Tch’in-chi] . M5moircs sur les con-
trees occidentales, traduits du Sanscrit en chi-
nois, en Pan 648, par Hiouon-Thsang, et du chi-
nois cn franqais par S. Julien. Paris, 1857, 58.
2 V. 8“ 5040a.7
Contents. — Vol. I. Livres 1-8, ct ime carte de I'Asie
centrale. II. Livrea 9-12, un memoire analytiauc sur
la carte du premier volume, cinq index, ct une carte
japonaise de I’Asic centrale et de I'Inde aucienne.
Hiranyastoupa. See Koutsa.
Histoire critique du si6ge de Paris. Par un offieicr
de marine. Origine de I’insurrection commu-
neuse. Paris, 1871. (4), 360 pp. 1 map. 12“ . 2629.75
History, The, of the Frauco-Prussian war. London,
[1871]. 320pp. Imap. Sm. 16“ 2629.51
Hoffmann, F. Sowing in tears and reaping in joy.
From the German by Mrs. Faber. New York,
London, 1871. (4), 209 pp. 4 pi. Sm. 16“ . . 450.62
Holcombe. W. H. Soutjiern voices : poems. Phila-
delphia, 1872 [1871]. 164 pp. 12“ 376.13
Holzamer, C. [Photographic views of Wcerth;
Weissenburg : Frdschwiller ; Saarbriicken, etc.
Worms, 1870.J 11 pi. Obi. 8“ *2823.7
Homans, J. S., and J. 8.,jr. Cyclopedia of commerce
and commercial na'vigation. With maps and
engravings. New York, 1858. ■vi, 2007 pp. 8“ . *3682.50
Hommaire de Hell, A. A travers le mondc. La
■vie orientale, la vie crdole. Paris, 1870. (2),
viii, 396 pp. 18“ 6279.7
HOMtEOPATnic medical society of the state of New
York. Transactions. Albany, 1863-70. 8 v.
8“ *3807.20
Hope, A. R. Master John Bull. A holiday book
for parents and schoolmasters. Edinburgh,
1872 [1871]. V. (3). 271pp. Sm. 8“ 4479.7
— Stories of French school life. Edinburgh, 1871.
xviii, 446 pi>. 6 pi. 16“ 726.24
Hosack, j. Mary queen of Scots and her accusers.
2d edition. Edinburgh, 1870 . 8“ 6541.9
Hosmer. M. a rough boy’s story. Philadelphia,
18n. 206 pp. 16“ 500.42
Shelf No.
Hotel du petit St. Jean, The. A Gascon story. By
the author of “ Vdra.” Leipzig, 1871. 312 pp.
Sm. sq. 16“ 730.73 and E. B. 249.20
Houghton. W. The microscope, and some of the
wonders it reveals. Illustrated. London,
[18711. 1.30 pp. Sq. 16“ 5929a.G
Housel, C. P. Introduction it la geomdtrio superi-
eurc. Paris, 1865. (2), iv, vii-xii, 269 pp.
8 pi. 8“ 3925.50
Howard, C. J. Book of drawing-room theatricals.
New York, [1870], 178 pp. 16“.
1405.11 and E. B. 168.28
Howard, J. E. Illustrations of the Nueva quinolo-
gia of Pavon, with observations on the barks
described. London, 1862. xvi, (136) pp. 30 pi.
F“ *58.B.l
— The quinology of the East Indian plantations.
London, 1869. x,38, (1), 36*-39*pp. 3 pi. F“ . *58.B.2
Howe, A. J. Treatise on fractures and dislocations.
Cincinnati, 1870. 424 pp. Illustrations. 8“ . . 3741.50
Howitt, M. Birds and flowers. London, 1871. 202
pp. Sm. 8“ 2467.50
Howson, j. S. The metaphors of St. Paul and Com-
panions of St. Paul. Introduction by II. B.
Hackott. Boston, 1872 [1871]. V, (5), 91, 211
pp. 2 V. in 1. 4 pi. 16“ 1118.18
Hoyt, D. W. A genealogical history of the Hoyt,
Haight, and Hight families, with some account
of tile earlier Hyatt families, a list of the first
settlers of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass.,
etc. [2d edition.] Providence, 1871. xii, 686
pp. 10 portraits. 1 pi. 8“ *2335.51
Hozier. H. M. The seven weeks’ war. 2d edition.
1871. xliv, 523 pp. 1 map. 16“ ...... . 4826.6
Hudry-Menos, — . Le tunnel des Alpes. Etudes
d’art et d’industrie. Lausanne, 1871. 59 pp.
8“ 8016.13
Hudson. F. Private theatricals. New York, [1870].
179 pp. 16“ 1405.11 and E. B. 168.28
Huebner, j. a., baron von. Sixte-Quint. D’.apr5s
des correspondances diplomatiqucs inedites.
I’aris, 1870. 3 v. 8“ 5557.2
Hugessen, E. H. Knatchbull. Moonshine. Fairy
stories. Illustrated. London, 1871. x, (2),
338 pp. 16“ 423.2
Hughes, j. Complete works. Edited by L. Kehoe.
New York, 1865. 2 v. 8“ 5591.29
Contents. — Vol. I. Life of archbishop Hughes, etc. ;
The school question, etc. II. The temporal power of
the pope ; Lectures ; Sermons ; Letters ; The church prop-
erty controversy ; Miscellaneous ; Appendix.
Hull, E. C. P. The European in India; or, Anglo-
Indian’s vade-mecum. Added a medical guide
for Anglo-Indians. By R. S. Mair. London,
1871. XV, (1), 320 pp. Sm. 8“ 5049.13
Hunt, A. and H., and co. Universal yacht list for
1871. London, [1871]. (4), 9-213 pp. 19 pi. Obi.
16“ 6009a..33
Huxley, T. H. Manual of the anatomy of vertebra-
ted animals. London, 1871. vi, (2), 510 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ 5908.5
— and Youmans, W. J. The elements of physi-
ology and hygiene. With illustrations. New
York, 1870. 420 pp. 12“ E. B. 383.20
Imbert de Saint- Amand, — . Les femmes de la
cour des derniers Valois. Paris, 1870. (4),
407 pp. 18“ 2649.50
Imperial Russian geographical society, St. Peters-
burg. Der nordliche Ural und das Kiistenge-
birge Pai-Choi, untersucht und beschrieben in
den Jahren 1847, 48 und 50. Bt. Petersburg,
1853, 56. 2 V. Illustrated. 4“ *5060.3
Instituto di correspondenza archeologica. Pome.
Annali. [Vol. l-]42. Roma, 1829-70. 42 v. in
40. 8“ . *5256.3
— Bullettino [T. 1. degli annali]. 1829-1870. Roma,
1829-70. 40 V. 8“ *5276.1
Iron, N. C. The double hero. A tale of sea and land
during the war of 1812. New York, [cop. 1851] .
(3), 6-98 pp. 16“ 1788.23
Jacob, Sir G. Le G. Western India before and
during the mutinies. Loudon, 1871. viii, 262
pp. Sm. 8“ 5049.12
Jacox, F. Cues from all quarters, or. the literary
musings of a clerical recluse. Boston, 1871.
(4), 340 pp. 16“ 1819.10 and E. B. 154.36
— Scripture texts illustrated by general literature.
New York [London], 1871. viii, 403 pp. Sm.
8“ ........ 1117.22
James, G. P. R. The old dominion, or, the South-
ampton massacre. New York, 1856. 152 pp. 8“. 463.14
Shelf. No.
Janin, .T. (G.) Alexandre Dumas. Taris, 1871. 94,
(1) pp. Portrait. Sm. 12“ 2649.53
Jaubeut. J. B., and Barth ftLEMV-IjAi’OM.MEii.vYE,
C. J. Richcsses ornithologiqucs du midi do la
France. Marseille, 1859. 547 pp. 20 col. pi.
40 5900.12
Jeffries, B. J. Diseases of the skin ; the recent ad-
vances in their pathology and treatment. Bos-
ton, 1871. 79 pp. 8“ 5797.36
Jefson, B. The elementary music reader. Book 1.
New Haven, 1871. 167, (1) pp. Sq. 16“ . . . .206.23
Jerrold, (W.) B. TheCockaynes in Paris, or “ Gone
abroad.” With sketches by Gustav Dord, and
other illustrations. London, [1871]. 235 pp.
Sra. 8“ 2676.50
Jezierski. L. Combats et bataillesdu siege de Paris.
Paris, 1872 [1871], (2), 402 pp. 18“ 2629.79
— Entree de I’armde dans Paris. Bataille de sept
jours 21 a 28 mai 1871. Paris, 1871. (4), 64 pp.
1 pi. 1 map. 18“ 4629.23
Johnson, H. M. Signal lights. [Anon.'] New York,
[1871]. 333 pp. 12“ 500.47
Johnson, Mrs. S. O. Every woman her own flower
gardener. New York. 1871. 148 pp. Sq. 16“ . 150.12
Johnson, V. W. IVliat the world made them. By
the author of “ Tr.avels of an American owl.”
New York, 1871. 284 pp. 12“ 797.24
Jonquil, pseud. Wa.s she engaged ? Philadelphia,
1871. 339 pp. 12“ 796.8
JOBAUST, D. Tablettes quotidiennes du siege de
Paris, racontd par ie IjCttrc-Journal. Iteim-
pression. Paris, 1871. 94, (2) pp. 8“ . . . . 2322.52
JOUBERT, L. Dictionnaire de Inographie gdndrale.
Paris, 1870. 14), 3. (1), 748 pp. 18“ *2248.50
Journal, Lc, du siege de Paris, public par le Gau-
lois. Paris. 1871. (4), 470 pp. 1 map. L. 8“ . 2622.51
Journal humoristique du siege de Sebastopol par un
artilleur. Paris, 1808. 2 v. 18“ 5069.7
JUBINAL, (M. L.) A. Mystbres inedits du quinziemc
sibcle. Paris, 18:57. 2 v. 8“ 2666.50
Jukes, J. B. Letters and extracts from [his] ad-
dresses and occasional writings. Edited, with
notes, by his sister [C. A. Browne], London,
1871. XX, 596 pp. Portrait. 16“ 3867.50
Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, St.
Petersburg. Rcisen und Forschungen im Amur-
Lande in den -Jahren 1854-56. Herausgege-
ben von L. v. Schrenck. Mit [44] colorirten
Tafeln und [4] Karten. St. Petersburg, 1859-
67. 2v.in3. 4“ . . 3820.51
Contents. — Vol. 1. Einleitung: Die Saugethiere des
Amur- Landes ; Vogel des Amur-Landes. II. 1. Llpi-
doptSrea, de la Siberie orientale et en partieulicr des
rives de I'Amour. Par E. Menetrila ; ^oI6opteres de la
Siberie orientaie et cn particuiier dea rives de I'Amour.
Par V. de Motschulsky. 2. Moliusken dea Amur-
Landes und des nordjapanischen Meerea. Von L. von
Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna.
Sitzungsberichte. Mathcmatisch-naturwissen-
Bchaftliche Classe. B. 1-03. Wien, 1848-
71. 63 v. in 80. 8“ *3310.3
Karr, (J.) A. La queue d’or. Paris, 1871. (4), 312,
(1) pp. 18“ 2679.57
K.\.bfmann, T. American painting book. The art
of painting, or of imitating the cflects of color
in nature. With [12] illustrations in colors.
Boston, 1871. 20 pp. F" *8070a.l6
Katte, ,1. W. History of the war in Afghanistan.
New edition. London. 1857, 58. 3 v. Sm. 8“ . 5059.11
Eellorg, E. The pleasant cove series. The cruise
of the Casco. Illustrated. Boston. 1872 [i871J.
320 pp. 16“ 457.26 and E. B. 21.9
— The whispering pine scries. The sophomores of
Eadclifl'e. Illustrated. Boston, 1872 [1371].
281 pp. 10“ 457.27 and E. B. 21.10
The spark of genius. Illustrated. Boston, 1872
[1871], 272 pp. Portrait. 16“ .457.24 and E. B. 14.50
Kelly, F. Narrative of ray captivity among the
Sioux Indians. Hartford, 1871. 285 pp. Il-
lustrated. Portrait. 16“ 249.12
Kennedy, P. The bardic stories of Ireland. Dub-
lin. 1871. xii, 231 pp. 16“ 2463.50
Kettle. K. M. Memoirs and letters of Charles Boner.
With letters of Mary Russell Mitford to him.
London. 1871. 2 v. 8“ 2448.51
Kingston, W. H. G. In the wilds of Africa. London.
1871. (2), 5-500 pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . . E. B. 23.18
— On the banks of the Amazon. London, 1872
[1871], 512 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . . . .E.B. 28.30
— Three hundred years ago. Philadelphia, 1868.
152 pp. Sm. 12“ 450.74
Shelf No.
Kirby, W. F. A synonymic catalogue of diurnal
lepidoptera. London, 1871. v, (.3), 090 pp.
8“ *5895.13
Kirkaldy, D. Tensile strength and other proper-
ties ofv.arious kinds of wrought-iron and steel.
Illustrated. 2d edition. London, 1860. 227
pp. 8“ A.200.4
Kirke, II. The first English conquest of Canada;
with some account of the earliest settlements
in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. London,
1871. xi, (1), 227 pp. 1 map. 8“ 2316.51
Kirkwood, J. P. Report on the filtration of river
w.aters, for the supply of cities, as practised in
Europe. Illustrated by 30 engravings. New
York, 1869. 178 pp. 4“ *5940.9
Kittlitz, F. H. von. Denkwiirdigkeiten eincr Rcise
nach den russischen Amerika, nach Mikrone-
sien und durch Kamtschatka. Gotha, 1858.
2 V. Pi. and illustrations. 8“ 2275.50
Koch, G. von. Die Stcllungen der Vogel. 1 Heft.
10 Tafeln. Heidelberg, 1871. 8“ *5905.5
Kock, C.P. de. Lc petit bonhomme du coin. Roman
inf'dit. Paris, 1871. (4), 276 pp. 1 pi. 12“ . 2679.59
Koenig. F. Le lion de beurro de Canova. ou le pre-
mier chef-d’oeuvre de ce grand artiste. Tours,
1866. (4), 103 pp. 1 pi. 18“ 2079.50
Koeniglich sachsische Arraee, Die, im deutschen
Feldzuge von 1866. Erlebnissc dem deutschen
Voike wahrheitsgctreu erzablt von mehreren
Oflizieren. Leipzig, N. D. 479 pp. 1 map.
Sm. 8“ 4829.7
Koltzoff-Massalsky. H. Ghika, princess. Des
femmes, par une femme, Dora d’Istria [pseud.] .
Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1869. 2 v. 12“ . . 3578.50
Konewka. P. Falstaff and his companions. 21 il-
lustrations in silhouette. [With accompanying
text from Shakespeare.] Introduction by H.
Kurz. Transiated by C. C. Shackford. Bos-
ton, 1872 [1871]. xviii pp. 20 tf. 21 pi. Sra.
8“ (N. s.) *2496.50 and E. B. 165.33
Kouts.\ and Hiranyastoupa. Prieres antehisto-
riques. Traduites du Sanscrit vddique en vers
fr3n5ais, et accompagndes de notes sur la reli-
gion vddique par B. Gachet. Paris, 1870. 315
pp. 12“' 6029.5
Kraft. J. Roue hydraulique k aubes courbes, sys-
teme Poncelet. Liege, 1859. (2), vi, 9-47 pp.
3 pi. 4“,l.p *8010.50
Krautii, C. P. The conservative reformation and its
theology : as represented in the Augsburg con-
fession, and in the history and liceraturc of
the evangelical Lutheran church. Philadel-
phia, 1871. XV, (3), 840 pp. 8“ 5512.12
Labberton, R. H. An historical atlas. Philadel-
phia, 1872 [1871]. xvi pp. 40 pi. Obi. 16“ . *2288.50
— Historical questions. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871].
xiv, 248 pp. Obi. 8“ 2218.50
Laborde, H., vicomte de. Ingres ; sa vie, ses tra-
vaux, sa doctrine. Paris, 1870. (6), .379 pp.
Portrait. 8“ 8062.8
Lacour, R. L’figypte, d’Alexandrie k la scconde
cataracte. Orne de gravures, avec cartes.
Priris, 1871. (4), xi, (1), 472 pp. 8“ 5056.9
Lacroix, P. Le moyen age et la renaissance. Di-
rection artistique de P. Serb. Paris, 1848-51.
5v. 4“ *8001.15
Contents. — Vol. 1. Ire partie. Moelirs et usages. IT.
2e partie. Sciences et arts. Belles-lettres. III. Ire
partie. Slccurs et usages. TV. 2e partie. Sciences et
arts. Belles-lettres. V. 3e partie. Bcun-v-arts.
Ladmirault, L. R. P. de. Bases d’un projet sur le
rccrutement do I’armee de terre. Paris, 1871.
22 pp. 8“ 6956 4
Ladoucette, j. C. P.. baroti de. Histoire, topo-
graphie, antiquites, usages, dialectes des
Hautes-Alpcs, avec un atlas. 3c edition. Pa-
ris. 1848. Text, xv, (1), 806 pp. 1 portrait.
8“. Atlas, 26 pi., including 1 map, 1 portrait.
L.8“. . . . , 2861.50
Lafosse, H. de. A batons rompus. Tableau de
Paris depuis la declaration de guerre jusqu’a
la signature de la paix, 1870-71. Paris, 1871.
3 V. 18“ 2629.50
La GuERONNifiRE. A., comte. de. La commune san-
glante; ou le legs incendiaire. Bruxelles,
[1871]. 252 pp. 12“ 2628.73
— L’homme de Sedan. 13o ddition. Bruxelles,
[1870], 146. (l)pp. S“ 2627.57
Lamartine, A. L. M. de. La chute d’un ange.
Paris. 1870. (4). 426 pp. 16“ 2708.5
— Le manuscrit de ma mbre. Paris, 1871. ix, (1),
340 pp. 8“ 2642.51
Shelf. No.
Lamartine, A. M. L. de, conlinued.
— Mcmoires iniidits. 1790-1815. Paris, 1870. ix,
(1), 369 pp. 80 2045.50
Lanfrey, P. History of Napoleon the first. Vol. 1.
London, 1871. 8" 4625.19
Langdell, C. C. a selection of cases on the law of
contracts. With references and citations.
Boston, 1871. xvi, 1022 pp. 8“ 3605.50
Lanjallet, P., and Corriez, P. Histoire de la revo-
lution du 18 mars. Paris, 1871. 570, (1), pp.
80 2627.59
La Place, P. S. Mccanique celeste, translated, with
a commentary, by N. Bowditch. Vol. 4.
Boston, 1839. 168 pp. 2 pi. 4o . . , . B. B. 213.1
Contents. — Vol. IV. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch,
by N. I. Bowditch.
Laporte, L. L’fiqypte a la voile. Paris, 1870. (6),
248 pp. 120 5059.8
La Porte des Vallx, (J. P.) A. de. Maximilien,
archidue d’Autriche, empereur du Mexique.
Details bioqraphiquos. Lille, [1867]. 139,(2)
pp. Portrait. 12" 2849.50
La Roque, L. de. Armorial do la noblesse de Lan-
guedoc, generalite de Montpellier. Montq)cl-
lier, 1800. 2 v. 8“ *2035.50
L.YRROQUE. P. De I’organisation du gouvernement
republicain. Paris. 1870. (4).33S, (1) pp. 8" . 3567.50
Laurent, F. Prineipcs de droit civil fran5ais. Paris,
1869-71. 5 v. 8" 5613.8
Laurent, H. Traitd de mdcanique rationnclle. Paris,
1870. 2 V. 8" 5947.6
Laurie, J. Homoeopathic domestic medicine. Ed-
ited and revised by II. >T. McCIatchey. 1st
American from the 21st English edition. New
York. 1871. xi. (1). 1034 pp. 8" . . . . E. B. 382.7
La Vausserie, — , sirojntcdc. Les martvrs de la se-
conde terreur. on arrestation. captivitd ct mar-
tyro do Mgr Darboy, de M. Deguerry. ct des
autres pretres et rcligioux incarceres avec eux.
Paris. [1871]. (4), 212 pp. 18" 2028.73
LAVERDikRE, C. H., ahbi, and Casgrain. — . ahhi.
Lc journal des Jesuites, public d’apres Ic raa-
nuscrit original conserve aux archives du Semi-
naire de Qudbec. Quebec, 1871. x, (26), 403
pp. 4" 2311.50
Lawrence, A. M. Olive Loring’s mission. Boston.
1871. 279 pp. 3 pi. 16" E. B. 24.32
Leconte, O. P. La guerre fr.anco-allcraande del870-
71. 2e Edition. Bruxelles, 1871. 233 irp. 1 map.
12" 2028.70
Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, H.
Lee, M. and C. Rosamond Fane ; or, the prisoners
of St. James’s. With illustrations by R. Dud-
ley. New York [London], 1872 [1871]. (6),
247 pp. 4 pi. 16" 440.3
Leeds, L. W. A treatise on ventilation. Illustrated.
[2d edition.] New York. 1871. 226 jrp. 8" . 4103.20
LefLbure de Fourcy, L. 151. Traitd de geomdtrie,
descriptive. 7o Edition. Paris, 1870. 2 v. in
1. Voi. 1. viii, 263, (1), 3 pp. 2 pi. ; voi. 2, 34
pi. 8“ .... 3926.50
Le Gendre, E. Q. Anatomic chirurgicale hora.alo-
graphique. Paris, 1858. (4), 45 pp. 25 pi.
F" *3750.51
Legrand Du Saulle. H. Le dOlire des persecu-
tions. Paris, 1871. (4), iv, 524 pp. 8" . . . . 3805.51
Leighton, ,1. Paris under the commune. London,
1871. xvi, 395. (1) pp. 1 map. 21 pi. 16" . 4628.21
Lemelle. j. Siege de Paris C1870-71.3 Suivi de
nouveauxpouvoirs (non reconnus de la France)
intitulOs : Federation republicaine de la garde
nationale ct commune. Orleans, 1871. (4),
315, (1) pp. 8" 2625.61
Lemonnier, a. Histoire de la revolution de Paris,
avec notices biographiques des membres do
la commune. Bordeaux, 1871. 103 jrp. 18" . 2628.80
Lenoir, A. Atlas de I’art des accouchements. Con-
tinudparM. See [et] S. Tarnicr. 105 planches
avec texte explioatif en regard. Paris, N. D.
4" *3770.52
Le Pl.yy, (P. G.) F. The organiz,ation of labor, in
accordance with custom and the law of the
decalogue. Translated by G. Emerson from
the French of the 2d edition. Philadelphia,
1872 [1871]. 417 pp. 12» 3579.50
Leprieur-Accoy'ER, fi. Guerre de 1870. Campagne
de la Moselle. Par E. A. Spoil [p.icuci!.].
Bruxelles, 1871. (4). 283 pp. 1 map. 12" . . . 2029.58
L’Estrance, a. G. (K.) Literary life of Willi.ara
Harness. London, 1871. ix, (1), 313 pp.
8" 2445.52
Shelf. No.
LlivY, D. L’Autriche-Hongrie, ses institutions et ses
nationalites. Paris, 1871. xxxi, (1), 309, (2)pp.
and 2 folded leaves. 18" 2829.50
Lewal, ,1. L. La reforrae de I’armOc. Paris, 1871.
vii. (1). 096 pp. 8" 5955.17
Lewes, G. U. History of philosophy from Thales to
Comte. 4th edition. Loudon, 1871. 2 v. 8“ . 3605.50
Contents. — Vol. I. Ancient philosophy. II. Modern
— The physiology of common life. [Illustrated.]
New York, 1871. 2 v 12" E. B. 383.19
Leives. M. j., formerl;/ Miss Evans. The Spanish
gypsy. By George Eliot, [psead.]. Boston,
1863. (4), 287 pp. 12" E. B. 162.24
Lewin, G. Dio Behandlung dcr Sj^philis mit subcu-
taner Sublimat Injection. Berlin, 1869. x, 263,
(l)pp. 8" *5774.20
Lightfoot, .1. The chemical history and progress
of aniline black. Burnley, 1371. (4). 35 pp. 8“ . 4026.10
Lifperiieide. F. LiederzuSchutzundTrutz. Gaben
deutscher Dichter aus der Zeit des Krieges im
Jahre 1870, VI. ltc-4te Sammlung. Berlin,
[1870. 71]. L.S" 4871.3
Little folks: a magazine for the young. Vol. 1.
London, N. d. vi. (2), 416 pp. L. sq. 16" . . . 1885.2
Littre, (M. P.) fi. Dictionnairo de la langue fran-
qaise. T. 1, Ire, 2e partie. T. 2, Ire partie.
Paris, 1863-70. 3 v. 4" *4690.1
Contents. — Vol.I, parti. A — C. 2. D — II. 11., part
1. I— P.
LryRE noir, Le, de la commune de Paris. L’lnter-
nationalc deyoilee. 3e edition. Bruxelles, 1871.
395, (1) pp. 120 2628.75
Lock, F. La commune. Deuxieme sidge de Paris.
1871. Paris. [1871]. (4). 423, (1) pp. 18" . .2629.56
Lockhart, C. S. M. Centenary memorial of Sir
W. Scott. London, 1871. xxii, (2), 171 pp. 15
pi. 16" , 2448.50
Longfellow, H. W. The divine tragedy. Boston,
1871. iv. 150 pp. 16" ... . 348.28 and E. B. 168.29
Lord, ,1. L. Prophetic imperialism. New York.
1871. y, (1), 96 pp. 16" .5439a.26
Louis Bon.aparte, king o.f Tlolland. Histoire du
parlement anglais ; suivio de la grande chartre.
Avec des notes autographes de Napoleon.
Paris. 1820. vi. 416 pp. 8" 4517.17
— Marie, ou les Hollaudoises. 3e ddition. Paris,
1815. 3 V. 12" 2679.53
Lovell, J. Canadian dominion directory for 1871.
Montreal, [1871]. (0), 47-2530 pp. 8» . . .*2381.50
Low, W. A classified catalogue of school, college,
classical, technical, and general educational
works in use in Great Britain in the early p.art
of 1871. London, 1871. viii, 150 pp. 8" . .*6174.11
Ludlow, P. The red-shanty boys: or, pictures of
New-England school life thirty years ago.
Boston, [1871]. iv, 7-334 pp. 3pl. 16".
503.22 and E. B. 17.36
Lunt, Mrs. a. Behind the bars. [Anoti.'] Boston,
1871. 6, 9-356 pp. 16" E. B. 383.18
Lux, J. Le crime du 18 mars, causes, origino, his-
toire, consequences et documents. Paris, 1871.
107 pp. 120 2628.80
Luys, j. Le sy.stfcme nerveux edrebro-spinai. Paris,
1865. Text XV, (1), 660 pp.; atlas (4) 80 pp.
40 pi. 8“ 3801.50
Luzel. F. M. Gwerziou Breiz-Izcl. Chants popu-
laircs de la Basse-Bretagne. Rccucillis et tra-
duits. Gwerziou. ler vol. Lorient, 1868. 8" . 2665.50
Lyons, W. F. Thomas Francis Meagher : with selec-
tions from his speeches and writings. New
York, 1870. 357 pp. Portrait. 12" .... . 2347.52
M.'. Les franc-maqons et la commune de Paris.
Paris, 1871. 64 pp. 16“ 2628.81
Macandrew, B. Ezekiel .and other poems. By B.
M. New York [London], N. D. 249 [247]
pp. Sm. sq. 16" 238.27
Mac Bride [McBride], J. Pioneer biogr.aphy.
Sketches of early settlers of Butler county,
Ohio. Cincinnati. 1869, 71. 2 v. 8" 503.53
MacCartiiy [McCai-thy], J. Lady Judith. A tale.
New York, [1871]. 306 pp. 8".
431.23 .and E. B. 281.27
MacColl, M. The Ober-Ammergau passion play.
4th edition, with a new appendix. London,
1571. 112 irp. 10“ 2866.5
MacDonald, G. The disciple and other poems.
London, 1868. viii, (2). 330, (2) pp. Sm. 8" . 348.25
— The princess and the goblin. New York [Lon-
don], 1871. iv, 315 pp. 16" 600.48
Shelf. No.
MacDonald. G., continued.
— Unspoken sermons. New York, 1871. (8). 24.5
pp. le" E. B. 366.44
Maccowan. .1. Evelyn Grey. New York, London,
1871. (6). 360 pp. 3 pi. Sm. 16” 446.9
Mack.vrnf.ss, J/rs. II. Old saws new set. Illus-
tr.ated. London, 1872 [18711. viii, 433, (1) pp.
16» .....: 769.23
Mackki.l.vr. T., Smith, J. F. and R.. and Jordan,
P. A. The Johnson type foundry. Speeimens
of printing types, borders, cuts, rules, etc.
PhiiadeiphiJi. [1871]. (6), ii.(.548)pp. 4» (N. s.)*6110.4
M-VCMII.lan, n. The ministry of nature. London,
1871. xix. (1). 347, (1) pp. 16" 3448.52
MacPiieetkrs [MePhecters]. — .New and im-
proved interest table, showing at sight the
interest on any amount for from 1 to 360 days.
Philadelphia, 1871. 15pp. F» *5930.3
Macquoid, K. 8. Patty. London, 1871. xi, (1),
442 pp. 16" 795.11
MacR-AE [McRae]. T. Lectures on Satan. Boston,
1871. 173 pp. 16" 34.58.50
Magiel. M. T. Women, or chronicles of the late
war. Baltimore, 1871. xvii. (1). 393 pp. 12“ . 775.9
Maiel.ard, F. Histoirc des joumaux publics a Paris
pendant le sidge et sous la commune. Paris,
1871. 267 pp. 12" 2629.78
Maistre, X., comte de. A .iourney round my room.
From the French, with a notice of the author’s
life. By H. A[tweil]. New York. 1871. xi,
(1). 1.52 pp. 16" 1819.27 and E. B. 326.26
M-u,nEUBE, A. Monographic des piciddes, et his-
toire naturelle des pieidds, picumninds, yun-
cinds ou torcols. Metz, 1861, 62. Text, 2 v.
Atlas. 2 V. in 1. F“ *58.E-G.l
Mandl. L. Anatomic microscopique. Paris, 1838-57.
2 V. F" 3730..50
Contents. — Vol. I. Ilistologie. Accompagnd d'un
atlas de .52 planches. .TI. Histog^n^se. Accoinpagnu
d'un atlas de 40 planchea.
Mansee. H. L. The limits of religious thought. 1st
American, from the 3d London edition. Bos-
ton. 1870. 364 pp. 12" E. B. 369.2
MAPOTnER, E.D. Animal physiology. [Illustrated.]
London, 1871. (6). 131 pp. Sni. 12" 177.45
M^vrchand, a. Le sidge de Strasbourg 1870. 2e
ddition. La bibliothdque. la cathddrale. Paris,
1871. (8). xii, 204 pp. 18" 2628.83
Marguerite d’AngouIeme, or de Valois, queen of
Nacarre. The Heptameron. Translated from
the French. With a memoir of the author. By
AV. K. Kelly. London, 1864. xliv, 427 pp.
Portrait. 8m. 8’ ***6678.38
Mareier, C., and Sarazin. J. N. L’orthographe
pour tous, ou l<a grammaire par I’dcriture. ler
-10c cahier. Paris. [1868?]. Sm. 4" 2687.51
Marryat. F. See Church, F.
Marshall, E. Brothers and sisters. New York,
1871. (4), 334 pp. Ipl. 16" 733.16
— Helen’s diary. New York, 1871. (2), 357 pp.
1 pi. 16“ 733.17
— Millicent Legh. New York [London], 1871. 334
pp. 1 pi. 16" 497.3
— The old gateway. New York [London], 1871.
(4), 380 pp. 1 pi. 16" 446.2
— Three little sisters. New A'ork, London, 1871.
(8), 176 pp. 4 pi. Sm. 16" 450.61
— Violet Douglass. New York, 1872 [1871]. iv,
.346 pp. 1 pi. 16" 733.18
Same. London, 1868. viii, 320 pp. 16" . E. B. 326.29
Marten, E. B. Brief abstracts from reports on steam
boiler explosions. Stourbridge, 1869. (132) pp.
8" 8016.8
— Records of steam boiler explosions. London,
1871. 95 pp. 8" 8016.8
Martimpret, a. a. Quelques iddes sur la rdorgani-
sation de I’armde. Paris, 1871. 70, (2) pp.
Sm. 12" 2649.54
AI ARTINEAD. H. History of the peace : a history of
England from 1816 to 1854. AVith an introduc-
tion. 1800 to 1815. Boston, 1864. 2v. Sm. 8" . 4518.25
Mary Frances Clare. Life and revelations of Saint
Gertrude. 2d edition. [Anon.'\ London, 1871.
xlv, (3), 570 pp. 1 pi. Sm. 8" 5559.4
Massachesetts. Colony and province of Jfassachu-
setts bay. General laws and liberties of the
colony. [Appended, Laws and orders made
at the general court, at Boston the 15th of May,
1672, 8th of October. 1672. 7th of May and 15th
of October, 1673, 27th of May, 1674. 15 pp.]
Cambridge, 1672. (2), 170, (27) pp. F» . . . ***6410.4
8i>dr. No.
Massachusetts, continued.
— Commonwealth. The gencr.al statutes [to 1800],
Boston. [I860], xiv, (2), 1126pp. 8".
E. B. *R. R., D. 3
Supplement to the general statutes [1860-06].
Edited by W. A. Richardson and G. 1’. Sanger.
Boston, [1867], 572 pp. 8" . . . E. B. *R. R., D. 3
Same. No. 8-12. Boston, 1867-71. 8".
E. B. *R. R., D. 4
Masson, D. Life of John Milton. Cambridge, 1859,
71. 2 v. 2 portraits. 8“ 2445.51
ConlerUs.—Yot.l. 1008-1039. H. 1G38-1643.
Maudsley, H. The physiology and p.athology of the
mind. New York, 1871. xiv, (2), 442 pp. 8".
E. B. 382.8
Maxwell, Afrs. M. H. Angel whispers. [Anon.']
New York, [eo/j. 1848]. 78 pp. 16" 450.71
Maxwell, S. D. The suburbs of Cincinnati. Cin-
cinnati, 1870. 186 pp. 8" 2375.50
Mayer. P. Histoire du deux decembre. Paris, 18.52.
(4), 327 pp. 12" 2628.56
Maynard, M. U., abhe. Voltaire; sa vie et ses
oeuvres. Paris, 1868. 2 v. 8" 2650.51
Contents. — Vol. I. 1094-1730. H. 17.'iO-1778.
Mazzini. G. [The Franco-German war. The com-
mune. No title-page. London, 1871.] 48 pp.
8" 2625..59
Meadows. Alfred. A manual of midwifery. 2d
edition. London, 1871. xx. 448 pp. 16" . *5779a.ll
Meadows, Arthur. Hamlet : an essay. Edinburgh,
1871. 31 pp. 8" 6596.1
Meigs, J. F., and Pepper, AV. A practical treatise
on the diseases of children. 4th edition (of
Meigs) enlarged. Philadelphia, 1870. (7), xii-
921 pp. 8" *3773.50
Meline, j. P. Mary queen of Scots and her latest
English historian [Froude]. New York, 1872
[1871]. X. 336 pp. 16" 594.17
Melville, G. J. 'Whyte. The gladiators : a tale of
Rome and Judaea. New York, 1872 [1871].
174 pp. 8" 761.1
— Sarchedon ; a legend of the great queen [Semi-
ramis], Leipzig, 1871. 2v. Sq. 10".
7.30.86 and E. B. 249.14
Melitille, H. Redburn. New York, 1863. 390 pp.
12" E. B. 305.35
Mend^s. C. Les 73 journ^es de la commune. 5e
Edition. Paris. 1871. (6). 333 pp. IS" . . . 2628.74
Menzel, W. Der deutsche Kricg Im Jahr 1866.
Stuttgart, 1867. 2 v. 8" 4827.26
Merigot, G. Delivranee de Paris. Le feu gregeois.
Paris, 1871. 66, (5) pp. 18" 2029.60
Metz, campagne et ndgociatlons. Par un oflicier su-
pdrieur de Pannee du Rhin. Paris, 1871. xv,
(1), 512 pp. 1 map. 8" 2027.55
MflzifeRES, A. Rdcits de I’invasion. Alsace et Lor-
raine. Paris, 1871. vii. (1), 203. (2) pp. 18". 2629.72
Michaud, J. F. and L. G., and others. Biographic
universelle. Nouvclle ddition. Paris, 1843
[-55]. 45 V. 8" *2241.50
Michel. A. Le sidge de Paris, 1870-71. Avec un
apercu dcsdvfenemcnts qui ont prdcddd ctsuivi
le siege. Paris, [1871]. (4), xii, 448 pp. 18“ . 2623,09
Michelet. J. Histoire de France .au dix-huitieme
fiiecle. La rdgence. Paris, 1863. xv, (1). 464
pp. 8" E. B. 276.3
Same. Louis xrv et le due de Bourgogne.
Paris, 1862. (4). 463 pp. 8" E. B, 270.2
Same. Louis xiv et la revocation de I’ddit de
Nantes. Paris, 1860. (4), xvi, 476 pp. 8".
E. B. 270.4
Mickiewicz, a. La politique du dix-neuvieme
sifccle. Avec prdface et annotations par L.
Mickiewicz. Paris, 1870. Ixxxi, (2), 505 pp.
1 pi. 18" 5009.6
Middleton, R. Garibaldi, ses operations a I’armde
des 'Vosges. 2e ddition. Paris, 1872 [1871].
429 pp. 8" . 2027.54
Migne. j. P., abbi. Premiere cneyclopddie thdolo-
gique. T. 28-30. Paris. 18.54-65. 3 v. L. 8".
Namely : — Vol. XX VIII-XXX. Benoist de
Matougues. — , and Chesncl (de l.a Charbou-
clais). (L. P. F.) A., marquis de. Dictionnaire
de geographic saerde et eccldsiastiquc. conte-
nant le Dictionnaire gdographique de la Bible,
par Barbid du Bocage, [etc.] *5532.1
Miller. E. P. How to bathe. New York, 1809.
72 pp. 12" E. B. 365.38
Shelf. No.
MiiiiiER, H. The cruise of the Betsey; or a summer
holiday in the Hebrides ; with Rambles of a
geologist. 8th edition. Edinburgh, 1870. (4),
480 pp. gm. 8" *2508.50
— Edinburgh and its neighbourhood, geological
and historical ; with the Geology of the Bass
rock. 4th edition. [With illustrations.] Edin-
burgh, 1870. Vi, (2], 344 pp. Bm. 8» . . . .*2508.51
— Essays. 4th edition. Edinburgh, 1870. xiii, (1),
495 pp. gm. 8“ *2508,62
— First impressions of England and its people.
11th edition. Edinburgh, 1870. xx, 368 pp.
gm. 8» *2508.52
— Footprints of the Creator. With memoir by L.
Agassiz. 12th edition. [With illustrations.]
Edinburgh, 1870. Ixxii. 352pi}. Bm. 8“ . .*2508.53
— The headship of Christ and the rights of the
Christian people. 4th edition. Edinburgh,
1870. xvi, 517 pp. gm. 8“ *2508.54
— Leading articles on various subjects. Edited by
J. Davidson. Edinburgh, 1870. viii, 453 pp.
Portrait, gm, 8“ *2508.55
— My schools and schoolmasters. 17th cation.
Edinburgh, 1871. xi, 562 pp. Portrait, gm.
8» *2508.57
— The old red sandstone. 13th edition. [With
illustrations,] Edinburgh, 1870. 385 pp. 1 pi.
gm. 8“ *2508.59
— Beenes and legends of the north of Bcotland. 8th
edition. Edinburgh, 1869. xii, 487 pp. gm.
8“ *2508.60
— gketch-book of popular geology. 4th edition.
Edinburgh, 1869. xxxiv, (2), 356 pp. Bm. 8“ . *2508.61
— Tales and sketches. Edited by Mrs. Miller. 4th
edition. Edinburgh, 1870. xiv, (2), 389 pp.
Sm. 8“ *2508.58
— Testimony of the rocks. With memorials of the
author. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1870.
xiv, (5), 8-502 pp. 12“ 5868.20
— Same, Edinburgh, 1870. xiv, (2), 454 pp. gm.
8“ *2508.56
Milligan, R. Exposition and defense of the scheme
of redemption, as it is revealed in the gcrip-
tures. Cincinnati, 1871. 563 pp. 1 portrait.
12“ 3454.51
— Reason and revelation. 7th edition. Cincinnati,
1871. 558 pp. 12“ 3427.50
Mitchell, G. Journal des deux mondes pendant
le siege do Paris, prdcdde d’une preface de J.
Noriac. Historique des dvenements snrvenus
en France et a I’etranger, ler sept. 1870 au 3
mars 1871. Paris. 1871. vii. (1), 503 pp. 8“ . 2625.63
Moffat, J. C. A comparative history of religions.
Parti. Ancient scriptures. New York, 1871.
viii. 250 pp. 12“ (n. s.) 7487.9
Moland, D. (£. D.) Par ballon montd. Lettrea
envovees de Paris pendant le siege. Paris,
1872 [1871]. xiv, 333 pp. 1 pi. 18" 2629.68
Molinari, G. de. Les clubs rouges pendant le aidge
de Paris. Paris, 1871. (2), vii, (1), 362 pp. Ipl.
18“ 2628.67
Monk, M. Awful disclosures [respecting] the Hotel
Dieu nunnery of Montreal. New A'ork, 1855.
xxiv, 13-262 pp. 12“ 5468.17
Monroe, A. The model gunday school speaker.
Boston, 1872 [1871]. (2), 5-128 pp. Illustrated.
16“ 357.26
Montagu, Anne Paule Dominique de Noailles, mar-
quise de. [Memoire.] 6e edition. Paris, 1869.
(4). 440 pp. 18“ 2648.50
Montll’IS.ant, C. B. M. de. 1870. Armde du Rhin.
Sesdpreuves. La chute de Metz. Montdlimar,
[1871.] (4), 284 pp. 3 plans. 8“ 2625.65
Moreau, L. Jean-Jacques Rousseau et le sidcle phi-
losophe. Paris, 1870. 425 pp. 8“ 4693.3
Morehead, L. M. Christmas is coming, and other
poems. Philadelphia, 1871. 47 pp. 12“ . . . 348.26
Morel. H. Le pilori des commuueux. Biographic
des membres de la commune. Paris, 1871. xi.
(1), 269 pp. 18“ 2628.54
Morelet. a. Ilea Aqores. Histoire naturelle. suivie
d’une description des mollusqucs terrestres de
cet archipel. Paris, 1860. 214, (3) pp. 5 pi..
Morgan, J. A. Mactironic poetry. New York, 1872
[1871]. xvi. 300 pp. 16“ 2409.52
Morgan, N. Phrenology, and how to use it in ana-
lyzing character. Illustrated. London, 1871.
XV. (1), 364 pp. gm. 8“ 3608.50
Moriac, E. Paris sous la commune, 18 mai au 28
mai. Precede des commentaires d’un blessd
par H. de Pene. 3c edition. Paris, 1871.
xxxii, 435 jip. 12“ 2628.61
Shelf. No.
Morris, F. O. Dogs and their doings. New York,
1872 [18711. 184 pp. With illustr.ations. 8“ . 6004.19
MOTTU, J. Les desastres de Paris ordonnds etcausds
par la commune dans la seconde quinzaine de
mai 1871. Paris, 1871. 79 pp. 8“ 2622.52
Moynier, G., and .tVppiA, L. La guerre et la charitd.
Geneve, 1867. 401 pp. 16“ 3799.50
Mr. Pisistratus Brown. M. P., in the Highlands.
London, 1871. viii, 192 pp. 16“ 1827.7
Mudge, Z. a. ghell cove : a story of the sea-shore
and of the sea. [Anon.'] Boston. 1871. (2),
350 pp. 16“ ■ 457.25
Mueller-Btrcebing. H. Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell;
with Companion, containing a complete vocab-
ulary with notes and an historical introduction.
Edited by R. H. Quick. Harrow, 1871. 158,
xvi, 88 pp. 16“ 2028.5
Mdmford, M. E. Hila Dart. Philadelphia, [1871].
350 pp. 4 pi. 16“ 500.40 and E. B. 21.7
MUNTf, O. D., and CO. The United States patent law.
Instructions how to obtain letters patent, etc.
New York, 1871. U8. (1) pp. Sm. 12“ . . . 5069a.2
Murray, C. A. The pr.airie-bird. With illustra-
tions. London, 1872 [1871]. vii, (1), 581 pp. 16“ . 756.19
Murray, J.H. Travels in Uruguay. Illustrated.
London, 1871. viii, 234 pp. 16“ 2369.50
Murray, W. H. H. Park-street pulpit; sermons.
Boston, 1871. vi, 372 pp. 12“ 2098.28
Musaeus, j. C. a. Tales. Translated from the Ger-
man by T. Carlyle. [1827.] London, 1871.
8° Vol. 3 of *2475.51
Muspratt. S. Chemistry, as applied and relating to
the arts and manufactures. Glasgow, [18601.
2v. L. 8“ *R. R., L.8
Contents. — Vol. I. A — Eth. H. Fuel — Zinc.
MystEres, Les, de I’Internationale. Paris, 1871. (4),
120 pp. 18“ 2628.75
Nast, T. Illustrated almanac for 1872. [With] illus-
trations. New York. 1871. 64 pp. 16“ . . . 909.14
Nation, The. Vol. 10, no. 262; vol. 11. July 7,
1870 -Dec. 22, 1870. New York. 1870. 444 pp.
4“ E.B. 371.2
Nauman. M. D. Eva’s adventures in shadow-land.
With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871].
169 pp. 12“ 738.17
Neale, J. M. Sermons on the gong of songs. Lon-
don, [1867]. xix. (1), 5-385 pp. 16“ 3449.54
Nervo, R. de, baron. Histoire d’Espagne depuis ses
origines. T. 1. Paris. 1870. 8“ 5094.2
— Souvenirs de raa vie. France, Espagne, Italie,
guide et Russie. Paris, 1871. (6), 225, (2) pp.
12“ 2279.50
Neumann, I. Hand-book of skin diseases. Trans-
lated from the 2d German edition, with notes,
by L. D. Buckley. Illustrated. New York,
1872 [1871]. xiv, (1), 12-467 pp. 8“ 3792.50
Newell. R. H. The walldng doll ; or, the Asters and
disasters of society. New York, 1872 [1871].
391 pp. 12“ . 775.23
New York, City. Trow’s directory, compiled by H.
Wilson. Vol. 85. 1872. [Added, the New
York city register : — compiled by H. Wilson.]
New York, [1871], 1269,(1), 172,63 pp. Imap.
8“ *4382.2
Nightingale. F. Introductory notes on lying-in
institutions. With a proposal for organizing
an institution for training midwives and mid-
wifery nurses. London, 1871. xiv, (2), 110 pp.
5 pi., and woodcuts in text. 8“ *3773.51
Norris, E. M. Adrift on the sea; or, the children’s
escape. With illustrations. New York, Lon-
don. 1872 [1871]. 128pp. 16“ 716.27
North. J. W. History of Augusta [Me.], with no-
tices of the Plymouth company, and settle-
ments on the Kennebec; [etc.]. Augusta,
1870. xii, 990 pp. 7 pi. 21 portraits. Charts
and wood-cuts. 8“ 2336.52
Not wooed, but won. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. Bm. sq.
16“ 730.87 and E. B. 249.15
Notman, W. Portraits of British Americans. With
biographical sketches by F. Taylor. Montreal,
1865-68. 3 V. 8“ *2346.50
Contents. — Vol. I. Viscount Monck ; F. Fulford;J.
A. Macdonald ; S. L. Tilley ; Sir L. II. Lafontainc ; Sir
YV. F. YV illiams ; Sir E. P.’Tache ; A. Muthieson ; J. S.
Macdonald; G. Moffatt; G. E. Cartier; J. YV. Dawson;
J. Ferrier; J. J. Lartigue; YV. Morris; SirR. G.Mac-
donncll ; E. Bowen ; A. A. Doriqn ; A. Campbell ; YV.
laaUcli ; J. Hodges ; J. Howe ; R. B. Caron ; [ I. G.] Ir-
vine: T. Talbot; C. J. Brydges; J. T. Mullock; I.
Buchanan ; J. Cauchon ; S. YV. Monk,
ll. T.D’A. McGee; SirN. F. Belleau; [YV.) Rhodes;
Shelf. No.
Notman, W., continued.
J. Bethunc; A. Ferjjusson ; Sir J. Michel : A. T. Galt; H.
Wilkes; J. H. Gray; J. Bouchette; Sir W. E. Logan; F.
B. T. Carter ; C. F. Cazeau ; J. Pri nee ; Sir 1). Daly ; G.
Brown; Major Cainpbell ; F. Evanturel; J. Young; II.
L. Langevin; J. Sewell: H. Allan; J. U. Tessier; R.
Bums; W. II. Merritt; Sir A. N. McNab; C. J. Coursol;
M. Ricney : T. D. Uarington ; P. McGill.
III. J. B. Robinson: J. Morris: W. Price; C. Tup-
per; F. A.Ouesncl; F. Ilincks; R. Baldwin: P. J. O.
Chauveau ; >V. Ormiston ; J. II. Cameron ; J. Hamil-
ton; L. J. Papineau; J. Strachan; C. D. Day; W.
Shanlv; W. imlson; A. C. Buchanan: C. B. Ogden;
G. J. Mountain; J. Cockburn; D. L. Maephereon; C.
M. [d'l.] de Salaberry ; H. Starnes ; W. A. Adamson.
Nugent, E. C. Burlesque and musical acting cha-
rades, New York, N. D. 118, 58 pp. 16°.
180.103 and E. B. 164.27
Oakes, W. H. Table of the reciprocals of numbers,
from 1 to 100,000. London, 1865. xii, 205 pp.
8« *7931.6
Offenbach, J. The opera bouffe : a collection of
vocal and instrumental gems, from La grande
duchesse. La belle Helene, Barbe Bleue,
Orpheus, and Genevieve. Boston, 1868 . 224
pp. 4“ (N. s.) 8053.8
Ohio valley historical series. [No title-page.] Cin-
cinnati, 1868-71. 8 V. 8". Namely : —
— No. I. Smith, W. Historical account of Bou-
quet’s expedition against the Ohio Indians, in
1764. With preface by F. Parkman, and a
translation of Dumas’ biographical sketch of
General Bouquet 4503.50
— n. Walker, C. M. History of Athens county,
Ohio, and the first settlement of the state at
Marietta 4503.51
— HI. Clark, G. R. Campaign in the Illinois, in
1778-9, with an introduction by H. Pirtle, in-
structions to Clark, and Major Bowman’s
journal of the taking oftpost St. Vincents . . . 4503.52
— rV. MacBride, J. Pioneer biography : early
settlers of Butler county, Ohio. Vol. 1,2 . . 4503.53
— V. Smith, J. Account of his captivity with the
Indians, 1755-59. With notes by W. M. Dar-
lington 4503.54
— VI. Drake, D. Pioneer life in Kentucky. Ed-
ited by C. D. Drake 4503.55
— VU. Miscellanies : 1. A tour in Ohio, Ken-
tucky and Indiana territory, in 1805, by J.
Espy ; 2. Two western campaigns in the war
of 1812, by S. Williams; 3. The Leatherwood
god, by U. H. Taneyhill 4503.56
Old and new. [Edited by E. E. Hale.] Boston,
1870, 71. 3 V. 8« *7326.1
On the seas. A book for boys. With illustrations.
Boston, 1871. 158 pp. 16» 450.63
Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T.
O’Reilly, J/rs. R. Doll world; or, play in earnest.
A study from real life. With 8 illustrations.
London, 1872 [1871]. x, 324 pp. Sm. sq. 16" . 469.5
Orton, H. D. Lightning calcuiator and account-
ant’s assistant. New edition. Philadelphia,
[1871]. Vi, 10-194 pp. Portrait. 12" . . . . 138.31
“OuiDA,” pseud. See Rame, L. de la.
Our young folks. An illustrated magazine for boys
and girls, [Vol. 1-3.] Edited J. T. Trow-
bridge, Gail Hamilton, and L. Larcom. [Vol.
4-6 edited by J. T. Trowbridge and L. Lar-
eora.] Boston, 1865-70. 6v. 8" . 1896.1 and *7318.1
Overland monthly. The. Vol. 1-6. San Francisco,
1868-71. 6 V. 8" 1865.1 and *5223.1
OviLO Y Otero, M. Manual de biografia y de bibli-
ografia de los escritores espafioles del siglo
xtx. Paris, 1859. 2 v. 18" **D.187.15
Owen, R. D. The debatable land between this world
and the next. New York. 1872 [1871]. 542 pp.
niustrated. 12" 3608.51
OZANAM, C. A. La femme chrOtienne et la societe
moderne. Paris, 1870. xvii, (1), 380 pp. 18".
Paine, T. [Various publications.] v. P., v. D.
PPH. V. 8" *4496.18
Contentt. — Letter to the abbe Raynal on the affairs of
North America. Boston, 70 jm. 16*^. —Two
letters to Lord Onslow, and one to H. Dundas, on the
late proclamation. 3d ed. London, 1792. 3tl pp. —
Letter to the addressers, on the late proclamation. Lon-|
don, 1792. 40 pp. — Agrarian justice, ^posed to agra-
rian law, and to agrarian monopoly. Philadelphia, n.
l>. 32 pp. — Dissertation on first-principles of govern-
ment. Paris, [DQ-ij. [Added, Speech in the Conven-
tion, July 7. 1795.] 40 pp. — Oration. July 17, 1799, in
commemoration of the dissolution of the treaties, and
consular convention, between France and the United
States. Boston, 1799. 30 pp. — Letters to the citizens of
the United States, on his arrival from France. Wash-
Shelf. No.
Paine, T., continued.
ingtoii, 1H02. 34 pp. — To the citizens of Pennsylvania,
on the proposal for calling a convention. Philaaclpiiia,
180.^. 40 pp. 12". — Letter to George Waslrington, on
affairs public and private. Dublin, 1797. 48 pp. —
Same. New York, 1803. 34 pp.
Palgrave, F. F. a centennial oft’ering. 1771-1871.
Life of Sir W. Scott; with remarks upon his
writings. With an essay, by D. Masson.
And Dryburgh abbey : a poem. By C.
Swain. Phihidelphia, 1871. 85 pp. 16" . . . 2448.52
Palmer, E. H. The desert of the Exodus. With
maps and illustrations. Cambridge, 1871. 2 v.
8“ 5045.50
Paris. Societe anatomique. Bulletin. Anatomie
normals, anatomie pathologique, clinique. 2e
s^rie. T. 5. Redige par le Dr. Genouville.
Paris, 1860. 8" *5747.50
Park, Mungo. Travels in the interior districts of
Africa : 1795-97. With an account of a mission
to that country in 1805. Added the life of Mr.
Park. New edition. London, 1816. 2 v. 1
. map. 8" 5056.8
Coruems. — Vol. I. Travels in 1795, 1796, and 1797. II.
Last journey, and life.
Parlor magician. The. Hlustrated. New York,
[1863]. 126 pp. 12" E.B. 37.31
Parr, H. Her title of honour. By Holme Lee
[pseud.]. Leipzig, 1871. 286, (1) pp. Sm.
sq. 16" 730.74 and E. B. 249.19
Parr, L. John Thompson, blockhead; and com-
panion portr.aits. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871].
(6), 421 pp. 1 pi. 12" 805.14
Parton, J. Topics of the time. Boston, 1871. (4),
401 pp. 12" E. B. 385.5
Parville, H. (F. Peudefer) de. XJn h.abitant de la
planbte Mars. Paris, [1865]. viii, 278 pp. 4
pi. 18" 2678.51
Passavant, j. D. Raphael of Urbino, and his father
Giovanni Santi. Illustrated. London, 1872
[1871]. (2), X, 313, (1) pp. L. 8" .... . *A.220.1
Peake, H. Boy’s book of heroes. With illustra-
tions. London, N. D. (4), 265 pp. 16". . . . 551.28
Peck, J. T. History of the great republic, from a
Christian stand-point. New York, 1871. viii,
710 pp. 10 pi. of portraits. 8" 2323.50
Peirce, J . M. Three and four place tables of loga-
rithmic and trigonometric functions. Boston,
1871. 15, (1) pp. 4" 3921.50
Percy, J. Manufacture of Russian sheet-iron. With
iliustrations. London, 1871. 30 pp. 8" . . . 8016.10
Perkins, W. O. The mocking bird. Containing a
complete elementary course, and a great va-
riety of music. Boston, [1871], 223, (1) pp.
Obi. sm. 8" 1209.23
Perny, P. Deux mois de prison sous la commune;
suivi de details authentiques sur I’assassinat de
Mgr I’archeveque de Paris. 2e edition. Paris,
1871. 250 pp. 12" 2629.59
Perron, — . Femmes arabes avant et depuis I’isla-
misme. Paris, 18.58. (6), 611 pp. 8" . . . . 5022.3
Peters, J. C. Origin, nature, prevention, and treat-
ment of Asiatic cholera. 2d edition, with an
appendix. New York, 1867. 6, (2), 7-200 pp.
12" 5809.40
Petit, P. Guide-recueil de Paris-bruld. ilvene-
ments de mai 1871. Paris, 1871. (4), 140 pp.
Illustrated. 18" 2629.62
Petit almanach national de la guerre centre la
Prusse pour 1871. 24" annee. IllustrO de nora-
breuses vignettes. Paris, [1870]. 186, (1) pp.
16" 2639.50
Petros.si, F. Das Heerwesen des osterrcichischen
Kaiserstaates. Wien, 1865. 2 v. 8" . . . . 4824.12
Contents. — Vol. I. Organisation und Administration,
n. Innerer Dienst und Tactik.
Peyrat, N. Histoire des Albigeois. Les Albigeois
et I’inquisition. Paris, 1870. 2 v. 8" 3526.50
Pharmacopoea Germaniae. Editio altera. 1867.
Magdeburgi, [1868]. xii. 390 pp. 8" . . . .*7788.6
Pharmacopoea militaris Borussiea. Editio 4a. Be-
rolini, 1867 . 59 pp. Sm.l6" *7789.3
Phelps, L.L. The veil on the heart. Boston, [1871],
293 pp. Illustrated. 16" 450.76
Philippe. A. Les montress.ans clef. Avec 3 planches.
Paris. 1863. (4), 308 pp. 3pl. 8"- 8029.2
, Philippi. R. A. Reise durch die Wueste Atacama
auf Befehl der chileuischen Regierung im Som-
mer 1853-54. [Added, Florula Atacamensis.
65 pp.] Halie, 1860. ix, (1), 192, 65 pp. 27 pi.
1 map. 4" *.3820.50
Shelf. No.
PiARKON DE Mondesir. G. Dialogues sur la m^ca-
nique. Kesultatsscientifiquesnouveaux. Ians,
18™- • Paris’,
New York,
Pictet, A. Les origines indo-europeennes
1859, 63. 2v. L. 8“ . . . . .
Picture gallery. The, of the nations
London. 1872 [1871], 2o4, (2) pp. Sm.4»
PiCTURE.s from Paris in war and in siege. By an
American lady. London, ISil. (6), 818PP'2g27 5j
PlERO-m, E. ’D^erets e’t rapports officiels del’a com-
mune de Paris et du gouvernement fran9ais k
Versailles du 18 mars au 31 mai 18(1. .Avec
notes, appendice, [etc.]. Pans, 1871. vii, (1)> ^
383,112 pp. 4 maps. 18» . • .• • • ■ • •. ”
— Rapports militaires ofSciels du sidge de Pans de
1870-71. Suivis du dictionnaire histonque de
la carte des environs et fortifications de Pans.
Paris, 1871. 240. (2), 118 pp. I,®” • '
Pilgrims of Plymouth. [Forefathers’ day, Dec. 21,
1870 Commemorative exercises; with aa-
dresses. etc., at Pljmouth. Boston. IiewL ork,
pfr New'S'oa'Dtr slips.! v. P*« 18<0. 8 . • • 44oo.d
PiOTROwsKi, R. Souvenirs d un Sibdrien. Tradmts
du polonais [par J. Klaczko.]. Pans, 1870.
f41 253. (2) pp. 16» A • V
Plot, R. Natural history of StaflTord-shire. Oxford,
1685. (16). 450, (10) pp. 1 map. 3i pi. F" . *5821.5
PODiSOT, A.E. Journal du siege de Pans. Ddcret^
proclamations, circulaires. rapports, renseigne-
ments, documents divers officiels et autres.
Publics par Georges d’SeyB’-
(du 6 juillet au 1« oetobre 18(0.) Pans, [18(1J.
(4), cxxxi. (1), 476 pp. 8» . . ^^^0
POLTBIELION. Nee Revue bibliographique . . . . • 6143.7
POMPERY, fi. de. Le vrai Voltaire, I’homme et le pen-
^"^™r Paris, 1867. (4), 489 (2) p. S” • . . 6647.3
PONCELET, J. V. ApplicaDons d analyse et de gc-
‘^^^ometrie. qui ont servlde principal fondement
au traite des proprieffisprojectwes des figures.
Avec additions par MM . Mannheim et Moutard.
Paris. 1862, 64. 2 v. 80 • . . 392o.52
Pond E The seals opened ; or, the Apocalypse ex-
^°""’^Mned.^^PortlLd, 1871. xi,_2«_ PP-
Pontmartin. A. 'de. 'ciotil’de Erenc^y
K. C. Barton. Philadelphia, 1871. (4), 9-ioi ^
_ Let?res d’uii in’tercepte. Paris, 1871. (4), 28'
Shelf No.
Prescott. IV. n.. confi’nued. . ,
Geschichte Philipp’s des zweiten. BcRt|cfi '0“
J. Scherr. Leipzig. 1856. 2 v. in 1. 8
^^^'.^^Books and reading, 4th edition, -with an
Sm. 8“. 2477.7
PORTER^ Nx 394 pp.
_ Elements of intellectual science. New Fork,
1871. xiv, 565 pp. 12“ . ... . ... ...
POSIE Boston, [1871]. 253 pp. Dlustrated. 16“ .
?0WER, A. RelWoui philosophy ; or nature, man,
and the Bible^tnessing to God and to re^g^
ious truth. Philadelphia, 18(2 [18(1]. ^
POTWi^.^jfrs. H.'k.' ’Ruby Duke. Boston, 1872
11871]. 421pp. 12“ ;•••.■ • .43(-«
PocJADE E. La diplomatic du second empire et
^"'^^'^ene du4 8eptembrel870. ^ _ ^2649.52
POM'ER^^'. ^A handy-book about books. London,
1870. xiv, (2), 21< pp. Sm. 8® •
Powers. S. Muskingum legends, with other sketches
and papers descriptive of the young
Germany and the old boys of America. Phila-
dclphia, 1871. 360 pp. ^.^ * * ,* « .V ’ * * *
Practitioner. The ; a monthly
tics. Edited by F. E. Anstie. '
1869-December, 1870. London, 1869, <0. ^ gQ
PRADilR-FoDf:Rf:,‘P. (L.E.) Elements de droit p^-
lie et d’^conomie pobtique. Pans, 1865. 441 ^
_ p^^is de d’ro'it commercial. 2e Edition. Paris,
Prentiss. E. Aunt Jane’s hero. New York, [1871] .
Six linte princesses, and what ffiey turned into.
ri^on.f New York, [1871].^ 7o pp.^ 3pl.
■Pnrsco-r-r.^w! H." Geschichte der Eroberung von
Mexico. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt. gg
ziff, 1845. 2 V. 8® * *,* *
_ Geschichte der Eroberung von Peru. Aus dem
Englischen ubersetzt. Mit einer Earte. Leip- ^
— Geschichte der Regierung Ferdinand s und Is^
hella^s. Aus dem EngUschen ubersetzt [von
Ebertz], Leipzig, 1842. 2v. 8® 509o.6
— Historia de la coiiquista de Mejfiio. traducida Pot
J.B. de Beratarrechea. Madrid, 184(. 3 v. b .2317.51
— Historia de la conquista del Peru. 53
del original ingles.) Madrid. 1847, 48 . 2 v 8“ .2317.53
Historia del reinado de los reyes catolicos L.
Fernando y D.a Isabel. Traducida por P.
Sabau y Larroya. Madrid. 1845, 46. 4 v. 8.
— Storia del regno di Ferdinando e Isabella. Ke-
cata in italiano da A. Tempestim. Firenze,
1847, 48. 3 v. 8“ -
— Zeden. gewoonten en regenngsvorm in re^.
Lit het Engelsch vertaald door G. Mees. Am-
sterdam. 1849. vii, (1). 162 pp. 8“ . . .. • • • 231(.53
PRESSENSf-.. E. de. The early years of Chnstianity.
Translated by A. Harwood. The mptjrs and
apologists. New York, 1871. viii, bo4 pp.
— nfstoire des trois premiers sifecles de Pei*'®®
chretienne. [lre-]3e sene. Pans, ; 3523.50
CmK.nis — Iresirie. Yol. I, H. Premier siede. 2e
s^rir^Vol. I. II. La grande lutte du ChnstianislM
contr'e le naganisnie. Les martyrs et les apologistes. 3c
sfrie. Lwistoire du dogme.
_ Jesus Christ; his life and work. Translated!^
A. Harwood. London, ISd. xi, (1), 320 pp.
— Les leqois’ du’lS mars les fait® et les i^^es.
Paris, 1871. (4), 279, (-2) pp.
Prevost-Paradol. L. a. Lettres posthumes. Bru
xelles. [1871]. (4). xi, (1), 5^6 pp. * 264( .oO
Prisoners. The, of St.-Lazare. By Madame ,
edited by P. de Grandprd. Translated from
the French by Mrs. E. McCarthy. New L ork,
1872 [1871]. 260 pp. 12“
Proctor. E. D. A Russi
[1871], iv, 321pp. — . - , . ,
POWERS. E. War and the weather, or the artificial
production of rain. Chicago, 18(1. I'lPP'gggg jg
PUJOL, D, abk'. Une'rdv<;iution dansj’enseignement
de la gdomdtrie elementaire. Pans, 1867. iv,
148 pp. 10 pi. 8“
Pttlte, j. H. Homceopathic domestic physician.
10th edition. Illustrated. Cincinnati, I®‘I; .gggg
719 pp. 12“ . . 5739.40
Purcell. H. Dido and uEncas a tragic opera. [Li-
bretto by Nahum Tate.] Edited b> G. A.
Macfarren. London, [1840 ?] . (4), 2, 4, 58 pp.
Pte j. ' Patronage of British art. an historical
’ sketch. London, 1845. viii. 422 pp.
12 portraits.
A Russian journey. „ Boston .1872
16“ . . . 648.18 and E. B. 234.6
1 table.
, 8066.11
OUATREFAGES DE BRfiAU, (J. L.) A. de. Histoire
^ naturelle des anneles marins et d’eau douce.
Annelides et gephyriens. Pans, 1865. 2 ^-^-ggj g
and atlas, 8® . . . • • •.• • *-,* ’/L'-iTn Vi\
— La race^prussienne^ Pans, ISil. (4), liu, ^^*^2629.63
OuLNT^l'. H.^ Re’eord^of the M Massachusetts in-
^ fantry, 1861-56. Boston, 1867. vm, 528 pp.
Sm. 8“ ,
R.,E. The king’s pine-apple. Philadelphia, 18(1.
Ramracd. a. L’empire grcc dixibme^sifecle Con-
stantin Porphyrogenete. Pans, 18(0. Tu-r, 5ol
RAMt.Ddela. Chand’os. ’Bybuida^W.]. Leip-
Ziff, 1871. 2v. Sm. sq. 16® • • • • • • •. *
— Under two flags. By Ouida [pmtd.]. Leipzig
1871. 2v. Sm. sq. 16“ ... (30.(2 and E. B. 2ia.i(
RAMfx. D. Le congrfes de Vienne, 1814, 15. Pans, ^
Randolph, ™’ A bei^of our Saviour’s ministry
pp. Portrait. 12“ • L 'A.'
Rawlinson, G. The five f/eat monarchies o^he
ancient eastern world. 2d editiom vtit
maps and illustrations. London, ISd. 3 v. ^
(7<m((m(^.-Vol.L Chaldxa-, A|^ria. H Assyri^
conciudtd; Media; Babylonia. lH. Babylonia, con-
cluded; Persia.
Shelf. No.
Rayer. P. (F. O.) Traitci dcs maladies des reins et
dcs alterations de la sderetion urinaire. Paris,
1837-41. Text. 3 v. 6 pi. 8»; atlas, 60 eol.
pi., with explanatory text. F“.
Text, ♦3740.61, atlas, *37.0.1
Reade. C. Griffith Gaunt. Household edition. Bos-
ton. 1871. 225 pp. 12“ 448.1
Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, Milan.
Rcndiconti. Milano, 1864-70. 11 v. 8“.
ConttnU. — [Serie prims.] Classe di lettere morale
e ^litiche. Volume 1-4 5205.2
Class! di scienze matbematiche e natural!.
Volume 1-4 5285..3
Serie seconds. Volume 1-3 5205.2
Reber. B. George lenatsch, ou les Grisons et la
Suisse pendant la guerre de trente ans. Tra-
duite de I’Allemand par G. Revilliod. Ge-
nfeve, 1869. (4), 154 pp. Sm. 8» 4826.8
Reboul, J. Lettres. Precedees d’une introduction
par M. Poujoulat. Paris, 1865. (4), 332 pp.
18“ 2679.52
Reclcs. (J. J.) E. The earth: a descriptive history
of the phenomena of the life of the globe.
Translated by B. B. Woodward, and edited by
H. Woodward. Illustrated. New York, 1871.
567 pp. 8“ 5824.9
— Les phenomfenes terrestres. Les continents.
Paris, 1870. vi. 228 pp. Illustrated. 16° . . 5827.18
RfeCLEMENT du corps legislatif ; precedd de la consti-
tution, des senatus-consultes modificatifs de la
constitution et des decrets concernant I’election
des deputds. Paris, 1867. (2), 149 pp. 18° . 6659.2
Reid, C. Morton house. With illustrations. New
York, 1872 [18711. (4), 266 pp. 8°.
771.22 and E. B. 321.29
Reid, Mayne. The castaways : a story of adventure
in the wilds of Borneo. New York, 1870. 237
pp. 16° E. B. 25.17
— The white chief. New York, 1871. vi, 401 pp.
12° E. B. 25.16
The wlilte squaw. London, 1869. iv, 154 pp.
Reissmann, a. Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik.
[Appended. Noten-Beilagen, B. 1-3.1 Miin-
chen, 1863, 64. 3 v. 18° 8045.28
Crmon’s. — Vol. I. 1 Bueb. Die Mnsikder Chinesen,
Inder, Aegypter, Hebraer, und Griechen. 2 Buch. Der
^gorianiBcbe Cantus planus; Der gregorianische
Kirchengesang erzeugt neue weltliche tVeisen; Die
ersten Veraucheder Mehrstimmigkeit ; Die Schulen der
Niederlander, Venezianer, und die romische Schule;
Namen- und Sachregister.
II. .3 Buch. Das Volkslied und die Volksmusik ; Der
Choral; Das Kunstlied; Dramatische Musik; Instru-
mentalmusik; Namen- und Sachregister.
III. 4 Buch. Die dramatische 5Iusik in ihrer Vol-
lendung [etc.]. Namen- und Sachregister.
Shelf No.
Reyscher, a. L. Die Ursachen dcs deutschen
Kriegs und seine Folgen. 4te Auflage. Stutt-
gart, 1867. (4), 176 pp. 8° 4827.27
Richmond, T. God dealing with slavery. Spirit
messages from Franklin, Lincoln, .and others.
Chicago, 1870. (12), 9-230 pp. Portrait. 12° . 127.24
Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Tales translated
from the German by T. Carlyle. [1827.1 Lon-
don, 1871. 8° Vol. 3 of *2475.51
Rindfleisch, E. a textbook of pathological his-
tology : an introduction to the study of patho-
logical anatomy. Translated from the 2d
German edition by W. C. Kloman [and] F.
T. Miles. 208 illustrations. Philadelphia, 1872
[1871]. 695 pp. 8° 3743.50
Robb, J. S. Western scenes; or. life on the prairie.
By “ Solitaire” [pseud.]. Philadelphia, [cop.
1858]. 187 pp. 16° 638.21
Roberts, Sir R. H. Modern war : or the cam-
paigns of the first Prussian army, 1870-71.
London, 1871. xii, 478 pp. 1 map. 8° . . . . 2625.51
Roe, A. S. Resolution ; or, the soul of power. New
York, 1871. 348 pp. 12° 795.15
Roenne, L. (M. P.)von. Das Staats-Recht der preus-
sischen Monarchie. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1869-
71. 2 V. in 3. ' 8° 5611.21
Contents. — Vol. I. Abth. 1. 2. Einleitung; Das Ver-
fassungs-Recht. H. Abth. 1, 2. Das Verwaltuugs-
Rogers. C. The centenary garland; pictorial illus-
trations of the novels of Sir W. Scott. By G.
Cruikshank, and other artists. With descrip-
tions, memoir, etc. Edinburgh, 1871. 71 pp.
Portrait. 52 pi. Sm. 4° 2476.50
Roscher, W., and others. Vortrage zum Besten der
deutschen Invaliden. gehalten im Gewand-
haussaale zu Leipzig, Januar-Marz, 1870.
Leipzig, 1871. 8° 3808.50
Contents. — Roscher, W. Betrachtungeu uber die geo-
graphische Lage der grossen Stadte. (2). 24 pp. ; Bauer,
G. SchleiermacheralsPredigerin derZeit von Deutsch-
lands Emiedrigung und Erhebung, (2), 20 pp. ; Curtiua,
G. Jacob Grimm. (2), 20 pp. ; Czermak, J. Ueber
das Herz und den EiuRuss des Nervensystems auf das-
selbe. Mit 8 Holzschnitten. 31, (1) pp. : Voigt. G. Die
Kiffhausersage. 16 pp.; Ebers, G. Die Hieroglvphen-
schrifl und ihre Entzifferung. 22 pp. ; Credner, ll. Das
Leben in der lodten Natur. IG pp.
Rose, H. Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. 6te
Auflage. Vollendet von R. Finkener. Leipzig,
1867, 71. 2v. 8° ; 7975.4
Contents. — Vol. I. Qualitative Analyse. II. Quan-
titative Analyse.
Remick. M. Agnes Stanhope, Boston, 1862. 444 pp.
12° E. B. 242.2
Renan, (J.) E. Vie de J5sus. Avec une preface
nouvelle. Edition illustree. Paris, 1870. (6),
viii, 304 pp. 8° 5476.15
Renouf, a. Conference[s] faite[s] a Perigueux
1868-70. Pdrigueux, 1868-70. 4 v. in 1. 16° . . 2679.60
Contents. — [Vol. I.] Introduction a I’histoire de la
speiGte francaise au xviie siecle. 28 pp. [H-lV.]
Etudes sur la societe francaiseau XVIIe siecle. 2e — 4e
Gtude. Viz. : 2. Les courtisans. 34 pp. 3, 4. Les
femmes et la conversation. 29, 36 pp.
RETZ8CH, (F. A.) M. Outlines to Shakespeare’s
dramatic works. 3d edition. With explana-
tions by C. A. Boettiger. v. Miltitz, and Prof.
Ulrici. Leipzig, 1871. 101 plates. 30 pp. ex-
planatory text. Obi. f ° *2490.50
Contents. — Shakspeare's apotheosis, 1 pi. ; Explana-
tory text ; Hamlet, engraved title-page, pi. 2-16; Mac-
betb, pi. 2-L3; Romeo and Juliet, pi. 2- L3; King Lear,
pi. 2-13; The tempest, pi. 2-13; Othello, pi. 2-13; The
merrv wives of Windsor, pi. 2-l3; King Heury IV,
pi. 2-13.
A'ote. — The outlines of each play were published sepa-
rately, and, having a common frontispiece (pi. 1), the
numbering of each series begins with No. 2.
REvoLtmoN plebcienne. La. Lettres a Junius. Bru-
xelles, 1871. 118 pp. 8° 2625.50
Revce bibliographique universelle. Paris, 1868, 69.
4 V. 8“ . *6143.7
Revle historique de droit fran^ais et etranger.
Publies sous la direction de fi. Laboulaye, E.
de Rozifere, R. Dareste, C. Ginoulhiac. Paris,
1855-69. 15 V. 8° *5626.4
Reynolds. J. R. A system of medicine. London,
1866-71. 3 V. 8° *7722.3
CoTUetiis. — Vol. I. General diseases, n, HI.- Local
Rosnt, L. de. Guide de la conversation japonaise,
prdeedd d’une introduction sur la pronuncia-
tion en usage a Yedo. 2e Edition. Paris, 1867.
55, (1), 32 pp. 8° 5020a.ll
— Manuel de la lecture japonaise. Amsterdam.
1859 . 80 pp. 2 pi. 12° 5039a.l7
— Resume des principales connaissances ndees-
saires pour I’dtude de la langue japonaise.
[Paris, 1854.] 32 pp. 8° 5020a.U
— Thfemes faciles et gradues pour I’6tude de la
langue japonaise, accompagnds d’un vocabu-
laire fran^ais-japonais. Paris, 1869. xxiv,
104, 44 pp. 8 pi. 8° 5020a.ll
Ross, A. The fur hunters of the far West. London,
1855. 2 V. Portrait. 1 pi. 1 map. Sm. 8° . 2378.50
Rossel. L. N. Abr6g6 de I’art de la guerre. Ex-
traits des oeuvres de Napoleon, Jomini, I’ar-
chiduc Charles, etc. [Appended, De I’organi-
sation militaire de la Franbe. Par L. N.
Rossel.] Paris, 1871. (4), 270, (1) pp. 18° . , 3959.50
Rossetti, C. G. Sing-song. A nursery rhyme
book. With 120 illustrations. Boston, 1872
[1871]. X, 180 pp. 16° 357.27
Rossetti, M. F. A shadow of Dante, being an essay
towards studying himself, his world and his
pilgrimage. London, 1871. (10), 296 pp. 4 pi.
Portrait. 16° 4796.2
Rodsset, C. (F. M.) Histoire de Louvois, et de son
administration politique et militaire. [Ire par-
tie,] 3e Edition. Paris, 1863-65. 4 v. Vol. 1,
12°, v. 2-4, 8° . 2656.50
V Contents. — Vol. I, H. Jiiequ'a la paix de Nimegue.
[Ill, TV.] Depuis la paix de Nimegue.
Rowley, zV. Sage stuffing for green goslings. 120
illustrations. London, 1872 [1871]. (6), 236
pp. 8q. 16° 1889.2
Shelf. No.
Redder. W. A rationale of the church’s liturgic
worship. Pliiladelphia, 1871. 64, (1). pp. 12" . 7440e.4
Ruestow, W. The war for the Rhine frontier 1870 ;
its political and military history. Translated
from the German hy J. L. Needham. Vol. 1.
Edinburgh, 1871. 8“ 2825.51
Runge, H. Die Schweiz in Original- Ansichten. Nach
der Natur aufgenommen und in Stahl ge-
stochen. Mit eincm historisch-topographischen
Text. Darmstadt, 1866-70, 3 v, L, 8" , . . *2861,13
Contents. — Yol. I. Die Urkantone und die Siidost-
echweiz, R. Die Nordechweiz, III. Die Westschweiz.
Ressell, J., earl. The foreign policy of England,
1570:1870, London, 1871. (4), 95 pp. 8", ,4517.15
Russele, W. C. The book of authors. A collection
of criticisms, ana, m6t.s [stc], personal descrip-
tions, etc. [of] English men of letters. Lon-
don, N. D. iv, 516 pp. 1 pi. of portraits. 16“ . 2478.50
Russia. Imperial commission. Catalogue special
de la section russe a I’exposition univcrselle
de Paris en 1867. Paris, 1867. xii, 288, (1) pp.
8“ *A.207.1
Ryan, R. Dramatic table talk. [Araon.] London,
1825. 3v. 16“ 2479.50
Saint-Ed.me, E. L’electricite appliqude aux arts
mecaniqnes, a la marine, au theatre. Paris,
1871. xi, (1). 234 pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . . . 5968,13
— La science pendant le siege de Paris. Paris, 1871.
(4), 228 pp. 12“ . , 2629.66
Saint-Germaix, T. La gaierre de sept mois. Re-
sume des faits militaires et des documents
officiels, 1870-71. 2e edition. Paris, 1871. (4),
vii, (1). 337, (2) pp. 18“ 2628.58
Saint-Victor, P. de, comte. Barbares et bandits.
La Prusse et la commune. Paris, 1871. (4),
iii, (1), 283, (1) pp. 18“ 2629.61
Samuels. A. F. Dick and Daisy series. Illustrated.
Boston, 1872 [1871], 4 v. Sm. 16“ 450.72
Contents. — Yol. I. Adrift in the world. 11. Fighting
the battle. III. Saved from the street. IV. Grand-
father Milly’s luck.
Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D.
Sandham, a. Ville-Marie. or, sketches of Mont-
real. past and present. With numerous en-
gravings. Montreal, 1870. x, (4), 393 pp. 18“ . 2367.52
Sanford. Mrs. D. P. Rose, Tom, and Ned. Easy
reading for the dear little ones. New York,
1872 [18711. 246 pp. Illustrated. 8q. 16“ . . 450.59
Sansom. a. E. The antiseptic system. London, 1871.
xi. (1), 356 pp. 1 wood-cut. 9 pi. 8“ , , , . 5790a.32
Sarcey, F. Le siege de Paris. 22e Edition. Paris,
1871. (6), 347, (2) pp. 1 map. 18“ .... . 2628.72
Saunders, K. The haunted crust, etc. New York
[London], 1871. (4). 269 pp. 16“ 777.26
Savage, J. Genealogical dictionary of the first set-
tlers of New England. Boston, 1860-62. 4 v.
L. 12“ E. B. *R. R., D.2
Contents. — Vol. I. A — C. II. D — J. lH. K — R.
IV. S — Z.
ScANLAND, A. L. Heights and depths. Chicago,
1871. 271 pp. 12“ 765.9
SCANZONi VON Lichtenfels, F. W. Practical trea-
tise on the diseases of the sexual organs of
women. Translated from the French of H.
Dor and A. Socin, and annotated by A. K.
Gardner, with illustrations. 4th American
edition. New York, [cop. 1861], 669 pp. 8“ . *3772.50
SCHAFF. P. History of the Christian church. Edin-
burgh, 1869. 3v. 8“ 3512.50
Con/eius. — Vol. I. A. D. 1-3U. H, RI. A. D.
ScHELE De Vere, M. Americanisms. New York,
1872 [18711. 685 pp. 12“ 2487.50
Scherer, E. Alexandre Vinet. Notice sur sa vie et
ses dcrlts. Paris, 1853. (4), 201, (3) pp. 8“ . 3555.50
— De I’dtat actuel de I’dglise rdforinde en France.
Paris, 1844. 62 pp. 8“ 3555.40
— fitudes sur la litterature contemporaine. [Ire-]
3e serie. Paris, 1863-66. 3 v. 18“ 2678.54
— Lettres a mon curd. 2e ddition. Gendve, 1859.
189, (2) pp. 16“ 3469.50
— Mdlanges d’histoire religieuse. 2e ddition. Paris,
1865. (4), xii, 442, (1) pp. 18“ 3609.50
ScHLEGEL. H. De Vogels van nederlandsch Indie
be.schreven en afgebeeld. [Monographie 1-3.]
Haarlem, 1863-66. 38, (2), 68, (2), 79, (5) pp.
50 col. pi. 4“ 5900.4
Shelf No.
SCHN^EGANS, A. La guciTe en Alsace. Paris. [1871],
426 pp. 2 plans. 12” 2628.82
Schneider, C. S. Das musikalische Lied in ge-
schichtlicher Entwickelung. Leipzig. 1863-65.
3 v. 8“ 8055.8
CoiUejtts. — Vol. I. Kantillirende Periodc. R. Kon-
trapunktische Oder mehrstimmige Periode. IR. Das
strophische Stimmuugslied. *
ScHtELCHER, E. La nouvellc armde. [Tours.] 1871.
(4). iii. (1), 188 pp. 8“ 2657.50
Schwartz, M. S. The right one. Translated from
the Swedish, by S. Borg and M. A. Brown.
Boston, 1871. 313 pp. 8“ 431.26 and 301.61
Scott, B. The pilgrim fathers neither puritans nor
persecutors. 2d edition. London, 1869. 39,
(1) pp. 8“ 5540a.24
Scott, Sir W. Anne of Gcierstein. Leipzig, 1871.
419 pp. Sm. sq. 16“ 720.88 and E. B. 249.16
ScROPE, G. P. Life of Charles lord Sydenham. Ed-
ited by G. P. Scrope. London, 1843. xii, (2),
498 pp. Portrait. 8“ .... 2445.50
Secret, The, of long life. London, 1871. (8), 145,
(1) pp. Sm. 8“ 3765.51
Sedgwick, C. M. Life and letters. Edited by M.
E. Dewey. New York, 1871. (2), 10-446 pp. 1
pi. 2 portraits. 12" ....... 544.25 and 2347.5
Sempronius, pseud. Histoire de la commune de
Paris en 1871. Paris, [1871], viii, 267 pp.
18“ 2628.62
Seymour. A. Home, the basis of the state. Boston.
1869. 95 pp. 16“ E. B. 368.11
Shaw, H. W. Josh Billings’ [psettd.] farmer’s all-
minax for 1870. New York, 1870. Illustrated.
8“ E. B. 75.3
Shepherd. Sophy Winthrop. Miss Roberts’ fortune.
A story for girls. By Sophy Winthrop. New
York. [1871]. 428 pp. 12“ 508.26
Sheppard, E. S. Almost a heroine. Boston. 1860.
(4), 399 pp. 12“ E. B. 326.27
Sheppard. N. Shut up in Paris. London. 1871. (6),
313 pp. Sm. 8“ 2627.50 and E. B. 249.18
Same. Leipzig, 1871. 302 pp. Sm. sq. 16“ . . 730.71
Shipwrecks and disasters at sea. London, 1866. 430
pp. Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 21.8
Simon, G. De la condition dee aliends en droit ro-
main et en droit franjais. Paris, 1870. 343
pp. 8“ 3785.50
Smedley. M. B. Linnet’s trial. London, 1871. vi,
418 pp. 1 pi. 16“ 497.22
Smith, C. L. American home book of in-door games,
amusements, and occupations. Illustrated.
Boston, 1872 [1871], x, (1), 4-380 pp. 16“.
186.9 and E. B. 37.29
Smith, D. Three lectures on preservation of sight.
London. 1871. (4), 92 pp. Illustrated. 16" . 5809.42
Smith, G. History of Assurbanipal, translated from
the cuneiform inscriptions. London, 1871. iv,
384 pp. 1 photograph. 8" 5040a. 8
Smith, H. I?., and Schaff, P. Theological and phil-
osophical library : a series of text-books, origi-
nal and translated, for colleges and theologi-
cal seminaries. Namely : —
I. Ueberweg, F. History of philosophy
from Thales to the present time. Translated
from the 4th German edition, by G. S. Moiyis,
with additions by N. Porter. Vol. 1 . . . . 3462.5
Smith, James. Account of the remarkable occur-
rences in [his] life and travels during his cap-
tivity with the Indians, in the years 1755-59.
[Reprint of the edition of 1799.] With illus-
trative notes. By W. M. Darlington. Cincin-
nati, 1870. xii, 190 pp. 8" *4503.54
Smith, Julie P. Brazen gates. Compiled by Cbris-
tabel Goldsmith [pseud. "I. New York, 1872
[1871], 248 pp. Illustrated. 12“.
798.12 and E. B. 363.27
Smith. P. Ancient history of the East. Illustrated.
New York. 1871. 649 pp. 12“ 2217.50
Smith, R. S. A manual of topographical drawing.
2d e^tion. New York, 1869. xiii, (1), 62 pp.
8 pi. 8“ 8074.12
Smith, AVilliam. provost of the college of Philadel-
phia. Historical account of Bouquet’s expedi-
tion against the Ohio Indians, in 1764. [From
the original edition of 1764.] With preface by
F. Parkman, and a translation of Dumas’ Bio-
graphical sketch of General Bouquet. Cincin-
nati, 1868. xxiii, (1), 162 pp. 2 pi. 3 maps.
8“ *4503.50
Smith, William, LL. D. A Latin-English dictionary.
9th edition. London, 1870. vii, (1), 1214 pp.
8“ *4935.6
Shelf. No.
Sociable, The; or, one thousand and one home
amusements. [New York, 1858.] 375pp. Il-
lustrated. 12“ E. B. 37.30
SociETAS Uatavac ad musicam promovendam. Col-
lectio operum musicorum Batavorum saeculi
XVI. Edidit F. Commer. Berolini [etc.], N. D.
12 V. in 4. 4“ *8050.50
SocifeTfe de secours aux blesses militaires. Confe-
rences internationales k Paris. Paris, 1867. 2v.
8“ 3765.50
Sophocles [outlined and explained]. By C. W. Col-
lins. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. (8), 181 pp.
16“ 4999a.l3
SociLLABD, F. A. Book of practical receipts for the
use of families, druggists, perfumers, confec-
tioners, [etc.]. New York. N. D. (2), 94 pp.
16“ 188.38
Southgate, H. Many thoughts of many minds; se-
lections from the writings of the most cele-
brated authors. [1st,] 2d series. London,
1868, 71. 2 V. 8“ *6581.10
SouviKON. A. Dictionnaire dee termes techniques
de la science, de I’industrie, des lettres, et des
arts. Paris. [1867]. xi, (1), 585 pp. 18“ .. *2689.51
Spanish brothers. The : a tale of the 16th century.
By the author of “ The dark year of Dundee,”
etc. London, 1871. 412 pp. Sm. 8“ 765.4
Spencer, H. Philosophy of style : an essay. New
York, 1872 [1871], 55 pp. 12“ 3609.53
Spohr, L. Violin school, translated and abridged,
with [additions]. London, N. D. 78, (2) pp.
1 pi. Obi. 4“ 206.26
SpONS’ dictionary of engineering. See Byrne, O. . *A.200.5
Spooner. T. Memorial of William Spooner, 1637, of
Elnathan Spooner, and [their] descendants,
to 1871. [Private edition.] Cincinnati, 1871.
242 OT. 8“ *2335.65
Stabler. J. L. Left to herself. By Jennie Wood-
ville [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 311
pp. 12“ 765.5
Stainer. J. A theory of harmony, founded on the
tempered scale, with questions and exercises
for the use of students. London, 1871. xiv,
126, 61, (3) pp. 8“ A.215.1
Staples. N. A. Way, truth, and life. Sermons,
with a sketch of his life, by J. W. Chadwick.
Boston, 1870. 264 pp. Portrait. 16“ . E. B. 367.25
Stephens. A. 8. Malaeska. The Indian wife of the
white hunter. New York. [cop. 1859 ?]. (3),
10-100 pp. Iliustrated. 16“ 1788.24
— A noble woman. Philadelphia, [1871]. (2), 19-
479 pp. 16“ E. B. 306.17
Sterne. L. Tristram Shandy. New York, 1867.
(2), 602 pp. 16“ E. B. 118.3
Stevens. G. T. Three years in the sixth corps. 2d
edition. New York, 1870. xvi, 449 pp. 8“ . 2325.52
Stoffel, E. G. H. C., baron. Rapports militaires
Merits de Beriin, 1866-70. Paris, 1871. (4),
xxiv, 471 pp. 8“ 5956.5
Stoeghton, j. Daily prayer book, with additional
prayers for special occasions. New York,
1871. ix, (3). 239 pp. 16“ 3448.51
Stowe. H. (E.) B. My wife and I. New York. 1871.
viii, 474 pp. 8 pi. 12“ . . . 796.24 and E. B. 342.39
— Oldtown fireside stories. With illustrations.
Boston, 1872 [1871]. (6), 199 pp. 12“
796.25 and E. B. 342.40
— Pink and white tyranny. 2d edition. London,
1871. viii, 277 pp. 16" 796.23
Stretton. J. Margaret and her bridesmaids. 15th
edition. Boston, n. D. 369 pp. 12“ . . .E.B. 247.2
Sunday magazine. The ; edited by T. Guthrie. Illus-
trated. [With Supplement, xlviii pp.] Phil-
adelphia, 1871. vi, 766 pp. 4“ 1882.1
Sunny days ; or, a month at the Great Stowe. By
the author of • Our white violet.’ With illus-
trations. New York, London, 1872 [1871], 131
pp. Sq. 16“ 450.60
Taine, H. (A.) Art in Greece. Translated by J.
Durand. New York, 1871. vi, 188 pp. 12“.
8067.21 and E.B. 383.12
— Art in the Netherlands. Translated by J. Du-
rand. New York, 1871. 190 pp. 12“ . E. B. 383.13
— History of English literature. Translated by H.
Van Laun. With a preface prepared for this
translation by the author. New York, 1871.
2 V. 8“ 2473.50
Tale, A, of a net. By the author of “ Aunt Annie’s
stories.” With illustrations. New York,
London, 1872 [1871], (4), 192 pp. Sq.l6“. . 450.64
Shelf. No.
Tallichet, E. Les chemins de fer suisses et les
passages des Alpcs. Lausanne, 1870. 208 pp.
8“ 8016.13
Tafpert, W. Musikalische Studien. Berlin, 1868.
(4), 252 pp. 8“ 8055.9
Taunton. M. The last of the catholic O’Malleys.
Baltimore, 1871. 230 pp. 12“ 479.21
Taylor, B.F. Mission ridge and Lookout mountain,
with pictures of life in camp and field. New
York, 1872 [1871]. 272 pp. 8“ 2325.54
Tayxob. (J.) Biiyard. Japan, in our day. New
York, 1872 [1871]. xiii, (3), 280 pp. 1 map.
Illustrated. 16“ 708.25
Taylor. G. H. Diseases of women. Philadelphia,
1871. 318 pp. 12“ *5779.13
Telegrapher. The. A journal of electrical prog-
ress. New York, 1864-71. 7 v. 4“ . . . . *5950.6
Tennyson, A. The last tournament. Boston. 1872
[1871]. 48 pp. 12“ 359.24 and E. B. 167.38
Terhune, M. V., formerly Miss Hawes. Common
sense in the household. By Marion Harland
[pseud.']. New York, 1871. (6), 13-556 pp. 12“.
E. B. 369.1
Testut, O. L’intemationale en France, en Europe
et en Amerique. 3e edition. Paris, 1871. xv,
(1), 288 pp. 18“ 5569a.41
Thackeray, A. I. The village on the cliff. Leip-
zig. 1871. 343 pp. Sm. sq. 16“ 720.85
Thiers, £.. and La Laurencie, S. de. La defense
de Belfort, ^crite sous le contrdle de M. le co-
lonel Denfert-Rochereau. Avec [3] cartes et
plans. Paris, 1871. (4), iv, 484, (1) pp. 8“ . 2627.58
Thiers, (L.) A. History of the consulate and the
empire of Napoleon. Translated from the last
Paris edition, with notes. London, 1861. 2 v.
in 1. (4), 658, 314 pp. 8“ 2655.50
Thomas. G. (F.) M. Guerre de 1870, Metz. Poitiers,
1871. (8), 204 pp. 1 map. 8“ 2627.56
Thomes, W. H. The ocean life series. The whale-
man’s adventures in the Sandwich islands and
California. Illustrated. Boston, 1872 [1871],
444 pp. 16“ 756.25 and E. B. 22.28
Tichbohne, Sir A. J. D. The Tichborne romance :
a report of the proceedings in the trial of
Tichborne v. Lushington [or the guardians of
Sir A. J. D. Tichborne], May 10-July 7, 1871.
2d edition, with addendum. Manchester,
[1871]. 440 pp. 8“ *7685.25
Tieck, L. von. Tales. Translated from the German
by T. Carlyle. [1827.] London, 1871. 8“ .
Vol.Sof *2475.51
Tiffin, W. F. Gossip about portraits, including en-
graved portraits. London, 1867. vi, (2), 223
pp. 16“ 8068.33
TiLLlER, C. CEuvres. T.l. Mon oncle Benjamin.
[Introduction par F. Pyatt.] Nevers, 1846.
(4), Ixxii, 272 pp. Iliustrated. 12“ 6677.34
Times, The. La campagne de 1870, r^cit dee ev6ne-
ments militaires depuis la declaration de
guerre jusqu’a la capitulation de Paris. Tra-
duit par R. Allou. Paris, 1871. (4), xv, (1),
286, (1) pp. 1 pi. 18“ . . 2679.76
— Index, 1863, 67-71. London, 1863-71. 12 v. Sm.
4“ *5356.50
Tissandier, G. En ballon I pendant le si4ge de
Paris, souvenirs d’un aeronaute. Paris, 1871.
(6), XV, (1), 318 pp. 18“ 2629.70
— The wonders of water. From the French. Edit-
ed, with numerous additions, by Scheie de
Vere. With 64 illustrations. New York,
1872 [1971]. X, 350 pp. 12“ (N. s.) 178.49
Tissot, V. A la recherche du bonheur. Contes et
nouvelles. Paris, 1871. (4), 312, (1) pp. 12“ . 2679.58
Contents. — A la recherche du bonheur, nouvelle tra-
duite de P. Hey«e. — La fille des bois, d'apres un poeme
de Seidlitz. — La veuve Kerekes, nouvelle hongroiac,
traduite du baron Eotvos. — Mortedeux fois. — Wolde-
marj d'apres Th. Koerner. — Une coquette, traduite de
lx)uise Mulbach.
Todd, R. B. Clinical lectures on paralysis, disease
of the brain, and other affections of the nervous
system. Philadelphia, 1855. xv, (1), 311 pp.
8“ 5804.19
Townsend. G. A. Campaigns of a non-combatant,
and his romaunt abroad during the war. New
York, 1866. 368 w. 12“ 646.21 and 2328.51
Townsend. V. F. The Deerings of Medbury. Bos-
ton, [1871], 229 pp. 4 pi. 12“.
797.16 and E. B. 342.33
Tkochu, L. j. line page d’histoire contemporaine
devant I’Assemblee nationale. Paris, 1871.
153 pp. 8“ 2625.61
Shelf. No.
Trois mois a I’armee de Metz. Par un officier du
gdnie. Bruxelles, 1871. 272 pp. 1 map. 16“ . 2629.73
Trollope, T. A. Durnton abbey. New York, 1871.
(2), 7-175 pp. 8“ 761.2
Trowbridge, J. T. Jack Hazard and his fortunes.
Boston, 1871. iv, 254 pp. Illustrated. 12”.
500.43 and E. B. 248.6
Trdcht, J. L’armde francaise en 1871. Paris, 1871.
143 pp. 8“ 2657.60
Trcetzschler, — von . Neuste Welt-Ereignisse 1870,
Oder : der grosse Kampf der deutschen Nation
gegen Frankreich. Dresden, [1871]. 940 pp.
1 map. 37 pi. 8“ 2826.50
Torner. j. M. W. Liber studiorum. Reproduced
in autotype from the original etchings. Lon-
don, 1871. 3 V. F” *8070.50
CorUents. [Vol. I-l Architectural and historical
subjects. Cn.] Mountain and marine subjects. CIH.l
Pastoral subjects aud elegant pastorals.
Tothill, L. C. The boarding-school girl. 14th
edition. Philadelphia, 1846. iv, 137 pp. 16”.
E. B. 21.4
Twain, Mark, pseuti. /See Clemens, 8. L.
ITberweg, F. a history of philosophy, from Thales
to the present time. Translated from the 4th
German edition, by G. S. Morris. With addi-
tions. by N. Porter. Vol. 1. New York,
1872 [1871]. 8“ 3462.50
Conienis. — Yol. I. History of the ancient and me-
dieval philosophy.
— System of logic and history of logical doctrines.
Translated from the German, with notes and
appendices, by T. M. Lindsay. London, 1871.
XX, 590 pp. 8“ 3605.51
Underwood, F. H. Hand-book of English literature.
British authors. Boston, 1871. xxxviii, 608
pp. Sm. 8“ 395.28 and 2477.50
United States. Department of the interior. Bureaxi
of education. Report on the systems of public
instruction in Sweden and Norway. Wash-
ington. 1871. 48 pp. 8“ 5594.41
Census bureau. Prelimin.ary report on the eighth
census. 1860. By J. C. G. Kennedy. Washing-
ton, 1862. xvi, 294 pp. 8“ . . . . E. B. *R. R., C. 7
— Department of the treasury . Coast survey . Geo-
graphical names on the coast of Maine. By E.
Ballard. [Washington, 1871.] 19 pp. 4“ . *2330.60
— Department of war. The practical use of meteo-
rological reports and weather maps. Wash-
ington, 1871. 76, (1) pp. 1 map. 3 illustra-
tions. 8° 5964.16
Vance, Clara, pseud. See Denison, M.
Vassar female college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. [Va-
rious publications.] V. P., v. D. pph. v. 8“ . *4496.16
Contents. — Proceedings of the trustees, Feb. 26, 1861.
New York, 1861. 24 pp. — The president's [M. P. Jew-
ett’s] visit to Europe. New York, 1863.24 pp. — Report
of the committee on the art gallery. New York,
1864, 20 pp. — Circular by order of the trustees, June
28, 1864. Poughkeepsie, 1864. 12 pp.
Vassari, G. Leben der ausgezeichnetsten Maler,
Bildhauer und Baumeister, von Cimabue bis
zum Jahre 1567. Aus dem Italienischen.
Herausgegeben von L. Schorn [und E. Fors-
ter]. Stuttgart, 1832-49. 6 v. in 8. 154 pi.
Sm. 8“ *8076.9
Vattel, E. von. Le droit des gens. Nouvelle Edition,
accompagnee des notes de Pinheiro-Pereira et
du baron de Chambrier d’Oleires, augmentde
du discours sur I’dtude du droit de la nature
et des gen,s par Sir J. Mackintosh, completde
par I’exposition des doctrines des publicistes
contemporains, par P. Pradier-Foderd. Paris,
1863. 3 V. 18” 5629.6
Vermont. General statutes passed 1862: together
with certain of the public acts of 1862: pre-
fixed the constitutions of the United States
and the state of Vermont. 2d edition. With
the laws enacted since 1862. [Cambridge,
Mass.] 1870. xiii, (3). 1352 pp. L. 8” . . . *6311.50
Vermont historical society. Collections. Montpelier,
1870, 71. 2 V. 8” *4338.11
Contents. — Vol. I. Conventions of the inhabitants of
the New Hampshire grants in opposition to the claims
of New York, 1765-1777 ; Mr. Hutchinson's sermon at
"Windsor, July 2, 1777 ; The vision of James the Ben-
ningtonite, 1777 ; The proceedings of New York against
Vermont, ete. By I. Allen, May, Oct. 1777 ; New York
land grants in Ve’rmont, 1765-17'76. By H. Hall ; Docu-
ments in relation to the part taken by Vermont in re-
Shelf. No.
Vermont historical society, continued.
sisting the invasion of Bourgoyne. 1777 ; Celebration,
1778, of the Bennington vietory of 1777 ; Petitions to the
king, 1766; Vermont coinage. By E. F. Slafter; Natu-
ral and political history of Vermont. By I. Allen.
H. List of pamphlet publications; 'Additions and
corrections to Vol. 1,2; The Haldimand papers; Ver-
mont as a sovereign and independent state, 1783 to 1791 ;
The early eastern boundary of New York a twenty mile
line from the Hudson.
VLron, E. Histoire de la Prusse, depuis la mort de
Freddric u jusqu’k la bataille de Sadowa.
Paris, 1867. (4). iv. 440 pp. 18” 2828.50
Veuillot, L. Le droit du seigneur au moyen age.
2q edition. Paris, 1871. xv, (1), 344 pp. 18“ . 3638.50
— La guerre, et I’homme de guerre. Nouvelle
ddition. Paris, 1870. ix, (1), 372 pp. 18” . . 2659.51
— Laldgalitd; dialogue. Paris, 1871. 192 pp. Sm.
16” 2659.50
Vidocq, E. Mdmoires. Nouvelle ddition illustrde.
Paris, 1869. 384 pp. Portrait. L. 8” . . . . 6641.7
ViLLETARD DE PruniJires, (C.) E. Histoire de I’in-
ternationale. Paris, 1872 [1871], (4), 392 pp.
18” 2628.57
ViLLiERS, L. de, and Targes. G. de. Tablettes d’un
mobile. Journal du siege de Paris. Paris,
1871. (6), 348 pp. 18” 2628.50
ViRMAiTRE, C. La commune a Paris, 1871. Paris,
1871. (8). 280 pp. 18” . 2628.71
VlTET, L. Premidre - septidme lettre sur le sidge de
Paris. [Ire lettre, 2e ddition.] Paris, 1870, 71.
18” 2629.57
W., F. M. C. The return from India : a sequel to
Hilda and Hildebrand. New York, London,
1871. (8), 213 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 16”.
450.67 and E. B. .17.35
Walker, C. M. History of Athens county, O., the
Ohio land company and the first settlement at
Marietta. With sketches of the early settlers,
etc. With map and portraits. Cincinnati,
1869. (2), viii, 600 pp. 8” (N. s.) *4503.51
Walker, J. 15. Immortality and worth of the soul ;
ten scenes in the life of a lady of fashion ; and
miscellaneous pieces. Chicago, 1871. 214 pp.
12” 348.27
■Walker, W. B. Cyclical deluges. London, 1871.
142 pp. Ipl. 16” 147.31
Walton. E. Peaks and valleys of the Alps [from
water-colour drawings. 6hromo-lithographed
by J. H. Lowes.]. With descriptive text by
T. G. Bonney. London, 1868. (4), 8, (35) pp.
21 pi. F” *28.G.l
Warner. A. The melody of the twenty-third psalm,
and Wayfaring hymns. New York, [cop.
1869]. 2v. Inl. (2), 135, (1), 66 pp. 16”. .3449.52
Warner. 8. The house in town. New York, 1872
[187^. (2), 5-424 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . E. B. 244.4
Warren. T. R. Shooting, boating and fishing, for
young sportsmen. New York, 1871. 165 pp.
Illustrated. 12“ 178.6
Washburn, E. Lectures on the study and practice
of the law. Boston, 1871. xii. 318 pp. Sm. 8”. 5629.4
Washington, G. "Words of Washington. Selected
by J. Parton. Boston, 1872 [1871]. viii, 196
pp. Sm. sq. 16“ 909.20
Washington expositor. The. [Vol. 1. No. 1-54.
Jan., 1808-Jan., 1809.] Containing original
essays; the laws of the first session of the
tenth congress of the United States and other
public documents. Washington, 1809. (8),
332, (2) pp. 4“ *C.240a.5
Washington library. Washington, D. C. Catalogue,
including the library of the Young men’s
Christian association, temporarily deposited
therewith. Washington, 1871. xv, (1), 51 pp.
Sm. f” *6200a.28
Wedding bells. (Edited by E. J. Brett.) Vol. 1.
[London, 1870, 71.] 4” 1883.1
Wetherell. Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, S.
Wet, F. (A.) Chronique du siege de Paris, 1870-71.
Paris, 1871. (4), 448 pp. 16” 2629.71
Whately, M. L. Among the huts in Egypt. Lon-
don, 1871. (2), vi, 344 pp. 5 photographs.
16” 5059.10
Whitcher, F. M., formerly Miss Berry. Widow
Spriggins, Mary Elmer, and other sketches.
Edited, with a memoir by M. L. Ward
"Whitcher. With illustrations. New York,
1868. 378 pp. 12” E. B. 226.26
White chrysanthemum. The. Boston, [1871]. 389
pp. Illustrated. 16” 450.68
Whitman, 'W. After all, not to create only. Bos-
ton, 1871. 24, (4) pp. 12” . 4509.33 and E. B. 162.25
Shelf. No.
Shelf. No.
Whitney, A. D. T. Boys at Chequasset. 6th
edition. Boston, [1863], 258 pp. 16® . E, B. 265.27
— Mother goose for grown folks. New edition. Il-
lustrated. Boston, [1870]. Iv, 144 pp. 16®. 384.7
— Real folks. With illustrations. Boston, 1872
[1871]. iv, 308 pp. 16® . . . 797.25 and E. B. 265.25
Whittier, J. G. Child life : a collection of poenas.
With illustrations, Boston, 1872 [1871], xiii,
(1), 263 pp. 16® 325.15
Whittlesey. 8. J. C. Bertha the beauty : a story of
the Southern revolution. Philadelphia, 1872
[1871]. 382 pp. 12" 765.7
Whyte-Melville, G.J. ,S’ee Melville, G.J. Whyte.
WiAUT. F. Grand hommes de la commune. Paris,
1871. 29, (2) pp. 16® (N. S.) 2628.80
Wiener medizinische Presse. Wochenschrift fiir
praktische Arzte. Herausgeber uud Redak-
teur, J. Schnitzler. xi Jahrgang. [No. 1-28,
30. 32-52.] Wien, 1870. 4® *7720.5
Wilson, H. H. Select specimens of the theatre of
the Hindus, translated from the original Sans-
krit. 3d edition. London, 1871. 2 v. 8® . . 5025.6
Contents. — Vol. I. Preface ; Treatise on the dramatic
system of the Hindus ; List of Hindu plays ; Dramas
translated from the original Sanskrit : The Mfichchha-
kati, or the Toy -cart ^ Vikrama andUrvasi, or, the hero
and the nymph ; TJttara-Rama-Charitra, or Continua-
tion of the history of Rama. H. Malati and Madhava,
or, the Stolen marriage •, Mudra-Rakshasa ; or, the Sig-
net of the minister; Ratnavali, or, the Necklace; Ap-
pendix, containing short accounts of different dramas.
WiMPFFEN, E. F. de. Sedan. Paris, 1871. viii, 382
pp. 1 map. 8® 2625.64
Wise,!). Glen Morris stories. Dick Duncan. By
Francis Forrester [pseud-l. New York, 1870.
(6) 11-256 pp. Illustrated. 12® E. B. 24.34
Guy Carlton. By Francis Forrester [pseud.].
New York, 1869. (6), 11-254 pp. Illustrated.
12® E. B. 24.35
— Lindendale stories. Louis Sinclair. By Law-
rence Lancewood [pseud.]. Boston, [cop.
1867], (5), 10-241 pp. Illustrated. 16® . E. B. 23.40
Sidney De Grey. By Lawrence Lancewood
[pseud.], Boston, 1868. (5), 10-256 pp. 16®.
E. B. 23.39
Wise, H. A. Seven decades of the Union. The hu-
manities and materialism, illustrated by a me-
moir of John Tyler, with reminiscences of
some of his cotemporaries. Philadelphia,
1872 [1871], 320 pp. 8® 2326.52
WOHLWILL, E. Der Inquisitionsprocess des Galileo
Galilei. Berlin, 1870. (2), iv, (2), 96 pp. 8® . 3517.60
Woman’s mission. Boston, 1840. (12), 9-156 pp.
16® E. B. 366.43
Wood, De V. Treatise on the resistance of materials,
. and an appendix on the preservation of tim-
ber. New York, 1871. x, 245, (1) pp. Illus-
trated. 8° A. 200.7
Wood, E. P. Dene hollow. Philadelphia, [1871].
(3), 20-262 pp. 8® 603.17
Wood, Mrs. H. See Wood E. P.
Wood, J. G. Insects at home. British insects, their
structure and transformations. With up-
wards of 700 figures. London, 1872 [1871].
XX, 670 pp. 8® 3895.50
— Same. [Except the omission of British before
insects.] New York, 1872 [1871] 3894.50
Wood, O. E. The West Point scrap book. With
^1. .. X. -VT -lO-Ti oon CD OAnn RA
illustrations. New York, 1871. 339 pp. 8® . 2406,60
WOODBRIDGE, J. E. Memorial volume of the Ed-
wards family meeting at Stockbridge, Mass.,
Sept. 6, 7, 1870. Boston, 1871. 206 pp. Por-
trait. 1 pi. 8® *2336.60
Woods, C. H. Woman in prison. New York, 1869.
vi, (2), 193 pp. 16® 1129.6 and 5579a.42
WOOLSEY, S.C. The new year’s bargain. By Susan
Coolidge [pseud.]. With illustrations. Bos-
ton, 1872 [1871]. 8, (3), 6-231 pp. 16® . . . . 755.19
WooLSEY. T. D. Serving our generation, and God’s
guidance in youth. Two sermons. New
Haven, 1871. 51 pp. 12® 3459.52
Words of cheer for the Master’s workers. [Poetry.]
New York, [1871]. (2), 379 pp. 16® 3449.55
Wright. J. McN. The Palmetto boys. Philadel-
phia, [1871]. 371pp. Illustrated. 16®. . . 756.21
WuRTZ, (C.) A. Dictionnaire dechimie, pure ct ap-
pliqu6e. Avec la collaboration de J. Bouis,
E. Caventou, [etd’autrui]. T.l. Ire, 2e partie.
Paris, 1869, 70. 2 v. 8® *7982.1
Vol. I, port 1. A-B. 2. C-G.
Year-book of pharmacy; July 1, 1869 to June 30,
1870. With the proceedings of the British
pharmaceutical conference at the 7th annual
meeting. Sept., 1870. [Also, A century of old
books relating to pharmacy and kindred sub-
jects. With descriptive notices by W. A. Til-
den [and others. Edited by] J. Ince.] Lon-
don, 1870. (8), 482, 3-108. 589-596 pp. 8®. . .3717.50
Yellott, G. The funny philosophers. Philadel-
phia, 1872 [1871]. 296 pp. 12® ...... . 434.2
Yelverton. T., viscountess Avonmore. Zanita; a
tale of the Yo-semite. New York, 1872 [1871] .
iv, 296 pp, 16® 497.5 and E. B* 242.1
Yodatt, W. The dog. With illustrations. Edited
by E. J. Lewis. New York, [cop. 1846]. 403
pp. 8® 6004.20
A Printed Card Catalogue.
It would appear from a chapter on cataloguing in Cowtan’s “Memories of the British Museum,” recently published, that
the authorities of that Library have been of late solicitous for a much greater multiplication of titles than the process of man-
ifold writing allows, in order to add variety by mere assortment to the kind of catalogues. It is thought that this problem
has been now practically solved in this Library, through o. printed Card Catalogue. The only manuscript part of the card
is the heading, which guides the assorter in distributing the cards in their proper alphabetical places, and the same card —
here much transcription with its errors is avoided — is used for all the various heads under which the most extensive system
of cross-references may require an entry to be made. There may be cases where a composite volume will require a hundred
cards, and the simplest often need three — author, title and subject. This, of course, pertains only to the general
catalogue on the “Dictionary System,” but as the official catalogue duplicates the public one, for convenience and as
a check against misplacements of cards, it will be seen that the cards required will usually be six, and may be two
hundred. It is the easy multiplying of these titles that solves the problem in a way which the “carbonic process” of the
Museum does not admit. Ordinarily twenty copies of a sheet of about 100 titles are printed, and such as require large
numbers of cross-references are put into forms by themselves, and the requisite number printed. The surplus sheets and
titles are put away and ticketed, a selection being made from the titles, to serve as printer’s “copy” for the quarterly
Bulletin. The difference between this system and that of the British Museum, so far, is that of printed cards (the titles cut
from the sheets being pasted on cards) arranged on their edges in boxes instead of manuscript slips pasted in folios. The
ease of exp.ansion is of course greatly in favor of this card system. The “ carbonic process” yields only four copies, which
permits neither a system of cross-references nor of special catalogues, such as those classed by the divisions of knowledge,
those by languages or by dates, and those arranged for various other special ends. This reserve of titles will enable the
Public Library from time to time to issue special catalogues, as, for instance, of the Ticknor Library, the final labor of com-
pilation being almost entirely that of assorting the titles.
Books Kecommended, and Books Received.
Any person desiring a book not in the possession of this Library may ask, on blanks furnished for the purpose, that
it may be purchased; and the assurance is given, that, unless there is some special reason why it should not be ordered, it
will be procured as soon as possible, and the applicant — in all cases where the book is absolutely bought upon his
recommendation — will be notified of its reception. If duplicates for the Lower Hall are asked for, they will be ordered,
provided the circulation of the present copies warrants such additions. In asking that a duplicate shall be purchased, the
applicant will be particular to designate it as such. Copies are not duplicated in the Sates Hall.
Those availing themselves of this privilege will greatly contribute to avoid delay and disappointment, if, in their
applications, they will give exact titles, as well as authorship, imprint, etc., and if they will, above all, write legibly.
It must be remembered that books published in foreign countries are purchased through the Library’s agents in such
countries, in order to avoid the duties, and to get as large a discount as possible ; and hence an interval of at least six or
eight weeks will occur between the time of ordering such works and that of their receipt.
Books from London, Paris, and Leipsic are received twice a month; from Florence, once a yetfr.
Special students desiring to be infoimed when any book in their line of investigation is received at the Library, can have
word sent them, if they will communicate their name and address, and the subject of their inquiries, to the Superintend-
ent ; but, in such cases, books will not be retained subject to the call of the persons notified, as is done with books recom-
Pamphlets Solicited and Exchanged.
The collection of pamphlets helonging to the Library is now all arranged ; and many of them are in bound volumes, and
are catalogued. It is intended in future to keep no pamphlets unbound, except in order to complete sets or series. These
will be put on the shelves in boxes, and for the box the bound volume will be substituted, when the needful numbers are
procured. Solicitations are renewed for lots of pamphlets^ which will be sent for, on receiving information that they are
ready. The chances are, that any miscellaneous lot will contain a fair proportion of the very pamphlets wanted, and the
others will avail in exchanges. The number of duplicate pamphlets is now upwards of 30,000, all arranged, and ready to be
exchanged for others not belonging to the Library. With distant libraries, the following method, of exchange has been
found the most convenient: if they will send 1,000 pamphlets printed in their state, or in a given locality, this Library will
send 1,000 printed in Massachusetts, or in some other locality. Each may acquire some duplicates, but a great part will
probably be fresh accessions.
Memorials of Boston.
The Public Library of the city should contain every memorial, whether book, pamphlet, map, broadside, print,
photograph, or the like, which is procurable, and which in any way illustrates the history or topography of the city.
Books printed in Boston at an early date are very desirable acquisitions; and it is to be hoped that friends of the Library
will assist in making the collection complete.
Branck Libraries.
Under the will of the late Caleb Fellowes, the Rev. George Putnam, D. D., S. C. Thwing, fisq., 'William 'SVhiting, senior,
and others to be joined with them by an act of incorporation, were invested with a trust, whose purpose is to establish a
library, and erect a building for it, within half a mile of the meeting-house of the First Religious Society in Roxbury, on
Eliot square. The will provides that $40,000 shall be spent in the purchase of land and in the erection of the said building.
The available fund now amounts to about $54,000, and the excess over the sum appropriated for the land and building the
Trustees are required to invest as a fund, the income of which shall be used for the purchase of books ; and to this will be
added, when the Jjuildlng is completed, a further sum of about $30,000, which will then be paid to them by the executors
under the will of the late Mrs. Fellowes. As it has been deemed for the interest of all concerned that the advantages of
these funds shall be joined with such others as may accrue from the provisions to be made by the City Council for the
benefit of the District of Roxbury, in the way of a Branch of the Public Library, the City Council have authorized the
Mayor to sign an indenture with the Trustees of the Fellowes Athenaeum, by which that institution will be united with the
proposed Branch Library for the Highlands. During the coming summer it is hoped to get in operation the South Boston
Branch, for which rooms have been hired in the new Savings Bank Building on the corner of Broadway and E street; and
when the building contemplated under the above-named agreement is done, which it is thought will be the case by another
year, the proposed Branch Library for Roxbury will be opened. The agreement in effect gives the citizens of the Highlands
a library the same in kind with the Bates Hall collection, though on a smaller scale, to be increased by the Fellowes funds,
while the city will maintain a popular library in connection therewith, to be of the character of the Lower Hall of the Central
Library and of the branches at East and South Boston.
Amerioan Patents.
The Commissioner of Patents has designated this Library as one of those to receive the weekly volumes of Patent
Specifications and drawings. The conditions imposed are, that the Library shall pay for the binding, and that it shall not
allow the volumes to be taken from the building, except by order of the Courts. Each volume bears the official certifi-
cation of the Commissioner. The original drawings are reproduced by photo-lithography. The time required for manu-
facture and binding is likely to cause the receipt of each volume to be delayed a few months after its date. The series was
begun on the first of last July.
LETI]^ N^o.
A.PIIIL, 1872.
Samuel Little,
Phederick Pease,
Herman D. Bradt,
"William W. Greenough,
Jarvis D. Braman,
Samuel A. Green,
Ellis W. Morton,
George Putnam
" Weston Lewis,
Board of Trustees.
556 Warren Street, Alderman, • •
. 14 Saratoga Street, Councilman,
. 74 Forest Street, Councilman,
56 Temple Street, At Large,. . .
. 38 Charles Street, “
25 Kneeland Street,
Tremont House . .
130 Highland Street,
81 Worcester Street,
Term expires 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1872
“ “ 1872
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1874
“ “ 1874
JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent, and Secretary op the Trustees.
WiLLiAJi A. Wheeler, Assistant Superintendent.
James L. Whitney, Principal Assistant.
Edward Capen, Keeper of Lower Halls. Joseph Sykes, Keeper of Bates Hall.
William E. Ford, Janitor.
Miss Sarah C. Godbold, Librarian of East Boston Branch. Mrs. Anna C. D. Keen, Librarian
of South Boston Branch.
Days and Hours, etc.
All departments are open every secular day except the
five legal holidays, — February 22, Fast Day, J uly 4, Thanks-
giving, and Christmas, — and such other days as the
Trustees may direct.
Bates Hall, 9 a. M. to 6 p. m. (winter), to 7 P. M. (summer).
Lower Hall, 9 A. M. to 8 p. m. Books received after
8.30 A.M.
Central Reading Room, 9 a.m. to 10 p. M.
East Boston Branch, 9 A. M. to 8 p. m.
South Boston Branch will he opened, in part, during the
present month.
Extent of the Collections. The Bates Hall contains 143,000
volumes ; the Lower Hall, 32,000 volumes ; the East Boston
Branch, 6,700 volumes; the South Boston Branch, 4,500 vol-
umes, — a total (including 7,300 sale duplicates) of more
than 193,000 volumes, besides 99,000 pamphlets.
The Central Reading Room has about 380 different period-
icals; the East Boston Branch Reading Room has 37; the
South Boston Branch has 25.
Persons Admitted to Use the Libraries.
I. To use periodicals or books in the buildings. Any
person above the age of 14 years may use the Reading Room
for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books
within the buildings, without previous registration.
H. To take books away from the buildings. All citizens
and residents of Boston above the age of 16 years ; all non-
resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular professional
occupation in the city; all inhabitants, even if under 16, who
have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence
prizes, from the Public Schools ; and all pupils attending the
Girls’ High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a full use of
the Library. All these must sign the application card, and
give the name of a citizen, who may be consulted, if neces-
sary. The registration takes place in the Lower Delivery
Hall of the Central Library, and at the several Branches.
HI. Non.residents. Non-resident members of educational
institutions in the city and other non-residents (when
specially permitted, in consideration of the advancement of
the public interests), may take books for home use, in ac-
cordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the
A fresh list of accessions is posted almost daily in each
Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the books added
to the Central Library. Those for the Lower Hall and for
the East Boston Branch show only the books added to those
The printed quarterly Bulletins reached the end of the
first volume with No. 19; and the present, No. 21, is the
second number of the second volume. For sale (excepting
No. 2, 3, 19, and 20, out of print.) at 2 cents each. Books with
numbers below 2110 are in the Lower Hall ; and above 2110
are in the Bates H.all. Those with K. B. prefixed to the
number are in the East Boston Branch.
Bates Hall.
I. The Index of 1861. (Includes the Bowdltch Library.)
Royal octavo, 902 pages. Out of print.
II. The Supplement of 1866. (Includes the Parker Lib-
rary.) Royal octavo, 718 pages. For sale at $2.00.
in. The Cat^vlogue of the PitmcE Library. Royal
octavo, 100 pages. For sale at $1.00.
rv. Public Card Catalogue. The printed cards, to-
gether with those in manuscript in the same boxes, show
the books added to the Bates Hall since 1806. Those in print
show also the books added to the Lower Hall since October
1, 1871, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub-
jects, etc.; those in manuscript do not contain such cross-
references, but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is
the intention, however, to embody the titles of the Manu-
script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces-
sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles
from the printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have
been inserted among the printed cards in their proper
alphabetical places; and in duo time it is hoped to em-
body with them, in the same way, the printed titles from
the Bates Hall Index and Supplement, from Vol. 1 of the
Bulletins, and from the Lower Hall Class Lists, so that the
public shall have access in one alphabet to a catalogue of
all the books in the Central Library. Until this is done,
the visitor wUl have to search in various printed alphabets
in book form, and in the manuscript part as well as in the
printed part of this card cataiogue.
V. The Offici^vl Card Catalogue, which can be con-
sulted, in cases of need, upon application, supplements the
printed Index and Supplement, and supplies full cross-refer-
ences to that part of the Public Card Catalogue, which is at
present in manuscript.
Note. — A limited number of copies of the Index and Sup-
plement circulate like other books.
A List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings is for sale
at 5 cents.
Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the
Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound volumes,
embracing nearly 5,100 prints.
Lower Hall.
I. Fiction and Juveniles. — hth edition, August,
1871, 76 pages. Price 15 cents.
H. Arts, Science.9, and Professions. 2d edition,
September, 1871, 71 pages. Price 10 cents.
HI, History, Biography, and Travels. 2d edition,
in press.
rU. French, German, and Italian Books. Isi
edition, September, 1867, 45 pages. Price 2 cents.
V. Poetry, Drama, Collections, and Miscella-
nies. 1st edition, August, 1870, 128 pages. Price 20 cents.
VI. A Card Catalogue, containing only the titles of
works (not anonymous) which have been added to the
Lower Library since the issue of the various Class Lists,
has been placed at the Clerk’s desk in the Distributing Hall,
In the printed Bulletins, such works are entered only under
the names of their authors. These printed entries have been
cut out of the various Bulletins, and inserted in alphabetical
order in a book, which is in the custody of the Clerk, and
which can be consulted on application to him. This Con-
solidated Bulletin, therefore, and the Card Catalogue,
taken together, show all the additions, both under author
and title, which have been made to the Lower Library since
the publication of the several Class Lists.
OBSERVE. Many books properly belonging to the
classes of the preceding Lists will be found in No. V, because
they form one of a series or collection.
A Finding List of the books in the East Boston Branch
Library has been printed separately, and is for sale at 20
cents. A Finding List for the South Boston Branch is in
Central Periodical Beading Boom.
A List of Periodicals currently received (nearly 800 in
number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading
Room), issued in September, 1870, is for sale at five cents.
Note. — Copies of these various Catalogues are always ac-
cessible on the tables of the Bates Hall, at the Clerk’s Desk
in the Lower Delivery Hall, and at the East Boston Branch.
The Catalogue System.
The so-called Dictionary System, upon which all the Cata-
logues of the Boston Public Library are made, is thought
to be more simple than any other.
There are three things, one of which a person wanting a
book must know, and the Dictionary System guides the
average reader more readily than any other, as he always
looks in the proper alphabetical place for the entry he is in
search of. These three things are as follows ; —
I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject
of the work (if it is, the subject should be looked for rather
than the title), search for it under the first word not an arti-
cle or a preposition.
n. The author. Find this in its proper alphabetical
place. If the name is a pseudonym, there wiU be a refer-
ence from it to the real name.
IH. The subject. Find this under the most specific head,
and consult other heads referred to there; but observe that
these references are not to more general subjects, inasmuch
as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for matter
pertaining to the horse, for example, under such general
heads as Natural History, Animals, Quadrupeds, and Mam-
mals, books on which general topics have, almost as a matter
of course, chapters or sections on particular animals. Again,
books on the same subject will sometimes be found under
different heads, where the terms are synonymous, or nearly
so, as, for instance. Coins and Numismatics, but in such
cases cross-references from one to the other will always
assist the searcher. Indeed, a multiplication of cross-refer-
ences is a fundamental idea of the Dictionary System. This
necessitates, of course, the disadvantage of turning from one
part of the catalogue to another, but there is, on the other
hand, a great advantage in the certainty of getting a clow
somewhere, — a thing often impossible in a classified cata-
logue, except to such as have made its system a study.
Assistance to Headers
will be afforded by officers and attendants of the Library in
the examination of the Catalogues, to such an extent as other
duties may permit; but it should be remembered that all in
the Library have special duties, and no considerable portion
of their time should be held at the exclusive disposal of any
individual reader; and it is enjoined upon all visitors not to
occupy the attendants’ time with conversation of any other
N, B.— From this List are omitted continuations of Periodicals and of certain serials,
booksellers’ catalogues, duplicate books, many pamphlets, and the like-
«5“The letters E. B„ In full-face type, prefixed to the shelf number, Indicate an addition to the East Boston
Branch Library.
IKff* Sheivos numbered 2110 and upwards are in the Bates Hall ; those below 2110 are in the Lower Hall. —
A single dash stands for the preceding heading ; a subsequent dash for a subordinate heading. — R. R. means Reading
Room ; N. R., N ewspaper Room ; M. S., Map Stand. — In the headings of titles, the German diphthongs, o a, u,
are written, ae, oe, ue; as. Doering, H. von. — Christian names inclosed within marks of parenthesis are not usuaily
retained by the persons to whom they property belong; as Dickens, Charles (John Huffam). — When the date of
publication of a book could not be ascertained, the year in which it was copyrighted (if stated) is given within brackets,
with “ cop.” prefixed. — 8”, 12", 16", etc., designate the form of a book, or the actual or probable fold of the printed sheet as
shown by the signatures; but the epithets “large,” “small,” and “oblong,” or the like, are sometimes added to given
better idea of the size or shape of the bound volume. — The sign + is added to the number of pages, when a book contains
several pages not numbered, and therefore not taken into account.
All books in this list, except the few which are starred, can be had without special application.
Hnston 4 I tl)] Library.
**♦ Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the
Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works
treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym.
Shelf. No.
Ajbbet, Henry. Ballads of good deeds, and other
verses. New York, 1872 [1871]. 129 pp. 16". 345.7
Abbott, Jacob. The August stories. Hunter and
Tom. New York, 1871. 383 pp. Illustrated.
12" 450.77
— Science for the young. Water and land. With
engravings. New York, 1872 [1871]. 330 pp.
12" 184.42
Academy, The. A monthly record of literature,
learning, science, and art. Vol. 1. London,
[1869, 70.] 4" *7390a.2
Adams, H. G. Beautiful butterflies described and
illustrated. London, 1871. vii, 133-|-pp. 16". 5897.9
Adams, Hannah. Memoir. Written by herself. With
additional notices, by a friend. Boston, 1832.
iv, 110 pp. 12" E. E. 198.12
Adams, Harriet A. Allegories of life. Boston, 1872
[1871]. 93 pp. 8q. 12" 118.26
Adams, William H. Davenport. Anecdotal memoirs
of English princes. London, 1863. 2 v. 12“ . 2448.54
Adams. William T. Upward and onward series.
Bivouac and battle. By Oliver Optic, [pseacl.].
With illnstrations. Boston, 1872. 341 pp. 16".
E. B. 13.8
— Young America abroad. 2d series. Northern
iands ; or, Young America in Russia and Prus-
sia. Boston. 1872. 360 pp. 16" . . . . E. B. 13.14
AdhLmar, (Alphonse) Joseph. Revolutions de ia
mer. Deluges periodiques. 2' edition. Paris,
1870. Texte, 1 V. Planches.lv. 2v.ini. 8". 3828.50
Adenez, Adenes, or Adans, called Adam Le Roi.
Li romans de Berte aus grans pibs. Precede
d’une dissertation sur les romans des douze
pairs ; par P. Paris. Paris, 1832. lx, 193-]- pp.
2 pi. 12“ 6077.35
Adolpiils. John. Memoirs of John Bannister, corn-
median. London, [1842]. 2 v. in 1. 2 por-
traits. 8" 2447.50
.ilsCHYLUs [outlined and explained] by R. S. Coples-
ton. Edinburgh, 1870. 196-|- pp. 16" . E. B. 192.1
Agassiz. Elizabeth Carey and Alexander. Seaside
studies in natural history. Boston, 1871. xii.
155 pp. Iliustrated. '8“ E. B. 31.29
Aimakd. Gustave. The Indian chief. Philadelphia,
JJ. D. 164-]- pp. 8" E. B. 241.17
— The pirates of the prairies. Phiiadelphia, N. D.
152 pp. 8" 411.14
Shelf. No.
Aimard, Gustave, continued.
— The red track. Philadelphia, N. D. 157-]- pp. 8".
E. B. 241.24
Aebert, Paul. La littdrature franqaise au 17e sibcle.
Paris. 1872. 428-]- pp. 16" 6677.38
Alfieri, Vittorio. [Opere scelte.] Milano, 1818.
4 V. Portrait. 8" *2801.50
Conienta. — Vol. I-III. Tragedie, viz.: — I. Filippo;
Polinice; Antigone; Virginia; Aganienone; Oreste;
Bosmunda; Lottere. II. Ottavia; Tiraoleone; Me-
rope; Ma.-ta Stuarda; La congiura de’ Pazzi; Don
Garzia; Saul; Agide; Sofonisba; Letters. Note. III.
Bruto primo; Mirra; Bruto aecondo: Alceste di Eu-
ripide; Alceste scconda ; Parrere dell autore sulle di-
cianoove prime tragedi:^ Osservazioni del traduttore
Buir Alceste seconda; Poesie varic. IV. Vita di V.
Alheri scritta da esso, col Pauegirico di Plinio a Trajano,
Alford, Henry. The year of praise : being hymns,
with tunes. Assisted in the musical part by
R. Hake, and T. E. Jones. London, 1867.
xxxvi, (216) pp. 16" 8048.23
Algarotti, Francesco, conte. Opere scelte. Milano,
1823. 3 V. 8" *2801.51
Conients. — Vol. I. Vita, etc.; Sopra 1’ architettura ;
Sopra la pittura ; Sopra 1' accademia di Francia chc 4
in Roma; Sopra 1' opera in musica; Sopra la necessita
di scrivere nella propria lingua; Sopra la lingua fran-
cese; Sopra la rima; Sopra il gentilesimo; Sopra il
commercio; Sopra ora/.io. II. Dialoghi sopra 1’ ottica
Neutouiaiia; Caritea; Discorso sopra la ricchezza della
lingua italiana ue' termini railitari; Letterc di Polian-
zio; II congresso di Citera; Poesie; Epistole; Odi.
HI. Letterc scelte.
Allbdtt, Thomas Cliflford. On the use of the oph-
thalmoscope in diseases of the neivous system
and of the kidneys, [etc.]. London, 1871. xii,
40.H- pp. 1 pi. 8" 3805.52
Allemands, Les. en France. Huit jours dans Seine-
et-Oise. Paris, 1872 [1871]. 106-]- pp. 12" . 2629.83
Allingiiam, William. Diseases of the rectum. Lon-
don, 1871. xi, 239-1- PP- 8“ *3746.50
Allyn, Avery. Ritual of freemasonry. Illustrated.
New ’York, 1865. 269 pp. 12" E. B. 385.26
A. L. O. 'E., pseud. .See Tucker, Charlotte.
American association for the cure of inebriates.
Proceedings of the 1st meeting. Philadelphia,
1871. 8" *5571.50
American chemist. The. Vol. 1, July, 1870, to June,
1871. New York, 1871. 4“ *6974.50
Shelf. No.
American gas-light journal and chemical repertory.
Vol. 13-14. New York. 18<0-71. Jy.m-i. 4 . t
American otological society. Tjansactions. 4th
annual meeting. Newport.K. I., July 19,1871.
Boston, 1871. 75 pp. ,8“ . . . ' ,7 ’ •
AMPiiRE. Jean Jacques (Antoine),
et Dante, fitudes litteraires d aprfes nature.
6» Edition. Paris, 1870. 404 pp. 18.« . . • • 2679.62
Andersm! i^ns Christian. Litt^ ^'is65“‘\67 pp"
stories. Illustrated. New York, I860. I61 pp^.
j^otc. — The same work as The ice-maiden, but pub-
lished under a dittereut name.
Andrimont, LOon d’. Des institutions et des asso-
ciations ourriOres de la Belgique. Bruxelles,
Angiolo Ga?rieelo*ih Santa Maria. BibUoteca
e storia di quei scrittori della citta come del
territoriodi Vicenza [a. D. 49-1700]. Vicenza,
1772-82. 6v. in 3. 4“ . ... •
Anicetus, pseud. . See ‘^o
Annuaire encyclopedique, 1866-68. Pans, 1867, .2
ANSTlI, Francis Edmund', 'hfeuralgia and the dis-
eases that resemble it. London, 1871.
ANTi-M®NilTERiAi ohje'ctlous' Considered. Or the un-
reasonable pleas made by some aga>“^ their
duty to their ministers, with respect to th_e^
mahitenance answered. Boston, li2a.^ f®[^9a.ll
APPEAX^ An.^to’the public on 'behalf of Cimena.
London, 1781. Reprinted. Cincinnati, 1868. ^
ARCniv'^fUr mlkroscopische Anatomi^ herausgege-
ben von M. Schultze. B. 1-7. Bonn, 186o-,0.
7 V. Illustrated. 8“ ' "i ’ '
Argyll Duke of. Campbell. George Douglas
ARMEE. L’, d’ Henri V. Les bourgeois-^utilshommes
de 1871. Paris. 1872. xxiv. 2o8-|- pp. 18 . .
Arnold, Walter. LRe and
society of beef steaks. London, 18G.
. 2679.66
6m. 8» ,
. 2478.55
Arseos^— ^ Historico e analyse eslhetigraphica do
q’uadro de um episodio
Grande planeiado e executado pelo Dr. Pedro
Americo de Figueiredo e o?’° 5,1
neiro,1871. 101-]- PP- Portrait. 8» . . . . . 2317.55
ASGRIMSSON, Eystein.^Lilja (The lily), an Iceland
religious poem of the Uth century. Edited,
with a metrical translation, notes, and gl^os-
sary, by Eirikr Magnusson. London, 28^8.51
°864‘-“|2?pp.^i6“ • E. B. 28.33
AuDOLLVRD^’itot 0%mpe. A travers 1’^®"“!"®; 2369.52
ACNT Hattlei^pl^id!’’ Baker, HaWIei Newell
Aunt 9Idi°h\' recollections. ^ A tale^of the ISth^cen- ^
Shelf. No.
Baker, H. N. (W.), continued.
— The wheel of fortune. Ey„hJ®'l®hne Le^ie.
\pseud.'\. Boston, [1866]. 227 pp. 16“ . E. B. 21.21
Baldasseroni, Giovanni. Leopoldo ii, gr.anduca
diToscana.e i suoi tempi. Firenze, I81I. ''’“'2^2250
Ballanti^e, Robert Mjchael. 'Miscellany With
illustrations. London, 1869. 13 v. 16 . n,. u. 21.11 .
Contents.— yo\. I. Fighting the whales. IX Away
in the wilderness. III. Fast ^the ice.
the sun. V. Sunk at sea. VI. l^t in the forest.
VII. Over the Kooky mountains. VIII.
lifeboat. IX. The cannibal islands. X. Uunting the
lions” XI. Digging for gold. XU. Up m the clouds.
•YTTT The battle and the breeze.
Baptist annual register. The, 1790-1802. [Vol.
London, 1790-1803. 4v. 8«
Note — Appended to Vol. 1, 2 are the following articles,
originally nSblislicd in connection with ‘bo ™riou8
numbers^ of the Register, but with independent pagin-
^^The’ narratwe of the proceedings of the general assem-
bly, A confession of faith by fte ^em and
brethren of many congregations. London. ^
tory of the Baptist association m t\ ales, llwO-liw. uy
J. Thomas. London, 1795.
Baretti, Giuseppe. [Opere.] Milano, 1838, 39. ^'^.;2801 52
Contents. -Vol. I, U. La frusta letteraria. lU.
Lettere familiar!. TV. Lcttcre e scritti \arj.
Baring-Gould, Sabine. Legends of the patriarchs
and prophets and other Old Testament charac-
ters New York, 1872. 380 pp. If • • • • -3428.61
Barker. Lady Mary Anne, E.
A Christmas cake m four quarters. WithiHus
trations. London, 1871. 30^ pp. Id" . E.B. 21.18
BARNARD, Charles Francis, jr. The tone
Bach and Beethoven. Boston, 1871. 243^p^^
PARNFs^^'jos^h!^ Wonderful adventures by land and
sk olThe seven queer travellers who met at an
inn. Philadelphia, 1866. 360 PP- ./f • Vith
T^pp" .3^- >-13
London, 1870. xv, 407+ pp. 2 folded sh. 8 . 244o.58
Bascom. John. Esthetics. New York, 18(2 [1871].
V. Loiiuuu, luiu. uu- I rr- 4.Pf navn
Annas. Annie Mason. New York, [w71]
420 pp. 12“ .
E. B. 325.19
in, IV.
vii, -68 pp. 1- ^ origin of lowest
. 3608.53
Bastian, H. Charlton
organisms. London, lo7 i.
Bates, ^'shua. Memorial of. ,. -.sia
BAZZONI, Augusto. Storia diplomatica d’ Italia, 1848
68. Vol. 1. (1848-1849.) Firenze, 1868. Z-D-p
BEALEyi'ionel S>ith. ' Di^s'ease germs ;
xii’“®+EP-.lPl; 3888.50
E. B. 213.2
Baber or Babur, {written (zlso Babour and Baubur),
® Mohammed, sttniamcd ZahirEddm, Memoires
de Baber (Zahir-Ed-Din-Mobammed). Tra-
duits pour la pr^ifere fois sur le texte d^aga a
nar A PavetdeCourteille. Pans, 1871. 2 v. 8
BVEDEMR Friedrich W.J. Die Eier der europaei-
BAEDEKFR, j^^tur gemalt. Mit
Sner Bcschreibung des Nestbaues gemem-
Stlich bearbeitet mit L ^rehm und W.
Paessler. Leipzig, [18o5-63]. 4v. in2. 8
Coutents.-Vol.I.U. Accipitres; Osemes.
Grallae; Natatorcs.
E. B. 383.17
. . 4629.50
BvC- J.Hempel. New York, 1870. 2v.
+1— English orders and papal
nature. Coloured illustrations. ^
BEASLEY^Hrary^™The pocket formulary and synop-
252 pp. 18“ ■ W.'o
Beccaria, Cesare (Bonesana^ rnarcTiese^
Milano, 1821, 22. 2 V. Portrait. 8“
rrvntpni^ 'Vol I. Dei delitti c dellc pene; Ricerene
nello state di Milano.
BBchard, Freddric. Maurice. A T^ns-
lated from the original French by J. Douglas.
New York. 1872. 305 pp. P2“
Beethoven, Ludwig von. SymphoiMa
■ — "*01-1,0 zu vier Har
D moll Op. 125.
BEHN, Aphra, Z'fyj. Mstories^^and^novels, With
. 5469a.l7
""^'^"lup'rcmacy 1 atlnurrof'hrstdrical facts. 'Lon-
BAKERAlirriet NeitlU^VVoods )' 4°”^^
Bv Aunt Hattie, [pscad-]- Boston, 18tl-,^287^
life and memoirs. London, 1871.
portrait. L. 12® .
n . 4c ViO T— TV Rlavst vi.2?.i""l* Tne rover;
The D^utch lover' The round-heads. II. Abdelazcr;
The ?ounv W^g; The city heiress; The ftl^n.d curtc
The yomi„ .-'.pjjg count;^h.^^ ^^^ ^
. ***6563.2
zVus." m!'TKi%wd>pdAhe false^
amorous prince; The younger brother. V,
Shelf. No.
Shelf. No.
Behn, Aphra, continued.
torics and novels: vU.. V. The life and memoirs of
Mrs. Behn; The historv of Oroonoko; Tlie fair jilt;
The nun. VI. Agnes dc Castro: The lover's watch:
The ladies looking-glass ; The iucky mistake ; Memoirs
of the court of the King of Bantam; The adventure of
the Black ladv.
.Vote. — Vol. 1-i, and o.G are reprints, the former of the
Sd edition. Loudon, 1724, the latter of the 8th edition,
London, 17tk>.
Beitzke. H. Das preussische Ilcer vor tind nach
der Reorganisation, seine Stiirke und Zusam-
mensetzung im Kricge 1866. Berlin, 1866. 35
pp. 8» 6957.4
Bellew, Clara, editor. The merry circle, a book of
games. With 200 illustrations. London, [1871].
283 pp. 8“ 186.10
Benedetti, Vincent, comte. Ma mission en Prusse.
Paris, 1871. 446+ pp. 8» 2627.64
Benson, L. The book of remarkable trials and noto-
rious characters. 1700-1840. With illustra-
tions by Phiz [peeud. of H. K. Browne].
London, [1871]. 545 pp. 8m. 8“ 5688.4
Berge. ,Tean Baptiste Gustave Marchais de la, baron.
fitudes Bur la reorganisation des forces m.ili-
ttiires de la France. Tarbes, 1871. xiv, 321+
pp. 8*^ 2657.55
Bernard, Claude. Lemons de pathologie cspdri-
mentale. Paris, 1872 [1871]. x. 604+pp. 8“. 3797.50
Bertoloni, Antonio. Amocnitatesitalicae.sistentes
opuscula ad rem herbariam et zoologiam
Italiae spectantia. Bononiac, 1819. 472+ pp.
6 pi. 4» 5822.8
Bertrand, Gustave. Les nationalites musicalcs
(Studides dans le drame lyrique. Paris, 1872.
xxxi. 364+pp. 18» 8049.33
Besant, Walter, and Palmer, E. H. Jerusalem,
the city of Herod and S.aladin. London, 1871.
viii, 492 pp. 1 pi. Sm. 8“ 5049.14
BeulL. Charles Ernest. Le drame du Vdsuve. Paris,
1872. 366+ pp. 8» 2763.1
Bewick, Thomas. Select fables of .^Esop and others.
Prefixed Life of ,:Esop, and an Essay upon
fable by O. Goldsmith. Reprinted from the
Newcastle edition, 1784. With the original
wood engravings by T. Bewick, and an illus-
trated preface by E. Pearson. London, [1871].
xl, 312 pp. 16» 2976,2
Bianchini, Francesco. Carte da giuoco in servigio
dell’ istoria e della cronologia. Bologna, 1871.
77+ pp. 4 pi. 16" Vol. 34 of *4762.1
Bible. Whole Bible. English. Commentary on the
Holy Scriptures. By J. P. Lange [and others].
Translated from the German, and edited, witli
additions, by P, Schaff [and others]. Old
Testament, Vol, 4. New York, 1872, L. 8", 7420b. 1
Coraentn. — Vol. TV. Joshua. By F. R. Fay. From
the German, with additions, by G. R. Bliss.
— Old Testament. Ezekiel and Daniel; "with notes.
By H. Cowles. New York, 1870. 472pp. 12" . 5427.53
BlBLldGRAFO, El, cspafiol y estrangero. Bajo la
direccion de Dionisio Hidalgo y Carlos Bailly-
Bailliere. [No title-page.] Madrid, 1857-59.
3 V. 8“ **D.186.24
Biennial retrospect. A, of medicine, surgery, and
their allied sciences, 1865-70, Edited by H,
Power [and others], London, 1868-71, 3 v,
8" *5724,9
Bignami, Enea. Cenisio e Frejus. Firenze, 1871.
xi, 349pp. 1 map. Illustrtited. 16" 2768.50
— La percee des Alpes. Tr.aduit de I’original
italien par I’autcur. Paris, 1872 [1871]. 320+
pp. 2 fac-similes. 1 pi., 1 map. 16" 2866.6
Black, Willi-im. A daughter of Ilcth, Lcipzig,1871.
2 V. Sm. sq. 16" 750.53
Blackie, John Stuart. Four phases of morals:
Socrates, Aristotle,yChristianity, utilitarian-
ism, Edinburgh, 1871. vii, 614+ pp. 16" . . 3488.54
Blanc, (Auguste Alexandre Philippe) Charles. Le
tresor de la curiosite tire des catalogues de
vente de tableaux, dessins, estampes, livres,
marbres, [etc.]. Paris, 1857, 58 . 2 v. 8". .*8076.11
Blandeau, H. U. La dictature de Gambetta. Paris,
1871. 87 pp. 12" 2627.71
Blight, John T. Ancient crosses and other antiqui-
ties in the east of Cornwall. London, 1858.
Ivj-vi, 1.34pp. and ft’. Illustrated. 8" *2470.16
Blunt, John James. The right use of the early
fathers. 3d edition. London, 1869. xvi,
pp. 8" 3445.50
Boisduval, Jean Alphonse, and Guf:N^:E, Achille.
Histoire naturelle des insectes. Species general
des lepidoptbres. T. 1 par [J. A.] Boisduval.
[T. 5-10 par A. Gudnee.] T. 1, 5-10 and atlas
Boisduval, ,1. A., and Guf;Nf;E, A., continued.
to T. 5-10. Paris, 1836, 52-58. Text 7 v. Atlas
ofcol.pl.lv. 8" *3895.51
Contents. — Vol. T. [Diurnca.] V-VTI. Noctudliles.
VHI. Delto'ides et Pyralitea. LX, X. Uranidcs ct Pha-
Xote. — Vol. 2-4 have not been published.
Boissler, Louis. Histoire du conftit americain. Ire
partie. fitude sur les causes de la guerre
civile aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1870. x, 359 pp.
12" 2329.51
Boissonade, j. F. La Bible devoilde. Paris, 1871.
276+ pp. 12" ■ . . . 3429.51
Bologna. Bocietd medico-chirurgica. Bullettino.
Serie la-5a. Bologna, 1823-70. 79 v. in 30.16" *5749.1
Bolyai, ,Tanos. La science absolue de I’espace indd-
pendante de la veritd ou de la faussetd de
I’axiome xi d’Euclide; suivie de la quadr.ature
gdomdtrique du ccrcle. dans le cas de la faus-
setd de I’axiome xi. Notice sur la vie et les
tr.avaux de W. et de J. Bolyai, par F. Schmidt.
Paris, 1868. 64 pp. 8" 3925.54
Bonte, (.lean .Jacques) Thdophile. Campagne de
1870. La cavalerie frangaise. Paris, 1871. v.
203+ pp. 12" 2629.81
Bormans, ,J. H. Observations philologiques et eri-
tiques sur le texte du roman de Cldomadds,
publid par M. A. van Hasselt. Liege, 1807.
xvii, (1), 274, a) pp. L. 8" 2675.50
Borrego, Andres. Le general Trochu dev.ant I’hi.s-
toire. Tr.aduit de l’csp.aguol p.ar L. Gerdebat.
Paris, [1871], 70+ pp. 18" 2629.83
Boston, Mass. Municipal government. Memorial
of J. Bates. Boston, 1865. 58 pp. L. 8" . E. B. 213.2
— Boston co-operatire, building company. 1st
annu.al report. With the act of incorporation
and by-laws. Boston, 1872. 8" *5642.31
— Gynaecological society. Monthly journal. Vol.
1-5. 1869-71. Boston, [1870-72], 5 v. 8" .*5771.2
— Public library . Bulletins. Vol. 1. No. 1 to 19.
Oct. 1867 to Oct. 1871. [Appended, The Tosti
engravings. Portraits.] Boston. 1871. 367,
24+ pp. 8" . *6200a.32, *G200a.33, *R. R.. L. 18.
Catalogues. Boston, 1359-71. 8"
*R. R., L. 17 and *6200a.29
Contents. — Index to the lower hall. 1879. 204 pp. ;
Bulletins, showing titles of books added to the library.
Vol. I. No. 1-19. 1807-71. 1871. .•!y7-l- pp. ; Lower
Hall. Class list tor works in the arts and sciences. 2d
edition. 1871. 71 pp. ; Class list for English prose fic-
tion, including translations and juvenile fiction. 5tli
edition. 1871. 76 pp.; Class list for poetry, the drama,
rhetoric, elocution, collections, periodicals, and miscel-
laneous works. 1st edition. 1870. 128 pp. ; Finding list
for French, German, andltalian books. 4.7 pp. ; Finning
list for biography and travels. 52 pp.; Finding list for
historv, politics. 'etc. 27 pp.; Periodicals currently re-
ceived ; and works of reference in the reading room and
at the desk in Bates Hall. 1870. 01 pp. ; The Tosti
engravings. Portraits. 1871. 24 pp. ; East Boston
branch. List of books, periodicals, and books of ref-
erence. 90,2 pp. 1871.
Class list for works in the arts and sciences.
2d edition. [Boston, 1871.] 71+ pp. 8" . *fi200a.30
Both, Carl. Small-pox. Boston, 1872. 50 pp. 12". 5799a. 7
Bourgoin, Edrae. De Pali mentation des enfants et
des adultes dans une viile as.siegee. et on par-
ticulier de la viaude de cheval. Paris, 1870.
28 pp. 8" -3768.50
— Du blc ; sa valeur alimentaire en temps de siege
etdedisette. Paris, 1871. 23 pp. 8“ . . . . 3768.50
BOURGOING, Frangois de, comte. Histoire diploma-
tique de PEurope pendant la revolution fran-
gaise. Ire partie. Paris, 1865. 2 v. 8" . . . 6295.1
Contents. — Vol. I. Origine de la coalition. II. 1,
2. Premiere coalition.
BowDiTcii,IIenryInger3oU. Memoir of Amos Twitch-
ell. Boston, 18.51. v, 212 pp. 12" . . . E. B. 198.13
Boy’s, The, favourite. Vol. 1. Dec. 1870 — June
1871. [No title-page.] Loudon, 1370, 71. 344+
pp. Sin. f " 1831.2 and E. B. 75 6
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. The Levels of Arden.
Leipzig. 1871. 2 v. Sq. 16" . 730.79 and E. B. 249.24
Same. With illustrations. New York, 1872.
179 pp. 8" 421.20
Bray, Anna Eliza. Hartland forest; a legend of
North Devon. London, 1871. 223+ pp. 1 pi.
Illustrated. Sm. 8" 755.17
Brennecke, W. Sir Isaac Newton. Posen, 1366.
29 pp. 8" 6541.10
Breuillac. Georges. Campagnes de la Loire et de
la Sarthe pendant la guerre Franco-Allemande,
1870-71. Niort, 1871. viii, 259+ pp. 1 fac-
simile. 1 map. 18" 2629.84
Shelf. No.
British heroes and worthies. "With portraits. ^
don. [1871]. 224 pp. Sm. 4» , .... • •
Brock, Mrs. Carey. Sunday echoes m weekday
hours. [3d series.] The journeyings of the
chUdren of Israel. London, 1871. viii, 4i6pp. ^
Brown, Wiiliani. ' The labour question. Thought
on paper currency and lending on interest.
Philadelphia, 1872. 240 pp. 16" . . . . . . . 3649.50
Brown, William H. History of the first locomotives
in America. New York, 1871. x, -42 pp.
Illustrated. 8" ^V. ' ‘ ‘ i
Brcennow, Francis. Tables of Ins computed with
regard to the perturbations of Jupiter. Mars
and Saturn. Dublin. 1869. viii,89pp. 4". **E.1.5.10
Bryant, H. B., Stratton, H. D., and Packard,
suioc s National book-keeping. New lork.
go , E* B* 381.4
Office and work of the Holy
Silas S.
[1860]. 216 pp.
Buchanan, James.
Spirit. 3d edition. LdinDurgn, loin. pii.
Bcddington, Zadel Barnes. Can ffie old love ? A
novel. With illustrations. Boston, Ihil. 198
8" ,
, 214.3
, E. B. 192.2
BliFFON?*George Louis Leclerc, comie de. Natural
history. Illustrated. London, N.D. 2-4 pp.
Bclwer-Lytton, Edward (George Earle Lytton),
lord Lytton. My novel. b. ^44.27
Bdonafede. Appiano. Della istoria e della indole di
ogni filofofia. [Vol. 4. Della restaurazione di
ogni filosofia nei secoli 16. 1<, I*-]
1837, 38. 4 V. Portrait. 8" ■ *2301.55
Burgh. Nicholas Proctor. “If ’ 3951 59
ing. Illustrated. London, I81 2. 463+ pp. 4 .3951.00
BURNHAM. George P. Memoirs of the Umted States
secret service. And life of H. C. IVluGey. 18
illustrations. Boston, 1872. 436 Pp. Portrait.
go 2*0.19 and H*. 15.
Burton. Richard Francis. Zanzibar; t^'hnd,
and coast. Loudon, 1872. Illustrated. 2 v. 8 .
BURVENICH.C. The metric sjjstemof weights and
measures. 2d edition. London, 18*1. 96 pp.
C L S. The fairy glass. With Illustrations. Phila-
dolphia. 1872 [1871]. 66 pp. 16“ . . . . . • 500.49
C^SAR, Caius JuUus. CommentanM [outlined and
explained] by A. Trollope. Edinburgh. ^lO.
vi, 182 pp. 16" ; V-' f
Callcott. Lady Maria. Little ^ j
England. New edition. London, 1869. xi,
25H- PP- Illustrated. 12" . . .
CAMPAG^ La. de Metz. Par uu general puuss.en
[From the German, with preface and notes.]
Bruxelles, 1871. 84 pp. 1 inap. 8" . . . . . -b-7.o7
Campardon. £mile. Documents inedits sur
Poquelin Moliere. Paris, 1871. i6+pp. bm. ^
CAMPBEii.,’ Dudley- ' Compulsory educaHon. 2d
edition. London. 1870. 4.>fpp. 8" . . . - SoOS.oO
Campbell, George Douglas, duke of Argyll, rn-
meval man. An examination of somc recent
speculations. London, 1869. ix, 200+ pp.
Illustrated. 10" ... . . . • • • • • • • • ;
Cappelletti, Giuseppe. Le chiese d Itaha uaiia
loro origine siiio ai nostri giorni. Venezia.
1844-40. 4v. 8" ‘ 1 • *6513.31
Cappelli, Antonio. Fra Girolamo
notizio intorno il suo tempo. Modena, 1869.
110 pp.
Capper. Samuel James. Wanderings in war time .
journeys in France and Derraany, 18i0,
1871. London, 1871. xv. 334+ pp. bm. 8" . 2828.51
C.VRLOS. Calixto Bustamante. El lazarillo de ciegos
caminantes desde Buenos- Ayres hasta l4™a,
con sus itinerarios segun la mas puntual oMer-
vacion. Sacado de las memorias que hizo
Paurf Marius. Nouvclle.s recherches sur 1 ataxie
iocomotrice progressive
que). Avec figures. Pans, 18bD. v, 349^ pp- jg
Carroll. Lewis. See Dodgson, — . ...
Carter. Thomas. Cunosities of wai and ™’'*'6Ty
studies. 2d edition.^^ Illustrated. Londo ’ggg^ 34
CATHEMAL. The^.^Pubiished in aid of the C.Vhetol
fair, Oct. 24-NOV. 29, 18a._\ol.l.^ TlfiOlS
[No title-page.] Boston, I81I.
Shelf. No.
Catholic record, The. Vol.l. PhUadelphia,18T1.8® . *5467.14
C \USES, Lea. de nos desastres. Projet de reorganisa-
tion de I’armee. Par un officier f ..
I’armee du Rhin. Bruxelles, 1871. 239 pp. 8 . 26o7.54
Cavacci. Jacopo. Illvstrivm anachoretarvm elogia.
Venetiis, 1625. (14), 157. (9) pp. 3l pi. and
illustrated title-page. 4" . • • • .■ 65»2.t»
Cavelier de Cuverville. .Tules Mane Armand.
Appeudifie aux etudes th^oriques et pratiques
sur les armes k feu portatives. Docurnents
etrangers traduits et annotOs. Ire hvr,aison.
Avec planche. Paris, 1867. 21+ pp. 8" ,
Caxton, Laura, p.sc«(f. Comins. Lizzie B.
Ceruti, Antonio, editor. La soconda spagna [aa
Ugonetto conte di Pietrafitta], e L acquisto di .
Ponente ai tempi di Carlomagno [da Aldolien
d’ Ascalona], Teste di lingua inedite del ^e.
xni. Tratti da un .MS. dell’ Ambrosiana. Bo-
logna.61871. 271-]- pp. _ 1 *4,52.1
Cesarotti, Melchior.' '[Op’ere scelte.] Milano, 1520^
4 V. Portrait.
rnni.nis — Vol. I-III. Poesie di Ossian. IV. Saggi
sulla tilosofladelle linguc e del
sal diletto della tragedia ; Lettera di un Pado\ auo.
Chapfers. William. Hall marks on gold and silver
plate, illustrated. 4th edition. London, is, ...
112+ pp. 1 pi. and 1 p. of wood-cuts. 8" . *-433.50
CH-UGNETTAntelme Bdonard. f 13
de Platon. Paris, 18,1. xi. a56pp. IS . - . duuo.ia
Cham. t>fieud. See Noe, Amedee de.
Champfleurv, pseud. See Husson-Fleury, Jules
Francois Felix. _ .
Chasles. Michel. Ees trois livres de porismes
d’EucUde. Paris. 1860. ix, PP- » •
[Various puhlications.] v. P., 183,^9. t
. 3926.52
. 3921.53
Contents. — Apercu historique sur 1’ origine et ]e 3^
veloonement des metliodcs en geometrie, d uo
mSmmre sur la dualite et I homograpllie. Bruwlles.
0^14. nn Sur I'origine de notre systuine de numera
ho^ N P. Dpp.-Histoiredel'algJbre. N.P. lopp.
_ Lond^._
lERTON, xuoujuo. C W SL-eot
essay on the Rowley poems by W. W. bl-eat,
..—5 — -narMoiT- Rv Bell. London, 18,1. 2 v. _
tion. N.P. izpp.
CHATTERBOX. .^Edit^i^^y E. B. 75.4
ChAtterton, Thomas. Poetical works. With an
fudl memoir by E.-Bell. Loudon, 1871.^ 'z
Chellis. Mary Dwiaell. MolV®
[1869]. 404_pp. Illustrated. 16 -
. E. B. 287.14
CHENEY. Ednah D:' Patience; a series Of thirty
games with cards. Boston, 18,0. 9fa pp. ^ ^^gg „
lustrated. Sm. 16" . • ■ • • * 'rt+ii ' iq’,
— Social g.amcs with cards. Boston, [IS, J.^ ^ _ qigs.lQ
Chenu^A. ^Le memorial de Napoleon in. Eans,^^^^ ^^
CHESTERF^ELDr'Earl o’fl’' See Stauiope, PMli'p'Dor-
and New. Boston, 18,1. 96 PL g, r. 392.3
Church. Florence, formerly Miss 241,23
Brooke. Boston, N. D. loo pp. 8 . . «
Too good for him. Boston, N. D. 193 PP-^^ 241.22
CiALDiNi. Enrico. Riposta,all’ opuscolo Schiarimenti
e retUfiche del generale Lamarmora. 4-.,4 g
l: cSuns° 3
CLARkf^ma^ Ad“oihae. = [|w+
is first? A satire.
_ Alfieri, V. [Opere scelte.]
ivrV ..... .*2801.50
Shelf. No.
Classici italiani del secolo xvrn, continued.
— Algarotti, F., conic. Opere scelte. 3 *2W1.5]l
— Barelti, G. [Opere.] 4
— Becearia. C. (B.). marchese. Opere. 2v. . .*2801.53
— Buonafede, A. Della Utoria e della indole di
ogni liloaofia. 4
— Cesarottl, M. [Opere scelte.] 4 *2801.56
— Cocchi, A. [Opere.] 3v : • •*2801.57
— Custodi. P. Contiuuazione alia storia di Milano
di Pietro Verri *2801.58
Denina, (G. M.) C. Delle rivoluzioni d’ Italia.
.... *2802.50
Filangieri, G. La ecienza della legislazione con
giunta degli opuscoll scelti. 6 *2802.51
Geuovesi, A. Della diceosina, o sia della filoso-
fia del giusto e dell’ onesto • • . • *2802.52
Lezionl di coramercio, o sia d’economia civile.
2 T *2802.53
Logica e metafisied *2802.54
— Gerdil, G. 8. Opere scelte. 3 *2803.50
— Giannone, P. [Clpere.] 14 *2802.55
— Goldoni. C. Commedie scelte. 4 *2803.51
— Gozzi. G. Opere scelte. 5 *2803.52
— Gravina, G. V. Opere scelte *2803.53
— Guglielmini. D. Della natura de’ fiumi. Trat-
tato fisico-matematico. Con le annotazioni di
EustacMo Manfredi. 2v *2803.54
— Lanzi, L. Storia pittorica della Italia al fine del
18 secolo. 4 *2803.55
— Maffel, (F.) S., marchese. Verona illustrata.
5v. . . . . *2804.50
— Muratori, L. A. Annali d’ Italia all’ anno 1749.
18 V. *2804.51
— - Dissertazionl sopra le antichita italiane. 5 v. *2305.51
Della perfetta poesia Italiana: con le annota-
tazioni criticbe di A. M. Salvini. 4 v. . . . .*2805.50
— Parini, F. Opere pubblicate per cura di Fran-
cesco Reina. 2 *2805.52
— Raccolta di apologbi scritti nel secolo xvrn . . *2805.53
— Raccolta di commedie scritte nel secolo xviii.
2 *2805.54
— Raccolta di melodrammi giocosi scritti nel secolo
XVIII *2805.55
— Raccolta di melodrammi serj scritti nel secolo
xvm. 2 *2805.56
— Raccolta di operette filosoficbe e filologicbe
scritte nel secolo xvm. 2v *2805.57
— Raccolta di poemi didascalici e di poemetti varj
scritti nel secolo xvm *2805.58
— Raccolta di poesle liriche scritte nel secolo xvm.
— Raccolta di poesie satiriche scritte nel secolo
xvm *2805.60
— Raccolta di prose e lettere scritte nel secolo
XVIII. 3v *2805.61
— Raccolta di tragedie scritte nel secolo xvm. 2 v. *2805.62
— Spallanzani, L. [Opere.] 6v *2806.50
— Statius, P.P. La Tebaidedel cardlnale Cornelio
Bentivoglio *2801.54
— Tirabosebi, G. Storia della letteratura italiana.
16 *2806.51
— Trapassi, P. (B.), called Metastasio. Opere
scelte. 5 V *2803.56
— Varano, A. Opere scelte *2807.50
— Verri, A., conte. Opere scelte. 2 v *2807.52
— Verri, P., conte. Opere filosoficbe e di economia
politica. 2 V *2807.51
Storia di Milano. 2 v *2807.53
— Vico, G. B. Principij di nna ecienza nuova d’
intorno alia comune natura delle nazioni. 2 v . *2807.64
— Zanotti, E. Trattato teorico-pratlco di pros-
pettiva *2807.55
— Zanotti, F. M. Opere scelte. 2 v *2807.56
COBDEN, Paul, pseud. Tbe beckoning series. Wbo
will win? Boston, 1871. 303 pp. 16“ . . E. B. 21.19
CoccHi, Antonio. [Opere.] Milano, 1824. 3 v. Por-
trait. 8“ *2801.57
Contents. — Vol. I. Discorsi e lettere. II. Dei bagnt
di Pisa. m. Consulti raedici con un’ appendice d'
oltri scritti in parte inediti.
COCKTON, H. Life and adventures of Valentine Vox,
tbe ventriloquist. New edition. London, N. D.
vui, 535 pp. 16“ E. B. 118.4
Coke, Sir Edward. First part of the institvtes of
tbe lawes of England : a commentary upon
Littleton. 3d edition. London, 1633. vi, 395-]-
pp. Sm. f “ *5620.2
Collet, Pierre. Lifeof St. Vincent of Paul. Trans-
lated from tbe French. Baltimore, 1847 . 347
pp. 12“ 5559.9
COLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert. A vision of creation. A
poem. London, 1872. xxxvii, 217-]-pp. Sm.8“. 6567.1
Shelf. No.
COLLINI, Lorenzo. Codice del gius delle genti in
terra e in iriare. [No title-page.] Firenze,
1806. (9), 2-30, (4) ff. F“ *7610.7
Note. — 25 copies only were printed, on large paper.
This copy is No. 2,
CoLLiN.s, James E. The private book of useful alloys
and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc.
London, [1871]. 96 pp. Sq. 16“ A.202.2
Collins, Mortimer. Two plunges for a pearl. A
novel. With illustrations. New York, 1872.
122 pp. 8“ 421.14
Collins, William Lucas. Ancient classics [out-
lined and explained] for English readers.
Ifamehj : —
oEschylus. By R. S. Copleston E. B. 192.1
Ccesar, C. J. By A. Trollope E. B. 192.2
Cicero, M. T. By W. L. ColUns E. B. 192.3
Herodotus. By G. C. Swayne E. B. 192.4
Homerus. Tbe Iliad. By W. L. Collins . E. B. 192.5
The Odyssey. By W. L. Collins . . . E. B. 192.6
Horatius Flaccus, Q. By T. Martin . . , E. B. 192.7
Sophocles. By C. A. Collins E. B, 192.8
Virgilius Maro, P. By W. L. Collins , . E. B. 192.9
Xenophon. By Sir .4,. Grant ..... . E. B. 192.10
Collins, (William) Wilkie. Poor Miss Finch. With
illustrations. New York, 1872. 1964- pp.
Portrait. 16“ 421.19 and E. B. 241.18
CosilNS. Lizzie B. The Hartwell farm. By Laura
Caxton [pseud.\. Illustrated. Boston [1871].
200 pp. 12“ 755.18 and E. B. 246.27
CONANT, Caleb A. Grandmother’s scrap-book. Bos-
ton, 1869. xii. 384 pp. 16“ E. B. 325.21
Cooke, George. Charts of classic art, embracing
photographs and descriptions, of works of
ancient Greek sculpture, and of the_ modem
masters. Ist series. No.l. Boston, 1872 [1871].
(27) pp. 9 photographs. 4“ . *A.220.2
COOLEV, Arnold James. The toilet and cosmetic arts
in ancient and modern times. London, 1866.
viii, 804 pp. Sm. 8“ 6008.17
Cooper, .lames Fenimore. Tbe bravo. Hlustrated.
New York, 1872 [1871]. 460 pp. 12“ . . .***4399.29
— The headsman. Illustrated. New York, 1872
[cop. 1859]. X, 8-496 pp. 12“ ***4399.33
— Lionel Lincoln. Illustrated. New York, 1872
[cop. 18.59f. 464 pp. 2 pi. 12“ ***4399.30
— The weptof Wish-Ton-Wish. Illustrated. New
York, 1872. 474 pp. 12“ .-.••• ***4399-32
CORNARO, Luigi. Sure methods of attaining a long
and healthful life. Translated from the Italian.
30th edition. London, 1872. xx, 112 pp. 16“ . 3769.36
Courcelle Seneuel, .Jean Gustave. L’heritage de
la revolution. Paris, 1872 [1871]. xi, 323 pp.
go 2617.51
CoDRCELLES, Jean Baptiste Pierre Julien, chevalier
de. Dictionnaire universel de la noblesse de
France. Paris, 1820-22. 5 v. Sm. 8“ . . . . *2639.51
C<mtents. — Ire serie. Vol. I. A-L; II. M-Z. C2e
eerie.] Vol. ni. A-M; IV. N-Z; Supplement.
eerie.] Vol. V. A-Z; Supplement.
COWDIN, Elliot C. France in 1870-71. An address,
before the Cooper union, New York, Feb. 10,
1872. New York, 1872. 60 pp. 8“ 2627.74
CowTAN, Robert. Memories of the British museum.
London, 1872 [1871]. vii, 428pp. Portrait. 8“ . 6127.1
Cox, Edward William. Spiritualism answered by
science. London, 1871. vi, 56 pp. 8“ . . . . 3607.51
— Same. New York, 1872. 79 pp. 16“ 125.11
Cox, George William, and JONES. Eustace Hinton.
Popular romances of the middle ages. Lon-
don, 1871. xi. 410-4- pp. Sm. 8“ 2478.51
Coze, L, and Feltz, V. Itecherches surles maladies
infectieuses dtudides specialement au point de
vue de I’etat du sting et de la presence des fer-
ments. Avec 6 planches. Paris, 1872. 324 pp.
go 3797.54
Craik, David. The practical American millwright
and miller. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1871.
X. 17-432 pp. 8“ A.200.10
Craik, Dinah (Maria) Muloch, /ormeriy Miss Muloch.
Hannah. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. Sq. 16“.
750.54 and E. B. 249.25
Cremer, W. H., editor. The magician’s own book.
By the author of The secret out,” etc. With
200 Illustrations. London. [1871], 325 pp. 16“ . 186.11
Crookes, William. Select methods in chemical
analysis. (Chiefly inorganic.) Illustrated. Lon-
don, 1871. xvi, 468 pp. 12“ 3976.52
Crcikshank, George. A descriptive catalogue of
this] works, etchings, woodcuts, lithographs,
etc J . Compiled by G. W. Reid. With an
Shelf. No.
Crdikshank, George, continued.
essay on his genius and works by E. Bell, and
313 illustrations. London, 1871. 3 v. 4“ . . *4570.7
Contents. — Vol. I. Text. II, III. Plates.
CoisiNifeRE, I.,a, assi^gde, ou Part de vlvre en temps
de siege, par une femme de menage. Paris,
1871. 36 pp. 8m. 12“ 2628.85
Culture, The, of pleasure; or, the enjoyment of life
in its social and religious aspects. By the
author of " The mirageof life.” London, 1872.
XX, 417 pp. Sm. 8" 2552.2
CUMMING, W. Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts.
New York, 1872. xiv, 372-|- pp. Illustrated.
CUPPLES, Ann Jane. A knitting-book of counter-
panes : toilet-covers, pin-cushions, and other
articles of fancy work. Edinburgh, 1871. 32
pp. 160 189.47
— Singular creatures, and how they were found.
Boston, 1872 [1871]. 333 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . 447.18
CcRTius, Ernst. History of Greece. Translated by
A. W. Ward. Kevised after the last German
edition, by W. A. Packard. Vol. 1, 2. New
York, 1871. 2 v. 12“ 5077.12
CusHDiG, Luther Stearns. Manual of parliamentary
practice. Boston, 1872. 189 pp. 16“ . . E. B. 159.2
CosTODi, Pietro. Contiuuaziono alia storia di Mi-
lano di Pietro Verri. Milano, 1850. xxx, 290
pp. Illustrated. 8“ *2801.58
Dahlgren, John A. Memoir of Ulric Dtihlgren.
Pliiladclphia, 1872 [1871]. 308 pp. Portrait.
12“ 537.39
Dakin, Celia V. See Hamilton, Celia V.
Dante Alighieri. The Divina commcdia, trans-
lated into English verse, by J. Ford. Loudon,
1870. xvi. 430 pp. Sm. 8“ 2798.50
— Omaggio, offerto dai eattolici italiani nel maggio
1865, sesto centenario dalla sua nascita. Roma,
1865. vi, 650+ pp. Portrait. 8“ 4792.2
Dark blue. The. Vol. 1. London, 1871. 8“ . . . *7317.50
Darwin, Charles (Robert). On the movements and
habits of climbing plants. London, 1865. 118+
pp. Illustrated. 8“ 5847.12
Davis. Andrew Jackson. Mental disorders. Boston,
1871. 487 pp. 1 pi. 12“ 3809.50
Daxhs, Paulina W. A history of the National wo-
man’s rights movement, for twenty years, with
the proceedings of the decade meeting, Oct.
20, 1870, [etc.]. [Appended, Lecture on con-
stitutional equality, by V. C. Woodhull.] New
York, 1871. 119, 28+ pp. 8“ 5565.50
Day, Henry Noble. Logical praxis. New Haven,
1872. viu. 148 pp. 12“ 3609.55
Decombes, V. iltudes sur I’exploitation du chemin
de fer de ceinture de Paris. Thorigny, 1870.
96 pp. 16“ 8018.17
De Forest, John W. Kate Beaumont. With illus-
trations. Boston, 1872. 165 pp. 8“.
411.13 and E. B, 241.20
Delaperche, Hippolyte. Essai de philosophic ana-
lytique. Paris, 1872. 443+ pp. 8“ 3608.54
Delignt, fidouard .lean fitienne. Armde de Metz.
Paris. 1871. 82+ pp. 12“ 2629.82
Delsartb, Franqois (Alexandre Nicolas Ch^ri). Ar-
chives dv chant. Hymnes, proses et antiennes,
disposdes conformement av type harmoniqve
consacrd par I’antiqve tradition de I’^glise.
[Paris.] N. D. 4 V. L. 4“ *8041.51
Dempsey, G. Drysdale. Iron applied to railway
structures. Illustrated. London, 1850. 42-|-
pp. 10 pi. 4“ A.200.9
Denina, (Giacomo Maria) Carlo. Delle rivoluzioni
d’ Italia. Milano. 1820. 3 v. Portrait. 8“ . *2802.50
De Ply. William Harrison. Threescore years ,and
beyond. Illustrated edition. New York, 1872.
512 pp. L. 8“ 2245.52
Deschamps. Auguste. Histoire de la chute du
second empire. Paris, 1871. 488 pp. 8“ . . 2648.51
Destaminil, — . La cuisine, pendant le siege. Paris,
[1871] . 24 pp. Sm. 12“ 2628.85
Detail and conduct of the American war, under
Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and lord Howe. 3d
edition. London, 1780. 190 pp. 8“ . . . . . 4427.26
Deutscii-franzosische Krieg, Der. Chronolo-
gische Ucbersicht. 6te Aufl. Leipzig. 1870.
2 V. in 1. 671+ pp. Portraits, maps and illus-
trations. 16“ 2829.52
Deutsche classiker des mittelalters. Mit Wort- und
Sacherkliirungen. Begriindetvon Franz Pfeif-
fer. Leipzig, 1866-71. 11 v. Namely: —
Shelf. No.
Deutsche classiker, etc., continued.
— Escbenbach. or Eschilhach, W. von. Parzival
und Titurel. Herausgegeben von K. Bartseb.
3 V 4858.6
Deutsche ICricgs-Zeitung, 1870, 1871. Redigirt von
A. Schrlcker. [1871. NebstKriegsgeschiehte,
von W. Zimmermann.] Mit artistischen Bei-
triigen. Stuttgart, ISfo. 71. 2 v. 4“ . . . . *4820.4
Deutscher Volksfreund. Ein Wochenblatt fiir
deutsche Familieu in Amerika. B. 1. New
York, 1871. F“ *7240.51
Dickens, Charles (John Huffam). The old curiosity
shop. With illustrations. Boston, London,
N. D. 2 V. Sm. 8“ 471.1
Contents. — Vol. I. Old curiosity shop. II. Old
curiosity shop, continued ; Reprinted pieces.
— Schools and schoolmasters. From [his] writ-
ings. Edited by T. J. Chapman. New York,
[1871]. 215 pp. Illustrated. 12“ 876.19
— Cricket on the hearth. Dramatized. See Smith,
Albert 1389.1
Dictionary of the derivations of the English lan-
guage. With definitions, and the pronuncia-
tion of each word. Glasgow, 1872 [1871].
400 pp. 16“ *2489.51
Deez, Katharina. Heinrich Heine’s erste Liebe. Ro-
man. Berlin. 1870. 344+ pp. 16“ 4879.16
Distant cousins. By the author of “What makes
me grow ; ” etc. With 12 illustrations. Lon-
don, 1872 [1871]. 179+ pp. 16“ 733.14
Dixon, William Hepworth. The Switzers. Lon-
don, 1872. X, 364 pp. 8“ 4862.1
Doane. George H. To and from the passion play.
Boston, 1872 [1871]. 311pp. 1 pi. 16“ . . . 678.21
Dod’s peerage, baronetage, and knightage of Great
Britain and Ireland, 1872. London. [1872]. 16“. *2438.1
Dodgson, — . Alice’s adventures in Wouderland.
By Lewis Carroll [p.9(’«(f.]. With illustra-
tions. Boston. 1872. 192+ pp. 16“ . . E. B. 22,33
— Through the looking glass. By Leuds Carroll
[p.9Ci«f.]. With illustrations. Boston, 1872
[1871]. 224+ pp. 16“ . . . . 743.13 and E. B. 22.29
Same. London. 1872. 224+ pp. Sm. 8“ . . . 755.13
Doellinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Fables re-
specting the popes of the middle ages. Trans-
lated, with introduction and appendices, by A.
Plummer. London, 1871. Ixiv, 302 pp. 8“ . 3517.51
DoriS;, (Paul) Gustave, and Jerrold, (William)
Blanchard. London. Parti. London, [1872],
Illustrated. F“ *4560.3
Douglas, Amanda M. Lucia: her problem. New
York, 1872 [1871]. 315 pp. 12“ . . . . E. B. 322.37
Doursther, Horace, Dictionnairc universel des poids
et mesures anciens et moderns, contenant des
tables des monnaies de tons les pays. Bru-
xelles, 1840. iv. 613+ pp. 8“ *3685.50
Drake, Francis Samuel. Dictionary of American
biography, including men of the time. Boston,
1872. xiv, 1019 pp. 8“.
*2345.55; *R.R.,L.17; and E. B. *R.R.,D.5
'DuA'S'En. anagrammatic pseud. See Ren.anl, — .
Drew, Benjamin. Pens and types : or hints and
helps for those who write, print, or read.
Boston, 1872. 12^ pp. 16“ 1137.22
Droz, Gustave. Le caltier bleu de MUc Cibot. 20e
Edition. Paris, N. D. 374+ pp. 18“ .... 2679.64
Dublin. Gaelic society. Transactions. Dublin,
1808. 8“ *2477.51
Ducrot, Jules Ambroise. La journ5e de Sedan.
Paris, 1871. 159 pp. 2 maps. 8“ 2625.66
Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. The
countess of Rudolstadt. By George Sand
[pseud. I- Translated by F. Robinson. Phila-
delphia, [1870]. 16“ 426.24
— Handsome Lawrence. A sequel to “ A rolling
stone.” By George Sand [pseud.']. Trans-
lated from the French by C. Owen. Boston,
1871. 122 pp. 8“ 421.16
Dumas, Alexandre (Davy). Bragelonne. Philadel-
phia, N. D. 288 pp. 8“ E. B. 321.30
— The iron mask. Philadelphia, [cop. 1850L 4-
420 pp. 8“ B. B. 321.31
— Louise la ValUfere. Philadelphia, [1851.] 384+
pp. 8“ E. B. 321.33
— The three guardsmen. Philadelphia, N. D. 239
pp. 8“ E. B. 321.32
Dunster. H. P. Young collector’s handy-book of
botany. London, 1871. vi, 168 pp. 16 pi. 16“. 168.3
Duquet. Alfred. Irelande et France. Paris, 1872
[1871], 206+ pp. 3 pi. 12“ 2469.50
Shelf. No.
Shell'. No.
Dotot, S. France et Brdail. Notice eur Dona Fran-
cisca par M. Aube. 2e edition. Paris, 1859.
430-1- pp. Map. 8» 2316.52
East India company. Catalogue of the Icpidopter-
ous insects iu the museum. By T. Horstield,
and F. Moore. London, 1857-59. 2v. iu 1. v,
440-1- pp. 36 pi. 8« »3897.50
Eastlake, Charles Lock. A history of the Gothic
revival. Loudon, 1872 [1871]. xvi,427-l- pp.
Illustrated. Sra. 4“ *4103.21
Eden, Hon. Emily. Letters from India. Edited by
her niece [lion. Eleanor Eden]. London, 1872
[1871]. 2v. Sm. 8» 5047.18
Edes, Harry Herbert. A memorial of Josiah Barker,
of Charlestown. Mass. Boston, 1871. 25-1- pp.
8» ; 4444.31
Educational year-book. New York, 1872. 222 pp,
12» *5597.13
Edward I. king of England. Life and reign of Ed-
ward I. By the author of "The greatest of
thePlautagenets.” London, 1872 [1871]. xvi,
352 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8" 2427.50
Edwards, Mrs. C. M. Sammy Seymour, the drunk-
ard’s boy. Three illustrations. New York,
[1861]. 219 pp. Sm. 10“ E. B. 29.6
Elze, Carl. Lord Byron. A biography. Trans-
lated, and edited with notes. 'With portraits.
London, 1872. xxii. 516 pp. 8“ 2445.59
Emery, E. Myself: a romance of New England life.
[Anon.] Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 488 pp.
12“ 795.12
Enault, Louis. Christine. New York, 1871. 171
pp. 12“ 425.21
England, Church of. The articles of the Anglican
church paraphrastically explained. By Fran-
ciscusa Saheta Clara (Dr. Christopher Daven-
port). Reprinted from the edition iu Latin of
1640, with a translation, notes, [etc.] . Prefixed
an introduction and life of the author. Edited
by F. G. Lee. London, 1865. xxxvi, 118 pp.
Sm. 4“ 3448.53
Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. The
outbreak of the great French revolution, re-
lated by a peasant of Lorraine. Translated
by Mrs. C. Hoey. London, 1871. 3v. 16“ . 418.25
— The story of a peasant. [Parti.] (1789) or the
beginning of the great French revolution,
i [Part 2. 1792, or, episodes of the great French
revolution.] London, [1871]. 274, 253 pp.
16“ 418.24
Erdl, Michael (Pius). Leitfaden zur Kenntnlss des
Baues des menschlichen Leibes. Abth. 1, 2.
Miinehen. 1843, 45 . 2 v. in 1. 8“ ..... . 5749.51
Erlenmeyeh, Emil. Die Aufgabe des chemischen
Unterrichts gegeniiber den Anfordernngen der
Wisseuschaft und Technik. Miinehen, 1871.
33 pp. 4“ 7974.4
Eschenbach, or E.schilbach. Wolfram von. Par-
zival und Titurel. Herausgegeben von K.
Bartsch. Leipzig, 1870, 71. 3 v. 16“ .... 4858.6
Evans, Marian J. dee Lewes, Marian J.
Examination, An, of canon Liddon’s Bampton lec-
tures on the divinity of Christ. By a clergy-
man of the church of England. Boston, 1872.
xii, 427 pp. Sm. 8“ 5468.18
Examples of modern architecture, ecclesiastical and
domestic. 64 views. London, 1870. 4“ . . . *8102.8
“FADETTE,”7).?cu(f. See Reeves, M. C. L.
Fairy bells, and what they tolled us. Translated
from the German by 8. W. Lander. Illus-
trated. Boston, 1868. 204 pp. 12“ . . . E. B. 22.30
Farjeon, B. L. Joshua Marvel. Boston, 1871. 222
pp. 8“ E. B. 241.21
Farrar, Frederick William. Eric. New York,
1871. 7-366 pp. 12“ E. B. 325.18
Favre, Jules (Gabriel Claude). Rome et la repub-
lique fran9aise. P.aris, 1871. 432-]- pp. 8“ . 2754.5
Fenton, E. Dyne. Sorties from "Gib” [Gibraltar],
in quest of sensation and sentiment. London,
1872. viii, 478-|- pp. Sm. 8“ 5097.24
Fergcsson, James. Rude stone monuments in ali
countries. With 234 illustrations. London,
1872. xix, 559 pp. 1 map. 8“ 2235.51 N
Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, Sara Payson. '
Ferri, Pietro Leopoldo, conte. Bibiioteca femmi-
nile italiana. [Parte bibliografica.] Padova,
1842. 411-[- pp. 8“ *6162.11
Fedchtwanger, Lewis. A hand-book on silex. 1.
On soluble glass. 2. On glass making. 3. A
guide for soap making. New York, 1871. 347
pp. 12“ A.202.6
Field, Walter. Stones of the temple, or lessons
from the fabric and furniture of the church.
London. 1871. 318-|- pj). Illustrated. 16“ . . 3438.50
Field.?, James Thomas. Yesterdays with authors.
Boston, 1872. 3524- p)>. 12“.
885.22. 2406.51 and E. B. 155.18
Figuier, (Guillaume) Louis. The to-morrow of
death. Translated from the French by S. R.
Crocker. Boston, 1872. 395 pp. 12“.
119.20 and 3459.62
Filangieri, Gaetano. La scienza della legislazione,
con giunta degli opuscoli scelti. Milano, 1822.
6 V. Portrait. 8“ *2802.51
Coraents. — Vol.I. Elogio dell’ autore, (etc.]. Delle
recolc generali della scienza Icgislativa. H. Dclle leggi
politiclic ed economiche. HI, IV. Delle leggi criminal!.
V. Delle leggicheriguardano 4 educazione, i costumi e
r istruzione pubblica. VI. Delle leggi cbe rigtiardauo
r istruzione pubblica. Delle leggi che riguardano la re-
ligiune. Opuscoli scelti.
Fisher, Theodore Willis. Plain talk about insanity.
With remarks on hospitals and asylums, and
the medico-legal aspect of insanity. Boston,
1872. 97 pp. 4 pi. 8“ . . . 3805.55 and E. B. 382.10
Fitzgerald, Percy. Principles of comedy and dra-
matic efl’ect. London, 1870. 368 pp. 8“ . . 2477.52
FLEURior, Zdna'ide (Marie Anne). Notre capitale
Rome. Onvrage enrichi de 95 gravures. Paris,
1872 . 318-4- PP- 18“ 4739a.8
Flotow, Friedrich (Ferdinand Adolphe) von. L’om-
bre. Opdra coraique. Partition piano seul
arrangOe par A. Bazille. Paris [1872]. 118
pp. L. 8“ 8042.62
Flye Ste Marie, Camille. Etudes analytiques sur
le theorie des paralleles. Paris, 1871. iv, 154-|-
pp. 8 pi. 8“ 3925.53
Fontenay, Louis Abel de Bonafons. abbe. Diction-
naire des artistes. Paris, 1776. 2 v. 16“ . . *8089.4
Ford, Theodosia. Christmas fairies. Philadelphia,
1872 [1871]. 199 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . . . . 500.50
Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, Henry Wil-
Fornero.v, H. Histoire des d6bats politiques du
parlement anglais depuis la revolution de 1688.
Paris, 1871. 270-|- pp. 8“ 4517.18
Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. ’17ol. 1.
1812-1842. 2d edition. London, 1872 [1871].
8“ 2445.-55
Forsyth, James. The highlands of Central India.
With map and illustrations. Loudon, 1871.
xii. 472 pp. 8“ ,5045.51
Foster, Vere. Drawing copy book. London, N. D.
49 parts. Obi. 8“ *8069a.22
Fournier, £dcuard. LesPrussiens cheznous. Paris,
1871. 402-t- pp. 18“ 2627.70
Fowle, Thomas Welbanke. The character of Christ :
does it supply an adequate basis for a religion ?
New York, 1872 . 29 pp. 16“ .3478..51
Fox, Tilbury. Skin diseases. 2d edition. London,
1869. vdii. 472pp. Illustrated. 32“ 5799a.6
France. Ministry of slate. Archives de la commis-
sion des monuments historiques. lc-129e li-
vraison. Paris, 185.5-n. d. 2 v. F“ *F.9b.l
— Ministry of war. Massif du Mont Blanc. Paris,
1865. Size, 22 in. X 28 in. Jichelle en kilomfe-
tres, 1-40,000 *M.S "20
Franklin, Beniamin. Complete works. With me-
moirs of his early life, written by himself. 2d
edition. London, [1811]. 3 v. Illustrated.
8“ 4440a.26
Contenis. — Vol. T. Life; Letters and papers on elec-
tricity- 11. Letters and papers on philosophical sub-
i'ects; Papers on subjects of general politics. III.
’apcrs on American subjects ; Papers on moral subjects
and the economy of life ; Appendix 1, 2.
Franklin-Berger, "Victor. Contemporains, avant,
pendant et aprfes la guerre. Paris, 1871. 140
pp. 18“ 2627.71
Frauen-Anwalt, Der. Organ des "Verbandes
deutscherFrauenbildungs und Erwerbvereine.
Jahrg. 1. 1870-71. Berlin, 1871. 8“ . . . . *5576.53
Frere, John Ilookhara. Works in verse and prose.
A prefatory memoir by W. E. and Sir Bartle
Frere. London, 1872 [1871]. 2 v. 2 portraits.
8“ 4564.12
Contents. — Vol. I. Memoir; Contributions to The mi-
crocosm; Miscellanies (1785-92); Contributions to The
anti-jacobin; Miscellanies. II. Translations from
Aristophanes ; Theognis restitutus ; Translations from
“ The poem of the Cid ” ; Miscellaneous translations.
Shelf. No.
Fretcinet, Charles de. La guerre en province pen-
dant le siege de Paris, 1870-71. Paris, 1871.
447 pp. 2 maps. 8“ 2627.60
Gaboriau. Emile. The mystery of Orcival. Trans-
lated by G. M. Towle. New York, 1871. 168
pp. 8» 421.13
Gati-habaod, Jules. L’architeeture du ome au 17iue
sieele et les arts qui eu dependent. Publics
d’aprfes les travaux m^dits dcs prmcipaux
arcbitectea fran^ais et Strangers. Paris, 18.58.
4 V. Plates and accompanying text, 4“ ; and
atlas. 43 pi. F» *8102.9 : atlas *8084.3
Gatt.t.ardin, (Claude Joseph) Casimir. Histoire du
r^gne de Louis xiv. Ire partie. La France
politique, religieuse, litteraire sous Mazarin.
Paris, 1871. 8" 2657.56
Galezowski, Xavier. Traitd dcs maladies des yeux.
Avec 416 figures. Paris, 1872 [18711. xvi, 895
pp. 8“ 3807.50
Gaixaccixi, Teofilo. Trattato sopra gli error! degli
architetti. Venezia, 1767. xii, 81 pp. Illus-
trated. F» 8100.50
Gamba, Bartolommeo. Galleria del lettorati ed
artisti illustri delle provincie veneziane nel
secolo decimottavo. Venezia, 1824. Portraits,
with text. 2 V. 8° *2746.50
Garnier, (Jean Joseph) Jules. Voyage autour du
monde. Paris, 1871. 338-j-pp. 4 pi. 1 map.
18“ 2269.50
Garnier, Jean Louis Charles. Le theatre. Paris,
1871. vii, 470+pp. 8“ 8105.1
Gas-conscmer’s guide. The : a hand-book of instruc-
tion on the proper management and economi-
cal use of gas. With a full description of gas-
meters, etc. Boston, 1871. 148 [144] pp.
Illustrated. 16“ A.202.1
Gaume. Jean Joseph. Ou en sommes-nous ? Etude
sur les dvfenements actuels, 1870 et 1871. Paris,
1871. viii, 384 pp. 8“ 2298.50
Gactier, Th^ophile. Tableaux de si^ge. Paris,
1871. 376-t- pp. 12“ 2627.72
Gavtlax Peak, pseud. See Pope, Henry.
GAYARRfi, Charles (E. Arthur). Fernando de Lemos.
New York, 1872. 486 pp. 12“ 475.2
Genelli, Christoph. Life of 6t. Ignatius of Loyola.
Translated from the German by Charles Sainte
Foi [pseud, of Eloi Jourdanl ; and from the
French by T. Meyrick. London, 1871. xxviii,
357 pp. 16“ 3558.50
Genotesi, jintonio. Della diceosina. o sia della
filosofia del giusto e dell’ onesto. Milano, 1835.
xi. 578 pp. 8“ *2802.52
— Lezioni di commercio, o sia d’economia civile,
con un ragionamento sull’ agricoltura c nn altro
sul commercio in universale. Milano, 1824, 25.
2 V. Portrait. 8“ *2802.53
— Logica e metafisica. Milano. 1835. v, 760pp. 8“. *2802. 54
GerdU/. GiacintoSigismondo. Operescclte. Milano,
1836. 3 V. Portrait. 8“ *2803.50
Contents. — Vol. I. 11. Ragionamento intomo alle
opere di G. S. Gerdil : Introduzione alio studio della
religione. III. Dissertazioni eopia 1' origine del senso
morale e sopra 1’ csistenza di Dio.
Gerstaeker. Friedrich. In Mexico. Charakterbild
aus den jahren 1864-67. Jena, 1871. 4v. 16“ . 4466.13
Giannoxe. Pietro. [Opere.] Milano, 1823, 24. 14 v.
Portrait. 8“ *2802.55
Contents. — Yol. I-XI. Vita di P. Giannone da Iveo-
nardoPanzini; Istoria civile del regno di Napoli ; Indice.
XTT-XTV. Opere postume ; fiz., — XII. Xlll. Airologia
della istoria civile del regno di Napoli ; Annotazione
critiche sopra il nono libro della storia civile di Napoli ;
Riposta;Iudice. XIV. Abbiura di P. Giannone; Utlizio
di correro maggiore; Osservazioni sopra la scrittura in-
tomo la chiesa collegiata di S. Maria della cattolicaj
Osservazioni deir abate Aiagio Garofalo; Dei consigh
edicasteri della citta di Vienna : Ragioni dci marcbese
D. Mafieo Barberini ; Scrittura sulla coilazione deil arci-
vescovado beneventano; Suppliea sulla coilazione de’
beneficii ed otPei; Documenti e ragioni che giustificano
la suppliea; Explicatio nvmi evivsdam Dvdovici xn
Francorvm regis.
Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Roman
empire. With notes, by H. H. Milman. New
edition, [with] index. New York, 1860 . 6 v.
12“ ..... 4758.7
Giberne, Agnes. Aimee: A tale of the days of
James II. London, 1872 [1871]. vii, 404 pp.
Ipl. 16“ 795.7
Gnxi. or Gnj, Filippo Salvatore. Saggio di storia
americana. Roma, 1780-84. 4 v. 8“ . . . . 2398.61
Shelf No.
Gnxi, or Gru, Filippo Salvatore, continued.
Contents. — Vol. I. Della etorit^eOCTaflea, e naturale
della provincia dell’ Orinoco. II. De’ costumi degli
orinochesi. III. Delia religione, e delle lingue degli
orinochesi, e di altri amcricaui. IV. Stato presente di
Gilemore, Parker. A hunter’s adventures in the
Great West. London, 1871. x. 336 pp. 8“ . 2365.52
Girard, Jules. La photographic appliquee aux
dtudes gdographiques. Paris, 1871. 86 pp.
Illustrated. 18“ 8028.8
Girardin, Emile de. Du droit de punir. Paris,
1871. 440+ pp. 1 folded sh. 8“ 5618.6
Giceiari, Giovanni Battista Carlo, conte. Della tipo-
grafia Veronese. Verona, 1871. xiii, 196+pp.
8“, 1. p 6113.4
— editor. II libro di Theodolo. o vet o La visione
di Tantolo da un cod. del xrv sec. Bologna,
1870. xxxi, 95 pp. 16“ Vol. 31 of *4762.1
Godin, A [lexis ?] Solutions socialcs. Paris, 1871. iii,
663+ pp. Illustrated. 8“ 3567.51
Goeben, August von. Reise- und Lagor-Briefe aus
Spanliu und vom spanischen Heere in Marok-
ko. Hannover. 1863. 64. 2 v. 16“ 5099.7
Goedoni, Carlo. Commedie scelte. Milano, 1821.
4 V. Portrait. 8“ *2803.51
Contents. — Vol. I. Vita di C. Goldoni; Un curioso
accidente; D vero amico : Pamela fanciulla; La bottega
del catI6. II. La loeandicra; II eavalicre e ladania;
L’ impressario delle Smirne ; L' avventuriere onorato ;
Tereuzio. HI. Gli amori di Zelinda e Liudoro; Le
gelosie di Liudoro : Leinuuietudini di Zelinda; La damn
pmdentc; II Moliere. IV. Lavilleggiatura; Le smanie
per la villeggiatura ; Le avventure della villeggiatura; D
ritomo dalla villeg^atura ; II medico olaudese.
Goodeve, T. M. The elements of mechanism. 2d
edition. London, 1871. viii, 269 pp. Illus-
trated. 16“ 5948.11
Goodspeed. Edgar J. History of the great fires in
Chicago and the West. With a history of
Chicago, etc. Illustrated. New York. [1871].
676 pp. 8“ 2375.51
Goodivin. ^r.s. H. B. Dr. Howell’s family. Boston.
1872. 361 pp. 16“ E. B. 323.20
Goodwin, William Frederic. Records of the pro-
prietors of Narraganset township. No. 1, now
Buxton. York county, Maine, 1733-1811. Con-
cord. 1871. XX. 400 pp. 8“ *2336.53
Gothaisches gcnealogisches Taschenbuch der graf-
lichen Hauser. Jahrgang 45. Gotha. 1872,
32“ *2839.51
Gothaisches gcnealogisches Taschenbuch der frei-
hcrrlichen Hauser. 1872. Jahrgang22. Gotha.
1872. 32“ *2839.50
Goixding, F. R. Consin Aleck; or boy life among
the Indians. London, [1871]. viii, 245 pp.
16“ . Illustrated 719.14
Gozzi, Gasparo. Opere scelte. Milano, 1821, 22.
5 V. Portrait. 8“ *2803.52
Conteitts. — Vol. I, n. Vita di G. Gozzi ; Osserv-atore.
ni. Osservatore; .Lettere. IV. II mondo morale. V.
Dilesa di Dante; Prose; Novellette eracconti; Novelle
orientali tradotte ; Coraponimenti varj.
Granger. James. Letters between [him] and emi-
nent literary men of his time. With miscel-
lanies, and notes of tours in France, Holland,
and Spain. Edited by J. P. Malcolm. Lon-
don. 1805. 420, 114+ pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . 2447.51
Gravina. Giovanni Vincenzo. Opere scelte. Milano,
1819. xix, 500+ pp. Portrait. 8“ *2803.53
Contents. — Vita di G. V. Gravina scrittada G. B. Pas-
«eri, Della ragion poetical Della tragedia: Discqrso
Bopra 1’ Endimione di Alessandro Guidi; Della divi-
sione d’ Arcadia; Della istituzlone de poetic Itegola-
mento degli studi per nobil douna ; Poesie italiane.
Gray, iSrs. Russell, and others. The rainbow stories
for summer days and winter nights. London,
N. D. 284 pp. Illustrated. 8“ 755.14
Contents. — The seaside home, bv Mrs. Russell Gray;
The Northerotl lilies, by M. E. Shipley; Perils among
pirates, bv F. M. Wilbraham ; Headless and handless,
by F. H. iVood ; Fritz, by G. Crocklbrd ; The wanderer,
by Lady Charles Thjmne.
Great Britain. Department of justice. Commis-
sioners of patents. Index, Alphabetical, of
patentees and applicants, 1617-1870. London,
1854-71. 19 V. 8“.
Index, Chronological and descriptive, of
patents applied for and patents granted, con-
taining the abridgments of pro^sional and
complete specifications for 1869-70. London,
1870, 71. 2 V. 8“.
Shelf. No.
Great BniTArs, CommUaionem of patents, contin.
Index, Subject-matter, of patents applied for
and granted, 1617-1869. London, 1854-71. 20 v.
Index to the foreign scientific periodicals in
tile Patent office Sbrary. Vol. 1. London,
1867. 8".
Journal, 1854-68. London, 1855-69. 15 v. S"'
Specifications of inventions, Jan. Ist-Dec.
Slst, 1870. [London, 1871.] 34 v. text, 8";
40 V. plates, f“.
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
bricks and tiles. 1619-1866. London, 1862, 71.
2v. 16».
Specifications, Abridgments of. relating to
carriages and other vehicles for railways.
1807-66. London, 1871. xxxiv, 1496-[- pp. 16°.
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
lamps, candlesticks, chandeliers and other
illuminating apparatus; excluding inventions
for lighting by gas or electricity. 1637-1866.
London. 1871. xxvi, 678 pp. 16“.
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
music and musical instruments. 1694-1866.
2d edition. London. 1871. xiv, 520-(- pp. 16”.
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
needles and pins. 1755-1866. London, 1871.
xiv, 442-]- pp. 16°.
Specifications, Abridgments of. relating to
sewing and embroidery. 1755-1866. 2d edi-
tion. London, 1871. xxii, 384-)- pp. 16°.
Specifications. Abridgments of, relating to
sugar. 1663-1866. London, 1871. xvii, 442-)-
pp. 16°.
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
the production and applications of gas. (Ex-
cepting gas engines.) 1681-1866. Loudon,
1871. 2 V. 16».
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
the steam engine. 1618-1866. London, 1871.
4v. 16".
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
umbrellas, parasols, and walking sticks. 1780-
1866. London, 1871. xxx, 152-f pp. 16".
Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to
watches, clocks, and other timekeepers. 1661-
1866. London, 1858-71. 2 v. 16".
Specifications, Abridgments of. relating to
weaving. 1620-1866. London, 1871. 2 v. 16".
— India office. Pharmacopceia of India. ByE.J.
Waring, assisted by a committee. London,
1868. xvi, 502-1- pp. 8" *3788.52
— Parliament. Further correspondence respecting
the sinking of British vessels in the river Seine
by Prussian troops. London, [1871]. v, 93-)-
, pp. F° 4510.11
"North America. No. 1(1871). Correspondence
respecting the appointment of a joint high
commission. London, 1871. 6-)- pp. F" . . 4.510 13
No. 2 (1871). Despatch from her majesty’s
high commissioners, with copy of the treaty
signed at Washington, May 8, 1871. London,
1871. 12-)- pp. F" 4510.13
No. 3 (1871). Instructions to her majesty’s
high commissioners, and protocols of confer-
ences, held at Washington between February
27 and May 6, 1871. London, [1871]. 16-)- pp.
F» 4510.12
Treaty between her majesty and the United
States of America. Sianed at Washington,
May, 8, 1871. London. [1871.] ll-f pp. F» . 4510.12
Grec.s, Los, a toutes les dpoques. Par un ancien di-
plomate en Orient. 3e edition. Paris, 1870.
430-)- pp. 8" 5074.4
Green, Samuel Abbott. The story of a famous
book: an account of Benjamin Franklin’s au-
tobiography. Boston. 1871. 14 pp. 8" . . . 4441.24
Green, Thomas Henry. Introduction to pathology
and morbid anatomy. Illustrated. Philadel-
phia, 1871. xii, 17-260 pp. 8" 3745.50
Gbeenwele, Dora. Carmina crucis. London, 1869.
xii, 136-)- pp. Illustrated. 16° 3449.57
Gregory. Donald. History of the Western high-
lands and isles of Scotland, 1493 to 1625. Ed-
inburgh, 1836. xxxix, viii, 453-)- pp. 8° . . . 2463.7
Grisceli.i de Vezzani, Arthur, self-styled Baron
de Rimini. Memoires. Bruxelles, [1871]. 360
pp. 12" 2649.55
Grocott, J. C. An index to familiar quotations.
4th editioh. Liverpool, 1871. vi, 594-)- pp.
16" *2489.50
Guernsey. Clara F. Friends in need. Philadelphia,
1872. 480 pp. 4 pi. 16" 771.18
Shelf. No.
Guern.sey. Lucy Ellen. Lady Betty’s governess.
New York, 1872. 369 pp. 16" 496.8
— The Langhtim revels. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871].
416 pp. Illustrated. 16° 505.21
Gl'GLielmini, Domenico. Della natura de’ fiumi.
Con le annotazioni di E. Manfredi. Milano,
1821. 2 V. Illustrated. Portrait. 8° . . . *2803.54
Guileemin, Amddde. L’instruetion rdpublicaine.
Paris, 1871. 336-)- pp. 16" 4659.51
Gulllotin de Corson, — , ubM. Rdcits historiques,
traditions et Idgendes de Haute-Bretagne.
llle-et-Vilaine. Arrondisseraent de Redon.
Redon, 1870. viii, 205 pp. Sm. 12" 2839.52
Guizot, Francois (Pierre Guillaume). Christianity
viewed in relation to the present state of society
and opinion. Translated. London, 1871.
Ixxxii, 220-)- pp. Sm. 8° 3488.52
Gutzkow, ('arl Ferdinand. Die Sohne Pestalozzi’s.
Roman. BerUn, 1870. 3 v. 16" 4879.15
H., I. Paradise transported and restored : shown at
Christopher AV’hiteheads at the two wreathed
posts in Shooe-I,ane. London, 1661. Re-
printed 1871. 6-)- pp. 8" *6573.5
Hader.mann, Jeannette R. Dead,jnen’s shoes. A
romance. Philadelphia, 1872. 420 pp. 12" . 765.25
Hael, Anna Maria. Animal sagacity. London: N. D.
168 pp. Sq. 16" 175.31
Halt, Robert, pseud. See Vieu, Charles.
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The unknown river [an
etcher’s voyage of discovery. Illustrated by
the author. London, 1871. vi, 58-)- pp. 37
pi, L.8" *A.225.10
Hamilton, Celia Y ., formerly Miss Dakin. A crown
from the spear. Boston, 1872. vi, 172 pp.
8" 431.29 and E. B. 261.63
Hamilton, James. Our Christian classics : readings
from the beet divines. London, 1859-66. 4v.
12" 4557.3
Hamley, Edward Bruce. The operations of war
explained and illustrated. 2d edition. Edin-
burgh. 1869. xxiii, 456-)- pp. 17 maps and
woodcuts. 4“ 3954.50
— Our poor relations. A philozoic essay. With
illustrations., Edinburgh, 1872 [1871]. 75-)-
pp. 16" 178.15
Hart, Charles Henry. Memoir of George Ticknor.
Philadelphia, 1871. 24 pp. L. 8" . . . . ***11.201.10
Harting, James Edmund. The ornithology of
Shakespeare. London, 1871. xxii, 321-]- pp.
8" 2495.50
HADSBATn. A. Neutestamentiiche Zeitgeschichte.
Heideiberg, 1868, 72. 2 V. 8" 5425.10
CmiteMs. — Vol. I. Die Zeit Jesu. II. Die Zeitder
Haven, Gilbert, and Ru.ssell, Thomas. Incidents
and anecdotes of E. T. Taylor. Boston, 1872.
445 pp. Portrait. Illustrated. 12" 537.40
Haviland, Alfred. The geographical distribution
of heart disease and dropsy in England and
Wales, illustrated by a coloured map. Edin-
burgh, 1871. 61pp. F“ 5800.9
Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Music and morals. Lon-
don, 1871. xiii. 576 pp. Sm. 8" 8049.32
— Same. New York, 1872. 478 pp. Illustrated.
12" E. B. 363.29
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from [his] French
and Italian note-books. Boston, 1872. 2 v.
16" 1818.7, 2392.21, and E. B. 45.17
Haydn, (Franz) Joseph. Symphonicn. Partitur.
Leipzig. N. D. 2 V. 8“ A.210.1
Haydn, Joseph, d. 1856. Dictionary of dates. 1.3th
edition [published 1868], with a Supplement
[June, 1868 -Dec.], 1870. By B. Vincent.
London, 1871. vii. 856. .56-)- pp. 8" . . . *K.R., C. 15
Hayes, Isaac I. The hand of desolation : a narrative
of observation and adventure in Greenland.
Illustrated. New York, 1872. 357 jjp. 12".
703.14, and E. B. 233.10
Heather, John Fry. A treatise on mathematical
instruments. 11th edition. London, 1871. vi,
185 pp. Illustrated. 12" 3939.50
Helps, Arthur. Thoughts upon government. Lon-
don, 1872. viii, 245 pp. 8" 3565.53
Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm. Dissertations on
the genuineness of the Pentateuch. Trans-
lated by J. E. Ryland. Edinburgh, 1867. 2 v.
8" ...... 5423.51
Hennessy, W. j., and others. Edwin Booth in 12
dramatic characters. The portraits by W. J.
Hennessy. I'he engraving by W. J. Liuton.
The biographical sketch by W. Winter. Bos-
ton, 1872 [1871]. 51-)- pp. 13 pi. 4" . . *2490.61
Shelf. No.
Henrt IV, of France. Cantiqve faict a I’honnevr de
Diev aprfes la bataille obtenve svr les ligvevrs
le 14 de mars, 1591. Paris, 1863. 7+pp. 16° . 2G79.G7
Hentz, Caroline Lee. Aunt Patty’s scrap-bag. With
illustrations. Philadelphia, [1872]. 21-322-)-
pp. 16“ 500.53, and E. B. 346.13
Hepworth, George Hughes. Christ and his church.
Two sermons. New York. 1872. 43 pp. 8° . 3465.50
Herbert, Henry William. Frank Forester’s [pseud.]
sporting scenes and characters. With illustra-
tions. Philadelphia, [cop. 1857]. 2 v. 16°. .6008.19
Contents. — Vol. I. My shooting box ; The deerstalk-
ers. n. The Waias'ick woodlands ; Tom Draw’s visit
to Pine brook ; The Quorudon hounds.
Herodotl'S [outlined and explained] by G. C.
Swayne. Edinburgh, 1870. 180-4- pp. 16°.
E. B. 192.4
Hermann, Conrad. Philosophie der Geschichte.
Leipzig, 1870. viii, 666 pp. 8° 2307.50
Herrmann. Carl Heinrich. Bibliotheca orientalis et
linguistica. Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1850-
68 in Deutschland erschienenen BUcher. Schrif-
ten und Abhandlungen orientalischer und
sprachvergleichender Literatur. Halle, 1870.
184-)- pp. 8“ *6174.1
Hesb.x Stretton, pseud. See Smith. Hannah.
Heylli, Georges d’, pseud. See Poinsot, Antoine
Heywood. Joseph C. How ■will it end ? A romance.
Philadelphia. 1872 [1871]. 301 pp. 12° .... 788.17
Hinman, Royal Rodolphus. Catalogue of the first
puritan settlers of Connecticut. Hartford. 1846.
[New edition, consisting of portions of the
original edition, and other portions of that
edition reprinted ; with an index. Albany,
1872 ] 367 pp. 8° *2337.53
Hinton, Henry L., editor. Plays, as produced by
Edwin Booth. No. 1, 2. New York, [cop.
1868], 2v. 12° 6573.3
Contents. — [Yol. I.] No. 1-3. 5. Shakspeare. "W. :
No. 1. Richard HI ; 2. Macbeth; .3. Merchant of
Venice; 5. Romeo and Juliet. 4. Taylor, T. The
fool's revenge. [II.] No. 6. Payne, Jl H. Brutus;
8. Shakspeare, AV. Othello.
Hitchcock, Benjamin W. Half dime series of music
for the million. No. 1-459. New York, [cop.
1868-71]. 4v. Sm. f° *8053.2
Hodgdon. N. C. A denominational offering: from
the literature of universalism. In 12 pans.
Boston. 1871. 432 pp. 8° E. B. 369.4
Hodge. Charles. Systematic theology. New York,
1872 [1871]. 2v. 8° 7460.3
Contents. — Vol. I. Introduction; Theology proper.
H. Antliropolpgy.
Hoei-Li. and Yen-Thsong. Histoire de la \de de
Hiouen-Thsang et de ses voyages dans I’Inde,
629-645 ; suivie de documents et d’dclaircisse-
ments gdographiques tires de la relation origi-
nale de Hiouen-Thsang; traduite du chinois
parS.Julien. Paris, 1853. (6), Ixxxiv, 472 pp.
8° 5045.53
Hogarth. William, and others. Hogarth’s frolic.
The five days’ peregrination around the Isle of
Sheppey of William Hogarth and his fellow
pilgrims. Scott, Tothall. Thornhill and Forrest.
With sketches in sepia from the original draw-
ings illustrtvting the tour. London, [1872],
xiv. 42-)- pp. Wood-cuts and 13 pi. Sm. 4° . 2467.51
HOEBERG, Ludvig, baron. A journey to the world
under-ground. By Nicholas Klimius [pseud.].
Translated from'the original. London, 1742.
324-)- pp. Sm. 12° 6568.13
Holeand. Sir Henry. Recollections of past life.
London, 1872. viii, 346 pp. Sm. 8° 2447.54
— Same. New York, 1872. x, 351 pp. 12°.
585.17, and E. B. 195.12
Hoet, Emily Sarah. Isoult Barry of Wynscote. A
tale of Tudor times. London, [1871]. 408-)-
pp. 1 woodcut. 16° 795.8
Homans. Isaac Smith. The coin book, comprising a
history of coinage ; [etc.] . With engravings of
the princip.al coins. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871],
139-f- pp. 17 pi. 8° 2227.50
Homerc.s. The Iliad [outlined and explained] by
W. L. Collins. Edinburgh. 1870. viii, 148 pp.
16° E. B. 192.5
— The Odyssey [outlined and explained] by W.
L. Collins. Edinburgh, 1870. 136-)- pp, 16°.
E. B. 192 6
Shelf. No.
Hone, William. The year book, of daily recrc,ation
and information. 114 engravings. London,
N. D. 856-)- pp. 8° *2246.50
Hope, Ascott R. Texts from The times. 2d edition.
Edinburgh, 1872 [1871]. xi,252-)-pp. 16°. . 2478.53
Hoppin, Augustus. Ups and downs on land and
water. [A series of iUustrations.] Boston,
1871. 48 ff. Obi. f° *4500a.33
Horatics Fe.ycccs, Quintus. Horace [outlined and
explained] by T. Martin. Edinburgh, 1870. ix.
203+ pp. 16° E. B. 192.7
Horne, Richard Henry. Orion : an epic poem. 9th
edition. Boston, [London.] 1872. xxvii,
158+ pp. 16“ 6568.14
Howeees. William Dean. Their wedding journey.
With illustrations. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 287+
pp. 16° 644.23 and E. B. 326.30
Howitt, Mary. A pleasant life. London, [1871],
iv, 7-192+ pp. Ipl. 16° 733.13
Howson, John Saul. The companions of St. Paul.
London, 1871. vi, 290+ pp. Sm. 8° 3558.51
Humber. William. A treatise on cast and wrought
iron bridge construction. Illustrated. 3d edi-
tion. Vol. 1, text [with plates] ; v. 2, plates.
London, 1870 . 2 v. F° *8010.55
Hunt, Helen. Bits of travel. Boston, 1872. 104 pp.
12° 909.21
— Verses. Boston, 1871. 107 pp. Sm. 16° . . . 339.19
Husson-Feeury, Jules Francois Felix. Histoire de
la caricature au moyen age, par Champfleury
[pseud.]. Paris, [1871]. xx, 270+ pp. Illus-
trated. Sm. 12° 4079.5
Hutton. Charles. Course of mathematics. New
edition, by W. Rutherford. London, 1841.
vii, 895+pp. 8° 3936.51
Huxeey, Thomas Henry. Essays selected from Lay
sermons, addresses, and reviews. London,
1871. 143+ pp. 16° 4559a.23
— More criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative
nihilism. New York, 1872. 85 pp. 12° . . . 5827.22
INSTITUT zur Forderung der israelitischen Literatur.
Schriften hcrausgegeben unter der Leitung
von L. Philippson, A. M. Goldschmidt, und
L. Herzfeld. Famely : —
— Loew, J. Beitrage zur judischen Alterthums-
kunde 5488.15
Illustrated Christian weekly. Vol. 1. April 15-
Dec. 30, 1871. [No title-page.] New York.
1871 *7240.50
Illustrated library of wonders. Namely : —
— Marion, F. Wonders of vegetation.
1179.22 and E. B. 34.37
Infants delight. Vol. 2. London, [1871]. 141+ pp.
Illustrated. Sm. 4° 345.23, and E. B. 75.5
iNGELOw, Jean. Stories told to a child. 2d series.
With iUustrations. Boston, 1872. iv, 3’22 pp.
16° E. B. 21 23
Internationale. L’, Karl Marx, Mazzini et Bakou-
nine. Bruxelles, 1871. 16 pp. 8° 5562.34
J***, E. Les vaincus de Metz. 3 cartes. Paris, 1871.
iii, 323 pp. 8° 2627.63
Jaccoud, Sigismond. Traitd de pathologie interne.
T. 1. Paris. 1870. Illustrated. 8° 3795.54
Jacini, Stefano. Due anni di politica italiana (dalla
convenzione del 15 settembre alia liberazione
delVeneto). 3aedizione. Milano, 1868. 195+
pp. 8° 2726.50
Jacob. Arthur. Practical designing of retaining
walls. DubUn. 1867. 2.3+ pp. Illustrated. 8°. A.201.1
Jacquemont. M. S. La campagne des zouaves pon-
tificaux en France, 1870-71. Paris, 1871. 203
pp. 1 pi. 18° 26-27.73
JALABEET, C.. the elder. Les cooperateurs du fusil
a aiguille. [No title-page. Saint-Etienne,
1868.] 8 pp. 8° 5956.8
— Historique des armes se chargeant par la culasse
et des fulminates employes a leur inflamma-
tion. Saint iltienne, V. D. 14+ pp. 2 pi. 8° . 5956.8
— Notice historique sur ,le fusil a aiguille.
[No title-page. Saint fitienne, 1866.] 15 pp.
8“ 5956.8
Jacquot, Charles Jean Baptiste. La marquise de
Courcelles, par Eugene de Mirecourt [pseud.].
Paris. 1871. 310+ pp. 18° 2679.63
Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. Animal and vegetable
parasites of the human skin and hair. Boston,
1872. 102 pp. Illustrated. 16° 3799.52
Jenkins. Edward. Lord Bantam. A satire. New
York. George Routledge and sons. 1872 [1871],
viii, 243 pp. 12° 1827.8
— Same. New York: D. Appleton and co. 1872.
103 pp. 8° 822.3
Shelf. No.
Jennings, G. n. and Johnstone, W. 0. A book of
p.irliamcntary anecdote. London, N. u. vl,
407+ PI). Iti” 876.20
Jevons, W. Stanley. 'I'he theory of political econ-
omy. London. 1871. xvi. 267 pp. 8“ . . . . 5645.1
Jewry, Mary. Warne’s every-day cookery. With
illustrations in colours. London, [1872]. 364+
pp. Sm. 8° 6008.21
John, Eugenic. The little moorland princess. From
the German of E. Marlitt [pseud.'\ by Mrs. A.
L. Wister. Philadelphia. 1872. 406 pp. 12».
425.9 and E. B. 325.20
Johnson, W. Forbes. An essay on the science of
law and on its reform. Dublin, 1870. vii,
140+ pp. 8» 5627.6
Jones, (Henry) Bence. The royal institution: its
founder and its first itrofessors. London, 1871.
X, 431pp. 8m. 8" 2478.54
J0TTR.4ND, Lucicn. Du repos hedomadaire. Bale
et GenOve, 1870. lOS-j- pp. 8" 3453.50
JouBERT, P. Ch., and Sagnieb. Andrd. Le contrat
social do I’avcnir, suivi (^un projet de consti-
tution du pcuple fran^ais. 2e Edition. Paris,
1371. 16 pp. 8» 5562.33
JOCEIN, Desird .loseph. Les caravanes d’un chirur-
gien d’ambulances pendant le siege de Paris
et sous la commune. Paris, 1871. U7+ pp.
12» 3799.51
Journal des joumaux de la commune : tableau re-
snmO de la presse quotidienne du 19 mars au
24 raai 1871. Paris, 1872. 2 v. 18<' 4629.52
Journal fiir Ornithologie. Ein Centralorgan flir die
gesammte Ornithologie. Zugleich Organ der
Deutsehen Ornithologen-Gesellsehaft. Ile-
rausgegeben von J. Cabanis [1800-66, und
Eduard Bald.amus] . In Verbindung mit J. H.
- Blasius [u. a.]. Jahrg. 1-17. Cassel, 1853-69.
17 V. 8» *5908.50
Joyce, P. W. A hand-book of school management
and methods of te.aching. 3d edition. Dublin,
1867 . 228 pp. lllu.str.atcd. 16" 3599.50
Julian, George W. Speeches on political questions.
Introduction bv L. M. Child. New York, 1872
[1871], XX. 472 pp. 8“ ..2392.51
JUTEAC. Joseph Frdddric. Rapport sur la campagne
de I’Est (1870-1871). Paris, 1871. 71 pp. 1
map. 8" 2625.66
Juvenile rambler; or, family and school journal.
[No title-page.] Boston, 1832, 33. 2 v. 4" . *7390a.3
Kasthofer. Carl. Der Lehre im Walde. Bern,
1828. 29. 2 V. in 1. Illustrated. Sm. 8” . . . 3859.51
Kelley. Williant 1). Speeches, addresses and letters
on industrial and financi.al questions. Phila-
delphia, 1872 [1871] . XXX. 514 pp. 8" . . . .2392.52
Kersten, Otto, editor. Carl Claus von der Decken’s
Reisen in Ost-Afrika in den Jahren 1859 bis
1865. Leipzig, 1869, 71. 2 v. lilustrated.
L. 8" 5051.8
Contents. — T. Die Tnsel Sansibar; Reisen nach dem
Niassasee mid deni Schnt.-berge Kilimandscharo. II.
Reisen im Inneren und an der Kuste; Die ostafrika-
nlseiie lusels'elt; Reisen in den Landeru der Galla und
Khuen. Andreas. Der Wartberghof. oder die Raths-
Eiche. Eine wahre Begebenheit aus dem vori-
gen Jahrhunderte. Aus dem Englischen na-
chcrzUhlt. Wien, 1869. 34 pp. 8" 6566.1
King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Ne-
vada. Boston, 1872. 202+ pp. 8".
623.26 and E. B. 235.5
King, Edmund Fillingham. Ten thousand wonder-
ful things. With illustrations. London, N.D.
xvi, 084 pp. 16“ 6246.4
King, Thomas Starr. The “Wliite hills. With 60
illustrations. Boston, 1862. xv, 403+ pp. 8".
E. B. 136.25
Kingston, William n. G. On the banks of the Ama-
zon. London, 1872. 512pp. Illustrated. 16" . 424.17
— Ben Burton ; or. born and bred at sea. London,
1872 [18711. 2274- pp. Illustrated. 16" . . . 756.26
Klein. J. L. Geschiente des Drama’s. Leipzig,
1865-71. 8 V. in 9. 8“ 4874.4
Contents. — Vot. 1. Einteitung. Griecliiscbe Trag5-
die. II. Die griecbisciie Kombdie und daa Drama der
Rbmer. III. lias Qussereuropiiisehe Drama und die
latein. Sehausuiele -nach Cbristna bis Ende des x.
Jabrbtinderts. IV-WI. Das italienische Drama. Vni.
Das spaniscUe Drama.
Kldiiius, Nicholas, pseud. See llolberg, Ludwig,
Knight. Charles. Old England: a pictorial museum
of antiquities. London, 1845, 46. 2 v. F" . . *4520.7
Shelf. No.
Kohut, Adolph. Alexander von Humboldt und das
Judenthura. Leipzig, 1871. xv, 194 pp. 8" . 3487.50
Kortright, Fanny Aikin. The true rights of
woman 2U edition. London, [1871]. viii, 69
pp. 8" 5576.52
Kuehner, Raphael. Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der
griechischen Sprache. 2te Auflage. Hanno-
ver, 1869-72. 3 V. 8" 4985.4
Contents. — Vul. 1. Elementarlehre ; Formenlehre ;
Wortbildungslehre. Il, AbtU. 1, 2. Syntaxe.
Laborde, Jean Baptiste Vincent. Les hommes et
les actes de I’insurrection de Paris devant la
psychologie morbidc. Paris, 1872. iv. 151+
pp. 18" .4029.51
Lachmund, Friedrich. De ave Diomedea disser-
tatio. Amstelodami, 1674. 52+ pp. 2 pi.
Sm. 12" 5829a.2
La Gueronniere Alfred de, romie. L’homme de
Metz. 2e edition. Bruxelles. 1870. 79+ pp. 8". 2627.57
Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Homer and
Socrates. Translated by E. W. Smith. With
a brief biography. Philadelphia, 1872. 93 pp.
12" 4959.3
— Twenty-five years of my life, and memoirs of ray
mother. Translated by Lady Herbert. Lon-
don, 1872. 2 V. Sm. 8" 2647.52
Lancewood, Lawrence, pseud. See Wise, Daniel.
Lane, Edward William. Manners and customs of
the modern Egjqitians. 5th edition. Edited
by E.S. Poole. London, 1871. 2v. Illustrated.
Sm. 8" 5059.11
Langenbeck, Conrad Johann Martin. leones ana-
tomicae. Editio nova. Gottingae, N. D. 5 v.
L. f " V. 1-3, *57 .E. 1; V. 4-5, *57 .F. 1
Contents. — [Vol. 1.) Angiologia. [11. 1 Myologia.
fill.) Osteolngia et Syndesniolugia. [IV.J Splanclino-
ugia. (V.) Nem-ologia.
Langford, John Alfred. The Birmingham free
libraries. the Shakesperc memorial library, and
the Art gallery. Birmingham. 1871. viii, 78
pp. 8“ *6125.6
Lanzi, Luigi. Storia pittorica della Italia al fine
del 18 secolo. Milano, 1824, 25. 4v. Portrait.
8" *2803.55
Contents. — Vol. I. Da scuola fiorentina e la senese.
n. Da 8cuola romana e iiapohtana. III. Da scuola
voneziaua e Ic scuole lombarde di Mantova, Modena,
Parma, Cremona e Milauu. IV. De scuole bologuese
e ferrarese, equelle di Geuova e del Piemonte; Indici.
Larchey, (Btienne) Lor6dan, and others. Memorial
illustrO des deux sieges de Paris, 1870-1871.
Texte deL. Larchey. 320 illustrations. Paris,
1872. viii, 320+ pp. F“ *4620.5
Laurent, Fran?ois. Principes de droit civil frau-
qais. T. 6. Paris, 1871. 8" 5613.8
Lavergne, Louis Gabriel LOonce Guilhaud de.
L’agriculture et la population. 2e edition.
Paris. 1863. xii, 468+ pp. 18" 3569.51
Lawrence, William Beach. Disabilities of American
women married abroad. Appendix : conven-
tions of naturalization, [etc.]. Marriage laws
of various countries, as affecting tbe property
of married women. New York, 1871. 144+
pp. 8" 3664.2
Lear, Edward. More nonsense, pictures, rhymes,
botany, etc. London, 1872 [1871]. Sm. 4" . 896.22
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. The leaders of
public opinion in Ireland : Swift, Flood, .
Grattan, O’Connell. New edition. London,
1871. xxiv. 320 pp. Sm. 8" 4519.23
— Same. New York, 1872. xxiv, 320pp. 12". . 894.18
Leclercq, fimile. La guerre de 1870. L’esprit
parisien. 8e Edition. Paris, 1871. xv, 219+
pp. 12" 2629.85
— Le second empire franqais. De la prison de Ham
aux jardins de Wilhclmshoehe. 4e edition.
Paris, 1871. 196 pp. 12" _. . .2649.57
Ledeuil, Ldouard. Campagne de 1870-71. Chateau-
dun, 18 octobre, 1870. 2e6dition. Paris,1871.
135-|-pp. 1 map. 8" 2625.67
Leech, John. Pictures of life and character. From
Punch. lst-5th series. London, [1854-]69.
5v. Obi. f " *4570a.5
Legouest, Venant Antoine Leon. Des kystes syno-
viaux du poignet et de la main. Paris, 1857.
13.5-t- pp. 8" 3746.51
Le Grange. H. M. Salted with fire. New York,
1872. 177 pp. 12" 478.25
Leicester, Mass. Celebration of the 150th anniver-
sary of the organization of the town, July 4,
1871. Cambridge, 1871. 77 pp. 8" 4453.7
Shelf. No
Leland. Charles Godfrey. Meister Karl’s sketch-
book. Rhiladelphia, fl872]. 287 pp. 8° . . . 876.18
— The music lesson of Confucius, and other poems.
Boston. 1872. viii. 108 pp. IB" 1359.7
Lemonnit.r, J. Les joumaux de Paris pendant la
commune. Paris. [1871], 94 pp. 12“ *6165.1
Lenoir. Paul. Le Fayomn, le Sinai et Petra. Ouv-
rage enrichi de 13 giavures. Paris. 1872. 332-|-
pp. 18“ 3049.50
Leo I.. Emil. Anleitung zum Tunnelbau. Quedlin-
burg, 1853 li:i+ pp. 8 pi 8“ 8016.14
Leonard. Joseph, and co. Catalogiie of engravings
and etchings, of G. H. De Vries and [others].
Sold, October 10-13 [1871]. Boston, 1871. 06
pp. 8“ *8075.19
Le Petit. Alfred. Album de La Charge. Carica-
tures publides dcpuis le 4 septembre. [Paris,
1870.71.] 15 pi. F“ *4620.4
Les 31 seances officielles de la commune de Paris.
Paris. 1871. 280 pp. 18“ 2627.67
Leslie. 51 adeline. pseud. See Baker, Harriet Newell
Letters to the ministry from governor Bernard,
general Gage, and commodore Hood. Also
memorials to the lords of the treasury from
the commissioners of the customs. Boston.
1709. 108 pp. 8“ 4429a.34
Levittocx, Henri. Philosophic de la nature. D’apr^s
la 3e Edition polonaise. Bruxelles. 1872. 556-|-
pp. 8“ 3605.55
Levy, W. Hanks. Blindness and the blind. London,
1872 xri. 518 pp. 1 wood -cut. Sm. 8“ . . .3809.52
Lewes. Marian J., formerly Miss Evnns. Wise,
W'itty, imd tender sayings from the works of
George Eliot [fiseud'\. By A. Main. Edin-
burgh, 1872. xvi. o314- pp. 16“ 2479.53
Lev, W. Clement. The laws of the winds prevailing
in WesteiTi Europe. With charts, diagrams,
etc. Part 1. London. 1872 [1871]. vi, 164-]-
pp. 8“ 3965.50
Liddon. H. P. Walter Kerr Hamilton; a sketch.
2d edition. London. 1869. 8“ 6547.17
Lighteoot. Joseph Barber. On a fresh revision of
the English New Te.stament. 2d edition. Lon-
don. 1872. xxii, 2,59-)- pp Sm. 8" 3429.52
Lights and shadows iu a cauine Ufe. with skctehcs
of travel, [.luon.] Loudon, 1871. vi, 115-]-
pp. 1 pi. 8“ 435.17
Linton. Williimi J. Claribel and other poems. [With
illustr.ations by the author.] London, 1865.
xi, 266-)- pp. i6“ 6568.15
LiTTRlb, (Ma.ximilicn Paul) Emile. Medecine et
mdaecins. P.aris, 1872. viii. 512+ pp. S“ . .3717.51
LrvET, Charles Louis. Le journ.al officiel de Paris
pendent la commune. Hi.stoire. Extraits.
Fac-simile du dernier n“ (24mai). Paris, 1871.
8. 286 pp. 1 folded sh. 12“ 2627.69
Lockhart. Laurence W. M. Fair to see. New
York, 1872. 163 pp. 8“ 421.9
Loew, Julius. Beitriage zur judischen Alterthum-
skuude. B. 1. Ite, 2te Lief. Leipzig. 1870.
8“ 5488.14
Consents. — Grapliische Requisiten and Erzeugnisse
bei dcu Juden.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poetical works.
Complete edition. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1872
[1871]. xiv. 504 pp. 8“ *2405.51
Lopez. Vincente Fidel. Les races aryennes du
Perou, leur languc. leur religion. Icur histoire.
Paris. 1871. 421-]- pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . . . 2315.51
Lorenz, Alfred. Praktischer Tunnelbau in seinem
ganzen Cmfange. nebst Eeschreibungen au.«ge-
fUhrter Tuuneibauten. Wien, 1860. iv, 188+
pp. 8“; atlas, obi. f“ *8011.50
Lovejov, Joseph C. and Owen. Memoir of E. P.
Lovejoy. With an introduction by J. Q.
Adams. New York. 1838 . 382 pp. 12“ . . . 4446.35
Low, C. R. Tales of naval .adventure. With illus-
trations. London, 1872 . 331 pp. 12“ .... 756.27
Llcretius Cards, Titus. On the nature of things.
Translated into English verse, by C. F. John-
son, New York. 1872. 333 pp. 16“ . . . . • 4927.4
Lcebke, Wilhelm. Geschichte derPlastik. 2teAufl.
Mit [533] Holzschnitt-Ulustrationen. Leipzig,
1871. 2v. 8“ *A.225.5
— Grundriss der Kunstgesehichte. 5te Aufl. Mit
[442] Holzscbnitt-Illustrationen. Stuttgart,
1871. 2 V. 8“ A.225.8
Ltne, Augustus A. The midshipman’s trip to .leru-
salem and cruise in Syria. London. 1871. x,
450 pp. 3 pi. Sm. 8“ 5047.17
Shelf No.
Lvon, William Penman. Homo versus Darwin ; a
judicial ex.amination of The descentof man.”
[A»0)i.] Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 155 pp.
lliustrated. 16“ 5827223
Lttton. Lord. See Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (George
Earle Lytton).
Maccabe [McCabe], James D. The great republic ;
a descriptive, statistical and historical riew.
Illustrated. Philadelphia, [1871]. 1118 pp.
8“ 2365.51
Mac Crib [M’Crib], Theophilus. Kennaquhair: a
narrative of Utopian travel. London, 1872
[1871]. viii, 335 pp. Sm8“ 1478.61
Macdonald, George. David Elginbrod. Leipzig.
1871. 2v. Sm. sq. 16“ 750.62
— Ranald Bannerraan’s boyhood. London, 1872.
299 pp. Illustrated. 16“ 445.17
— The princess and the goblin. London, 1872 313
pp. 16“ 500 55 and E. B. 22.32
— Wilfrid Cumbermede. 14 illustrations. New
York. 1872. x, 498 pjl. 8“ 496.7
Macduff, John R. Saint Paul in Rome. Sermons.
London, 1871. 341 pp. 1 photograph- 16“ . .3459.56
Mackarness. Matilda Anne, formerly Miss Plane.he.
Old saws new set. Hlustrated. London.
1872 [18711. viu. 4:53 pp. Sq. 16“ . . . . E. B. 268.8
Mac Piierson [MePhersonf, Edward. Political his-
tory of the United States daring the period of
reconstriiction, (April 15, 1865, to July 15,
1870). Wa.',hmgton, 1871. 9,648 pp. 8“ . . .2322.50
Macpherson. Pobert. The resurrection of Jesus
Christ, with an examination of the speculations
of Strauss, and the present position of theo-
logical inquiry in reference to the existence of
God and the miraculous evidence of Christian-
ity. Edinburgh, 1867. xliii, 467 pp. Sm. 8“ . 3447.60
Macqdoid. Katharine S. Patty. A novel. New
York, 1872. 188 pp. 8“ 793.11
Maffei, (Francesco) Scipione, marchese. Verona
illustrata. Milano, 1825, 26. 5 v. Hlustrated.
Portrait. 8“ *2804.50
MagenT-V, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de MacMa-
hon, duede. L’armde de Versailles depuis sa
formation jusqu’a la complete pacification de
Paris. Paris, 1871. 4.5+ pp. 1 map. 8“ . . . 2625.66
Magill, Edward H. French prose and poetry;
being an advanced French reader. Also a
treatise upon French versification. New
York, 1870. xii, 448 pp. 12“ 2689.52
Maistre, Xavier de, comte. A journey round my
room. Translated by H[enry] A[twell].
London. 1871. xi. 152 pp. 16“, 1. p 2678.56
Maitland. James A. Sartaroe : a tale of Norway.
Philadelphia. [1857]. 448 pp. 12“ . . .E.B. 267.18
Malleson. G. B. Recreations of an Indian ofiicial.
London, 1872. xii, 467 pp. 16“ 5046.51
Mallory, Wheeler and co.. New Haven. Conn.
Door locks, knobs, padlocks, etc., illustrated
and described. Hartford. 1871. 292 pp. L.
4“ *8010.54
Mandeville, Sir John de. Viaggi. volgarizzamento
antico toscano, ora ridotto a buona lezione. per
cura di F. Zambriui. Bologna. 1870 . 2v. iul.
16“ Vol. 31 of *4762.1
Mandrot. (Louis) Alphonse de. Resumd de I’organ-
is.ation militaire de la Suisse. 2e Edition.
Bale, 1871. 52 pp. 16“ 5957.6
Mannering. May. pseud. See Nowell, H. P. H.
M-A.NNING. Jacob Merrill. Half truths and the truth.
Lectures on the origin and development of pre-
vailing forms of unbelief. Boston, 1872. 398
pp, 16“ 2095.23
Marcy, Randolph B. Border reminiscences. New
York. 1872 [1871]. 396 pp. 12“ 638.22
Marion. Fulgence. The wonders of vegetalion.
From the French. Edited by Scheie de Vere.
61 illustrations. New York. 1872 . 283 pp. Sm.
8“ 1179.22 and E. B. 34.37
Marlitt. E., pseud. See John, Eugenie.
Marlowe, Christopher. Works, [edited] by A.
Dyce. London, 1850. 3 v. 16“ 6606.5
Contents. — Vol. I. Life; Tamburlaine the Great ; The
Jew of Malta; II. Faustus; Faustua (with a later text) ;
Ballad of Faustus; Edward the Second; Massacre at
Paris ; Dido. III. Hero and Lcander ; Ovid’s elepes ;
Epigrams; First book of Lucan; Appendixes, [etej.
Marmora, Alfonso Ferrero, marchese della. H gen-
erale La Marmora e la campagna del 1866. 2a
edizione. Firenze. 1868. 130 pp. 8® . , , , 4724.2
— Schiarimenti e rettifiche. Firenze, 1868. 44 pp.
go 4724.2
Shelf. No.
Marryat, Florence. Ace Church, Florence.
Masi, Ernesto. Fra Girolamo Savonarola. I tempi
e la salira di Giuseppe Giusti. Firenze, 1871.
12Gpp. 16“ 4746.12
Massaohi;.sett3 homceopathic hospital and the La-
dies’ aid association. Ist annual report, 1871.
Boston, 1872. 8" *7804.9
Massachusetts temiierance society. When will
the day come? Boston, N. D. 12". . .E.B. 153.31
Contents. — Extracts from the records of the Mass, so-
ciety for tlie suppression of intemperance; Dr. Warren's
iournat; Dr. Carpenter on the use and abuse of alcoholic
lit^uors ; Bishop Butter's address on the drinking usages
of society.
Matteccci, Carlo. Lezioni di fisica. 4a edizione.
Pisa. 1850. 544-|- pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . . . 3967.51
May, Sir Thomas Erskine. The constitutional his-
tory of England. 1760-1860. 3d edition. Lon-
don, 1871. 3v. 16" 2419.50
Mayer, Adolf. Lehrbuch der Agriculturchemie.
Ueidelberg, 1871. 2 v. 8" 5994.11
Contents. — Vol.I. Die Ernahrung der griinen Ge-
wachse. II. Die Theorie des Eeldbaues.
Medical directory, 1872. London, 1866. 8" . . . . *4536.1
Medical times. The. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1871.
Sm. 4" *5711.50
Metastasio, Pietro (Bonaventura). See Trapassi,
Pietro (Bonaventura).
Meehan. C. P. The fate and fortunes of Hugh
O’Neill, carl of Tyrone, and Kory O’Donel,
.. earl of Tyrconnel. 2d edition. Dublin, 1870.
XX, 651 pp. 5 portraits. Small 8" 4527.7
Meffray. — , eomte de. Les fautes de la defense de
Paris. 2eedition. Paris, 1871. 87 pp. 18" . 2629.82
Mel'ville, Herman. Typee. Revised edition, with
a sequel. New York, 1871. xiv, 307 pp. 12" .
E. B. 234.27
Memminger. Robert Withers. What is religion ?
Philadelphia, 1872. 246 pp. 12" 3459.60
Mendelssohn-Bartiioldy, Felix. Lettres inddites.
Traduites par A. A. Holland. Paris, [1864] .
viii, 344-t- pp. 18" 8049.34
Mercantile agency United States business direc-
tory for 1867. New York, 1867. (4), 22-788
pp. 4" . ■ *2381.51
Meriden britannia co.. West Meriden.. Conn. Illus-
trated and descriptive price list of coffin and
casket trimmings. [Hartford, 1869.] 27 pp.
Obi. f " . . c *8070.52
— Illustrated catalogue and price list of heavily
plated goods. [Hartford, 1871.] 194 pp. and
photographs. F" *8070.52
Mecrs (Zat. Meursius). Jan van. [Opera.] Ultra-
jecti, 1685-87 . 4 v. in 1. Sm. 4“ *4967.3
Contents. — De regno Laconico, libri 2. (8), 108 pp. —
Piraeus. 51, (5) pp. — Helladii Besantmoi chrestomathice,
cum notis. 7l, (9) pp. — Themis Attica, sive dclegibua
Atticis, libri 2.
Miles, Ellen E. Our home beyond the tide. And
kindred poems. [Selections .1 Boston, 1872
[1871]. 252 pp. Sm. sq. 16" 339.16
Millett, Mrs. Edward. An Australian parsonage.
London, 1872 [1871], xvi, 415 pp. 1 pi. 8" . 5046.10
Milton, John L. On the pathology and treatment of
gonorrhoea. London, 1871. viii, 219 pp. Il-
lustrated. 8" *5774.21
Mirecourt, Eugbne ie, pseud. See Jacquot, Charles
Jean Baptiste.
Molesworth, Guilfofd L. Pocket-book of useful
formul® aud memoranda for civil and mechan-
ical engineers. 17th edition. YVith additions.
London, *1.871. vdii. 440 pp. Obi. 16" 5939a.5
Molesworth, William Nassau. History of England
from 1830. Vol. 1. London, 1871. 8" ... 4512.3
MoliZre, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. (Euvres cora-
plMes. Edition variorum. [Avec] notes [etc.].
Par Charles Louandre. Paris, 1869. Portrait.
3 V. 12" E. B. 277.8
Contents. _ — Vol. I.^ Precis de I'histoire du theatre 4n
France ; Vie de Moliere ; La jalousie du barbouille. Le
mt'decm ^aut ; L'etourdi ; Le d4pit amoureux ; Les pre-
meuses ridicules ; Sguanarelle, ou le coco imaginaire ;
Don Gracie de Navarre; L'ecole des maris; I.es
facheux ; L'_5cole des femmes ; La critique de l'ecole des
femmes; L'impronmtu de Versailles; Le mariage force,
n. La princesse d'Elide ; Don Juan ; L'amour medccin ;
1^ misanthrope; Le m4decin mal^e lui; Melicerte;
Pastorate comique; Le Sicilien; LeTartnfe; Amphi-
tD'on; George Dandin ; Fete de Versailles ; Appen-
dice. III. Lavare; M. de Pourceaugnac ; Les amants
magnihques ; Le bourgeois gentilhomme ; Psyche ; lajs
fourberiea de Scapin; La comtesse d' Escarbagnas ; Les
femmes savantes ; Le malade imaginaire ; Poesies di-
Shelf. No.
Montarlot, Paul. Journal de I’invasion. Chateau-
dun (4 sept. 1870 — 11 mars 1871). Chatcaudun,
1871. 306-f- pp. 18“ 2627.68
Moquin-Tandon, (Christian Horace Benedict) Al-
fred. Histoire naturelle des mollusques tcr-
restres et Iluviatiles de France, lllustree.
Paris. 1855. Text, 2 v. in 1 ; atlas, 1 v. 8" . 3871.50
Morale de I’invasion prussienne. Par I’auteur du
Journal humouristique du sidge de Sebastopol.
Paris. 1871. 208 pp. 12" 2629.82
Morante, Joaquim Gomez de la Cortina, marques
de. Catalogue de [sa] bibliothfeque. Prdcddd
d’une notice biographique par Fr. Asenjo
Barbieri et de quelques mots sur cette biblio-
th5que parM. Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1872. xl,
352-i- pp. 8“ *6203.18
Morgann, Maurice. An essay on the dramatic char-
acter of Sir John Falstaff. [2d edition.] Lon-
don, 1820. XV, 189 pp. 8“ 6596.2
Morley. John. Voltaire. London, 1872 [1871]. xiii,
346-f- pp. 8“ 6646.2
Moscow. Sociiti impiriale des naturalistes. Bul-
letin. [T. 1-43.] Moscou, 1829-70. 43 v. in
74. Illustrated. Sm. 8" *3837.7
Moyens de construire un tunnel sous-marin reposant
au fond de la mer et destine a relier par un
chemin de fer la France a I’Angleterre.
Syst^me Ernest Martin et Gilbert Le Gay.
[No title-page. Paris, 1869 ?] 15 pp. 3 pi.
4" 3950.50
Mozley, James Bowling. A review of the baptismal
controversy. London, 1862. viii, 393-]- pp.
8" 3454.56
Muehlbach, Louise, pseud. See Mundt, Clara
Muellenhoff, Carl. Deutsche Alterthumskunde.
Band 1. Mit einer Karte von Heinrich Kiepert.
Berlin, 1870. 8" 4832.2
Mueller, (Friedrich) Max. Chips from a German
workshop. London, 1867-70. 3 v. 8" . . . . 5028.1
Contents. — Vol. I. The science of religion, n. My-
thology, traditions, and customs. HI. Literature, bi-
ogra^y, and antiquities.
— Same. New York, 1869-71. 3 v. Sm. 8“ . . .2097.28
— Lectures on the science of religion ; with a paper
on Buddhist nihilism, and a translation of the
Dhammapadaor •' Path of virtue.” New York,
1872. iv, 300 pp. Sm. 8" 2096.21
Mueller, Johann. Lehrbuch der Physik und Me-
teorologie. Thcilweise nach Pouillet’s Lehr-
buch der Physik selbstiindig bearbeitet. 7te
Anfl. Braunschweig, 1868. 2 T. 3798 wood-
cuts, 30 pi. 2 photographs. 8" 3967.50
Muloch, Dinah (Maria.) See Craik, Dinah (Maria)
Mundt, Clara (Mueller). Mohammed AU and his
house. An historical romance. By L. MUhl-
bach [psetid.'\. Translated by Chapman Cole-
man. With illustrations. New York, 1872.
229 pp. 8" 421.10
Munk, Salomon. Palastina, geographische, histo-
rische und archiiolpgische Beschreibung.
Nach dem Franzdsischen. Bearbeitet von
M. A. Levy. B. 1. Leipzig, 1871. 16" . . . 5488.50
Muratori, Lodo-vico Antonio. Annali d’ Italia all’
anno 1749. Milano, 1818-20. 18 v. Portrait.
8“ *2804.51
Contents. — Vol. I. Dali’ anno 1 all’ anno 117. II.
118-260. III. 261-,‘’Aq. IV. <!()4-456. V. 457-582. VI.
583-744. VII. 746-874. VIH. 87,’>-982. IX. 983-1165.
X. 1106-1219. XI. 1220-1.-107. XII. l.'»8-l.t99. XIII.
1400-1.500. XrV. 1.501-1.573. XV. 1574-1652. XVI.
1653-1724. XVH. 1725-1749. XVIH. Tavole cronolo-
giche ed indice.
— Dissertazionl sopra le antichita italiane. Con
note. Milano, 1836, 37. 5 v. 8" *2805.51
— Della perfetta poesia italiana : con le annotazioni
critiche di A. M. Salvini. Milano, 1821. 4 v.
8" *2805.50
MusLe du Louvre. Paris. Notice des tableaux ex-
poses dans les galcries. Par F. Villot. Paris,
1868, 69. 3 V. in 1. 12" 8079a.20
Contents. — Vol I. Lcoles d’ltalie et d’Espagne. 16*
Edition. — II. Ecoles allcmande, flamande et holland-
aise. 9e Edition. — HI. Ecole franqaise. 3e edition.
Musters, George Chaworth. At home with the Pat-
agonians. With map and illustrations. Lon-
don, 1871. XX. 32'2-[- pp. 8“ 2367.53
My young days. With illustrations by Paul Konewka.
London, 1872 [1871], 151-1* pp. Sq. 16" . . . 500.54
Nadar, /(seutf. Nee Tournachon, Gustave Felix.
Shelf. No.
Naquet, Alfred. Pnuciples of chemistry, founded
on modern theories. Translated from the ‘Jd
[French] edition, hy W. Cortis. Revised by
T. Stevenson. London, 1868. xxviii, 848 pp.
8® 3976.51
Nauman, Mary D. The enchanted princess. Phila-
delphia, 1872 [1871], 201 pp. Illustrated.
16® 500.61
Naomannia. Archiv [1855-58. Journal] fur die Or-
nithologie, vorzugsweise Europa’s. Organ
derDeutschenOmithologen-Oescllschaft [1851.
Ornithologen-Vereins]. Kedigirtvon E. Bal-
damus. Jahrg. 1-8. Cdthen, [etc.], 1849-58.
8v. 8® *5908.6
yue. — Merged, in 1859, in the Journal fiir Omitho-
Neale, J. M. Victories of the saints. Stories for
children from church liistory. London, [1869],
188 pp. 16® 1119.22
Neumann, leidor. Text-book of skin diseases. Trans-
lated from the 2d German edition, by A. Pul-
lar. With 67 woodcuts. London, 1871. xix,
329 pp. 8® 3795.53
Newcomb, Harvey. Practical directory for young
Christian females. 10th edition. Boston,
[1833]. 269 pp. 12® E. B. 368.12
New Svdenii.vji society, London. Publications.
Namely : —
— Wunderlich, C. A. On the temperature in dis-
eases *5724.15
New York City. Metropolitan musemm of art. Cata-
logue of the pictures. [Appended. Outline
of its progress, etc. New York,] 1872. 65,
(8) pp. 8®, 1. p *A.225.11
— Municipal government. Board of health. 1st
annual report. New York, 1871. With maps
and illustrations. 8® *6491.50
Nicholes, G. F. A grammar of the Samaritan lan-
guage, with extracts and vocabulary. Lon-
don. [1858] . Vi. 138pp. 16® 5039a.l8
Nichols. James k. Fireside science. New York,
1872 [1871]. vi, 28:H-pp. 16® 895.24
Niemeyer. Paul. Handbuch der thcoretischen und
clinischen Percussion und Auscultation vom
historischen und critischen Standpuncte bear-
bcitet. Mit Zeichnungen in Ilolzschnitt. Er-
langen, 1868-71. 2 V. in 1. 8® 3792.51
Niggeler, J. Tumschule fiir Knaben und Madchen.
Th. 1. 4te Aufl. [Th. 2, 3te Aufl.] Ziirich,
1870. 71. 2 V. Sq. 16® 6009a.36
Noble. Annette L. Judge Branard’s infantry. Phil-
adelphia, 1872 [1871]. 352 pp. Illustrated.
16“ 505.20
Nofi, Amddde de. Les folies de la commune, par
Cham [pseud.]. Paris [1871]. 19col.pl. 4®. *4620.6
— and Daumier. H. Album du si5ge par Cham
[pseud.] et Daumier: recueil de caricatures
fublides pendant le siege dans Le charivari.
Paris, 1871.] 39 pi. 4® *4620.6
Nolli, Giovanni Battista. Nuova pianta di Roma.
N. p., 1748. (8) ff. text; 14 pi. of maps. L.
4“ *6730.2
Notizie letterarie ed istoriche intomo agli uomi-
ni illustri dell’ Accademia iiorentina. Par-
te prima. Firenze, 1700. xxiv, 378 pp. Bm.
4® 2746.51
Nowell, n. P. H. The helping-hand series. The
little maid of Oxbow. By May Manncring
[pseud.]. Boston, 1871. 207 pp. Illustrated.
16® E. B. 14.51
Oesterreicher. (Johann) Heinrich. Anatomischer
Atlas. NeubearbeitetvonM.Erdl. MUnchen,
1845. Tafeln, 3 V. f®; Tafeln-Erklarung, 1 v.
8® *5749.50 ; atlas *57.F.2
Oliver OpXic, psesid. .See Adams. William T.
Onimus. E., and Leoros, Charles. Traite d’electri-
cite miidicale. Avec 141 figures. Paris, 1872
[1871]. vii, 802 pp. 8® 5806.9
OO.STERZEE, Jan Jacob van. The theology of the
New Testament. Translated from the Dutch,
by M. J. Evans. New York, 1871. xii, 437-[-
pp. 16® 3428.50
Opera. The, at home. A collection of the most favor-
ite songs, duetts and choruses, selected from
popular operas. [With] piano-forte accom-
paniments. New York, N. D. 256 pp. F“ . . 8040.52
Optic. Oliver, pseud. See Adams, William T.
Ottino, G. Di Bernardo Cennini e dell’ arte della
stampa in Firenze nei primi cento anni dall’
invenzione di essa. Firenze, 1871. 118 pp. 2
pi. 8® 6113.3
Shelf No.
OuE country home. By the author of “Harry Law-
ton’s adventures ; ” etc. 12 etchings. London,
18-2 [1871]. 94-t-pp. 4® 751.T
Owen. Robert Dale. Beyond the breakers. Phila-
delphia, 1870. 9-274 pp. 1 plate. 8® . . E. B. 241.16
— The debatable land between this world and the
next. New York, 1872. 542 pp. 12®. .E.B. 369.5
Page, David Perkins. Theory and practice of teach-
ing. Added a biographical sketch of the
author. 90th edition. Now York, 1871. 358
pp. 16® 138.28
Paine, Mariyn. Physiology of the soul and instinct,
as distinguished from materiaUsm. [3d edi-
tion.] New York, 1872. 707-1- pp. Portrait.
8® 3605.54
Palgrave. Robert Harry Inglis. The local taxation
of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1871.
xi, 124-1- pp. 8® 5647.22
Palikao. Charles Guill.aume Marie Appollinaire An-
toine Consin-Montauban, comte de. Un
ministire de la guerre de vingt-quatre jours.
Paris, 1871. 196-]- pp. 1 map. 8® 2627.61
Pall Mall budget. The : a weekly collection of
articles printed in the Pall Mall gazette. Vol.
6. March 31 to Sept. 29, 1871. London, 1871.
F® *7210.50
Paoli, Cesare, and Piccolomini, Enea, editors.
Lettere volgari del secolo xni, scritte da senesi.
Illustrate con document! e annotazioni. Bo-
logna, 1871. xxiv, 173-]- pp. 16®. . Vol. 32 of *4762.1
Parieu, Marie Louis Pierre Felix Esquirou de.
Considerations sur I’histoire du second empire
et sur la situation actuelle de la France.
[Anon.] 2e Edition. Paris, 1871. 57 pp. 8® . 2625.68
Parigot, j. Thdrapeutique naturelle de la folie.
L’air fibre et la vie de famille dans la commune
de Gheel. Bruxelles, 1832. 129 pp. L. 12® . 3807.51
Parini. Giuseppe. Opere pubbUcate per cura di F.
Reina. Milano, 1825. 2 v. Portrait, 8® . . *2805.52
CmietUs. — Vol. 1. Vita di G. Parini : II riorno ; Odi ;
Can/,onette; Sonetti; Poesie piaccvoli; Pocsie varie;
Fraramenti. , . .
H. De’ principi delle belle lettere; Paren e giudizi
letterarj ; Elogi ; Discorsi ; Dialqgo della nobilta ; Let-
tera; Programmi di belle arti. Pensieri diversi; De-
Bcrizione delle leste celebrate in Milano, 1771.
ParisOT. C. C. Valentin, and Liskenne. Louis. Dic-
tionnaire portatif des rimes riches. Paris,
1835. XV. 569-]- pp. Sm. 12® 6689a.38
Parsons, Theophilus. Elements of mercantile law.
2d edition. Boston, 1862. xcii, 684 pp. L.12® . 3671.3
— The infinite and the finite. Boston. 186 pp. 16® . 3459.59
Parton. Sara Payson. Ginger-snaps. By Fanny
Fcra [ pseud.] New York. 1870. 312 pp. 16®.
E. B. 157.30
Pasquin, Anthony, pseud. See Williams, John.
PAfcEUR. Louis. Quelques reflexions sur la science
J en France. Paris, 1871. 40 pp. 8® 7911.6
Pv^cON. Chalmers I. Freemasonry and its jurispru-
dence. London, 1872, [1871]. xx. 397 pp. 8® .3565.51
Pavy, Frederick W. A treatise on the function of
digestion; its disorders, and their treatment.
2d edition. London, 1869. 218-]- pp. 8®. . . 3765.52
Peak, Gavilan, /iseut?. .Sec Pope, Henry.
Pearson. Edwin. Angler’s garland, and fisher’s
delight, for 1871. With woodcuts by T. Bewick.
Westminster, 1871. 24 pp. 4® *6008.20
Pearson, Jonathan. Contributions for the gene-
alogies of the first settlers of the county of
Albany, 1630 to 1800. Albany, 1872. 182-1-pp.
Sm. 4® *2337.52
PLgot-Ogier. Eugene. The Fortunate isles ; or, the
archipelago of the Canaries. Translated from
— — the French by F. Locock. London, 1871. 2v.
Sm. 8® • • 5046.50
Pereira da Silva. Juan Manuel. Situation sociale,
politique et dconomique de I’empire du Brcsil.
Rio de Janeiro, 1865. 248-]- pp. 18® 2369.51
Perraud. Adolphe. Les paroles de I’heure prdsente,
1870 et 1871. Paris, 1872. 490-]- pp. 18®. . .4629.53
Perry, William Stevens. Historical collections re-
latingto the American colonial church. [Hart-
ford,] 1870-71. 2 V. 4®, 1. p *5520.2
ConI<m«. — Vol. I. Virginia. H. Pennsylvania.
Persano. Carlo Pellion, conte di. Diario privato-
politico-mifitare nella campagna navale degh
Wi 1860 e 1861. Parte 1-4. 3a edizione.
Torino, 1870, 71. 4 parts in 1 v. 16® .... .
Pharmaceutical journal. Index [Vol. 1, Old senes,
to Vol. 9, Second series. 1841-68.] London,
1857, 69. 2 V. in 1. 8®
Shelf. No.
Shelf. No.
PHAKMACOPOEA Austriaca. Editio scxta. Viennso.
1869. X. 293 pp. 8» *3785.51
Phu-eimore, Sir Robert (Joseph). Commentaries
upon international law. 2d edition. London,
1871. 2v. 8» 5615.4
PlEDAGNEL, Alexandre. Les ambulances de Paris
pendant le sidgo. Paris, 1871. 106+ pp. 12“ . 2629.83
PiTRi;, Giuseppe. Nuovi profiii biografici di con-
temporanei itaiiani. Palermo, 1868. 207+ pp.
16“ 4746.11
— Profiii biografici di contemporanei itaiiani. Pa-
lermo, 1864. 189+ pp. 16“ 4746.9
PEANCHfc, Matilda Anne. See Mackamess, Matilda
Peattner, Carl Friedrich. Manual of qualitative
and qu.antitative analysis with the blowpipe.
From the last German edition. By T. Riebter.
Translated by H. B. Cornwall [and] J. H. Cas-
well. New York, 1872 [1871]. xv, 548+pp.
Illustrated. 8“ 3976.50
Peitt, Hermann. Zinzendorfs Theologie. B. 1,2.
Gotha, 1869, 71. 2 v. 8“ 5465.26
CtmUntK. — Vol. I. Die urspriiDgliche gesunde Lehre
Zinzendorfs, 1723-42. II. Die Zeit krankhatter Verbii-
dungen in Zinzendorfs Lehrvi'eise, 1743-50.
PoiNSOT, Antoine Edmond. Le livre rouge de la
commune. Extraits du Journal ofiBciel [Par]
Georges d’Heylll [pseud.']. Paris, 1871. xv,
173 pp. 18“ 2628.86
— M. Thiers a Versailles. L’armistice. Docu-
ments ofliciels, publics par Georges d’Heylli
[pseud.]. Paris, 1871. 34+ pp. Sm. 12“ . .2628.85
POEE, William. Theory of the modern scientific game
of whist. New York, 1872. 94 pp. 12“ . . . 189.39
POEI, Baldassare. Elementi di filosofia teoretica e
morale. Padova, 1837. 3 v. 8“ 3609.54
PRiTAT-DEScnANEE, Augustin. Elementary treatise
on natural philosophy. Translated, with ad-
ditions, by ,T. D. Everett. Illustrated. New
York, 187^ 3 V. 8“ 3967.52
ConttrUs — Vol. I. Mechanics; Hydrostatics; TTydrau-
lics ; Pneumatics. 11. Heat. 111. Electricity and mag-
Proske, Carl. Musica divina. Sive thesaurus con-
centuum seicctissimorura ab excellentissimis
eupenoris aevi musicis numeris h«armonicis
compositorura. Annus primus. Ilarmonias
qualuor vocum continens. Ratisbonae, 1853-
69. 4v. 4® *8041.55
Contents. — Vol. I. Liber missarum. IT. Liber motet-
torurn. III. Psalmodiain, Magnificat, llymimdiam ct
Antiphonias B. Maria Virg. complectens. IV. Liber
— Belectus novus missarum pracstantissiraoruni
superioris aevi auctorura, juxta codices origi-
Hales turn manuscriptos turn impresses edita-
rum. Ratisbonae, 1855-61. 2 v. 4® . . , .*8041.50
Protestant episcopal church in the United States.
Hymnal. New York, 1872. 491 pp. 16® . . . 3449.58
Prussia. Resultate der auf liefchl sr. Majestat des
Kdnigs Wilhelm i. von Preussen im Sommer
1868 nach Aegypten entsendeten archaologisch-
photographischen Expedition. Herausgege-
ben von J. Dumichen. Th. 1. Berlin, 1869. F®. *5050. 9
Contents.— -Vol. I. Vonvort, [etc.], vom Ilcrausgeber :
TTeber dag Seewesen der alten Aegypten, von Bernhard
Graser; Bemerkungen zu den mitgetheilten Thierdar-
Btellungen, von Robert Hartmann ; 57 Tafeln.
Psalms and hymns for public worship. With an
appendix. London [1863 ?] xvi, 197, 93-|- pp.
24® 3449.60
Contents. — Vol. I. Pgicologia epipirica. H. Logica
e meta&sica. IH. Filogolia morale.
POLiziAi^o, Angelo (or wiorg Angelo, Angiolo,
or Agnolo Arabrogini, — by contraction Cini, —
sur^iamed Poliziano, — in iMt^ Politianus).
Omnia opera et alia quaedam lectu digna.
[Colophon,] Venetiis in aedibus Aldi Romani,
mense lulio M. III). F® *4790.3
^Collation. — 452 ff. (including title and index) not
numbered by the printer, and incorrectly numbered
by some former owner as 449, the title, the index, and the
last folio of signature K — which is blank — not being
taken into account. Following the subscription or colo-
phon are two leaves containing a register of the catch-
words, and some verses entitlea “Monodia in Lauien-
tium Medicem.”]
PONTMARTIN, Armaud Augustin Joseph Marie Fer-
rard, comte de. Le radeau de la M^duse.
Paris, 1871. 301+ pp. 18® 262&.87
Poole, Francis. Queen Charlotte islands. Edited
hy J. W. Lyndon. London, 1872. xiv, 347+ ^
Sp. Illustrated. 8® 2365.50
enry. The struggle for existence. By Gavi-
Ian Peak [pseud New York, 1872 [1871].
71+ pp. 12® 2409.56
Porter. J. L. Life and times of Henry Cooke. Lou-
don, 1871. XV, 50+[-pp. 1 portrait. 2 pi. 8“ . 2445.53
Porter, Noab. The sciences of nature versus the
science of man. Now York, 1871. 98pp. 12“. 3919.50
Potiquet, Alfred. L’institut national de France, ses
diverses organisations, ses membres, ses asso-
cids et ses correspondants, (1795-1869). Paris,
1871. XX, 474 pp. 8" *4672.14
POTWIN, Mrs. H. K. Ruby Duke. Boston, 1872
[1871L 421 pp. 12“ E. B. 267.6
POCCHET, Georges. De la pluralitd des races
humaines. 2e ddition. Paris, 1864. 234+ pp.
8“ 2236.50
POOEIN, P. Dieu scion la science. Bruxelles, 1871.
xxi, 648+ pp. 18“ 3609.56
Prentis.s, E. Aunt Jane’s hero. New York, [1871].
292 pp. 12“ E. B. 324.27
Prescott, Harriet (Elizabeth). See Spofford Har-
riet (Elizabeth).
Price, Bartholomew. Infinitesimal calculus. [Vol.
1-3] 2d edition. Oxford, 1857-68. 4v. 8“ . . 3925.55
Contents. — Vol. I. Differential calculus. JI. Integral
calculus, calculus of variations, and dift'ercntial equa-
tions. III. Statics, and dynamics of materi^ partidcs.
IV. The dynamics of material systems.
PcTNAM, George Palmer. The best reading. Hints
on the selection of hooks ; on the formation of
libraries, etc. With a classified bibliography.
New York, 1872. 255 pp. 12“.
1398.5, *6125.7, *6125.8, and E. B. 155.19
“ Q.” Dramatists of the present day. Reprinted
from “ The athenmum.” London, 1871. vi,
140 pp. Sm. 8“ 2479.52
Querry, a. Droit musulman. Rccueil de lois con-
cernant les musulmans schyites. T. 1. Paris,
1871. 8“ 5610.6
Qdesnoy, Ferdinand (Desird). Campagne de 1870.
Armde du Khin. Paris, 1872. iii, 235+ pp.
Map. 8“ 2626.51
Queteeet, (Lambert) Adolphe (Jacques). Anthropo-
mdtrie, ou mesure des differentes facultes de
I’homme. Bruxelles, 1871. 479+ pp. 2 pi.
L. 8“ 3605.53
Quincy, Ma.ss. Public library. List of books in the
library, Jan. 1,1872. Boston, 1872. 26+pp. 8“. *6142.1
Rabaud, Camille and fidouard. Le repos hebdoma-
daire. Bale ct Geneve, 1870. viii, 274+ pp.
8“ 3454.55
Rabeeais, Franqois. Works. Translated from the
French, with variorum notes, and illustrations
hy Gnstave Dord. London [1871]. xx, 640
pp. Sm. 8“ *2678.57
RaccOeta di apologhi scritti nel secolo xviii. Mila-
no. 1827. xviii. 419+ pp. Portrait. 8“ . . . *2805.53
Raccoeta di commedie scritte nel sccolo XVIII. Mi-
lano, 1827. 2 V. Portrait, 8“ *2805.54
Contents.— Yo\.l. Gigli, G. ; ifDonPilonc; La so-
relliua. — Albergati Capacelli, F. : II ciarlatore maldi-
ceute: Le convulsioni.
n. Fepoli, A. (E.): I pregiudizj dell’ amor proprioj
La scommessa. — Frederic i, C. : I pregiudizj dci paesi
piccoli; II capj)cllo parlantc; II delatore. — Sograh, A.
(S.) : Olivo e Fasquale ; Lc convenienze tcatrali.
Raccoeta di melodrammi giocosi scritti nel secolo
XVIII. Milano, 1826. xvi, 673+ pp. Portrait.
8“ *2805.55
Contents. — Gigli, G. : La Dirindina. — Trapassi, P.
(B), called Metastasio ; La caiitante c 1 impressario. —
Goldoni, C. : II paese della Cuccagna ; H tilosofo di
Campagiia. — Casti, G. ; La grotta di Tr+ouio ; II re
Tcodorc in Venezia; Primala musica e poi le parole; I
dormienti. — Calsabigi, Kanieri de'; L’ opera seria.
Lorenzi, G. : Socrate immaginario ; La pietra simpa-
Prime, Edward Dorr Grifiin. Around the world;
sketches of travel. With illustrations. New
York, 1872. 455 pp. 16“ 657.24
Raccoeta di melodrammi sorj scritti nel secolo
XVIII. Milano, 1822. 2 v. Portrait. 8“ . . *2805.56
Contents. — \n\. I. Lettera. Zeno, A.: Temistocle;
Andromaca; Meropc; Itigenia in Aulidc; Scipioue
Shelf. No.
Raccolta di melodrammi seij, etc., continued*
nelleSpa^e; Nitocri. II. Zeno, A.: Sisara; Ezcchia;
Danielle; Isaia; Naainan; Giuseppe. — Parini, G ;
Ascanio in Alba. — Coltellini. M. : Aniore e Psiche. —
Rezzonico della Torre, C. C. (G. ) : Alessandro e Timo-
teo. — Calsabigi, Ranieride': Orfeo ed Euridice; Ro-
gati, F. Savariu de’ : Amiida abbandonata.
Raccolta di operette filosofische e filologiche scritte
nel secolo xviii. Milano, 1S32. 2 v. 8® . . *2805.57
Contents. — Vol. I. Barkovich, F. V. : Saggio della
ori^ino e naturadelle ^ssioni. — Maflei (F.) S.: Delle
trauuzioni italiane. — ISettari, (G.) G. : Dialoghi sopra
le tre arti del disegno. — Baiidiora,A.: Ripostaalle iin-
J)utazioni opposte contra al suo Gerotricamcrone. — Pi-
atti.C.A.: Della legge naturale. — Sibiliato, C. : Dis-
sertazione. — Secchi.P. : Dellc contraddizioni morali. —
Beccaria, C. (B.): I piaceri dell' immaglnazioue. —
Franci, S: Osservazioni.
II. Rezzonico della Torre. C. C. (G.) : Rarfonamento
sulla filosotia del secolo x\'m. — Palcani, X. C. : Del
fuoco di Veijta; Del natro orientate; Del platino.—
Pagano, F. M. : La logica de' prubabili applicata a’
giudizii criininali. — Giovio, G. B. : Idee sulla tri-
stezza. — Cerretii, L. : Delle vicende del buon gusto in
Shelf. No.
Reale istitnto lombardo, Milan. Sopra alcuni re-
cente studj di chimica organica e sulP appli-
cazione dci loro risultati all’ arte tintoria, del
dottor Luigi Gabba. Milano, 1870. 38 pp.
8® 3973.50
Reavis. L. U. Saint Louis : the future great city of
the world. 3d edition. St. Louis, 1871. 2144-
pp. 8® 4474.16
Redgrave, Richard and Samuel. A century of
painters of the English school. Loudon, 1866.
2 V. 8 ® A.225.7
Redi, Francesco. [Opera.] zVmstelodami, 1675. 3
V. in 1. Sm. 12® 5829a.2
Contents. — Experimenta circa resdiversas naturates,
speciatlm illas, qu:e ex Indiis adferuntur. Ex Italico
Latinitate donata. 1075. 193+ pp. Illustrated. — Epis-
tola ad aliquas oppositiones factas in sues obsei^'ationcs
circa viperas. Ex Italica in Latinam translata. [No
title-pagc.J 62 pp. — Obser\'ationes, circa illas guttulaa
ethla ex vitro qurc, rupta in quacunque sui parte, peni-
tus atque penitus eomminuuntur. Ex MS. Italico La-
tinitate donate. [No tillcjagc. 1075?] 63-72 pp. —
Observationcs de vipcris. Ex Italica in Latinam trans
latae. [1075 V] 111+ pp.
Raccolta di poeml didascalici e di poemetti vaq
Bcritti nel secolo xviil. Milano, 1828. xxiii,
548-|-pp. Portrait. 8“ *2805.58
Contents. — Prefazione. — Robert!, G. B. : Le perle. —
Lorenzi, B. : La coUivazione de' monti. Rezzonico
della Torre, C. C. (G.) : II sistema de' cieli; L' origine
delle idee. — Maschcroni, L. : L’ invito a Leshia Cido-
nia. — Bcttinelli, S : Le raccolte. — Frugoni, C. I.: L’
ombradiPope; II vero. — Bondi C.: La giornata vil-
lereccia, — Rezzonico della Torre, C. C. (G.): Per la
morte di Tommaso le Seur: L’ eccidio di Como. —
Mazza^ A. : L’ androgino ; La laurea In legge. — Epistole
in versi sciolti.
Raccolta die poesie liriche scritte nel secolo xvhj.
Milano, 1832. viii, 418-f pp. 8® *2805.59
Raccolta di poesie satiriche scritte nel secolo xvin.
Milano, 1827. xi, 342-[-pp. Portrait. 8®, .*2805.60
Contents. — Fagiuoli, G. B. ; Martello, P. J. ; Luca, G.
A. de. ; Barctti, G. ; Passeroni, G. C. ; Miuzoui, O. ;
Masc’^ eroni, L. ; Zanoja, G. ; Bossi, G. (C. A.); Epi-
Raccolta di prose e lettere scritte nel secolo xvm.
Milano, 1829, 30. 3 v. Portrait* 8® . . . . *2805.61
Contents. — Vol. I. Ceretti, L. : Elogio di G. Cassiani.
— Paradisi, A. : Elogio di R Montecuccoli. — Lorenzi,
B. : Laudazione di JI. A. Pindemonte. — Frisi, P. :
Elogi.— Verri, P. : Memorieintorno aP. Frisi. — Salan-
dri, P. : Elogio di C. I. Frugoni. — Niccolai, A.: Ora-
zione in loae di S. l.gnazio di Lojola. — Polcani, L. :
El^io di A. M. Lorgna.
It, Lcttcre da A. M. Salvini; F. Bianchini: A. Zeno;
L. A. Muratori ; (F.) S. Mallei; E. Manfredi; G. P. Za-
notti ; P. Gagliardi \ F. A. Ghedini ; A. Fabri ; F. M. Za-
notti; C. I. Frugoni; A. Cocchi; M- A. GiacoinelU; P.
(B.) Traj^assi, called Metastasio; P. A. del Borghetto;
N. Lastesio.
m. l^ettcreda G. Patriarchi; D. Fabri; P. (M.) Paci-
audi; A. Genovesi; F. Algarotti; G. Gozzi; G. Baretti;
A. Golini; F. E. Guasco; G. B. Robert! ; G. Gcnnari;
F. Milizia ; G. Parini ; M. Cesarotti ; L. Lanzi ; B. Lo-
ronzi; A. Paradisi ; L. Cenetti; L. Preti; L. C. Palcani ;
C. Vannetti.
Raccolta di tragedie scritte nel secolo xviii. Mila-
no, 1825. 2 V. 8® *2805.62
CoTdents. — Vol. I. Prefazione; Martello, P. J. ; L’Tfi-
genia in Tauris. — Conti A. ( S.) : Giulio Cesare. — Maf-
fei, (F.)S. t La Merope. — Zanottl, G. P. C. : Didone.
Lazzarini, D. : I'lisse ilgiovane.
II. Granclli, G. : Scdecia; Dione siracusano. — Bet-
tcliiii.S.: Serse redi Persia. — Pindcnuinte. G.: I bac-
canaii. — Martello, P. J. : II Femiasentenziato. — Vala-
rcsso, Z. : Kutzvanscad il gioviue.
Rame, Louise de la. A leaf in the storm, and other
stories. By Ouida ” With illustra-
tions. Philadelphia. 1872. 99 pp. 8® . . . . 421.17
Ramsay, Edward Bannemiau. Reminiscences of
Scottish life and character. 20th edition. Edin-
burgh, 1871. xlvii, 347 pp. Portrait. 8® . . 2463.8
Rankine, William John Macquorn. Useful rules
and tables relating to raensnration, engineer-
ing, structures, and machines. 2d edition.
London, 1867. viii, 312 pp. Illustrated. Sm.
8® A.202.3
Rasort. Giovanni. Principii nuovi di terapeutica.
Opera postuma. Parma, 1842. 2v.ini. 8® . 3797.52
Raymond, Rossiter W. Mines, mills and furnaces of
the Pacific states and territories. New York,
1871. 566 pp. 8® 7863.18
Rays from the East; or, illustrations of the Holy
Scriptures, [1871]. viii, 256 pp. Illustrated.
Sm. 4® 5046.9
Reeves, M. C. L. Wearithorne. By “Fadctte’^
[pseud-l. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 214pp.
12® 795.16
R£:glement provisoire et instruction sur le ser\’ice
du canon a halles (mitralleuse). Paris, 1870.
81+ pp. IS® 5959a.22
Reid, Christian. Mabel Lee. With illustrations.
New York. 1872. 162 pp. 8® E. B. 321.33
Reid, Mayne. The rifle-rangers. New York, 1871.
278 pp. Illustrated. 12® E. B. 25.19
— The scalp-hunters. New York, 1871. 358 pp.
12® E. B. 25.18
Renan, (Joseph) Ernest. La reforme intellectuelle
et morale [de la France; etc.]. Paris, 1871.
XV, 339-|-pp. 8® 2617.52
Renard, — . Paris assiegd, scenes de la vie pa-
risienne pendant le siege, par Draner [ana-
grammatic pseud.'\. Paris, [1871]. 31 col. pi.
4® *4620.6
— Les soldats de la republique. L’armee fran^aise
en campaigne, par Draner [anagrammatic
p8eud.\. Paris, [1871]. 31col.pl. 4® . . . .*4620.6
— Souvenirs du siege de Paris. Les d6fenseurs de
• la capitale, par Draner [anagrammatic pseud.'^.
Paris, [1871]. 31 col. pi. 4® *4620.6
Renazzi, Fihppo Maria. Storia dell’ universita degli
studj di Roma, delta La sapienza. Roma,
1803-^. 4v. 4® 2772.50
R^:villon, Tony. Le faubourg Saint-Antoine (Chro-
nique du temps de la revolution). Paris, 1872.
308+ pp. 18® 2619.50
Rhode Island. Board of state charities and correc-
tions. First report, 1869. Proridence, 1870.
8® *6360a.8
Riccardi, Giuseppe. Diario storico-biografico itali-
ano. Milano, 1870. 2 v. Illustrated. Sm.
8® 4742.1
Richardson, Benjamin Ward. Discourses on prac-
tical physic. London, 1871. 93+ pp. 8® . . 3797.53
Ricotti, Ercoie. Storia della monarchia piemontese.
Vol. 1-6. Firenze, 1861-69. 6 v. 16® ... . *4729a.2
C<ynteixts. — Vol. I. Introdiizione e regno di Carlo ni.
n. Emanuele Filiberto. 1528-1580. In, W. Carlo
Emanucle I. 1.‘>80-1G30. V. Vittorio Amadeo I; La
reggenza contrastata. 1030-1G42. VI. Lareggcnzacon-
sentita. 1642-lw8; La reggcnzadissimulata. b>18-10i>3;
Carlo Emanuele II. 1663-1075; Govemo interiorc. 1630-
Riego de La Bkaxch ardiere. Eleanor. The point
laee sampler. Loudon, 1871. 13 pp. 1 folded
leaf. Obi. 16» 6009a.35
Robert, Charles (Frederic.) L’iustruction obliga-
toire. Paris. 1871. 15S^-pp. 8® 3597.50
ROBDiSON, W. Hardy flowers. Descriptions and
directions for their arrangement, culture,
etc. London, 1871. vUi, 311+pp. 1 pi. Sm.
8® 5847.11
Robson, 'William. Great sieges of history. Xew
edition, including the siege of Paris. With
coloured illustrations. London, [1871]. i,
742-t- pp. 16® 996.8
Rodrigues-Henriques. Jacob Hippolyte. Saiut
Pierre. Paris, 1871. xxxvii. 366 pp. 8® . . 3555.52
Roe, Azel Stevens. True to the last. New York,
1871. 384 pp. 12® E. B. 243.28
Rogers. James E. Thorold. Social economy : lessons
for the upper classes of primary schools. Lon-
don, n.d. 127 pp. 16® 129.15
t \ ■
Shelf. No.
Romagnoli, Gaetano. Scelta di curiosita letterarie
>inediteo rare dal secolo xiii al xvii. Dispensa
1-120. Bologna, 18B1-71. 34 v. 16“ *4"62.1
Cmuents. — Vol. XXXI. Giuliari, G. B. C., editor.
II libro di Theodolo o vero la visioDe di Tantolo da un
cod. del XIV Bee. — Mandeville, Sir J. de. Viaggi.
XXXII. Vettori, P. Lettere. — Salviati. L. Rime. —
Paoli, C., and Piceoloraini. E. Lettere volgari del se-
colo XIII. scritto da senesi. XXXIII. Ceruti, A. La
Beeonda Spagim [da Ugonetto, coiite di Pictralitta], e
L’ acquisto di Poiiente ai temid di 'Carloinagno [da Al-
dolieri d’ Ascaiona]. XXXIV. Bianchini, F. Carte
da giiioco in servigio dell isloria e della crouologia. —
Sereambi, G. NoveTle.
Ro.man. Le. dca quatre fils Aymon. [fedition de
Pro.sper Tarbd.l Reims, 1861. xxiv, 137 pp.
8“ 2676.51
Rosnv, Ltion de. Anthologie japonaise, traduite en
frantjais, et piibliee avec le taxte original.
Paris. 1871. 70-(- pp. 8“ 5028.12
— Recueil de textes japonais. Paris, 1863. viii,
l.'>2 pp. 8“ 5028.12
Rosetti, Maria Francesca. A shadow of Dante : an
essay towards [his] study. Boston, [LON-
DON,] 1872. 2964- PP- 4 pi. 1 portrait. 16“ . 862.13
Rothschild. Constance and Annie de. History and
literature of the Israelites according to the Old
Testament and the Apocrypha. Abridged
edition. London, 1872. xii, 498 pp. 16“ . . 3429.50
Rootledge, E. Every boy’s annual. With illustra-
tions. London, 1872 [1871]. viii, 696 pp. 8“.
K. B
Rowley, Hugh. Gamosagammon ; or, hints on Hy-
men. lliustrated. London, [1870]. xvi, 237
pp. Sm. 8“ 2478.58\
Royal astronomical society. London. General index ^
to the first 38 volumes of the memoirs of the
society. London. 1871. 54 pp. 8“ . . . .**E.148.2
Rdskin, John. [Works. Revised edition. Vol. 1.]
London, 1871. 8“ *2476.51
-[VoL I.] Seaamc and lilies. Revised
Russell, Alexander J. The Red river country, Hud-
son’s bay and North-West territories, consid-
ered in relation to Canada. 3d edition. Mon-
treal, 1870. XV, 197 pp. 8 pi. 1 map. 8® . 4467.28
Rziha. Franz. Lehrbuch der gesammten Tunnel-
baukunst. B. 1. Berlin, 1867. 723-)- pp. Il-
lustrated. 4® 8011.51
Sadlter, Dennis and James. Catholic directory,
almanac, and ordo, 1870. New York, 1871.
12® *5549.9
Sadoleto, Jacopo. Opera quae exstant omnia. Ve-
ronsD, 1737, 38. 4 v. 4® 3411.51
Cmlentt. — Vol. I. Vita Sadoleti ; Epistolae. H.
Epistolae ; Ad Faulum Sadoletiim epistoiaram liber;
Lettere italiane ; Orationca ; Antonius Fiorebellus:
OratioCncs, etc.]. III. De regno Ungariae ab hosti-
bua Turcicia oppresao et capto ; De obitu F. Fregosi ;
Philoaophicae cousolatione:} et meditationes in adverais;
De liberia rcctc instituendia [etc.]; De pbilosophia;
Foemata ; Intorprefatio in PsalmCoa]. IV. Commen-
tarii in epiatolam ad Romanos.
Saint Ren^ Taillandiee. See Taillandier, Rend
Gaspard Ernest.
St. John, Bayle. Purple tints of Paris character
and manners in the new empire. 2d edition.
London, 1854. xxvii, 545 pp. 8m. 8“ . . . . 2667.50
St. Male, or Sey.mole, Edward Adolphus, duke of
Somerset. Christian theology and modern
skepticism. New York. 1872. 182 pp. 12“ . .3488.53
SAI88ET, Adolphe. L’origine des cultes et des mys-
tbres. Paris, 1870 . 335-]- pp. 8“ 3488.51
Sallaberby, j. D. j. Chants populaires du pays
basque; paroles et musique originales. Ke-
cneillies et publides avec traduction frangaise.
Bayonne, 1870. x, 415-j- pp. 8“ 8042.61
Salviati, Leonardo. Rime, secondo la lezione ori-
ginale, confrontata con due codici, per cura di
L. Mahzoni. Bologna, 1871. xv, 113 pp. 16“.
Vol. 32 of *4762.1
Sanborn, Albert J. Green mountain poets. Clare-
mont, N. H., 1872 ^871]. 511-t-pp. 12“ ... 2409.53
Sand, George, p.seud. See Dudevaut, Amantine Lu-
cile Aurore Dupin.
Banders, John. 'Israel Mort. overman. With illus-
trations. Philadelphia, 1872. 291 pp. 16“ . . 806.22
Sangster, William. Umbrellas and their history.
With illustrations. London, [1871]. 80 pp.
Sm. 8“ 6237.16
Bars, Michael. Mdmoires pour servir k la connais-
sance des crinoides vivants. Avec 6 planches.
Christiania, 1868. 65+ pp. 4“ . 5882.1 and **E.175.13
Shelf. No.
Saunders, Frederick. Salad for the solitary and the
social. Illustrated. Now York, 1872. 526 pp.
8“ 2405.52
Saunders, Katherine. The high mills. With illus-
trations. Philadelphia. 1872. 117 pp. 8“ . . 421.15
Sayous. tdouard. Hi-stoire des Hongrois et de leur
littemture politique do 1790 a 1815. Paris, 1872.
xiv, 283+ pp. 18“ 2829. .53
ScHEFFEL, Joseph Victor and others. Gaude,amu8 I
Humorous poems. Translated from the Ger-
man by C. G. Leland. Boston, 1872. xix,
154 pp. Sm. sq. 16“ 339.18
ScHEFFLER. Hermann. Traite des stabilit^s des con-
structions. Traduit du I’allemand et annotd
par V. Fournie. Ire partie. Thdorie des
voOtes et des murs de soutbnement. Paris,
1864. Text, xi. 375 pp., illustrated; atlas, 19
figures. 2 V. 8“ A.202.4
ScHELLEN, H. Dor elektromaguetische Telegraph
in den Hauptstadien seiner Entwickelung und
ill seiner gogonwiirtigen Ausbildung und An-
wendung. uebst einem Anhange fiber den
Bctrieb der elektrischen Uhren. 5te Aufl.
Braunschweig, 1870. xxiii, 866 pp. Illus-
trated. 8“ 5965.8
lie Spectralanalyse in ihror Anwendung auf die
Stotl'e derErde und dieNaturderHimmelskor-
per. 2te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1871. xvi,
619 pp. 5 portraits. Illustrated. 8“ . . . . 3927.51
— Spectrum analysis. Translated from the 2d Ger-
man edition by J. and C. Lassell. Edited by
W. Huggins. With woodcuts, coloured plates
and Angstrom’s and Kirchhoff’s maps. Lon-
don, 1872. xxvl, 662 pp. 8" . 3926.54 and E. B. 382.16
Schnaase, Carl. Geschichte der bildendeii Kfinste.
2te Aufl. Dfisseldorf, 1866-71. 4 v. 8® . . *4076.13
Contents. — Vol. I, II. Bei den Alteu. HI, IV. Im
Schneider. F. Maximilians i Kaiserreich und Tod.
Mit Portraits von Maximilian I und Juarez.
[2teAiifl.] Berlin, 1867 . 32 pp. 8“ 4849.9
Schouler. William. History of Massachusetts in
the civil war. Vol. 2. Towns and cities.
Boston. 1871. xii, 711 pp. 8“ E. B. 131.10
Schwartz, Marie Sophie. Two family mothers.
Translated from the Swedish by S. Borg and
M. A. Brown. Boston, 1872. 217 pp. 8“.
431.28 and E. B. 241.19
SCOVIL, William E. A short-hand, with a simplified
system of verbatim reporting. Edited by W.
E. Scovil, jr. New York, 1871. xii, 74+ pp.
9 pi. Illustrated. 16“ . i 128.34
SCBOPE, George Poulett. Volcanoes. The character
of their phenomena [etc.]. 2d edition. With
a map, frontispiece, woodcuts, etc. London,
1872. xi. 506+ pp. 8“ 3867.51
Sercambi. Giovanni. Novelle. Bologna, 1371. ix,
298+ pp. 16“ Vo!. 34 of *4762.1
Sexe, 8. A. Boiumbrteeu i .lull 1868. Med Traesnit.
Christiania, 1869. [Appended, the same, in
French.] 40 pp. 4“ 7S60.19 and **E, 175.12
Sev.mour, Silas. A review of the theory of nar-
row gauges as applied to main trunk lines of
railway. New York, 1871. 56 pp. 1 pi.
8“ A.200.8
Shairp, j. C. Culture and religion in some of their
relations. New York, 1872. 197 pp. 16“.
E. B. 364.36
Shake-speare, William. Plays prepared for use in
schools, clubs, classes, and families. With
introductions and notes. By H. N. Hudson.
Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 12“ 6597.13
Cmlerus. — Vol. I. Life; State and sources of the text;
As you like it ; The merchant of Venice ; Twelfth
night ; King Henry IV ; Julius Csesa^ Hamlet. H.
The tempest : Winter’s tale ; King Henry V ; King
Richard m: King Lear; Macbeth; Antony and Cleo-
— King Henry vin. Editedhy W. J. Rolfe. With
engravings. New York, 1872. 210 pp. Sq. 16“.
359.21 and 6599.15
— The tempest. Edited, with notes, by W. J.
Rolfe. With engravings. New York, 1871.
148 pp. 16“ 359.20 and 6599.14
Shaw, Robert. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand,
and Kashghar (formerly Chinese Tartary),
and return journey over the Karakoran pass.
With map and illustrations. London, 1871.
XV, 486+ pp. 8“ 5045.52
Shepherd, Sophy Winthrop. Miss Roberts’ fortune.
A story for girls. By Sophy Winthrop. New
York, [1871], 428 pp. 12“ E. B. 324.28
Shelf. No.
Shipixy, Orby. A glossary of ecclesiastical terms.
By vai-ious writers. London, 1872 [1871]. xiv,
508+ pp. Sm. 8“ *3438.51
BlEVEKiNG, Amelia Wilhelmina. Life. From the
German. Edited by C. Winkworth. London,
1863. xxviii, 520+ pp. 2 pi. Portrait. Sm.
8» 4846.13
Smiles, — . A boy’s voyage round the world. Edited
by S. Smiles. With illustrations. London,
1871. XY, 304+ pp. 16“ 646.23
— Same. New York, 1872 [1871]. 289 pp. 12“ . 646.22
Smiles, Samuel. Character. London, 1871. viil,
388 pp. 16" 876.17
— Same. New York, 1872. 387 pp. 12“ . . El. B. 116.15
Smith, Adam. Nature and causes of the wealth of
nations. Edited by J. E. Thorold Rogers.
Oxford, 1869. 2 v. 8“ 5647.26
Smith, Albert. The cricket on the hearth. Drama-
tized [from] Dickens. New York. N. D. 31
pp. 16“ 1389.1
Smith, Francis S. Poems for the million. New
York, 1871. 271 pp. 1 portrait. 16“ .... 346.23
Smith, Hannah. Bede’s charity. By Hesba Stretton
[psetici.]. New York, 1872. 311pp. 12“.
505.22 and E. B. 267.10
Smith, John Barker. A pharmaceutical guide to the
first and second examinations. London, 1870.
xii, 194-|- pp. 16“ *3788.51
Smithsonian institution, Washington, D. C. Mis-
cellaneous collections. List of foreign corre-
spondents. Correctedto January, 1870. Wash-
ington, 1870. 53+ pp. 8“ *3350.1
Socl^;T^; genevoise d’utilite publique, Geneva. Du
repos hebdomadaire. Par L. Jottrand. Bale
et Geneve. 1870. 105+ pp. 8“ 3453.50
— Le repos hebdomadaire. Par C. et fl. Rabaud.
Bdle et Gen5ve, 1870. viii, 247+pp. 8“ . . .3455.53
Somers, Robert. The Southern states since the war.
1870-1. With map. London, 1871. xii, 286
pp. 8“ 2365.53
Somerset, Ihtke of. See St. Maur, or Seymour,
Edward Adolphus.
Sophocles [outlined and explained] by C. A. Col-
lins. Edinburgh, 1870. 181+ pp. 16“ . E. B. 192.8
SOREL, Albert. La grande falaise, 1785-1799. Paris,
1872. 320+ pp. 18“ 2679.05
SouTHWORTH, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte. The
lost heir of Linlithgow. Philadelphia, [1872],
570 pp. 16“ 444.10 and E. B. 344.12
Spalding, S,amuel Jones. Spalding memorial: a
genealogical history of Edward Spalding, of
Massachusetts bay. and bis descendants. Bos-
ton, 1872. xi, 619 pp. 5 pi. 10 portraits. 8“ . *2335.56
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. [Opere.] Milano, 1825, 26.
6 V. Illustrated. Portrait. 8“ *2806.50
Coneents. — Vol. I— III. Viaggi alle due Siciiie e in
aicane parti dell’ Appennino; Appendice: St^ra di-
vers! animall. IV, V. Dissertaziuni varie. VI. Opu-
acoli di hsica aniiuala e vegetabile.
Spenser society. Publications. [Manchester, 1867-
71.] 2 V. Namely : —
— No. 9, 10. Wither, G. Juvenilia. 2 v *6605.9
Spiegel, Friedrich. Eranische Alterthumskunde.
B. 1. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann. 1871. 8“ . 5045.55
ConUnts. — Vol. I. Geograpiue, Ethnographie, und
aiteste Geschichte.
Spofford, Harriet (Elizabeth) Prescott, formerly
Miss Prescott. The thief in the night. Boston,
1872. 217 pp. 12“ 479.22 and E. B. 266.19
Sprecher, Samuel P.. and Lloyd, Thomas Spencer.
Manual of the First Lutheran church, Albany.
Albany, 1871. vi, 128+pp. Illustrated. 16“ . 5549.51
Squire, Peter. Companion to the last edition of the
British pharmacopoeia, comparing the strength
of its various preparations with other pharma-
copoeias. 8th edition. London, 1871. xxiv,
397 pp. 8“ *3788.50
— The pharmacopoeias of seventeen of the London
hospitals. 2d edition. London, 1869. 8, 199-f-
pp. 16“ *3789.50
Squire, William. Temperature-variations in the dis-
eases of children. London, 1871. 66+ pp. 8“ . 5779.22
Staatenoeschichte dcs neuesten Zeit. B. 9, 14,
17. Leipzig, 1858-71. Namely: —
— Baumgarten, H. Geschichte Spaniens von
Ausbruch der franzbsischen Revolution . . . 5085.2
Staempfli. Jacob. Referat fiber die Revision der
Bundesverfassung. Biel, 1871. 21 pp. 8“ . . 4829.8
— Ueber Verbesserungen und Ersparnisse im eid-
genossischen Wehrwesen. Bern, 1866. 88 pp.
8“ 5957.5
Stancovich. Pietro. Biografia degli uomini distinti
dell’ Istria. Trieste, 1828, 3 v. 8“ . . . 2748.50
Shelf No.
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, earl of Chesterfield. Let-
ters to his son. Edited by C. S. Carey. Lon-
don, 1872. 2 V. Portrait. Sm. 8“ 4557.3
Statius, Publius Papiuius. La Tebaide del cardinale
C. Bentivoglio. Milano, 1821. ivi, 466-[- pp.
Portrait. 8“ *2801.54
Stephens, Ann Sophia (Winterbotham). A noble
woman. Philadelpma, [1871]. 479 pp. 16“ . 456.5
Stephens, William Richard Wood. Saint Chrysos-
tom ; his life and times. With a portrait.
London, 1872. xiv, 474-)- pp. 8“ 3555.54
Sterne, Lawrence. A sentimental journey through
France and Italy. Added Letters and life of
tho author. Leipzig, 1861. viii, 347 pp. Por-
trait. 16“ E. B. 88.4
Stillman, William J. The Acropolis of Athens,
iliustrated in photography. London, 1870.
(28) ff. 26 photographs. F“ *8085.2
Stowe, Harriet (Eiizabeth) Beecher. Key to Uncle
Tom’s cabin. Boston, 1833, 262 pp. 8“ . . 2404.50
Stratmann, Franz Heinrich. A dictionary of the
old English language, compiled from writings
of the 12th-15th centuries. Part 1. 2d edition.
Krefeld, 1871. Sm. 4“ *4581.50
Streeter, Horace R. Voice building. A new
theory for the mechanical formation of the
human voice. Boston, 1871. 93, 42 pp. 12“ . 137.36
Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, Hannah.
Sturges, Joshua. Guide to the game of draughts.
Revised by G. Walker. New edition. By R.
Martin, and a treatise on Polish draughts, by
H. G. Bohn. London, 1864. 405-510+ pp. 16“ . 6008.16
Sumner, Charles. AVorks. Boston, 1871. 4 v. 8“ . 4507.3
Conuvts. — VoV I. 1845-47. H. 1847-51. HI. 1851-
55. IV. 1855-60.
Sunday half-hours. With illustrations. London,
N. D. 183+ pp. 8“ . . . . 895.25 and E. B. 363.23
Switzerland. Allgemeine geschichtsforschende
Gesellschaft. Die Berner-Chronik des Con-
rad Justinger. Herausgegeben von Q. Studer.
Bern, 1871. xxxvii, 499-)- pp. 8“ 2828.52
Schweizerisches Drkundenregister. B. 1. Bern,
1863 . 8“ 2823.50
— Topographisehe Karte der Schweiz. Aufge-
nommen und reduziert durch cidgendssische
Ingenieure unter der Aufsicht des Generals
G. H. Dufour. Maasstab der Karto 1 ; 100.000.
[Bern. 1869.] 1833-63. Nachtrage 1862-69.
25 Blatter. Obi. f “ *M.S.19
Taillandier, Rend Gaspard Ernest, called Saint-
Rend Taillandier. La Serbie, Kara-George et
Milosch. Paris, 1872. xii. 413+ pp. 8“ . . . 5066.3
Taine, Hippolyte (Adolphe). History of English
literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. Vol.
I. Edinburgh, 1871. 8“ 2475.51
— Notes sur I’Angleterre. Paris, 1872. viii, 394+
pp. 16“ ■ 2466.6
— Du suffrage universel et de la manidre de voter.
Paris. 1872. 62 pp. 16“ 4659.50
Tale of a nest. Illustrated. London, 1872 [1871].
192+ pp. 16“ E. B. 22.31
Talfourd, Thomas Noon. The Castilian. An his-
torical tragedy. London, 1853. xiv, 191+ pp.
16“ 6568.12
Tardeeu, (August) Ambroise. £tude medico-ldgale
sur les blessures par imprudence, I’homicide
et les coups involontaires. Paris, 1871. 196+
pp. 8“ 3747.50
Taylor, (James) Bayard, editor. Illustrated library
of travel, exploration, and adventure. Name-
Cumming, (W.) G. Wild men and wild
beasts 696.21 and E, B, 233.9
Thaxter, Celia. Poems. New York, 1872 [1871].
86 pp. Sm. sq. 16“ 339.17
Thayer, William Makepeace. The pioneer boy.
Boston, 1864. xiv, 310 pp. 12“ E. B. 26.34
Thomes. Edward. The revenue resources of the
Mughal empire in India, 1593-1707. London,
1871. 5+)-pp. 8“ 3047.50
Thomas, William H. The ocean life series. A
' siaver’s adventures on land and sea. Illus-
trated. Boston, 1872. 406 pp. 16“ . . . E. B. 22.36
Thomson, George. The discovery of a new world of
being. London, 1871. 271-)- pp. 8m. 8“ . . . 3608.52
Thornton, John. The preciousness of Christ. Bos-
ton, 1864. 188 pp. Sm. 16“ E. B. 368.13
Thorvaldsen. Albert, or Bertel. Thorwaldsen and
his works, containing 365 engravings, with
explanatory text. By J. M. Thiele. Trans-
lated by P. C. Binding. New York, 1869. 4v.
4“ . . *8085.5
Shelf. No.
Ticknor, George. History of Spanish literature. 4th
American edition. Boston, 1872 . 3 v. 8° . . 3090.50
Times, .John. Notabilia; or, curious and amusing
facts about many things. London, 1872 [1871] .
xii, 384 pp. Sm. 8“ ^78.56
— Oddities of history. London, 1872. Ti, 90 pp.
16» 909.16
— One thousand domestic hints in the choice of
provisions; cookery, [etc.]. London, 1871.
iv, 90 pp. 16» 188.18
— Popular science. London, 1871. viii, 92pp. lO" . 149.1
— Thoughts for times and seasons. London, 1872.
vi, 90 pp. 10“ 909.15
Tikabosciii. Girolamo. Storia della letteratura
italiana. Milano, 1822-26. 16 v. Portrait. 8° . *2806.51
Tondini. C.xsarius. The pope of Rome and the popes
of the oriental orthodox church. London,
1871. xiii, 18.3+ pp. 8m. 8» 3518.50
TounjfeE. Eben. New England conservatory method
for the piano-forte. Boston, 1870. 72pp. 4“ . 201.19
Tocrnachon. Gustave Fdhx. Les ballons en 1870.
Par Nadar [/jscud.]. Paris, 1870. 34 pp. Sm.
12“ 2628.85
Towgood. Micajah. The dissenting gentleman’s
answer to the Reverend Mr. White’s three
letters ; in which a separation from the estab-
lishment is fully .iustilied. 5th edition. [Titie-
page missing.] Boston, 1748. 121+ pp. 8“ . 5469a.l3
Tracy. Stephen. The mother and her offspring.
New York, 1870. xxiv, 453+ pp. Illustrated.
12'’ *5779.26
Trail. Catherine Parr. The backwoods of Canada.
[Anon.] New edition. London, 1846 . 243 pp.
Illustrated. Sm. 12'* 850.17
Trapassi. Pietro (Bonaventura), called Metastasio.
OperescelU. Milano, 1820. 5v. Portrait. 8“. *2803.56
Contents. — Vol. T-IH. Drammi; viz., — Vol. I. Vita
di P. Metastasio; Didonc abbandonata; Siroe; Sifaee;
Catone in Utica; Ezio; Alessandro neU’ Indie; Semira-
znide; Artaserse. II. Adriano in Siria; Issipile; Deme-
trio; Olimpiade; Demofoonte; La clemenza di Tito;
Achiile in Sciio; Giro riconosciuto ; Tcmistoele. III.
Zenobia; Attilio Regolo; Ipermestra; Antigono; lire
pastore; L' eroe cinese; Nitteli ; II trionfb di Cleiia: Ro-
molo ed Ersilia; II ruggiero; Giustino. IV. Azioni e
feste teatrali; viz., — La Galatea; L’ Endiraione; Gli
orti esperidi ; L' Angelica ; La coiitesa de‘ numi : II tempio
deir eternita ; I.' asilo d' Amore ; Le cinesi ; II sogno di
Scipione; II paliadio conserrato; Le grazie vencTicate ;
II Pamaso accusato c difeso; La pace fra la virtu e la
bellezza; Astrea placata; II natal di Glove; L’ Amor
prigioniero; II vero oinaggio; La danza; Augurio di
fclicita; La rispettosa Tenerezza; L‘ isola disabitata;
Tributo di rispetto e d' amore; La gara; II sogno; La
vitrosia disarmuta ; Alcide at bivio ; L' ape ; L’ Atenaide ;
Egcria ; II Parnaso confitso ; La corona ; La pace fra le
tre dee; II trionfo d' Amore; Parteuope. V. Opere
sacre poesie varie e traduzioni.
Trench. W. Stcw.irt. lerne. A tale. 2d edition.
London, 1871. 2 v. 8“ 794.10
Trognon. Auguste. Vie de Marie-Am6iie reine des
Fran^ais. Paris, 1871. iii, 489 pp. 8“ . . . . 2647.51
Trois-Rtoiles, pneud. The member for Paris : a
tale of the Second empire. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v.
Sq. 16'’ 730.78 and E. B. 249.22
Trowbridge. John Townsend. Jack Hazard and
his fortunes. London, 1871. 258 pp. 16“ . . 445.18
— Neighbor Jackwood. Boston, 1871. 414 pp. 12“ .
E. B. 248.29
Tccker. Charlotte. On the way. By A. L. O. E.
[pseud.] London, 1871. 230 pp. Illustrated.
16“ 600.52 and E. B. 305.36
note. — Tales illustrative of the Pilgrim’s progress.
— A wreath of smoke. By A. L. 0. E. [pseud.]
London [1S71]. 191 pp. 3 pi. 16“ . . . . 733.11
Tl’RF, field and farm. Vol. 10-12. [No title-page.]
New York, 1869-71. 3 v. F" *7990.3
Turin. Reale accademia delle scienze, Regio osser-
vatorio. Atlante di carte celcsti contenenti le
634 stelle principali visibili alia latitudine
boreale di 45“, e catalogo delle posizione medie
di dette stelle per 1’ anno 1880. [Torino, 1871.]
(4)pp. 12 pi. Obi. f “ *39.H.2
Turnbull, Laurence. A clinical manual of the dis-
eases of the car. Philadelphia, 1872. 486 pp.
Illustrated. 8“ 3805.53
Tweedie. William K. Environs of Jerusalem, pic-
torial and descriptive. London, 1871. 144 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ 698.33
Tytler, Sarah. Sisters and wives. London, 1871.
iv, 314+ pp. 16“ 806.5
XJeber Land und Meer. Allgemeine illustrite Zei-
tung. B. 15, 16. Stultg.art, 1806. 2v. F“ . .*5220.60
Shelf. No.
Unger, C. R., editor. Morkinskinna. Pergaments-
bog fra fbrstc Ilalvdel af det trettende Aar-
hundredc. Indcholdende en af dc aildste
Optegnelscr af norske Kongesagaer. Christi-
ania, 1867. iv, 247+ pp. 8" . ■28’26.51 and **E.213.21
United States. Deparment of the inte' ior. Patent
office. Classification of subject-matter of
patents issued. July, 1871. [No title-page.]
[Washington. 1871.] 8 pp. 8“ *5985.1
Specifications and drawings of patents. July
4 — Dec. 12, 1871. Washington, 1871. 24 v.
L. 8“ **A.P.l-24
— Department of state. Universal exposition. Paris,
1867. Report to the department of state on
silk and silk manufactures. By E. C. Cowdin.
Washington, 1868. 114 pp. 8“ 4026.11
— Senate. Constitution of the United States, the
declaration of independence, the articles of
confederation, and the ordinance of 1787 ; the
rules of the senate, tlie joint rules of the
two houses, and Jetferson’s manual of p.arlia-
mentary practice [etc.]. Compiled by W. J.
McDonald. Washington, 1871. 405+ pp.
16“ 2327.51
V., L. The language and sentiment of flowers. Lon-
don [1866], vi, 154 pp. Sm. 10“ 1338.5
Vallindigham, James Laird. A life of Clement L.
Vallandigham. Baltimore, 1872. xii, 573 pp.
8“ 2346.52
Van Name, Addison. Contributions to Creole gram-
mar. [No title-page.] N. p., 1871. 123-167
pp. 8“ 4463.12
Varano. Alfonso. Opere scelte. Milano, 1818. xv,
571+ pp. Portrait. 8“ *2807.50
Vauban. Sebastien Le Pretre de. Projet d’une dixme
royale. Rouen. 1707. viii, 268 pp. 4 folded
sh. Sm. 12“ . ; 5649.17
Veitmeyer, L. a. Vorarbeiten zu einer zukiinftigen
Wasser-Versorgung dsr Stadt Berlin. Ira
Auftrage des Magistrats und der Stadtverord-
neten zu Berlin, afisgcfuhrt, 1868 und 1869.
Hierzu ein Atlas mit 13 Pianen und Zeichnun-
gen. Berlin, 1871. xxxvi, 368+ pp. 2 pi. 8“,
and atlas, f “ *3946.50; atlas 39. B. 3
Velde. C. W. M. van de. Map of the Holy land. 2d
edition. Gotha, 1865. F“. Scale : proportion of
^TlVolT • *5040a.l6
— Notes on [his] map of the Holy land. 2d edition.
Gotha. 1865. 48+ pp. 8“ *3040a.l6
Verdet, (Marcel) Emile. [CEuvres. Publiees par
les soins de ses elfeves. T. 1-3, 5, 7.] Paris,
1868-72. 5 V. Portrait. 8“ 5913.9
Contents. — Vol. I. Notes etmOinoires. 11,111. Cours
de ph^’8i<|ue. V. Lecous d'optique physique. VII.
Th6oric mecanique de la ehaleur.
Verne, Jules. A journey to the centre of the earth,
from the French. 62 illustrations. London,
1872 [1871]. viii. 384pp. 16® 746.27
Verri, Alessandro, eonte. Opere scelte. Milano,
1822. 2 V. Portrait. 8® ♦2807.52
Contents. — Vol. I. Vita di A. Verri; Le awenture di
Saitu ; La vita di Erustrato. XI. Le nutte romane.
Verri, Pietro, conie. Opere filosofiche e di economia
politica. Milano, 1835. 2 v. Portrait. 8® . ♦2807.51
Contents — Vol. I. Notizic di P. Verri daP. Custodi;
Diacorso auU’ indole del piacere e del dolorc; Sulla feli-
cita; Sulla oconomia politica. Osservazioni sulla tor-
tura. II. Sulle Icggi vincolanti principalmentc nel
commerciodc’ ^ani ; Dialogo sul disordinedeUemonete
nello stato di Milano nel 17G2; Consulta sulla ritbrma
delle monete nello stato di Alilano; Progetto di una
tarifia; Memorie storiche sulla economia pubblica della
stato di Milano; Estratlo di alcuni capitoli preliminari
al bilancio generalc del cnmniercio deilo stato di Milano
par 1762; Discorsi tratti dal giornale intitolato II caffe.
— Storia di Milano. Milano, 1834, 35. 2v. Illus-
trated. 8® ♦2807.53
V^siNiER, P. History of the commune of Paris.
Translated from the French by J. V. Weber.
London, 1872. x, 337-f-pp. 8rn. 8® 2627.65
Vettori, Pietro. Lettere, per la prima volta pub-
blicate da Giovanni Ghinassi. Bolouna, 1870.
80 pp. 16® Vol. 32 of ♦4762.1
Veuillot, Louis. Paris pendant les deux sidges.
Paris, 1871. 2v. 8® 2627.62
Vico, Giovanni Battista. Principj di una scienza
nuova d’ intorno alia comune natura delle
nazioni secondo V edizione del 1725. Con note
da G. Ferrari, e la vita delP autore [scritta da
sd medesimo, etc.]. Milano, 1836. 2v. Por-
trait. l.pl. 8® ♦2807.64
Shelf. No.
Victoria. Australia. Parliament. Report of the
trustees [etc.] of the public library, museums,
and national gallery of Victoria, 1S70-1. Mel-
bourne, [1S71]. 103 pp. 1 pi. L. 8“ . . . . 6200.5
VlEL', Charles. Rapiers sauves des Tuilcries, suite ^
la correspondancc de la famille impenale.
Pubiies par Robert Halt [nsfud.] . Paris, 1871.
Vi, 292 pp. 8» 2645.51
ViGNE.s, Edouard. Traits des impots en France,
suivi du mouveraeut detaillO de la dette pub-
lique depuis 1789. 3e edition. Paris, 1872.
2 V. 8'' 5645.26
ViLLEVERT. E. Chemins de fer. Construction des
travaux d’art, tunnels, [etc.]. Texte et des-
sins-tj'pes. Paris, 1866. 28 pp. 36 pi. 4" . . *8010.56
Vioelet-Leduc, EugOne Emmanuel. Memoire sur
la defense de Paris, septembre 1870-janvier
1871. Paris, 1871. 2 v. Text, lix. 237-]- pp.
S»; atlas. 12 pi. F“ *4624.14; atlas *4620.3
VIRGILIUS Maro. Publius. Globe edition. Works,
rendered into English iirose. With introduc-
tions, notes, [etc.] by J. Lonsdale and S. Lee.
London, 1872. 310+ pp. 16" 4949.4
— Virgil [outlined and explained] by W. L. Col-
lins. Edinburgh, 1870. 190+ pp. 16".
E. B. 192.9
— The Georgies. Translated by R. H. Blackmore.
London, 1871. viii, 143+ pp. 16° 4949.5
ViSENTisi. Antonio. Ossenazioni che servono di
continuazione al trattato di Teofilo Gallaccini
sopra gli errori degli architetti. Venezia, 1771.
vii, 141+ pp. Illustrated. F° 8100.50
Waisbrooker, Lois. Helen Harlow’s vow. 3d edi-
tion. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 290 pp. Sm.8°.
E. B. 247.14
Warner. Charles Dudley. My summer in a garden.
Boston, 1871. xii, 183 pp. 16" E. B. 35.15
Warren, E. How I managed my house on two hun-
dred pounds a year. 9th American edition.
Boston. 1860. 95 pp. 12° E. B. 323.27
Wasielewski, Joseph Wilhelm von. Life of Robert
Schumann. Translated by A. L. Alger. Bos-
ton [1871]. 275 pp. 16" 4047.28
Wassersiann, M. Judah Touro. Biographischer
Roman. Leipzig, 1871. 276pp. 10° 5488.51
Wedding ring. The. A journal for ladies and gen-
tlemen, with which is incorporated “ Marriage
bells.” Vol. 1. Loudon, 1871. F° 1851.1
Westmoreland. Maria Jourdan. Heart-hungry.
New York. 1872. 332 pp. 12° 475.3
Wheeler, Gen-ase. The choice of a dwelling. A
practical handbook on points connected with
hiring, buying or building a house. With plans
and views. London, 1871. xii, 299 pp. Sm.
8° 4108.2
Wheeler. J. Talboys. Journal of a voyage up the
Irrawaddy to Mandalay and Bhamo. Ran-
goon, 1871. 102. ii+pp. 8° 3045.50
Wheildon, William W. Or.ation delivered at Wil-
son’s grove. Maple creek. Dodge co., Ne-
braska. July 4, 1871. [In slips from a news-
paper.] (7) fl'. 8" *4392.50
Whipple. John A. [Photographs of the eclipse of
sun on Aug. 7th, 1869, as obsen ed by the as-
tronomers of Harvard college, at Shelbyville,
Ky.] 8 photographs. L. 4° *50.D.l
Whitaker. Joseph. An almanack for 1872. Lon-
don. [1871]. 16° *4588.12
White. .James. Landmarks of the history of Eng-
land. New edition. London [1854]. viii, 288
pp. 16° 969.10
White. Joseph Blanco [originally and properly
Josd Maria White y Crespo, hut popularly
changed in Spain into Jose Maria Blanco y
Crespo] . Observations on heresy and ortho-
doxy. 2d edition. London, 1839. xxxii, 158
pp. 12° 5469a.l6
White, Richard Grant. The chronicles of Gotham.
New York, 1871, 72. 2 v. 12° 1849.2
Whittlesey, Elsie Leigh. Helen Eihinger. Phila-
delphia, 1872. 318 pp. 12° 797.26
Wiese, L. Das hohere Schulwesen in Preussen.
Historisch-statistische Darstellung. Berlin,
1864. 69. 2 V. 10 pi. 2 maps. 8° 3595.50
Wilder, Marshall Pinckney. California. Boston,
1871. 31+ pp. 8° 4475.31
Wilkinson. Sir John Gardner. A popular account
of the ancient Egyptians.' Revised and
abridged. 500 woodcuts. New edition. Lon-
don, 1871. 2 V. Sm. 8° 5059.12
Willard. Clara A. Fifty years ago. A story of
New England life. New York [1871]. 323
pp. 12° 496.9
Shelf. No.
Williams, Charles J. B. and Charles Theodore.
Pulmonary consumption. London, 1871. xxvi,
402 pp. Sm. 8° 3797.51
Williams, John, poet and editor, d. Oct. 12. 1818.
The Hamiltoniad ; or an extinguisher for the
royal faction of New England. With notes.
By Anthony Pusquin [psead.]. Boston.
[1804L 104 pp. 8° 4500a.34
Williams, John, assist, see. P. A. S. Observations
of comets, from n. C. 611 to A. D. 1640. Ex-
tracted from the Chinese annals. Translated,
with introductory remarks, and an appendix,
comprising the tables necessary for reducing
Chinese time to European reckoning; and a
Chinese celestial atlas. Loudon. 1871. xxxii.
124+ pp. 16 pi. 4“ **E.175.11
Willmott. Robert Aria. The poets of the nine-
teenth century. With additions by E. A.
Duyckinck. Illustrated. New York, 1872
[1871], xvi, 674 pp. Sm. 4° 4573.7
Wilson. John. A treatise on English punctuation.
20th edition. New Y^ork, 1871. xii, 334 pp.
16° 2487.51
WiNCKELMANN, Johann Joachim. History of an-
oient art, translated from the German, by G.
H. Lodge. Boston, 1872. 3 v. Illustrated.
8° *A.225.9
Contents. — Vol. I. Life of Winchclmann ; Oripin of
art; Art among the Egj'ptians, Phoenicians and Per-
sians; Among the EtmWans and their neighbors. H.
Art in Greece. III. Drapery ; Greek art.
Winer, Georg Benedict. A grammar of the idiom
of the New Testament. 7th edition, by G.
Liinemann. Revised and authorized transla-
tion. Edited by J. H. Thayer. Andover, 1870.
xviii. 728 pp. 8° 3485.60
Wise, Daniel. Lindendale stories. Nellie Warren.
' By Lawrence Lancewood, [pseud.]. Boston.
1870. 256+ pp. Illustrated. 16° . . . E. B. 24.36
Wither, George. Juvenilia. Poems. [Part, 1, 2.]
[Manchester,] 1871. 2v. 16°. 1. p *6605.9
Woltm.vnn, Alfred. Holbein and his time. Trans-
lated bv F. E. BuiinMt. 60 illustrations. Lon-
don, 1872 [1871]. xvi. 408 pp. Sm. 4° . . . *A.225.8
Wood. Ella Price. Dene hollow. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v.
Sq. 16° 730.77 and E. B. 249.23
Wood. Sara. The gift of life, a book for the young.
London, 1872. vii, 160 pp. 16° 129.28
Wood, Thomas. Comic annual for 1872. With en-
gravings. by the brothers Dalziel. London
[1871], 112 pp. Sm.4° 896.21
Woodward, Bernard BoUngbroke, Wilks, Theo-
dore Chambers, and Lockhart, Charles.
History of Hampshire, including the Isle of
Wight. With illustrations. London [1870].
3v. 4° *4570.8
WORBOISE, Emma Jane. Nobly born. London.
1871. iv, 469 pp. 16° 806.7
Wright, Julia McNair. A million too much. A
temperance tale. Philadelphia, 1871. 276 pp.
16° 788.16
Wright, Thomas. The homes of other days. A
history of domestic manners and sentiments
in England. London, 1871. xv, 511 pp. Il-
lustrated. 8° 4523.9
— Roll of arms of the princes, barons, and knights
who attended king Edward i to the siege of
Caerlaverock, in 1300 ; edited, with a transla-
tion and notes. London, 18M. viii, 39 pp.
5 pi. of emblazoned coat-armour. 4° . . . . *2430.50
WcNDERLiCH. Carl August. On the temperature in
diseases : a manual of medical thermometry.
Translated by W. B. Woodman. London.
1871. xii. 468 pp. Illustrated. 8° *5724.15
Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian celebrities. London, 1871.
X, 296 pp. Sm. 8° 4849.11
Wythe, Joseph H. The agreement of science and
revelation. Philadelphia, 1872. 290 pp. 12° . 3438.53
Xenophon [outlined and explained] by Sir A. Grant.
Edinburgh, 1870. 180+ pp. 1 map. 16°.
E. B. 192.10
Yates, Edmund. Nobody’s fortune. Leipzig. 1872.
2 V. Sm. sq. 16° 750.51 and E* E. 249.26
Yonge. Charles Duke. Three centuries of English
literature. London, 1872. xxi, 649 pp. Sm.
8° 2479.54
Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Historical dramas. Illus-
trated. London, N. D. Unp. 16° 367.7
Conienu. — Tiie mice at play. — The apple of discord.
— The strayed falcon.
Shelf. No.
Yonge, Charlotte Mary, continued.
— editor. A storehouse of stories. Storehouse the
second. London, 1872. lx, 403-j- pp. 8* . . 786.14
Contents. — Family stories; Elements of morality; A
puzzle for a eurious girl; Blossoms of morality.
Yorke, Onslow. Secret history of “ The interna-
tional” workingmen’s association. London,
1872. viii, 160 pp. 16“
Yorke, Stephen. Tales of the North riding. Lon-
don, 1871. 2 V. 16“
Yriarte, Charies. Les Prussiens h Paris et le 18
mars; avec la sdrie des ddpeches officielles
Inidites des autoritds fran?aises et allemandes
du 24 ftvrierau ISmars. Paris, 1871. 375 pp.
Shelf No.
Zani, Pietro. Enciclopedia metodica critico-ragio-
nata delle belle arti. Parte la. Vol. 1-19.
Parte 2a. Vol. 1-9. Parma, 1817-23. 28 v.
8“ ♦A.m.s
Zanotti, Eustachio. Trattato teorico-pratico di
prospettiva. Milano, 1825. xsxii, 230 pp. 6
pi. Portrait. 8“ *2807.55
Zanotti. Francesco Maria. Opere scclte. Miiano,
1818. 2 V. Portrait. 8“ *2807.56
Contents. — Vol. I. Vita di F. M. Zanotti ; Dell’ arte
Eoetiea ; Orazioni ; Lettere ; Prose critiche ; Poesie scelte.
[. Della forza de’ eorpi. La tilosoha morale; Bagio-
namento sopra un libro francese.
ZiNCKE, Foster Barham. Egypt of the Pharaohs and
ofthekedivd. London, 1871. viii, 458pp. 8“. 5045.54
Bostoii Library^
The following list covers that portion of the collection of engravings made
by the late Cardinal Tosti, of Eome, and given to this Library by Mr. Thomas
G. Appleton, consisting of the framed prints in the Bates Hall and the officers’
apartments adjoining, which are not portraits.
The entries are under the names of the engravers, with cross-references from
the names of painters, or designers, and from the subjects of the engravings.
Bulletins numbers 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the Tosti collec-
tion of engravings which is in bound volumes, embracing nearly 5,100 prints.
A list of the Portraits has been sepai-ately published. The framed prints,
not being portraits, which are in the Lower Halls of the Library, are partly
catalogued ; and they may probably be given in the next Bulletin. There is, in
addition, a small number of engravings, not framed, which will be catalogued
and printed as soon as possible.
Accord^ie, Uy du village (The village bride), after J.
B. Greuze. Flipart, Jeau Jacques . . . . 151
Agricola, Filippo, Italian painter y b. 1776, d. 1857.
Dante and Beatrice. See Marchetti, Domenico. 157
Aldegraef, or Aldegrever, Heinrich, German
painter and engraver y pupil o f Albrecht 2>ue-
rery b. 1502, d. about 1562. The rich man and
Lazarus. Size, 3^ in. x 4^ iu 63
— With Aldegrever's monogram and the date
15.’54, with the inscription upon u taolet upon a column,
“ Aide Grave in Svzato fecit,” and an inscription at the
Allohi, Cristofano, or Cristoforo, Florentine paint-
ery bs 1577, d. 1619, or 1621. The Christ child
sleeping upon a cross. See Gandolfi, Mauro. 62
Anderlom, Pietro, Italian designer and engraver^
b. 1784, d. 1849. Moses at the well, defending
the daughters of Jethro, after N. Poussin.
Petrus Anderloni deU et SculpJ 1818. Size,
16^ in. X 25J in 162
Aofe. — “ Engraved from a picture in the collection of
the Countess Pino," at Milan. Smith J. Catalogue
raitonne. Part 8, p. 12.
The woman taken in adultery, after Titian. P.
AnderloDl deli et sculpt Size, 16J in. X 25 in. 114
itote. — Engraved in 1821, from a picture then in the
collection of the Countess Pino in Milan, now in Eng-
land. This copy has the address of 'Tanner (the later
address is Lissaut) followed by three dots, indicating it
to be an impression of the third hundred.
Apollo and the muses, after Eafael Mengs. See
Morghen, Raffaello 90
Athaliah, Expulsion of, after V. Camuccini. See
Bertini, Angelo 98; 118
Audran, Benoit, the elder, French designer, etcher,
and engraver, c7.1721. The raising of
the cross, after C. Le Brun. 1706. Size, 21
in. X 28 in 11
Note. — The original is in the Louvre.
Balestra, Giovanni, contemporary Italian engraver.
Christ and the woman of Samaria, after Garo-
falo. Ignaz. Podio delin. Size, 16l-| in. X
253 in 159
Banzo, Antonio, Italian engraver, fl. 1810. The
adoration of the magi, after Raphael. 1810.
Size, 15 in. X 273 in
Note. — Engraved from the picture in the Vatican of
the size of the engraving.
— Pope Pius vn, with Cardinal Consalvi, sur-
rounded hy allegorical figures of Justice,
Plenty, Rome, etc., cmhlematic of the results
of the deliverance of Rome from the power of
Napoleon. After F. Manno. Pietro Bettellini
diresse. Proof, with artists’ names only. Size,
16} in. X 20 in 165
Barbieri. Giovanni Francesco, called Guercino,
Italian painter, b. 1590, d. 1666. David ap-
peased hy Abigail. See Marchetti, Domenico . 153
Berretini, Pietro, called Pietro da Cortona, Floren-
tine painter and architect, b. 1596, d. 1669. The
adoration of the magi. See Laugot, Fran^oi-s . 104
Bertini, Angelo, Italian engraver, ft. 1810. The
expulsion of Athaliah and enthronement of
Jehoash, after V. Camuccini. Proof, with
artists’ names only. Size 18| in. x 28J in. . . 98
Same. Proof before any letters 118
Bonafede, — . Italian engraver. The adoration of
the magi, after Garofalo. Without letters,
with the engraver’s name written with a pencil.
Size, in. X HJ in 12
Bdonaccorsi, Pietro, called Pierino (or Perino) del
Vaga, Italian painter, b. 1500, d. 1547. The
coronation of Charlemagne. See Fabri, Luigi . 141
Boonarroti, Michel Angelo, Italian painter, sculp-
tor, and architect, b. 1474. d. 1563, or 1564.
The last judgment. See Ghisi, Giorgio . . . Ill
Same. See Metz, Conrad Martin 106
Same. See Rota, Martin 10
Caeajiatta, Luigi, Italian designer and engraver,
b. 1802, d. 1869. Galileo before the council,
making his abjuration, after Rohert-Fleury.
Size, 21^ in. X 34J in 350
Note. — Proof before letters, with the following written
with a pencil, " Eppar la ftira." “ Dipinto da Robert
Fleury. ' “ Disegnato e luciso da L. Calamatta."
Same 6
Nate. — With the following engraved at the bottom,
“ Galileo Eppur la gira | Con todo ella vuelve Dipinto
da Robert Fleury Imp. Ch Chardon aine Paris. Inci-
sione diretta e tonninata da L. Calamatta"
Christ, continued.
Same. After N. Poussin. See Pesne. Jean . 167
Same. After Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi,
Marc-Antonio 65
Same. By A. Ricciani. Ricciani, Antonio . 156
— Holy family, called Holy family of Francis I,
after Raphael. See Edelinck, Gerard .... 9
— Same. See Frey, Johann Jakob 68
— The Last supper. See Duerer, Albrecht ... 64
— Marriage of the Virgin, after Albrecht Duerer.
See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 148
— The meeting of Joachim and Anna, after Albrecht
Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio . . . 109
— Pilate showing Christ to the Jews. See Duerer,
Albrecht 61
— The presentation of Christ in the temple. After
Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-An-
tonio 103
Same. After Raphael. /See Persichini. Raffaello . 164
— The raising of the cross, after C. Le Bruu. See
Audran, Benoit, the elder 11
— The lich man and Lazarus. See Aldegraef, or
Aldegrcver, Heinrich 63
— The Virgin ascending the steps of the temple,
after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-
Antonio 110
— The woman taken in adultery, after Titian.
See Anderloni, Pietro 114
Coronation of Charlemagne, after Raphael. See
Fahri, Luigi 141
Cortona. Pietro da. See Berretini, Pietro.
Costa, Giovanni Battista, Italian engraver. Holy
family, after Guido Reni. Size, Og in. X 13 in. 155
Camcccini, Vincenzo, Italian painter, b. 1775, d, 1844.
The expulsion of Athaliah and enthronement
of Jehoash. Bertini, Angelo 98; 118
— Horatius Codes defending the bridge. See Mar-
chelti. Domenico 160
— The magnanimity of Scipio. See Marehetti,
Domenico 158
— Rogulus departing for Carthage. See Marehetti.
Domenico 126 ; 161
Caracci. Agostino, Italian painter and engraver,
b. 1.557. d. 1602. The adoration of the magi,
after Baldassare Peruzzi. Engraved, 1579.
Size, 41§ in. X 4i§ in 101
Note. — Engraved in parts. The original was made at
Bologna, in chiaroseuro, in 1521, for Count C. Benti-
voglio. The same pieture, painted on wood, and a draw-
ing of it. both said to be by Peruzzi, are in the National
gallery at London. Waagen thinks the drawing un-
questionably Penizzi's, but that the painting is a copy
by an inferior hand. Treasures of art. Vol. 1. v. 3^.
The drawing, with a copy of the engraving, by A.
Caracci, was given to the 'National gallery in 1839, by
Lord Vernon.
This eopy is from the second state of the plate.
Bartsch, A. Le peintre-graveur. Vol. 18, p. 43.
Christ. Scenes in the life of Christ, etc. Namely: —
— The adoration of the magi, after Raphael. See
Banzo, Antonio 86
Same. After Garofalo. See Bonafede, — . . 12
— Same. After B. PcTuzzi. See Caracci, Agos-
tino 101
Same. After Pietro Berretini da Cortona. See
Langot, Francois 104
Same. After Albrecht Duerer. /See Raimondi,
Marc-Antonio 102
— Christ and the woman of Samaria, after Garofalo.
See Balestra, Giovanni 159
— Christ crowned with thorns, after A. van Dyck.
See Langot, Frangois 108
— Christ in the temple, disputing with the doctors.
See Duerer, Albrecht 142
— Christ taking leave of his mother, before his trial
and crucifixion, after Albrecht Duerer. See
Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 69
— The Christ child sleeping upon a cross, after C.
Allori. See Gandolfi, Mauro 62
— Circumcision of Ciirist. after Albrecht Duerer.
See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 70
— The de.ad Christ, with Mary and two angels,
after Guido Reni. Nee Ricciani. Antonio . . . 154
— The entombment of Christ, after Raphael. See
Volp.ato, Giovanni 149
— The flight into Egypt, after Albrecht Duerer.
See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 105
— The high priest rejecting the ofl’ering of Joachim,
after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-
Antonio 107
— Holy family. After Guido Reni. See Costa,
Giovanni Battista 155
Same. After Garofalo. See Fcrretti, L. . . . 163
Note. — Proof before letters, the artists’ names being
written with a pencil, as follows: “Guido Reni Pinx.
Veritas Simon da Pesaro." “ Gandolfi delin." “ Giovanni
Battista Costa Sculpsit."
Dante and Beatrice, after F. Agricola. See Mar-
chetti, Domenico 157
David appeased by Abigail, after Guercino. See
Marehetti, Domenico 153
David in the c.ave of Adullam, after Claude Lorrain.
See Testa, Antonio 130
Dispcta di 8. Sacramento, after Raphael. See Vol-
pato, Giovanni 138
Domenichino. See Zampieri, Domenico.
Duerer. Albrecht. German painter and engraver,
b. 1471, d. 1528. Various subjects from wood-
Note. — These woodcuts have been mounted upon stiff
paper, and cannot, without risk, be removed for mure
critical examination.
For fac-similes. by Marc-Antonio, of various wood-
cuts by Duerer, see Raimondi, Marc-Antonio.
Namely : —
— Christ in the temple, disputing with the doctors,
from the series called The history of the
Virgin. 'With Duerer’s monogram, hut without
date. Engraved about 1506. Size 83 in. X
llj in
— “Hercules.” Engraved about 1497. With
Duerer’s monogram, but without date. Size,
11 J in. X ISj in
Note. — The subject of this woodcut is unknown. The
name Ercvles is inscribed upon a scroll at the top, but
no known scene in the life of Hercules is represented.-
See Bctherg, It. von. Duerere Kupferetiche und Holz-
echnitte. No. 24.
— The Last supper. With Dnerer’s monogram
and the date 1523. Size 83 in. X HJ in. . . .
Note. — This is a copy of the original woodcut, having
live dashes in the line drawn horizontally upon the
platter. See ITeller, J. Dae Lehen und die Werke Al-
brecht Duerere, No. 1622.
PUate showing Christ to the Jews. Engraved
about 1510, 'With Duerer’s monogram, hut
without date. Size, llj in. X ISJ in
Note. — One of the series called The greater passion.
See Reiburg, R. von. Duerere Kupferetiche und Hole-
echniUe. No. 179. ^
Dvck, Sir Anthony van, Flemish painter, b. 1699,
d. 1641. Christ crowned with thorns. See
Langot, Francois
Edelinck, Gerard, Flemish designer and engraver,
b. 1640, d. 1707. Holy family, called The Holy
family of Francis i, after Raphael. Size,
llj in. X 13 io
Note — Trimmed and mounted on still' paper. The
original is in the Louvre.
Fabri, Luigi, or Alois (as given on the plates),
Italian engraver., b. 1778, d. 1835. The coro-
nation ofCh.arlemagne by Leo iii, after Raphael.
In the Stanza del incendio del borgo, in the
Vatican. Franciscus Cavalleri delineavit.
Size, 203 in. X30 in 141
Note. — The completion of the above has been ascribed,
bv some to Pietro Buonaccorsi (Pierino or Pcrino del
Vaea), by otliers to Giovanni Francisco Pcnni, catted
li Fattore. ^
— The oath of Leo iii, after Raphael. In the
Stanza del incendio, in the Vatican. Size,
20.^ in. X 293 in 71
— Rome presented by Constantine to Silvester i,
after Raphael. In the Sala di Constantino, in
the Vatican. Size, 205 hi. X 205 'n
— The victory of Leo iv over the Saracens, at
Ostia; painted after Raphael’s designs, by
Giovanni da Udine, in the Stanza del incendio,
in the Vatican. Size, 20 in. X 285
Fattore, II. See Penni, Giovanni Francesco.
Ferretti, L., Italian engraver of the present time.
Holy family, after Garofalo. Size, 14 in. X
175 in 163
Note. — The original is in the possession of Count de
— The triumph of Saul and David, after Domeni-
chino. A. Cavallucci dis. Size, 19 in. X 265 in. 94; 122
Note. — The original is in the Palazzo Rospigliosi,
Fleorv, Joseph Nicolas Robert, called Rohert-
Fleury, French painter, b. 1797. Galileo
making his abjuration. See Calamatta, Luigi. 6; 350
Flipart, Jean Jacques, French engraver, b. 1723,
d. 1782. The village bride (L’accordee du
village), after J. B. Greuze. Size, 195 in. X
243 in 151
Note. — The artists’ names are not given, the print being
trimmed and mounted on stilf paper. The original is
in the Ixiuvre.
Frey, Johann Jakob, Swiss engraver, b. 1681, d. 1752.
Holy family, called The Holy family of Francis
I, from G. Edelinck’s engraving after Raphael.
Size, 115 in. X 16 in 68
Note. — Trimmed and mounted on stiff paper. The
original is in the Louvre.
Galileo before the council, making his abjuration,
after Robert-Fleury. .Sec Calamatta, Luigi , .6;
Gandolfi, Mauro, Italian designer and engraver, b.
1774, d. 1834. The Christ child sleeping upon
a cross, after C. Allori. 1817. L. Fineschi
disegno. Size, 83 in. x 115 hi
Garofalo, or Garofano. See Tisi. Benvenuto.
GazetiFre, La, hollandaise, after G. Terburg. See
Wille, Johann Georg
Gel^e, Claude, called Claude Lorrain, French land-
scape painter, b. 1600, d. 1682. David in the
cave of Adullivm. See Testa. Antonio ....
— The judgment of Paris. See Testa, Antonio . .
— The mill, Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich . . .
— The temple of Venus. See Gmelin, Wilhelm
Gmsi, Giorgio, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1520,
d. 1582. The last judgment, after Michel An-
gelo’s fresco, in the Sistine chapel, Rome.
Size, 415 in. X 475 in
Note. — Engraved in parts, lettered A-I, L, and dedi-
cated ‘’All ill. mo sig. et pron. col. mo il sig. Mathia di
Merve signore di Cloutvyck.” “ Georgivs Mantvanvs
fecit.” For the same, in separate parts see K., A. 2. 1, pi.
Giovanni da Udine. See Ricamatore, Giovanni.
Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich, German designer and
engraver, b. 1745, d. 1821. Cascatelle di Tivoli.
" Designata dal vero ed incisa da G. F.
Gmelin. 1807.” Size, I63 in. X 223 in. . . . 74
— The mill, after Claude Lorrain. Size, I95 in. x
255 in 82
Note. — The original is in the Palazzo Doria-Pamphili,
— The temple of Venus, after Claude Lorrain.
1805. Size, 195 in. X 253 'B 78
Note. — The original is in the Palazzo Colonna, Rome.
Greuze, Jean Baptiste, French painter, b. 1725, d.
1805. The dear mother. See Massard, Jean
Baptiste 66
— The village bride. See Flipart, Jean Jacques . 151
Gdercino. See Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco.
Guido. See Reni, Guido.
“ nERCULE.9.” See Duerer, Albrecht
Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius, St., b. about 340,
d. 420. Size, I03 in. X ISJ in 146
Note. — The print is trimmed and mounted upon stift'
paper. The artists have not yet been ascertained.
Horatius Cocles defending the bridge, after V.
Camucciui. See Marchetti, Domenico . . , , 160
Jerome, St. See Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius,
St 68
Judgment of Paris, after Claude Lorrain. See Testa,
Antonio 134
Langot, Francois, French engraver, b. 1641 ? The
adoration of the magi, after Pietro Berretini
da Cortona. Size, 58 in. ( ? )X85 in 140
Note. — Engraved in parts.
— Christ crowned with thorns, after A. van Dyck.
Size, 58 in. ( ?)X 66 in 108
Note. — Engraved in parts. The original painting is
in the Potsdam gallery. “ There is also a print (now in
the possession of Mr. M. Colnaghi), engraved by Fran-
cois Langot, of the extraordinary dimensions of 7 ft. 1
in. by 5 ft., which is considered to be unigue.'* Smith, J.
Catalogue raistmne. Part S, page 36.
Last judgment. The, after Michel Angelo. See
Ghisi, Giorgio Ill
— Same. See Metz, Conrad Martin 106
— Same. See Rota, Martin 10
Le Brun, Charles, French painter and engraver, b.
1619, d. 1690. The raising of the cross. See Au-
dran, Benoit, the elder 11
Lorrain, Claude. iSee Gelee. Claude.
Magnanimity, The, of Scipio, after V. Camuccini.
/Sec Marchetti, Domenico 158
Manno, Francesco, Italian painter, b. 1754, d. 1831,
Pope Pius vn. Cardinal Consalvi and allegori-
cal figures of Justice, etc. See Banzo, Anto-
nio 165
Marc-Antonio Raimondi. See Raimondi, Marc-
Marchetti, Domenico, Italian engraver, b. 1780.
Dante and Beatrice, after F. Agricola. G. B.
Borani dis. Size, 13 in. X 165 167
Note. — Proof, with artists’ names only, traced with the
— David appeased by Abigail, after Guercino.
Francesco Fontana dis. Size, I25 in. X I64
in 153
— Horatius Cocles defending the bridge, after V.
Camuccini. Gio. Batta Borani dis. Size, 17
in. X 24 in 160
— The magnanimity of Scipio, after V. Camuccini.
Gio. Batta Borani dis. Size, 133 in. X 233 in . 168
— Regulus departing for Carthage, after V. Camuc-
cini. G. B. Borani dis. Size, 16^ in. X 283
in. Proof, with artists’ names only 126
Same. Proof before letters 161
— Venus blindfolding Cupid, after Titian. Size,
125 in. X 165 in 152
Note. — The inscription, “ Venere che abonda Amore,”
is printed with a pen. Tlie original is in the Borghese
gallery at Rome.
Massard, Jean Baptiste, French engraver, b. 1740, d.
1822. The dear mother (La mere bien ai-
mde). After J. B. Greuze. 1775. Size, 195 in.
X24^t in 66
Note. — This engraving is trimmed and mounted on
stiff paper, giving no artists’ names.
Mengs, Anton Rafael, German painter, b. 1728, d.
1779. Mount Parnassus, with Apollo and the
Muses. See Morghen, Rafl’aello 90
MRre, La, bien aimie, after J. B. Greuze. See Mas-
sard, Jean Baptiste 66
Metz, Conrad Martin, German engraver, b. 1756, d.
1827. The Last judgment, after Michel An-
gelo’s fresco, in the Sistine chapel, Rome.
Size, 65| in. X 72 in 106
Note. — Engraved in parts. IVithout artists’ names or
name of subject. For the same, in separate parts, see
0:., A. 2. 1, pi. 2-17 and JT-, A. 2. 2, pi. 4.5-60.
Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti, Michel Angelo.
Mill, The, after Cl.aude Lorrain. See Gmelin, Wil-
helm Friedrich 82
Morghen, Raffaello, /frrlmn designer and engraver,
b. 1758, d. 1833. Mount Parnassus, with Apolio
and the muses. After the fresco of Rafael
Mengs in the Villa Albani, Rome. Size, 175
in. X -293 in 90
Moses at the well, defending the daughters of Jethro,
after N. Poussin. See Anderloni Pietro . . 162
Nanni da tJDiNE. See Ricamatore, Giovanni.
Oath of Leo lii, after Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi . 71
Pahnassus, with Apoilo and the Muses, after Anton
Rafael Mengs. See Morghen, Raffaelio ... 90
Penni. Giovanni Francesco, called II Fattore, Italian
painter, pupil of Raphael, b. 1488, d. 1528.
The coronation of Charlemagne, after designs
hy Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi 141
Persichint, Raffaelio, modem Italian engraver. The
presentation in the temple, after the original,
b3- Raphael, in the Vatican. Ign. Podio dis.
Size, 15 in. X 28,^ in 164
Pehdzzi, 'BeMassure. Italian painter and architect, b.
14S0, or 1481, d. 1536. The adoration of the
magi. See Caracci, Agostino 101
Pesne. Jean. French engraver, b. 1623. d. 1700. Holy
family, served by angels, after 17. I’oussin.
Proof, with artists’ names only, with the ad-
dress of Vallet. Size, 19J in.X25i in 167
Pics VII, Cardinal Consalvi and allegorical figures of
Justice, etc., after F. Manno. See Bauzo, An-
tonio . . , 165
PocssiN, 17100108. French painter, b. 1594, d. 1665.
Holy family served by angels. See Pesne,
Jean 167
— Moses at the well, defending the daughters of
Jethro. See Anderloni. Pietro 162
Presentation of Rome, by Constantine, to Silvester
1, after Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi 67
Raefaello S.anti, or Sanzio, da TJrbino. See Santi,
or Sanzio, Raftaello, da Urbino.
Raimondi, Marc-Antonio, Italian goldsmith, niellist
and engraver, b. about 1488, d. about 1534.
Fac-simiies. from copper-plates, of woodcuts
by Albrecht Huerer, in the series called The
history of the Virgin. Famely : —
The .adoriition of themagi. Numbered 9. Size,
8gin.X113in 102
Christ taking leave of his mother, before his
trial and crucifixion. Numbered 16. Size, 8^
in. X Ilf in 69
The circumcision of Christ. Numbered 12.
Size, 8^ in. X Hi in 70
The flight into Egj-pt. Numbered 14. Size, 8|
in.Xiijin 105
The high priest rejecting the offering of
Joachim, the father of the Virgin. Numbered
1. Size, ^ in. X H| in 107
The marriage of the Virgin. Numbered 6.
Size, 8J in. X Hi in 148
The meeting of Joachim and Anna. Numbered
3. Size, 81 in. X H.i in 109
The presentation of Christ in the temple. Num-
bered 11. Size, 8i in. X HJ in 103
The sojourn of the Holj' family in Egj-pt. Jo-
seph at his trade. Numbered 13. Size, 8^ in.
' X Hi in 65
The Virgin ascending the steps of the temple.
Numbered 5. Size, 8J in. X Hf in 110
Raphael. See Santi or Sanzio. Raffaelio, da Urbino.
Regl'Liis departing for Carthage, after V. Camuccini.
See Marchelti, Domenico 126; 161
Reni, Guido. Italian painter, b. 1.575, d. 1642. The
dead Christ, with Mary and two angels. See
Ricciani. Antonio 154
— Holy family. See Costa Giovanni Battista . . . 155
Ricamatore. Giovanni, called Giovanni (or, by con-
traction. Nanni) da Udine, Italian painter,
pupil of Raphael, b. 1489, d. about 1564. The
coronation of Charlemagne, b}’ Leo HI, after
designs by Raphael. See Fabri. Luigi .... 141
— The victory of Leo iv over the Saracens at Ostia,
after designs by Raphael. See Fabri. Luigi . 150
Ricciani, Antonio, Italian designer and engraver, b.
1775. The dead Christ, with Mary and two
angels, after Guido Reni. Agostino Tofanelli
disegno. Size, 13J in. X io 154
— Hoiy family, with John and angels. Antonio
Ricciani disegno ed incise Napoli Size. 13 in.
X 19 in 156
Note. — Proof, with artists’ names only, traced with the
Robert-Fleurv, Joseph Nicolas. See Fleury,
Joseph Nicolas Robert.
Rota. Martin, designer and engraver, b. at Sebenico,
Dalmatia, about 1.532. The last judgment,
after Michel Angelo's fresco in the Sistine
chapel, Rome. Martinus Rota F[ecit] 1569.
Angelus Allodi impress : Ant : Franchetti
Rota, Martin, continued.
hujus Operis tertius editor, Parmae, 1838.
Size, 9 in. X 123 in 10
Nou. — Trimmed and mounted on stiff paper.
Santi, or S.anzio. Raffaelio (Raphael), da Urbino,
Italian painter, b. 1483, d. 1520. The adora-
tion of the magi. See Banzo, Antonio .... 86
— The coronation of Charlemagne. See Fabri,
Luigi 141
— Disputa di S. Sacramento. See Volpato, Gio-
vanni 138
— The entombment of Christ. See Voipato, Gio-
vanni 149
— Holj- family of Francis I. Edeiinck, Gerard . 9
Same. After Edelinck. See Frey, Johann
Jakob 68
— The oath of Leo III. See Fabri, Luigi 71
— The presentation in the temple. See Persichini,
Raffaelio 164
— Rome presented by Constantine to Silvester i.
See Fabri, Luigi 67
— Victory of Leo iv over the Saracens, at Ostia.
See Fabri, Luigi 150
Temptation of St. Anthony. See Teniers, David,
the younger 168
Teniers, Daiid, the younger, Flemish painter, b.
1610, d. 1690. The temptation of St. Anthony.
Size, 143 in. X 203 if
iVfrfe. — The Dames of the artists, and the title, have
been cut oft', and the print mounted on stiti' paper.
Terberg, Gerard, Flemish painter, b. 1608, d. 1681.
La gazetiefe hollandaise. See 'Wille, Johann
Georg 144
Testa, Antonio, Italian engraver, b. 1775. David in
the cave of Adullam, after Claude Lorrain.
Antonio Testa disegno ed incise A? 1813.
Size, 15 in. X 22| in 130
Note. — The original is in the National gallery. Lon-
don. It is also called, hut probably without good rea-
son, Sinun brought before Priam.
— The judgment of Paris, after Claude Lorrain.
Antonio Testa disegnd ed incise Anno 1815.
Size, 15 in. X 22j'^ in 134
Tisi, or Tisio, Benvenuto, called Garofalo, or Garo-
fano, Italian painter, b. 1481, d. 1559. The
adoration of the magi. See Bonafede, — . . 12
— Christ and the woman of Samaria. See Bale-
stra. Giovanni 159
— Holy famil}'. See Ferretti, L 163
Titian, Vecellio, Tiziano.
TrvOLi. Italy. Cascatelle di Tivoli. See Gmelin,
Wilhelm Friedrich 74
Triumph of Saul and David, after Domenichino. See
Ferretti, L 94 ; 122
Udine. Giovanni da. See Ricamatore, Giovanni.
Vaga, Pierino, or Perino del. See Buonaccorsi,
Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. See Dyck, Anthony van.
Vecellio, Tiziano (.Eng. Titian). Venetiati painter,
b. 1477. d. 1576. Venus bUndfolding Cupid.
See Marchetti, Domenico 152
— The woman taken in adultery. See Anderloni,
Pietro 114
Venus blindfolding Cupid, after Titian. See Mar-
chetti. Domenico ■ 152
Venus. Temple of. after Claude Lorrain. Gmelin,
Wilhelm Fredrich 78
Victory, The. of Leo IV over the Saracens at Ostia,
after Raphaei. See Fabri. Luigi 150
Volpato. Giovanni, Italian engraver, b. 1738, d. 1803.
Disputa di S. Sacramento, after Raphael.
Joseph Cades delineavit. Size, 19§ in X 283 in. 738
Note. — The original is in the Camera della segnatura,
in the Vatican.
— The entombment of Christ, after Raphael.
Steph. Tofanelli del. Size,15| in. X 78 in. . . 149
WiLLE. Johann Georg, German designer, eit her and
engraver, b. 1717, d. 1808. La gazetiere hol-
landaise, after G. Terburg. 1758. Size I03 in.
X 73^% in 744
Xote. — Second state, with letters.
Zampieri, Domenico, i-alled Domenichino^ Bolognese
painter and arrhitecU b. 1581» cf. 1641. The
triumph of Saul and David. See Ferretti, L. 94; 122
The Medical Alcoves.
The following report U from the pen of Joel Seaverns,
M.D., of Roxbury, who has kindly made a very careful ex-
amination of the Medical Department of the Library.
The Department of Medicine in the Library is especially
rich in the claseicjil works of authors of former times. It con-
tains the works of Galen, Celsus, Hippocrates, Paracelsus,
Fabricius ab Aquapendente, Eustachius, Sennertus, Boer-
haave, Willis, Cullen, John Brown, VesaUus, and other old
authors, many being so rare and valuable, from their antiquity
and their quaint style, that one cannot speak of them too
It has also the productions of the great French masters,
Amussat, Andral, Bichat, Boyer, Bourgeny, Bretonneau,
Broussais, Brown-SeSquard, Cabanis, Chassaignac, Chaussier,
Chomel, Chopart, Civiale, Cruveilhier, Cullerier, Desault,
Desgenettes, Dubois, Dupuytren, Fodere, Guerin, Jobert,
Larrey, Lebeit, Lisfranc, Malgaigne, Mandl, Marjolin, Nela-
ton. Pare, Pelletan, Pinel, Piorry, Portal, Richeraud, Ricord,
Roux, S^dillot, Trousseau, Velpeau, Vicq d’Azyr, and others,
— a list embracing so much that is historical and brilliant in
medicine, surgery, and literature ; men famous on the battle-
field or in the hospital, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth
century. Besides these, mention should be made of a col-
lection of Memoires and Melanges in fifty-three volumes,
many by the most eminent men of the times, selected by
Baron Dupuytren, some of which are dedicated in the hand-
writing of the authors to that“viro prsenobilissimo, perillus-
tri, ccleherrimo.”
The great English anatomists and surgeons are represented
hy the works of the Bells, Brodie, Cheselden, the Coopers,
Curling, Erichsen, Glisson, Guthrie, Harvey, Hodgson, Hey,
the Hunters, Lawrence, Pereival Pott, Solly, Skey, Syme,
Travers, and Wistar.
Among German authorities are Billroth, Canstatt, Cohu,
Eckhard, Frank, Gurlt, Henle, Hirsch, Kiilliker, Llharzik,
Miiller, Niemeyer, Reichert, Rindfleisch, Rokitansky,
Schwann, Spiess, Strieker, Traube, Valentia, Virchow, Vo-
gel, Wagner, Weber, and Wunderlich.
A long list might he made of American authors, especially
of the leading physicians of the Philadelphia, New York,
and Boston schools ; the publications of those of our own
city being of course very numerous, and embracing nearly
everything that has been published here.
The value of the collection is especially enhanced hy its
numerous volumes of plates, and atlases of illustrations,
many of which are of great cost and beauty and of superb
execution. Mascagni’s “ Anatomia Universa,” with colored
plates, is probabiy the finest and most valuable work of the
kind in New England; there is also his “ Iconographia va-
Borum lymphaticorum.” Lebert’s “ Traitd d’Anatomie pa-
thologique,” with one hundred and six engravings and
colored plates; Albinus’s splendid “Anatomical Tables,”
Sandifort’s “Museum Anatomicum,” Cruveilhier’s superb
work. Bourgeny and Jacob’s Atlas of Descriptive Anat-
omy, Braune’s Atlas of Topographical Anatomy, Quain’s
Surgical Anatomy, Haller’s works with Anatomical plates
(said hy John Bell to surpass all others in utility), Auvert’s
“ Selecta Praxis Medico-Chirurgical,” Smellie’s Midwifery,
Malgaigne on Fractures, Swan on the Nerves, Hunter on the
Gravid Uterus, the works of Bonamy, Broca, and Bean,
Cullerier, Fan, Hyrtl, Masset, Moreau, Ricord, Ruyschius,
and Soemmering, as well as the famous engravings of Sir
Charles Bell and Scarpa.
One of the most useful portions of this collection to the
general practitioner, as well as to writers, is that of medical
journals and the current serial literature of the profession.
Its bulk, even more than its cost, forbids private individuals
from filling the shelves of their libraries with it, yet it is
almost indispensably necessary to be able to refer to it.
There are here, from Great Britain, complete sets of th
“Medico-Chirurgical Review,” “ Braithwaite’s Retrospect,”
the Sydenham Society’s publications, the “ London Lancet,”
the “Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal,” the “Dub-
lin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science,” the Transactions
of the Obstetrical and Pathological Societies of London,
Winslow’s “ Psychologic.al Journal,” the “ Medical Times
and Gazette” (from 1840), Guy’s “Hospital Reports,”
(from 1836), St. George’s complete, as well as those of St.
Bartholomew’s, St. Thomas’s, and the London Ophthalmic
From Italy there is the “ Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche ”
(from 1829 to 1867). France is represented by the Memoires
de I’Academie de Medecine (from 1828), Bulletin of the
same (from 1834), “Annales d’Hygi^ne Puhlique” (from
1853), “ Recueil de Memoires de Medecine, de Chirurgie, et
de Pharmacie Militaires ” complete, “ Gazette Medicale ”
(from 1853 to 1858), “ Lancette Franqaise ” (from 1853), Bou-
chardat’s “ Manuel de Matibre Mddicale ” (from 1841),
“Journal de Mddecine et de Chirurgie pratiques” (from
1855), eleven volumes of Magendie’s “ Journal de Physiolo-
gie,” and the “ Bulletin de la Socidtd Anatomiquede Paris.”
Of German journals, there are Schmidt’s “ Jahrbuch der
Gesammten Medicin” (from 1858), Schiiltze’s “ Archiv fiir
Mikroskopische Anatomie ” complete, “ Jahresberieht von
Physiologischen Wissenchaften,” “ Central-blatt fiir die Me-
dicinischen Wissenschaften,” Miilier’s “Archiv fiir Patholo-
gische Anatomie und Physiologic” complete, “Journal fiir
Kinderkrankheiten (from 1843), twelve volumes of the “ Ar-
chiv der Heilkunde,” Prank’s “ Magazin fiir Arzneimittel-
lehre,” the “ Zbitschrift fiir Biologie,” and Frerich’s “ Ar-
chiv fiir der gesammte Physiologie.”
From the American press are complete files of the “ Amer-
ican Journal of Medical Sciences,” the “American Journal
of Insanity ” (from 1853), the “American Journal of Obstet-
rics,” the “ Americ,an Journal of Syphilis and Dermatology,”
the “ Pharmaceutic.al Journal,” the “ Veterinary Journal ”
(from 1859), the “New York Medical Times ” to its end, the
“ Medical Record,” the “ Boston Medical and Surgical Jour-
nal,” and the Journal of the Gynaecological Society.
Of these journals, both foreign and native, mention has
been made of the principal only, or such as are complete, or
have been continued through a number of years, forming
really but a small part of those which are now taken at the
Library, and are being made up into volumes.
Of Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias, there are many,
some of the best being the following; the “ Dictionnaire de
Medecine,” in thirty volumes, by Adelon, Becquard, etc.,
the “ Dictionnaire de Medecine et de chirurgie pratiques,”
in fifteen volumes, by Andral, Begin, etc., the “ Diction-
naire dcs Sciences Medieales,” in si.xty volumes, by Adelon,
Alihert, etc., the “ Eucyclographie des Sciences Medieales,”
in twenty-two volumes, eleven volumes of the “ Nouveau
Dictionnaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie j^ratiques ” by
Bernutz, Boeckel, etc., Todd’s “Cyclopaedia of Anatomy
and Physiology, Dunglison’s “ Cyclopaedia of Practical
Medicine.” the ‘‘ Encyclopaedia Anatomique,” of Soemmer-
ing. Weber, Bischoff, etc., in a French translation, Nysten’s
‘‘ Dictionnaire de Mddecine. de Chirurgie, et de Pharma-
cie,” Cooper’s “ Surgical Dictionary,” Copland’s and Hoop-
er’s Medical Dictionaries. Here also may not improperly
be mentioned Beale’s “Archives of Medicine,” Reynold’s
“ System of Medicine,” Holmes’s “ System of Surgery.”
Virchow’s “Hand-buch der Speciellen Pathologic und
Therapie,” and the new “ Hand-buch der Allgemeinen und
Speciellen Chirurgie,” by Billroth and other surgeons.
Considering the collection by toi^ics, of general literature,
including addresses, and the philosophy, history, and
progress of medicine, the amount is very large, and much
of it very interesting and valuable; in medical biography,
beyond that of America (of which there is a great variety
both in pamphlet and book-form), there is little except the
“ £loges ” of Dubois, Louis, Pariset, and Vicq d’Azyr.
With works on the pathology and treatment of disease the
Library is very fully supplied, both in the general works of
the best authors, and in monographs on special diseases.
The department of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children is
also large, as is also that of Gynaecology, though the latter
is not so full iu recent works. General Anatomy and
Surgery may perhaps be considered the best supplied
branch of this department of the Library, containing the
works of the most eminent European and American writers,
many most beautifully illustrated, together with an excel-
lent collection on Militarj' Surgery. The literature of the
Eye and Ear, especially that of the latter, is not so full, but
embraces very many standard works. Materia Medica is
represented by the various national Pharmacopmias, many
works on Medical Botany with costly plates, and the
writings of many of the best authors, and Toxicology, by a
smaller number of works, which are, however, very
valuable and complete. On Diseases of the Skin, most of
the best authorities are present. On Cow-Pox and Vaccina-
tion, there are fewer, Ballard and Seaton being the only
recent authors. The variety of works on State Medicine
is not large, except as regards Hygiene, and the construc-
tion of hospitals, on which much has been collected; with
regard to Lunacy, there is but little, especially concerning
the vexed question of the “ cottage system,” on which
Duval’s “ Gheel” stands alone. Only one of the reports of
the Medical officer of the Privy Council of Great Britain,
works everywhere referred to, appears in the medical
alcoves, though all are present in a less accessible form
among the Parliamentary Documents. In Pathological
Anatomy, there is an excellent collection of the standard
authors, but the constant advances in this study require
constant additions. Many -exceedingly valuable books on
Physiology and Histology are upon the shelves, including
some of those of the recent continental authors, but many
others should be a8ded. There are Ludwig’s, Reichert’s
and Strieker’s reports of, the Institute at Leipsic, Breslau,
and Vienna, but not those of Gscheidlin at WUrzburg,
Hoppe, Seyler at Tiibingen, or Hensen at Kiel. A large
number of Eclectic, Hydropathic, and Homceopathic works
are also to be found on the shelves.
From this renume, it will be seen that, as regards the
actual wants of the practitioner in his studies for his daily
practice, the supply in the Public Library is indeed abun-
dant. Its deficiencies appear only to investigators of special
topics, or to those who seek for all that has been written by the
authors they are consulting. Of the principal medical au-
thors there may be some who do not appear at alt; but for
the most part the want is not so much of a variety of writers
as of a greater number of their works. Of the many works
of Scarpa, but one, his “ De Auditu et Olfactu ” is here in
the original; Billroth and Chaussier are represented by but
two works each; Cheselden, Chopart, Cullerler, Dubois,
Fodere, Liharzik, Pelletan, Rindfleisch, Schwann, Traube,
and Wunderlich, each by one work only. Constant additions
should also be made of recent foreign works, especially those
from Germany, to make these alcoves as rich iu ali branches
as they already are iu some.
These deficiencies are, after ali, only spoken of as detract-
ing from what the Library might be, and it is to be hoped
will in time become, but they do not lessen its claim to being,
as it is, the best collection of medical works in New England,
and a treasure-house to every physiciau who avails himself
of its privileges, to advance his knowledge of his profession,
or to pursue medical and scientific investigations.
Alterations of the Central Library
The work on the alcoves on the westerly side of the Bates
Hall being completed, public notice was given, March 8, of
the reopening of the alcoves, the use of which, since Sep-
tember 13, had been very much restricted. On the 25th of
March the work of removing and rearranging the books in
the alcoves on the eastern side was begun, preparatory to
the work of the contractors, which was begun March 27, by
erecting a temporary staging for maintaining access to the
front parts of the alcoves, during the progress of alterations.
The compact arrangement of the books still left in those
alcoves, together with the somewhat uncertain arrangement
of those which have been removed, will more or less affect
the circulation during the spring and summer. During the
interval of more than a fortnight, while both sides of the
Bates Hall were again thrown open to unimpeded use, the
circulation of books rose unexpectedly to nearly the figures
of last year’s record for the corresponding period.
The Ticknor Library,
The Catalogue Department has catalogued over 16,000 vol-
umes within the past six months, and the pressure has
given little time for the work to be done on the Spanish
collection bequeathed by Mr. Ticknor. A slip catalogue is
about half completed, however, by which and by aid of the
classifications into which the books are assorted on the
shslves, they can now be readily found. A card catalogue
has been begun, and will be continued with as much speed
as may be practicable. It is not thought desirable to insert
the titles in these quarterly Bulletins.
Branch Libraries.
East Boston. This Branch has been in operation for more
than a year, and a circulation during twelve months of
about 75,000 volumes, indicates the measure of its success.
South Boston. It is hoped that, during May, this Branch
will b# in fuU operation, a collection of about 4,500 volumes
having been formed.
Boxt/ury. Under an agreement with the city, the Trustees
of the Fellowes Athenseum have begun the erection of a
suitable building on Bartlett street ; and it is hoped to have
a collection of books of a popular kind ready to put into it
upon its completion in the autumn or early winter. At that
time the income of a fund of about $30,000 for the purchase
of the higher class of books will be available.
The use of the East Boston Branch has not diminished in
any degree the pressure upon the Central Library ; nor are
the other Branches likely to have a different effect.
American Patents.
The Commissioner of Patents has designated this Library
as one of those to receive the weekly volumes of Patent
Specifications and drawings. The conditions imposed are,
that the Library shall pay for the binding, and that it shall
not allow the volumes to be taken from the building, except
by order of the Courts. Each volume bears the official
certification of the Commissioner. The original drawings
are reproduced by photo-lithography. The time required
for manufacture and binding is likely to cause the receipt of
each volume to be dela5'ed a few months after its date. The
series was begun on the first of last J uly.
Samuel Little,
Frederick Pease,
Hermax D. Bradt,
Samuel A. Greek,
Ellis W. Mortok,
George Putnam,
Weston Lewis,
William W. Greenough,
George S. Hillard,
Board of Trustees.
556 Warren Street, Alderman, • •
. 14 Saratoga Street, Councilman,
. 74 Forest Street, Councilman,
. 25 Kneeland Street, At Large,. ..
. Tremont House “
• 130 Highland Street, “
81 Worcester Street,
56 Temple Street, . . .
62 Pinckney Street, .
Term expires 1873
“ “ 1873
, “ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
, “ “ 1874
“ “ 1874
. “ “ 1875
JUSTIN' WENSOE, Superintendent, and Secretary of the Trustees.
William A. Weteeler, Assistant Superintendent.
James L. Whitney, Principal Assistant.
Edward Capen, Keeper of Lower Halls. Joseph Sykes, Keeper of Bates Hall.
William E. Ford, Janitor.
Miss Sarah C. Godbold, Librarian of East Boston Branch. Mrs. Anna C. D. Keen, Librarian
of South Boston Branch.
Days and Honrs, etc.
All departments are open every secular day except the
five legal holidays, — February 22, Fast Day, July 4, Thanks-
giving, and Christmas, — and such other days as the
Trustees may direct.
Bates Hall, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. (winter), to 7 p. M. (summer).
Lower Hall, 9 A. M. to 8 p. m. Books received after
8.30 A.M.
Central Reading Room, 9 A. M. to 10 p. m.
East Boston Branch, 9 a. M. to 8 p. M.
South Boston Branch, 9 A.M. to 10 p.m.
Extent of the Collections. The Bates Hall contains 144,000
volumes ; the Lower Hall, 32,000 volumes ; the East Boston
Branch, 6.800 volumes; the South Boston Braneh, 4,500 vol-
umes, — a total (Including 7,500 sale duplieates) of about
195,000 volumes, besides 102,000 pamphlets.
The Central Reading Room has about 392 different period-
icals; the East Boston Branch Reading Room has 37; the
Booth Boston Branch has 27.
Persons Admitted to TJse the Libraries.
I. To use periodicals or books in the buildings. Any
person above the age of 14 years may use the Reading Room
for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books
within the buildings, without previous registration.
n. To take books away from the buildings. Ail citizens
and residents of Boston above the age of 16 years ; all non-
resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular professional
occupation in the city ; aU inhabitants, even if under 16. who
have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence
prizes, from the Public Schools; and all pupils attending the
Girls’ High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a full use of
the Library. All these must sign the application card, and
give the name of a citizen, who may be consulted, if neces-
sary. The registration takes place in the Lower Delivery
nail of the Central Library, and at the several Branches.
HI. Eon-residents. Kon-resident members of educational
institutions in the city and other non-residents (when
specially permitted, in consideration of the advancement of
the public interests), may take books for home use, in ac-
cordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the
A fresh list of accessions is posted almost daily in each
Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the hooks
added to the Central Library. Those for the Lower Hall
and for the East Boston and South Boston Branches show
only the hooks added to those departments.
The printed quarterly Bulletins reached the end of the
first volume with No. 19, and the present, No. 22. is the
third number of the second volume. For sale (excepting
those out of print) at 2 cents each. Books with numbers
below 2110 are in the Lower Hall ; those above 2110 are in
the Bates Hall. Those with E. B. and S. B. prefixed to the
number are respectively in the East Boston and South Boston
Bates Hall of the Central Library.
I. The Index of 1861. (Includes the Bowditch Library.)
Royal octavo, 902 pages. Out of print.
II. The Supplement of 1866. (Includes the Parker Li-
brary.) Royal octavo, 718 pages. For sale at $2.00.
III. The Catalogue of the Prince Library. Royal
octavo, 160 pages. For sale at $1.00.
rV. Public Card Catalogue. The printed cards, to-
gether with those in manuscript in the same boxes, show
the books added to the Bates Hall since 1866. Those in print
show also the books added to the Lower Hall since October
1, 1871, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub-
jects, etc.; those in manuscript do not contain such cross-
references, but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is
the intention, however, to embody the titles of the Manu-
script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces-
sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles
from the printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have
been Inserted among the printed cards in their proper
alphabetical places; and in due time it is hoped to em-
body with them, in the same way, the printed titles from
the Bates Hall Index and Supplement, from Vol. 1 of the
Bulletins, and from the Lower Hall Class Lists, so that the
public shall have access in one alphabet to a catalogue of
all the books in the Central Library. Until this is done,
the visitor will have to search in various printed alphabets
in book form, and in the manuscript part as well as in the
printed part of this Card Catalogue.
V. The Official Card Catalogue, which can be con-
sulted, in eases of need, upon application, supplements the
printed Index and Supplement, and supplies full cross-refer-
ences to that part of the Public Card Catalogue, which is at
present in manuscript.
Fote. — Copies of the printed Catalogues are always ac-
cessible on the tables of the Bates Hall, at the Clerk’s Desk
in the Lower Delivery Hall, and at the Branches.
A limited number of copies of the Index and Supplement
circulate like other books.
A List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings is for sale
at 5 cents. Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion
of the Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound
volumes, embracing nearly 5,100 prints ; and Bulletin 21 con-
tains a list of the framed engravings, not portraits, in the
Bates Hall.
Lower Hall of the Central Library.
I. Fiction and Juveniles. — bth edition, August,
1871, 76 pages. Price 15 cents.
II. Arts, Sciences, and Professions. Id edition,
September, 1871, 71 pages. Price 10 cents.
HI. History, Biography, and Travels, with a Chro-
nological Index to Historical Fiction. 2d edition, in press.
IV. French, German, and Italian Books. 1.5<
edition, September, 1867, 45 pages. Price 2 cents.
V. Poetry, Drama, collections, and Miscella-
nies. 1st edition, August, 1870, 128 pages. Price 20 cents.
VI. A C.CRD Catalogue, contaiuing only the titles of
works (not anonymous) ivhich have been added to the
Lower Library since the issue of the various Class Lists,
has been placed at the Clerk’s desk in the Distributing Hall.
In the printed Bulletins, such works are entered only under
the names of their authors. These printed entries have been
cut out of the various Bulletins, and inserted in alphabetical
order in a book, which is in the custody of the Clerk, and
which can be consulted on application to him. This Con-
solidated Bulletin, therefore, and the Card Catalogue,
taken together, show all the additions, both under author
and title, which have been made to the Lower Library since
the publication of the several Class Lists.
OBSERVE. Many books properly belonging to the
classes of the preceding Lists will be found in No. V, because
they form one of a series or collection.
Finding Lists of the books in the Branches are for sale at
15 cents.
Central Periodical Beading Boom.
A List of Periodicals currently received (nearly 800 in
number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading
Room), issued in September, 1870, is for sale at 5 cents.
The Catalogue System.
The so-called Dictionary System, upon which all the Cata-
logues of the Boston Public Library are made, is thought
to be more simple than any other.
There are three things, one of which a person wanting .a
book must know, and the Dictionary System guides the
average reader more readily than any other, as he always
looks in the proper alphabetical place for the entry he is in
search of. These three things are as foDows ; —
I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject
of the work (if it is, the subject should be looked for rather
than the title), search for it under the first word not an arti-
cle or a preposition.
n. The author. Find this in its proper alphabetical
place. If the name is a pseudonym, there will be a refer-
ence from it to the real name.
HI. The subject. Find this under the most specific head,
and consult other heads referred to there; hut observe that
these references are not to more general subjects, inasmuch
as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for matter
pertaining to the horse, for example, under such general
heads as Natural History, Animals, Quadrupeds, and Mam-
mals, books on which general topics have, almost as a matter
of course, chapters or sections on particular animals. Again,
books on the same subject will sometimes be found under
different heads, where the terms are synonymous, or nearly
so, as, for instance. Coins and Numismatics, but in such
cases cross-references from one to the other will always
assist the searcher. Indeed, a multiplication of cross-refer-
ences is a fundamental idea of the Dictionary System. This
necessitates, of course, the disadvantage of turning from one
part of the catalogue to another, but there is, on the other
hand, a great advantage in the certainty of getting a clew
somewhere, — a thing often impossible in a classified cat.a-
logue, except to such as have made its system a study.
Assistance to Beaders
will be afforded by oflicers and attendants of the Library in
the examination of the Catalogues, to such an extent as other
duties may permit; but it should be remembered that all in
the Library have special duties, and no considerable portion
of their time should be held at the exclusive disposal of any
individual reader; and it is enjoined upon all visitors not to
occupy the attendants’ time with conversation of any other
Fote. — A “ Handbook for Readers ” is in press.
Shelf-numbers 2110 and upwards indicate books in the Bates
Shelf-numbers below 2110 indicate books in the Lower Hall.
K. B., East Boston Branch.
R. K., Reading Room.
M. S.. Map Stand.
— ' Stands for the preceding heading.
- Stands for a subordinate heading.
+ Additional pages not numbered.
[ ] Enclose corrections or explanations.
S. B., South Boston Branch.
N. R., Newspaper Room.
Coj>., Copyrighted.
( ) Enclose' names, not usually retained by the persons to
whom they belong.
* Permission of Superintendent required to take book out.
This is often attached to Bates Hall copies, when
the Lower ITall copies are withoxit it.
* * Book cannot leave the Library.
*»* Permission of Trustees required to take the book out.
*** Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the
Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works
treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym.
Shelf. No.
Abbott. Jacob. The August stories. The schooner
Mary Ann. New York, 1872. 348 pp. Illus-
trated. 12'> 450.73 and E. B. 17.37
Abbott, Lyman. Laicus; or, the experiences of a
layman in a country parish. New York. 1872.
358 pp. 12“ 765.26
Abert, 8. T. Is a ship canal practicable ? Notes
upon the projected routes between the Atlan-
tic and Pacific. Included a short account of
the canal of Suez. With maps. Cincinnati,
1870 . 87 pp. 8» A.201.3
About, Edmond (Francois Valentin). The Roman
question. Transl.atod from the French, by H.
C. Coape. New York, 1859. 219 pp. 12" . . 5468.51
Adams, Charlotte. The errand boy. Philadelphia,
N: D. 2S8-{- pp. Illustrated. 16“ . . . E. B. 21.44
Adams, William T. Upward and onward series.
Sea and shore. By Oliver Optic [psntd.'].
With 13 illustrations. Boston. 1872. 330 pp.
16“ E. B. 13.15, and S. B. 118.16
— The way of the world. Boston, 1872. 464 pp.
Illustrated. 12“ S. B. 146.24
— Young America abroad. 2d series. Rus.siaand
Prussia. Boston. 1872. 360 pp. Illustrated.
16“ 1676.7
Aiken. George L. Kit Carson’s bride. New York
[1872]. 100 pp. 16“ E. B. 16.23
Ainsworth. William Harrison. The miser’s daugh-
ter. Illustrations by G. Cruikshank. London,
N. D. 302 pp. 8“ 781.29
Same. Philadelphia, N. D. 396 pp. 8“ . E. B. 321.44
Albany law journal. The. A weekly record of
the law and the lawyers. Conducted by I. G.
Thompson. Vol. 2. July 1870 to Jan. 1871.
Albany, 1870. L. 8" *5660.50
Alger. Horatio, jr. [Tattered Tom scries ] Phil,
the fiddler. Illustrated. Boston [1872]. 265
pp. 16“ ... . 437.26. E. B. 28.50, and S. B. 114.14
— Timothy Crump’s ward. Boston [1866]. 133 pp.
16“ E. B. 28.36
Allen, J. A. On the mammals and winter birds of
c.ist Florida, with a sketch of the bird faun®
of eastern North America. With [8] plates.
[No title-page ] Cambridge. 1868. 161-450
pp. 8“ .• 5905.50
Alman.ach de I’instruction primairc, 1872. Par C.
Defodon, A. Demkbs ct A. Pichard. Paris,
1872. 12“ *3599.51
.\LONE in the pirates’ lair. Illustrated. [London.]
1870. 154 pp. 8“ 433.28
Alvarenca, Pedro Francisco d,a Costa. Precis de
thermom6trie clinique g^ndrale. Traduit du
Portugais par L. Papillaud (Henri Almfes).
Lisbonne. 1871. viii. 226 pp. 8“ 3767.51
American bibliopolist. The. Vol. 1-3. New York,
1869-71. 3 V. 8“ *6150.16
Shelf. No.
American law times reports. Vol. 3. A compila-
tion of leading cases embraced in the haw
times U. S. courts reports, and Law times
state court reports. Edited by R. Cox. Wash-
ington, 1870. 8“ *5662.50
American review : a whig journal of politics, litera-
ture, art and science. Vol. 2. New York.
1845. 8“ S. B, 192.8
American Unitarian association, Boston. Mass.
Christianity and modem thought. [Discourses
by Unitarian clergymen, 1871, 72.] Boston.
1872. 304-[- pp. 12“ 3457.61
Ames, Mary Clemmer. Eirenc. New York, 1872.
219 pp. 8“ E.B. 241.34
Andersen, Hans Christian. Only a fiddler. New
York. 1871. 309 pp. 16“ E. B. 807.19
Anglada, Charles, fitudes sur les maladies dteintes
et les maladies nouvelles. Paris, 1869. vii.
646-f pp. 8“ 3796.60
Annenkoef, M? La guerre de 1870 et le sidge de
Paris : observations, notes et impressions d’uh
officier rasse. attachd k I’etat-major de I’armde
allemande. Traduction de N. Verd. Paris.
1872. 144 pp. 12“ 2629a. 50
Anndaire pharmacoutique. Par C. Mdhu. 9« et
10“ anndes. Paris, [1872]. 18“ 5789a. 50
Annual record of science and industry for 1871.
Edited by S. F. Baird. New York, 1872.
xxxii, 634 pp. 12“ *7916.50
Antonio, Nicolas. Bibliotheca Hispana vetus. sive
Hispani scriptores qui ad annum Christi md.
floruerunt. Curante Francisco Perezio Baye-
rio. Matriti, 1788. 2 v. Portrait. F“ . . . *3090.2
Cm/eTOs. — Vol. I. Complectens railliariam saeculum.
n. Ab anno M. ad Ml>.
Apostles’ creed. The. A fac-simile of a German
block-book of about 1471. N. P., N. D. 12
wood-cuts. Sm. 4“ *3441.51
— The original is in the Public Library at Mu-
nich, and is said to be unique. Below each wood-cut
there is a descriptive text from the Bible; also that
clause of the creed which is traditionally assigned to
the apostle represented in the lower right-hand comer.
Appleton, Nathan. Europe and America in 1870.
[Anon.J New York, 1870. 25 pp. 8“ . . . . 4422.15
Appleton, Thomas Gold. Faded leaves. [Poems.
By] T. G. A. Boston, 1872. ix,150-fpp. 1 il-
lustration. Sm. 4“ 2406.53
Arc, Joan of. /See Dare, Jeanne.
Architectural publication society, London. De-
tached essays and illustrations issued during
1848-52. London, 1853. Text 1 v. ; plates, 1 v.
yo *8103.51
Shelf. No.
Architectural publication society, continued.
— Dictionary of architecture. 18.32-(iG. [Aachen
— Impact.] Loudon, 1852-66. Text, 2 v.;
plates. 2 T. F» *8103.50
Arnolh. Mattliew. Essays in criticism. [5th edi-
tion ] Boston. 1872. xv. 506 pp. 12“ . .S.B. 36.23
Arnot. William. Par.ables of our Lord. London.
1872. 532 pp. Sra. 8“ 3447.51
Arnoi L. Hot ord, and Humbert, Auguste. Monsieur
Marcel, ou I’ami de la ieunesse. Nouvelle edi-
tion. [Paris,p853. 238 pp. 12« . . . . S. B. 409.3
Arthur. Timothy Snay. Three years in a mau-trap.
Philadelphia, 1872. 364 pp. 16“ 496.29
Arthur Lee. Boston, n. d. 267 pp. Illustrated.
16“ 500.60
A ."KiNSON. Mary E. Rose and Millie. Boston, 1872.
266 pp. Illustrated. 16“ 771.16
Auer. Adelheid von. It is the fashion. From the
German. Philadelphia. 1872. 293 pp. 12“.
797.27 and E. B. 325.22
Aunt H.attie. pseud. See Baker. Harriet Newell
Aurelle de Paladines. Claude Michel Louis d’.
Campagne de 1870-1871, La premiere armee
de la Loire. Paris, 1872. viii. 400 pp. 4 pi.
8“ 2625.70
Austen, .lane. Memoir, hy .1. E. Austen Leigh. 2d
edition, added Lady Susan and fragments of
two other tales. London. 1871. ix, 364 pp.
16“ .
Avery. S. P. The harp of a thousand strings. En-
graved by S. P. Avery. New York [1858].
263 pp. Illustrated 12“ 1827.10
Avrillon. (Jean Baptiste) filie. A guide for pass-
ing Lent holily. Translated from the French,
and adapted to the use of the English church.
4th edition. Oxford, 1872. xiv. 394 pp. 12“ . .3449.65
Ayrer. Jacob. Dramen. Ilerausgcgeben von A.
von Keller. Stuttgart. 1865. 5 v. 8“.
Vol. 76-80 of *4225.1
B., J. E. The dove on the cross, and other thoughts
in verse. 10th edition. London, 1809. viii,
136 pp. 16“ 3449.68
Bader. Clarisse. La femme grecque: dtude de la
vie antique. Paris, 1872. 2 v. 8“ 3574.50
Conten/e. — Vol I. La femme dans les temps 16,sen-
daires, etc. II. La femme dans les temps historiques'.
Baile. J. Wonders of electricity. From the French.
Edited, with additions, by J. W. Armstrong.
65 illustrations. New York. 1872. viii, 335+
pp. 12“ 145.15
Bailly. Charles. Traitement des ovariotomisdes.
Considerations physiologiques sur la castration
do la femme. Paris. 1872. 114+ pp. 8“ . .*5774.22
Baker, George Melville. A baker’s dozen. Original
humorous dialogues. Boston, 1872. 137 pp.
16“ 1323.33; E. B. 27.35. and S. B. 48.15
Baker, Harriet Newell (Woods). [Happy home
stories ] Diligent Dick. By Aunt Hattie
[;).'!Ctt(;+ Boston [1871]. 107 pp. 16“ . E. B. 21.24
Baker. Sir Samuel White. Cast up by the sea. 10
illustrations. New York. 1872. 419 pp. 12“ . 728.27
Baldwin. ,Tohn Denison. Ancient America, in notes
on American archmology. With illustrations.
New York, 1872. 299 pp. 12“.
2.318 50 and E. B. 147.26
Balfour. Mrs. C. L. One by herself. London. 1872.
143 pp. 16“ . 500.65
Ballantyne. Robert Michael. Deep down. With
illustrations. London, 1869. 420+ pp. 16“.
E. B, 26.35
— Eriing the bold. With illustrations. London.
1839 . 437+ pp. 16“ E. B. 26.36
— The floating light of the Goodwin sands. With
illustrations. London, 1870. 403+ pp. 16“.
E. B. 26.37
— The lighthouse. 7th edition. With illustrations.
London. 1369. viii. 405 pp. 16“ .... E. B. 26.38
Ballou. Maturin M. Treasury of thought. Form-
ing an encyclopedia of quotations from ancient
and modern authors. Boston, 1872. xii, 579
pp. 8“ 6242.5
Ballou’.s monthly magazine. Vol. 33, 34. Boston.
1871. 8“ .E" B. 178.2
B.vptist. Father. Alley Moore, a tale of the times.
Boston [1856], 2 v. in 1. 12“ ....... . 758.26
Barker. Samuel. Diet of infancy and childhood.
London. 1864. ii. 70+ pp. 8“ . 3776.50
— Domestic management of infants and children in
health and sickness. London, 1865. xii, 193
pp. 8“ 3776.51
Shelf. No.
Barker. T. Herbert. On the hygienic management
of Infants and children. London, 1859. xii,
7-120 pp. 8“ 5776.50
Barry. Herbert. Ivan at liome ; or, pictures of Rus-
sian life. With illustrations. London, 1872.
XV. 322+ pp. 8“ 3063.50
B-URRY, B. Fruit garden. Revised. Illustrated.
New York. 1372. xvi. 491 pp. 12“ 5998.50
Bartol, Cyrus Augustus. Radical problems. Bos-
ton. 1872. 407 pp. 16“ 2409.61
B.vrton. Caroline C. France and her people. By
C. C. B. Pbil.adelpbia [1872], 302 pp. 12“ . 1009.24
Baudrv. fitienne. La fin du inondc. Preface par
ft. Laboulaye. Paris. 1872. vii. 342, vi+ pp.
18“. . . . ; 26.39.53
Be.a.di,e. E. F. Book of dreams. New York. 1868.
80 pp. 16“ E. B. 16.29
Beardsi.ey. .lohn. The earth jirnvcd not to be a
sphere, nor the surface of the water upon
it convex. With 13 illustrations. London
[1872]. 23 pp. 8“ 3926..56
Becq de FouQuifiREs. L. Asp.asie de Milet. Paris,
1872. viii, 366+ pp. 18“ 2959.50
Belgran'D. E. La Seine. 1. Le bassin parisicn
aux ages antehistoriques. Texte. 1 v. Plan-
ches de paleontologie, 1 v. Paris, 1839. 2 v.
Illustrated. 4“ *2640.56
Bell, Alexander Gr.abam. Visible speech as a
means of communicating articul.ation to deaf-
mutes. Washington. 1872. 34 pp. 8“ . . . . 5595.26
Bell, William Abraham. Michei’s process for re-
moving external tumors. London. 1871. 31
pp. 8“ 3747.51
Bellew, Clara, editor. The merry circle, a book of
games. With 200 illustrations. London [1871].
283 pp. 8“ S. B. 47.24
Benn-AValsh. John, baron Ormathioaite. Astron-
omy and geology compared. [.Vlso. Remarks
on the theories of D.arwin and Buckle, etc.]
London. 1872. 171+ pp. 8“ 4352.3
Same. New York, 1872. 179 pp. 12“ . . . . 149.9
Berger. (Julicn Franpois) Adolphe. Histoire de
Peloqucnce latine depuis Porigine de Rome
iusqu’a Ciceron. Reunics par Victor Cuche-
vai. Paris. 1872. 2 v. 16“ 2959.52
Berty. Adolphe, and Legrand. H. Topographic
historique du vieux Paris. Rdgion du Louvre
et des Tuileries. [Vol. 2 par A. Berty. v. 3
par A. Berty ct H. Legrand.] Paris, 1866. 63.
2 V. Illustrated. 4“ *2640.51
Bible. A commentary on the Holy Scripture : by
.1. P. L.ange [and others]. Translated from
the German, and edited, with additions, by
P. Schatr [and others]. Old Testament, vol.
6. New York, 1872. 8“ 7420b.l
Con/enrs. — Kings bv C. C. AV. F. Baebr. Trans-
lated. enlarged, and edited, part 1, by E. Harwood, part
2, by W. G. Sumner.
— The Psalms; with notes, critical, explanatory,
and practical. By Henry Cowles. New York,
1872. iv, 6.54 pp. 12“ 5427.65
— The book of Proverbs. For the American Bible
union. By Thomas J. Conant. Part 1, 2.
New York. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 4“ 3410.50
Contents. — Vnrt I. The Hebrew text, King James’
version, and the common version revised for the Ameri-
can Bible union, with an bitroduction and critical and
philological notes. Part II. The common version re-
vised tor the iVmeriean Bible union, with an introduc-
tion and explanatory notes.
— Novum Testamentum ad exemplar Millianum,
cum lectionibus Griesbachii, [etc.]._ Studio
G. Greenfield. Londini. N. D. 565 pp. 2
maps. 32“ 3419a. 51
Biblical repertory. The, and Princeton review.
Index volume, 182.5-68. Philadelphia, 1871.
iv. 556 pp. 8“ *5412.2
Biceps, pseud. Talk and travel. London, [1872].
176+ pp. Sm. 8“ 4559.50
Contents. — Part I. British anthropology. H. Notes
in Northern Africa ; a gnide to the sportsman and tour-
ist in Algeria and Tunisia.
Birch. John. Examples of labourers’ cottages, with
plans for improving the dwellings of the poor
in large towns. London, 1871. 38 [41]+ pp-
16 pi 8" A.225.12
Birmingham {Eng.) free libraries. Catalogue of the
Shakespeare memorial library. By J. D. Mnl-
lins. Ist part. English editions of Shake-
speare’s works. Birmingham, 1872. iv, 39
pp. *6208.15
Shelf. No.
IJissixi,. Mary L. Tlie Robinsons. Boston, N. D.
-52 pp. 16® 450.83
BLAGDr.N. Gcoi ije Washington. Memorial discourses
in the Old south church. Boston, May 23, 1869.
Cambridge, 1870. 45 pp. 8“ ; • 5544.50
Bla>’CIIE. (A iien) August. The bandit. Translated
from the Swedish, by Selma Borg and Marie
A. Brown. New York, 1872. 229 pp. 8®.
731.28 .and E. B. 241.39
Blanciif.cotte, Mmf. Augustine Malvina. Ta-
blettcs d’une femme pendant la commune.
Paris. 1872. xiv, 377 pp. IS® 2624.50
Bi.anqii. Albert. L’eternitC par les _astrcs. Ily-
nothfcse astronomique. Paris, 1872. 76+ pp.
go 8925.56
IJlock. Maurice. Bevolkeruns dos franzdsischen
Kaieerrcichs. Gotha, 1861. 62-|- pp. 12 pi.
4619a. 50
— Bcvdlkeninff Spaniens und Portugals. Gotha,
1861. iv, 65 pp. 12 pi. 16® 3099.1
— Die Maehtstellung dcr europaischen Staaten.
Gotha. 1862. 206+ pp. 16® ; atlas, f®.
*6308.4; atlas, *6300.3
Bluntschli. Johann Caspar. Das modern e Viilker-
recht in dem franzosisch-deutschen Kriege von
1870. Heidelberg. 1871. 31 pp. 8“ .... . 5616.3
Boltoj). Abby. The lighted valley ; or the clo.sing
scenes in the life of a sister. With a preface
by W. Jay. New York, 18M. 236 pp. 12® . 539.38
Bonnabdot, Alfred. Histoire artistique et arch6-
ologique de la gravure en France. Paris, 1849.
xvi. 302 pp. 8® . 8065.50
Bobdas. Luis. Compendio de gramatica it-aliana.
Nueva edicion. Paris, 1871. 232 pp. 18® . 5039a. 50
Boston, J/ass. Snard of trade. American shipping
interests : their revival a national necessity
report of a special committee. Boston, 1871.
59+ pp. 8® 5645.53
— Boston illustrated. Boston [1872]. 122+ pp.
16® . . 229.11; 44.57.5; E. B. 136.26 and S. B. 336.22
— Union club. Constitution, by-laws, and house
rules. List of officers and members. Jan. 1871.
Cambridge, 1871. 38 pp. 8® *4357.50
Boston directory for 1872. Boston, 1872. 1280 pp.
M.ap. 8®.
*2359.1; E. B. *R.R..C.10. and S. B. *R.R., Table
Boucher. Paul. Etude sur les kystes congcnltaux
du cou. Paris. 1868. 116 pp. 4® 3741.52
BorET-WrLLAtJMEZ, (Louis) tldouard, comte. Ba-
tailles de terre et de mer jusques et y compris
la bataille de I’ Alma. 70 plauches. Paris,
1855. viii,48Spp. 8® 3955.52
— Campagne aux cotes occidentales d’Afrique.
Paris, 1850. 44 pp. 8® 2622.53
Boorloton, Edgar. L’Allemagne contemporaine.
Paris, 1872. viii, 284 pp. 16® 2879.53
Bourne. William Gland. History of the Public
school society of the city of New York. With
portraits of the presidents of the society. New
York. 1870. xxxii. 768 pp. 8® 4474.17
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. The lady’s mile. Lon-
don, 1868. 464 pp. HluStrated. 16® ... . 495.26
Bradley, Warren .J. The boys at Dr. Murray’s.
By Glance Gaylord [psejtd.]. Boston, 1871.
340 pp. 16® E. B. 24.40
— Patience Hathaway. By Glance Gaylord
[pseurf.]. Boston [1868]. 370 pp. Illus-
trated. 16® E. B. 24.41
BRfiAL. Michel. Quclqucs mots sur I’instruction pu-
bliqne en France. Paris. 1872. 410 pp. 16® . 5599.50
Brasseur de BocbbOurg. Charles foieune, abbi.
Bibliothfeque mexlco-guat(5malienue. Pr^ced^e
d’un coup d’oeil sur les 6tudcs amC-ricaincs
dans Icurs rapports avec les dtudes classiques
et suivie du tableau des ouvrages de linguis-
tique am^ricaine contenus dans le meme vo-
lume. Paris. 1871. xMi. 183 pp. 8® . . . . *6144.9
BREUNrNG VON Bcchenbach, Hans Jacob. Rela-
tion iiber seine Sendnng nach England im
.Jahr 1595. Mitgetheilt von A. Schlossberger.
Stuttgart, 1865. 92+ pj). 8® . . . Vol. 81 of *4225.1
Brill, Francis. Farm-gardening and seed-growing.
New York [1872]. 151pp. 12® 5998.51
Brooke. Stopford Augustus. Christ in modern life :
sermons. New York. 1872. viii, 408 pp. 12® . 3457.57
BR005.I. W. W. Great and grave questions for
American politicians. ByEboracus [pseutf.].
New York, 1865. 12?-+ pp. 8® 4325.51
Brougham. Henry, lord. Life and times. Written
by himself. New York, 1871, 72. 3 v. 12® . 565.10
Broughton, Rhoda. “ Good-bye sweetheart I ” New
York, 1872. 437 pp. 12® . . 777.27 and E. B. 325.28
Shelf. No.
Brown, Edward. A new scheme for the treatment
of the sewage matter of our towns. London,
1871. 19 pp. 8® A.202.7
Brown, Edward Harold. Exposition of the thirty-
nine articles. Historical and critical. Edited,
with notes, by J. Williams. New York, 1870.
871pp. 8® 34.54.58
Brown, Ellen E. From night to light. Boston
[187^. 290 pp. Illustrated. 16® 771.17
Brown, J. B. On the uses of biography. London,
1871. 48 pp. 8® 2217..50
Broivn, Richard. Coal fields and coal trade of the
island of Cape Breton. With maps and illus-
trations. London, 1871. xii. 166 pp. 8® . ■ . 3866.52
Brown, Thomas. Philosophy of the human mind.
Abridged by L. Hedge. Cambridge, 1827 . 2v.
8® .... S. B. 293.1
Browne, Cli.arlcs Farrar. Arteinus Ward’s [pseud ]
lecture. (As delivered at the Egyptian hall,
London.) Edited by T. W. Robertson and E.
P. Uingston. With illustrations from the pano-
rama. London. 1869. 196 i)p. 16® 1889.3
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. A selection from [her]
poetrv. With portrait. Leipzig. 1872. 318
pp. Sq. 16® 1339.31 and 6569a.51
Browning, Robert. Poetical works. Leipzig, 1872.
2 V. Sq. 16® 339.20 and E, B. 167.17
Contents. — Vol. I. A soul's tragedy; Luria; Christ-
nias-eve and Eastcr-day ; Jlen and women. II. In a
balcony; Dramatis persona: ; Dramatic romances.
Buddington, Zadel Barnes. Can the old love ? A
novel. With illustrations. Boston, 1871. 198
pp. 8®..,......--.*-- - H. 241.50
Buep.kli-Ziegler, a. Wasseiversorgung der Stadt
Zurich. Mit 1 Plan und 6 Figurentafeln. [No
title-page.] Winterthur. 1871. 36 pp.^ 4® . 3940a. 50
Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf. Contemplations of
the Saviour. Boston, 1832. 155 pp. 12®.
S. B. 298.30
Bulwer-Lttton, Edward (George Earle) Lyrton,
lin-d Lytton. Last d.ays of Pompeii. Phila-
delphia, 1872. 334 pp. 16® ....... . .. 465.24
Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig. Travels in Syria
and the Holy land. London, 1822. xxiii, 668
pp. 5 maps. Portrait. 4® 3042.50
Burgh, Nicholas Procter. Practical rules for the
proportions of modern engines and boilers for
land and marine purposes. 2d edition. Lon-
don. 1868. 2.30+ pp. Obi. 16® ...8919.50
BuTiNOur, ilmile (Louis). La science des religions.
Paris. 1872. ix, 460+ pp. 8® . . 345(.58
Burr, Enoch Fitch. Ecce coelum. 13th edition.
Boston, 1872 [1867]. 198+ pp. 16®.
E. B. 367.38 and S. B. 313.17
Buschen, A. von. Bevolkerung des russischen Kal-
serreichs. Gotha, 1862. vi, 81pp. 16 pi. 16 . 3069.14
Butler, George, editor. Appleton’s hand atlas of
modem geography. New York [London],
1872. 6 pp. 31 maps. F® *6280. jO
.Vo(e. — The English edition with merely an altered
title-paj'C, the work being published in England as
“ The Public schools atlas of modern geography.
Campagne de 1870. Des causes qul ont amend la
capitulation de Sedan. Par un officier attachd
a I'etat-major gdn^ral; avec Ics plans de la
place et de la bataille. 2e ddition. Braxelles,
N. D. 29 pp. 2 pi. 12® i • J ■
Campbell, George. The philosophy of rhetonc.
New edition. New York, 1846. 435+ pp. 1- .
.tS* A2i. lU
Canright, D. M. History of the doctrine of the
immortality of the soul. Battle Creek, Mich., _
1871. 184pp. 16® : • -U V
Carey, Charles Stokes. A commonplace book ot
epigrams analytically arranged. London,
1872. vi,247pp 16® . . .... . • • • • . 4559.51
Carissimi. Giovanni Giacomo. Werke. Heraus-
gegeben von Fr. Chrysander. Abtheilung 1®
tBergedorf. 1871.] L. 8® *8042.64
/ Cnnrentt — Vol. I. Abth. 1. Oratorien.
Carleton. William. Parra Sastha ; or, the history
r of Paddy Go-easv and his wife Nancy. Bos-
ton. N. D. 264 pp. 16® ••••.••
— Redmond, count O’Hanlon, the Insh rapparee.
j^Also] Barney Brady's goose. Boston, 1871.
Carlis'm.^A. D. Round the tVorld in 1870. London,
1872. xii, 408 pp. 1 map. 8® 6262.3
. 4423.51
. 2.6
Shelf. No.
PARTFJt Ann Augusta. [Rosy diamond storybooks.]
CARTEK. Ann Au^o iA,„ond. AVith illustrations
Boston, 18-0. 168 pp. 16» . . •
Case, The, of the United States, to be laid before the
tribunal of arbitration to be convened at Oe-
neva. [Facsimile reprint of the United states
Official ease.] London, 1872. 501 pp. Map.
CASIN'/ Giovaniii Maria.' Globo terrestre. Deiincato
sulle ultime osservazioni con i 5
Bcopcrte del Cap, Cook Inglese. [No Utlc-^
page.] Roma, 1790. 4 pi. Obi. f
Vale _piatp7-10, vol. 1, of Atlante gcncrale gcogra-
fijo bv G mI Cusiai, iHiblished by the Calcogrijfia
—Series A. Floral nml vegetable fonns. B.
model drawing. C. Landscape drawing. D. Figure
diawiiig. £. Animal drawing.
Castan tlmile. De I’idee de Dieu d’aprbs M
fion^retieniie et les di' crses autres theodi-
ciies rationaiistes ou sacerdotalcs soit avant,
soit apres .Icsus-Christ. Ians, ISil. . 3454.57
Shelf. No.
it. By
, 3584.50
. S. B. 299.17
. 5897.10
Be Punioii de la religion et de la morale
1871. xli,4U8pp. 8" ... • • • • • •
Cecil’s tryst. Leipzig. 1872. 399 269.27
— Same. New York, 1872. PIL^
rriTFRiFR Jacob Jllisee. The authenticity of the
New Tesmment. Translated from the French.
Boston. 1838. .viv. 254 pp. 16» . ■ •
Instinct. New A ork, 18. 2. 307 pp. i-
Chambers. Robert. Kssays familiar and
1st, 2d series. Lduiburgh [1866]. 2v.^ f .45593.50
Cham/ers, iviliia'mi ' Memoir of Robert Chambe^,
with autobiographic reminiscerices ot u .
Cliambers 4th editioiE Edinburgh, 5.3
o52 pp. - portl‘iuts. Id . . . • • • •
--Sam). New York, 1872. 313 pp.
Chambrun. Joseph Dominique Aldebert de Pineton,
comle de. Fragments pohtiques. Pans, 1871.
CHANAL,"^'rm)i;ois Victor (Adolphe) de. L armde
amc^riciiine pendant la guerre de la
1S"2. 2O0-I- pp ^ pl- S • • w-i.
Chantre, Ernest. Lcs palafittcs ou constnilTtions
laciisTres dii lac de Paladru station df® Grands-
Koseaux) pres Voiron (Isf're).
1871. 28 pp 1 wood-cut. 4“, 1. p., map, 13
Chaplen, .Jeremiah. Life of Henry Dunster
Chapman. EduMn^'Thi^influence of
upon character. London, 18.39. viii, »h_pp.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Roughin
M.ark Twain [p.vp«(7.]. Glustrated. Hartfoid,
1872. 591 pp. 12<' 16i4.3 and E. B. -32.li
COBBE. Frances Power. Darwinism m morals, and
other essays. London. 1872. 399 pp. 8“ . . 45o4.1
COBBETT, William. A legacy to labourers. A new
edition. London, 1872. iv. Ill PP; 16» . . . o569.52
CocKTON, Henry. Sylvester Sound. With lUttstra-
tive engravings. Philadelphia, N. d. 241.36
Cohen! riciiry. ' Guide de I’amateur de livres a tri-
gnettes du ISe siMe. Pans, 18i0. xx. ^
CoLLras^'Stephem’ Autobiography. [Phiiadeipiiia]
1872 . 235pp. 12.“...
Collins. (William) Wilkie. Basil.
_ Po^'or Misl 'Itch!' Leipzi'g.1872^^^2 v.^^S^q^l0»^_
descriptions by R._S. Fisher. New Ym'kaS^A
Commercial statistical annual', containing reports on
the leading articles of commerce, for ^Sil.
New York, 1872. 81 pp. 4» . . . • • • tJ-o
Congregational year hook, 1872. London. 1 ,
CooLiDGE,' Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah
. S. B. 222.26
Cooper, James^Fenimore. Gak-op^ings of f>|e'
. .2328.55
, »6230.50
. 4349.55
Dwineir Effie, Win^’^^^^
. S. B. 299.20
Chellis. -
Boston [1809]. l'-8 pp.
Prosper Raudoce.
Paris. 1872.
..... 2679.68
Cherbceiez, Victor.
1868. 340+ pp. 18' , ,
La revanche de Joseph Nonet.
“'"Sr “
Church! Florencc./bmic/'/y
and master. New A ork, 18i2. 117 pp.
CLARK, Mary L. [Rainy day l Th®. ^4
present, and other stones. Boston. 1869; 21.30
pp. Illustrated. 16 r
i of
Illustrated. Boston. IS i A .202^pp.^ 16^ ^
E. B. 13.42 and S. B. 129.33
See Kirkland. Caroline
Cl AVERS. Mary, psejid
CLAYE^Julcs!^' Typographie. ManuM de I’appr®^
compositeur. Pans. 1871. 180+ pp. 911813
sh. 16“ . . .
hunter. Illustrated.
pp. 12“
Satanstoe. Hlustrated.
pp. 12“
New York, 1872.
New York, 1872 . 501
New York,
Ways of the hour. Illustrated. ^ bb
1872. 512 pp. 12“ • • • • • V ; 'rja
Wyandottd. Illustrated. *'*4399.39
Copeland, Robert Morris. Essay and plan for the
improvement of the city of Boston. Boston,^^^^
1872 . 46 pp. 1 folded map. 8“ . . . • • • . 4354.50
Corelli Arcangelo. Werke. Herausgegeben von
'’"""^ose^faehim B. 1. Bergedorf bei Ham-
burg, 1871. L. o'* *
Contetits. -Yol I. Sonaten ftir 2 VioHnen, VioUncell
und Bass.
Corner, Julia. The king “.f p/'
play for home acting. London [IodIj. pp.
The sleeping beauty. London, N. D. 48 pp.
CORREf'i.^La p'rati'qu'e'de
Avec 51 figures. Pans, 18<2. viii, 210 PP'g.^g
CORViNfott'o/ in' Fr^'ce with the Genuans.^ 2627.76
COTTERiLL, James H. Notes
steam engine. London, 18(1. "T PP- 202,11
Werke. Herausgegeben von J. Biahms. B. L
Bergedorf hel Hamburg, 18il. L. 8 ...
Coiuaiu. — Vol. I. Clavicrstucke, erstes und zwcites
CouRTT Amf'dee (Hippolyte Pierre). Traitd pra-
^ liauTdcs maladies de I’utOrus, des ovancs et
des trompes, contenant uu appendice sur
■ m/laierdu’ vagin et de la vulve. 2e *„,g ^
Parts 1870. 72. 2 v. Illustrated. 8“ ••••
COX, J^hn, 1795-1871, 1871 1 24 ppT
1871. Inmemoriam. [Boston, 1871.J “ PJ*^4 5.2
COX, M®a“i7 ,Min'nn Mo'ntA By “ Stella” [pseud.].
COX i’/.''wdFmm'N.'''Rie^a?i’'Pemrs. By Percy
’ Curtiss [p.sei«f.]- Boston, 1872. pp. 5090s
Craik.' Gcorgiana M. licro Trevelyan. —
1872 . 312 pp. Sq.l6“
E. B. 21.56
G.'e. E. Silver sands. Boston. N. D.
Crap.sFv 4401.50
CRAt’EN.‘''pIuu/m %mer/y
Ficurange. 2e Edition. Pans, 18.2. 2
Shelf. No.
Cldlip. Annie, formerly Mias Thomas. Maud
Mohan. New York, 1872. 82 pp. 8“ . . . . 421.26
Clmming. John. The seventh vial; or, the time of
trouble begun. New York. 1862. 413 pp. 12“ . 1117.13
Curtis, Chandler. The mystery of iniquity unveiled.
Boston. 1868. 417 pp. 16“ S. B. 297.1
CuRWCN, .John. A grammar of vocal music. 25th
edition. With new appendix. London, N. n.
xlvi. 155+ pp. 8“ A.216.2
CuYLER, Theodore Lcdyard. Thought-hives. New
York, 1872. 341 pi). Portrait. 12“ 846.14
D.vee, It. W. 'Week-day sermons. London, 1870.
255+ pp. 16“ 3449.70
D’Alwis, .lames. - Cudhist Niiwana; a review of Max
Miiller’s Dhammapada. Colombo, 1871. x,
137+ pp. 8“ 5480.50
Dana, .James Dwight. Corals and coral islands.
New York, 1872. 398 pp. Illustrated. 3
charts. 8“ *3872.51
Dante ALianiERi. Esemplare della Divina come-
dia donate da Papa (Benedetto xiv) Lamher-
tini, con tutti i suoi libri alio studio di Bologna,
edito secondo la sua ortografia. illustrate dal
confront! di altri xix codici Danteschi inediti,
e fornito di note critiche da L. Scarahelli. Bo-
logna, 1870. Ixvii, 652 pp. 8“ 4762a. 21
Darby, John. Odd hours of a physician. Philadel-
phia, 1871. 256 pp. 16“ 909.17
Darc, Jeanne. Historical memoir of .Joan of Arc,
the maid of Orleans. Compiled from authentic
sources. Boston, 1864. 344 pp. Sm. 12“ . . 2649.00
Darwin, Charles (Robert). Origin of species by
means of natural selection. 6th edition. Lon-
don, 1872. xxi, 458 pp. 16“ 3829.50
Day, Henry Noble. The science of aesthetics. New
Haven, 1872. xvii, 434 pp. Illustrated. 12“ . 3608.56
Df:cOBVERTE.s. Les, les plus utiles et les plus edifebres.
4e edition. Lille, 18.54. 190 pp. 1 illustra-
tion. 16“ S. B. 409.2
Delisle. Leopold (Victor). Le cabinet des manu-
serits de la bibliothjique imperiale. T. 1.
Paris, 1868. 4“ *2040.55
Delpit, Albert. Les pr^tendants. Paris, 1872. 387+
pp. 2 folded eh. 8“ 2623..50
De Mille, James. The American baron. 'With il-
lustrations. New York, 1872. 132+ pp. 8“.
E. B. 241.33
DENE-M.SLER der Tonkunst. 1-5. [No title-page.]
Bergedorf bei Hamburg, 1871. 5 v. L. 8“.
Namely : —
— Carissimi, G-. O. Werke. Abth. 1 *8042.64
— Corelli, A. Werke. [B. 1] *8042.65
— Couperin, F. Werke. B. 1 *8042.66
— Pierluigi, <J., called da Palestrina. Werke.
B. 1 *8042 63
— Urio, F. A. Te Deura *8042.67
Denneh Y, H. E. The church of the first three centu-
ries. A work founded on the Scripture and
early patristic writings. London, 1861. xv,
377 pp. 16“ 5528.50
Dennett, Daniel. Map of Buxton. Maine. 1870.
Boston, 1871. Size, 25] in. X 20.] in *Map 30
DESPRks, Armand (Eugbne). Rapport sur les tra-
vaux de la 7' ambulance a I’arm^o du Rhin et k
I’arm^e de la Loire. Paris. 1871. 74+ pp. 8“ . *3795.56
Dessert book. The: a complete m.anual from the
best authorities. With original recipes. By
a Boston l.ady. Boston, 1872. 202 pp. 12“ . 186.57
Dedtsche Heldcnbuch, Das. n.ach dem muthmasslich
altesten Drucke. Neu herausgegeben von A.
von Keller. Stuttgart, 1867. 78^ pp. 8“.
Vol. 87 of *4225.1
Dickens. Charles (.John Huffam). Perils of [certain]
English prisoners. PhLl.adelphia, N. D. 88 pp.
8“ 433.26
— and Collins, (William) Wilkie. No thorough-
fare. Bo.ston, 1867. 42+ pp. 8“ . . . S. B. 211.40
Dobbs, Archibald E. General representation on a
complete readjustment and modification of Mr.
Hare’s plan. 2d edition. London, 1872. 52
pp. Sm. 8“ 5566.51
Doddridge, Philip. The rise and progress of reli-
gion in the soul. New York, N. d. 452 pp.
^ 12“ S. B. 299.12
Doedney, Sarah. Under gray walls. Illustrated.
London, 1871. liy-pp. 16“ S. B. 249.32
Douglas, Amanda M. [Kathie’s stories.] Kathie’s
aunt Ruth. Boston, 1871. 257 pp. llJustrated.
16“ E. B. 322.40
Kathie’s soldiers. Boston, 1872. Hlustrated.
262 pp. 16“ E. B. 322.41
Shelf. No.
Douglas, Amanda M,, continued.
Katbie’s summer at Cedarwood. Boston, 1871.
278 pp. Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 322.S9
— Kathie’s three wishes. Boston, 1871. 260 pp.
Illustrated. IC“ E. B. 322.38
Dramas, Collection of. New York. N. d. 12“ . E. B. 105.34
CoiueiC.".— The eon of the night, bv C. Gaylcrj Rory
O'More, Ibundccl on the romance, bv S. Lover; The
Eoidcn eagle, by J. B. IIowc; Uienzi, bv.AI. R, .Viit-
iord: The broken sword, bv tV, Bimond; Rip "Van
■Winkle, adapted from W. Irving, by C. Biirkc; Isa-
belle. by.I. B. Buckstone; The heart of Mid-Lothian,
from Sir W. Scott's novei, by T. Dibdin.
— Same E. B. 165.35
Contents. — Bred, dramatized from 11. B. Stowe's
novel, by J. Brougham; The last days of Pompeii,
taken from BnJwer s novel, bv L, Medina; Esmeralda,
founded on V. lingo's novel of Notre Bame. bv E Fitz-
ball; Peter Wilkins; Ben the boatswain, bvT. 'E. Wilks;
.Tonathan Bradford, by E. Fltzball; Retribution, by T.
Taylor; The minerali," by II. G. Plunkett.
Droz, Gustave. Monsieur, Madame et B6bd. 50»
Edition. Paris, 1872. 302+ pp. 18“ 2679.71
— Un paquet de lettres. 4e ddition. Paris [1870],
103-(- pp. 12“ 4678.52
Drury, Anna H. Story of a shower. Boston, N. D.
193 pp. 8“ 795.3
Dubois, Paul Antoine, baron. Traitd complet de Part
des ticcouchcments. [Livr. 2 par P. A. Dubois
et C. Pajot.] T. 1., livr. [1,] 2. Paris, 1849,
60. Illustrated. 8“ *3776.52
Duboi.s. Urbain. The household cookery-book. Lon-
don, 1871. xlv, 544 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 4“ . 4008.51
Dubuis.son-Ciiristot, (J. M.) Ftilix. Du drainage
dans les plaies par armes do guerre. Paris,
1871. 64 pp. 8“ 3743.51
Ducrot, (.Jules) Ambi'oise. De I’etat-m.ajor ct des
differentes armes. Paris. 1871. 1.38-^ pp. 8“ . 3955.51
Dudevant. Amantine Luclle Aurore Dupin. Con-
suelo. [English translation. No title-page.]
N. P.. N. D. 254 pp. 8“ 473.25
Duerer, Albrecht. The little passion. Reproduced
in fac-simile. Edited by W. C. Prime. New
York, 1868. 28 pp. (1), 37 pi., and illustra-
tions in the text. 4“ *8070.53
Do Me.snil, A[lfred ?]. Paris et les zMlemands : jour-
nal d’un temoin. juillet 1870 — fevrier, 1871.
Paris. 1872. 347+ pp. 18“ 2629a.52
Dumont, Albert. Inscriptions ceramiques de Grfece.
Paris, 1872. 445+ pp. Woodcuts and 14 pi.
8“ *2960.22
Dunbar, ^dwtird Dunbar. Social life in former
daj^P Vol. 1] chiefly in the province of Moray.
Edinburgh, 1865, 66. 2 v. 8“ 2545.50
Duncan, John. Colloquia peripatetica (Deep.sea
soundings). Notes of conversation with 'W.
Knight. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1871. xxxi,
156 pp. 16“ . 3608. .59
Dupuy. — . Voyages ct aventures du capitaine
Cook. Par Henri Lebrun [psend.']. Nou-
velle ddition. Tours. 1855. 236 pp. 1 pi.
16“ .S. B. 408.1
Dupuy, Eliza A. The c.ancclled will. Philadelphia.
1872. 493 pp. 16" 458.24
— "Who shall be victor? A sequel to “ The can-
celled will.” Philadelphia [1872]. 364 pp.
16“ 458.25 and E. B. 307.20
Durfee, Thomas. The village picnic and other
poems. Providence, 1872. v, 214+pp. 12“ . 376.17
Dutcher, L. L. History of St. Albans, Vt. With
contributions from .J Davis and others. His-
tory of Sheldon, Vt. By H. R. W’liitney [and
others]. St. Albans, 1872. 289-382+ pp. Por-
trait. 8“ *4333.50
Dwyer. C. P. The immigrant builder. Illustrated.
Philadelphia, 1872. 145 pp. 16“ 196.33
Edward.s, Jormthan. Treatise on religious affec-
tions. New York, N. D. 276 pp. 16“ . S. B. 299.13
Edwards, M. Betham. The Sylvestres. Leipzig,
1872. 360 pp. Sq. 16“ . . . 7.50..56 and E. B. 249.29
Eggleston, Edward. The Hoosicr schoolmaster.
With 29 illustrations. New York [1871]. 2'26
pp. 12“ E. B. 326.32
Elgin, .J.ames. Wi earl of. Letters and journals.
Edited by T. Walrond. With a preface by
A. P. Stanley. London, 1872. xii, 467 pp.
8“ 2443.50
Elisabeth. St., of ITungary. Das Lehen der heili-
gen Elizabeth vom Verfasser der Erliisung.
Herausgegeben vom M. Rieger. Stuttgart.
1868. 4.34+ pp. 8“ Vol. 90 of *4225.1
Shelf. No.
fiLisABETH-CnAHLOTTE, duchess of Ot'leaniK Briefe
au9 den Jahren 1676 bis 1706. Hei ausgegcben
von W. L. Holland. Stuttgart, 1867. 554-!-
pp. 8» Vol. 88 of *4225.1
Elze, Carl. Lord Byron. Berlin, 1870. 433-}- pp.
E-MILia. li. commissione pe’ iesti di lingua. Colle-
zione di opere inedite o rare del primi tre
secoli della lingua. Bologna, 1863-71. 6v. 8“.
Kamely : —
Dante Alighieri. Esemplare della Diviiia
comedia donato da Benedetto xiv alio studio
di Bologna, cdito da L. Scarabclli .... *4762a.31
Rusio, L. La mascalcia, volgarizzamento del
secolo xn'. 2 v *4762a.l5
Siena. Statuti senesi scritti in volgarene’ secoli
xni e XIV. 2 V *4762a.3
— - Tempo. A. da. Delle rime volgari .... *4762a.l9
Engeisii high school association, Bouton. ^Taan.
Semi-centennial anniversary of the English
high school. May 2, 1871. Boston, 1871.
112-f- pp. 2 pi. 8» S. B. 152.13
Erckmaxn, fimile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. A
miller’s story of the war; or the plebiscite.
By one of the 7,500.000 who voted "Yes.”
Translated from the French. New York. 1872.
358 pp. 1 pi. 12“ . 418.27 ; E. B. 137.6 and S. B. 228.24
— The Polish .Tew. Translated from the Freneh
by n. L. Williams. London, N. D. 156-f- pp.
16“ 470.23
— The story of the plebiscite. With 5 illustrations.
London. 1872. 323 pp. 16» 418.26
Note. — The same as A miller’s story of the war.
Erewhox [i. e. Nowhere]. London, 187.2. viii, 246
pp. Sm. 8“ 4878.50
Eschexb.vch. or EscmLB.Acn. Wolfram von. P.ir-
eival. Rittergedicht. Aus dem Mittel-hoch-
deutschen iibcrsetzt von San-Marte [p.’ieud.
of] Albert Schulz. 2te verbesserte Auflage.
Leipzig. 1858. 2 V. 16“ 2879.54
Essays. By the author of V^ra” and “ The Hdtel
du petit St. Jean.” London, 1872. 366-|- pp.
8“ 2557. 0
Ewb.axk, Thomas. A descriptive and historical ac-
count of hydraulic and other machines for
raising water, ancient .and modern ; with ob-
servations on the mechanic arts [and] the
steam engine. Illustrated. 16th edition. New
York. 1870. x\-i, 612-[- pp. O'* 3945.51
Ex.\minatiox. An, of canon Liddon’s Bampton lect-
ures on the divinity of Jesus Christ. By a
clergyman of the church of England. Boston,
1872. 427 pp. lO" 2086.3 and E. B. 369.16
F.yirchied, Joy Hamlet. Incidents in [his] life.
With portrait. Boston. 1855. xi, 449 pp. 12“.
E. B. 197.23
Farjeox, B. L. Grif: a story of Australian life.
New York. 1872. 146 pp. 8“ 421.27
Farxinghah. Marianne. Poems. 2d edition. Lon-
don. 1869. 288 pp. Sm. 8“ 4569.50
Favre, (Gabriel Claude) Jules. Gouvernement de
la dbfense nationale du 30 juin .au 31 octobre
1870. Paris, 1871. 467-|-pp. 8“ 2626.52
FERRifcRE. fimile. Le Darwinisme. Paris, 1872.
448 pp. 18“ 3829.51
Feuciitwanger, Lewis. A practicai treatise on
soluble or water glass, silicates of soda and
potash, for silicif3’ing stones, mortar, concrete,
and hydraulic lime, rendering wood and tim-
ber fire and drj'-rot proof. With receipts for
soap, cements, etc. With woodcuts. New
York. 1870. 337-t- pp. 12“ 8028.50
Feyde.vu, Ernest (Aime). Consol.ation. Paris. 1872.
20.5-t- pp. Portrait. 12“ 2659.54
Ficker, a. Beviilkerung der dsterreichischen Mo-
narchie. Gotha. 1860 . 66-(-pp. 12 pi. 16“ . 4S19a.4
Figuier, (Guillaume) Louis. Primitive man. Re-
vised translation. Illustrated. New York.
1871. xix. 343 pp. 8“ S. B. 311.11
Fileece de PfiTiGXY. Clara. Les jeunes voyageurs
en Palestine. Rouen, n.d. 252 pp. 16“ . S. B. 408.2
Fixeay. George. History of the Byzantine and
Greek empires from 716 to 1453. Edinburgh,
1854-56 . 2 v. 8“ 5073.9
Contents. — Vol. I. 2d edition. 716 to 1057. II. 1057-
Fischer. Carl. Eisenbahnbauten bei Mannheim, i.
Die Rheinbriicke zwischen Mannheim und
Ludwigshafen. Mit einem Atlas. Mann-
heim, 1869. 120-1- pp. 3 pi. 4“, and atlas, f“ . *8011.54
Shelf No.
Feemixg, George. Practical horseshoeing. With 29
illustrations. New York. 1872. 108 pp. 12“ . 6009.51
Feemixg, Paul. Deutsche Gcdichte. Herausgege-
ben von J. M. Lappenberg. Stuttgart. "ISGS.
2 V. 8“ Vol. 82. 83 of *4225.1
Feiegexde Kriegs-BUittcr. Die neucsten Nachrich-
ten voin Kriegsschauplatze. Heft 1-14. Dres-
den [1870. 71]. 224 pp. 14col.pl. 4“ . . .*4821.50
Feint, Sarah A. Great success. Bj- F. S. A. Bos-
ton. 1871. 397 pp. Illustrated. 16“ 500.63
Foeeowing on to know. Boston, N. D. 267 pp.
Illustr.atcd. 12“ 500.56
Fontaine, Edward. How the world was peopled.
Ethnological lectures. New York, 1872 . 341
pp. 12“ 128 21 .and E. B. 153.32
Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. Vol. 1.
Leipzig. 1872. Sq. 10“ ... . 568.14 and S. B. 69.23
Fracmen :s politiques. Cemptes rendus do l.a presse.
[Edited by Candle Privat.] Paris. 1872. 112-f-
pp. 8“ 4616.4
Franck. Adolphe. Moralistcsetphilosophes. Paris,
1872. viii, 4S4-|- pp. 8“ 3605.56
Frank Leseie’s ladv’s m.agazine. Vol. 29. New
York [1871]. F“ E. E. 171.1
Fraxkeix. Alfred. Los anciennes bibliothfequcs de
Paris, bglises. raonastbres, collbges, etc. T. 1.
Paris. 1807. Illustrated. 4“ *2640.54
Frederica Sophia Wieheemina. margravine of
Baireuth. sinter of Frederick the Great. Me-
moirs, 1706-42. Dcrits de sa main. Nouvclle
Edition. Brunswick. 1845. 2 v. 16“ 4845.17
Fbesqcet, Raymond de. Precis dn cours de droit
commercial maritime. ziix.lS71. 150 pp. 8“ . 5616.50
Frisweee. James Hain. A man’s thoughts. Lon-
don, 1872. XV. 31S-[- pp. 10” 2558.50
— Modern men of letters honestly criticised. Lon-'
don, 1870. xiv, 370-|- pp. Sm. 8“ 2578.50
Note. — This book has been suppressed in England.
Fromjieet, F. Florilegiura Latinum, sive thesaurus
sententiarum qu® in veterum poctarum Ro-
manorum scriptis extant. Editio altera. Jenae,
1870. X, 276 pp. 8“ 2956.50
Fdehrer auf dem Kriegsschauplatze. Mit karto-
graphischen Darstcllungen. No. 1-6. Leip-
zig [1870, 71], 43 pp. 4“ 4620,50
Fdeeer. Martha. Righted at last. [Anon.] With
illustrations. New York, 1872. 172 pp. Illus-
trated. 8“ 731.27 and 241.32
Gardner, Augustus Kinsley. Our children: their
physical and mental development. Hartford,
1872. 340 pp. Illustrated. 12“ 125,22
Gardner. Francis. Gay, Augustine Milton, and
Buck. Augustus Howe, editors. Selections
from Latin classic authors. Phaedrus, Justin,
Nepos. With notes and a vocabuiai’y. Bos-
ton, 1872. vi, 281 pp. 16“ 2959.51
Gardner. William Sewali. Address upon Henry
Price. Delivered before the Grand lodge of
Massachusetts. December 27th, 1871. Boston,
1872. 112 pp. Portrait. 2 pi. 2 folded sh.
8“ 4444.53
Garrett. John. A classical dictionary of India,
iilustrative of the mythology, philosophy, lit-
erature, bntiquities, etc., of the Hindus. Mad-
ras, 1871. X. 79:3-t-pp. 8“ *3043.50
Gaskeee. mizabeth Cleghorn. Wives and daugh-
ters. New edition. London, 1870. 592 pp.
16“ 566.23
Gaejot. G.. and Bpieemanx, E. Arsenal de la
chirurgie contemporaine. Avec 1855 figures.
Paris. 1867-72. 2 v. 8“ *3746.52
GAE'EDRfcE-BoiEEE.AU. Adolphe. L’administration
militaire dans I’antiquitd. Paris, 1871. 528,
lxii-|- pp. 1 iilustration. 8“ 3955.53
Gateord. Glance, pseud. See Bradley, Warren .1.
GErard. Jean Ignace Isidore, called Grandville, J.
.1. Vie privee et publique des animaux.
[Avec] vignettes. Paris, 1868. 636 pp. L. S“.
S. B. 401.1
Gerbier. a. Marie de Bourgogne. Tours, 1859.
2.35 pp. 1 illustration. 8“ S. B. 405.1
Giees Evergreen ; or. fresh from the country. Illus-
trated. [London] 1870. 249 pp. 8" . . . . 433.27
Gieeespie, William Honyman. The argument, a
priori for the relative and complex moral attri-
butes of the Supreme Being. London, 1870.
xii, 37 pp. 16“ 3457.62
Gipsy boy. The; or. the green woods and battle
fields. Illustrated. London, 1870. 414 pp.
8“ 4812»
Shelf. No.
Girakd, Charles. Principcs de biologie appliques a
la mcdecine. Paris, 1S72. viii, 108 pp. 18“ . 3769.64
Girdlestone. Robert Baker. Synonyms of the Old
Testament, their bearing on Christian faith
and practice. London. 1871. xiv, 634 pp. 8® . 6426.51
Godfrey. Benjamin. Diseases of hair ; witu advice
upon the preservation and management of
hair. London, 1872. sii. 1S3 pp. 16®.
57C9a.8 and S. B. 189.1
Goeden ladder series. Xew York, 1871. 6 v. Illus-
trated. 10® E. B. 21.51
Cantenf*. — Vol. I. Nettie's mission. IT. Little Mar-
gerv. III. Margerv's city home. IV. The crossing-
Bwwper. V. Rosy Conroy's lessons. VI. Ned Dolan s
Godmi-v. Parke. Politieal essays. Xew York, 1856.
3J5 pp. 12® S. B. 158.26
Goodwin. Mrs. M. M. B. IBrightside series.]
Broken promises, and otner stories. Cincin-
nati. 1871. 98 pp. Illustrated. 24® . . E. B. 21.32
Christmas dream, and other stories. Cincin-
nati, 1871. 96 pp. Illustrated. 24® . . E. B. 21.33
The faithful dog and other tales. Cincinnati.
1871. 98 pp. illustrated. 24® . . . . . E. B. 21.37
Lena’s parrot and other stories. Cincinnati.
1871. 98 pp. Illustrated. 24® E. B. 21.34
Old sailor’s story, and other temperance tales.
Cincinnati. 1871. 96 pp. Illustrated. _24® . E. B. 21.35
Pride and repentance. Cincinnati, 1871. 98 pp.
Illustrated. '24® E. B. 21.36
Gordon, Adonirara Judson. In Christ; or. the be-
liever’s union with his Lord. Boston, 1872. '
209 pp. 16® 3459.67
Grace Martin; or poor, not friendless. Boston, n.d.
'283 pp. 16® 500.62
Grada.m. Gr.ace. pteiid. See Titterington, JJrs. S. B.
Gramon t, Antoine Ag^nor Alfred, due de. La
France et la Prusse avant la guerre. Paris,
1872. 426+ pp. 8® 2625.74
Gratry, Joseph Auguste Alphonse. Henri Per-
reyve. 'I'rauslated by [H. 8. Farrer]. Lon-
don. 1872. xvi. 253 pp. Portrait. 16® . . . 2648.52
Gray, J. Comper. Bible lore. Hew York [1872].
iv. 312 pp. 16“ 3429.54
Great BRIT.41N. Parliament. Horth America. Ho.
1 (187-2); no. 2 (1872). London, 1872 . 2 v. in
1. F® 4510.14
Contente. — No. 1. Case presented on the part of her
Britannic majesty to the tribunal of arbitration. No. 2.
The case of the United S.ates to be laid before the tribu-
nal of arbitration to be convened at Geneva.
— Ordnance department. Survey of the peninsula
of Sinai. By C. W. 'Wilson and H. 8. Palmer.
Under the direction of Sir Henry James. [Pho-
tographic views.] Southampton, 1869. 3 v.
F® ♦»*5040a.l3
— Public record office. Report upon the Carte and
Carew papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth
libraries. London. 1864. 101 pp. 8® . . . . *7055.3
Greene. Aella. Rhvmes of Yankee land. Spring-
field. 1872. 83' pp. 16® 376.16
Greene. William Batchelder. The blazing star.
Boston. 1871. 24 pp. 12® 5609.52
Greenwood. George. Hints on horsemanship. Hew
edition. Loudon. 1871. xi, 110 pp. Illus-
trated. 16® 4008.50
Greenwood. James. Jack Stedfast; or, wreck and
rescue. London, N. d. 18'2+pp. 8® . . . . 433.30
GRfiCOi RE. Louis. Dictionnaire encyclopedique d’his- .
toire, do biographic, de mythologie. et de
geographic. Paris, 1872. iv, 2074, 41+ pp.
L. 8® *A.183.4
Gr6vin, H. Lc petit cultivateur, ou Hicolas. I’or-
phclin du hameau. [Amiens.] 1850. 264 pp.
12® S. B. 409.4
Gricoert, Raphael, marquis de. Des relatione de la
France avee I’Allemagne sous Hapoleon ni.
Bruxelles [18711. 51 pp. 8® 4628.51
Griffin. William Hathaniel. Elements of algebra
and trigonometry. London, 1871. ii, 312 pp.
16® 5918.52
Grimm. Jacob (Ludwig Carl) and (Carl) Wilhelm.
German popular stories and fairy tales, ns
told by Gammer Grethel. Revised transla-
tion. By E. Taylor. With illustrations. Lon-
don. 1869. xii, 306 pp. 16® 2902.17
Grener. Louis Emmanuel. The manufacture of steel.
Translated from the French by L. Smith.
With an appendix on the Bessemer process in
the United States, by the translator. Illus-
trated. Hew York, 1872. 193 pp. 8®.
A. 201.2, £. B. 33.30, and S. B. 392.16
Shelf. No
Geern.ney. Lucy Elleu. Irish Amy. Philadelphia.
[Co/>. 1854.] 312 pp. Illustrated. 12®.
505.23 and S. B. 139.24
Geild. Caroline Snowden. /ormerfy Miss Whitmarsh.
[Rosy diamond story books.] Daisy, or. the
fairy spectacles. [Anon.'] Boston, 1870. 175
pp. Illustrated. Sm. 12® E. B. 22.54
Minnie. [Anon.] Boston, 1870. 165 pp. Illus-
trated. Sm. 12® E. B. 22.55
"Violet. [Anon.] Boston, 1870. Hlustratcd.
6m. 12® E. E. 22.50
Geillaeme fe eferc. Fergus : roman. Herausgege-
ben von E. Martin. Halie, 1872. xxiv, 240 pp.
8®^ 4876.50
Gltmaraes, Luiz. Pedro Americo. Rio de Ja-
neiro, 1871. 128 pp. 16® 4369.50
Geizot. Frangois (Pierre Guillaume). Le due de
Broglie. Paris, 1872. 301+ pp. 16® ... . 2649.59
H., pseud f La menagerie imperiale. composde des
ruminants, amphibics. carnivores, et autres
budgetivorcs qui ont ddvorf* la France pendant
20 ans. Paris [1871]. 31 col. pi. and col.
frontispiece. 8® 2021. .50
Hadermann. Jeannette R. Dead men’s shoes.
Philadelphia. 1872 . 420 pp. 12® . . . . E. B. 325.31
Hahn, Werner. Der Krieg Dcutschlands gegen
Frankrcich. Illustrirt. Bielefeld. 1871. x,
590 pp. 8® 2322.50
Hamel, Ernest. Histoire de la republique fran^aise
sous lc directoire et sous le consulat, faisant
suite au Prdcis de I’histoire de la revolution.
Paris, 1872. xv. 568 pp. 8® 2625.71
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Wendcrholme, a story
of Lancashire and Yorkshire. Edinburgh,
1869. 3v. 16® 435.2
Hamilton, W. Douglas. The civil service chronol-
ogy. From the creation of the world to the
conclusion of the Franco-German war. [Edited
with] continuation by W. D. Hamilton. Lon-
don. 1872. iv. 451pp. 12® *2219.51
Hamley. Edward Bruce. Our poor relations. A
philozoic essay. With illustrations by E.
Griset. Boston. 1872. 79 pp. 16® . . . E, B. 36.25
Hardingb, Emma. Six lectures on theology and
nature. [Chicago] 1860. 168 pp. 8® . S. B. 292.14
Hare. Emily. [Rosy diamond story books ] Little
Blossom’s reward. Illustrated. Boston, 1870.
141 pp. Sm. 12® E. B. 22.58
Harlacher. a. R. Weitli’s Eisenbahnsystem zur
Ueberwindung starker Steigungen. Sein
Werth fiir den Locomotivbetrieb steiler Bah-
nen.und seine Verwendung fiir die schweize-
rischen Alpenbabnen. 1 Tafel. ZUrich, 1871. .
69+ pp. 8® ^207.2
Harland. Marion, pseud. See Terhune, Mary Vir-
Harris, George W. Sut Lovingwood. Hew York,
1867. 299 pp. 12® 805.24
Harrisse. Henry. Bibliotheca Americana vetus-
tissima. A description of works relating to
America published 1492-1551. Hew York.
1866. [Also. Same. Additions. Paris, 1872.]
2 V. 8®, 1. p *-2150.21
Haskins. S. M. Early confirmation and communion.
Hew York. 1872. 48 pp. 12® 3449.61
Hattie and Hellie; or, for better, for worse. Bos-
ton, 1872. 312 pp. 16“ . 500.69
Havet. Ernest Auguste Eugene. Le Christianisme
et ses origines. Paris. 1871. 2 v. 8® . . . . 5515.50
TTawf.is. Hugh Ueginald. Music and morals. Hew
York [London]. 1872. 478 pp. 12® 858.10
Hawes. Mary Virginia. See Terhune, Mary -Vir-
Hawthorne, Hathaniel. Passages from [his] note-
books. With an introduction by Moncure D.
Conway. London. 1869. 224 pp. 16® .... 2409.62
Hayem. Armaud. Le mariage. Paris, 1872. 347 pp.
16® 5.569.51
Heart, The, of the West. By an Illinoian. Chicago,
1871. 2.’9. iii pp. 8® 623.27
Heine. Heinrich. Pictures of travel. Translated
from the German, by C. H. Leland. 6th re-
vised edition. Philadelphia, 1871. 471+ pp.
12® S. B. 349.18
Heinzen, Carl. Ein neues Wintermarchen. Besuch
im neuen deutschen Reich dcr Gottesfurcht
und der frommen Sitte von Heinrich Heine.
[Anon.] Boston. 1872. 40 pp. 12® 4879.50
Helps. Arthur. Thoughts upon government. Bos-
ton. 1872. viii, 245 pp. Sm. 8® 3564.51
Henle, (Friedrich Gustav) Jakob. Handbuch der
systematischen Auatomie des Meuschen. B.
Boston Biihlic Library.
Shelf. No.
Henle, (Frieclricli Gustav) Jakob, continued.
■i. 2. Mit nolzsticlien. Braunschweig,
"r™/enrs —Vol. I. Abth. 1. .StcAiifl. Knochcnlehrc;
Ab‘h 2. 2te AiiH. Banderlchre; Abth. 3. 2te Aufl.
Jluskelleluc. II. Eingeweidelehrc.
HENSON, TTiiliam S The great facts of moclorn as-
trononiY. IsowaiK. ib/i. ^J-f~ PI-'* ° ,
r. George Robert Clu.rles. car^^^^^
K',N;^Ei;?Tno^V]:;^uth sea ™eB.
. 236(^54
By the carl and the doctor.
312+ pp. 8“
. 2.549.51
_ Jennie. Yort.’ 1872. 312+ pp. 8“
nERBEu r, /o+/ Mary Elizabeth.
Christian love. 3d edition. Kew lork,
315 pp. '
HERFOKD Brooke. Travers Madg^ “ f 7g°"’'
edition. London, 1868. PP* .
HiBBEE r. Samuel. Sketches of the philosophy of
apparitions. 2d edition, enlarged. ’ 3609 57
1^5 viii. 47.5 pp. ITolded leaf. Sm. 8“ . . 3609.57
HICKOK, T^aurens Perseiis Creator and 3^82,50
HtDOEfbome.’ tL '^T^^^slated'fVom the Ereueb.
PhMadefphia. 1872. 284 pp. Jt! i
Higgins. Charlotte kl. [Rosy diamond story
The angel children. Boston, 18,0. 134 pp.
lilustrafed. Sra. 12» E. B. -2.a9
TTiriNEOTTiA M, .Tosephiue M. ‘^Una and her pau
pars memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones,
by her sister. [Anon ] Introduction by Kor-
ence .Nightingale. 2d American edition. With
a preface by Henry Ward Beecher. And a
supplementary chapter on hospital I’V'i®”’?
and training in the United States, hy the am
thor of “Woman’s work in the civil war.
Hew York, 1872. xlvi, 497 pp. e“t9724 and 2549.54
Higgs. Arthur. _ Lafayette a study and a pMcmie.
Oxford. 1871. tv, 69 pp. - - . - „ ,
Hinder! R. Anna. Seventeen years in the Toruha
country. Introduction hy R. B. Hone. Lou-
don 18^2. xi. S42 pp. Portrait. 1 map. 3
pi. 16»
Hinton. James. Life^in nature.
— Ma?an?h7dweUingpiace. [Sded'ition.]
York. 1872. xxxvi, 301 pp.
Shelf. No.
ILEESTRATED library of wonders. Namely: —
— Baile.J. AYonders of electricity ..... E. B. d4.oa
INGELOW. .lean. Mopsa the fairy. Y ith illnstr.m
tions. Boston, IS71. 244+ pp. 8» . . E. B. 21.45
INSTRUJIENTA ccclcsiastica. Choix d oh.jets d art re
ligieux du moven-age ct de la renaissance cx-
posds k Malines. cn septemhre 1864. [No title-
page.] N.P.,N.D. (118) pp. 56 photographs.
Irving^ Washington. ’ Rip Van Winkie. New -rork,
1871, 32 pp.
Jackson, Sir George. Diaries ‘7
peace of Amiens to the battle of Tal.avera.
Edited hy Lady Jackson. London, I81-.
2 V.
. . 2445.60
JACOX. Francis. Bible music; being variations, in
manvkcvs. on musical themes from Senpture.
Boston [London], 1862. viii, 330 pp. Sra. 8 ^
Jaehns. Friedrich Wilhelm. Carl Maria von Web or
ill scinen Worken. Chror.ologisch-thomati-
sches Vcrzeichniss seiner samrathchen Cem-
positionen. Berlin, 1871. 480 pp. 8 pp. fac-
simile .autogr.aphs. L. S" . . • • • • • •
James Gordon’s wife. New York, ISH. jj, 241.35
. 8043.53
Janbarics, St. The liquefaction of the blood of St,
Jmiuarins, at Naples. An historical and ciati.
lin.ition of the miracle. Ncwlork,
Kew York, 1872.
12® . . . • 3608.55
— The mystery of pain ; a book fot fbe sorrowful.
New York. 1872. 101+ pp. 12“ . • • ; • • • 119.1b
Hodges Richard Manning. A semi-oentennial dis-
HOLMES. Mary J. Edna Browning. New Toik,
1872. 423 pp. ^ ,2s,t5, and S. B. 218.26
Home, .Tohn. Douglas. A tragedy. London, 1791. ^
HoMER^.Vuiiam'Bradford. Writings with an intro-
ductory essav and a rnemoii . hy F. A. 1 “ib.
2dcdi*ion. Boston, 1849 . 395+1+- 12 • S. B. 296.1
Hoaiert-s. Minor poems. Translated hy
■ Chapman. Shcllev. Congreve, and Hol^e. Yith
introductions hyll. N. Coleridge, and a trans-
lation of the ITe o^f n°™«2oi .‘■°.'2998.50
_ The^'odyssey. Translated into English Wank
Hookdam. Mary Ann. Life and times of Margaret
of Anion; and of her father Rcn6“ the goocL’
With memoirs of the houses of Anion. Pot-
traits and illustrations. London, lSi2.
Hope, Jake's L.'a. ' In qnost of coolies With illus-
HowiT^, w7iam^°Tli°Uangettm the squatter’s home. ^
187«^pt 3526.51
the Catholic church. New T ork, 18o8. ^373^39 52
HoxLEyFThomas Henry. Anatomy of vertehrnted
animals. New York, 1872. _ 431 pp. _ 3333 3,
— anTYouMANS, William -Lay. .Tho ‘’'''"’onts of
philosophy and hygiene. With numerous illus-
trations. New York, 1872. 420 pp. 12“ . S. B. 185.2
cal exnmiliauuii wx lxak. - 'QSiRKfie;
18-2 79 pp
jEArFRlsON.'j.Cordy/ Awoman in spite of herself.
Leipzig. 1872. 2 v. Sq. 16“ ..... ■ • • 'oo.ou
Jellett. John H. A treatise on the theory of fno-
tion. Dublin. 1872. 220 W- 8“ . . . • • 3943.a0
.Tennincs. G. H. and Joiinstone. W. S. Book ot
pariiamentnry anecdote. London,^ N.
jENNiNCS^argrave. Curious things of the outside
world. Last fire Pondo?- ^ Jd V ^ ’
Jerdon.T.C T7„WiWsofIndia. _ Vol. 2.^ 7 ; 3005.50
jERROLD.Doi^'gias. ‘a man made of money. Phila-
_ M»—A?SdonV85i. -aio+PP^lV.^
_ Mvs Caudle’s curtain lectures. The story of a
ter writer,
don. 1853.
xl. 306 pp.
_ SLGncs''and sOames. London, 1851. >^3^^ 285 31
pp. 16® ^
Toan of Apc. S^(* Dare, Jeauue.
lo^^RD Edme Franqois. Lcs monuments de la
'^°™^graphie on.recneil d’anciennes cartes enro-
p^ennes f't orieutalcs. Tans, N. • ( ) ^ i
Tones 'YW'iam Prime. ’ Considerations on the mili-
^ 'tary and political crents accompanying the
con'qnest and settlement of the la.and of
ain. London, 1872. 297+ pp. 16“ 46l».-o
KAVAN AGD, Morgan. Origin of langnage and myths.
KELLOGG°Eliiah.‘ 'whispering pine scries. Th^e
?00pr‘l6“^’"": .^“B.'2125'andS. B. 112.29
KiECnfL^'Lnel. -Reisen. AnsdrmH^
Hcransgogeben von K. D. naszler.^ Vol 16 of *4225.1
KiMBALm ■jat^jvihiam.'^ileavem ^ • j’ f 298.28
King, Thc.^of the pchool; or, who will win . Lon ^2
KINGSTON.' WniiamH-lo.
S"ll7stramr67l6“ .ys 21 and E B. 28.41
_ Digby neathcote. Pb'^trated. ^London. ^868^ _
_ The fi?e'-ships.' 'in-t-ted edition. I.ordon.
1867. 462 pp.
Ifinkrated ‘■»3 Fi: B. 28.48
_ In the eastern seas. b. 28.44
_ Manco ; the Peruvian chief. 2d cAtion. Wdh
illustrations. London [181 an'd E. B.
Shelf. No.
Kingston. \Vili.im n. G.. continued.
— Mark Seaworth. 3(1 cditiou. With lllnstratlons.
London. 1870. 334 pp. 18° . 434.22 and E. B. 28.42
— editor. Our fresh ancl salt water tutors. With
8 illustrations. London, 1869. 252 pp. 16”.
445.29 and E. B. 28.39
— Our sailors; or, anecdotes of the British navy
during the reign of Victoria. 3d edition. Lon-
don, 1870. XV, 293 pp. 1 pi. 16“.
445.19 and E. B. 28.38
— Paul Gerrard, the cahin hoy. With illustrations.
Loudon. N. D. 372 pp. 16“ . 454.19 and E. B. 28.40
— Salt water; or the sea life and adventures of
Neil D’Arey. 2d edition. With illustrations.
London [18701. 371 pp. 10“ . 454.29 and E. B. 28.45
— True blue. W^ith illustrations. London. 1872.
440 pp. 10“ 4.)4.'8 and E. B. 23.46
— A true hero; or. the story of Wiliiam Penn.
London. N. d. 174 pp. Illustrated. 10“ . . . 500.64
Kirbv, Sfary and I'llizabeth. Beautiful birds in far-
off lands. London, 1872. 269 pp. 10 col. pi.
16“ 3908.51
KiiiKr,.\ND. Caroline Matilda. Our new home in the
West. ByMrs. MaryClavcrs [psetjt/.]. With
illustrations. New York, 1872. 298 pp. 12“.
638.23 and S. B. 338.14
JVo(«. — Originally published in 1899, with the title A
new home : who ’ll follow ?
KmciinOFF.H.ans Wilhelm. Wendnnmuth. Ileraus-
gegeben von II. Oesterley. Tubingen, 1869.
5 V. in 4. 8“ Vol. 95-99 of *4225.1
Kolb, G. Friedrich. Uandbuch der vergleichcnden
Statistik der Vdikerzustands- und Staaten-
kunde. 6 e Auflage. Leipzig, 1871. xxiv,
468 pp. 8“ . 5646.27
Kronauer, .T. H. Die Rigi-Eisenbahn mit Zahurad-
belrieb. Mit 3 Figurentafeln. 2te Aull. [No
title-page ] Winterthur. 1871. 4 pp. 4“ . . . 8011.53
— Turbincnanlage und Sciltransm'ssion der Was-
serwerkgcsellsehnft in SchafThausen. Mit 9
Figurentafeln. Winterthur, 1867. 11 pp. 4“ . 3940a.51
La Ferronnays. mie. See Craven, Pauline.
LA.MAR'riNE, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Lectures
pour tons, on c.xtraits des oeuvres gendrales.
S'ouvelle (Sdition. Paris [1858]. 535 pp. 10“ . 2679.70
Lamb, Charles. Works. A new edition. London.
186). XV, 643 pp. Portrait. Engr. title-page.
L. 8“ 2571.50
Lambel. Hans. Erziihlungen und Schwanke.
Leipzig. 1872. xiv. 358-1- PP- 40° 4838.7
Lamon. Warti II. Life of Ab."aham I.incoln. With
illustrations. Boston. 1872. xiv. 647 pp. Por-
trait. 8“.. . . 5-21.14. E. B. 193.9. and S. B. 161.19
Lane, George Martin. Latin pronunciation. Cam-
bridge. 1871. 7 pp. 16” 2939.50
Lanman. Charles, editor. The Japanese in America.
New York, 1872. 352 pp. 12“.
708.’26, E. B. 183.21, and S. B. 338,14
lA. RonciLre-Le Noury. Camille Adalbert Marie
CKiraent, boron de. La marine au sidge de
Paris. Paris, 1872, xix, 606-4- pp. 8“, atlas
f “ *2625.73; atlas *2620.51
Larwood Jacob. The story of the London parks.
With illustrations. London [1871]. 2v. Sm.
8“ 2496.9
Contents. — Vol. I. Hyde park. II. St. James park ;
the Green park.
Lawford. Louisa A. Beadle’s fortune-teller. New
York. 1853. 56 pp. 16“ E. B. 16.29
L.v WHENCE academv, Oroion. Mann. Catalogue of
the library. Lowell. 1850 . 203 pp. 1’2“ . S. B. 152.12
— Jubilee. .Tuly 12. 1854. [With general catalogue ]
New York, 1855. 12“ S. B. 152.12
Lebrun. ITc-ri. pnntd. See Dupuy. — .
Lee.s, Lndtj [Maria Charlotte?]. A few days in Bel-
gium and Holland. London, 1872. iv, 148 pp.
10“ 2869.51
LEGOEvf;. (, Joseph Wilfred) Ernest (Gabriel). Con-
f.'rcncos parisiennes Paris, 1872. iv, 404-]-
^ PP- 13“ 2j29a.53
Lecrand.il Plans do restitution [de Paris]. Paris
on 1330. Paris. 1863 . 89-]- pp. 2 maps. 4“ . *2040.52
I.EONOWENS. Ann.a llorrictte. The English goa-er-
ness at the Siamese court. With illustmtions.
Boston. 1871. 321 f pp. 8m. 8". . . . E. B. 233.12
Le Petit. Alfred Fleurs, fruits ct Idgumes du jour.
Paris [1871]. 31 col. pi. and col. frontispiece.
8“ , .2621.50
Shelf No.
Le Rous.seau. Julien (.Jean Baptiste). La prospd-
rit<5 de I’dtat ct la stabilitd des pouvoirs par la
rdforme dconomique et I’organisation des libcr-
tds. Paris. 1871. 453-|-pp. 18“ 2659.52
Le Roux de Lincey, Adrien Joan Victor, and Tis.se-
rand, L. M. Paris ct scs historiens aux xiv“
ct xvo sibcles. Documents et dcrits originaux,
recueillis et commentds. Paris, 1807. xx.xvi,
662-]- pp. Illustrated. 4“ *2640.53
Leroy-Beallieu, Paul. La question ouvriere au
xixo sibclc. Paris, 1872. ii, 3.39-]- pp. 12“ . .3669.51
Leslie, Emma. ' Elsie’s dowry. A tale of the
Frauco-Oerman war. New York, 1872. 316
pp. 1 pi. 16“ 500.66
Lever. Charles (James). Lord Kilgobbin: a tale of
. Ireland in our own time. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v.
8q. 16“ 750.59
Same. With illustrations. New York, 1872.
208 pp. 8“ . . 411.15, E. B. 241.45, and S. B. 242 36
Levi, Leone. History of British commerce and of
the economic progress of the British nation,
1763-1870. London. 1872. xiii. 527 pp. 8“ . . 4512.4
Liais, Emmanuei. Suprdmatie intcllectuclle de la
France. Rt'ponse aux allegations germa-
niques. Paris, 1872. xi. 252 pp. 18“ .... 2629a.51
Lindner, Ernst Otto. Geschichte des dcutschcn
Liedcsim xvni Jahrbundert. Nachgelasscnes
AVerk. Herausgegeben von L. Erk. Mit
Lxxxiii musikalischcn Beilageu. Leipzig,
1871. xvi, 144, 107 pp. L. 8“ 8043.54
Little corporal. The. Vol. 12. [Title-page missing.
Chicago. 1871.] 8“ ‘ 1834.1
Lodeman, Augustus. German conversation tables.
New York, 1871. 30 pp. 12“ 2028.6
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The divine tra-
gedy. Boston, 1871. iv, 150 pp .16“ . . . . 2408.52
— Three books of song. Boston. 1872. iv, 203-|-pp.
16“ . . .343.30, 2409.03. E. B. 108.31, and S. B. 257.24
Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of geology. Hth re-
vised edition. Vol.l. Illustrated. New York,
1872. XX. 671 pp. 8“ 3865.50
Lyman, Benjamin Fmith. Topography of the Punj.ab
oil region. Philadelphia, 1872. 14 pp. Imap.
4“ 7860.21
Lyman anniversary. Proceedings at the reunion of
the Lyman family, at Mt. 'Torn and Springlicld.
Mass., August 30, 31, 1871. Albany, 1871. 60
pp. 8“ *4434.51
Maccabe [McCabe], .James D., Jr. Lights and shad-
ows of New York life. Philadelphia, 1872.
850 pp. 12“ 1674.4
MacClintock [M Clintock], .John, and Strong,
.James. Cyclopsedia of Biblical, theologic.al,
and ecclesiastical literature. New York, 1809-
72. 4v. 8“ S. B. *R.R., A.16
Contents. — Vol. I. A, B. B C, D. HI. E-G. IV .
MacClure [McClure], Robert. Every horse owners’
[<i)c] cyclopedia. With engravings. Philadel-
phia, 1871. 582 pp. 8“ 173.2 and 6004.18
Contetes. — Diseases and how to cure them. By J. IT.
tVa’sh. The American trotting horse, and suggestions
on the b.-eeding and training ef horses. Dv Eliwond
Harvey. The turf and trotting horse of America. By
/ John Elderken.
Maccorkle [McCorkle]. William A. The divine law
eoncereing marriage: a discourse. Boston,
1872. 49 pp. 8“ 5568.51
MacDonald. George. Works of fancy and imagi-
nation. London, 1871. 10 v. 32“ 4379a. 54
Contents. — Voi.J. JVithinandwithotit; Aliiddenlife.
IT. Poems; The Gospel women: A hook of sonnets:
O-gansoogs. HI Violin songs; Songs of Ihe days a-id
niglits: A hook of d.eams; rioads;de P'lems; Poems for
ch”drcii. IV. Pamb'es: Bal ads; Srotcli songs e-d
hoi. ads. V. VI. PAa"tastes. VIT. The po.-tent VIII.
The light pi-incoss; The giants lieart; 3'Iic shadows.
JX. C ‘oss pp-poses; The golden ke.v: The earasorn;
Little daylight. X. The cruel painter ; The castle ; The
wowo'Riyven; Tno b-oken swords; The gray wolf;
Uncle Cornelius his story.
— At the h.gck of the north wind. New York, 1871.
viii .378 pp Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 22.34
— A hidden life and other poems. New York,
1872. tii. 232-fpp. 16“ 357.23
Mac Gee [McGee]. Thomas D’.Vrcy. A history of
the Irish settlers in North America, to 1850.
0th edition. Boston, 1855. 240 |-pp. 12“ . . 4317.5Q
Shelf. No.
llACKrNTOsn, Sir James. On the progress of ethical
philosophy, chiefly during the xvilth and
xviiith centuries. Edited by W. 'Whewell.
4th edition. Edinburgh, 1S72. xlviii, 307 pp.
ie» . . ; 3607.52
Macmillan, Hugh. The garden and the city, with
other contrasts .and parallels of Scripture.
i.ondon. 1372. xxii, 3Gtpp. Sm. 8“ 3427.51
M.vltiu'S. Thomas Hobert. Essay on the principle
of population. 7th edition. London, 1872.
XV, 531+pp. 8“ 5645.52
.'.lANCiiESTEit, A'nfr- Public free libraries. Index-
catalogue of the Rochdale road lending branch.
Manchester, 1S72. viii, 123 pp. 8“ *6142.3
M.vnciiester, J/a.v.?. Cattilogue of the public library.
Gloucester, 1871. 46 pp. 8“ *6208.14
.M.vnkind, On, their origin and destiny. London,
1S72. xvi, 7S0pp. 8» 3486.50
Mann, Charles A. I'aper monej', the root of evil.
An examination of the currcaiey of the United
States, with suggestions for restoring specie
payments without robbing debtors. New
York. 1872. x, 374 pp. 12“ 3648.50
Manners of modern society, being a book of eti-
quette. London [1872]. 223 pp. 16“ . . . . 3589.50
Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes
about religion. In two parts. 6th American
edition. Boston, n.d. 2J6 pp. 16“ 5468.50
Markoe, Thomas Masters. A treatise on diseases of
the bones. New York, 1872. viii, 416 pp. 8“ . 5743.50
Marryat, Frederick. Pirate and three cutters.
Philadelphia. N. l>. 83 pp. 8“ . . . . E. B. 323.32
— The priv.atecr’s-man. With illustrations. Bos-
ton, 1866. 384 pp. 16“ E. B. 323.16
— The sea king. Philadelphia, N. D. 203+ pp.
8“ E. B. 323.31
— Valerie, an autobiography. New edition. Lon-
don, N D. 245pp. 16“ E. B. 29.7
Marselli, Niccola. Gli awenimenti del 1870-71.
Studio politico e militare. [Libro primo, 3a
edizione.l Roma, 1871. 2 v. in 1. 2 maps.
8“ 2624.51
Marshall, Emma. Stellafont .abbey. New York,
1872. 247 pp. Illustrated. 16“ 500.70
Martin, Bon Louis Henri, tltudes d’archdologie cel-
tique. Paris. 1872. iv, 426 pp. 8“ 4527.8
Marval'd, Angel. EfFets physiologiques et thdr.apeu-
tiques des aliments d’epargue ou antid5pcrdi-
teurs: alcool, cafe, the. coca, mate, etc. Paris,
1871. 223 pp. Illustrated. 8“ 3767.50
Massachusetts. Board of health. 3d annual re-
port. Boston, 1872. xii. 329 pp. 8“ . . E. B. 31.26
Matheson, Joh.ann. Her vollkommene Capcllmeis-
ter. Hamburg, 1739. 28,484+ pp. F“ . . . *8040.55
Mathews, Cornelius. The Indian fairy book. With
iilustrations by J. McLenan. New York, 1869.
338 pp. 12“ E. B. 22.40
Maurice, Frederick Denison. The Lord’s prayer.
Nine sermons. New York, 1872. xxviii, 170
pp. 16“ 3449.69
Maxwi.ll, J. Clerk. Theory of heat. 2d edition.
London, 1872. xii, 312 pp. 16“ 5918.51
Melia. Pius. Hints and facts on the origin of man
and of his intellectual faculties. London, 1872.
103+ pp. Sm. 8“ 5827.20
iMERLE D’AcBiONf:, Jean Henri. Ilistoire de la rdfor-
m.ation en Europe au temps de Calvin. Paris,
1863-69. 5 V. 8“ 3527..51
Contentfi. — Vol. I. TI. Geneve et France. — XTT.
France, Suisse, Geneve. — IV. Anglcterre, Geneve,
France, Allemagne et Italic. — V. Angleterrc, Geneve,
Merrieield, Charles W. Technical arithmetic and
mensuration. I.ondon. 1872. x. 308 pp. 16“ . 5918.50
Merrill. George E. Battles lost and won. Boston,
1872. 487 pp. 16“ 450.81
Mertonville park ; or, Herbert Seymour’s choice.
By the author of “Ellon Clinton.” London,
1869. viii, 472 pp. 16“ 506.24
MjBRZDORF, J. F. L. Theodor. Die deutschen Histo-
rienbibeln des Mittclaltors nach vierzig Iland-
schriften herausgegeben. [Appended to vol.
1. Zum hundertsten Bande der Bibliothck des
littcrnrischer Vcrcinsin Stuttgart. EineDenk-
schrift von A. von Keller. 36 pp ] Tubingen,
1870. 2 V. 8“ Vol. 100, 101 of *4225.1
Metcalf, David. Nature, foundation, and extent
of moral obligation. Boston, 1860. xii, 486 pp.
12“ S. B. 298.29
Meunier. Stanislas. Cours dldmentaire de geologic
apphquiie. Paris, 1872. iv, 459+ pp. Illus-
trated. 8“ 3866.51
Shelf No.
Mexican war, 184.5-48. [Various newspaper slips in
regard to the Mexican war.] F“ *4320.50
Migne, Jacques Paul. abb^. Dictionuaire des sciences
occultcs. Paris, 1860 . 61. 2 v. L. 8“ . . . . *5532.2
Miller, Willi.am Allen. Elements of chemistry.
Revised by Herbert McLeod. 5th edition, with
additions. Parti. London, 1872. 8“ . . . . 5972.50
Milton, John. Autobiography: or Milton’s life in
his own words. Edited by J. J. G. Graham.
Loudon, 1872. xxxiv, 181 pp. Portrait. 16“ . 2549.52
Mistral, Freddric. Mireio. A Provencal poem.
Translated by Harriet W. Preston. Boston,
1872. xvii, 249-[- pp. 12“ 2686.50
Mitchell, S. Weir. In.iuries of nerves and their
consequences. Philadelphia, 1872. viii, 377
pp. 8“ 3805.58
Mohn, H. Temperature de la mer entre I’Islande,
I’fieosse et la NorvOge. Avec 5 cartes. Chris-
tiania, 1870. 16 pp. 8“ 5965.50
Molinari, Gust.avo de. Le mouvoment socialiste et
Ics reunions publiques avant la revolution du
4 septembre 1870. suivi do La pacification des
rapports du capital et du travail. Paris, 1872.
xxi, .377+ pp. 18“ 3669.50
Mollov, Gerald. The passion play at Obor-Ammer-
gau. in the summer of 1871. 2d edition. Bos-
ton, 1872. 120 pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16“ . . . 2866.7
Monod. Adolphe. [Various discourses.] Paris, 1843-
58. Pph. V. 8“ 3448.54
Contenta. — Marie-Magdeleine. 2e edition. 34 pp. —
X>e fatalisme. 46 pp. — Nathanael; Lcs crandcs amca.
76+ pp. — L'ami de I'argent. 60+ pp. — La parole vi-
vante; La vocation do Teglise. 104 pp. — Quia soif?
2e edition. 48 pp.
Montaigne. Michel l^quem de. Essais. Nouvelle
edition, par M.J7 V. Leclorc. Paris, 1872. 2v.
Portrait. 12“ 2079.69
Montgomery, Florence. Misunderstood. New York
[1869], 300 pp. 12“ S. B. 238.25
More Yankee drolleries. A second series of cele-
brated works by the best American humoi'ists.
With an introduction by G. A. Sala. London,
N. D. 8“ 1887.2
Contents. — Artemus "Ward's travels. Hans Breit-
mann. Professor at the breakfast table. Biglow papers,
part 2. Josh Billings.
Morford, Henry, and others. John Jasper’s secret.
A sequel to Dickens’ unfinished novel “ The
mystery of Edwin Drood.” [Anon.] With 18
engravings. Philadelphia [1871]. 408 pp.
16“ 475.10
Moseley, Edward 8. Edward Oxnard. His life and
extracts from his diary. Boston, 1872 . 21+
pp. 1 pi. 8“ 4444.51
Muir, John. Original Sanskrit texts on the origin
and history of the people of India, their reli-
gion and institutions. Translated. 2d edition.
Vol. 2, 3. London, 1868, 71. 2 v. 8“ . . . . 3026.1
Contents. — Vol. H. Inquiry whether the TTindusare
of trans-Himalavan origin, 'and akin to the western
branciiesof the Indo-European race. III. The Vedas:
opinions of their authors and of later Indian writers on
their origin, inspiration, and authority.
Mcloch, Dinah (Maria). See Craik, Dinah (Maria)
Mcnrof,. I.ewisB., editor. Public and parlorreadings.
Boston, 1872. viii, 352 pp. 12“ . . . . E. B. 207.26
Murray, John, publisher. A handbook for travel-
lers on the continent: being a guide to Hol-
land, Belgium, Prussia, Northern Germany,
and the Rhine from Holland to Switzerland.
"With maps and plans. 16th edition. London.
1868. xl, 006 pp. Maps. 12“ *2839.53
Murr.vy, Iter. John. h. at Alton. Entj.. 1741, d. 1815.
Life, by himself. With a continuation, by J.
S. Murray. New edition, with introduction
and notes, by G. L. Demarest. Boston, 1870.
408 pp. Portrait. 2 pi. 16“ 535.23
My first start in practice. By a London doctor. Lon-
don, 1869. 44 pp. 16“ 4579a.56
Napoleon, Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul Bona-
parte, prince. La vdritd k mes calomniateurs.
Paris. 1871. 16 pp. 8“ *2626.53 and 2647.53
Naquet. Alfred. Principes de chimie fondee sur les
thdories modernes. 2s Edition. Paris, 1867.
2 V. Illustrated. 18“ 3979.50
Nash, D. W. Taliesin ; or, the bards and druids of
Britain. London, 1858. xii, 344 pp. 8“ . . . 4555.5
Shelf. No.
KEVrN. Robert P. Blnck-robes, or sketches of mis-
sions and ministers in the wilderness and on
the border. I’hiladelphia, 1872. 366 pp. 12“ . 5538.51
Newman, John Henry. Discussions and arguments
on various subjects. London, 1872. viii, 398
pp. 16“ 4558.13
New Y okk. Oily. Board of commissioners of the de-
partment of public parks. Annual report,
1871. New York, 1871. Plans, illustrations
and photographs. 8“ *6493.2
Nichols, Thomas L. How to live on a dime and a-
half a-day. New York, 1872. 48 pp. 16“ . . 189.10
Nicholson, Henry Alleyne. A manual of zoology.
2d edition. New York, 1872. xx, 673 pp. Il-
lustrated. 12“ 3886.50
Niles, Willys. Five hundred majority ; or, the days
of Tammany. New Y'ork, 1872. 200 pp. 8“ . 732.27
Nott, Eliphalet. The resurrection of Christ. Dis-
courses. With introduction and notes by T.
Lewis. New Y'ork. 1872. xi, 7-157 pp. 12“ . 3457.59
Nl’OVO Franciosini, II, ossia grammatica della lingua
spagnuola per gli Italiani. 2a edizione, con
aggiunte e correzioui del professore G. B.
Torre. Lione, 1862. 252 pp. 12“ 2789.50
Observatorio astrondmico aijentino, Cdrdoba. Dis-
cursos sobre su inauguraeion verificada el 24
de octubre de 1871. Buenos Aires, 1872. 35
pp. 8“ 5921.50
Odling, William. A course of practical chemistry
for medical students. 2d edition. London,
1865. X, 241 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8“ . . . . 3976.54
OelHi-Laprune, Leon. I,a philosophie de Male-
branche. Paris, 1870. 2 v. 8“ 3605.57
O’Flanaoan, J. Roderick. Lives of the lord chan-
cellors and keepers of the great seal of Ireland,
to the reign of Victoria. London, 1870. 2 v.
8“ 4543.51
Oheim, Gallus. Chronik von Rcichenau. Heraus-
gegeben von K. A. Barack. Stuttgart, 1866.
240+ pp. 8“ Vol. 84 of *4225.1
Ohio. Geoloyical mroey. Report of progress in
1870. By J. S. Newberry [and others]. Colum-
bus, 1871. 568 pp. Illustrations and maps,
and atlas of maps. 8“ *7864.50
O’BIeefe, John. The farmer ; a comic opera, let
American edition. Philadelphia, 1792. 78 pp.
12“ 367.10
Old schoolfellows, and what became of them. Bos-
ton. 1872. 360 pp. 16“ 450.80
O’Learv, Con. The Irish widow’s son. Boston,
1869. 224 pp. 16“ E. B. 268.9
Olrig grange. Edited by 11. Kiinst. Boston, 1872.
208 pp. 16“ . . 1357.5, E. B. 162.35, and S. B. 258.17
O’Reilly, Myles (William Patrick). Memorials of
those who suffered for the Catholic faith in
Ireland, in the 16th. 17th, and 18th centuries.
New York. 1869. 462 pp. 12“ 3556.50
Orion, pseud. See Varela, Hector F.
Or.mathwaite, Lord. See Benn-Walsh, John.
Otto, Emil. German conversation-gr.ammar. 23d
edition. New York [1864J. viii, 440+ pp.
16“ S. B. 407.1
Owen, George. Map of the solar system and signs
of the zodiac. Boston, 1871. Size, 22.[ X 20
in *Map 31
P., E. C. The metropolitan district railway. Lon-
don [1871]. 16 pp. 8“ 5656.16
PAL.MER, E. II. The desert of the exodus. With
m.aps and illustrations. New Y’'ork, 1872 . 470
pp. 16“ . . . 086.27, E. B. 233.18, and S. B. 343.13
Paris. Histoire gdndrale de Paris. Collection de
documents. Paris, 1866-69. 9 v. 4“. Illus-
tr.ated. Portraits. Namely: —
— [Vol. I.] Introduction 2640.50
— Bcigrand, E. La Seine. 2 v 2640.56
— Bcrly, A., and Lcgrand, H. Topographie du
vieux Paris. Region du Louvre et des Tuil-
Icries. 2 v 2640.51
— Delislc, L. (V.) Le cabinet des manuscrits de
la bibliothequc imperiale. T. 1 2640.55
— Fr.anklin, A. Les anciennes bibliothequcs de
Paris, dglises, monasteres, colleges, etc. T. 1 . 2640.54
— Lcgrand, H. Plans de restitution [de Paris].
Paris cn 1.380 2640.52
— Le Roux do Lincey, A. J. V., and Tisserand, L.
M. Paris et les historiens aux xiv« et xv“
sieclcs 2640.53
Parkman, Francis. The Oregon trail : sketches of
gr.airic and Rocky mountain life. 4th edition,
loston, 1872. xli, 381 pp. 8“ 2375.53
Shelf. No.
Parr, Harriet. Country stories, old and new. In
prose and verse. By Holme Lee [paeud.^.
London, 1872 . 2 v. 10“ 906.7
Parton, James. Life of Horace Greeley. With
portrait and illustrations. Boston, 1872. xi.
548 pp. 16“ E. B. 195.22 and S. B. 163.8
Partridge. J. A. From feudal to federal ; or, free
church, free school, the completed bases of
equality. London, 1872. Ixii, 591 pp. 8“ . . 3565.54
Pasella, Pietro. Della libertii della chiesa da Cos-
tiintino all’ anno 1870. Roma, 1871. 209+ pp.
go 3527.50
PATRiAncn, The. and the tsar. Translated from the
Russ. By W. Palmer. London, 1871. xxxix,
674+ pp. 8“ 5065.5
Paul, Howard. Courtship and adventures of Jona-
than Homebred. New York [I860]. 306 pp.
Illustrated. 12“ 805.23
Paul of Tarsus. By a graduate. London, 1872. x,
378 pp. 8“ 3.554.50
— Same. Boston, 1872. viii, 401 pp. 12“ .... 3558.52
Pauli, Johannes. Schimpf und Ernst. Herausgege-
ben von H. Osterley. Stuttgart, 1866. 559+
pp. 8“ Vol. 85 of *4225.1
Pearce, .Joseph, jr. Violins and violin makers. Bio-
graphical dictionary of the great Italian ar-
tistes, their followers and imitators, to the
present time. London, 1866. 168 pp. 16“ . . 8049.51
Pelletan, Eug6ne. Jean .larousseau, the pastor of
the desert. Translated from the French by E.
P. de L’Hoste. London, 1872. 222 pp. 1 pi.
16“ 808.20 and E. B. 327.39
Penn monthly magazine. Vol. 1. Philadelphia.
1870. 8“ *5254.50
Peters, C. F. W. Astronomische Tafeln und For-
meln. Hamburg, 1871. xvi, 217+ pp. 8“ . , 3927.52
Peters, Samuel Andrew. A general history of Con-
necticut; including a description of the coun-
try, and many curious and interesting anee-
dotes. Added, an Appendix, wherein new
and the true sources of the present rebellion
in America are pointed out. London, 1781.
X. 436 pp. 8“ *4335.50
Peterson’s ladies national mag.azino. Vol. 60. July
to Dec., 1871. Philadelphia. 1871. 8“ . . E. B. 178.1
Phillips, Samuel. Essays from “• The times.” New
edition. With a portrait. London, 1871. 2v.
16“ 4559.9
Picard, Louis Benoit. The parasite, or how to make
one’s fortune. A comedy [from the German
translation of J. C. F. von Schiller]. Philadel-
phia, 1872. 78 pp. 12“ 1359.8
Pierluigi, Giovanni, called da Palestrina. Werke,
Herausgegeben von Heinrich Bellermann. B.
1. Bergedorf bei Hamburg, 1871, L. 8“ . . *8042.63
Contents. — Vol. I. Vierstimmige Motettcu.
Pike, Frances West Atherton. Caste. By Sydney
A. Story, jr. [pseud.] Boston, 1856. 540-f-
pp. 12“ . S. B. 248.27
Plans of real estate in Boston and vieinity, in various
towns in M.assachusetts, and in Dover, N. H.
1834-71. [No title-page.] Boston, 1834-71.
F“ *4410.26
PoiNSOT, Antoine Edmond. Le Moniteur pruesien
de Versailles. Reproduction des 13 numdros
du Nouvellistede Versailles etdes 108 numdros
du Moniteur olBciel du gouvernement gdndral
du Nord de la France parus a Versailles pen-
dant I’occupation prussienne. Publics par
Georges d’Heylli [pseud.]. T. 1. Paris
[1871]. 8“ 2625.69
Contents. — Vol. I. Du 15 octobre au 14 d5cembre
POLOGNE. La, historique, littdraire, monumentale et
pittoresque. Paris, 1835-42. 3 v. Illustrated.
L. 8“ 5061.1
Pope, Frank L. Modern practice of the electric tele-
graph. 5th edition. New York, 1871. 160 pp.
8“ E. B. 34.38
Pope, Mary E. Poems. Philadelphia, 1872. 150 pp.
Portrait. 12“ 1327.31
Pope, Thomas Canon. The council of the Vatican,
and the events of the time. Boston, 1872.
xviii. 340 pp. 16“ 3518.51
Poppies in the corn. By the author of “• The harvest
of a quiet eye,” etc. London, 1872. 318+ pp.
Sm. 8“ 4574.50
Porter, Ann E. My hero; or, contrasted lives.
Boston. 1872. 332 pp. 16“ 450.79
Porter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs. Illustrated.
PhihadelphijU, IffH. 652 pp. 12“ . . . E. B. 324.31
?0fc>t0li PilMic Ijiuraiy
Shelf. No.
PkessensIS. Edmond de. T.e coiicile du Vatlcaii.
_ Tlie^churcbes marriage ; or, diguitie; svnd^
sermons at Liiicolnesinue. London. 1G38. “%5459,65
_ A nvcle^riife or, ’mans spiritnail death
4th edition.^ London. 1041. [Imperfect.]^ f%45Q.55
_ Th?aain“'daiiy‘cKercise. ’ Enfolding the whole
duty of pniyer. In hve semons. e^ttom
_ Sinnef°o;crthrow^ tr, a godly and learned
TgO ,..•••••
^«^‘=Ton^ri— ioT'pr^lOr 149.33
_ A new stL atlas. Intended as a comp,amon to
•‘ Webb’s celestial objects for common tele-
scopes.” With introduction on the study^of
the^stars, illustrated. 2d edition.
’^“‘’^ sTract of the records oMhe trustees of doea;
tions. Boston, 1870. 184 pp. 8“ • • ■ •
Prussia. MinUtriea of finance, and aj/n^lture. Der
Boden und die landwirthschaftlichen Verhait-
nisse dcs preussischen St.aates nach dem Ge-
bietsumfange ^r 1866.^^ Bargest|lU
’ 4821.15; *atlas, 4820a.3
Shelf. No.
Reid, Christian. Mabel Lee. With illustrations. __
Now York. 1872. 1G2 pp. 8"
Reid, Mayne. The white gauntlet. With original
illustrations. New York, 18G8. 40j pp
New York, 1871.
E. B. 25.21
4GG pp.
. E. B. 25.20
. 147.4 and 3928.50
PiiLSiFER, liavid. An account of the battle of B^er
' ^ CAlirPPS. W itu
atlas, obi. 4“
'ER. I)ftVi(l. U
hill, compiled from authentic sources. ith
Burgoyn^s mcount. ^ Boston, 1872. ^ jq
PuMPEfEY,' Raj^iael. xiie paragenesis and deriva-
tion of copper and its associates on Lake Sii-
perior. New Haven, 1871. 34+ pp. 8“ . . . 586o.o0
PinrELL Henry* Bonduca. A tragedy, aUer^
^ from Beaumont and Fletcher. Music by H.
Puwell. Edited bvE.F. Rimbault. London
[18421. Text. 3G+pp. Music. 32 pp. F . 8050.51
PUTNAM, AUen. Flashes of light from the Bpir.t-land,
through the niediuraehip ot Mis. J. H.Conant.
CompUed by Allen Putnam. Boston, 18i-.
404 pp.
QUEEN’S, The, message, or twenty words for a shil-
^ linv a popular exposition of the system of
portM te^elraphs. ^.dinburgh, 1871. 32 pp.
R., J •
Nouvelle lettre de Junius ii son ami A- I)-
Revelations curieuses et positives sur les prin-
ivevejuuuuD -vw i -
cipaux personnagesde la guerre actue le ^ 3a^2626.53
edition. Pans, lb*l. Jl pp. o *.•
•am AIahar^vj Chutruputtee. raj<^ of Kol-
hapoor. Diary during his visit to Europe m
1870. Edited by E.W. 11 e^. London, 18i2.
10© 2869.50
xxiv. 147 pp. 2' portraits. Sm. 4“
TtiTSTON William Ralston Shedden. Songs of the
Ru’ssian people, as illustrative
thology and Russian social life. London, 18i2.
xvi, 439 pp. 8“ * ■
Rampert, Eugene. Bex ct ses environs
1871. 304 pp. Illustrated. 16 .
Rame. Louise f la..
[pseud. 1 . Leipzig, 18.2. - v. ^ Sq. 16^^. ^ ^
Raspaie. Fran.;ois Vincent, nistoire naturclie tie la
KASiAim . m.'iladie chez les v^getaux et
chez les animaux cn gdndral. ct en particuher
chez I’homme. Avee des figures sur bois. ctlO
Reade"! Charte^^A terrible temptaUon.^ 750.60
Reavis L. D7 '^Lifo'of Horace Greeley, with an in-
troduction by C. M. Clay. New York, 1872.
579 pp. Portrait. ^10“.^^ ^ ^^3 g
Record. The, of zoological literature. Vol. 1-7.
1864-70. London, 186a-71. i v.
— Tho wild huntress.
Tlln^ti*'itGd 12® , , . - . ,
rendu. Eugfene de >’c"teignc-^_^^
Repertorium dcr tcchnischen, FfrFlarLUcr'atm^
naturwissenschafthchm ’{°“J‘te’'Literatu .
Her.ausgegcben yon F. Schotte. Jahrg. ^
RETBERO,^R.^’om*^^’DUrers kupferstiche und’ Holz-
schnTttl Ein kritisches Verzeichnis [ste].
Munchen, 1871. 169+ pp. 2 pl- L 3“ . 8073.7
Retrospect, A, of the autumn manmuvres. With 6
phans. By a recluse. London, 18.2. 5355 50
Reymann, G. d’. ’Speci’al’karte yon Blsas^und Lo-
thringen. mit den neuen Grenzeu, in 1- Blat
tern. [No_titlc-page.] Maasstab ^ '*4830.4
REYNA^D.^Hermi'lm ’ Mirabcau et la constituaiitq.
Paris. 1872. xvi, 410 pp. • • • • a *
Riego de la BRANCiiARDikBE, Bleonore. to^"^
point lace instructor. London, 18i0. 14-t- PP'^^qq kq
RiOHT^'Xef otla^ot^In’d ’tbe’n’in’e ’bony move’-® ’
ment. Addressed to the men of N ewcastle.^
a hidy. 4th edition. Edinburgh, 18.1. 46+
pp. 16“ .....
Rival apprentices. The.
Illustrated. London, N. D.
;ts. John. English nursery ’
into French.^ 1871. 63nD. 16
■TSON. Eben — — - , . wriin-
nexion with the land, the church, etc. Edin
burgh, 1872. lxix.273pp. 8“ ■ ■ • • • • • J
Robin the runner. Boston, 18(2. 101 pp.^ ^ P • ^33 23
Robinson, Frederick Wiiliam. A bridge of glass.
New York, 1872. 116+ pp. 8 • • • t • j '
ROCA, Gustave (Ladislas Mane 3®^"
droits it I’ttYancement des officiers Pn8°"'er8
de guerre. Pans, 18a. lo PP* ® ^ rpi^^
ROE, Azof Btevens. To love to be loved, and Pb
minister’s story. New York, 1869. ^ 3U9 pp. ^
Roscoe."h.’e: Chemistry, ’with m’ustratiois’. New
York, 1872. ix, 103 pp. bm. 42 - • • „
Rose-garden. The. By the author of Hnawares.^ ^
Boston, 1872. 285 pp. 12 • V '
Roser. W. Handhuch der aaatomischen Chirargie
6te nmgearheitete Auflage Mit zahlremnen
Holzschnitten. Tubmgen,18(2. ^‘“+^^*7747.12
go ,,,.••••••••*********
Rosy diamond story hooks. 3/- e. B. 22.57
_ Carter. A. A. The great rosy diamona
— Hare, E. Little Blossom s reward . . • 22.59
— Higgins, C. M. The angel children • • ‘ jj. 22.54
— Guild.C. S. Daisy | e. B. 22.55
Minnie E. B. 22. 16
R-^^FHngh.’ Pnni’ana.’ ' A coMn of ’the host
riddles, conundmms, etc. Withde-io 1837.2
tration allemandes en Champagne. ^ ^ ^ ^ 2629.86
RuESTo?v?wflh^m^^'Thrkar for’tie’.Rhtec fromirn-
18(0; its political and te'^'tary histoi^.^^1 m ^
lated from the Gemau by J- L. . 2825.51
Vol. 2. 3. Edinburgh. 18(2. 2v. 6 .
Ruffin, Edmund. Anticipations of t rjmagi-
seiTC as lessons for the present tirne. L ^
na7yncttcr8froman Engl Uh resident it the
UnTd States, to the Loudon Times 4864 to
1870. With an appendix, °’4 4”® 5“!gouth.
of the independence ottne 32
. *5875.50
Satt —171111X01.7 nn association was formed, calM
ahe zoological record association, whreh |be
nnhlication of the Record. At this time the title was
changed to The zoological record, and there was a
change in the editorship-
da P. Dclprato, ng.gtek 7^ testi Laun i ^
curadi L. Barbicri. Bologna, 186 1, • . •‘*^-523,15
Shelf. No.
Ilt'SKiN. John. Modern painters. London, 1800-69.
Vol. 1. Tth edition ; 2, 5th edition ; 3, 4, 2d edi-
tion. 5 V. Illustrated. 8“ *8072.50
Contentx. — Vol. I. Of general principles and truth,
n. Of the itnagioative and theoretic faculties. III.
Of many things. IV. Of inouutaiu beauty. V. Of
leaf beauty ; Of cloud beauty ; Of ideas of relation.
UussELL. W. Clark. Representative actors. A col-
lection of criticisms, anecdotes, personal de-
scriptions. etc. From the 10th to the present
century. London, N. D. xv, 4D0 pp. 1 pi. of
portraits. 16“ 4548.50
RoTTE^niiR. Edward Manning. Ilistory of the In-
dian tribes of Hudson’s river. Albany, 1872.
415 pp. 8“ 4463.27
BAcns, Ilans. [Werke.] Ileransgegeben von A.
von Keller. Tiibiugen, 1370. 5 v. S“.
Vol. 102-108 of *4225.1
Contents. — Vol. I. Geistlich Gespreeh und Spruch.
H. Weltlich Histori und Geschicht. III. Von Tugent
und Laster. IV. Manchcrle.v ungleicher Art und Ma-
terL V. Fabel und gut Schwcnck.
Sadler. Thomas. Edwin Wilkins Field. Amemo-
rial sketch. With a portrait. London, 1872.
xi, 175 pp. Bm. 8“ 2543.50
Safford. a. E. Memoir of D. Safford. Boston
[1861]. 384 pp. 12» S. B. 168.10
Sainti.-Cl.\ire Deville, Henri (fitienne). De
I’aluminium. Faris, 1859. ix, 176 pp. 1 pi.
8» 3976.53
Samuels. Adelaide F. Dick and Daisy series. Il-
lustrated. Boston, 1872. 4 v. Sm. 16° . B- 21.49
Contents. — Vol. I. Adrift in the world. IT. Fighting
the battle. III. Saved from the street. IV. Grand-
father Milly's luck.
Sancekottb. Constant. Avant d’entrer dans le
monde. 2e edition. Paris, 1847. 251 pp. 16°.
S. B. 409.1
Saunders. John. Israel Mort, overman. With illus-
trations. Philadelphia, 1872. -291 pp. 16°.
E. B. 267.39
Saitjders, Katherine. Gideon’s rock. Philadelphia,
1871. 159 pp. Illustrated. 16° .... S. B. 238.26
Saxe, John Godfiey. Fables and legends of many
countries. Rendered in rhyme. Boston, 1872.
vi, 128 pp. 16°.
1328.32, E. B. 167.4-3, and S. B. 258.16
Sayers, Edward. The American flower garden com-
panion, adapted to the Northern and Middle
states. 2d edition, with additions. Boston,
1839. xii. 175 pp. 16“ 6003.50
Schiller. (Johann Christoph) Friedrich von. Poems
and ballads. Translated by Sir E. Bulwer-
Lytton. New York, N. D. 407 pp. 16°.
E. B. 162.28
Scott, William B. Gems of modern Belgian art. A
series of carbon-photographs. With remarks
on the works selected, and an essay on the
schools of Belgium and Holland. London,
1872. 96 pp. 10 pi. 4° *8072.9
Scribner’s monthly. Vol. 1,2. New York, 1870, 71.
8° E. B. 76.3
Scudamore. William Edward. Notitia eucharistica,
a commentary on the order for the administra-
tion of the Lord’s supper, according to the
use of the Church of England. London, 1872.
xix. 904 pp 8° 3445.51
Sears. Edmund Hamilton. The fourth Gospel, the
heart of Christ. Boston, 1872. viii, 551 pp.
6m. 8° 3429.53
Senac-Lagrance, C. De I'dpuisement dans Ics dtats
morbides et priucipalcment dans la fifcvre ca-
tarrhale. Paris. 1872. 72 pp. 8° 3795.57
Sn.tiRP. John Campbell. Studies in poetry and phi-
'losophy. New York. 1872. 340 pp. 16°. . .1818.17
Bhake.spcare, William. Julius Caesar. Edited with
notes, by W.J. llolfe. AVilh engravings. New
York, 1872. 189 pp. 16° 359.22 and 0599.17
— King Richard li, with historical and critical in-
troductions; notes, etc. By H. G. Robinson.
Edinburgh. 1807. xxvii, 103-f- pp. 16° ... 6.599.16
Siena. Statuti senesi scritti in volgare ne’ seeoli
xili e XIV, e pubblicati percura [Vol. 1] di
Filippo Luigi Polidori [v. 2, di Luciano Ban-
chi]. Bologna. 1863-71. 2v. 8° *4762a.3
Simpson. J. Bell. Literary and dramatic sketches.
Glasgow, 1872. 150+ pp. 10° 4559.11
Simpson. /SjV James Young. [Works. Vol. 2, 3.]
New York, 1872. 2 v. 8° *5770.3
Shelf. No.
Simpson, Nir James Young, continued.
Conteids. — Vol. II. Edited by Sir W. G- Simpson.
Anaesthesia; Hospitalism; llennatihroditism. III.
Edited by Alexander It. Simpson. Clinical lectures ou
the diseases of women.
“ Six months hence.” Being passages from the life
of Maria (n<Se) Secretan. By the author of
*■ Behind the veil.” Boston, 1.S71. 195 pp. 8°. 413.9
Sizer, Nelson. Wliat to do. and why, and how to
educate each man for his proper work. Now
York. 1872. 384 pp. 12° 137.4
Slight, Henry and Julian. Chronicles of Ports-
mouth. London, 1828. xv, 248+ pp. 2 pi.
inserted. 12° 2498.50
Smith, Alfred Russell. Shakespeariana: catalogue
of books, pamphlets, etc., illustrating the life
and writings of Shakespeare. On sale by
[him]. London. 1871. 50 pp. Illustrated. 8° ’. *6596.3
Smith, Stephen U. Historical sketches illustrative of
the establishment and progress of universal-
ism in New York. Buffalo, 1843. 249 pp. Sm.
12° S. B. 299.21
SouTHWORTii, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte. A
noble lord. Sequel to “ The lost heir of Lin-
lithgow.” Philadelphia [1872]. 423 pp. 16°.
444.9 .and E. B. 344.14
Spear, Charles. Essays on the punishment of death.
Boston, 1844 . 237 pp. 12° S. B. 205.1
— Names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bos-
ton, 1841. 400 pp. 12° S. B, 295.2
Spechtshart, Hugo, called Hugo von Reutlingen.
Flores musice oranis cantus Gregoriani. Neu
hcrausgegeben von C. Beck. Stuttgart, 1868.
162, iv, 77-|- pp. 8° Vol. 80 of *422.5.1
Speight, Alexanna. The lock of hair: its history;
with the art of working in hair. Illustrated.
London. 1871. 122+ pp. 8° 4007.4
Spencer. Charles. The modern gymnast. With il-
lustnations. London, 1869. 125 pp. 16° . . 6009a.50
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Sermons. Revised by
the author, and accompanied by notes. 9th
scries. New York, 1872 . 510 pp. 12°. . . . 2098.29
Stallo. J. B. General principles of the philosophy
of nature, embracing the systems of Schelling,
Hegel, and Oken. Boston, 1848. xii, 520 pp.
12° S. B. 315.25
Stanhope, Philip Henry, Wi earl Stanhope. Mis-
cellanies. 2d scries. London, 1872. 207+ pp.
Bm. 8° 2548.51
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Lectures on the history
of the church of Scotl.and. London, 1872.
xiv, ISO pp. 8° 3525.52
— The national thanksgiving: [three] sermons.
London, 1872. vi, 03-|- pp. 16° 3458.60
Stanski, Gaiitan Pierre. De la spontanditd de la
matifere dans les manife.stations physiques ct
Vitales. P.aris. 1872. 78-(- pp. 8° *5774.23
Stebbins, Giles B. Chapters from the Bible of the
ages. Detroit, 1872. 400-[- pp. Bm. 8° . . . 3486.52
Steele. Anna C. Broken toys. Boston, 1872. 163
pp. 8° 433.32
Stephen.^, Alexander Hamilton. The reviewers re-
viewed; a supplement to the "War between
the st.ates,” etc., with an appendix in review
of “Reconstruction,” so called. New York,
1872. 273 pp. 8° 2323.52
Stephen.s. Ann Sophia. Malaeska. New York
[1801]. 100-t- pp. 16° E.B. 16.17
— Sybil Chase. New York, 1861. 117 pp. 10°.
E. B. 16.16
Bteven.s, Thaddeua. Memorial addresses on [his]
life and character, delivered in the house of
representatives, W.nshington. December 17,
1868. AVashingtoa, 1869. 8-1+ pp. 8° . . . . 2.344.50
Stewart, Balfour. Physics. With illustrations.
New York, 1872. ix, 135 pp. Sm. 12“ . . . . 149.31
Still, William. The under^ound rail ro.ad. With
engravings and portraits. Philadelphia, 1872.
780-f- pp. 8° 5571.51
Stoffel. Eugene Georges Ilenri Celeste, baron. Re-
ports on the military forces of Prussia. 1868-70.
Translated by C. E. II. Vincent. London,
1872. X, 100 ])p. 16° 2819.50
Story, Sj’dncy A., jr., pseud. See Pike, Frances
AVest Atherton.
Stowe, Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher. Our Ch,arley,
and what to do with him. Philadelphia, 1869.
117 pp. Illustrated. 16° S. B. 139.23
Strickland. Agnes. Lives of the last four prin-
cesses of the royal house of Stuart. Loudon,
1872. xxviii, 377-]- pp. Portrait. 8° . . . . 2448.53
Student and schoolmate. A7ol. 27,23. Boston, 1871.
2 V. in' 1. 8° E. B. 372 1
8ton Public Library.
Shelf. No.
Btuttgart. JitterariscTier Verein. Bibliolbek. 1-
C4,GS-100. Stuttgart, Tubingen, 1S43-70. 31 v.
in 3'J. 8“ *4225.1
Jfameli/ : —
— Ayrer, J. Dramen. Ilerausgegeben von A.
von Keller. 5 v Vol. 70-80 of *4225.1
— Breuning von Buclienbach, II. J. Rel.atioa liber
seine Scudung uach England im Jabr 1595.
Mitgethcilt von A. Schlossbergcr . Vol. 81 of *4225.1
— Fleming, P. Dentscho Gedichto. Ilerausgoge-
ben von J. M. Lappenberg. 2 v. . Vol. 82. 83 of *4225.1
— Obcim, G. Cbronik von lleicbenau. Ilcraus-
gcgeben von K. A. Bar.ack . . . . Vol. 81 of *4225.1
— Pauli, J. Scbimpf und Ernst. Ilerausgegeben
von II. (isterley Vol. 85 of *4225.1
— Kiochel, S. Reisen. Aua drei Ilandachriftcn.
Ilerausgegeben von K. D. Ilaszler . Vol. 80 of *4225.1
— Deutsebe lleldenbucb. Das, nacb dem mutb-
masslicb iiltesten Drucke. Neu berausgege-
ben von A. von Keller Vol. 87 of *4225.1
— Elisabcth-Cbarlotte, duchesn of Orleans. Briefe
aus den Jabren 1676 bis 1706. IIorauBgegeben
von W. L. Holland Vol. 83 of *4225.1
— Speebtsbart, lingo, called Hugo von Reutlingen.
Flores inusico omnis cantus Gregorian!. Neu
Ilerausgegeben von C. Bock . . . . Vol. 80 of *4225.1
— Elisabetb, St., of nungary. Das Leben der
heiligen Elisabetb vom Verfasser der Erld-
sung. Herausgegeben vom M. Rieger.
Vol. 90 of *4225.1
— Zimmerische Clironik. Ilerausgegeben von K.
A. Barac. 4 v Vol. 91-94 of *4225.1
— Kirebboff, H. W. Wendunmuth. Herausgege-
ben von II. Oesterley. 6 v. in 4 . Vol. 95-00 of *4225.1
— Merzdorf, J. F. L. T. Die deutseben Histori-
enbibelu des Mittolalters nacb vierzig Hand-
sebriften. 2 v Vol. lOo, 101 of *4225.1
— Suebs, H. [Werke.] Herausgegeben von A.
von Keller. 5 v Vol. 102-106 of *4225.1
Snsv’a sacrifice. New York, 1868. 306 pp. lilus-
trated. 16“ E. B. 21.42
Taine, Hippolyte (Adolphe). History of English lit-
erature. Translated by H. Van Laun. New
York, 1872. 2 v. 8“ S. B. 31.6
— On intelligence. Translated from the French by
T. D. Haye and revised with additions by the
author. New York, 1872. xxxix, 514 pp. 8“ . 3605.58
— Notes on England. Translated, with an intro-
ductory chapter, by W. F. Rae. London, 1872.
lix, 377 pp. 16“ 2468.53 and S. B. 345.31
_ Same. AVbtb a portrait of the author. New
York, 1872. lix, 377 pp. 16“ 876.21
Talmace, T. De Witt. The abominations of modern
society. New York, 1872. 230 pp. 16“ . . . 3578.51
— Crumbs swept up. 20th edition. Philadelphia
[1370]. 445 pp. Illustrated. 12“ . . . E. B. 247.15
— Sermons. Delivered in the Brooklyn tabernacle.
New York, 1872. 405 pp. 1 pi. 12“ . . . . 2098.30
Talmud. Traitd des Berakhoth du 'I'almud de Jeru-
salem et du Talmud de Babylone, traduit
pour la premiere fois en Fran9ais, par Moi'se
Schwab. Paris, 1871. Ixxvii. 500 j)p. L.8“. 2232.50
Tate, Ralph. Rudimentary treatise on geology.
Part 2. Historical geology. AVith illustra-
tions and an index. London, 1871. viii, 244
pp. 12“ 819.42
Taylor, (James) Bayard. Beauty and the bca.st:
and tales of home. New York, 1872. 340 pp.
12“ 503.27 and E. B. 265.34
— The masque of the gods. Boston, 1872. 43 pp.
16“ 339.21 and B. B. 168.30
— Travels iu Arabia. New York. 1872. 325 pp.
12“ 707.24 and E. B. 234.32
Te.mpo, Antonio da. Dclle rime volgari. Trattato
composto ncl 1332: dato in luce integralmente
ora I.a prima volta per cura dl Giusto Grion.
Bologna, 1863. 383 pp. 8“ *47G2a.l9
Teriiene, Mary Virginia, formerly Miss Hawes.
True as steel. By Marion Harland [pseud.'].
New ATork, 1872. SlOiip. 12“ . 805.2 and E. iJ. 342.42
Testut, Oscar. L’internationale ct le jacobiuisme
au ban do I’Europe. [T.] 1. Paris, 1872. 8“ . 3563.50
Text-eook3 of science. A scries of elementary
works on mechanical and physical science.
Edited by T. M. Goodeve. [&o title-page.]
London, 1871. Namely: —
— Grifiin, AV. N. Elements of algebra and trigo-
nometry 5918.52
TniMM, Franz. German self-taught. AVitb English
pronunciation of every word. New York, N. D.
81 pp. 16“ 2029.24
Thomas, Annie. See. Cudlip, Annie.
Shelf. No.
Thome de Jesd, Fra. [Tbomd de Payva de An-
drade.] The suiTerings of Jesus. From the
Portuguese. Oxford. 1800. 2 v. 16“ ... . 3459.64
Tiiomes, AVilliam H. A slaver's adventures on land
and sea. Boston, 1872. 406 pp. Illustrated.
Sm. 8“ 733.19
Tiiomp.son, Joseph Parrish. Home worship: selec-
tions from the Scriptures, with meditations,
pr.aycr, and song, for every day in the year.
With illustrations. Boston [1871]. vii, 523+
pp. 4“ 3441.50
Tiffany, John Kerr. A reference list of publications
relating to postage-stamps and their collection.
[St. Louis] 1871. (33) pp. M.ss. 4“ . . . . *2231.50
Tillier, (Johann) Anton von. Oeschichte des eid-
genossiachen Freistaates Bern von seinem Ur-
spruuge bis zu sei:iem Untergange im Jahre
1/98. Bern, 1838-40. 0 v. 8“ 4825.11
CoiKcnts. — Vol. I-V. Gcschichte. [VI.] Sachregis-
ter, voa Dr. Grauff.
Times, John. Oddities of history. London. 1872.
Vi, 90 pp. 16“ E. B. 153.19 and S. B. 59.15
— One thousand domestic hints in the choice of
provisions, cookery [etc.]. London, 1871. iv,
90 pp. 16“ E. B. 38.27 and S. B. 319.27
— Popular science. Illustrated. London. 1871.
viii, 92 pp. 16“ .... E. B. 38.23 and S. B. 319.29
— Thoughts for times and seasons. Loudon, 1872.
Vi. 90 pp. 16“ .... E. B. 158.20 .and S. B. 319.23
Titterington, hlrs. S. B. M.abel Livingstone, or,
Christward led. By Grace Graham [psend.].
Boston [1S72J. 282 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . . 771.15
Topelios, Z. Gustave Adolf, and the thirty years’
w.ar. Tr.anslated by 8. Borg and M. A.
Brown. New York, 1872. 303 pp. 12“ . . . 475.6
Torrens, AV. M. Empire in Asia. How we came
by it. London, 1372. vi, 423 pp. 8“ . . . . 3045.52
Toulodse. Acadimie des jeux floraux. Discours
contenant I’histoire des jeux floraux ct cclle de
dame Clemence. Prononed au conseil de la
ville par M. Lagane. Toulouse, 1774. 246+
pp. Bm. 8“ *6687.50
Townshend, Chauncy Hare. Sermons in sonnets;
and other poems. London, 1851. vii, 323+
pp. 16“ 6568.18
— The throe gates. Inverse. 2d edition. London,
1861. Ivi. 438 pp. Portrait. Sm. 8“ 2569.50
Trafton, Adeline. An American girl abroad. H-
lustrated. Boston, 1872. 245+ pp. 16“.
645.24 and E. B. 267.32
Tractwine, John C. The field practice of laying
out circular curves for railroads. 7th edition.
Revised. PhUadolphia. 1372. lOS gp. 12“ . A.202.6
Tribes, M. De la complication diphthdroide conta-
gieuse des plaies, do sa nature ct do son traite-
ment. Paris, 1872. 62 pp. 8“ 3755.50
Trollope, Anthony. Ralph the heir. AVith illus-
trations. London, 1872. 434 pp. 8“ 794.1
Trowbridge, Catharine M. Archie’s keys. Phila-
delphia. 1872. 266 pp. 16“ 500.58
— Emma Marble and her cousin. Philadelphia.
1871. 204 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 12“ . . . B. B. 29.15
Truebner, Nicolas and co. A catalogue of dictiona-
ries and grammars of the principal languages
and dialects of the world : with a list of the
leading works in the science of language.
London, 1872. 80+ pp. 8“ *6176.11
Tucker, Charlotte. Guy Dalesford. By A. L. O. E.
[pseud.] New York, 1872. 137 pp. Illus-
trated. 16“ 809.16
Tucker, T. AV. AVaifs from the way-bills of an old
expressman. Boston, 1872. 143 pp. 16“ . . 308.27
Turner, Eliza Sproat. Out-of-door rhymes. Boston,
1872. 187 pp. 12“ 1346.19
Twenty years ago. From the .lournal of a girl in her
teens, fidited by [D. (M.) M. Craik]. New
York, 1872. 354 pp. 16“ 798.27
Tyerman, L. Life and limes of John AVesley, Vol.
2, 3. New A'ork, 1872. 2 v. 8“ 5552.7
Tytler. Sarah. Days of jore. London, 1868. 381
pp. Illustrated. 16“ 789.7
— The diamond rose. London, 1867. 402 pp. 16“ . 789.27
Unmted States. Hepartmentof the interior. Board
of Indian commissioners. 3d annual report.
1871. AVashington, 1872. 8“ *C.241.6
Census bureau. 9th census. Statistics of popu-
lation. Tables 1-8. AVashington, 1872. 391+
pp. 4“... *C.210,4
CiwKenfs. — Table I. — Population, 1870-1790, bv states
and territories, ns white, free-colored, slave, Chinese
and Indian. It. 1870-1790. By counties i as white, &S6-
Shelf. No.
United State.?. Department of the interior. Cen-
sus bureau, continued.
colored, etc. III. 1870-lSiO. By civil divisions less
than counties, ns white and colored, native and foreiftn
(1870). IV. Nativity (general), 1870-1850. foreign pa-
rentage, 1870, by states and territories. V. Nativity
(geneiai), 1870-1800, foreign parentage, 1800, in each
state by counties. VI. Nativity (special), 1870, by
states and territories. VII. Nativity (selected special),
1870, in each state, by counties. VIII. Nativity (spe-
cial), 1870, hfly principal cities.
Patent office. Specifications and drawings of
patents for the week ending Dec. 19, 1871-Fcb.
iO,lS72. Washington, 1871, 72. 7v. L. 8“ . **A.P.25-34
— Department of state. The case of the United
States to be laid before the tribunal of arbitra-
tion, to be convened at Geneva under the pro-
visions of the treaty between the United States
and the Queen of Great Britain, concluded
May 8, 1871. Washington, 1872. 204pp. 8“ . *4422.32
Paris universal exposition, 1867. Report on the
fine arts. By Frank Leslie, commissioner.
Washington, 1868. 43 pp. 4" 8061.50
— Department of the treasury. Report of the com-
missioner of internal revenue on the opera-
tions of the internal revenue system for 1863-
68. AVashin^on, 1864-68. 6 v. 8“ 7645.1
— Department of war. Signal service. Weather
maps. Sept. 11-Dec. 31, 1871. [No title-page.]
Washington, 1871. F“ *39.1.2
United States exploring expedition. 1838-42.
Under the command of Charle.s Wilkes. Mam-
malogy and ornithology. By John Cassin.
With a folio atlas. Philadelphia, 1858. viii,
466 pp. lliustrated. 4”, and alias of colored
plates, f » *5900.50; atlas *58.H.l
Unwin, AV'. Cawthorne. AVrought iron bridges and
roofs. AVith examples of the calculation of
stress in girders and roof trusses by graphic
and algebraic methods. London, 1869. xii,
179 pp. Illustrations and 12 pi. 8“ A.202.8
Upton, Emory. A new system of infantry tactics,
double and single rank. Adapted to American
topography and improved fire-arms. [Ap-
pended. Forms for parade and review of in-
fa.itry. By A. T. A. Torbert.] New York,
1872. iv, 392-(- pp. 109 pi. Sm. 12“ 5959.50
UriO, Francesco Antonio. Te Deum. Als Quelle
zu Handel’s Saul, Allegro. DettingerTe Deum,
etc. Herausgegeben von F. Chrysander. Ber-
gedorf bei Hamburg, 1871. 152 pp. L. 8“ . . *8042.67
AfARELA, HdetorF. Elisa Lynch por Orion [pseud.'].
Precedida de una scmblanza del antor por E.
Castelar. la cdicion. Buenos Aires, 1870.
xvi, 419 pp. 8“ 6091.4
Vaslin. Louis. Etude sur les plaies par armes a feu.
22 planches. Paris, 1872. vi, 234 pp. 8“ . . 3745.52
A^elazquez de la Cadena. Mariano, and SiMONNf;,
Theodore. Oliendortt'’8 new method of learn-
ing the Spanish language, with appendix. New
York, 1871. 558 pp. 12“ E.B. 272.1
Veeillot. Louis. Rome pendant le concile. Paris,
1872. 2 y. 8“ 3514.50
Afico, Giov.anni Battista. Principj di una scienza
nuova d’ intorno alia comune natura dclle
nazioni sccondo 1’ edizione del 1725. Pubbli-
cati con note da G. Ferrari, e la vita dell’ au-
tore [scritta da se medesimo, etc.]. Milano,
1836. 2 V. Portrait. 1 pi. 8“ *2807.54
Vienna. Bericht der von dem Gcmeindcrathe der
Stadt AVien zur Priifung der neuen AVasscr-
leitungs-Riihren ernannten Expei-teu-Commis-
sion. AVien. 1871. 71pp. 8“ 3945.50
— Kaiserllche kimigliche Gemiilde Gallerie. Ver-
zeiclmiss, von Albrecht KratTt. Mit zwei An-
sichten und drei Grundriseen. AVien, 1845.
xii. 290-1- PP- *8079.50
ViCNV, Alfred (Victor), comte de. Cinq-Mars; or,
the conspiracy. London, 1864. 253 pp. 16“ . 499.17
ViNoy, Joseph. Campagne de 1870-1871. Si(5ge de
Paris. OpOrations du 13' corps de la troisiOme
armee. Paris. 1872. iii, 530-1- pp. 8“, and
atl.a8, f “ 2021,52; atlas, 2020.52
Voltaire. Franyois Marie Arouet, called de. Lct-
tres choisics. PrecOdecs d’une notice ct ac-
compagn6es de notes explicatives sur les faits
ct sur les persounages du temps, par L. Mo-
land. Ornees d’une galerie de portraits his-
toriques. Paris, 1872. xxvii, 021-f pp. L. 8“ . 2701.50
Waggo.nek, ,T. n. The atonement. Battle Creek,
Mich.. 1803. 162 pp. 10“ 5459.53
Shelf. No.
Wagner, Giov.anni Maria, and Rusciiweyii, Fcrdi-
nando. Bassorilievi aiitichi della Grccia o sia
fregio del terapio di Apollo Epicurio in Arca-
dia, disegnato dagli originali da G. M. AVagner,
ed inciso da F. Ruschweyh. Roma, 1814. iv-f
pp. 25 pi. Obi. f “ *8060.50
AVaisrrooker, Lois. Helen Harlow’s vow. 3d edi-
tion. Boston, 1872. 290 pp. Sm. 8“ . . H. H. 248.28
Wakeley, Joseph B. The prince of p-aipit orators : a
portraiture of George AVhitefield. 2d edition.
New York, 1871. 400 pp. Portrait. 16“ . . 2549.50
Walcott, Mackenzie Edward Charles. Traditions
and customs of cathedrals. London, 1872.
viii, 159 pp. Sm. 8“ 3528.51
Walker, Amasa. The science of wealth. Con-
densed [from the 6th edition of the larucr work
with the same title]. Philadelphia, 1872. 455
pp. 6 diagrams. 12“ 3640.8
Walker, J.G. Charley Ashley; or, the adventures
of .an orphan boy. Philadelphia, 1872. 220 pp.
_ 16“ r. 500.59
Wallace, 3frs. E. D. A woman’s experiences in
Europe. Including England, France. Ger-
many, and Italy. New York, 1872. 314 pp.
12“ .. 648.19
Waller. John Francis. Pictures from English lit-
erature. AVith 20 illustrations. London [1870].
viii, 163 pp. 4“ 4572.51
AValworth, Mansfield Tracy. Beverly: or, the
white mask. New York, 1872. 422 pp. 16“ . 475.5
AVarner, Charles Dudley. Saunteriugs. Boston,
1872. 289 pp. 12“.
909.22, E. B. 88.8, and S. B. 349.19
Warner, Susan. The house in town. New York,
1872. Illustrated. 424 pp. 16“ .... S. B. 225.20
— Melbourne house. New York, 1772. 306J- pp.
12“ E. B. 244.28
— Mr. Rutherford’s children. New York, 1871.
264 pp. Illustrated. 12“ . . . 717.21 and E. B. 244.3
— Opportunities. New York. 1871. Illustrated.
382 pp. 16“ S. B. 225.19
Watre, Antony. Guerre franco-prussienne. Par
Nemesis [pseud.]. 2e edition. Paris, 1871.
16 pp. 8“ *2626.53
— L’homme de PruBse. Guillaume et Bismark de-
voiles par Timon iii [piseud.]. 2e ddition.
Paris, 1871. 16 pp. 8“ , . *2626.53
Watt.s, W. Marshall. Index of spectra. London,
1872. xvi, 74 pp. Illustrated. 8“ 3920.55
Wedgwood, Hensleigh. A dictionary of English
etymology. 2d edition. [AVith the assistance
of J. C. Atkinson.] New York [London],
1872. Ixix, 744-1- PP- 8“ *6586.15
Welsh, William. AVomen helpers in the church,
their sayings and doings. Philadelphia, 1872.
388 pp. 12“ 3547.50
AVellsted, J. Raymond. Travels in Arabia. Lon-
don, 1838. 2 V. 8“ 5046.54
Cmttentg. — Vol. I. Oman and Nakab El Ilajar. H.
Sinai; Survey of the Gulf of Akabah ; Coasts of Arabia
and Nubia.
'Weston, H. H., and others. The fairy egg, and what
it held. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. 157
pp. 12“ E. B. 22.50
Wewitzer, Ralph. Dramatic reminiscences, anec-
dotes, comical sayings and doings. Collected
by R. AVewitzer. Added, his dramatic chro-
nology. [Edited by — .] London, N. D. 112,
68 pp. 8 pi. Sm. 16“ 2579.50
Wey, Francis. Rome, description ct souvenirs. Con-
tenaut 346 gravures sur bois et un plan de
Rome. Paris, 1872. iv, 704 pp. 4“ *4730.50
Weylland, John M. The man with the Book; or
the Bible among the people. Boston, n. d.
330 pp. 12“ 127.22
Whipple. Content. The Newell boys. Boston
[1872]. 209 pp. 16“ 500.61
Whitney, Adeline D. Train. Pansies. Boston, 1872.
Ill pp. 16“ 1338.24
AVhittle. j. Lowry. Catholicism and the Vatican.
AVith a narrative of the old Catholic congress
at Munich. London, 1872. viii, 112 pp. 16“ . 3528.52
AViiittle-sey, Elsie Leigh. Helen Ethinger. Pliil.v
delphia. 1872. 318 pp. 12“ E, B. 322.19
Who shall be leader? The story of two boys’ lives.
Illustrated. [London] 1870. 266 pp. 8“ . . 433.29
WiLFORD. Florence. A maiden of our own day.
London. 1862. 534 pp. 16“ 496.14
William.?, Charles. The first week of time; or.
Scripture in harmony with science. London,
1863. vii, 304 pp. 16“ 3488.65
Shelf. No.
Williams, Francis Stanton. English into French.
A book of practice in French conversation.
10th edition. New York, 1S71. viii, 20G, 122
pp. 12“ 4689a. 50
WiLLLiMS, Henry T.. editor. Window gardening.
New York, 1872. 300 pp. illustrated. 16“ . 150.32
Wilson, Henry. History of the rise and fall of the
slave power in America. Vol. 1. Boston.
1872. 8“ 2322.52
Wise, Daniel. Glen Morris stories. Kate Carlton.
By Francis Forrester [pseud.]. New York.
1868. 253 pp. Illustr.ated. 16® E. B. 24.37
— Lindendale stories. Peter Clinton. By Law-
rence Lancewood [pseud.]. Boston. 1872.
240 pp. Illustrated. 10“ E. B. 24.38
Wise, Henry Augustus. Los Gringos; or. an inside
view of Mexico and California, with wander-
ings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. New York,
1849. xvi, 453 pp. 12“ S. B. 336.22
WiSEM.vN, Nicholas Patrick Stephen. Dramas:
The witch of Rosenhurg, The hidden gem.
Baltimore, 1872. 105 pp. 12“ 2579.51
Wood, George B. Historical and biographical me-
moirs, essays, addresses, etc. Pihladclphia,
1872. viii, 576 pp. Portrait, 5 pi. 8“ . . . . 2406.53
Wood, John Geoi'gc. Strange dwellings. Being a
description of the habitations of animals. With
designs by W. F. Keyl [ete.]. [London] 1872.
Xii, 411pp. 16“ 175.32
Shelf. No.
W OOLSEY, Sarah Channcey. The new year’s bargain.
By Susan Coolidge [ywearf.]. With illustra-
tions. Boston, 1872. 231+ pp. 16“ . . E. B. 22.45
WORBOISE, Emma Jane. Hymns and songs for the
Christian church ; and poems. London, 1867.
iii, 184+ pp. Sm. S“ 3448.55
— Overdale ; or. the story ci a pervert. 2d edition.
London, 1870. viii. 498 pp. 16“ 806.25
— St. Beetha’.?. 4th edition. London, 1871. iv,
.527 pp. 16“ 806.23
— Violet Vaughan; or, the shadows of W.arnc-
ford grange. London, 1866. 525 pp. 16“ . . 806.24
YAUMOt Tn (Mass.) free library. Dedication, Dcccm-
her 20, 1871. Boston, 1872. 32 i>p. Photo-
graph. Portrait. ,8“ 6123.8
Yonge. Charles Duke. Three centuries of English
literature. New York [London], 1872. 649
pp. 12" 887.9
Young apprentice. The; or, the watch-words of old
London. AVith engravings. London, 1868.
516+ pp. I.. 8“ 481.21
Young debater. The, and eh.airman’s assistant. By
an ex-member of the Philadelphia bar. New
York [cop. 1869], 160 pp. 16“ 3639.50
ZiMMERi.scHE Chronik. Herimsgegeben von K. A.
Barack. TUbingen, 1869. 4 v. 8".
Vol. 91-94 of *4225.1
The New Public Catalogue for the Bates Hall.
(From the forthcoming Annual Report.)
An important change has taken place in the management of our catalogue. Thirty years ago the British Museum aban-
doned the plan of a printed catalogue. The Bodleian has not printed any since 1859, and does not intend to do so hereafter.
Dr. Pertz. the Librari.an of the Royal Library of Berlin, and other of the chief bibliographical autliorities of the continent,
are likewise united in the view that such printing in a Large and rapidly growing library is impr.acticable, both from the
expense, and from the constant reduplication of alphabets, which will in not a long time become very burdensome to
examine, with the necessity of turning to one from another. It has alwaj's been felt that our Library might in time find
itself in the same circumstances with the older libraries of Europe, but when our repeated efibrts during the last four or five
years to begin on a new volume of the B.ates Hall Catalogue have been as repeatedly thwarted by the increasing detail of
this department, arising from ramifications and a rapid growth, it has become more and more apparent that the contingency
was not so far removed as it had been felt to be. At the rate of growth which the Library is now maintaining, we should
have found, after increasing the force of this department for the purpose of adding the proof-reading of a new volume to its
other work, that its completion would only have been the signal for a repetition of all the labor upon the material which
had aecumulated while the other was going through the press. This would be equivalent to adding largely to our permanent
force, besides entailing a heavy cost for printing.
While the use of a catalogue in print is vastly more convenient than the best in manuscript, and while our printed
volumes may he of great advantage in other libraries, and to a few students who possess them, it is very apparent from
observation that the great bulk of users of the Bates Hall are in search of the newer books, which cannot be found in printed
catalogues, or else they find it more convenient to consult the catalogues in the building than elsewhere. Any deprivation
which would ensue from the abandonment of printing the catalogues in volumes was likely therefore to fall upon distant
libraries and a very few persons, not always among those who assist in supporting the institution. There was to he other
gain than economy in making the change, and that consisted largely in massing in one alphabet an index to the stores of the
entire Library; and it was not felt, moreover, to be necessary to give up the advantages of print.
In some correspondence with the Librarian of the University of Leyden, it had been learned that they used a jirinted,
card catalogue, uniting the marked adv.antages of both systems. Their titles were set uii in the order of accession and
printed in sheets, one hundred and fifty titles at a time, on thin p.apcr : .and then being cut out and iiastcd in dillcrent records,
they m.ade up their catalogues of accessions ; their alcove lists; the public alphabetical catalogue; the same for official use ;
and a systematic c.atalogue. It seemed that in this plan there was a solution of our difficulties. The multiplication of titles
by iirint iiromised much saving of clerical Labor, with fewer cluances of error, and was capable of developing a great variety
of uses by the mere labor of assortment. It h.ad been found at the British Museum that their augmentation of copies by the
carbon process, which yields only four tr.anscripts, allowed them no chance of adding variety to their catalogues in the way
of different systems, suited to varied wants in the users of the collections. Their small reserve of copies of titles for replac-
ing those worn out iireventod any more systematic use of them than a simple alphabctic,al catalogue, to which they might
add an index in the case of imiiortant articles like Shakespeare and the Bible. In a catalogue that now numbers about 1,900
folio volumes, and is expanding so rapidly th.at a binding force is constantly at work interleaving and re-guarding, there is
some danger that in no long time this reserve, with the constant wear, will not be enough. The dilemma, we believe, is
recognized by the authorities of that Library; but no change is yet made in their processes.
Taking then the idea indicated by the practice at Leyden, and after some experimenting with printing directly upon
cards, and in establishing the form of the title, a method has finally been worked out which seems to meet every require-
ment. The cataloguer, h.aving prepared his title, indic.ates the cross-references, and then draws his pen through them, to
guard against the compositor’s setting them up. A day’s accumulation of such slips goes to the printer at night, and comes
hack in the shape of printed strips, several copies being returned, one of which is corrected and sent back. One of sr.ch
Btrips is posted at once on a bulletin-board, showing the freshest hooks, and another is scanned for hooks known to he of
interest to specialists, to whom the title thus printed is despatched. About one hundred titles are enough for a form, which
is then printed on thin paper, and ordinarily about thirty copies of each sheet are printed, though more arc struck off in
special instances, one or two hundred being sometimes the number, when a form is made up of titles of pamphlet volumes,
with contents, or other works requiring a larger number of cross-references, — the object being to provide enough copies of
such titles to supply all the entries in duplicate (the public and official catalogues being kept up independently, for conven-
ience and as a necessary check), and to furnish a reserve for future contingencies.
To each title is appended, besides the shelf number, the accession number, the number of the sheet in which it is
printed, and to some the letter B, to indicate such as are to bo made to reappear in the quarterly bulletins. The sheet
number is a clue at once to the pigeon-hole in which the reserve titles are kept. By referring to the cross-references on the
printer’s “copy” of such titles, the attendant knows just how many copies to cut out of the sheet for each title, and just
what headings to give them. These are pasted on cards and rolled smooth ; and the cards are then put in their proper
places in both the public and official catalogues.
The reserve of copies renders it of course possible to arrange by assortment any special alphabetical or systematic cata-
logue, as may be required, of the medical or any other department of the Library; and, in the case of any special collection,
like the Ticknor Library, they afford ready-made “copy ” for a separate volume. Indeed, while abandoning the printing
of volumes of the General Library of the Bates Hall, it is not at all improbable that the publication of special catalogues,
in departments for which we may from time to time become known, will follow.
To perfect the system indicated by this description, the work is not by any means to he confined to the entry of titles of
hooks yet to be acquired. It is hoped gradually to embody in this one alphabet, not only all previous additions to the Bates
Hall, with all their cross-references ; but also the titles of the Lower Hall Collection, so that it shall represent the entire
Central Library. It is not likely that the Branches, except in very rare instances, will contain any books not to be found in
the Boylston street Building. Work was begun in this direction with the Prince Catalogue, the titles and cross-references
from which have been put upon cards, and are already inserted; and progress is making on the printed bulletins, proceed-
ing backwards from No. 19. It must be long before this work is entirely done, so as to include the titles of the two printed
This new system was begun on the first of October, and up to this time [May 9th] there have been printed 39 sheets,
beside 2 extra ones, covering the titles and contents of pamphlet volumes. This gives a total of 3,840 titles, and has necessi-
tated 10,396 entries on the cards in each catalogue, or counting the triplication of the titles in the Ticknor Library, — another
set being made to constitute a special catalogue of this collection, — we have a record of nearly 21,000 cards, prepared in six
months, an extent of manual labor in mounting, inscribing and assorting, that has severely taxed the faithful Curator of the
Card Catalogues, and the assistants who have aided her.
Books Eecommended, and Books Eeceived.
Any person desiring a hook not in the possession of this Library may ask, on blanks furnished for the purpose, that
it may be purchased ; and the assurance is given, that, unless there is some special reason Why it should not be ordered, it
will be procured as soon as possible, and the applicant — in all cases where the book is absolutely bought upon his
recommendation — will be notified of its reception. If duplicates for the Loner Hall or for the Branches are asked for,
they will be ordered, provided the circulation of the present copies warrants such additions. In asking that a duplicate shall
be purchased, the applicant will be particular to designate it as such. Copies are not duplicated in the Bates Hall.
Those availing themselves of this privilege will greatly contribute to avoid delay and disappointment, if. in their
applications, they will give exact titles, as well as authorship, imprint, etc., and if they will, above all. write legibly.
It must be remembered that books published in foreign countries are purchased through the Library’s agents in such
countries, in order to avoid the duties, and to get as large a discount as possible ; and hence an interval of at least six or
eight weeks will occur between the time of ordering such works and that of their receipt; and, if they have to bo bound be-
fore sending, as is usually the case with Continental publications, the delay will be considerably increased.
Be particular to give the place of publication, by country, if not more definitely, or great delay will sometimes happen
by the order being sent to the wrong agents, although titles are verified before sending, as far as possible, and titles inaccu-
rately given will sometimes have to bo laid aside till time can be had for the necessary search.
Books from London. Baris, and Leipsic are received twice a month; from Florence, once a year.
Special students desiring to be informed when any book in their line of investigation is received at the Library can have
word sent them, if they will communicate their name and address, .and the subject of their inquiries, to the Superintend-
ent; but, in such cases, books will not be retained subject to the call of the persons notified, as is done with books recom-
Pamphlets Solicited and Exchanged.
The collection of pamphlets belonging to the Library is now all arranged ; andmanyof them are in bound vol umes, and
are catalogued. It is intended in future to keep no pamphlets unbound, except in order to complete sets or series. These
will be put on the shelves in boxes, and for the box the bound volume will be substituted, when the needful numbers are
procured. Solicitations are renewed for lots of pamphlets, which •will be sent for, on receicing information that they are
ready. The chances are, that any miscellaneous lot will contain a fair proportion of the very pamphlets wanted, and the
others will avail in exchanges. The number of duplicate pamphlets is now upwards of 30,000. all arranged, and ready to be
exchanged for others not belonging to the Library. With distant libraries, the following method of exchange has been
found the most convenient: if they will send 1.000 pamphlets printed in their state, or in a given locality, this Library W'ill
send 1.000 printed in Massachusetts, or in some other locality. Each may acquire some duplicates, but a great part will
prob.ably be fresh accessions.
Brancli Libraries.
East Boston. This Branch has been in operation for more than a year, and a circulation during twelve months of about
75,000 volumes indicates the measure of its success.
South Boston. The Branch, in the new Savings’ Bank Building, corner of Broadway and E street, was opened May 1st,
with about 4,400 volumes; and, up to this date, 1,331 persons have registered their names, and h,avc drawn out 13,647 books.
This Branch was formally dedicated May 16, and addresses were made by the President of the Trustees, and by the
Hon. Benjamin Dean, the Rev. George A. Thayer, Col. Albert J. Wright, and others. The mayor of the city presided.
An account of the iirocoedings has been printed in a p.amphlet.
Boxbury. Under an agreement with the city, the Trustees of the Fellowes Athensenm will erect a suitable building,
an elev.ation. and plans of the two stories of which may be seen in the ^Vnnual Report of the Library, now in press. It
is hoped to have a collection of books of a popular kind ready to put into it upon its comiiletion in the early winter. At
that time the income of a fund of about §30.000 for the purchase of the higher class of books will be available.
The use of the Branch Libraries does not diminish in any degree the pi-essure upon the Central Library.
Alterations of tbe Central Library Building.
The work on the alcoves on the eastern side of the Bates Hall is still in progress, and the use of the books in them is
maintained by means of a temporary staging, but the necessarily compact arrangement of the books in those alcoves, together
with the somewhat uncertain arrangement of those which have been removed, will more or less affect the rapidity with
which books can be found while the work continues. Alter.ations in the Lower Ilall are to be begun at once. The books in
the galleries will be removed to cases on the floor; and a series of rooms be made on the level of the old gallery.
The Richiirdson estate, adjoining the Library lot on the east, has been purchased, in view of future enlargements.
American Patents.
The Commissioner of Patents has designated this Library as one of those to receive the weekly volumes of Patent
Specifications and Dr.awings. The conditions imposed are, that the Library shall pay for the binding, and that it shall not
allow the volumes to be taken from the building, except by order of the Courts. Each volume bears the ofiicial certification
of the Commissioner. The original drawings arc reproduced by photO;lithography. The time required for manufacture and
binding is likely to cause the receipt of each volume to be delayed a few months after its date. The series was begun on the
first of July, 1871.
Memorials of Boston.
The Public Library of the city should contain every memorial, whether book, pamphlet, mop, broadside, print,
photograph, or the like, which is iirocurable. and which in any way illustrates the history or toi^ography of the city.
Books printed in Boston at an early date are very desirable acquisitions; and it is to be hoijcd that friends of the Library
will assist in m.aking the collection complete.
Engraved Portraits.
Portfolios and scr.ap-books have been prepared for the preservation of cngrjived portraits, and any contributions of
this kind will bo gladly accepted. Partienhar attention will be p.aid to the gathering of likcncs.ses of Bostonians.
Handbook for Headers.
A new manual is in press containing the Regubations of the Library, with explanatory notes; a full description of the
C.atalomies; and a section intended to aid the ordinary reader in selecting books by pointing out the different bibliographi-
cal and other books of reference, which will be helpful in his search. It will also contain a list of the marbles, paintings,
and other works of art in the Library; and a brief chronology of the Library’s history.
OCTOBER, 1873.
Board of Trustees.
Samuel Little, 556 Warren Street, Alderman^ ^
Prederick Pease, 14 Saratoga Street, Councilman,
IIermax D. Bradt, 74 Forest Street, Councilman,
Samuel A. Green, 25 Kneeland Street, At Larger..
Ellis W. Morton, Tremont House, “
George Putnam, 130 Higliland Street, “
Weston Lewis, 81 Worcester Street, “
William AV. Greenough, 56 Temple Street, “
George S. Hillard, 62 Pinckney Street, “
JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent, and Secretary of the Trustees.
William A. Wheeler, Assistant Superintendent.
James L. Whitney, Principal Assistant.
Edward Capen, Keeper of Lower IJaUs. Joseph Sykes, Keeper of Bates Uall.
William E. Ford, Janitor.
Miss Sarah C. Godbold, Librarian, E. B. Branch. Mrs. Anna C. D. Keen, Librarian, S. B. Branch.
Days and Honrs, etc.
All departments are open every secular day except the
five legal holidays, — February 22, Fast Day, July 4, Thanks-
giving, and Christmas, — and such other days as the
Trustees may direct.
Bales Hall, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. (winter), 9 A. M. to 7 P. M.
Lower Hall, 9 a. m. to 8 p. M. Books received after
8.30 a. m.
Central Reading Room, 9 a. M. to 10 P. M.
East Boston Branch, 9 A. JI. to 8 P. M.
South Boston Branch, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Extent of the Collections. The Bates Ilall contains 14.5,000
volumes; the Lower Hall, 33.000 volumes; the East Boston
Branch. 7,000 volumes; the South Boston Branch, 4.700 vol-
umes; the Roxbury Branch (not yetopened). OOOvolumes, —
a total (including 7.600 sale duplicates) of about 193,000 vol-
umes, besides 105,000 pamphlets.
The Central Reading Room has 401 different periodicals ;
the East Boston Branch Reading Room has 39; the South
Boston Branch has 27.
^ A new Handboolz for Readers has been printed.
Persons Admitted to Use the Libraries.
l. To use periodicals or looks in the hitildings. Any
person above the age of 14 years may use the Reading Room
for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books
witliiu the buildings, without previous registration.
II. To take books away from the buildings. All citizens
and residents of Boston above the age of 16 years ; aU non-
resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular professional
occupation in the city ; all inhabitants, even if under 16, who
have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence
prizes, from the Public Schools ; and all pupils attending the
Girls’ High and Nonnal Schools, are entitled to a full use of
the Library. All these must sign the application card, and
give the name of a citizen, who may be consulted, if neces-
sary. The registration takes place in the Lower Delivery
Hall of the Central Library, and at the several Branches.
m. Eon-residents. Non-resident members of educational
institutions in the city and other non-residents (when
specially permitted, in consideration of the advancement of
the public interests), may take books for home use, in ac-
cordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the
Term e.xpires 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1874
“ “ 1874
“ “ 1875
“ “ 1875
Boston I’lillio- library.
Kote. — Copies of the printed Catalogues are always ac-
cessible on the tables of the Bates Hall, at the Clerk’s Desk
in the Lower Delivery Hall, and at the Branches.
A limited number of copies of the Index and Scpplement
to the Bates Hall circulate like other books.
A fresh list of accessions is posted almost daily in each
Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the books
added to the Central Library, and for the few days that
elapse before titles appear in print on the Bulletin hoard,
the important new books are displayed (with the shelf
numbers attached) in a glass ease at the Desk. The lists for
the Lower Hall and for the East Boston and South Boston
Branches show only the books added to those departments.
The printed quarterly Bulletins reached the end of the
first volume with No. 19, and the present, No. 23, is the
fourth number of the second volume. For sale (excepting
those out of print) at 2 cents each. Books with numbers
below 2110 are in the Lower Il.all; those above 2110 are in
the Bates Hall. Those with E- H. and S. E. prefixed to the
number are respectively in the East Boston and the South
Boston Branch.
Bates Hall of the Central Library.
I. The Index of 1S61. (Includes the Bowditch Library.)
Royal octavo. 902 pages. Out of print.
n. The ScprLEMENT of 1S66. (Includes the Parker Li-
brary.) Royal octavo. 718 pages. Bor sale at $3.00.
octavo, 160 pages. Bor sale at $1.00.
rv. PcBLic C.VRD Catalogue. The printed cards, to-
gether with those in manuscript in the same boxes, show
the books added to the Bates Hall since 1866. Those in print
show also the books added to the Lower Hall sinee October
1, 1S71, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub-
jects. etc.; those in manuscript do not contain such cross-
references. but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is
the intention, however, to embody the titles of the ilanu-
script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces-
sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles
from tlie printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have
been inserted among the printed cards in their proper
alphabetical places; and in due time it is hoped to em-
body with them, in the same way, the printed titles from
the Bates Hall Index and Supplement, from Vol. 1 of tlie
Bulletins, and from the Lower Hall Class Lists, so that tlie
public shall have access in one alphabet to a catalogue- of
all the bocks in the Central Library. Until this is done,
the visitor will have to search in various printed alphabets
in book foj-m. and in the manuscript part as well as in the
printed part of this Card C.atalogue.
V. The Ornci-VL Card Catalogue, which can be con-
sulted. in cases of need, upon application, supplements tlie
printed Index and Supplement, and supplies full cross-refer-
ences to that part of the Public Card Catalogue which is at
present in manuscript.
A List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings is for sale
at 5 cents. Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion
of the Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound
volumes, embracing nearly 5.100 prints ; and Bulletin 21 con-
tains a list of the framed engravings, not portr.aits, in the
Bates Hall.
Lower Hall of the Central Library.
I. Fiction a':d Juveniles. — 5/A edition, August,
1871. 76 pages. P?ice IS cents.
II. Arts. Sciences, and Professions. 2d edition,
September. 1871. 71 pages. Price 10 cents.
III. History, BiocRA^ny, and Travels, with a Chro-
nological Index to Historical Fiction. 2d edition, in press.
IV. French, German, and Italian Books. 1st
edition, September, 1867, 45 pages. Price 2 cents.
V. Poetry, Dr.ama, Collections, and Miscella-
nies. 1st edition, August, '1870, 123 pages. Price 20 cents.
VI. A Card Catalogue, containing only the titles of
works (not anonymous) which have been added to the
Lower Library since the issue of the various Class Lists,
has been placed at the Clerk’s desk in the Distributing Hall.
In the printed Bulletins, sueh works are entered only under
the names of their authors. These printed entries have been
cut out of the various Bulletins, and insert edin alphabetical
order in a book, which is in the custody of the Clerk, and
which can be consulted on application to him. This Con-
solidated Bulletin, therefore, and the Card Catalogue,
taken together, show all the additions, both under author
and title, which have been made to the Lower Library since
the publication of the several Class Lists.
OBSERI’E. Many books properiy belonging to the
classes of the preceding Lists will be found in No. V, because
they form one of a series or collection.
Finding Lists of the books are for sale at 15 cents.
Central Periodical Beading Boom.
A List of Periodicals currently received (nearly 800 in
number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading
Room), was issued in September, 1870.
The Oatalogne System.
The so-called Dictionary System, upon which all the Cata-
logues of the Boston Public Library are made, is thought
to be more simple than any other.
There are three things, one of which a person wanting a
book must know, and the Dictionary System guides the
average reader more readily than any other, as he always
looks in the proper alphabetical place for the entry he is in
search of. These three things are as follows : —
I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject
of the work (if it is, the subject should be looked for rather
than the title), search for it under the first word not an article.
II. The axithor. Find this in its proper alphabetical
place. If the name is a pseudonym, there will be a refer-
ence from it to the real name.
IH. The subject. Find this under the
and consult other heads referred to there; but observe that
these references are not to more general subjects, inasmuch
as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for matter
pertaining to the horftCs for example, under such general
heads as Natural History, Animals. Quadrupeds, and Mam-
mals. books on which general topics have, almost as a matter
of course, chapters or sections ou particular animals. Again,
books on the same subject will sometimes be found under
differeut heads, where the terms are synonymous, or nearly
so (as, for instance. Coins and Numismatics), but in such
cases cross-references from one to the other will always
assist the searcher. Indeed, a multiplication of cross-refer-
ences is a fundamental idea of the Dictionary System. This
necessitates, of course, the disadvantage of turning from one
part of the catalogue to another, but there is. on the other
hand, a great advantage in the certainty of getting a clew
somewhere. — a thing often impossible in a classified cata-
logue, except to such as have made its system a study.
Assistance to Beaders
will be afforded by officers and attendants of the Library in
the examination of the Catalogues, as far as other duties
may permit; but it should be remembered that all in the
Library have special duties, and no considerable portion
of their time should be held at the exclusive disposal of any
individual re-ader; and it is enjoined upon all visitors not to
occupy the attendants’ time with conversation of any other
For an extended account of the Catalogues see "‘Handbook for Readers.'
Shclf-numbcrs 2110 and upwards indicate books in Bates ITall.
Shelf-numbers below 2110 indicate books in the Lower Hall.
E. B., East Boston Branch.
S. II., South Boston Br.anch.
K. H., Newspaper Boom.
R. K., Reading Room.
M. S., Map Stand.
Cop., Copyrighted.
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— Stands for the preceding heading.
- Stands for a subordinate heading.
-f- Additional pages not numbered.
( ) Enclose names not usually retained.
* Permission of Superintendent required to take book out.
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**♦ Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the
Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works
treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym.
Shelf. No.
ABC, The, of swimming. With coloured illustra-
tions. London, [ism]. 9opp. 32“ 180.106
Adams. C. Edgar Clifton, or right and wrong. New
York, ISj.i. 36j pp. Illustrated. 12“ . . . 455.17
Adam.s, .iohn, president of the United States. Ge-
schiedenis vanhet geschil tusschen Groot-Brit-
tanie cu Amerik.a. Amsterdam, 1782. viil,
156 pp. Portrait. 8° 4415.20
Note. — A Dutch translation of the abridgment of the
papers of Kovanglus, in repl.y to Slassacnnsettcnsis.
‘•made in Holland, apparently for the purpose of ex-
tending information respecting" the struggle, and inspir-
ing conddence in the author, when he was soliciting an
alliance for the United States with thatcountri’.” Works
f of John Adams. Tot. 4.
Adams, Willitim T. Upward and onward series.
Sea and shore. By Oliver Optic [pseud.].
AVith illustrations. Boston, 187'2. 330pp. 16“ . 1726.6
Agoclt, Marie de Flavigny, comtesse d’. La liber-
te considerde comme principe et fin de I’acti-
vitd humaine. Par Daniel Stern [pseud.].
Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1865. xx, 336 pp.
18“ 3569.58
AIdH:, Hamilton. Morals and mysteries. Leipzig,
1872. 319 pp. 8q. 16“ 750.62
ALACX..TuIe8 Emile. L’analyse metaphysique. Paris,
1872. xxiv, 463 pp. 8“ 3607.54
Axcock, Sir Rutherford. Familiar dialogues in Jap-
'anese, with English and French translations.
Paris, 1803. vii, 40-f- pp. 8“ 3033.53
Addes, Jo.scph. The science of government in con-
nection with American institutions. New
York, 1871. 295 pp. 12“ 3568.51
Aldinb. The. a typographic art journal. Vol. 4.
New York, 1872. F“ *5280.50
Alencox, Ferdinand Philippe Marie, due d’. Lucon
et Mindanao, extraits d’un journal de voyage
dans I’extreme Orient. Avec une carte de
I’archipel dcs Philippines. [Anon.] Paris,
1870. 219-1- pp. 18“ 5049a.20
Ar.T.f./ ARD, Charles. La liherte. principe de tons les
droits. Paris, 1872. x, 562-)- pp. 18“ .... 3569.55
Alliun, Max. Diirer-Studien. Miteiner Illustration.
Leipzig. 1871. 115+ pp. 8“ 8065.51
Amelixe. Henri. Depositions des temoins de I’en-
quete pariementaire sur I’insurrection du 18
mars. Paris, 1872. 3 v. 18“ 4629.59
AiipfeuE, -\ndr<S (Marie). .Tournal etcorrespond.-mce.
Rccucillis par M“e H. C. Paris, 1872. vi,
363-1- PP- le" 2649.61
A-MYOT. diaries Jean Baptiste. Livre nniversel de
lecture pour les dcoles. l aris, x. D. 328+ pp.
12“ S. B. 407.2
Axxales dcs sciences naturelles. comprenant la
zoologie, la hotaniqne [etc.]. Paris, 1824-71.
181 V. 8“. Kamely : —
Shelf. No.
Annales des sciences naturelles, continued.
— Same. Table gendralealphabetiqueetraisonnde
des matidres contenues dans les 30 volumes de
cette [Ire] sdrie. Suivie d’une table alphabe-
tlque des auteurs. Paris, l-SH. 240+ pp. 8“ . *5874.50
— Same. Ire serie. Botanique, zoologie [etc.] T.
1-30. 1824-33. 30 V *5874.51
— Same. Ire serie. Planches, t. 1-12. 1824-27.
4 *5864.51
— Same. 2e-5e sfirie, 1. 13. Botanique. 1834-71.
73 *5865.1
— Same. 2e-5e serie, t. 14. Zoologie, paleoutolo-
gie, etc. 1834-70. 74 v *5864.1
Axncaire de I’association des artistes.peintres, sculp-
teurs, architects, graveurs et dessinateurs. 26»
annde. Paris, 1870. 102+ pp. 8“ *8076.51
Annuaire de Paris. Ire ann^e, 1872. Paris, 1872.
8“ *2675.51
Answer to the declaration of the American congress.
Lind, John 4415.15
Appleton, Daniel, and co., publishers. Hand book
of American travel. Northern and eastern
tour. With maps [etc.]. New York, 187"2. viii,
292 pp. 12“ 638.24
Archer, E. M. Christina North. New York, 1872.
162 pp. 8" 413.10
Archer, Thomas. Asmodeus. [Adtiptcd from the
French of A. E. Scribe.] New York, N. D. 32
pp. 12“ E. B. 165.36
Armatage, George. Horscowncr and stableman’s
companion. London [1871]. xii, 237 pp. 1 pi.
Sm. 8“ 6009.53
Arcndell, John Francis, baron of Wardour. Tra-
dition, principally with reference to mythology
and the law of nations. London, 1872. ix-xxix,
431+ pp. 8“ 2234.50
A.shbee, E. W., publisher. Occasional fae-simile
reprints. London, 1868-71. Illustrated. 20
parts in 1 V. 4“ *2423.50
Contents. — I. Bartholomew faire. — U. Archy’s
dream. UI. Stage-lilayera complaint. IV. Actors
remonstrance. V. Wyse divide of thre ycre olde. —
VI. Prophesie of mother Shipton. — VII. Assvse of
breade. - VTII. Taylor, .lohii, the mater poet. VVan-
dering to sec the vvondera of the Vilest. IX. An or-
dinance for the suppression of stage-playes. — X.
Webbe, Edward. Edvv: VVebbe's travels. — XI.
Tuvior, John, the water poet. The carriers cosmograptiie.
— XII. Debate and fitrvfe betwenc comer and Mwater.
— XIII. Humors of Bottom the weaver. — XIV. A
treatvse of this galaunt with the maryage of the bosse of
Bvlivnge.sgate. XV. A new play, called Canterburie,
hi's change of diet. XVI. A eertaine relation of the
hog-faced gentlewoman. XVII. Taylor, . John, the
water poet. Drinkc and welcome. — XVHI. Lady
Eleanor Andeley’s strange and vvonderfull prophesies.
— XIX. Generovs vsvrer. — XX. Primrose of Lou-
Aston-Royal. London, 1872. 3 v. 16“ 424.5
Shelf. Xo.
Atkinson, TVilliam Parsons. Classical and scientific
studies, and the great schools of England : a
lecture. Cambridge, 1S65. 117 pp. 8“ . S. li. 43.1
Acbebt, Ilermann. Physiologie der Netzhaut. Mit
Eiguren. Breslau, 1S64. xii. S94-|-pp. 8“ . . 3S02A0
Acnat,S Alfred Descldier, called Alfred d’. Les
Prussiena en France. Paris, 1872. iv, 352+
pp. 18» 2629.87
Aunt Hattie, pseuef. See Baker, Harriett Newell
Aevigne, Lonise Boyeldien d’. See Boyeedieu
D’ Acvignt, Louise.
Baden-Poweel, George S. See Poweee, George S.
Baieet, Una Locke. Hr. Pl.assid’s p.atients. By
Una Locke. Boston, 1872. 286 pp. 16“ . . . 450.86
Baser, Harriett Newell (Woods). [Happy home
stories for boys.] By Aunt H.attie [pseurf.].
Boston [1871]. 6 v. Illustrated. 16" . E. iJ. 21.64
Contents. — Vol. I. Dilieent Dick. II. Cousin Wil-
lie. III. LazrRobert. IV. LirtlcFritz. V. The new
buggy. VI. Bertie and his sisters.
— [Happy home stories for girls.] By Aunt H.attie
I pseud.}. Boston [1871]. 6 v. Illustrated.
. 16“ E. B. 21.65
Contents. — Vol. I. Little Flyaway. II. The spoiled
picture. 111. Fleda's eljHdh<rod. IV. The singing
girl. V. Mollie and the wine glass. VI. The twins.
Baedwin, Charles Caudee. Notes on the ancestry of
Sylvester Baldwin. Boston, 1872. 15 pp.
8“ *4432.52
Baring-Go LED. Sabine. Lives of the saints. Feb-
ruary. London. 1872. 16“ 3555.57
Bareow, Peter, and others. On the strength of
materials. With rules for application in archi-
tecture, the construction of suspension bridges,
etc. New edition, revised by P. W. and W.
H. Barlow. Added a summary of experiments
by E. Hodgkinson, W. Fairbairn, and D. Kirk-
aldy ; an essay on the effect produced bj' pass-
ing weights over elastic bars, by R. Willis,
formulas for calculating girders, etc. Edited
by William Humber. With plates and wood-
cuts. London, 1867. xii, 396 pp. 8“ . . . . A.200.14
Barni, Jules (Remain). Manuel republicain. Paris,
1872. vi. 120 pp. IS" 2659.55
Baron Grimbosh, doctor of philosophy and sometime
governor of Barataria. A record of his expe-
lience. London, 1872. 293-]- pp. 8? . . . . 2578.51
Barrot, (Camille Hyacinthe) Odilon. He I’organi-
sation judiciare en France. Paris, 1872. 247
pp. 18“ 2654.53
Barrow, John. Life, voyages, and exploits of Sir
Francis Drake. 2d edition, abridged. Loudon,
1844. xii. 187 pp. 16“ 2449.53
Barteett, William Ilenry. He pelgrim-vaders of
Puriteinen. naar het Engolsch. met aanteeke-
ningen en oorspronkelijke bijlagen, door E. B.
Swalue. Leiden, 1859. x. 306+ pp. 2 pi.
8“ 2326.51
Bastian, H. Charlton. The beginnings of life. With
numerous illustrations. London. 1872. 2 v.
Sm. 8“ ; 3769.59
Basxiat. Freddrie. Essays on political economy.
London, 1872. 16“ . 3649.52
Contents. — Cai>ital and interest; That which is seen,
and that which is not seen ; Government ; What is
money? The law.
Xote. — Only one of the essays in this collection was
g'vcn in Horace Wliite’s edition [8!>7 8]. The views of
astiat have been adopted by Pcriw in his Political
economy [.‘ifdO.l] and by Ainasa Walter in iiis Science
of wealt.h (IIGIO.Z).
Baldee-IIRe, Ch.arles (Pierre). OiluTres completes.
^Paris, 1868-70. 7 v. Portraits. 18“ 6677.2
Contents. — Vol. I. 2e edition. Notice par T. Gautier;
Les fleurs du mat II. Curiosites csthetiques. HI.
L'art romantique. IV. Petits poems on pro.se (etc.).
V. Ilistoires extraordinaires. par Edgar Poe. Traduc-
tion. VI. Nouvelles hlstnires extraordinaires, par Ed-
ar Poe. Traduction. VH. Aventures dAithur Gor-
on Pym, Eureka (etc.), par Edgar Poe. T'Taduction.
Bayne. Peter. The days of Jezebel, an historical
drama. Boston, iS72. 246 pp. 12“ 2408.54
Bazeet. Thomas Sebastinn. Notes on the epicycloidal
cutting frame. With illustrations. London.
1872. xvi. 192 pp. 8“ A.202.1S
Beaumont. Jean Louis Moreau de. Mdmoires con-
cern,ant les impositions et droits en Europe.
Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1787. 4Y.in2. 4“ . 2291. .50
CnntcMta. — Vol. I. Concemant les droits qui ont lieu
dans les Isles brilanniqucs, les couronnes du Nonl. lea
etats d'Allcraagne, ceux dTtalie, d'Espagne et de Porm-
gal Ilr-iy. Impositions et droits en France.
Shelf. No.
Be-A,uvoip., Ludovic, comte de. Pekin. Jeddo, and
San Francisco. Conclusion of a voyage round
the world. Translated from the French by
-•\gnes and Hcleii Stephenson. 15 engravings.
London, 1872. x. 291+ pp. 16“ 2268.50
Beckoning series. The. By Paul Cobden [pseud.].
Xamely : —
— Going on a mission E. B. 21.60
— The turning wheel E. B. 21.61
Bi'idarrides, P. Chronique de la campague de 1870.
Paris. 1872. 314+ pp. 12“ 4629.60
Beecher. Henry W.ard. Yale lectures on preaching.
New Y'ork. 1872. xii, 203 pp. 12“ 848.11
Beeton, Isabella Mary. Every-day cookery and
housekeeping book. With coloured plates.
New York. N. d. Ixiv. 404 pp. 16“ 180.55
Beitr.vge zur geburtskuiule und gynaekologie, he-
rausgegeben von F. W. voti Sc'auzoni. B. 5-7.
Wurzburg. 1868-70. 3 v. 8“ *5773.51
Belgium. Ministry of the interior. Statistique gend-
rale do la Belgique. 1851 a 1860. Bruxelles.
1805. 3 V. Sm. f“ *2820.51
Contents. — Vol. I. Avant propos; Introduction;
Territoire; Population; Ftat politique, moral et reli-
pieux. II. Elat politique, moral cl religicu.x (suite).
III. Ftat agricolc, industriel ct commercial.
Eeee, William Morrison. Other countries. With
maps and illustrations. London, 1872. 2 v.
S“ 2272.50
Beeeoqlet, Dominique Francois I.ouis. baron Roget
de. Ethiiogenie gauloise. Paris, 1861-72. 3 v.
Illustrated. 8“ 2637.59
Contents. — Vol. I. Introduction. Glos;tairc gaulois.
2c Edition. II. Introduction. Preuvea physiologiques.
Types gaulois ct celto-bretons. HI. Preuves intellectu-
clles. Le genie gaulois.
Beeoe. Charles H. Construction of catch-water res-
civoirs in mountain districts fur the supply of
towns, or for other purposes. London, 1872.
48 pp. 2 folded leaves. 6 folded pi. 8“ . . . *946.52
Brment, C. N. American poulterer’s comp.anion.
New edition. 120 illustrations. New Y'ork.
1871. xvi, 304 pp. Sq. 16“ 1177.28
Bdrein. Vcrwaltnngs-Bericht des Magistrats zu
Berli.i pro 1870. Berlin. 1871. F“ 2820.53
Berrv, William. Pedigrees of Hertfordshire families.
Printed in lithography. I.ondon, xvi, 256+
pp. N. d. F“ *2430.52
— Pedigrees of the families in the county of Hants.
London. 1S.33. 2 v. F“ *2430.53
— Pedigrees of the families of the county of Sussex.
Loudon. 18-30. xi. 393 pp. Illustrated. F“ . *2430.51
Bertheeot, (Pierre Eugene) Marccllin. Traiui dld-
mentaire de chimie organique. Paris, 1872.
xvi. 604 pp. 8“ 3976.55
Be.ste, J. Richard. Modem society in Rome. Lon-
don, 1856. 3 V. 16“ 504.11
Beyee, (Marie) Henri. Lives of Haydn [by G. Car-
pani] and Mozart [by Schlichtcgroll], with
observations on Metastasio, and on tlie present
state of music in France and Italy. From the
French of L[ouisl A[lexandre] C[esar] Bora-
het [pseud., hy R. Brewin]. With notes hy
the author of The sacred melodies [W. Gar-
diner]. 2d edition. London. ISIS, xiv, 496+
pp. 8“ A.216.3
Bibee. Old Testament. Den nya swenska Psalmen-
hoken, framstiilld uti Fdrsiik till swensk Psalm-
historia .af Joh.an Wilhelm Beckman. [Ista-
4de Hiiftct.] Med Portriitter. Stockholm.
1845. 4“ *5413.50
BiBElOTnLquE orientale. Comite, scientijiqtte inter-
national. Chcfs-d’ffiuvrc litteraires de I’lnde,
de la Perse, de I’ilgypte ct de la Chine. I’aris,
1872. 2 v. L. 8“ ? *3022.50
Contents. — Vol I. Rig-Teda. on Livre dc8 hymnes,
trarliiit du panscrit par A. Langlois. lie Edition, revue* .
cotrigi'e et aM^inentced un inde.x anaJjtiquc parTh. Ed.
Foucaux. if. Ilymnes sanscrits, persans, egyptiens*
ap.-yiiens et cliinois. Chi-King, ou Livre des vers Ira-
duit pour la premiere lois ea frangais par G. Fauthier.
Billings. Josh, pseud. See Shaw, Henry W.
Bird-keeping. A practical guide for the manage-
ment of cage birds. Illustrated. London
[1868]. iv. 1.56 pp. 16“ 177.47
Birmingha.m. Report of the sewage inquiry commit-
tee. London, 1871. xxiv.'254+ pp. 11 pi.
8" 8011.56
Bisson. F. S. de Carteret. See De Carteret-Bisson,
F. S.
Black. J.R. The ten laws of health. Philadelphia,
1872. 322 pp. 12“ 1157.31
Be.vckmore, R. D. The maid of Sker. New Y"ork,
V, 1872. 5-182 pp. 8“ 421.29
Shelf. No.
BLANcnE, C. I. Le Burnaturel. Paris, 1872. xv,
353+ pp. S" 3402.63
Blaettek fiir Kuiistgewerbc. ricrau.sgcgcl)en und
rcdigirt von V-alentin Teirich. B. 1. Heft 1.
Wien [1871]. 4» *8070.64
Beois de L.\ Calende, fitienne Gabriel de. L’artil-
leria du 15' corps pendant la campague do
1870-71. Paris, 1871. 213+ pp. 8» 2623.52
Boeck, Axel. Crustacea arapliipoda borealia et arc-
ticii. N.P. [1370], 200, viii pp. 8° 5875.51
Bombet. Louis Alexaudie Cesar, pseud. See Beylk,
(Marie) Ilcnri.
BoNnotiR.s, Dominique. La vie de St. Fr.an5ois Xa-
vier. Nouvelle Odition, augmentee du Precis
dola vie du pere Charles Spiuola, et do la rela-
tion du grand raartyrc du Japon, en 16'22; par
le pere P. J. d’Orl'eans. Avignon, 1828 . 2 v.
12“ 3539.50
BoRtLY. — . Do la justice et des juges. Projet de
reformo judiciaire. I’aris, 1871. 2 v. in 1.
Portraits. Fac-similes. 8“ 2652.50
Bossert. a. Goethe, ses precurseurs et ses contem-
porains. Paris, 1872. xxv, 204+ pp. 8“ . . 2875.51
Boston, J/a«.s. Municipal yonernment. Miscellane-
ous documents. Memorial of S.amnel F. B.
Morse. [Boston] 1872. 103+ pp. 8» . E. B. 115.19
Overseers of the poor. Eighth annual report.
1872. Boston, 1872. 79 pp. 8“ *6357.51
Shelf No
BKiTl,sn museum, London. Bibliotheca Grenvilll-
ana: [or] catalogue of the library bequeathed
by Sir T. Grenville. London, 1842-72. 3 v.
Portrait. 8“ *2133.8
ConttiUs. — Vol. I. Notices of (the) rare and curious
hooka. II, 111. Completing tlie catalogue of the
— Catalogue of rumin.ant mammalia (Pecora, Lin-
naius). By John Edward Gray. London, 1872.
viii, 102 pp. 4 pi. 8® *3838.53
— Department of coins and medals. Select Greek
coins exhibited in electrotype. Loudon, 1872.
43 pp. 12“ 2969.50
BROCKH.At .s. Friedrich Arnold. Catalogue d’utie col-
lection de livres rclatifs principalement a la
revolution fraucaise. Leipzig, 1872. 93+ pp.
8“ *6163.20
Brooks, .Lames. A seven months’ run. up, and down,
and around the world. [Letters to the New
York Evening express.] New York, 1872. xiv,
375 pp. 1 map. 16“ 668.23
Brougham. Henry, lord. Works. Vol. 1-5. Edin-
burgh, 1872. 5 V. 16“ 4579.53
Cvnlnue. — Vol. I. Livpg of philosophera of the
time of George in. 11. Men of letters of the time of
George m. 1TT-V. Statesmen of the time ot George III
and IV.
.Vote. — Contains a special article on the charities of
— Public library. 20th annual report of the trus-
tees. [Boston] 1872. 90 pp. 3 pi. 8“.
E. B. *R. R.. A ll and S. B. *R. R., C.22
South Boston branch. List of books, arranged
by authors, titles, and subjects. Boston, 1872.
71 pp. 8“ *6202.18
*6202,19; E.B. *R. R.,14.1.C, and S. B. *R.R., C.23
Proceeditigs at the dedication. May 16, 1872.
[Boston, 1872.] 22 pp. 8“ . . *R.R., L. 19; *6204.3
E. B. *R.R., A.16; and S. B. 1.32.14; *K.R., C.24
— Plan of Boston made under the direction of
Thomas W. Davis, 1870. [Also, Plan of South
Boston. Scale, 1.500 ft. = 1 in. Size, 7 5-16 in,
X 53 in. Plan of East Boston. Scale, 1500 ft.
= 1 in. Size, 7f in. X 5J in ] Boston, 1871.
Sciile, 500 ft. = 1 in. Size, 4 ft. 4J in. X 2 ft.
lOJ in *44,39.7
— Strangers’ new guide through Boston and vicin-
ity. Boston, 1872. 32 pp. Map. 12“.
E. B. 88.2 and S. B. 159.26
Boston lectures, 1870. Christianity and scepticism.
[Boston, 1872.] vi, 291+ pp. 16“ 5464.18
Boston medical and surgical journal. New scries.
Vol. 1-8. Boston, 1868-71. L. 8“ . . . . E.B. 374.1
Both, Carl. Small-pox. With a scientific exposition
of vaccination. 2d edition. Boston, 1872. 82
pp. 12“ 3798.51
Bouche-Leclercii, a. Les pontifes do I’ancienne
Rome. Paris. 1871. viii, 4.39 pp. 8“ 3462.52
Boucicault, Dion. Je.ssie Brown. [Play.] London,
N.D. 33 pp. 12“ E.B. 165.36
Bouillier. Francisque. De la conscience psycholo-
gie et en morale. Paris, 1872. vii, 206 pp.
18“ 3609.62
Bouniol, Bathild. Les rues de Paris. Biographies,
portraits, recits et legendes. Paris, 1872. 3 v.
18“ 2643.58
Boureoton, Edgar, and Robert, Edmond. La com-
mune et ses idees it tr-avers I’histoire. Paris,
1872. 244+ pp. 18“ 4629.65
Boyd, .John T. Hotel directory and tourists’ guide.
New York. 1872. 189 pp. 8“ 4485.59
Boyeldieu d’Auvigny, Louise. Berthe, on les suites
d’une indiscretion. Tours, 1859. 188 pp. 12“.
S. B. 405.3
Brace, Charles Loring. The d.angerous classes of
New York. New York, 1872 . 448+ pp. Il-
lustrated. 12“ 3574.51
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. Aurora Floyd. New
York, 1871. 170 pp. 8“ E. B. 281.28
Braitiiwaite. Henry Thomas. Esse and posse. A
comparison of divine eternal haws and powers
as severally indicated in fact, faith, and record.
London, 1872. x. 260+ pp. 10“ 5327.26
Bras.?ey. Thomas. Work and wages practically il-
lustrated. London, 1872. xvi, 290 pp. 8“ . . 3647.50
Brigham, Charles B. Quelques observations chirur-
gic.ales. Paris, 1872. vi, 101+ pp. 4 photo-
graphs. 8“ 3741.53
British horological institute, London. The horologi-
cal journal. Vol. 13. London, 1871. Illus-
trated. L. 8“ *8024,50
— Albert Lunel. New York, 1872. 166 pp. 8“ . . 431..31
Brown, James Baldwin. First principles of ecclesi-
astical truth. Essays on the church and soci-
ety. London, 1871. vii. .364 pp. 8“ 3454.59
Browning, Robert. Fifine at the fair, and other po-
ems. Boston, 1372 . 230+ pp. 16“ . . , . . 376.18
— Prince Hohcnsticl-Schwangau. Saviour of soci-
ety. London, 1871. 148-]- pp 16“ 2569a. 51
Buchanan, Robert. The book of Orm. London,
1870. X, 202 pp. 16“ 4558.15
Budlong, Pharaoh, pseud. See Perkins, Frederick
Buechner. (Friedrich Carl Christian) Irndwig. Man
in the past, present and future. F'rom the
German, by W. S. Dallas. London, 1872. xv,
303 pp. 8“ - 5823.2
Same. London ; Asher and co. Philadelphia:
,1. B. Lippincott and CO. 1872. xv, 3d3pp. 8’, 5823.3
Bungener, (Louis) Felix. Lincoln. Zijn Icven, werk
en dood. Naar het Franseh van F. Bungener.
Utrecht. 1866. 113+ pp. Sm. 8“ 4346.50
Burgess, .1. T. Angling. With a ch.aptcr on sea
fishing. London [1867]. viii, 182 pp. Illus-
trated. 16“ 177.46
— Elementary gymnastics. London [1866]. 95
pp. Illu.strated. 32“ 180.118
Burke. Edmund. Origin and ideas of the sublime
and beautiful. 7th edition. Introductory dis-
course eoncerning taste. Loudon, 1773. ix,
342+ pp. 8“ 3607.58
Burke, Ulick Ralph. Handbook of sewage utiliza-
tion. London. 1872. vi. 60+ pp. Sm. 8“ . . 3769.56
Burnand. F. Cowley. Happy-thought hall. Illus-
trated by the author. London, 1872. xii, 227
pp. Sq. 16“ 1829.17
— - Same. Boston [London], 1872. xii, 227 pp.
Sq. 10“ 1829.18
— Happy thoughts. Boston, 1872. xvi, 303 pp.
gq.l0“. E.B. 208.10
— More happy thoughts. Boston, 1871. xiv, 300+
pp. Sq 16“ . f - . . E. B. 268.11
— My health. London, 1872. xv, 290+ pp. Sq.
10“ 1829.21
Burnett, .1. G. Blanche of Br.andywine. [Play.]
New York [cop. 18.58]. 40 pp. 12“ . . E. it. 165.36
Burton, Richard Francis, and Drake. Charles F.
Tyrwhitt. Unexplored Syria. London, 1872.
2 V. Illustrated. Maps and pi. 8“ 3045.54
Bury, S. Manuel du droit public. Lausanne, 1869.
vii, 624+ pp. 16“ 7618.4
Butler. W. F. The great lone land ; a narrative of
travel and adventure in the nortli-west of
America. With illustrations and route map.
London, 1872. x, 388+ pp. 8“ . 4863.50
Byrne, Oliver. The essential elements of practical
mechanics : 2d editioki. London. 1872. xi, 360
pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8“ 3945.53
Cadet, Felix. Pierre de Boisguilbert pr^curseur des
economistes, 1640-1714. Paris, 1870. x, 442
pp. Fac-siraile. 8“ - 3645.51
CiESAR. Cains. Julius. Commentaircs. suiyis du Precis
des guerres de Cesar, par Napoleon. Paris,
1872. 2 V. 16“ 2659,a.5G
Shelf. No.
Shelf. No.
Calderon de la Barca Henao t Riano, Pedro.
GJuvres dramatiques. Traduction de Antoine .
de Latour, avec une dtude sur Calderon, des
notices sur ehaque piece, et des notes. [T.]
1, Paris. 1S71. 8" 3094.61
Calvert, George Henry. Goethe, his life and
works. Boston, 1872. 276 pp. 16“.
847.14, 4849.12, E. B. 118.5, and S. B. 09. 24
Note. — This new contribution to the literature of
Goethe, is a scries of essays on different phases of Goethe’s
character, witli a suinniary of events in chronological
order at the end. Calvert passed a season in Weiniar in
Goethe’s time. Sec his First years in Europe CdltJ.lr].
Carlyle gave the hrst important impulse to the study of
German lucratnre in England, and his Essays [867.1:
88'J.7 ; 899.:!; 22oS..”.] contain well-sustained estimates or
Goethe’s character. Taylor of Noinvich, in liis ilistoric
survey of German poetry [2886.2], which is not, how-
ever, a connected nar.ative, but a series of studies,
with tianslations, allows a due proportion of space to
Goethe. The life in English by Lowes is an e.xccUcnt
biography, and is considerably improved in the last
edition [481:1.23. The leading German life is Viehoft's,
[2016.3; 4219a. 10]. Ecltermanu’s Conversations is val-
uable as disclosing Goethe’s opinions [in Gennau,
10 ’4.4; 4847.26]. Goethe’s Autobiography [in English,
4S19.S; in Gnman. 10 3.1.20; 2909.1.20 ; 4219.1.19, 24;
42:3.1.12, 2o ; 4009.1.17 ; 4909.10], though interesting to tho
student, hardly supplies the place oCa proper biograph-
ical narrative. See Longfellow’s “ Poets and poetry of
Europe ” tdhl.l]. and essays by Emerson, in his Reiire-
sentative alen [876..'i], ’oy De Quincey [89o.l7], and by
Hedge [646.1]. ’* Goethe’s Correspondence witti a sliild
is hetitions. There arc bibliographies of Goctlie-litera-
ture [2160.28 ; 4909.8], and references to authorities in
Thomas’s Biographical dictionary, and in Oettingcr's
Bibliographic biog.-apliique[2l40.11]. Goethe figures in
two of the Muhlbacli novels (by hirs. Mnndtt, ’’Old
Fritz and the new era ” [112.1.')], and “ Goethe and Schil-
ler” [416.22]; and there are dramas upon his career by
Eckhofen, Wagner and H. N. Humphreys.
Calvo. Carlos. Le droit international thcorique et
pratique. Precede d’un expose historique des
progrfis de la science du droit des gens. 2e
edition. T. 1. P.aris, 1870. 8“ 56’2’2.50
Canstatt, Carl Friedrich. Specielle P.athoIogie utid
Tlierapio voin klinischen Standpunkte aus
hearbeitet. Supplement-Band zur Iten und
2ten Auflage. Von E. II. Henoch. Erlangen,
18.>4. xiv, 675 pp. 8“ 3702.52
Capefigl’E. Jean Baptiste Ilonore Raymond. Made-
moiselle de La Vaillitre et les favorites des
trois ages de Louis xiv. Paris, 1859. xi, 276
pp. 18“ . 2049.68
— Mesdemoiselles de Nesle et la jeunesse de Louis
XV. Paris, 1864. vii, 216 pp. Portrait. 18“ . 2S49.69
Carne. Louis de. Voyage cn Indo-Chtne et d;ins
I’empire chinois. Precede d’uue notice sur
I’auteur par le comte de Carn^. Ornd de
gravures et d’une carte. Paris, 1872. xix, 524
pp. 18“ 3018.1
Caro, Elme (Marie). Les jours d’epreuve, 1870-1871.
Paris, 1872. 30!^ pp, 10“ 4629.57
Caron, N. L. L’administration des etats de Bretagne
de 1493 it 1790. Paris, 1872. xvi. 544 pp. 8“ . 4615.12
Carpenter, Mary. Reformatory prison discipline,
as developed hy Sir Walter Crofton, in the
Irish convict prisons. London. 1872. xv, 143-|-
pp. 16“ 5579a. 56
Cartehet-Bisson. F. S. de. See De Carteret-
Bi-sson, F. S.
Castle, The, of the three mysteries. Translated
from the Italian by Edward W. Dawson. New
York. 1872. 117 pp. Portrait. 12“ ..... 509.28
Catalan, Eugene (Charles). Cours d’analyse de
I’uriiversite de Liege. A Igebre. calcul dift’eren-
tiel. Ire partie du calcul integralc. Bruxelles,
1870. 611-(- pp. 8“ 3935.50
Cal’MONT, Georges. Notes morales snr I’homme et
sur la societe. Paris, 1872. SOl-j- pp. 18“ . . 3569.59
Chambrieh. James de. Un pen partout. De
Neuchatel an Bosphore. Paris, 1872. 36o-j-
pp. 18“ 2269.51
CnAMPFLEDRV, pseud. See Hl’SSON-Fleurt, Jules
Frangois Felix.
Chapman, Frederick William. The Chapman fam-
ily or the descendants of Robert Cb:ipman.
Hartford, 1864. 413-1- pp. 9 portraits. 1 pi.
8“ *-2332.50
Ch.aeles I, of England, and Cromwell. Oliver.
[-•Vrticles in regard to them, in slips from
various newspapers.] V. P., V. D. 8“ . . . . *4521.4
Charles, Elizabeth. The cottage hy the cathedral,
and other parables. Leipzig. 1872 . 270 pp.
8q. 16“ 750.49 .and S. B. 269.33
Chateau Morville, The ; or. life in Touraine. From
the French hy E[dward] R[oth]. Phila-
delphia, 1872 . 366 pp. 18“ 789.29
CnniAULT, Antony. Fractures par armes k fen.
Paris, 1872. iv. 310-f pp. 37 pi. 8“ . . . . *3741.54
Christophers, S. W. Hymn'-writers and their
hymns. 2d edition. London [187’2]. xii, 378
pp. Sm. 8“ 3449.73
Church. Florence, formerly Jlixn Jfarryat. Love’s
conflict. Boston [1872]. 244pp. 8“ . .E.B. 241.28
— The prey of the gods. Leipzig, 1872. 419 pp.
Sq. 10“ 750.48 and S. B. 260.1
— Veronique. Boston [18721. 200 pp. 8“ . E. K. 241. ’29
Churchill. Charles Henry. Life of Abdel Kader.
London. 1867. xiv, 331 pp. 16“ 5058.51
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Select letters, witli English
introductions, notes, and appendices hy Albert
Watson. Oxford, 1870. xxx. 639-[- pp. 8“ . 2925.50
Civil service gazette. Vol. 17. [No title-page.] Lou-
don, ISOS. F“ *5260.50
Clarke, Louisa Lane. Common seaweeds of tlie
British coast and Channel islands. With [.5]
tinted plates. London [1865]. 140pp. 10“ . 169.46
Clarke, R. S. The doctor’s daughter. By Sophie
May [psend.]. Boston, 1873 [1872], 330 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ S. B. 129.34
— Little Trudy’s Flyaway series. Little grand-
mother. By Sophie May [pscnc?.]. Illustrated.
Boston, 1872. 202 pp. 16“ 1809.2
Clement, Charles. Brud’hon. Sa vie, ses oeuvres,
et sa correspondance. Orne de 30 gravures.
Baris. 1872. 447 pp. 8“ 8063.50
ClRment, Felix, and IjAROUS.se, Bierre. Diction-
naire lyrique on bistoirc des operas. Baris.
N. D. XV, 765 pp. 8“ *8043.55
COBDEN. Baul./).sfTG2. The beckoning series. _ Going
on amission. Illustrated. Boston, 1872. 3.54
pp. 16“ E. B. 21.60
The turning wheel. Boston, 1872. 364 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 21.61
COBDEN club, London. Essays, 2d series, 1871-2.
London, 1872. vii, 552 pp. 8“ 3565.52
Same. 2d edition. London, 1872. vii, 556 pp.
8“ 3565.57
Cobwebs to catch flies. New edition. London, n.d.
64 pp. Sm. 16“ 450.84
CocHERis, Hippolyte(Frau9ois Jules Marie). Patrons
de broderie et de lingerie du xvi“ siecle. Re-
produits par le precede Lefman et Lourdel.
Baris, 1872. 19-|-pp. S", and reprints of 4 v.
of plates 4006.50
Codman, John. Ten months in Brazil : with notes
on the Paraguayan ’war. 2d edition. New
York. 1872. 218 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . S. B. 337.14
Colbert. Elias, and Ch.vmbeblin. Everett. Chicago
and the great conflagration. With illustra-
tions. Cincinnati, 1872. 5’28pp. Imap. 1’2“ . 2374.50
Coleman, Lyman. Genealogy of the Lyman family,
in Great Britain and America. Albany. 1872.
xvi, 9-533 pp. 2 portraits, frontispiece and
chart, 8“......; *4433.51
College heraldique et archeologique de France,
Paris. Livre d’or de ia noblesse de France.
Buhlid sous la direction deM.de Magny. [T.
5. Bar le comte de Givodan.] Baris. 1844-52.
5v. L. 4“ *2630.51
Collin de Plancv. Jacques Albin Simon (Danton)
Collin, called '. Dictionnairc de la folie et de la
raison. Baris, 1820. 2v . 12“ . . 2679a. 56
COLLiN.s, (William) Wilkie. Miss or Mrs. ? Leipzig,
1872. 236 pp. Sq. 16“ . . . 750.47 and S. B., 269.30
— The Moonstone. With illustrations. New York,
1869. 22:1pp. 8“ E. B. 301.10
Colvin, Sydney. Children in Italian and English
design. With illustrations. London, 1872.
60+ pp. 12 pi. 4“ .*8072.51
CONINGTON. John. Miscellaneous writings. Edited
hy .1. A. SvTnonds. With a memoir, hy H. J.
S. Smith. London, 1872 . 2 v. 8“ 2505.50
CoiKenw. — Vol. I. Memoir; English literature; Latin
literature; General scholarshij); Essaystroin the“ C^n-
tempoiarv review*.*' II. Virgil trauslaled into English
prose; Ai)peudix.
Cooke. John Esten. Doctor Vandyke. With illus-
tratious. New York, 1872. 142 pp. 8“.
421.28, E. B. 241.38, and S. B. 141.36
Cooke. M. C. A fern hook for everybody. London
[1867]. T24pp. 12 pi. 16“ 1158.’26
— One thousand objects for the microscope. With
500 figures. London [ISOS], iv,123pp. 12pl.
Cooper. James Fenimorc. Afloat and ashore. A
sea tale. Illustrated. New York, 1872. [Cop.
1861.] 549 pp. 12“ .***4399.41
— The crater. Illustrated. New York, 187’2. [gob-
1861.] 494+ pp. 12“ ***4.399.42
SheU'. No.
Cooper, James Fenimore, continued.
— Homeward bound. Illustrated. New York, 1872.
532 pp. 12“ ***4399.40
— Jack Tier. Illustrated. New York, 1872. {Cop.
1860.1 511 pp. 12“ ***4399.43
— Mercedes of Castile, or the voyage to Cathay.
Illustrated. New York, 1872. {Cop. 1861.]
xii, 530 pp. 2 pi. 16“ ***4399.39
— Miles Wallingford. Illustriited. New York. 1872
I Cop. 1861.'] 467 pp. 12“ ***4399.51
— The pilot. Illustrated. New York, 1872. {Cop.
1859.] xiii. 486 pp. 12“ ***4399.44
— The Red rover. Illustrated. New York, 1872.
[Cop. 1839.] 522 pp. 12“ ***4399.45
— The redskins, being the conclusion of the Little-
page manuscripts. Illustrated. New York,
1872. [Cop. I860.] 5.36 pp. 12“ ***4399.46
— The sea lions. Illustrated. New York, 1872.
[Cop. I860.] 490 pp. 12“ ***4399.47
— The two admirals. Illustrated. New York, 1872.
[Cop. I860.] 576 pp. 12“ ***4399.48
— The water-witch. Illustr,ated. New York, 1872.
[Cop. 1860.] 462 pp. 12“ ***4399.49
— The Wing-and-Wing. or Le Feu-follet. Illus-
trated. New York, 1872. [Cop. I860.] 486 pp.
12“ ***4399.50
Cooper. William Durrant. Notices of Anthony Bab-
ington of Dethick, and of the conspiracy of
I. 386. [London] 1862. 177-199 pp. 8“ . . . 4527.13
COOPLAND. R. M. A lady’s escape from Gwalior,
and life in the fort of Agra during the mutinies
of 1837. London, 18.59. iv. .316 pp. Sra. 8“ . 3049.51
Cornell, William M. Life and public career of Hor-
ace Greeley. [Also, Sketch of the life of B.
Grata Brown.] Boston. 1872. 312 pp. 2 por-
traits. 12“ 518.26
.Vofe. — Tins book and Rcavis’s Representative life
[.318.27] have been written for the present political cam-
paign. Parion‘3 X.ite [1.318.6; 1.522.1.3] is the best gen-
eral biography. See also Bongay's Oft‘-hand takings
[1.3-9.28]. Mrs. Stowe'a Men ot our time [1.322.8], and
Putnam s magazine for .Toly, 183.3. Greeley's own Rec-
ollections of a busy life [1.322.11 ; 444.3.2] is a series of
rambling papers, largely political, and avoitling (on ac-
count of Parton’s previous labors) the continuity of a
regular life.
COENBDET, Michel. Journal du sitige do Paris (18
septembre 1870-29 Janvier 1871). Paris, 1872.
482-t- pp. 18“ 4629.62
Costa de Bealtiegard, Joseph Henri, marquis de.
Melanges tires d’un portefeuille militaire. Tu-
rin, 1817. 2 V. 8“ 3957.50
COL’RD.AVEAEX. Victor. Eschyle, Xenophon, et Vir-
gile. Ktudes philosophiques et litt^raires.
Paris, 1872. x. 363-|- pp. 8“ 4957.8
Cournot, Antoine Augustin. Considerations sur la
marche des idees et des (ivenements dans les
temp’s moderncs. Paris, 1872. 2 v. 8“ . . . . 3565.55
CotvAN, John F. Will Wallies. New York, 1871.
9S-t- pp. 12“ E. B. 22.63
Cratc-Kno.x. Isa. See Knox. Isa Craig.
Craik. Dinah (Maria) Muloch, formerly Miss Mu-
lorh. Adventures of a brownie. Illustrated.
New York, 1872. 139 pp. Sq. 16“ . . . . E. B. 18.45
and fS. B. 136.26
— Fair France. Impressions of a traveller. Leip-
zig, 1872. 296 pp. Sq. 16“ . . 655.13 and S. B. 349.21
— Is it true? New York, 1872. 208 pp. Illus-
trated. 16“ S. B. 136.19
— A life for a life. New York, 1871. 396 pp. 12“.
E. B. 307.22
Creasy, Nfr Edward (Shepherd). The imperial and
colonial constitutions of the Britannic empire,
including Indian institutions. London. 1872.
XV, 403-1- PP- 6 maps. 8“ 4514.40
Credo. Townsend, Luther Tracy S. B. 318.41
CiiEMER. Camille. (Juelqucs homines et quelques in-
stitutions railitaircs. Souvenirs retrospeetifs.
Paris, 1872. iii. 200 pp. 12“ 2659.57
CuRTEis, George Herbert. Dissent in its relation to
the church of England. London, 1872. xxiv,
448 pp. 16“ 3467.50
CzYNSKi. Jean. Kopernik et ses travaux. Paris.
1847. iii, xvi, 314-|- pp. Portrait. 8“ . . . . 2345.50
Daily Richmond examiner. [Imperfect.] Rich-
mond, 1862, 63. 2 V. 4“ *F.1.1
Note. — In the volume for 18G3. the number.^ for Jan.
II. 24. 27, 28. .11. Feb. 4-8. 12-1.3, 17, 19, 20-22. 2.3, Mar. 1,
5. 11, 11, 15-18, 26, 29, 11, ftlay 17, June .‘10, Aug. 27. Sept.
27. 30. Oct. 3, 4; 7, 27, Dec. 2G. are missing; tliOsefor Jan.
29 and Oct, 9 are replaced by 'The daily Richmond en-
quirer: those for Feb. 11, 18. 24, 2(h-28, Mar 4. 6, 10, 12,
90-22. 24, 25. 27, 28 by the Daily dispatch ; and those for
Mar. 8 and Oct. 2 by the Daily Richmond wliig.
shelf. No.
Daily Richmond examiner, continued.
In the volume for 186.1, the numbers for Mar. 28. 30.
Juno 4, 6, 11. 19, 26, 27, July 21, 29, Aug. 22, Sept. 14. Oct.
31, Nov. 20. Dee. 2(!, are missing ; tliose for Feb. 18. 5Iar.
27, .11, April 2, 17, Juno 2, 16. July 3, 4. 22. 27 are replaced
by The daily Riclimond eniiuirer; and those for Oct. 10,
1.3-17, 19, 23, 24, 28, 27, 29, Nov. 5, 0,9, 18, 21, 23, Dec. 9,
17, 21-25, 30 by The sentinel.
DALsfiME, A. J. Histoire des conspirations sous la
commune. Paris, 1872. iii, 32S-]- pp. 12“ . . 4629.67
Dalton, John Call. Spontaneous generation. New
York. 1872. 42 pp. 8“ 3886.52
Datoet, Ernest. Fleur de PechiS. Paris, 1872.
326-[- pp. 12“ 2679a.53
Davenant, Sir Willl.am. Dramatic works. With
memoir and notes. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1872.
Sm. 8“ 2478.59
Confente. — Yol. I. Prefatory memoir ; Albovine:Thc
cruel brother; The just Italian; The temple of love; Tlie
prince d'amour.
Davies, Lady (Lucy) Clementina. Recollections of
society in France and England. London, 1872.
2 V. 16“ 2545.52
De Carteret-Bis.son, F. S. Our schools .and col-
leges. London, 1872. 519 pp. Sm. 8“ . . . . 5599.52
De Costa, B. F. The fight at Diamond island, L.ake
George. New York. 1872. 11 pp. L. 8“ . . *4422,55
Deinhardstein, .Johann Ludwig. Gesammelte dra-
matische Werke. Leipzig, 1848-57. 7 v. 16“ . 2877.51
Cm*ents. — X^obl. I.icbe und Liebelei; Der Egoist.
XI. Brautstand und Ebestand; Das dimantene Kreiiz;
lilodcstus. III. Venvandlungen der Licbc; Zwei Tage
aus dem Leben eines Fursten. IV. Erzherzyg Jlax-
imilians Brautzng; Stradella; Irrthiim und Licbc. V.
Fiirst und Dichter; Die rothe Scbleife : Florette; Der
■Wittwer: Der Cast. VI. Hans Sachs; Die verschleicrte
Dame; Die Giinncrschaflon ; Drs Bild der Danae,
■VII. Boccaccio: Madchenlist ; Pigault-Lebrun; Gar-
rick in Bristol.
Dejean de Fourogue, Numa. Croyanees philoso-
phiques. Paris, 1872. viii. 203-[- pp. 18“ . . 3699.65
Delarue, a. Sous Paris pendant I’invasion 1870-71.
Paris, 1871. 492+ pp. 16“ 46'29.54
Delesse, Achille. Lithologic des mers de France et
des mere principales du globe. Paris. [1872].
Toxte, 2 V. in 1. 1 map, 8“ ; atlas, 3 maps.
f“ .*5821.6; atlas *58.n.2
Delpit. Martial. Le 18 mars ; rdeit des fails et re-
cherche des causes de I’insurrection. Paris,
1872. 373, 284 pp. 8“ . 2625.78
— Essai sur les anciens pelorinagcs a .Tdrusalem,
suivi du texte du Pelcrinage d’Arculphe.
Paris, ISrO. xxxv, 388 pp. 8“ 3045.55
DeMille, .James. The “ B. O. W. C.” series.
Picked up adrift, Illustrated. Boston, 1872.
335 pp. 16“ E. B. 28.54 and S. B. 112.31
De Morgan, Camphell. Origin of cancer: consid-
ered with reference to the treatment of the dis-
ease. London, 1872. v. 87 pp. Sm. 8“ . . . 3748.50
DENlfeRE. G. La Jurisdiction eonsulaire de Pan.?.
1563-1792. Paris, 1872. vii, 588 pp. 8“ . . . . 2612.50
Denison. Edward. Letters and other writings. Ed-
ited by Sir Baldwyn Leighton. 2d edition.
London. 1872. xv, 257 pp. 8“ 2447.53
Denison. Mary Andrews. Myra Sherwood’s cross,
and how she bore it. Boston, N. n. 337 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 24.50
Derajiey, j. P. L’apotre Saint Paul. Paris. 1372.
xxiv, 493-]- pp. 8" . ._ . 3.555.58
Dernier. Le, des Napoldon. 2e edition. Paris. 1872.
400 pp. 8“ • .2648.54
Deseret deserted; or the last days of Brigham
Young. [A drama.] New York {nop. 1858].
28 pp. 12“ E. B. 165.36
Des Godins de Souhf.smes, Gaston. Blocus de
Metz cn 1870. Verdun-sur-Meuse, 1872. 248-]-
pp. 8“ 2822.51
Des PALLiiiRES, Martin. Campagne de 1870-1871.
Orleans. Paris, 1872. 444-]- pp. 3 maps. 8“ . 2625.75
Deotsch-Franzoesisch-Englisciib symbolische
Wdrtersammlung. Neu bearbeitet von H. P.
Skelton. Leipzig, 1863. x, 103 pp. Illus-
trated. 4“ 2S80a.50
Deutsche Zeitung. Woebensebrift fiir Politik,
Staatswissenschaften, Krieg-und Hcerwcscu,
Landwii thschaft Industrie und Tcchnik, Bdrse
und Verkehr. Kunst. Theater und Literatur.
1 Jahrg. Berlin. 1870. F“ .*5220.51
Dexter, Franklin Bowditch. Addresses of the living
graduates of Yale college. June, 1872. 1st
edition. [New Haven, 1872.] 83 pp. 12“ . . 4387.63
Dickens. Charles (.Tohn Huffam). A cyclopedia of
[his] best thoughts. Compiled by F. G. De
Fontaine. [No.'l.] New York, 1872 . 8“ . . 2573.50
Shelf. No.
Dickens, Ch.irles (John Iluffam). continued.
— Tho Dickons dictionarj’. See Pierce. Gilbert
Asliviile 397.1.) ; *6tM14.27 ; *0604.28
*11. R.. 15.7; E. B.*R. R., E.8; and S. B. *R. U., D.9
Didot, Ambroiso Eirmin. Essai .■^ur la typosiraphie.
Paris, ISdl. (2) pp., 559-922 col. 4 pi. 8“ . 2112.27
Diez, Friedrich Christian. Anciens glossaires ro-
mans corriges et expliques. Traduit par Al-
fred Bauer. Paris. 1870. xi, 140 pp. 8“ . . *2672.52
Disraeli, Benj.amin. Sybil Alroy. Kew edition.
Eondon, 1866. 320 pp. 16“ ........ . 469.30
Djagann.\tiia. Le Bhatmni-Viiasa. Texte San-
scrit, itvec tine traduction cu franyais et des
notes par Abel Bergaigne. Paris, 1872. x,
124-)- pp. 8“ *2672.54
Doccments sur les evenements de 1870-71. Paris,
1872. 3 V. 12“ 4629.60
Ccmtentit, — Vol. I. Bittcratare ofKcielle sous la com-
mune; Trochu et Palikao; Bnzaine et Changaruicr;
l.cs luanifestes du comte tie Cliambord. II. L’ariufe
do Versailles; La erise const itutiouclie eu aout 1871;
Message de M. Tliiers; Situation industricUe ct com-
luerciale de Paris cn octobre 1871. III. Lcs pieces du
dossier de laeouinniue depuis fouverture dcs const ils
de guerre jcsipi'a laliude lanueclSri; rapports, requisi-
toircs, jugements.
Dodge. JIarv Abigail. Little folk life. By Gail ITam-
iltou New York. 1872. 219 pp. 16“.
E. C. 21.43 and S. B. 130.26
Doelfus, Charles. Considdrations sur histoire. Le
monde antique. Paris, 1872. 59G-|- pp. 8“ . 2227.51
Donald, .Tames. Land drainage, embankment, and
irrig.ation. New edition. London, N. D. 9-
148 pp. Iliustrated. 16“ A.202.16
Doolittle. Justus. Vocabui.ary and hand-book of
the Chinese language. Romanized in the Man-
darin dialect. Vol. 1. Foochow, 1872. 4“ . *3033.61
CoiihMt«. — Vol. I. English and Chinesc-
DorE. (P.aul) Gustave. Two hundred sketches, hu-
morous and grotesque. 2d edition. London.
N. D. 86 pp. 4“ *4570.50
Doisotiiea Trudel ; or, the pr.aycr of faith. Revised
edition. With a sketch of the institution at
Ma inedorf, as now conducted, and an intro-
duction by C. Cullis. Boston [1872], 185 pp.
16“ 569.32
Dodai. Adolf. Der Kindergarten in Amcrika.
[.Inon ] New York. 1872 . 31-|-pp. 12“ . . 5599a. 50
DocoL.-vs, .kmaiul.a M. [Kathie’s stories ] In the
ranks. Boston, 1872. 278 pp. Illustr.ated.
16“ E. B. 322.42
Kathie’s h-arvest days. Boston. 1872. 272 pp.
Iliustrated. 16“ E. B. 322.43
— Lucia: her problem. New York, 1872. 315 pp.
12“ S. B. 242.37
Docgl.vs. Walter. Life. Boston. 1872. 13Spp. 16“. 569.29
Downing. Charles. .Selected fruits : from Downing’s
Fruits and fruit-trees of America. Illustrated.
New York. 1872. x, 3-679 pp. Sm. 8“ . . ._ . 6009.52
Dowson. John. A grammar of the Urdu or Hindus-
tani language. London, 1872. xv, 264-)- px).
Sm. 8“ 5039.50
Drake. Francis Samuel. List of memb.ers of the
Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati; in-
cluding a roll of the original members with
brief biographies. Boston, 1872. vi, 75-)- pp.
8“ *2352.50
Drama.s, Collection of. v. P., V. D. 12“ . . . E. B. 165.36
Confenix. — .4drienne, the actress, by J. O.vcnf.rrd ;
TJudiuc, by G. Loaue; Jessie Brown," by JI. Bouci-
cauit; A.suiodeu.s, adapted tVom the I rcnchof Scribe,
bvT.Areher; TlieMormons, by T. D. English ; Blanche
of Brandywine, by J. G.Buruett; Viola, byE. Maturin;
Deseret deserted.
DRASonf:. TTenri. Mdmoire de ses enterprises indus-
triclles. [No title-page. In lithographic script.
Baris. 1867.] 63 pp. F“ *5640.51
Dresser. IIor.ace E. United States tariff and inter-
nal revenue law, with the acts of which it is
amcnd.atory, and a full alpliabetical fable of
the tariff; also, a table of internal taxes, a co-
pious ;uialvtical index [etc.]. New York, 1872.
128 pp. 8“ 6645.50
Drinkw.vter. Jennie M. Marion’s little sister, and
the hard thing she found to do. Boston, 1870.
214 lip. Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 14 58
Duberi.v. J/rs. Henry. Campaigning experiences in
R.a.ipootana and Central India during the sup-
pression of the mutiny. 1857-58. With maps.
London. 18.39. viii, 254 jrp. Sm. 8“ 3047. .52
Dubois. E. Le Mexique, ou les Frausais it Mexico.
Rouen, 1865. 191 pp. 8“ S. B. 404.2
Slwir. No.
Dubois. Lticien. Chapitres nouveaux sur le sidge et
la commune, 1870-1871. Baris, 1872. 314-)- jri).
16“ 4029.62
Du Buisson. Baul Ulric. Abrege dc la revolution de
I’Amerique angloisc. Bar M, ***, Americain.
Baris. 1778. 431 pp. 12“ 4426.51
DuOH.aiNE, Gustave and Bic.4RD. Edmond. Manuel
pratique de la jirofession d’avocat. [Avec
Bibliographic ] Baris, 1869. xv. 548 pj). 8“ . 3636.8
Dudevant, Am iatiao Lurile .\uroro Dtipin. I,es
beatix messieurs de Bois-Dore. Bar George
Sand [ 7).wuc7.] Nouvelle ddition. Baris, 1868.
2 V. ls“ 2679a. 51
— Francia. Bar George S.aud [7)4C!«f.]. Baris.
1872. 281-)- pp. 18“ 2679a.55
DuME-SNiL-M.MttGNV, ,TuU‘S. Histoire de I’economie
politique des anciens penplea de I’Inde. de
I’Egypto, de la Judee et de la Grece. Baris,
1872 . 2 V. 8“ 3645.60
Dunn, Samuel. A new atlas of the mundane system.
3d edition. London [1780-S.l]. 20 pj). F“.
[Imperfect.] *6280.53
Dovine, Charles Franejois. Origin of all religious
worship. Transl.atcd from the French. "New
Orleans, 1872. 433 pp. 1 folded pi. 8“ . . . 3487.52
Dupuy. Eliza A. The planter's daughter. Bhil.adcl-
phia, 1858 . 416 pp. 16“ E. E. 307.21
Divut De Lome. Stanisl.as Charles He iri Laurent.
Note sur I’aerostat a helice construit pour le
compte de I’etat. Baris, 1872. 07-)- pp. 9
folded pi. 4“ 3961.50
Dussieux. Louis (liticnno). Histoire gendr.ale de la
guerre de 1870-1871. (Seconde'c.ampagne de
France.) Baris, 1872. vii, 291-)- jtp. IS® . . 2623.88
DuvinE, James. Utilization of towns’ sewage, par-
ticularly with reference to its application to
Breston. Illustrated. Breston. 1870. '29pp. 8“ . A.202.13
Du Tbem-lev. I’. V. Manuel du condneteur dcs
machines k vapeurs combinees. Lyon, 1850,
51. 43S-[- pp. 8 pi. 8“ 8016.51
Eassie. William. Healthy houses. With illurtra-
tions. New York, 1872. viii, 228 pp. 16“.
E. li. 34.-19 .and .S. K. 317.26
East.man. Julia A. School days of Beulah Romney.
Bo.ston. 1872 . 449 pp. Illustr.ated. 16“ . E. E. 14.52
Edelman, George W. Bullion dealer’s guide. 2J
edition. New York. 1868. 37 pp. 8“ . . . *3642.50
Eden, Charles H. My wife and I in Queensland.
Iwandon. 1872. 346-)- pp. Map. Blate. Sm.
8“ 5046.55
Edwardes. »8ir Herbert Beniamin, and Merfvale,
Herman. Life of Sir Ilenry Lawrence. Lon-
don. 1372. 2 V. 8" 2441.50
Edwards, Annie. Ought we to visit lier ? Leipzig,
1872. 2 V. Sq. 13“ 7.30.65 and S. B. 269.28
Eliot. George, peeml. See Lewes. Marian.
Elliot. Frances. Diary of an idle woman in Italy.
Leipzig. 1872. 2 v. Sq. 10“ . 1079.0 and S. It. 349.20
Elliott. .-Hfred. Out-of-doors; a handbook of g.ames
for the playground. London, 1872. 225 [223]
pp. 16“ 186.16
Within-doors ; a book of games and pastimes for
the drawing-room. With a ehaptcr on feath-
ered pets. 'Loudon, 1872. 205 pp. Illustrated.
18“ 186.15. E. B. 37.34. and S. B. 81.5.23
Emery, Sarah A. Throe generations. Illustrated
Boston, 1872. 2U+ pp. 8“.
411.17 ; E. B. 241.5-1 and S. B. 141.37
Emilkroob.M. Fabrics. A story of to-day. [Aimn.]
New York [18711. 380 pp. 12“ E. B. 242.4
ilNAULT. Louis. Histoire d’une femme. Baris, 1872.
472-}- pp. 16“ 2679n.54
Engel. L. l.cs ferments alcooliqucs. Etudos inor-
phologiques. Baris, 1872. 60-)- pp. I P^- 4® , 3(91.50
English. Thomas Dunn. The Mormons. [I’lay.]
New York. N. D. -43 pp. 12“ ...... E. B, 165.36
Erckmann. Emile, and Ch.utrtan. Alexandre. A
man of the jicople. A talc of 1848. From the
French. London. 1871. 2 v. 16“ 418.28
Ernouf. Alfred Auguste, baron. Les Fran^ais cn
Brnsse (1807-1808) d'apres des doeumeiits con-
tomporains rccucillis en Allcmagnc. Baris,
1872. 3'20 pp. 18" • 2829.54
— Souvenirs de I’invasion prnssienne en Nor-
mandie. Baris. 1872 . 2S6-)- pp. ].S“ . . . .2829.55
Erwin, AVilliam. The destiny of man. New T ork.
1872. 312 pp. 12“ ■ -3459.70
Ethel klildmav’s follies. By- the author of " Betite’s
romance.” Boston, 1872. 173 pp. 8“ .... • 411.21
Etkjuf.tte of the dinner-table: including carving.
With illustrations. London [1807]. 95 pp.
32“ 180.119
81 ^ '
Shelf. No.
Shelf No.
EucfiDES. Elementa, Gracce et Latino. Commen-
tariis instnicta edidorunt loannes Guilelnuis
C.amorcr ctCaroluh Fridcrieus Ilaubor. Bero-
liiii, 18o4, 35. Plates. 2 v. 16» 3926.59
Conietits. — Vo!. I. Libri 1-3. II. Libri 4-G.
FlUiNCE. Miniatry of public inatructlon, continued.
giiisti(]iie.] Paris, 1869, 70. 2 v. Pi., and
woodcuts in the text. F“ *2650.50
OJuvres do Lagrange, pnbliees par Ics soins do
J. A. Sorret. Paris, 1867-70. 5 v. 4“ . . . . 3911.50
Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson. Augusta J.
Evans, John. Ancient stone implements, weapons,
and ornaments of Great Britain. Loudon,
1872. xvi, 640 pp. 2 j)l. Illustrated. 8“ . . 2533.3
E.XILED soul. The. A legend. Also. Semeia, the
Christian. Translated from tlic French. By
Sue Blakely. Boston, 1872. 109 pp. Sm.l6“. 509.27
Fabrics. A story of to-day. Emilkroob, M. . E. B. 242.4
Farley. J. I.ewis. Modern Turkey. London, 1872.
xii, 353 ])p. 8“ .5084.14
Farrar, Frederic William, duiian Home. Philadel-
phia, 1800. 420 pp. 12'' 455.13
FLlice. G. de. How and why ? or, search the Scrip-
tures. From the French. Boston, 1872. 221
pp. 10» 1119.21
FtNELON. Francois de Salignac de La Mothe. Selec-
tions from [his] writing.^. With a memoir.
Boston, 1829. v, 204 pp. 12“ S. E. 359 11
Fern, Fannj-, pseud. See 1’arton, Sara Payson.
Ferr.vgus, /jwnf. See Ulbacii. Louis.
Ferris. Benjamin, lli.story of the original settle-
ments of the Delaware, to the colonization by
Penn. Added an account of the ecclesiastical
aft'airs of the Swedish settlors, and a history of
Wilmington. Illustrated. Wilmington, 1846.
xi. 312 pp. 3 maps. L. 12“ 2.372 50
Fetkidge, William Pembroke. Harper’s h.and-book
for travellers in Europe and the East. With
maps and iilans of cities. 11th year. Jfew
York. 1872. 763-fpp. 12“ 0274.25
Feuillet, Octave. The story of Sibylle. Translated
from the French by M. H. T. Boston, 1872.
1.33 pp. 8“ 803.2
Fidelity rewarded. Boston, N. D. 2.33 pp. 16“. . 500.71
Field. Horace. Glitter and gold. Philadelphia, 1872.
ix. 3S7-|- pp. 16“ 445.10
Field.s, James Thomas. Yesterdays with authors.
Boston. 1372. 3.52-t-pp. 12“ S. B. 34.16
Finding shelter. Boston [1872]. 183 iip. 16“ . . . 500.73
Fitzgerald, Percy. Life of David Garrick. I.oii-
don, 1803. 2 v. Portraits. 8“ .B. 15. 61.10
Flagg, Wiilitim. A good investment. A story (. f
the upper Ohio. With illustrations. New
York, 1872. 110 pp. 8“ 431.34
Fleming, G. Practical liorseshoeing. AVith 29 illustra-
tions. New York, 1872. 108 pp. 12“.
165.21 andE. B. 33.21
Fletcher, Joseph. History of the revival and prog-
ress of independency in England. London,
1862. 4v. 16“ 3529.51
Folk.ard, Henry Colem.an. The sailing boat : a trea-
tise on English and foreign boats and yachts;
with directions for sailing and management.
4th edition. London, 1870. viii, 381-1- 1>1>-
Sm. 8“ 3956.50
Fontaine, Theodor. Aus den Tagen der Occupa-
tion. Eine 0.stcrreise dureh Nordfrankreich
und Els.ass-Lothringen, 1871. 2te Autlage.
Berlin. 1872 . 2 v. 10“ 4628.52
Forres i'er. Francis, pseud. See AVise, Daniel.
Forrester, JUrs. — . Fair women. Boston, N. d.
169 pp. 8“ E. B. 241 37
— Myhero. Philadelphia, N.D. 317-]- pp. 16“. E. 13.242.15
Foster, Elon, and others. Dictionary of illustra-
tions adapted to Christian teaching. AVith
textual and topical indexes, [lievised and in-
creased by J. G. Pilkington.] London, 1872.
839 pp. L. 8“ *5432.50
FocRNifi, Edouard. Physiologic du systeme nerveux.
Paris. 1872. xv. 832 pp. 8“ 3801. .51
Fournier, Henri. Traite de la typographic. 3e edi-
tion. Tours. 1870. 492-1- pp. 8“ 6116.1
France. Ministry of ayrkulture and commerce.
, Becucil des travaux dn comite ccnsultatif
d’hygi^no pnblique de France ct des actes
oflieicls de radministration sanitaire. T. 1.
I’aris. 1872. 8" *3762.50
— Ministry o f public instruction. Bibliothfcque de
I’ecole des hautes etudes. Sciences philolo-
giques et historiques. Paris, 1869-72. 4 v. 8“.
Mamely : —
Same. Excrciccs critiques de la conference
de philologie grecque. Ire livraison. 1872 . .*2672.54
Manuscrit Troano. £tudes sur le systOmc
graphique ct la langue des Mayas, par M.
Brassonr de Bourbourg. [Mission scientilique
au Mexique et dans I’Amgrique centrale. Lin-
Contents. — A'ol. I. ‘Notice sur la vie ct Ics ouvTagcs
de Liigrangc, pur M. Delainbrc; Menioircs extraits des
recucnsdel'acadenuede Turin. II. Meinoires extraits
des recueils de lacadeinie de Turin (suite); 5I6moircs
extraits des rceut ils de I'acadt'niic royale des sciences et
beiics-iettres de llerlin. III-V. Menioircs extraits ties
rceucils do I'academic royale des sciences et belles-lettres
de Berlin (suite).
— Ministry of war. Bibliothfeqne de I’armde fran-
gaise. Paris, 1872. 16y. 16“.
Kumely : —
— Ctesar, C. J. Commentaires. 2 v 2659a. 56
— Frederick li, king of Pnissia. G2uvrcs histo-
riques. 3 v. ‘ 2059a. 50
— .Tosephus. F. Siege de .It nisalem 2659a.51
— Motitlnc, B. de Lasscran-JIassencome de. Com-
mentaires. 4 v 2059a. 57
— Napoleon i. Campagnes d’ltalic, d’Egyptc ct de
Syrie. 3 v. 16“ 2659a. 52
— Sallustius, C. C. Guerre de Jugurlha 2059a.55
— Turenne, II. de La Tour d’Auvergtie, vicomte
de. Meraoires 26.59a. .53
— Xenophon. Expedition des dix miilc 2659a. 54
— Legislm.ire documents. Enquete parlementaire
sur I’insurrection du 18mars. Versailies, 1872.
2 V. 4“ ... 2620.50
Confmts. — Vol. I. Rapports. II. Depositions des
— Carte oragraphique, hydrographique, et routiere
de la France, comprenant le bassin du Uliin et
la rdgion des Alpes oecidentales, rdlluite de ia
nouvelle carte de France de I’etat-major dres-
see au ddpdt de la guerre. Paris, 1872. Size,
3 ft. llj in. X 3 ft. 7 in
.Vote. — There is a sub-sketch of Corsica, size,
7 1-2X4 13-16 in.
— Ligue deVenseignement. Cercle pnrisicn. Bul-
letin. 1870, 71. Mtigny [etc.]. 1870, 71. 8“ . . 5599.53
France. Ea, et la I’russe "devant I’hi.stoire. 2e ddi-
tion. Le Havre, 1871. 79 pp. 18“ 4629.58
Francois-Franquet, — . Sedan, en 1870 ; la b.ataille
’et la capitulation. Paris, 1872. 144 jiii. 1
folded mtq). 8“ 2623.57
Franklin, Benjamin. Gcdcnkschriftcn. Bestaande
in nitgelczen brieven. Naar liet EngeLsch.
Haarlem, 1817. viii, 333 pp. 8“ 4440a.30
— Leven, door hem zelven heschrovea. Benevens
dcszcifs zede-, staat-. lettcrkundigc en gecstige
schriften. Lit hot Engcisch. Groningen, 1798,
1800, 2v. 8" 4440a.29
— Mblanges do raoralcj d’economie ct de politique.
Prdeedt's d’une notice sur sa vie, par -1. C.
Henouard. Paris, 1824. 2 v. Sm. 16“ . . . 4440a, 27
Frederii'K H. Ainf/ q/'/Vtt.ysta. Fivderie. (Euvres
liistoriquos (1740-1703), suivies du Precis des
guerres de Frederic, par Napoltion. I’aris,
1872. 3 V. 16“ 2659a.50
Freeman. Edward Augustus. Grow'tli of the Eng-
li.-'h constitution. Leipzig, 1872. 2.37 i>p. Sq.
10“ • . . . 987.12 and S. 13. 288.1
Frickell. G. The secret out; or, one tliousand
tricks in drawing-room or wliite magic. Trans-
lated and edited by AV. H. Cremcr. jr. AA’ith
300 illmstrations. London [1.S70]. iv, 307 pi).
16“ . ■ V - SA ■ E. 13. 37.35 and S. 13, 47.25
Fysh, Frederic. O^he beast and ids image.” Or the
pope and the council of Trent. A commentary
upon Revelation xiii. London, 1337. xvi, 547-]-
pp. 8“ 3403.50
G.\il Hamilton, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail.
Gallay. Jules. Les instruments des ecoles itali-
ennes. Catalogue. Paris, 1872. 153 pp. 12“ . 8049.53
Gannett, Ezra Stiles. Services in [his] memory.
[Aug., Sept., and Oct., 1871.] Boston, 1871.
71 pp. 8“ ■ . . . . 4444.54
Ganot, Adolphe. Natural pliilosopliy for gener.al
readers and young persons. Translated by E.
Atkinson. I.ondon, 1872. x, 522 pp. Illus-
trated. 1 col. pi. 10“ 148.42
Gasparin. Agenor Etienne, comte de. La France,
nos fautes, nos perils, notro avenir. Paris,
1872. 2 V. 18“ 2054.50
GliR.ll'i). LOon. Les etapes d’un ebassenr a pied.
Souvenirs de laAl™ armee do la Loire 1870.
Paris, 1872. 276-]- pp. 18“ 4629.09
Shelf. No.
Germany. [Various publications in regard to the
war of 1866, etc.] Paris: v.D. PPll. v. 8“ . *4824.51
Cordents. — Friedrich Carl Nicolaus, prince of Pruesia^
La cainpa^jc des Pnissions en 1860. 1867. 60 pp. —
France. Ministry of war. Plan de la bataillc de Sadowa.
18*56. Rapporteur, C. Fay. — Same. Carte d'Allemagne.
Rapporteur, C. Fay.
— [Various publications in regard to Germany and
the war of 1866.] V. P., V. D. ppn. V. 8“ . *4824.52
Contents. — Das norddeutsche Bandesheer. Von ci- •
nem preussischen General. Berlin, 1871. 10O+ pp. —
Gablenz, Ileinrich, /Vetfterr von. Meine Erlcbiiissc im
Feldzugc 1866 als Landwelii^Unteroffizier. 2te And.
Berlin, 1867. 100 pp. — Der Bundesfcldzug in B,ayera
im Jahre 1866. 2tc Aufl. tVenigen-Jena. 1866. 68 pp.
— Alittheilung von Thafsachen zur Beleuchtung der
angeblichen *• Enthullungen " uber den badischen Ver-
rath. Karlsruhe, 1866. 24 pp. — B.. II. von. Die
Schlacht bci Kbniggratz am ,3. Juli 1^6. Mit einera
Sehlachtplan imd dem Portrait des Krimprinzen. El-
bing, 1866. 47 pp. — Zur Beurtheilung des Verhaltons
der badischen Fclddivision im Fcldzuge des Jahres 1866.
2te Aufl. Darmstadt. 1866. 63 pp.
Gibbons, Phebe Earle. “ Pennsylvania Dutch,” and
other essays. Philadelphia, 1872. 207 pp.
12“ 4409.56
Giles, Chauncey. Lectures on the nature of spirit,
and of man as a spiritual being. 4th edition.
New York, 1869. 206 pp. 12‘> 5545.56
Gillt, William Stephen. Memoir of Felix Neif.
Boston, 1832. 313 pp. Illustrated. 12“ . S. D. 68.16
Gilman, Arthur. Genealogy of the Gilra.an family
in England and America ; traced in the line of
John Gilman, of Exeter, N. II. [Author’s
sketch of the English branch of the family.]
Albany, 1864. 23+ pp. 4“ *4432.50
ATrfc. — A temporary issue of a portion of a bonk, by
the same author, entitled The Gilman family. Albany :
J. MunseU. 1869.
GnfSBLTiG, Christian D. The Essenes : their history
and doctrines. London, 1864. 82 pp. 16“ . . 3487.51
Giraudeau, Fernand. La verite snr la campagne
de 1870. 4e Edition. Paris, 1871. 7, 134 pp.
18“ 4629.01
Gladstone, John Hall. Michael Faraday. New
York, 1872. 223 pp. Portr.ait. 16“.
2419..54; E. B. 118.6 and S. B. 89.5
Glen Morris stories. By Daniel Wise. Xamebj : —
— Jessie Carlton E. B. 24.39
Goodwin, J/r.v. EC. B. Madge. New York, 1809. 407
pp. 12“ E. B. 242.5
Gol’BAI'd. Mme. Adolphe. Crochet instructions. 24
illustrations. London [1871]. 16 pp. Sq.
16“ 187.36
Gover. Charles E. Folk-songs of southern India.
London, 1872. xxviii. 299 pp. 8“ 3043.51
Grand, Paul. La fabrication des etoffes de soie pour
meubles a Lyon. Lyon, 1867. 33 pp. 16“,
1. p 8020.52
Grandclaude, Eugene. Principes du droit public.
Paris. 1872. xxiii, 308 pp. 16“ 7618.5
Grant, Charles. Gazetteer of the central provinces
of India. 2d edition. Na'gpu'r, 1870. (2), 4,
clvii. 582 pp. 1 folded m.ap. 8“ *3042.52
Great Britain, rarliament. Accounts of the
income and expenditure of the British museum
(special trust funds), for the financial j-ear
ended 31 March. 1872 : ” “ Of the number of
persons admitted to the Museum from 1866 to
1871, with an account of objects added in 1871
[etc.].” [No title-page. London, 1872.] 33
pp. F“ *6120.9
— - North America. No. 3-7. (1872). London,
1872. F“ *4510.15
Contents. — No. 3. Corresponflencerespecting the pre-
sentation at Geneva of the British counter-case to the
arbitrators. 24- pp. — No. 4. Counter-case presented
on the part of the (British) government to the tribunal
of arbitration, vi. l.>4 pp. — No. 4. Appendix to the
ca.se presented on the part of the (British) government.
Reports of committees appointed by the board of trade
and admiralty to examine the lists of claims contained
in vol. 7 of the appendix to the case of the United States,
iv. 111 pp. — No. 5. Correspondence respecting the
presentation of the counter-cases of Great Britain and
of the United States, and the declarations made bv the
agents of the respective governments. 64- pp. — No. 6.
The counter-case of the United States presented to the
tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. 104- pp. — No. 7.
Correspondence respecting claims for indirect losses put
lorward in tlie case presented by the United States’ gov-
ernment to the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. 494-
Greeley. TTorace, and others. The great indus-
tries of the United States. With illustrations.
Hartford. 1872. 1304 pp. 8“ . A.200.13, S. B. 153.12
Shelf. No.
Green. Samuel Abbott. School histories and some
errors in them. Boston, 1872. 7 pp. 8“ . . *4-fe2.57
Green, William S. Coming to Christ. -V poem.
Philadelphia, 1872. 58 pp. 12“ 338.28
Gregory, George. Lectures on the eruptive fevers.
1st American edition. With additions by the
author. With notes and an appendix, and col-
ored pl.Ttes. By H. D. Bulkley. New York,
1851. -viii. 379 pp. 8“ 3794.51
Grier, J. B. Studies in the English of Bunyan.
Philadelphi.a, 1372. 150 pp. ^12“ 6589.13
Grote, George. Aristotle. Edited by A. Bain and
G. C. Robertson. London, 1872. 2 v. 8“ . . 2972.50
GufiROULT, Adolphe. La rdpublique en France.
Paris, 1870. 34 pp. 12“ 2649.70
Goshington, Angelina, ptteud. Thoughts on men
and things. New York, 1872. 270 pp. 12“ . 1829.20
Gltard. Stanislas. Nouvel essai sur la formation du
pluriei brisd en arabe. Paris, 1870. 7, 32 pp.
8“ *2672.51
IlAGAR. D.anicl B. A common school arithmetic.
Philadelphia. 1871. 3.36 pp. 12“ 3933.50
— An elementary arithmetic. Philadelphia, 1871.
208 pp. 12“ 3939.54
— Primary lessons in numbers. Philadelphia, 1871.
112 pp. 12“ 3939.55
Hale, Lucretia Pc.abody. Struggle for life. By the
author of ■' Seven stormy Sundays,” etc. Bos-
ton, 1861. 311 pp. 16“ 4551.5
Hal^vy. Ludovic. L’invasion. Souvenirs et recits.
Paris, 1872. 327+ pp. 18“ 4628.54
Hall, Edward H. Appletons’ hand-book of Ameri-
can travci. Southern tour. With maps. New
York. 1872. xii. 291-432 pp 12“ . . . . 633.2.); 4379.8
ILyllam. Henry. Constitution.^ history of England,
from the accession of Henry vil, to the death
of George il. Incorpor.ating the author’s latest
additions and corrections, and adapted to the
use of students. By W. Smith. London, 1872.
vi, 681 pp. 12“ 998.21
Halley, Edmund. Sea chart of the whole world
shewing the variations of the compass as found
in the year m.d.cc. Reproduced by photo-
iithography from the copy (presumed to be of
the original edition) in the British museum.
London, 1870. Size 45 in. X 19 in 3957.51
H.vmtlton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail.
Hancock. H. J. B. Archery. With illustrations.
London, 1866. 89 pp. 32“ 180.109
Hand-book of the world’s peace jubilee and interna-
tional musie.il festival. With illustrations, and
diagrams of the Coliseum. Boston, 1872. 44+
pp. 12“ 4458.4
Hanover, Marcus Day. On the law of horses, em-
bracing the law of barg.ain, sale [etc.]. Cin-
cinnati, 1872. xxxvii, 245 pp. 8“ 3663.9
Hansen, G. Armauer. Bidrag til Lymphekjertlernes
normale og pathologiske -Anatomi. Christi-
ana, 1871. 47+ pp. Illustrations and 5 pi.
4“ 5740.50
Hardy, Frederick. The A B C of billiards. With
illustrative diagrams. London, 1868. 95 pp.
32“ 180.112
— Chess for beginners. London, 1869. 94 pp. H-
lustrated. 32“ 180.110
— Cribbage and dominoes. London, 1867. 96 pp.
1 pi. 32“ 180.103
— Draughts and backgammon. With illustrative
diagrams. London [1867]. 96 pp. 32“ . . .180.113
— Parlour magic. London, N. D. 94 pp. lilus-
trated. 32“ 180.115
— Ventriloqui.‘=m made easy. New edition, with
coloured illustrations. London [1866], 94 pp.
32“ .... ’. 180.107
— and W.ARE, J. R. The modern Hoyle. London
[1870]. viii. 182 pp. 16“ 186.13
Harris. Edward Doublcday. Account of some of
the descendants of Capt. Thomas Brattle. [No
title-page.] Boston, 1867. 90 pp. Sm.4“. .*2335.57
Harri.s, Sir William Snow. Rudimentary magnet-
ism. 2d edition, revised by Henry M. Noad.
With illustrations. London, 1872. viii, 412 pp.
16“ 819.3
Haskins, George Foxcroft. Six weeks abroad, in
Ireland. England and Belgium. Boston. 1872.
159 pp. Sq. 16“ 653.21 .and E. B. 88.5
Hattie, Aunt, pseud. See B.vker, Harriett Newell
Haweis. Hugh Regin.ald. Thoughts for the times.
London, 1872. xv, 383 pp. Sm. 8“ 3457.65
Hawthorne. Nath.anicl. Septimius Felton. Boston.
1872. 229+ pp. 16“.
5'J ).24, E. IS. 208.12. .and §. B. 353.7
Shelf. No.
H-vt, John, AND OTHERS. Not pretty, but precious,
and other short stories. Illustrated, rhiladel-
phia. 1872. 144 pp. 8“ 411.18
Hayes, John L. The Angora goat: its origin, cul-
ture and products. iloston, 1868. 38-^- pp. 8 “. 3642.56
— Protection a boon to consumers : an address.
Boston, 1867. 55 pp. 8» 3642.55
— The protective question abroad, and remarks at
the Indianapolis exposition. Cambridge, 1870.
66 pp. 8** 3642.53
— Solidarity of the industries as illustrated by the
relations of the woolen manufacture. Ad-
dress. Cambridge, 1870. 23 pp. 8“ 3642.54
Hazen, William Babcock. The school and the army
in Germany and France, with a diary of siege
life at Versailles. New York, 1872. 4o8pp. 8“. 2626.55
Heinzen, Carl. Ueber Komniunismus und Bozialis-
mus. N. P., 1872. 57+ pp. 12“ 5569.53
Helps, Air Arthur. Life and labours of Mr. Brassey
[English railroad contractor]. 1805-1870. Lon-
don. 1872. XV, 3S6pp. Portrait. 8“ 2448.57
Herald of salvation. The. A monthly uusectarian
magazine of Christian literature. Vol.l. Bos-
ton, 1ST2. 8“ 3452.50
n^RiCAULT, Charles d’. Thermidor, Paris en 1794.
Paris. 1872. viii, 283 pp. 18“ 2619.51
Hetrel. Albert. Code orthogr.aphique, raonograph-
ique, et gramatical. Nouvelle raethode don-
nant iramediatement la solution de toutes ies
difficultes de la langue franejaise. 2« edition.
Paris, N.D. xxiii, 273, ill pp. 16“ 4689.50
Heter, Gustav. Das Verhalteu der Waldbaume
gegen Licht und Schatten. Mit 2 Tafeln in
Farbendruck. Erlangen, 18,52. iv, 88+pp. 8“ . 3852.50
Heycate, William Edward. The scholar and the
trooper ; or, Oxford during the great rebellion.
Oxford, 1865. xii, 284 pp. 16“ 2427.13
Heylli, Georges d’, pseud. See I’oinsot, Antoine
Hillern, Wilhelmine von. By his own might. From
tho German. I’hiladolphia, 1872. 397 pp. 12“.
£. B. 322.45
Hippeau, CtSlestin. L’instruction publique en Auglo-
terre. I’aris, 1872. 138 pp. 18“ 3599.53
Histoire militaire ct anecdotique du coup d’dtat
(1851). Paris, 1872. 310 pp. 8“ 2026.57
Historische Zeitschrift. Register zu Band 1-20.
Von Dr. C. Varrentrapp. Munchen, 1869. iv,
1.39 pp. 8“ *5218.51
Hobbes, James R. The picture collector’s manual.
London, 1849. 2 v. 8“ *8083.2
CtmttTUs. — Vol.l. Dictionary of names. 11. Alpha-
betical arrangement of scholars and masters, and classi-
fication of subjects.
Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. A golden sorrow. New York.
1872. 150 pp. 8“.411.19, E.B. 321.45, and S.B. 142.8
Hohenstein, Adolph. Dor Wald.sararat dessen wich-
tigen Einfluss auf das Klima der Lander.
Wien, 1860. 316+ pp. 8“ 3846.50
Holme Lee, pseud. See Parr, Harriet.
Holmes. .John Milton. Sermons. With a commemo-
rative sermon, by G. B. Willcox. Edited with
introduction and commemorative sermon, by
G. B. Bacon. New Haven, 1872. xiii, 363 pp.
Portrait. 12“ 3454,61
Home at Heatherbrae. By the author of Everley.”
2d edition. New York, 1872. 384 pp. 12“ . E. B. 242.22
Homerus. Odyssee. Vossische Ubersetzung. Mit
40 Original-Compositionen von F. Preller. In
Holzschuitt augsefiihrt. Leipzig, 1872. 311+
pp. F" *2990.50
Hood, Thomas, the younger. Love and valor. Boston.
1872. 156 pp. 8“ . 411.20, E.B. 241.40, and S.B. 142.7
Hoppin, Augustus. Crossing the Atlantic. [Illus-
trations. with explanatory text.] Boston, 1872.
24 pi. Obi. f“ *4500a.50
Hoyle, Willi.am. Our national resources; and how
they are wasted. London [1871]. viii, 120+
pp. 16“ 3649.51
Hoebner. Joseph Alexander, Freiherr von. Life
and times of Sixtus the fifth. Translated from
the French by H. E. H. Jerningham. London,
1872. 2 V. 8“ 3555.56
Hucenholtz. P. n.yjr. Benj.amin Franklin. [Ap-
S ended, Een burgirjongen. Door Dr. J. P.
[eije. No title-page. Amsterdam, 1871.] (24)
pp. 8" 4440a.28
Hugo, Victor (Marie), mcotnte. Actes et paroles.
1870-72. Paris, 1872. 220+ pp. 16“ 2659.56
Humboldt, (Friedrich Heinrich) Alexander von.
Ensayo politico sobre el reyno de Nueva Es-
pana sacado del que publicd en frances. Por
Pedro Maria de Olive. Madrid, 1818. 2 v. 16“ . 4314.50
Shelf. No.
Humboldt, (Friedrich Heinrich) Alex, v., continued.
— Reiss in die Aequinocli.al-Gegenden des neuen
Continents. In deutseber Bear’oeitung von
Hermann Hauff. Stuttgart, 18j9, 60. 4v. 8“ . 2367.55
Humphry, George Murray. Treatise on the human
skeleton (including tho joints). Cambridge,
1858. vi, 620+pp. 60 pi. 8“ 3745.53
Hunt, John. Religious thought in England, from tho
reformation to the end of last century. Lon-
don. 1870, 71. 2 V. S“ 3526.53
Hunter. W. W. Orissa [province of India]. Lon-
don, 1872. 2v. Illustrated. Imap. 8“ . . . 3044.50
Husson-Fleury, Jules Fran5ois Felix. Les enfants,
education, instruction ; ce qu’il faut faire savoir
aux femmes, aux liommes. [Par] Champfleury
\^ps(ud.'\. Paris, 1372. xii, 336 pp. 18“ . . . 3599.52
Hutchin,son, Alexander II. Try Cracow and the
Carpathian.s. With illustrations. London,
1872. vi, 256+ qjp. Map. Sm. 8“ 4867.1
Hutchinson, George. Narrative of the mutinies in
Oude. Loudon, 1859. iv, 256 pp. 1 folded
map. 8“ 3047.51
Hutton. William. Life, and the history of his fam-
ily. Written by himself. With extracts from
his other works. London, 1841. vii, 135 pp.
Portrait. Sex. 16“ 4548.52
Influence de la rdvolution de I’Amdriquc sur I’Eu-
rope. Amsterdam, 1786. 48-f.pp. 16“ . . .4426.53
Ithaca, M. Y. Cornell library. Dedication. Dec. 20,
1866, N[ew] Y[ork], N. d. 109+ pp. 1 pi.
Portrait. 4“ . 6130.12
Jacob, Le hibliophile, pseud. See Lacroix, Paul.
Jacob, P. Y.. pseud. See Lacroix, Paul.
James, George Payne Rainsford. The robber. New
York, 1860. 2v.ini. 230, 208 pp, 12“ . . . 474.21
Jenkins, Edward. Ginx’s baby, [and] Lord Bantam.
Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. Sq. 16“ . 7610.49 and S. B. 319.31
Joanne, Adoliihe (Laurent). Albert Fleurier. Paris,
1872 . 300+ pp. 16“ 4678.53
Johnson, R. Byron. Very far West indeed. Lon-
don, 1872. vi. 280-j- lip. 10“ . 2369.63
Jones, John Paul. Meraoires. Tr.aduits par le cito-
yen Andre. Paris, 1798. xix, 244 pfi. Por-
trait. 16“ 4426.52
Jones, Thomas Ryiner. Tho animal creation ; a pop-
ular introduction to zoology. With illustra-
tions. London. N. D. xxii, 456 pp. 16“ . . . 3888.52
JosEPiiu.s, Flavius. Siege de .Jerusalem. Extrait de
L’bistoirc de la guerre des .Tuifs centre les Ro-
mains. Paris, 1872. xvi, 240+ pp. 16“ . . 2659a.51
JuRiEN DE LA GRAVifiRE. Jean Pierre Edmond. La
marine d’aujourd’hui. Paris, 1872. 316+ pp.
16“ 4658.51
Kathie’s stories. By Amanda M. Douglas. Name-
ly: —
— In the ranks E. B. 322.42
— Kathie’s harvest days E. B. 322.43
K.VVANAGII, Julia. Queen Mab. New York, 1872.
476 pp. 12“ 788.18
Kellogg, Elijah. Pleasant cove series. Child of the
island glen. Illustrated. Boston, 1872. 3.36
pp. 16“ E. B. 21.26 and S, B. 112.30
— Whispering pine series. The whi.spering pine;
or, the graduates of Radclitfc hail. Illustrated.
Boston, 1872. 300 pp. 16“ 457.28
Kendall. Amos. Autobiography. Edited by Wil-
liam Stickney. Boston, 1872. Portrait, ix,
700 pp. 8“ 2344.52. S. B. 161.20
Keyes, E. R. Wesley and Swedenborg. Philadel- .
phia. 1872. 72 pp. 12“ 5545.55
Kibrizli-Meiiemet-Pasha, Madame Melfek-Ha-
num. Thirty years in the harem. Autobiog-
raphy. London, 1872. x, 427 pp. 8“ . . . . 3083.50
Kiepert, Heinrich. General-Karte dcr europaischen
Tiirkei, In vicr Bliittern. M.aasstab 1 : 1,000,-
000. 2teAuflage. Berlin. 1871. Obi. f “ . . *3080a.50
— Map of Mexico, corrected to 1862. Berlin, 1862.
Size, 22 in. X 26 in *M.S., 21
— Map of Tropical-Amcrica north of the equator,
comprising the West-Indies, Central America,
Mexico, New Granada and Venezuela. Ber-
lin. 1858. Obi. f“ *4410.27
Kindergarten, Der, in Amerika. See Douai,
Adolf 5599a.50
King, Charles William. Antique gems and rings.
London, 1872. 2 v. L. 8“ 2231.51
ConUntx. — YoX. I. Text, with woodcuts in the te.xt.
II. Illiitjtrations.
Kingsley, Charles. Town geology. London. 1872.
Ivi, 239 pp. 16“ . 167.26, E. B. 34.41, and S. B. 317.12
Shelf. No.
Knox, Isa Craig. Little folks’ blj?tory of England.
With illustrations. London, N, d. vii, 2S0-}-
pp. 16® 961.12
Kongziige nordiske Oldskriftsclskab, Copenhagen.
Tidsskrift for uordisk Oldkyudighed. Kdben-
havn, 1826, 29. 2 v. 16® 2828.54
Lacroix, Paul. Bibliograpbie Moli^resque par le
bibliophile Jacob [Dseuc/.]. Turin, 1872. viii,
242 pp. 8® *4704.3
— Costumes historiques de la France avec un texte
descriplif. Precede de I’Uistoire de la vie pri-
vee des Frangois jusqu’ii nos jours, et suivi
d'un Rceueil curicux do pieces originaux. sur
le costume et les rcH^oluiions de la mode en
Franco, par le bibliophile Jacob [psewc/.].
Paris [1852]. 10 v. 8® *2635.52
Co^uents. — Introduction, llistoire de la vie privfee des
Francois. I. oe-htc siccle. 13o-ltc sietle. III.
loe siircic. IV. l-’o-lGc siecle. V. 16e-17c siecle. VI.
17e-18c siecle. VII. 17i“-19c si6cle. VIII. 19e sieclc.
Appeudicc. Recueil curicux de pieces oiiginales sur le
costume ct les revolutions dc la mode en France.
— Le Ghetto ou le quartier des juifs, par P. L.
Jacob, bibliopbile [nsewtf.]. Paris, 1845. 3 v.
S® 2673.51
Laet, Joannes de. Beschrijvinghe van "West-Indien.
Tweede druck. In ontallijcke plaetsen verbe-
tert. vermeerdert. met cenigo nieuwe caerten,
beelden van verscheydon dicren ende plauten
verciert. Tot Leydm. bij de Elzeviers. A®
1630. (28 pp. including half-title, engr. title
and register of maps), 622, (17) pp. lllustra-
tions. 14 maps. F® 2310.50
Lalax'NE, Maxime. La gravure a I’eau-forte. Texte
et planches. Paris. 1866. viii. lOO-j- pp. S® . 8065.53
Lamon, AV^ard II. Life of Abraham Lincoln: to his
inauguration as president. AVith illustrations.
Boston, 1872. xiv, 547 pp. Portrait. 8® . . . 4352.16
.Vofe. — For the peri.jd covered this is the most valu-
able contribution to our knowledge of Lincoln, though
the book is written with little literary skill, and with an
absence of thatdelicai-y for tlic feelings of others, usually
commended. It is too voluminous for au extended
popular appreciation. Arnold s [1313.3; 43>2.17] is the
most extensive of previous lives, but it is chieliv occu-
pied with the legislative and executive doings of liis ad-
ministration. llollaud C4'i32 1] deals more particularly
with the personality of his subject, and has a popular
aim*. Raymond's Administration of Lincoln [ "CW." ;
4342..34] and Life and public services [518.22; 4342.18),
the latter superseding the former, allows Lincoln to be
in large degree his own biographer by his letters,
speeches, messages, etc. Crosby [5«)9.4] confines his sur-
vey almost entirely to the presidential career. The other
memoirs were niostly written for political purT>t>.scs.
For lists of books on the suhiect see Bartlett's Bibiii)-
gruphy of the Rebellion [21.52.26, pp. 211-217); b it
tnat of Boyd and Hart [0152.11) is tliemost complete.
The library possesses upwards of 2,000 newspapers of
Americaand England containing accounts of l.,incoln's
assassination, with comments thereon [Cab. 44.2).
La Motte FocQUf:, Friedrich (Heinrich Carl), haron
von. Undine. [Dramatized.] See Soane,
George E. B. 165.36
Landells, E. The boy's own toy-maker. 'With
numerous engravings. New York, 1865. viii.
153 pp. 16“ E. B. 37.33
Landon. fimile. Le spiritualisme dans la pensdc,
I’art et I’amour. Paris, 1872. xvi, 424 pp.
18“ 3609.61
Lauclois, Victor. Collection des historiens anciens
et modernes de I’Armenie publiee en fraucais.
Paris, 1867, 69. 2 v. L. 8“ 3041.50
ConUiUs. — Vol. I. Historiens grers et syriens tra-
duits ancienuement en annenieu. II. Historiens ar-
meuiens du 5e siecle.
Laporte, Laurent. Sailing on the Nile. Translated
from the French by Virginia Vaughan. Bos-
ton, 1S72. iv, 291 pp. 16“.
E. B. 88.12 and S. B. 348.31
Latein'isches GIo.ssar. Ein. des 9.Jahrhnnderts .ans
Codex lat. Mon. 6210, herausgegfben von G.
M. Thomas. Miiuchen, 1SG8. 40-|- pp. 8“ . 2938.50
LAfCHTOjj, John Knox. Introduction to the study
of nautical surveying. London, 1872. x, 166
pp. Sm. 8“ 3929.50
Ladrencie, Sosthenes de la. Etude technique sur le
service de I’ariillerie dans la place de Belfort
pendant le siege de 1870-71. Avec 8 planches.
Paris. 1872. vii. 132 pp. 8“ 2622.56
Lacrent, Francois. Principes de droit civil fran-
fais. T. 7. Paris, 1S72. 8“ 5613.8
Lacts, G. Kalifornia. Amsterdam, 1341. vi, 40-(-
pp. Map. 8“ 2375.56
Shelf. No.
LAVAYSsifeRE. P. Pierre le patre, ou le comte de
Kergns. Paris, 18.17. 173 pp. 12“ . . . S. B. 405.2
Laveeeve. Emile (Louis Victor) de. Essai sur les
formes de gouverncment dans les societes mo-
dernes. Paris, 1872. lOo-f- pp. 18“ 3569.53
Lav'ICE, Andre Absinthe. Revue des musees dc Bel-
gique. de HoUande et dc Russie. Catalogue
raisonne. Precede d’un examen sommaire des
monuments les plus remarquahles. Paris,
1372. ii. 331 pp. 18“ »S079.59
Lee, Benjamin. The correct principles of treatment
for angular curvature of the spine. Philadel-
phia, 1872. 77 pp. Illustrated. 12“ 3798.50
Lee, Holme, psevd. .See P.vrr. Harriet.
Leech. Harry Harewood. The league of death. Bos-
ton, N. D. 50pp. 4“ E.B. 171.2
Lefevre. Th6odiste. Guide pratique du comirositeur
d’imprimerie. Paris. 1855. x, 440 pp. Illus-
trated. 8“ 6113.5
Lenorm.vnt. Frangois. Essai de commentaire des
fragments cosmogoniques dc Berose d’apres
les textes cunciformes et les monuments de
I’art asiatique. Paris, 1871. 576 pp. 8“ . . . 3044.52
Leroy-Bealxieu. Paul. L’administration locale en
France et en Angleterre. Paris [1872 ?]. xii,
447 pp. 8“ 2657.58
— Les guerres conteniporaines (1853-1866). Re-
eherches statistiques sur les pertes d’hommes
et de capitaux. 3e edition. Paris, N. D. 93
pp. 16“ 3579a. 50
Lev AXLOis, .Jules. Suinte-Bcuve. Paris. 1872. xliv,
27.8-+- pp. 18“ 2649.04
LEV'ER.Chaiies (James). That hoj' of Norcott's With
illustrations. New York, 1869. 73 pp. 8“.
E. B. 241.46
Lewes, Marian. /ormerjy Emnit- Middlemarch :
a study of provincial life. By George Eliot
[»seu(/.l. Vol. 1. New York. 1872. 12“ . . 424.13
E. B. 347.37, and S. B. 236.33
Lewis, Albert Henry. Only ask. By Louis Henry
[pKeudS], Boston. 1872. 318 pp. Illustr.ated. 16“. 450.85
Lewis, Dio. Our digestion. Philadelphia, 1872. 407
pp. Portrait.'' 12“ 1157..30
E. B. 332.2 and S. B. 312.26
Liddon. Henry Parry. Some elements of religion.
Lent lectures. 1870. London, 1872. x, 241 pp.
Sm. 8“ 3457.06
Lille, foablissement dc la distribution d’eau. Rap-
ports avec pifeces a I'appni par Masquelcz.
Paris, 1872. Texte C41 pp. 2 pi. 3 folded pi.
8“ ; atlas, 10 folded pi. F“ . . "“3942. 50 ; atlas *3940,50
Lind, John. Answer to the declaration of the Amer-
ican congress. [Anon.] London, 1776. 132
pp. 8“ 4415.15
Little Prudy’s Flyaway series. By R. S. Clarke.
Xainehj: —
— Little grandmother 1809.2
Littleton, Edward John. Ini baron Ilatherton- Me-
moir and correspondence rel.aling to political
occurrences in June and July. 1834. From the
original manuscripts, ’oy H. Reeve. London,
1872. XV. 115 pp. 8“ 4512.5
Livxs, The. of U. S. Grant and Henry Wilson. Phil-
adelphia [1872]. 373 pp. 16“ 518.27
.Vote. — Of the popular lives of Grant the most eonsid-
erablc in extent ore those of Richardson (.">21.12: 4-14't.l7J,
wlio was a war correspondent with his army; of Headley
[.Wl.G; tlBl.i], who appends the official reports; of
Howland [1.112.9; ttnO.lO]. whose puri>ose is to show
Gram s " fitness to direct the energies of this country
to .voids thetiu tfier spread of the democratic idea," aud of
lleming, who had some advantages of access to docu-
ments. Tire principal less extended ones ore those of
jiansfield. Crafts, and Abbott [.821.7; 4444.41. Tliere are
others by C. A. Dana [ l-!4,").(IT^and Fholps [44 44..21. Of
ttie exclusively military livesBadeau's is the best; only
tlie first volunje, liowtwer, is as yi't published, brioging
the record down to the early part of 1804 [Ml.'l.fi; 444.'>..5;
4400.1). but the author, ns a member of Grant s military
houscnold. had great advonlagcs. Prof. Coupee's is a
running sketch of good repute [.">21.il: 4UKt.9; 444.8.G).
See Grant's reports [4.'80a. 9.5: LTkla.IK;). There are also
volumes of nr-wspapets publislred in all parts of the
country, giving ediiorials conset;ucnt upon the result of
ttie election of 1808 [44.5].
Loche, — . Catalogue des mammiftres et des oiseaux
observes cn Algerie. Rcdige d’aprt.s la classi-
fication du prince Charles Lucicn Bonaparte.
Paris [1858]. xi. 1-58 pp. S“ 3906.50
Locke, David Ross. The struggles (social, financial
and political) of Petroleum V. Nasby [pspnd.].
Illustrated. Boston, 1872. 720 pp. Portrait.
8“ 82-2. 4, E. B. 194.21 and S. B. 162.3
T-ogan. Olive. See SiKEs, Olive.
Longnon. Auguste, fttudes sur les pagi de la Gaule,
avec deux cartes. Paris, ISGd. 52 pp. 8“ . . *2672.51
Shelf. No.
Lonsdale, Ilenry. ‘Worthies of Cumberland. The
Howards, K. Matthews, John Rboke, Joseph
Huddarl. London, 1S72. vii, 311-|- pp. 4 por-
traits. Sm. 8“ 2448.56
Lopez de Villalobos, Francisco. Medical works,
now first translated, with commentary and bi-
ography. Ky G. Gaskoin. London, 1870.
viii, 312 pp. Sm. 8“ *3718.50
Lorjus, Guillaume de, and Mel'NG, Jean de. Le ro-
man de la rose. Nouvelle edition par F. Mi-
chel. Paris. 1864. 2 v. 12“ 2686.51
Lons Ilenry, /jseud. See Lewis, Albert Henry.
Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy. London, N. D. iv,
444 pp. 16“ E. B. 347.3
Ll'CON et Mindanao. See Alencon, Ferdinand Phil-
ippe Marie, due d’ 5049a. 20
Ledwio, C. Lehrbuch der Physiologic des Men-
schen. [Vol. 2, 2te neu hearbsitete Aufl.age.]
Heidelberg, 1852, 61. 2 v. Illustrated. 8“ . . 3767.53
Contents. — Vol. I. Physiologic der Atome. dcr Aggre-
gatszustiinde, der Nen'en und Muskeln. II. Atithau
und Vcrfali der Softe und Gewebe. Thieiische Wiinne.
TELL, 5i> Charles. Principles of geology. 11th edi-
tion. Vol. 2. Illu.strated. London, 1872. 8“ . 3867.52
Same. New York, 1872. 8“ 3865.50
Shelf. No.
Martyn, W. C. History of the Huguenots, continued.
Edict of Nautes, follows their career in Bnijland and
Ireland, with particular reference to their iiiHuencc upon
l-egland: and tile American edition
:08>.2oJ lias an appendix on the Huguenots in Aineri'-a.
arkman's Pioneers of France in the New World,
[300.11; Zil8.2I.ll gives an account of the lliigiicnots in
Florida. 1j12-i4, with a sketch of their colonization in
Brazil ; and the author enumerates the authorities. Ag-
new [4024.1:11. alter an historical introduction upon the
exodus from France, traces the lives of such as obtained
prominence in the civil service of England. Burn
[2327.101 goes back to the earlier refugees, before the
revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Weiss [in English,
1003.13; ill French. 3328.1,S1 traces their careers in all
centuries, the third section being given to those in Brit-
ain ; and W. C. Coo|ier has edited fur the Camden snei-
ely [2426.2111 lists of those in England. 1618-88. Haag's
worknn French. 2644.7] is a voluminous alphabetical
record of French protestanradown to 1789. Brav has an
English__monograph [5328.7] en the revolt in the Cevennes,
in the 17th centiirv: and Sehaetler a German one on the
Huguenots of the 16th centurv [.5524.12]. Of the two
general histories in English. Browning s [3528.1], pub-
lished in 1829. is confined to the IGth centurv, avoiding
theological controversy, and .Marsh's [3328.9], published
in 1847, deais chieflv with domestic e.xperlences, and
comes down to the death of Charles IT, and gives lists
of authorities, divided into those in the main iiiipaitial,
catliolic, Protestant, and among modern authors, promi-
nence is given to Capefigue's Histoire de la Heforme en
M — , Roger de. Eight months on duty; di,dry of a
young officer in Chanzy’s army. From the
French. With a preface by C. .J. Vaughan.
London, 1872. xviii. 411 pp. 16“ 2623.53
Mac Crie [M’Crie], Thomas. Annals of English
presbytery. London, 1872. xii, 324 pp. 6m.
8“ 5529.50
Macdonald, Donald. Creation and the fall. Edin-
burgh, 1856. viii, 494 pp. 8“ . 3486.51
Mac Donald, George. The vicar’s daughter. Bos-
ton, 1872. V, 389 pp. Illustrated. 12“.
439.25 and S. B. 228.28
Mac Keever [McKeever], Harriet B. The flounced
robe and what it cost. Boston [1866] . 184 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 24.45
Mac Pher.son [McPherson], Edward. H.and-hook
of politics. 1872. Washington. 1872. vii,
225 pp. 8“ *R.R.,K.12; *5561.32
Macphereon, j. The Christian hero : a sketch of
the life of Robert Annan. Boston, 1872. 170
pp. 16“ 569.31
Macqeoid, Katharine S. Patty. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v.
Sq. 16“ S. B. 260.25
Mac Watters [MeWatters], George S. Knots un-
tied ; or, ways and by-ways in the hidden life
of American detectives. Hartford, 1872. 665
pp. Illustrated. 8“ S. B. 212.26
Madison university, Hamilton, N. Y. The first half
century of Madison university (1819-1869).
New York, 1872. xii, 10-502 pp. 1 pi. 15
portraits. 8“ 4483.50
Mahan, Milo. A church history of the first seven
centuries. New York, 1872. xxxiv, 595 pp.
12“ I • : • 3528.53
Maitland. Samuel Roffey. Essays on subjects con-
nected with the reformation in England. Lon-
don. 1849. viii, 590 pp. 8“ 3523.51
Mallet, A. £tude sur les chemins de fer de mon-
tagnes avec rail a cremaillifere. Paris, 1872.
59+ pp. 3 folded pi. 8“ 8012.52
Malo, Charles. Les leqons d’une mfere. Nouvelle
Edition. Tours. 1858. 138 pp. 16“ B. 409.5
Mandl, Louis. Traite pratique du larynx ct da
pharynx. Avec planches et figures intcrcaiccs
dans le texte. Paris, 1872. xx, 816 pp. 8“ . 3795.62
Manly. Marline, pseud. “ Crack Skull Bob.” New
York. 1872. 99+ pp. 16“ E. B. 16.21
Mann. .1. B. Life of Ilenry Wilson. Boston, 1872.
120 pp. Portrait. 1 illustration. 8“ 517.29
Marcet. Jane. Conversations on natural philosophy.
Revised by Francis Marcet. Illustrated. 14lh
edition. London, 1872. xii. 482 pp. 16“ . . 5868.50
Marcgraff, ncrm.ann. Hausschatz der deutschen
Humoristik. Leipzig, 1858, 59. 2 v. Portraits.
16“ 2S77.50
Marrvat, Florence. See CntRCn, Florence.
Marrvat, Frederick. Pirate and Three cutters [al.so.
Moonshine], Philadelphia, N. D. 38.1 pp. 8“ . 711.27
Martha. (Benjamin) Constant. Les moralistcs sous
I’empire romain. Philosophes et poi-tos. 3e
ddition. Paris, 1872. viii, 384+ pp. 16“ . . . 3607.57
Mart VN, W. Carlos, History of the Huguenots. New
York \ cop. lS66]t 528 pp. 12“ 998.16
A'lXz. — This book is a popular summary, published
bv the American tract society. Smiles's hook [ZOSl.Zi;
.1.323.1], after examining the causes which led to the
exodus of French protestants after the revocation of the
Mary Frances Clare. Devotions for the ecclesias-
tical year. Boston. 1872. 483 pp. 16“ . . . 3449.71
Maskell, W. Odds and ends. I.ondon, 1872. 122+
pp. Ipl. 16“ 1829.19
Maspero. G. Dos formes de la conjugaison en
Egyptien antique, en Demotique et en Copte.
Paris, 1871. 4, 122 pp. 8“ *2672.52
Masters, Maxwell T. Botany for beginners. Lon-
don, 1872. xiii, 185 pp. Illualratcd. Sq. 16“ . 169.45
Mathews, Anne Jackson. Tea-table talk. Ennobled
actresses, and other miscellanies. London.
1857. 2 v. 12“ 2578.52
Mathews, Jehu. A colonist on the colonial ques-
tion. London, 1872. xii, 224 pp. Sm. 8“ . . 2527.17
Matcrin, Edward. Viola. [A drama.] New York
[cop. 1858]. 32 pp. 12“ E. B. 165.36
Maltied, Franjois I.ouis Michel. Devoirs des Chre-
tiens devant I’infaillibilite doctrinale du pontife
romain. Paris. 1870, 71. 2 v. 8“ 5466.50
Maurice. C. Edmund. Lives of English popular
leaders. 1. Stephen Langton. London, 187k
XV, 276 pp. 16“ 2446.50
May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S,
Mazzini, Giuseppe. Life and writings. London,
1864-70, 6 v. Sm. 8“ 4797.2
Contents. — Vol.I, TIT, V. Autobiographical and polit-
ical. II, rv’, VI. Critical and literary.
— Joseph Mazzini, his life, writings, .and political
principles. Introduction by W. L. Garrison.
New York, 1872. xxxii, 366 pp. Portrait.
16“ 577.19 and 2743.50
Meade. George Gordon. Life .and p'eblic services.
. [Anon.] Philadelphia [cop. 1864]. 80 pp.
16“ S. B. 166.22
Melville. George John Whyte. The white rose.
New York, 1872. 357 pp. 12“ 805.7
MerchIvE. Z. Manuel pr.atique des appareils model^s.
Avec planches. Bruxelles, 1872. xv, 328 pp.
1 folded pi. 8“ 3746.54
Meredith, L. P. Every-d.ay errors of speech. Phila-
delphia, 1872. 96 pp. 13“ 406.31
Meteyard, Eliza. A group of Englishmen (1795 to
1815). being records of the younger Wedg-
woods and their friends, embracing the history
of the discovery of photography. London,
1871. xxii. 416 pp. 2 pi. 8“ 2545.51
MfizifeRES, zVlfred. W'. Goethe. les oeuvres expliquees
par l.a vie. 1749-1795. Paris, 1872. xii, 464
pp, 8“ 2845.51
Michaud. E. Guignol et la revolution dans I’cglise
romaine. M. Veuillot et son parti condaranes
par les archeveques ct evfiques de Paris, Tours,
Viyiers, etc. Paris, 1872. 13S+ pp. 18“ . . 3529.50
— Plutot la mort que le deshonneur. Appel .aux
anciens c.atholiqnes de France contre les rOvo-
lutionnaircs rom.aniste8. Paris, 1872. 154+
pp. 18“ 3529.50
Michelet. Jules. Histoire du xixe siecle. Diree-
toire. Origine des Bonaparte. Paris, 1872.
xxii, 443+ pp. 8“ 2648.53
— Joan of Arc. From [his] History of France.
New York. 1870. 238 pp. Sm. 10“ 549.42
— Lamer. 3e edition. Paris. 1869. 42S+pp. 18“ . 5824.13
— L’oiseau. 7e edition. Paris, 1863. Ivii, 330+
pp. 18“ 3909.50
Shelf. No.
MlCHlEfS, (Jost’pli) Alfred (Xavier). Los anabap-
tistesdes Vosges. I’aris.lSGO. 33;)-J-pp. 12“ . 3519.51
— Catalogue dcs tableaux ct dessiiis dc Rubens,
avee I’iiidication des endroits oil ils se trouvent.
Paris. IS.jl. 49+ pp. 8“ *8077.5
Miller. Frank W. History of the Ncw-H.ampshire
gazette, the oldest newsiiaper in America.
17.)I5-1S72. Boston, 1872. 18 pp. Woodcut.
Fiic-simile reprint. L. 8“ 2192.7
Mills. Charles. History of the crusades. 3d edition.
London. 1822. 2V. 1 pi. Map. 8“ 6297.50
Minnesota. Miscellaneous docstmenis. Statistics
for 1809. 1st annual report of the assistant
secretary of stale. Saint Paul, 1870. 152 pp.
S“ *6408.51
Minto. William. Manual of English prose literature.
Designed mainly to show characteristics of
style. Edinburgh, 1872. xiv, 034+ pp. Sm.
8“ 2579.53
Mislin, Jacques. Lcs saints lieux. Pelerinage a
Jerusalem. [2e edition. Avec cartes et plans.]
Ptiris, 1858 . 3 v. 8“ 3045.53
Mistral, Frederic. Mir5io. A provenjal poem.
Translated b3’ Harriet W. Preston. Boston,
1872. xvii,240+pp. 12“ S. B. 255.14
Mitford. Mary Bussell. Dramatic scenes, sonnets,
and otlier poems. London, 1827. 392+ pp.
Sm. 8“ 2567.50
— Letters. 2d series. Edited by Henry Chorley.
London, 1872. 2 v. 16“ 6545.14
Modern etiquette, in private and public. London,
N. D. viii. 181 pp. 16“ 1129.31
Modern out-door amusements. Including swim-
ming, archery, cricket, croquet, etc. London
[1S7UJ. viii. 182 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . . . . 186.14
Modern pastime; or, indoor amusements. London
[1870], xi, 179 pp. 16“ 186.12
MOLnECil, Christian. Dansk Dialect-Lcxikon. Kiii-
benhavn, 1841. xxxii, 696 pp. 8“ *2886.50
Molino.s. Leon, and PrONNIER. C. Tr.aitd theorique
et pratique de la construction dcs ponts metal-
liqucs. Paris, 1857. Texte, viii. 340+ pp. 7
pi., aud woodcuts in the text. 4“; atlas. 27 pi.
L. f “ *8011.57; atlas *F.C.l
Monod. Gabriel. Allcmands et Fran9ais. Souve-
nirs de campaene. Metz, Sedan, la Loire.
Paris. 1872. 172 pp. 18“ 4629.68
— fltudes critiques sur lcs sources del’histoiremd-
rovingienne. Irepartio. Paris, 1872. viii, 163
pp. 8“ *2672.54
Kotr. — This important monograph concerns chiefly
the llistoire dcs Francs by Gregory of Tours fin French
svith Guizot's notes, 2618.2; ^OIS..!; in Latin, 8450.11 ; B.
110.2) and the chronique of Marius d Avenches (2610.1 ;
3450.1c). The picturesque and animated work of Au-
gustin Thierry (in English, 6622.1; in French, 1076 14:
4661.4 : 4G62.2.'4) is written with modern appreciation of
the value of antiquariait lore, and remains the standard
general history. There is a popular history covering
A.D. 240-768, by Perry (Ifio.C).
Monroe, Lewis B. Public and parlor readings.
Miscellaneous. Boston. 1872. 352 pp. 12“ . 405.28
Montgomery, Florence. Thrown together. Phila-
deiphiti. 187-2. 349 pp. 12“ E.B. 242.10
Same. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. Sq. 16“ .
760.50 and S. B. 260.15
Montluc. Blaise de Lasseran-Massencome de. Com-
msntaires. Paris. 1872. 4 v. 16“ 2659a. 57
Moore, Thomas. Life, letters, and journals of Lord
Byron. With portraits and illustrations. Lon-
don, 1866. XX, 735 pp. 8“ B. 61.9
Mori, Arinori. Life and resources in America.
Washington, 1871. 404+ pp. Portrait. 1 pi.
Sm. 8“ 2368.52
Note. — This book, bitten under the direction of the
minister of Japan at Washington, is intended solely for
circulation in that country'. The inatter of this volume
also forms the third part of Lanmau’s “Japanese in
America " C70&2I3].
Morin, (Pierre) Achille. Lcs lois relatives a la
guerre selon le droit des gens moderne, le droit
public, et le droit crimiucl des X)ay8 civilises.
Paris, 1872. 2 v. 8® 7615.3
Morrell, D. J. The protective question at home.
"With notes by J. L. Hayes, Cambridge, 1871.
56 pp. 8® 3642.52
Mortier. Louis. L(J problems de la vie. Paris,
1872. xiv, v-xii. 594-1- pp. 8® 3475.50
Mortimer, J/rs.—. Kingsof Israel and Judah: their
history explained to children. New York,
1872. 416 pp. 12® 1117.4
Moutier, j. ICIements de thermodynamique. Paris,
1872. vi, 163 pp. Illustrated. 12® 3967.53
Shelf. No.
Mueiilracii. Louise, pseud. See Mundt, Clara
Mueller. •
Mueller, (Friedrich) Max. La stratification du lan-
gage. Traduit par M. Uavet. Paris, 1369.
vii, 117 pp. S® ^ *2672.51
Mueller, Michael. The catholic priest. Baltimore,
1872. 1G3 pp, 10® 0469a.51
Muller. Eugene. Les memoires d’un franc-tireur.
1S70-1871. Paris, 1872, 359-|-pp. Illustrated.
18® 4629.64
Mulocu, Dinah (Maria). See Craik, Dinah (Maria)
Mundt. Clara Mueller, The story of a millionaire.
By L. Miihlbach [7+9<>uc/.]. Translated from
the Gorman, by Nathaniel Greene. New
York, 1872. 356 pp. 12® . 415.26
Murray, Copt. — . The white brave. New York
[1872]. 100-hpp. 10® E. B. 16.26
Murray, John, jyiddisher. Handbook for Essex,
Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire. With
map and plans. London, 1870. Ixxvi, 454 pp.
12® 6538.3
— A handbook for travellers in Berks, Bucks, and
Oxfordshire. lucluding a particular descrip-
tion of Oxford. With map aud plans. Lon-
don. 1360. vi, 244 pp. 12® 6538.5
— A handbook for travellers in Durham and Nor-
thumberland. With a map. London, 1864.
\i, 336 pp. 12® 6538.4
— A handbook for travellers in South Wales and
its borders, including the river Wye. AVith a
map. New edition. London, 1870. xl, 184
pp. 12® 6538.6
My little lady. New York, 1872. 354-{- pp. 16® .
498.21 and S.B. 239.23
Nadaud, Martin. Histoire des classes ouvriferes en
Angleterre. Paris, 1872. xxiv. 432-)- pp. 8® . 3565.58
NAPOLf:oN I. Campagnes d’ltalie. d’ICgypte et de
Syrie. Paris, 1872. 3 v. 16® 2659a.52
— Commentaires. [Imprime par ordre de I’empe-
reur.] Paris, 1867. 6v. Maps. 4® 4621.6
C'on/€7i;s.— Vol. I. Avant-propos; Siege de Toulon;
Armcnient dcs c6tes dc la Provence : Operations dc Tar-
m^ed'Italic; Le !•> vendemiaire; Campagnes ditalic;
Notes 6ur le traits des grandes op6rations militnircs dn
general Jomini. II. Insurrection des 6tats de Vcnisc;
legoviations de 1797 ; Journee dii 18 fructidor; Paix de
Campo-Formio; Precis historiquede la Corse: Napo-
leon et ledirectoire; Campagnes d'Egyptont dc Syrie.
in. Campnsmes d’Egyptc et de Syrie; L’E^ptesous
Klcber (et] Menou: Politinue du direc^oire; Precis cles
^vencments militaires, 1708. 99. etc. IV. 18 brumaire;
Consuls provisoires; Pacification de la I'endee; Defense
de Genes par Ma^sina; Marengo; Ulm. — IMoreau;
Diplomatie. — Guerre; Neutres: Notes sur le Prdcis dcs
evencments militaires ou essais Kistoriques sur lcs cam-
pagnes de 1799 a 1814; Quatre notes sur Touvr.'ige
intitule Memoires pour ser\'ir a I’histoire do la revolution
dc Saint-Domingue. V. Campagne dc ISl.'i; Extraits
du Memorial dc Saicte-ITelene, par le comte de Las
Cases; Des Reeits de la captivity de Napoleon, par le
comte dc Montholon; Testament de Napoleon I. /tc.
VI. Dix-sopt notes sur Touvrage intitulec : Considera-
tions sur Tart dc la guerre, etc. ; Precis dcs guerros du
mareclial dc Turenne ; Pi eeis dcs guerres de Ir6dcric 11 ;
Precis des guerres de Jules Cesar.
Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud. See Locke, David
National association of wool manufacturers. BoS’
ton. Memoirs relating to the wool industry.
Edited by »T. L. Ilayes. Boston, 1872. 8® . . 3656.7
Neele. Henry. The romance of history. England.
With 21 illustrations, London, N. D. viii, 598
pp. 16® 419.9
Newcomb, Harvey. Cyclopedia of missions. 2d re-
vised edition. New York, 1S5S. 792 pp. 1 pi.
32 maps. 8® 291.1
Newman, John Henry. Historical sketches. Lon-
don, 1872, 421+ pp. 16® 4517.19
Con/ent^.— Rise and progress of universities; North-
men and Nonnans in Encland and Ireland; Mcdixval
Oxford; Convocation of Canterbury.
New South Wales. Report on lunatic asylums, by
F. N. Manning. Sydney, 1868. 287 pp. 22
pl^ 8®
New York, State. State library. Catalogue, 1872.
Subject-index. Albany, 1872. xvii, 051+ pp.
go *6141.16
Nicholson. Henry Alleyne. Iiitroduction to the
study of biology. New Acork, 1872. xii, 103
pp^ *12® 3769.58
Nicolas-Duranty, fimile. l^kudcs laryngosco-
piques. Diagnostic dcs paralysies motrices des
muscles du larynx. Avee planches. Paris,
1S72. 47 pp. 3795.59
Slielf. No.
Niemanv, a. The French campaign, 1870-1871.
Military description. With maps and plans.
Translated from the German by E. Newdi-
gate. London [Leipzig], 1872. 420 pp. 8“ .2623.54
Nieriiz, Gustav. Gustavus Vasa; or, king and
peasant. From the German. By ,L F. Smith.
With a historic sketch and notes, by L. Guss.
Philadelphia, 1872. 2o8 pp. Illustrated. 12“ . 447.27
Night-ouard. The: or, the secret of the five masks.
Illustrated. [London] 1370. 226 pp. 8“ . . 481.26
Oeiphant, Margaret (O. Wilson). Memoir of the
count de Montalembert. Edinburgh, 1872. 2 v.
'8m. 8« 2648.58
— Ombra. Leipzig, 1872. 2v. Sq. 16“.
750.64, and S. B. 269.29
Same. New York, 1872. 5-170 pp. 8“.
7.')3.17. E. B. 241.60, and S. B. 231.42
Only three weeks. By the author of “ Ereighda
castle.” Boston. 1872. 120 pp. 8“ 411.16
Oi'POLZER, .Johann. Vorlcsungen fiber specielle
Pathologie und Therapie, bearbeitet und he-
rausgegeben von E. Ritter von Stoffella. B. 1.
Erlangen, 1866. 8» 3791.51
Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, Willi.am T.
Ortiz. Antonio Romero. La literatura portuguesa
en cl siglo xix. Madrid, 1869. 4.34 pp. 8“ . 3102.50
Orton, Iloy D. Lightning calculator, and account-
ant’s assist.ant. New edition. Philadelphia
[1871], 194 pp. Portrait. 12“ E. B. 36.21
Otteev. Henry. Errors and mischiefs of modem
diplomacy: with particular reference to the
treaty of Washington of 1871. London, 1872.
viii, 188 pp. 6m. 8° 2328.8
OciDA, pseud. See Rame, Louise de la.
Oxenford, John. Adrienne. [Play.] New York,
N. D. 30 pp. 12“ E. B. 165.36
P.vrNE. Thomas. Le sens-commun. Tr.aduit de I’an-
glais. P,ari3, 1791. iv. 113 pp. 16“ 3569.57
— Lc sens-commun. Traduit de I’anglais. Nou-
velle edition. Paris. An deuxiemc [1793-
94]. ii. 96-]- pp. 8“ 3569.56
Palfrey. John Gorham. History of New England
from the revolution of the seventeenth century
to the death of George l. Boston, 1872. xii,
469 pp. 10“ 2327.54
Xote. — Doctor Palfrey began the publication of this
very important work in 1858. going back to the time of
the Stuart dynasty [232.1; 2321.2); and its merit as the
best history of New England yet written is alJowed. He
subsequently issued an abridgment [218-1): and with-
out continuing the narrative in the enlarged manner of
the original work, ho now continues the story in tlie
method of the previous abridgment, making of the two
the beat popular and condensed history of New England
from the Nortlimen’s discovery to 1727.
Palgrave, Wil'iam Gifford. Hermann Agha.
London, 1872. 2 v. 16“ 5049.50
Same. New York. 1872. vi. 281 pp. 16“ . . 498.23
Paris, Gaston, and Pannier. Leopold. La vie de
saint Alexis, poeme du xissiecle et renouvellc-
ments dcs xiir .Kill”, et xiv« siecles. avec pre-
faces variantes, notes et glossairo. Paris,
1872. xii, 416-1- pp. 8“ *2672.53
Parr, Harriet. Echoes of a famous year. By Holme
Lee [pseud.]. Leipzig, 1872. 294 pp. Sq.
16“ S. B. 59.16
Parr, Louisa. Dorothy Fox. Leipzig, 1872. 360
pp. Sq. 10“ 750.01
Parton, .Tames. Life of Horace Greeley. Portrait
and illustrations. Boston, 1872. ix, 548 pp.
16“ 1518.6
Parton. Sara Payson. Caper-sauce: a volume of
chit-chat about men. women, and things. By
Fanny Fern [pseud.]. New York, 1872. 312
pp. 13" 1827.11
Paston letters. The. 1422-1.509. .A new edition : con-
taining upwards of 400 letters, etc., hitlierto
unpublished. Edited by James Gairdncr.
Vol. 1. London. 1872. 10“ 4558.22
Peard, Frances Mary. The rose-garden. Leipzig,
1872. 295 pp. Sq.l3“. . , . 750.67 and X. iJ. 269.31
— Unawares. [Anon-] Boston, 1872. 278 pp. 10".
767.26 and S. B. 249.33
Pearson, Nod. Dictionnaire du sport franyais.
Paris, 1872. 676-]- pp. 18" 2634.50
Peile, John. Introduction to Greek and Latin ety-
mology. London. 1872. xxi, 454-]- pp. Sm.
8" 4953..50
“Penn.sylvania Dutch.” Gibbons. Phebe Earle .4409.56
PfotuEcNOT, A. Lcqons de perspective. 82 figures.
Paris, 1872. Legendo explicative des planches.
56-]- pp. 8“. 1. p. ; atlas, 1. 4“ *8060.51
Shelf. No.
Perdonnet, (Albert) Auguste, Polonceau, Camille,
and Flaciiat, Eugbne. Nouveau portefeuille
de I’ingenieur des chemins de fer. Paris, 1866.
Texto, Documents, Legendo explicative des
planches, 3 v. 8"; atlas, obi. f“.
*8014 51 ; atlas, *8010.58
Perkins, Frederick Beecher. President Greeley,
President Hoffman, and the resurrection of the
Ring. A history of the next four years. Writ-
ten in tile second week of November, 1876. By
Pharaoh Budlong [pseud.]. Budlongton
[Boston], 1876 [1872], 31pp. 16“ 2409.68
Perkins, H. S. The song eeho : a collection of songs,
duets, trios [etc.]. 0th edition. NewA'ork,
1871. 268 pp. Sq. 16“ 1209.24
Pharaoh Budlong, pseud. See Perkins. Frederick
Philadelphia. Pa. Philadelphia and its environs.
Philadelphia, 1872. 72 pp. Imap. Illustrated.
8“ 2373.55
Phillip.s, Lawrence B. Dictionary of biographical
reference. With a ela.ssed index of the bio-
graphical literature of Europe and America.
London, 1871. x. 1020-]- pp. 8“ . . . .*R.R., L.6
*6242.4; E. B. *R I!., D. 6; and S. B. *11 II., A. 11
PicOT, Georges. Histoire des etats gendniux consi-
derbs an point do vue de lour influence stir le
gouvernement de la Fr.ance de 1335 a 1614.
Paris. 1872. 4 v. 8“ 2613.50
Pierce, Gilbert Ashville. and Wheeler, William
Adolphus. The Dickens dictionary, a key to
the characters and principal incidents in the
tales of Charles Dickens. Illustrated. Boston.
1872. XV, 573 pp. Portrait, 12“.. . 397.15; *6604.27
6604.28, *R.R., B.7; E. B. *R R., E.8;
and S. B. *R.R., D.9
PlERER, Heinrich August. Universal-Lcxikon. 5te
Aufl. B. 15-18. Altenburg [1871, 72]. 8“ . *A.142.2
Cmite.ntn. — XV. Sangethierc-.Sicilu'U3. XVI. Sici-
licn-StUckgcsell. XVII. Stuckgicsscrei-Turki.sche Re-
genkugel. XVIH. Turkisrhes Reich-Wechsler.
PiNNOCK, William Henry. Analysis of Scripture
history. With maps. 18th edition. Cam-
bridge, 1871. 362-]- pp. Sm. 12" 3429.55
Planch^, James Robinson. Recollections and re-
flections. A professional autobiography. Lon-
don, 1872. 2 V. 8“ 4543.52
Player-Frowd, J. G. Six months in California.
London, 1872. 164-]- pp. 16" 4465.50
Pleasant cove series. By Elijah Kellogg. Namely: —
Child of the island glen.
E. B. 21.26 and .S. B. 112.30
Pliniu.s C.®cilids Secundes. Caius. Select letters.
Latin text, with English notes. Edited by A.
J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. London, 1871.
XV, 276 pp. Sm. 8" 2937.50
PoiNSOT, Antoine Edmond. Georges d’Heylli
[pseud.]. Les tombes royales do Saint-Denis.
Paris, 1872. viii, 272-]- pp. 18“ 2639.53
— Journal d’un habit.ant de Neuilly pendant la com-
mune public par Georges d’Heylli [pseud.].
Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1872. 9.3-]- pp. Sm.
12“ 2 ^Oa.SI
Porter, Rose. Uplands and lowlands; or, three
ch.aptcrs in a life. New York [1872]. 30:3-]-
pp, 12" 4.37.27
Portland and Ogdensburg railroad line. Wells,
Walter 4485. .18
POTTIER. Andre (Ariodant). Histoire do la fiii'ence
de Rouen. Rouen, 1870. Texte, xii, 420-]- pp.
Portrait. Planches, 00 pi. 4" *8020.51
Powell, George S. Baden. New homes for the old
country. A personal experience of Australia
and New Zealand. With illustrations. London,
1872. XX, .512 pp. 8“ 3044.51
Preble. George Henry. Early ship building in Mas-
sachusetts. [No title-page. Boston, 1869-72.]
50 pp. 8“ 5056.52
Kote. — From the New England historical and genea-
logical register, 1869-72.
Prescott, William Hickling. Historiadela conquista
de Mexico, con la vida de su conqiii.stador Fer-
nando Cortes. Traducida por Joaquin Na-
varro. Jalapa, 1869. 2 v. in 1. 384, 311 pp.
8“ 2311.51
Provost, (.Jacques) Ferdinand. Lcs forteresscs
franqaises pendant la guerre de 1870-1871.
Paris, 1872. 14.3-]- pp. 8“ 2623.58
Shelf. No.
Prince, ThoTOas. An Answer to a Printed Letter
said to be wrote from a Gentleman in Xewi)ort
to his friend in Poston Aug. 27 ; Pretending to
iind Fault with a Brief Uc presentation of the
Case between Dr. MeSparran Plaintift' and Mr.
Torrey^ Defendant, relating to the Ministry
Land in South Kingstown, Narragansett,
which was dated July 1739. [A71071. Bos-
ton ? n. d. Ko title-page.] (10) pp. F® . . *™S0..50
Ao.'e. -^Thc original MS., in the handwriting of
Pnnee, is in the Piincc Lib. ary (deposited in the Public
Library), and i--’, without doubt, the “copy" used In
printing. The MS. has an “Acet. of ye Printed an-
swers, given a!ul sent ”, containing the' names of per-
sons to whom Prince sent !K> copies of the primed work.
The printed copy has a Postscript, which is not in the
Proctor, Richard A. Lssays on astronomy. Pre-
ceded by a sketch of JSir John Ilcrschel. With
plates and drawing.s on wood. London, 1872.
xiv. 491-f pp. S® 3925.58
— The sun: ruler, tire, light, and life of the plane-
tary system. With lithographic plates and
drawings on wood. 2d edition. London, 1872.
xxviii, 503 pp. Sm. 8® 3926.57
Prosser, — . Sunshhic; or cures for all ills.
Boston, N. D. 300 pp. Illustrated. IG® . . . 500.75
Quatrefages de Bk^au, Jean Louis Armand dc.
The Prussian race ethnologically considered.
Appended some account of the bombardment
of the Museum of natural history, etc., bv*lic
Prussians in January, 1S71. Translated by
Isabella Inues. London, 1872. 87+ pp. Sm.
8® 2828.55
Quinet, Edgar. Lo siege de Paris ot la defense na-
tiouale. Paris, 1871. 137+ pp. IS® 4628.53
Railroad gazette. 15tli year. New York, 1871.
L. 4® *7220.50
Rambal'D, Louis. Le testament d'un Latin. Paris,
1872. xi, 327 pp. 12® 5569a.51
Ramberc. Johann Heinrich. Homer’s Bias. S< rlus
und coraisch, in 21 radirten Bllittcrn. Mit
ErklUrungvon Dr. Uietschel. 2te Autl. Gera,
1871. Illustrated bastard title, (2) pp. 20 pi.
Obi. f® *2090.27
Xote. — The title-page, whi('h is missing, is supplied
from llinrich's Verzcichniss der Bucher.
llAME, Louise de la. A dog of Flaiidcre, and other
stories. By Ouida [p.'iiru'l . With illustia-
tioiis. London, 1872. 298-}- pp. 8“ 7S3.27
— A leaf in the storm and other stories. By Ouida
Lpseuif.]. Leipzig, 1S72. 299 pp. Bq. 16“.
76U.51 and S. D. 260.20
Ramsay. George. A new dictionary of anecdotes.
[2d edition.] London, 1822. iv. 684 pj). 8“ . 6247.14
Rantoll. Robcit, jr. Memoirs, speeclies and writ-
ings, edited by L. Hamilton. Boston, 1854,
xii. S64pp. Portr.iit. 8" S. E. 161.21
Reade, Charles. Bog Woffington. Leipzig, 1872.
233 pp. Sq. 16“ f4. E. 260.23
Reade. Wdliam Winwood. The martyrdom of man.
London, 1872. viii, 544 pp. Sm. 8“ 2303.50
Reavis. L. U. A representative life of Horace
Greeley, with an introduction by Cassius M.
Clay. Hew 5'ork, 1872. 570 pp. 16“ ... . 518.25
Reid. Mayne. Afloat in the forest. With illustra-
tions. Boston. 1372. v. 2;i2 pp. 12“ . . G. E. 115.28
— The tiger-hunter. Hew York, 1870. 36S-|- pp.
Illustrated. 12“ E. B. 25.22
— The war-trail. Hew York, 1871. 480 pp. Illus-
trated. 16“ E. B. 25.23
Reinai'd, Josepli Toussaint. Invasions dcs Sarra-
zins on France et de France cn Savoie, en
Biemont et dans la Suisse, pendant les S', 9“
ct 10“ sibcles, d’apres les auteurs chreliens et
mahomeians. Baris. 1830. xlii, 324-|- pp. 8” . 2023. 56
Revouition, The, of 1813 in France, and consequent
chartist demonstrations in England. [Cutling.s
from Boston newspapers. 1848.] 8" . . . . *4051.50
RiBEVitE, Felix. Biographic des representants a
I’asscmblee nationale. 2e edition. Baris, 1872.
viii. 376-]- pp. 18“ *2649.62
RicriAttD.soN, 11. D. Domestic pigs. Witli illus-
trations. London, N. D. vii, 152-f- pp. Sm.
16“ . . , 4009.50
Richebolrg. Emile. Les francs-tircurs dc Baris.
[Roman.] Baris, 1871. 206 pp. 18" .... 2679a. 52
Eigollot. Marcel JOromo. Catalogue de I’ceuvro de
Leonard de Vinci. Baris, 1849. xxxiv, 112
pp. 1 pi. 8“ 4066.50
Rivers. Thomas. Rose-amateur’s guide. 10th edi-
tion. London, 1872. ix, ’241 pp. 10" .... 3090.50
■Shelf. No.
Robinson, Frederick Willi.am. True to herself. Hew
York, 1871. 173 pp. 8“ S. B. 141.35
Robinson, Mark 11. La ciusse. London, 1868. 90
, pp. 32“ ISO IIT
Iv,OE, Azcl Stevens. Resolution. How York, 1871.
343 pp. 12“ E. B, 243.29
Rose-garden, The. Beard, Frances Mary.
750 07 and S. B. 269.31
ROTIIENFELS, E. von. Elconorc. After tlie Ger-
man. By Frances Elizabeth Bennett. Bhila-
dclphia. 1-872. 303 pp. 12" 707.23
Riciiet, Louis. I.a science etlcchristianismc. Baris.
1872. 254-)- i)p. 8“ 3436.53
lilECKF.RT, Friedrich. Die Verw.andlungen des Abu
Seid von Serug, odor die Makameu des Hariri.
4te Auflage. Stuttgart, 1864. xiv, 331-|- pp.
8“ 3028,00
Rfffini, Giovanni. Carlino and oilier stories. Leip-
zig, 1872. 288 pp Sq. 10“ S. B. 207.33
Rl’preciit. Theodor. Benjamin Franklin’s Leben
und Sehriften. Leipzig 18.33. ’274 pp. 8“ . 4140a. 32
Rural architecture; being a senes of designs for
rural and other dwellings. London, N. D. 112
pp. Illustrated. 16" 199.30
JlFSKiN, John. Examples of the areliiteeture of
Venice. Selected and drawn to measurement
from the cdiliccs. Snhseriber’s copy. India
proofs. Bart 1-3. [Ho title-page ] London,
1351. 6 pp. 15 pi. F" *D.3. —
Xote. — No more w as published.
Rziiia, Franz. Lohrbuch der gcsammlen Tunnel-
baukunst. B. 2. Berlin, 1872. Illustrated.
4® 8011.51
St. Kattarine’s spire. A ritualistic melody. New
York. 1872. 8S+pp. 16® 4409.55
Saint-Victor, Adam de. CEuvres poetiques. Prd-
cedees d’uii essai sur sa vie ct ses ouvrages.
Par L. Gautier. Paris, 1858, 59. 2 v. 18® . , 2708.50
— Vul. I. Preface; Essai sur la vie ct les
ouvrages d'Adaiu de Saint- Victor; Piopre du temps;
Prupre des s.aiiits. II. Profne des saints (.suite) ; Com-
muu dcs saints; Ilyniiies d'Adum; Proses attribuees a
Saint-Beuve, Charles Augustin. Souvenirs ct indis-
cretions. Bublics p;ir son dernier secretaire
[Jules Troubat]. Baris, 1872. 354-|- pp. 18“ . 2649.63
Sala, George Augustu-s. Under tlie sun. Essays.
London, 1872. xix, 395 pp. 8“ 4574.52
Sallu.stil'.s, Cains Crispus. Guerre dc Jugurtha.
Baris, 1872. vii, 152-|- pp. 16“ 2639a.55
Sand, George, pxniO. Het Dudevant, Amantine
Lueile Anroro Dnpin.
Sanfoi;d, Enoch, History of Berkeley. Mass., in-
cluding sketches of the two tirst ministers. S.
Tohey, and T. Andros. Hew York, 1872. 60
pp. 8“ 2350.51
Sarrei'ont, H. de. Histoire de la defense de Baris
en 1870-1871. Bnris, 1872. xx, 500 pp. 4
maps. 8“ 2023.55
Satchel guide. A, for the vacation tourist in Europe.
Hew York, 1872. xxxii, ISS pp. 10“ 6279.50
Sayce, A. H. An Assyrian grammar, for compara-
tive purposes. London, 1872. xvi, ISS ijp.
Sm. 8“ 3037.6
SCHARUNO, Henrik. Hoddebo iiarsouagc. From
the Danisli. London, 1867. 2 v. Sm. 8“ . . . 425.8
SCIIMID. Herman. Alracnransch und Edelweiss. Er-
ziihlung aus dem bairischen Hochgebirge.
Berlin. 1864. 231-)- pp. 10“ 2879.56
SCDMITT, G. J., and Bornet, Louis. Essai d’in-
stniction morale et eiviquc. Baris, 1872. xvii,
390-[- pp. 10“ 3598.51
Schwartz, Marie Sophie. The wife of a vain m.an.
Transl,Ttcd from the Swedisli by Selma Boi’g
and Marie A. Brown. Boston, 1871. 1-56 pp.
8" E. B. 241.41
Scott. (jTr Walter. Quentin Durward. Edinburgh,
1823. 3 V. 16“ S. iS. 225.21
ScRtiiE, (Augustin) Eugene. Asmodcus. See Ar-
cher. Thomas E. B. 165.30
Seccr-Hlteyron. B. de. Histoire dcs negoeiations
commerciales ct maritimes dc la Fihuice anx
xvti' et XVIII" sifccles considerccs dans leurs
rapports avec la nolitiquG generalc. Baris,
1872. 2 V. 8“ 2014.50
Seillon. J. Tissage-des ruhans. Comprenant les
elements de basse-Iisse, tambours, J.acquard,
disposition cn tcinture, prix de revient et har-
monic dcs couleurs. Baris [1-370], 250-}- pp.
21 pi. 8" A.202.12
Shelf. No.
SENANCOitRT, tticnne Pivert dc. Obermann. Nou-
vfllc edition, nvee une pi’efaoe par George
Sand. Paris, 1805. 4:y2-\- pp. 16° 4678.57
Senakt, E. Kaccayana et ia liiti raturo graramati-
calo du Pali. Pe partie. Grarainairo Palie do
Kaccayana, sOtras et commentaire. Paris,
1S71. aas-j-pp. 8° 6033.50
Skuavon. F. Etude 8ur Ics chemins de fer, les tram-
ways et les moyens de transport cn conimun a
Paris et ii Londres, siiivio d’uno notice sur la
construction et I’exploitation dcs tramways,
nvec [3] cartes et planches. Paris, 1872. viii,
110+ pp. 8° 8013.51
Serre, — . Traits sur Part de restaurcr lea diffor-
initds de la face, selon la mothodc par deplace-
ment. Montpellier, 1842. 2v. Text 8°; atlas
4° 5743.51; atlas 5740.8
SiiAiuP, Thomas. IJp in the north. Notes on a
journey from London to Liilea and into Lap-
land. London, 1872, 244pp. 1 pi. Imap.
Engraved title-page. 10° 2S64.50
Shakespeare, William. Plays. Abridged and re-
vised for the use of girls. By Rosa Vaughan.
[Comedies, etc.] 2d edition. London, 1871.
107+ pp. 8° 6595.2
Sheilds, F. W. The strains on structures of iron-
work ; with practical remarks on iron construc-
tion. 2d edition. London, 1867. 51pp. 5 pi.
8° 8012.51
Shelley, George Ernest. Handbook of the birds of
Egypt. London, 1872. viii, 342+ pp. 13 col.
pi. 8° 3901.50
Shelley. Percy Bysshe. A selection of [his] poems.
Edited with a memoir by Mathildc Blind.
Leipzig, 1872. xl, 334 pp. Sq. 16° 4560a.50
JVofe. — This is perhaps the best brief continuous
memoir of Shelley, embracing his whole life, its only
Srodcccssor being the more extensive one in W. M.
lossctti's edition of liis works [4605.113. Hogg’s life on
the most extensive scale of all was never continued be-
yond 1814 [4.510.0]. Mrs. Shelley’s contributions, in the
edition of her husband’s letters, arc of course authorita-
tive [875.15]. Lowell supplements her notes in his edi-
tion by a memoir [1318.^n. Beside Peacock’s articles
in Fraser's magazine, 1S58 and 18t50, there arc valuable
monographs like the “Shelley memorials ” r.587..5] and
Trclawny's Recollections of his last da vs [.585.9]. Leigh
Hunt's Autobiography affords much [.>84.13]. Richard
Garnet’s “Relies of Shelley ”[.373.9] is a collection of
lately discovered fragments” with biographical annota-
tions. George MacDonald wrote the article in the En-
cyclopa?dia Britannica. There is a long list of authori-
ties in Alliboue.
Sikes, Olive, formerly J/m Logan. Get thee behind
me, Satau. New York, 1872. 298 pp. 12°.
E.B. 242.21
SlLLiMAN, Benjamin, the younger. A century of
medicine and' chemistry. Lecture. New
Haven, 1871. 65 pp. 12° 5799.51
SiRET, Adolphe. Dictionnairehistorique des peintres
de toutes les 4coles jusqu’a nos jours. 2e (Edi-
tion. Paris, 1866. 1155 pp. 8° *8082.50
Skeat, Walter W. Specimens of English literature.
1394-1579. With introduction, notes, and
glossarial index. Oxford, 1871. xxxii, 536 pp.
16° 2579.52
Sk'TRING, G. W. James Keyworth, a witness for
Jesus. Boston, 1872.* 109-j-pp. 16° 569.30
Black, J.H. Practical trout culture. [With a chap-
ter on the bibliography of lish-culture.] New
York, 1872. 143 pp. Illustrated. 12° . , , . 4009.51
— The present interest in this subject and the in-
creasing literature of it renders the above bibliography
useful. Tlie library possesses the various reports on the
subject issued by the commissioners of thedlffercn^New
England States. See also the ninth Aunual report of
the Maine Board of agriculture r6.‘t39.8]; the article bv
Gill in the United States agricultural report [5990a.3(»]
of IS66; Di'vy in the publication of the Koval society,
185(), p. 146 [3270.3] on the vitality of eggs; and Sliaw, an
original and excellent observer, in ti»e publications of
Royal society of Edinburgh, 1840 [3:560.1]. Of special
books, Norris’s American fish culture [fj(X)8.8] is good,
and Setli Green’s Trout culture [fJOOS 11] is bv a practical
breeder. Francis's Fish culture [16,5..'l); J1906.9] U not
esteemed bv scientists. See also a book by Fry
[165.27], and a section in Scott’s Fishery in American
waters [6008.0], and articles in Harper’s magazine, for
Nov. 1868, by Slianks; and in Haiper’s weekly for June
14, 1868; also 4005.51.
Slade, Felix. C.italogue of the collection of glass
formed by [him]. 'With notes on the history
of glass making, hy A. Nesbitt, and an appen-
dix, containing a description of other works
of art presented or bequeathed by Mr. Sl.ade
to the nation. [London] 1871. 1, 183-1- pp.
Illustrated. I® *8020.50
Shelf. No.
Smitfi, n. Perry. Tlic modern babes in tlie wood or
summerings in the wilderness. Added a guide
to tlic Adirondacks. By E. It. Wallace. Illus-
trated. Hartford. 1872 . 444-1- PP- 12° • • • 1706.3
Smitii, Robert Angus. Air and rain. London, 1872.
xiii, 600 i)p. 8“ 3964.50
B.Mnn, Robert William. On fractures in the vicinity
of joints, and on certain forms of accidental
and congenital dislocations. Dublin, 18.50. xi,
3!4 pp. Illustrated. 8" 3740.53
Smith, Stephen. L'oetor in medicine, and otlier
papers on professioniil subjects. New York,
1872. viii, 303 pp. 12“ .3729.50
Soane. George. Undine. [Dr.-imatizodfromLaMotte
Fouque.] New York, N. I). 30 pp. 12“ . E. H. 165.36
Social sports ; or, holid.ay amusements. [No title-
page.] N. P.. N. D. 213 pp. 12“ 468.14
SORIN, ftiie. Les martyrs du siege de Paris. Paris,
1872. X. 153 pp. 18“ 4629.55
Spencer, Charles. The bicycle : its use and action.
With illustrations. London [1870]. 54 pp.
10“ 197.39
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Sermons. 4th series.
New York, 1870. x, 445 pp. 12“ . . . . S. B. 296.2
Stearns, Charles. The black man of tlic South, and
the rebels. New York, 1872. 062 pp. Illus-
trated. 12“ 2327.55
Stephens, Alexander n.amilton. Compendium of
the history of the United States from tiie ear-
liest settlements to 1872. New York, 1872. 513
pp. 12“ . 2327.53
Stephen.s, Ann Sophia (Winterhotham). The reign-
ing belle. Philadelphia [1872]. 317 pp. 16".
427.19, E. B.. 306.18, and S. B. 219.22
Stern, Daniel, pneud. See Agoult, Marie de
Flavigny, comtesee d’.
Steur, Charles. Ethnographic des pcuples dc I’Eu-
rope avant Jesus-Christ. T. 1. Avec cartes ot
t.ahleaux. Bruxelles, 1872. L. 8" 2231.52
Stevenson, David. Principles .and practice of canal
and river engineering. 2d edition. Edinburgh,
1872. xiii, 347-[- pp. Illustrated. 8" . . . A.200.12
Stockholm. Berattelse angaende Stockholms kom-
munalfdrvaltning ar 1868. Stockholm, 1870. x,
196-1- pp. . 8“ 2832.50
Stone, William Leete. History of New York city.
New York, 1872. xx, 658, 136-|- pp. Illus-
trated. 8“ 2372.51
Stonehenge, /i.'tcMtl. See Walsh, John Henry.
Story. James P. Choisy. A novel. Boston, 1872.
131 pp. 8“ 431.33
Stowe, Harriet (Elizabeth) Beoclier. La case de
I’oncle Tom. Traduit par I,. Enault. Paris,
1872. iv, 410-f- pp. 16“ 2409.66
— La case du Pere Tom. traduction do La Bddol-
lihre. Nouvelle Edition augmentee d’une no-
tice do George Sand. Illustrations anglaises.
Paris. N. D. H2-|- pp. 4“ 2400.50
— De negcrliut. (Uncle Tom’s cabin.) Naar den
20-t™ .'Vmt'rikaanschen druek. Uit hot Engelsch
vcrtaald door C. M. Mousing. Zosde druk.
Am.sterdam, 1833. 412 pp. 6 col. pi. 8“ . . 2409.65
— and others. Si.x of one by half a dozen of the
other. An every day novel. Boston, 1872.
245 pp. 16“ . . E. B. 30.5..37. and S. B. 238.27
Sue. Marie Joseph, called EuqCne. The wandering
Jew. London, N. D. 3 v. in 1. 181, 182, 184
pp. 16“ . . . .' 787.8
Sumner. Charles. [Equality before the law. French
translation of a speech before the senate of the
United St.ates, .Ian. 15, 1S72; cuttings from the
Courrier des fitnts-Unis. IS jauvier, 1872. New
York, 1872.] (9) pp. 4“ *4492.52
— Republicanism v.s. Grantism. Speech in the
senate of the XTnited States. May 31, 1872.
Washington, 1872. 28 pp. 8“ *2322..53
SURR, T. S. George Barnwell. [Title-page missing ]
280 pp. 12“ S. B. 239.22
Sutton. FrcMerick Heathcote. Chun-h organs : their
position .and construction. With appendix,
contiiining some account of the mediaeval organ
case at Old Radnor, South Wales. London,
1872. 26-|- pp. AVoodcuts. 11 pi. 4“ . . .*8050.52
Si'NGE, Millington Henry. On the defence of Eng-
land. A military sketeli. Portsmouth, 1872.
xl, 3354- pp. 1 map. 8“ 4512.6
Taft, Alplionso. A lecture on the University of
Cincinnati, its aims, needs, and resources.
Cincinnati. 1872. 60 pp. 8“ t . . 4404.53
Take my advice : complete and trustwortliy informa-
tion on everything pertaining to daily life, etc.
London, 1872. vii, 352 pp. 16“ 186.56
Shelf. No.
T^vlm.^CE, T. De^Vitt. The ahoniinations of modern
society. Xew York, 1872. 290pp. 12® . E. 15. 247.24
Taknier, Etienne Auguste. Elements de geometric
pratique. Paris, 1872. xx, 343 pp. 8“, and
atlas, f“ *3926.58 ; atlas *39.A.2
Taylor, .1. E. Half hours at the sea-side. London,
1872. xii, 260 pp. Illustrated. 16” 178.50
Taylor, Owen il. History of Annapolis. Md., with
a full history of the United States naval acad-
emy. Baltimore, 1872. 54 pp. 8“ 2375.54
Technisciies Taschen-lVilrterhuch fiir Industrie und
Handel in deutscher, franzosischer u. cngli-
scher Sprache. Bearbeitet nach dem von
Rumpf, Mothes und Unverzagt herausgege-
ben Technologischen Wbrterbuehe, vermehrt
dureh kaufmannische Ausdriicke und die
Waaren benennungen der Zolltarife. Theil
1-3. Wiesbaden [1872]. 3v.ini. Sm. 8“ . *8039.5
Contents, — Th. I. German-English-French. II. Eng-
lish-Gorman-French, HI. French-German-Euglish.
.Vote. — Each part has a title-page, in English, with
the imprint. New York. L. IV. Schmidt. 1872.
Teciinolociste, Le, on archives des progg'f-s de
I’industrie fran^aise et etrangere. Paris, 1840-
09. 30 V. 8“ *8022.51
— Same. Tables alphabtilique et analytique. T.
1-30. (1839-69). Paris, 1867, 70. 2 v. in 1.
1S4-I-, 7>.4- pp. 8” *8022.50
Temple, Josiah Howard. History of Whately. ilass.
With family genealogies. Boston, 1872 . 332
pp. 1 pi. 2 fac-similes. 8” *2352.51
Tenot, (Pierre Paul) Eugbne. Campagnes des ar-
mees de I’empire en 1870. 2e edition. Paris,
1872. 418+ pp. 16“ 4629.56
TnOMPsox, Hugh Miller. Sin and penalty. Or
future punishment, examined. 2d edition.
Milwaukee, 1871. 72 pp. 12“ 5459.63
— Unity and its restoration. Milwaukee, 1871.
109 pp. 12“ 5459.64
Thtdicul.m. John Louis William. A manual of
chemical physiology, including its points of
contact with p.athology. London, 1872. vii,
195+ pp. Illustrated. 8“ 5805.51
Tincker. Mary Agnes. The house of Yorke. New
York. 1872. 261 pp. 8“ 431.32
Tissot. (Claude) Joseph. Principes du droit public.
Ire partie. Introduction philosophique a Tetude
du droit constitutionel. Piiris, 1872. xxxix,
633+ pp. 8“ 7615.4
Tolllemaciie, Jfrs. W. A. Spanish towns and
Spanish pictures. A guide to the galleries of
Spain. London [1872]. xxiv, 318 pp. 16“ . 8065.52
Tomlinson. Charles. Winter in the Arctic regions
and summer in the Antarctic regions. Lon-
don [1872], viii, 368 pp. M.aps and illustra-
tions. Sm. 8“ . ^ 2269.52
Toernier. Edouard. Notes critiques sur Colluthus.
Paris, 1870. 48 pp. 8“ *2672.51
Townsend, Luther Tracy. Credo. [Anort.] Bos-
ton, 1872. 444 pp. 16“ S. B. 318.41
Tripier, Louis. Constitutions qui ont regi la France
depuis 1789 conferees entre dies et annotees.
Paris, 1872. 590+ pp. 12“ 2654.52
Trollope. Anthony. The golden lion of Granpere.
Leipzig, 1872. 312pp. Sq. 16“ . 750.66 andS. B. 267.30
Same. New York, 1872. +124 pp. Illus-
trated. 8“ E. B. 241.25
Tucker. Mary. Itinerant preaching in the early days
of methodism. Edited by T. W. Tucker. Bos-
ton, 1872. 160 pp. 16“ 3548.52
Tcrenne, Henri de La Tour d’ Auvergne, vicomie de.
Memoires. sui%4s du Precis des compagnes du
marechal de Tureune par Napoleon. Paris,
1872. xi. 463 pp. 16“ 2659a.53
Tcrgenef, Ivan Sergievitch. Smoke. A Russian
novel. Translated from the author’s French
version by Wm. F. West. New York, 1872.
291 pp. 16“ 498.22
Tyrwhitt, Richard St. .John. Christian art and
symbolism, with hints on the study of land-
scape. With illustrations. London, 1872. xii,
292+ pp. 1 folded sh. Sm. 8* A.220.3
ULBACn, Louis. Nos epntemporains, par FeiTagus
[p.se«c7.]. [Biographies et portraits.] Ire
serie. Paris. 1871. 160+ pp. L. 8“ .... 2640a. .50
Unawares. Peard. Fr.ancis Mary . 767.26 and S. B. 249.33
Uncl^vimed. a story of English Ufe. Boston [1872].
261 pp. 16“ E. B. 242.20
United States. Acts passed at the 2d congress,
1791+93]. Philadelphia, N. D. 291+ pp. Sm.
8“ . . 2329.52
Shelf. No.
Untted States, continued.
— Department of education. Special report of the
commissioner on the condition and improve-
ment of public schools in the District of Co-
lumbia. Washington. 1871. 912 pp. 8“ . .*5695.54
— Department of the interior. Census bureau.
Ninth census (advance sheets), 1870. Vol. 1.
3, Washington, 1871, 72. 2 v. 4“ C.210.3
Cenrcnr.t. — Vol. T. Report of the siiperintcTident; Sta-
tistics of population. III. Statistics of wealth, taxation
and public mdebtedness ; Statistics of agriculture.
Commissioner of agriculture. Report on the
diseases of cattle in the United States. Wash-
ington, 1871. 205+ pp. 7 col. pi. 7 pi. 4“ . 3991.50
— Department of state. Correspondence respect-
ing the Geneva arbitration. [Washington,
1872.] 155 pp. 8“ 2327.50
International congress on the prevention and
repression of crime : preliminary report by the
commissioner appointed to represent the
United States, 1871. Washington, 1872. 248
pp. 8“ *3574.52
.Vofe. — This is also the 1st annual report of The na-
tional prison association.
New York election fr.auds. Report |Jy] W.
Lawrence. [No title-page. Washington,
1869.] 185, 892+ pp. 8“ *6491.51
— Department of war. Bureau of engineers. Pre-
liminary report concerning explorations and
surveys principaily in Nevada and Arizona.
1871. Washington, 1872. 96 pp. 1 map. 4“ . *2360.50
— Miscellaneous documents. Report of the joint
select committee to inquire into the condition
of affairs in the late insurrectionary states.
Made to congress, Feb. 19, 1872. Washington,
1872. 632 pp. 8“ *4422.58
Treaty of AVashington. Message from the pres-
ident, transmitting correspondence relative to
differences of opinion with regard to the
powers of the tribunal of arbitration. May
15, 1872. [No title-page.] Washington, 1872.
59 pp. 8“ 4427.51
— Cicil tear, 1861-65. [Collection of daily news-
papers pubiished at Richmond, 1861, 64, 65.]
2 V. 4“ *F.1.2
Xote. — The volume for ISfil lacks numbers for the fol-
lowing dates, — Jan. l-o. 7-12, lt-19. 21, 22. 24-26, 29-.'ll,
Feb. 1. 4-9. 11. 14-16, 18. 19. 21. 23. 2.>-28, Mar. 2. 4-9, 11-
16, 19-21. 2.5. 27, 29. .30. April 1-6. 8-1:1. 1.5-20, 22-27, 29, 30.
Mav 1-3. 6-11, 15. 16, 18. 2l. 30. June 1. .3. 14, 17. 19-21. 24,
29, Julv 4, 8. 11-1:1, 18, 20, 23-25, 27. 29. .30, .Yug. 16, 21, 24,
27, 28. Sept. 2, 21, 28. :30. Oct. .3, 8, 10, 18, 24, Nov. 16, 21,
Dee. 10, 12, 1.3, 18, 20, 2:1, 25. 26.
The volume for 18:14 and 6-5 consists mainly of the Sen-
tinel and the Enquirer. The numbers for Jan. 7, 11. 14*
Mar. 26. 29-31. Apr. 1. 4. 9. 12-14. 19-21, 23, 25. 27. Mav 2,
4, 9-14. 16, 25, 27. 28. :i0,:H. July 2. 8. 11, 12, Aug. 10. Sept.
5, 7, 9, 13-17, 19-24, 20-:M. Oct. 1. :i-8, 10. 12-1.5, 17-19, 22.
24-29, 31, Nov. 1-5, 9, 11. 12. 16. 17, 22-24. 26. 28-:», Dec.
2. 3, 7-10. 12, 1.5-17, 19. 20, 22-24, 26-28. :». 1.864. are miss-
ing. Of 18:15 there are numbers for the following dates
only, Jan. 10, 12, 13, 21, 24, 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 6, 9.
[Cuttings from newspapers issued in 1862 and
1863. ‘Collected by Frederick B. Perkins.] 5
V. F“ *F.11.1
United States sanitary commission. Privations
and sufferings of United States officers and
soldiers wbile prisoners of war. Philadelphia,
1864. 283 pp. S“ S. B. 153.11
A'a'isse, Jean Louis. Les droits de la femme. Paris,
18n. liv, 392+pp. 8“ 3575.50
A’alfrey, -J. Histoiro de la diplomatic du gouvernc-
ment de la defense nationale. Ire, 2e partie.
Paris, 1871. 72. 2 v. in 1. 8“ 2622.54
ALanity fair album. The: a [caricature-portrait]
show of sovereigns, statesmen, judges, and
men of the day ; with biogr.apbical and critical
notices: by Jehu Junior p-seurf.]. [lst-3d se-
ries. A^ol. 1, 4th edition ] London, 1869-71.
3 V. F“ *2570.50
Vatel, Charles. Cliarlotte de Corday et les Giron-
dins. Ouvrage accompagne d’un album conte-
nant 11 portraits, des vues et plans cxplicalifs
des lieux, et des fac-simile d'autographes.
Paris, 186+72. 3 v. S“, atlas, 4“ 2642.52;
atlas, *2640.59
Xote. — This book enumerates thirtv-seven dramas of
all kinds, relating to Charlotte de Corday (of which the
most famous is Ponsard's), including two in Engosh.
by Evre and Giles, and analyzing most of titem. That
by Salic, written within three months of her death, is
printed entire.
Shelf. No.
VACCiir-R-CitfiMlEux. — . Systbme preventif des (W-
lits et des crimes. Byattmc preventif pour les
femmes, p-ir Mmc Lina Beck-Bcrnard. Lau-
sanne, 1872. n2-|- pp. 4“ 3571.50
Ventriloquist’s, The, guide. Hinsdale, 1870. 34
pp. IG” 180.104
Ver.mo.nt dairymen’s association. Transactions,
1870-71. 'St. Albans. 1872. 172pp. 8“ ... *5095.51
Vesuvius. [Slips from Italian newspapers in regard
to its eruptions, 1867, C3. Napoli] V. D. 8“ . *2701.50
Veuillot, Louis. Dialogues socialistes. Paris, 1872.
vii, 380 pp. IS” 2654.51
Conten/$. — L'csc’avc vindex; Le lendemain de la vic-
toiro : La 14galite ; fipilogue.
Vicuna, Pedro Felix. El porvenir del hombre, o re-
lacion fntima entre la justa apreciacion del
trabajo e la democracia. Valparaiso, 1858.
xxix, 268 pp. 8“ 3645.53
ViLLEMAiN, Abel Francois. Choix d’^tudes sur la
littilrature contemporaine. Paris, 1857. xi,
462 pp. 12“ 2679.76
VlLLETARD DE PRUNifeRES, (Charles) Edmond. L’in-
surrection du 18 mars. Extraits des deposi-
tions rccueillics par la commission d’enquete
classes, discutds et resumes. Paris, 1872.
499-f pp. IS” 2629.88
ViNOT, Joseph. Campagne de 1870-1871. L’armis-
tice et la commune. Operations de I’armee de
Paris et de I’armde de rdserve. Paris, 1872.
442-]- pp. 7 pi. 8“ 2622.57
"W., n. Ellen Clinton. London, 1868. 444 pp. 16“ . 506.25
"Wacner, Richard. Eine Biographic. Mit Portrait.
Cassel, 1855. 229 pp. Sm. 16“ 8049a. 50
TVagner, Rudolph (.Johannes). Handbook of chem-
ical technology. Translated and edited from
the 8th German edition, by W. Crookes. With
illustrations. London, 1872. xvi, 745, xvi pp.
8“ 3973.51
Waisbrooker, Lois. Alice Vale. 4th edition. Bos-
ton, 1871. 255 pp. 16“ S. E. 248.30
— Mayweed blossoms. Boston, 1871. 264 pp. 16“.
S. B. 248.29
Walsit, John Henry. British rural sports. By
Stonehenge [pseud-l. Illustrated. 9th edi-
tion. London, 1872. xx, 872 pp. Portrait.
Illustrated. 16“ 4008.53
Ward, James. Flax: its cultivation and prepara-
tion. London, N. D. viii, 139 pp. 1 pi. Sm. 16“. 5999.51
Ward, John. Experiences of a diplomatist, being
recollections of Germany, during 1840-70.
London, 1872. viii. 279 pp. 8“ 4835.50
Ware. J. R. Handbook of biisique. London [1869].
96 pp. 32“ 180.114
— Whist. With illustrations. London, N. D. 92
pp. 32“ 180.111
Warner, Charles Dudley. My summer in a garden.
Boston. 1872. xii. 183 pp. 16“ S. B. 319.30
Warren, Elizabeth. Bloomfield. Boston, 1870. 446
pp. Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 323.28
Warten.sleben, Hermann (Ludwig Wilhelm Carl
Alexander Friedrich), Graf von. The cam-
paign of 1870-1871. Operations of the south ar-
my in January and February, 1871. Trans-
lated by C. II. von Wright. London, 1872. viii,
136 pp. 2 maps. 8“ 2626.58
Watt.s. Elizabeth. Flowers and the flower garden.
With instnictions on the culture of ornamen-
tal trees, shrubs, etc. London [1865]. 138-]-
PP. 16“ 150.44
— The orchard and fruit garden. London [1867].
1884- pp. 1 pl. 16" 150.39
— Vegetables, and how to grow them. London
[1865]. 188+ pp. 16“ 150.41
Wayl.vnd, Francis. Life and labors of Adoniram
Judson. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 12“ . . . . E. B. 126.8
Webb, W. E. Buffalo land : the discoveries, adven-
tures. and mishaps of a scientific and sporting
party iu the wild West. Illustrated. Phila-
delphia, 1872. 503 pp. 8“.
623.28. E. B. 232.16, and .S. B. 331.16
Wee Donald, a story from real life. Boston, 1872.
258 pp. Illustrated. 16“ 500.72
Weir, Archibald, and Maclag an, William Dalrym-
plc, editorn. The church and the age : essays
[by various authors] on the principles and
present position of the Anglic,an church. 2d
series. London, 1872. viii, 340 pp. 8“ . . . . .3523.50
Welch. Joseph. List of the Queen’s scholars of St.
Peter’s college, Westminster, admitted on that
foundation since 1663 ; and of such as have
been thence elected to Christ church, Oxford,
Shelf. Na.
Welch, Joseph, continued.
and Trinity college, Cambridge, from 1561 to
the present time. Prefixed, a list of the deans
of Westminster, and of Christ church, Oxford ;
the masters of Trinity college, Cambridge ; and
the masters of Westmin.ster school. A new
edition, with numerous additions. By an old
King’s scholar. London, 1832. xvi, 630 pp.
2 pl. 2 folded sh. 8“ 2541.50
Wells, Walter. The Portland and Ogdensburg rail-
road line. Its relations to the territory and
commerce of the great lakes. [Anon.] Port-
land, 1872. 70+ pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8“ . 4485.58
Werner, E. At the altar. From the German. By
J. 8. L. Philadelphia, 1872. 343 pp. 12“ . . 486.2
West Ro.xbury, Mane. Ceremonies at the dedica-
tion of the soldiers’ monument. Sept. 14, 1871.
Boston, 1871. 32 pp. Photogr.aph. 12“ . . . 4457.50
Wetter, P. van. Cours elementaire de droit romain.
Gand, 1871, 72. 2 v. 8“ 7612.4
Wheat: its history, characteristics, chemical com-
position, and nutritive properties. By the old
Norfolk farmer. London [1871]. 168 pp. 16“ . 150.40
Wheaton, Henry. Histoire des peoples du Nord.
^Idition revue et augmentee par I’auteur, avec
cartes, inscriptions et alphabet runiques. etc.
Traduit de I’anglais par P. Guillot. Paris,
1844. Ixi, 591 pp. 8“ 2827.50
Where are my horns ? Boston. 1871. 35 pp. 16“ . 3457.64
Whispering pine series. By Elijah Kellogg. Ifdmely:
— The whispering pine 457.28
White Mountains, N. JI. Relief map. Boston,
1872. Horizontal scale, 3 1-5 m. = 1 in. Ver-
ticalscale.l :133333. Size, 9 5-8 in. X 7 5-8 in. *4463.23
Whitefield, George. A select collection of letters
from 1734 to 1770. With an account of the
Orphan-house in Georgia. London, 1772. 3v.
Portrait. 8“ 4554.2
Whiting, William. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whit-
ing, and of his wife, Elizabeth St. John ; with
references to some of their English ancestors
and .American descendants. Printed — not
published. Boston, 1872. 334 pp. 1 pl. 2
folded sh. 8“ *4433.50
Whitjiore, William Henry. A brief genealogy of
the descendants of William Hutchinson and
J’homas Oliver. Boston, 1865. 38 pp. 4“ . . *4432.51
Whitney, Willi,am Dwight. Language and the study
of language. New York, 1867. xi, 489+ pp.
8“ 4956.11
— Same. -Gth edition. New York, 1872. xi, .505+
pp. 8“ 4956.50
Whittier, John Greenleaf. Pennsylvania pilgrim,
and other poems. Boston, 1872. 129 pp. Il-
lustrated. 16“ . 325.16, E. B. 168.32 and S. B. 259.21
Who would have thought it? A novel. Philadelphia,
1872. 438 pp. 12“ 456.13
WllY.MPER, Edward. Scrambles amongst the Alps,
1860-69. Philadelphia, 1872. 164 pp. With
illustrations. 8“ S. B. 341.5
Whyte-Melville, George John. See Melville,
George .John IVliyte.
Wildwood, Warren, peeud. Thrilling adventures
among the early settlers. Illustrated. Phila-
delphia [1861]. 384 pp. 16“ 454.11
WiLLEMiN, Nicolas Xavier, and Pottier, Andre
(Ariodant). Monuments franqais inedits pour
scivir a I'histoire des arts depuis le vi« siecle
jusqu’au commencement du xvil'. Paris, 1839.
2 V. F“ *4630.50
Williams, Monier. A Sanskrit-English dictionary.
Oxford. 1872. xxv, 1186+ pp. 4“ *3031.51
Williams, William, F. It. S. E., of Edinburgh.
Principles and practice of veterinary surgery.
Edinburgh, 1872. xv, 685 pp. 8“ 4005.50
Williams, Rev. William, of Crickhowell. Welsh
Calvinistic methodism. A historical sketch.
London, 1872. xix, 243 pp. 16“ 3548.51
Williams review. Vol. 1. .June, 1870-,June, 1871.
[Williamstown, 1870, 71.] 4“ *7240a.50
Wills, John. A lecture on the principles of money.
N. P., N. D. 36 pp. 8“ 3645.52
Wilson. Augusta J., formerly ilise Evane. Beulah.
New A'ork, 1871. 510 pp. 12" S. B. 146.25
— Macaria. New York, 1871. 469 pp. 12".
E. B. 343.23 and S. B. 146.26
— St. Elmo. New A'ork. 1872. 571pp. 12“ . S. B. 146.27
— Vashti. New A'ork, 1872. 473 pp. 12“ . S. B. 146.28
Wise, Daniel. Glen Morris stories. Jessie Carlton.
By Francis Forrester [peeud.]. New A'ork.
1870. 251 pp. Illustrated. 24'' E.B. 24.39
WiT.MEK. Theodore Burg. Wild oats, sown abroad.
Philadelphia [1872]. xii, 7-227 pp. 12“ ..*2268.51
Shelf. No.
"WOMAN^s example. A. and a nation's work. A tribute
to Florence Nightingale. ‘2d edition. London,
1864. 90 pp. 10® S. K. 159.25
^VOMAN'.s journal, The. [A weekly new.-spaper.]
Vol. 2. [No title-page.] Boston. 1871. F® . *7210.51
"SVCMEN of the last days of old France. By the author
of ‘‘ On the edge of the storm.” With illustra-
tions. London*. 1S72. vi, 403-j-pp. Sm. 8® .‘2648.57
Wood. Ella Price. The foggy night at Oflbrd ; Mar-
tyn Ware’s temptation; The night-walk over
th« mill stream, Leipzig, 1872. 312 pp. Sq.
16® 750.63
Wood, Jfrs. Henry. See Wood. Ella Price.
Wood. Frederick. Cricket. With illustrations. Lon-
don, N. d. 96 pp. 32® 1S0.116
Wood, II. C.. Jr. Thermic fever, or sunstroke. Phila-
delphia. 1872. 128 pp. 12® 3805.59
Wood. John George. Croquet. With illustrations.
London [1866]. 94 pp. 32® ISO. 105
Woodward. Bernard Bolingbroke. and Cates,
Willi.am L. R. Encyclopedia of chronology,
WoRBOisE, Emma Jane. Fortunes of Cyril lieuham.
London. 1869. viii. 406 pp. 16® 806.26
— Grey and gold. 2d edition. London, 1871. viii,
520 pp. 16® 806.27
— Margaret Torrington. London, 1868. vii, 461
pp. 16® 806.29
— Married life : or, the story of Philip and Edith.
4th edition. Loudon. 1870. x, 339 pp. 16® . 806.31
— Millicent Kendrick. 4th edition. Loudon, 1872.
442 pp. 16® 806.28
— Singlehiirst manor. London, 1869. viii, 496 pp.
16® 806.30
Shelf. No.
WORBOISE, Emma Jane. continuf(7.
— Thornveroft hall. London, 1866. 469 pp. Por-
trait. 16® 806.32
Wright. Bertha E. Marvels from nature. Loudon,
1872. 191 pp. Illustrated 16® 167.20
Wyman. Morrill. Autumnal catarrh (haj' fever).
With 3 maps. New York, 1872. xi, 17:3-]- pp.
8® 155.5 and 3795.60
Wvss, Johann Rudolf. Per schweizcrischc Robinson
Oder dor schUn)rueliige Sehweizer-Prediger
und seine Familie. [B A. 2, 3te Auflage ] Mit
Kupfern. ZUricli, 1826-51. 4 v. in 2. 16® . . 2879.55
Yates, Edmund. Castaway. Leipzig. 1872. 2 v.
Sq. 16® 750 46 and S. B. 260.8
Yeats, John. Growth and vicissitudes of commerce
from B. C. 1509 to a. d. 1789. London, 1872.
xxix, 396 pp. 1 chart. 1 map. 16® 3655.50
Yonge. Charles Iluke. Three centuries of modern
history. New York. 1872. xxiv. 572 pp. 12®. 947.21
Youmans, Eliza a. Culture of the observing powers
of children, especially in connection with the
study of botany. Edited hy Josei)h Payne.
London, 1872. xii, 66 pp. 8® . 3508.52
Yriarte, Charles. Goya. Sa biographic, les fresques,
Ics toiles. les tapisscries. les eaux-fortes et le
catalogue de I’ceuvrc. avoc 50 planches, inedi-
tes. Paris. 1867. ii, loG-^- pp. 4® 30r0.51
— Les princes d’Orlcans. Preface par £. ITarve.
Paris, 1872. 316-j-pp. 15 portraits, 12® . ,2649.67
Zaccone. Pierre. Les drames de rinternationale.
Paris, 1872. 2 v. 12® 4678.55
Contents. — Vol. I. Diana Cliartoo. II. Lc coq
Books Eecommeiided, and Books Eeceived.
Any person desiring a book not in the possession of this Library may ask, on blanks furnished for the purpose, that
it m.ay he purchased ; and the assurance is given, that, unless there is some special reason why it should not he ordered, it
will he procured as soon as possible, and the applicant — in all cases where the hook is absolutely bought upon hU
recommendation — will he notified of its reception. If duplicates for the Loicer Hall or for the Hranches are asked for,
they will he ordered, provided the circulation of the present copies warrants such additions. In asking that a duplicate shall
he purchased, the applicant will he particular to designate it as such. Copies are not duplicated in the Bates Hall.
Those availing themselves of this privilege will greatly contribute to avoid delay and disappointment, if, in their
applications, they will give exact titles, as well as authorship, imprint, etc., and if they will, above all, icrite Ugibly.
It must be remembered that hooks published in foreign countries are purchased through the Library’s agents in such
countries, in order to avoid the duties, and to get as large a discount as possible ; and hence an iiiteival of at least six or
eight weeks will occur between the time of ordering such works and that of their receipt ; and, if they have to be bound be-
fore sending, as is usually the case with Continental publications, the delay will he considerably increased.
Be particular to give the place of publication, by country, if not more definitely, or great delay will sometimes happen
hy the order being sent to the wrong agents, although titles are verified before sending, as far as possible, and titles inaccu-
rately given will sometimes have to be laid aside till time can be had for the necessary search.
Books from London, Paris, and Lcipsic are received tvrice a month ; from Florence, once a year.
Special students desiring to he informed when any book in their line of investigation is received at the Library can have
word sent them, if they will communicate their name and address, and the subject of their inquiries, to the Superintend-
ent ; but, in such cases, hooks will not he retained subject to the call of the persons notified, as is done with books recom-
Pamphlets Solicited and Exchanged.
The collection of pamphlets belonging to the Library i3 now all arranged; and many of them are in bound volumes, and
are catalogued. It is intended in future to keep no pamphlets unbound, except in order to complete sots or series. These
will be put on the shelves in boxes, and for the box the bound volume will be substituted, when the needful numbers are
procured. Solicitations arc. renewed for lots of pamphlet Ss which will be se^itfoTsOn receiving wformation that they are
ready. The chances are, that any miscellaneous lot will contain a fair proportion of the very pamphlets wanted, and the
others will avail in exchanges. The number of duplicate pamphlets is now upwards of 30.000, all arranged, and ready to be
exchanged for others not belonging to the Library. ‘With distant libraries, the following method of exchange has been
found the most convenient: if they will send 1.000 pamphlets printed in their state, or in a given locality, this Library will
seud 1.000 printed in Massachusetts, or in some other locality. Each may acquire some duplicates, but a great part will
probably be fresh accessions.
Alterations of tlie Central Library Building.
The work in the Bates Hall is nearly completed, and the hooks will he as readily found as formerly, as soon as the
necessary verification of the shelves by the shelf-lists can be made. Alterations in tlie Lower Hall are now in progress.
The hooks in the galleries have been removed to cases on the floor; and a scries of rooms will be made on Uic level of the
old g.alicry.
J^NXJA.RY, 1873.
Board of Trustees.
Samuel Little, 556 Warren Street, Alderman,-.
Frederick Pease, 14 Saratoga Street, Councilman,
Herman D. Bradt, 74 Forest Street, Councilman,
Samuel A. Green, 25 Kneeland Street, At Large, . •
Ellis W. Morton, 28 Pemberton Square “ ..
George Putnam, 130 Highland Street, “
Weston Lewis, 81 Worcester Street, “
William W. Greenough, 56 Temple Street, “
George S. Hillard 62 Pinckney Street, “
Term expires 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1873
“ “ 1874
“ “ 1874
“ “ 1875
“ “ 1875
JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent, and Secretary of the Trustees.
William A. Wheeler, Assistant Superintendent.
James L. Whitney, Principal Assistant.
Edward Capen, Keeper of Lower Halls. Joseph Sykes, Keeper of Bates Hall.
William E. Ford, Janitor.
Miss Sarah C. Godbold, Librarian, E. B. Branch. Mrs. Anna C. D. Keen, Librarian, S. B. Branch.
Days and Hours, etc.
All departments are open every secular day except the
five legal holidays, — February 22, Fast Day, July 4, Thanks-
giving, and Christmas, — and such other days as the
Trustees may direct.
Bates Hall, 9 A- M. to 6 p. M. (winter), 9 A. M. to 7 P. M.
Lower Hall, 9 a. M. to 8 p. M. Books received after
8.30 A. M.
Central Reading Room, 9 A. M. to 10 p. M.
East Boston Branch, 9 a. M. to 8 p. M.
South Boston Branch, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Extent of the Collections. The Bates Hall contains 147,000
volumes ; the Lower Hall, 33,000 volumes ; the East Boston
Branch, 7,000 volumes ; the South Boston Branch, 5,000 vol-
umes ; the Roxbury Branch (not yet opened), 2,700 volumes, —
a total (including 7,800 sale duplicates) of 202,500 volmnes,
besides 107,000 pamphlets.
The Central Reading Room has 398 different periodicals ;
the East Boston Branch Reading Room has 39 ; the South
Boston Branch has 27.
Persons Admitted to Use the Libraries.
I. To use periodicals or books in the buildings. Any
person above the age of 14 years may use the Reading Room
for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books
within the buiidiugs, without previous registration.
II. To take books away from the buildings. All citizens
and residents of Boston above the age of 16 years ; aU non-
resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular professional
occupation in the city; all inhabitants, even if under 16, who
have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence
prizes, from the Public Schools ; and all pupils attending the
Girls’ High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a fuU use of
the Library. All these must sign the application card, and
give the name of a citizen, who may be consulted, if neces-
sary. The registration takes place in the Lower Delivery
Hall of the Central Library, and at the several Branches.
HI. Ebn-residents. Non-resident members of educational
institutions in the city and other non-residents (when
specially permitted, in consideration of the advancement of
the public interests), may take books for home use, in ac-
cordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the
A new Handbook for Readers has been printed.
Xote. — Copies of the printed Catalogues are always ac-
cessible on the tables of the Bates Hall, at the Clerk’s Desk
in the Lower Delivery Hall, and at the Branches.
A limited number of copies of the Index and Supedement
to the Bates Hall circulate like other books.
A fresh list of accessions is posted almost daily in each
Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the books
added to the Central Library, and for the few days that
elapse before titles appear in print on the Bulletin board,
the important new books are displayed (with the shelf
numbers attached) in a glass ease at the Desk. The lists for
the Lower Hall and for the East Boston and South Boston
Branches show only the books added to those departments.
The printed quarterly Bidletins reached the end of the
first volume with No. 19, and the present. No. 24, is the fifth
number of the second volume. For sale (excepting those out
of print) at 2 cents each. Books with numbers below 2110
are in the Lower Hall ; above 2110 in the Bates Hall. Those
with E. B. and S. B. prefixed to the number are respectively
in the East Boston and the South Boston Branch.
Bates Hall of the Central Library.
I. The Index of 1861. (Includes the Bowditch Library.)
Royal octavo, 902 pages. Out of print.
II. The Supplement of 1866. (Includes the Parker Li-
brary.) Royal octavo, 718 pages. For sale at $2.00.
III. The Catalogue of the Puince Library. Royal
octavo, 160 pages. For sale at $1.00.
IV. Public Card Catalogue. The printed cards, to-
gether with those in mamtscript in the same boxes, show
the books added to the B.ates Hall since 1866. Those in print
show also the books added to the Lower Hall since October
1, 1871, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub-
jects, etc.; those in manuscript do not contain such cross-
references, but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is
the intention, however, to embody the titles of the Manu-
script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces-
sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles
from the printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have
been inserted among the printed cards in their proper
alphabetical places; and in due time it is hoped to em-
body with them, in the same way, the printed titles from
the Bates Hall Index and Supplement, from Vol. 1 of the
Bulletins, and from the Lower Hall Class Lists, so that the
public shall have access in one alphabet to a catalogue of
all the books in the Central Libraiy. Until this is done,
the visitor will have to search in various printed aliihiibets
in book form, and in the manuscript part as well as in the
printed part of this Card Catalogue.
V. The Official Card Catalogue, which can be con-
sulted. in cases of need, upon application, supplements the
printed Index and Supplement, and supplies full cross-refer-
ences to that part of the Public Card Catalogue which is at
present in manuscript.
A List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings is for sale
at 5 cents. Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion
of the Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound
volumes, embracing nearly 5,100 prints ; and Bulletin 21 con-
tains a list of the framed engravings, not portraits, in the
Bates Hall.
Lower Hall of the Central Library.
I. Fiction and Juveniles. — 6th edition, August,
1871, 76 pages. Ptice 15 cents.
Fote. — An Indicator Finding List, or manuscript List
of the numbers represented on the Indicator and of the titles
of the books corresponding to these numbers has been pre-
pared as subsidiary to this Class List, aud will be found at
the Clerk’s desk.
n. Arts, Sciences, and Professions. 2d edition,
September, 1871, 71 pages. Price 10 cents.
HI. History, Biocrapiiy, and Travels, with a Chro-
nological Index to Historical Fiction. 2d edition, in press.
rv. French, German, and Italian Books. 1st
edition, September, 1867, 45 pages. Price 2 cents.
V. Poetry, Drama, Collections, and Miscella-
nies. 1st edition, August, 1870, 128 pages. Price 20 cents.
VI. A Card Catalogue, containing only the titles of
works (not anonymous) which have been added to the
Lower Library since the issue of the various Class Lists,
has been placed at the Clerk’s desk in the Distributing Hall.
In the printed Bulletins, such works are entered only under
the names of their authors. These printed entries have been
cut out of the various Bulletins, and inserted in alphabetical
order in a book, which is in the custody of the Clerk, and
which can be consulted on application to him. This Con-
solidated Bulletin, therefore, and the Card Catalogue,
taken together, show all the additions, both under author
and title, which have been made to the Lower Library since
the publication of the several Class Lists.
OBSERVE. Many books properly belonging to the
classes of the preceding Lists will be found in No. V, because
they form one of a series or collection.
Finding Lists of the books are for sale at 15 cents.
Central Periodical Beading Boom.
A List of Periodicals currently received (nearly 800 in
number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading
Room), was issued in September, 1870.
The Oatalogne System.
There are three things, one of which a person wanting a
book must know, and tbe so-called Dictionary System (upon
which all the Catalogues of the Boston Public Library are
made) guides the average reader more readily than any other,
as he always looks in the proper alphabetical place for the
entry he is in search of. These three things are as follows ; —
I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject
of the work (if it is, the subject should be looked for rather
than the title), search for it under the first word not an article.
H. The author. Find this in its proper alphabetical
place. If the name is a pseudonym, there will be a refer-
ence from it to the real name.
III. The subject. Find this under the most specific head.
and consult other heads referred to there ; but observe that
these references are not to more general subjects, inasmuch
as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for matter
pertaining to the horse, for example, under such gener.al
heads as Natural History, Animals, Quadrupeds, and Mam-
mals, books on which general topics have, almost as a matter
of course, chapters or sections on particular animals. Again,
books on the same subject will sometimes be found under
different heads, where the terms are synonyjpous, or nearly
so, (as, for instance. Coins and Numismatics), but in such
cases cross-references from one to the other will always
assist the searcher. Indeed, a multiplication of cross-refer-
ences is a fundamental idea of the Dictionary System. This
necessitates, of course, the disadvantage of turning from one
part of the catalogue to another, but there is, on the other
hand, a great advantage in the certainty of getting a clew
somewhere, — a thing often impossible in a classified cata-
logue, except to such as have made its system a study.
Assistance to Beaders
will be afforded by officers and attendants of the Library in
the examination of the Catalogues, as far as other duties
may permit; but it should be remembered that all in the
Library have special duties, and no considerable portion
of tbeirtime should be held at the exclusive disposal of any
individual reader; and it is enjoined upon all visitors not to
occupy the attendants’ time with conversation of any other
Handbook for Headers.”
For an extended account of the Catalogues see
Shelf-nnmbcrs 2110 and upwards indicate books in Bates Ilal!.
Shelf-numbers below 2110 indicate books iu tbe Lower Hall.
E. B., East Boston Branch.
S. B., South Boston Branch.
N. R., Newspaper Room.
R. R., Reading Room.
M. S., Map Stand.
Cop., Copyrighted.
[ ] Enclose corrections or expianations.
— Stands for the preceding heading.
- Stands for a subordinate heading.
-f- Additional pages not numbered.
( ) Enclose names not usually retained.
* Permission of Superintendent required to take book out.
This is often attached to Bates Ball copies, when
the Loicer Ball copies are without it.
* * Book cannot leave the Library.
*** Permission of Trustees required to take the book out.
*** Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the
Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works
treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym.
Shelf. No.
Abbey, R. The city of God and the church-makers.
New York, 1872. xx, 315 pp. 12“ 3488.56
Note. — Attempts to refute “ the unnatural and nq-th-
ical error that Jesus Christ lormed a uew church.”
Abbott, Jacob. The August stories. Granville
valley. New York, 1872. 346 pp. Illustrated.
16“ 500.44, E. B. 17.40. and S. B. 114.20
— Science for the young. Force. With engrav-
ings. New York. 1873 [1872]. 303 pp. 12“.
V. 4 of 184.42. E. B. 15.48, and S. B. 316.1
— The teacher. Moral influences in the instruction
and government of the young. New edition.
With engravings. New York, 1856. 353 pp.
12“ S. B. 314.23
Abbott, John Stevens C.abot. American pioneers
and patriots. Daniel Boone the pioneer of
Kentucky. Illustrated. New York, 1872.
331 pp. Portrait. 16“ .
1527.6, E. B. 128.1, and S. B. 168.11
Account of the sphinx at Mount Auburn. Bige-
low, Jacob 4459.8
Achard, (Louis) Am6dee (Eugfene). Les reves de
Gilberte. L’alerle. Paris, 1872. 29.3-|- pp.
18“ 2678.62
Adam de La Halle. OEuvres completes (Poesies
et musique). Publiees par E. de Cousse-
maker. Paris, 1872, Ixxiv. 440 pp. PI. 8“ . *2671.51
Adajis. William T. Yacht club series. Little Bob-
tail; or the wreck of the Penobscot. By Oli-
ver Optic [/>»sKcf.]. With illustrations. Bos-
ton, 1872. 333 pp. 16“ S, B. 116.9
— Young America abroad. 2d series. Cross and
crescent j-or, young America in Turkey and
Greece. Boston, 1873 [1872]. 347 pp. lllus-
tr.ated. 16“ 1616.12 and E. B. 13.16
AIsthetic papers. Edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody.
[No. 1.] Boston, 1849. iv, 248+ pp. 8“ . . 2402.50
Note. — With articles by the editor, and by J, S.
Dwight, R. W. Emerson, N. Hawthorne, H. D. Tho-
reau, and others. No more was published.
Agoult, Marie de Flavigny, comtesse d’. Histoire
des commencements de la republique aux
Pays-Bas. 1581-1625, par Daniel Stern [^seud.].
Paris, 1872. iv, 448+ pp. 8“ 2814.50
Alaba.ma, State. Penal code; prepared by Geo.
W. Stone and J. W. Shepherd, and adopted
1865-6; with the other criminal laws now in
force. Montgomery, 1866. 238 pp. 8“ . . . 5618.10
Alcott, Amos Bronson. Concord days. Boston,
1872. vii, 276+ pp. 12“ . . . 909.23 and S. B. 38.22
Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag. Bos-
ton, 1872 [1871], 72. 2 V. Illustrated. 16".
769.25, E. B. 325.10, and S. B. 219.8
Contents. — Yol. I. My boys, etc. II. Shawl-straps.
Shelf. No.
Alexander Alexandrovitch, grand duke of Russia.
The grand duke Alexis in the United States
during the winter of 1871-72. Tucker, Wil-
liam Warren 3062.11
Alger, Horatio, jr. [Campaign series.] Charlie
Codman’s cruise. Boston [cop. 1866]. 231 pp.
Illustrated. 12“ S. B. 114.24
Frank’s campaign. Boston [cop. 1864]. 296 pp.
Illustrated. 12“ S. B. 114.22
Paul Prescott’s charge. Boston [cop. 1865].
224 pp. Illustrated. 12“ S. B. 114.23
— Luck and pluck series. Strive and succeed; or,
the progress of Walter Conrad. Boston,
[1872.] 355 pp. 16“.
434.15, E. B. 28.37, and S. B. 114.10
— [Tattered Tom series.] Slow and sure. Bos-
ton [1872]. 280 pp. Illustrated. 16“.
1725.5, E. B. 28.35, and S. B. 114.15
Ali-sON, Sir Archibald. History of Europe from the
commencement of the French revolution to
1815. 10th edition, with portraits. Edin-
burgh, 1840. 14 V. 8“; atlas, 16 pp., 108+
pi. Obi. 8“ *2293.50
Contents. — Vo]. I. 1774-89. H. 1789-93. HI 179.3-9.1.
W. 179G-99, V. 1799-1801. VI. 1801-5. VII. ]80li-9.
VIII. 1807-9. IX. 1809-11. X. 1811. 12. XI. 1812, 13.
XU. 1813, 14. XUI. 1814, 15. XIV. 1815 ; Index.
— History of Europe from 1815 to 1852. Edinburgh,
1854-59. 9 V. 8“ ■ . . *2293.51
CcmteiKs. — Vol. I. 181.5-19. U. 1819-22. III. 1822-2.5.
rv. 182.5-i2. V. 1832-41. VI. 1841, 42. VU. 1842-48.
VIII. 1818-52. IX. Index.
Allart, Marcus. Nos fronti^res, morales et poli-
tiques. Paris, 1872. 148 pp. 8“ 2655.51
Allen. Asa Witter. Genealogy of the Allen and
Witter families. Salem, O., 1872. 251+ pp.
Portrait. 12" *2339.53
Allen, C. Bruce. Descriptive catalogue of the auto-
type fac-similes of the frescoes by Michael
Angelo Buonarotti in the Sistine chapel,
Rome. London [1872]. 20 pp. Sm. 4" . .*8074.13
Allen, William Francis and Joseph Henry. Latin
reader. With notes and vocabulary. 3d edi-
tion. Boston, 1871. xii, 205, 13+ pp. Sm.
8“ 2939.51
American pioneers and patriots. Namely : —
— Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone the pioneer of
Kentucky . . . 1527.6, E. B. 128.1, and S. B. 168.11
Anderson, John, LL.D.. of iVoolwich. Strength of
materials and structures. London, 1872. xiii,
301 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 8“ 5918.53
Anderson. Rufus. Kepublication of the Gospel in
Bible lands. History of the missions of the
American board of commissioners for foreign
missions to tbe Oriental churches. Boston,
1872. 2v. Portrait. Sm. 8“ .. 3539.50 and 3539.51
Shelf. No.
Andebsson, Charles John. Notes on the birds of
Damara land and the adjacent countries of
South-west Africa. Edited hy John Henry
Gurney, with a sketch of the author’s life.
London, 1872. xlviii, 394 pp. Map. 4 i)l.
8» . . 3905.52
Anthon, Charles Edward. Settlement of George
Christian Anthon in America, removal of the
family from Detroit, and its establishment in
New York city. New York, 1872. 22 pp.
go *2336.55
Aristoph.\nes. [Comedies, outlined and ex-
plained.] By W. Lucas Collins. Edin-
burgh, 1872. 172-j- pp. 16“ 4999a.l4
— Same. Philadelphia, 1873 [1872]. iv, 172 pp.
16“ 4999a.l5
Arman, Abraham. Stepping stone to arithmetic.
On an entirely new principle. London, 1866.
108+ pp. 12“ 1149.5
Armoir, James. Power in motion. With illustra-
tions. London, 1871. iv, 188 pp. 12“ . S. B. 319.32
Army, The, of the North German confederation. By
a Prussian general. Translated by Edward
Newdigate. London, 1872. xii. 106 pp. 8“ . 2828.56
Art of conversation, with directions for self educa-
tion. New York. 1870. 234 pp. 12“ . . E. B. 154.7
Association of breeders of thoroughbred Holstein
cattle. Holstein herd book : containing a rec-
ord of the Holstein cattle in the United States.
Boston, 1872. 71 pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . . . 3995.50
Atkins, M. A. Little pea-nut merchant. Boston
[cop. 1869]. 272 pp. Illustrated. 16“ . E. B. 28.34
Ateee, Washington L. Diagnosis of ovarian tumors,
with reference to the operation of ovariotomy.
With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1873 [1872+
482 pp. 8“ 3745.55
Attfield, John. Chemistry : general, medical, and
pharmaceutical. 4th edition. London, 1872.
xvi, 694 pp. 2 pi. 12“ 3979.54
Auber, Charles. Histoire et th^orie du symbolisme
rcligieux avant et depuis le christiauisme.
Poitiers. 1870, 71. 4 v. 8“ 4075.50
Audevae, (Elie Adolphe) Hippolyte. Paris et prov-
ince. Deux histoires de uotre temps. Paris,
1872. vii, 372+pp. 16“ 2678.81
Conteyits. — XJnefamiUe parisieune; Leopold.
AcGVST stories. Namely : —
— Abbott, J. Granville valley.
500.44, E. B. 17.40, and S. B. 114.20
Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag. Namely : —
— Alcott, L. M. Shawl-straps.
769.25. E. B. 325.25, and S. B. 219.8
Austin, Jane Goodwin. Cipher : a romance. New
York, 1869. 175 pp. Illustrated. 8“ . . S. B. 142.10
— Outpost. Boston, 1867. 411 pp. 12“ . .E.B. 343.32
Austria. Universal exhibition, 1873, in Vienna.
Vienna, 1872. 61 no. in 1 v. 4“ *4021.51
Contents. — List of members of the Imperial commis-
sion in Vienna; General program of the exhibition;
ClassiScation and division of groups ; Special programs ;
General regulations for foreign exhibitors and commis-
sions; Special rules and regulations; General and spe-
cial calendar : Competition for the composition of prize-
medals; Reduction of faies for goods and passenger
traffic by steam-boats and by rail; Competition for
§ rises for implements for cultivating and harvesting
eet roots ; Programs for the international congresses.
Aten, Anne Louise Henriette d’Aguesseau, duchesse
d’. Life. Lastetrie, Marie Antoinette Vir-
ginie de Lafayette 2649.77
B., H. von. Der deutseh-franzosische Krieg im Jahre
1870 [1871]. Mit Portraits, Gefechtsscenen,
Karten und Planen [etc.]. Elbing, 1870, 71. 2
V. in 1. 8“ 2827.54
Backer, Augustin de. Biblioth^que des dcrivains de
la compagnie de Jesus, ou notices bibliogra-
pbiques. Avec la collaboration d’Alois de
Backer et de Charles Sommervogel. Nouvelle
Edition. T. 1, 2. Liege, 1869. . 2v. F“ .*2190.28
Contents. — Vol. I. A — G. 11. H — Q.
Note. — Only 200 copies were prinfed.
Baedeker, Carl. Italy. Handbook for travellers.
2d part. 3d edition. Coblenz, 1872. Ixviii,
321 pp. 6m. 8“ 2736.52
Contents. — Part 2. Central Italy and Rome.
Paris and Northern France. Handbook for trav-
ellers. With maps and plana. 3d edition.
Coblenz, 1872. xxxii, 320 pp. Sm. 8“ . . . . 2634.51
Shelf. No-
Baedeker, Carl, continued.
— The Rhine and Northern Germany. Handbook
for travellers. AVlth maps and plans. 4th edi-
tion. Coblenz, 1870. xxil, 444 pp. Sm. 8“ . 2839.66
— Southern Germany and zVustria, including the
Eastern Alps. Handbook for travellers. With
maps and plans. 2d edition. Coblenz, 1871.
xxii, 380 pp. Sm. 8“ 2839.67
Baird, James. Emigrant’s guide to Australasia.
London, 1868, 71. 2 v. 2 maps. 12“ .... 696.22
Contents. — Vol. I. Australia: New South Wales;
Western Australia; South Australia; Victoria; Queena-
laud. II. Tasmania; New Zealand.
— Management of health. London, 1868. xi, 108+
pp. 12“ 1157.32
Baker, Harriet Newell (Woods). Honeysuckle cot-
tage. Boston, 1871. 160 pp. Illustrated. Sm.
16“ E. B. vol. 1 of 21.68
— The little Florentine. Boston, 1871. 164 pp. II-
lusttatcd. Sm. 16“ E.B. vol. 2 of 21.68
— The load of chips. Boston, 1871. 175 pp. H-
lustr.ated. Sm. 16“ E. B. vol. 3 of 21.68
— Minnie’s pet cat. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie
[nsearf.L Illustrated. Boston, 1871. 144+
pp, 16“^ E.B. vol. 2 of 21.67
— Minnie’s pet dog. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie
[pseud. ]. Illustrated. Boston. 1871. 152+
pp. 16“ E. B. vol. 3 of 21.67
— Minnie’s pet horse. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie
[pseud]. Illustrated. Boston, 1871. 160+
pp. 16“ E. B. vol. 4 of 21.67
— Minnie’s pet lamb. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie
[pseud.]. Illustrated. Boston, 1871. 168+
pp. 16“ E. B. vol. 5 of 21.67
— Minnie’s pet monkey. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie
[psenid.]. Illustrated. Boston, 1871. 152+
pp. 16“ E. B. vol. 6 of 21.67
— Minnie’s pet parrot. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie
[7;se«d.+ Illustrated. Boston, 1871. 144+
pp. 16’’ E. B. vol. 1 of 21.67
— Sophia and the gipsies. Boston, 1871. 171 pp.
Illustrated. Sm. 16“ E. B. vol. 6 of 21.68
— Tim, the scissors grinder. By Mrs. Madeline
'Lealie [pseud.]. Boston [co/J. 1861]. 232 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ E. B. 21.66
— Timmy Top-boots. Boston, 1871. 169 pp. Il-
lustrated. Sm. 16“ E. B. vol. 5 of 21.68
— Tony and his harp. Boston, 1871. 176 pp. Il-
lustrated. Sm. 16® E, B, vol. 4 of 21.68
Baker, Thomas. Mathematical theory of the steam
eiigine. With rules and examples. New edi-
tion. London, 1870. vi, 118 pp. 12“ .... 1199.37
Balathier Bragelonne, a. de. Baris insurg^.
Histoire illustree des tven(5ments accomplis du
18 mars au 28 mai 1871. Paris, 1872. 788+ pp.
4“ . *-2620a.51
Balfour, John Hutton. Collins’ elementary science
series. First book of botany. London, 1872.
118 pp. Illustrated. 16“ 166.39
Ballanttne, Robert Michael. The Norsemen in
the West; or, America before Columbus.
With illustrations. London, 1872. vi, 406+
pp. 16“ . . . . 1714.2, E. B. 26.39, and S. B. 113.30
Balmes. Jaimd. Fundamental philosophy. Trans-
lated from the Spanish by Henry F. Brown-
son. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12“ 3609.69
Bancroft, George. Poems. Cambridge, 1823. 77+
pp. 12“ *2405.53
Barrett, T. S. The philosophy of science: a con-
tribution, on cause and effect. 2d edition.
London, 1872. xxiii, 213 pp. 12“ 3609.70
Barry Gr.ay, pseud. See Coffin, Robert Barry.
BARTHfeLEMY, fidouard (Marie) de. La princessede
Cond6, Charlotte-Catherine de la Trcmoille
d’aprfes des lettres inedites. Paris, 1872. vii,
243 pp. 16“ 2649.75
Bartlett, William Henry. The pilgrim fathers.
With illustrations. Loudon, 1853. 240 pp.
8“ 2322.59
BarY, E. Nouveaux problemes de physique. 2e
Edition, completee d’aprfes les doeuments de
I’auteur. par L. Brion. Paris, 1867. iv, 310+
pp. 3 pi. 8“ 3966.50
Bastian, H. Charlton. The beginnings of life: being
some account of the nature, modes of origin
and transformations of lower organisms. With
illustrations. New York [London], 1872. 2 v.
16“ 176.41
Baudelaire, Charles (Pierre). Souvenirs, corre-
spondances, bibliograiihie. Suivie de pieces
inedites. Paris, 1872. 208+ pp. 8“ 2647.54
Bazaine, Francois Achiile. Capitulation de Metz.
Rapport officiel. Lyon, 1871. 32 pp. 8“ . . 2623.62
Shelf. No.
Beale, Lionel Smith. Bioplasm : an introduction
to the study of physiology and medicine. With
illustrations. London, 1872. xvi, 345 pp.
16» 3769.62
Beaton, Alfred Charles. Quantities and measure-
ments; how to calculate and take them in [all
branches of] the building trade. 3d edition.
London, 1871. 96 pp. 12“ 1149.4
Becker. Max. Ilandbueh der Ingenieur-Wissen-
sehaft. B. 1, 3-5; 'I'afeln, B. 1.3-5. Stutt-
gart, 1861-70. Ilandbueh, 4 v. 8“; Tafeln,
4v. F“ ; *8013.53; atlas *8010.59
Contents. — Vol. I. Allgemcine Baukunde dcs Inge-
niours; Mit Alins enthaltend 28 ptavirle Tafeln. 3te
Aufl. III. Dor Strnssen- und Eisenbahnbau in seinein
ganzen Uinfange; Mit Atlas enthaltend -10 gravirteTa-
teln. dte Aufl. IV. Der Wassorbau in seinem ganzen
Uinfange; Mit Atlas entlialtend 82 gravirte Tafeln. 2te
Aufl. V. Supplement-Band. Ite Abtheilung. Ausge-
luhrte Constructionen des Ingenicurs; Mit Atlas en-
thaltend 48 gravirte Tafeln. — Fiinftcs Heft. Die neue
Eisenbahnschitn)ruckc fiber den Rhein bei Maxan,
aus^etuhrt von der Direction der ptalzisehen Bahnen
nacn dem Entwurfe und der Bogriindung ihres Oberin-
fenieurs C. Easier; Mit Atlas enthaltend 12 gravirte
'afeln. — Die Kabelschifffahrt und die Eisenbahn-
briicke fiber den Neckar bei Jaxtfeld; ilit Atlas enlhal-
tend 10 gravirte Tafeln.
Beecher, Henry Ward. Lectures to young men.
New edition. New York, 1873 [1872]. 280-|-
pp. 16“ . 1118.21
Behr, Caraill von. Gcncalogie der in Europa re-
gierenden Furstenhiiuser nebst der Reihenfolge
siimmtlicher Papste und einem Anhange um-
fassend die Hau.ser Capet, Habsburg, Ro-
manow und eine Ubersicht der Kaiser und
Konige von Italien und Deutschland. 2te
Auflage. [Also. Wappenbuch zur der Zwei-
ten Auflage von Genealogie der in Europa re-
gierenden FUrstenhauser.] Leipzig, 1870.
[Wappenbuch, 1872.] Genettlogie. 229-1- pp.
Wappenbuch, (4) flf. 38 pi. 2v. 4“ . . . .*2230.53
Belleval, Rene, comte de. Campagns de France,
1870-1871. Journal d’un capitaine de francs-
tireurs. Paris. 1872. 228 pp. 18“ 4629.78
Bent, Silas. [Gateways to the pole.] An address
upon the thermal paths to the pole, the cur-
rents of the ocean, and the influence of the
latter upon the climates of the world. Saint
Louis. 1872. 40 pp. 2 maps. 8“ 2263.50
Bergeron, Henri. Sur les tumeurs g.anglionnaires
du cou. Avec figures. I’aris, 1872. 147 pp.
8“ 3745.58
Bebrver, Pierre Antoine. QHuvres. Discours par-
lementaires. Paris, 1872. 2 v. 8“ 2706.56
Conteias.— Vol. I. 1830-«. H. 1835-39.
Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcellin. Sur la force
de la poudre et des matieres explosives. 2e
d-dition. Paris. 1872. 195 pp. 12“ 3959.51
Berthoed, Ferdinand. Essai sur I’horlogerie. 2e
edition. Avec figures en taille-douce. Paris,
1786. 2 V. F“ 8012.53
— Traitd des horloges marines. Avec figures en
taille-douce. Paris, 1773. xl, 590 pp. 27 folded
pi 8012.54
Bertrand, Ernest. Loi sur les abends. Proces-
verbaux de la commission chargee d’etudier
les modifications a introduire d.ans la loi du 30
juin, 1838. Paris. 1872. 159, 90+ pp. 8“ . . 3785.55
Bertrand, Etienne. Traitd de topographic et de
reconnaissances militaires. [Appendice, No-
tions d’optique.] Paris, 1872. xv, 345 pp.
Illustrated. 8“ ^ . 3956.51
Biardot, E. Prosper. Les tcrres-cuites *grecques
funfebres dans leur rapport avec les mystires
de Bacchus. Accompagne d’un atlas. Paris,
J.872. xvi, 531+ pp. 8“; atlas, f“.
*2962.50 ; atlas *2960.50
Bible. Whole Bible. Commentaries. Exposition
and commentary on the books of Scripture,
arranged in chronological order. From the
German of C. G. Barth. Introduction by J. J.
Carruthers. Portland, 1871. xxvii, 1006 pp.
Maps. L. 8“ 3421.50
— Old Testament. Genesis aiid Exodus. English.
Book of Genesis and part of the book of Exo-
dus ; revised version, with marginal references,
and an exphinatory commentary. By Henry
Alford. London, 1872. iv, 338 pp. 8“ . . . 3425.51
— A commentary on the Holy Scriptures ; by .1. P.
Lange [and others]. Translated from the Ger-
man, and edited, with additions, by P. Schaff
[and others]. Old Testament, vol. 9. New
York, 1872. 8“ 7420b. 1
Shelf. No.
Bible, continued.
Conlentn. — Psalms byC. B. Moll. Translated, with
orlditiuns. by C. A. Brlg^rs [and others!; togetlier with
a new version of the Psalms, und notesby T. J. Conant.
Bigelow. Jacob. Account of the sphinx at Mount
Auburn. [..Inori.J Boston, 1872. 14 pp. 2
photographs. 16“ 4459.8
Bishop. .lohn. Untersuchungen fiber d.as Wesen und
die Behandlung der Deformitiiten des mensch-
lichen Kdrpers. Uebersetzt von C. A. L.
Bauer. Mit Illustrationen. 2te Ausgabe.
Stettin. 1856 . 246+ pp. 8" 3755.51
Bixby, George Holmes. A successful ease of ovari-
otomy. Boston. 1872. 18 pp. 8“ 3776.53
Black, Adam and Charles, publishers. Guide to
Belfast, the Gi,ant’8 causeway and theNorth of
Ireland. With a plan of Belfa.st. Edinburgh,
1870. 317-414 pp. Illustr.ated. 2 maps. 16“ . 6538.16
— Guide to Devonshire. With m.aps and illustra-
tions. Edinburgh. 1870. vii. 9.5-291 pp. 16“ . 6538.14
— Guide to Dorsetshire. 6th edition. With map
and illustrations. Edinburgh, 1872. vi, 97 pp.
Sm. 8“ 6538.21
— Guide to Dublin and the Wicklow mountains.
With plan of Dublin. Edinburgh, 1870. 106
pp. Sm. 8“ 6538.22
— Guide to Galway and Connemara. With plan
of Limerick. Edinburgh, 1868. 209-316 pp.
16“ 6538.20
— Guide to Hampshire. New edition, with map
and chart. Edinburgh, 1872. x, 155+ pp.
Illustrated. 16“ 6538.19
— Guide to Kent. New edition, with map and il-
lustrations. Edinburgh, 1872. xiv, 474 pp.
16“ 6538.26
— Guide to Killarney and the south of Ireland.
With chart of the Killarney district and plan
of Cork. Edinburgh, 1869. 111+ pp. 1 pi.
16“ 6538.17
— Guide to London and its environs. 4th edition.
Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1871. xv, 372+ pp.
16“ *6538.8
— Guide to Sussex and its watering piaces. New
edition, with illustrations and map. Edin-
burgh, 1870. xxi. 171 pp. 16“ 6538.18
— Guide to Warwickshire. Illustrated. Edinburgh,
1872. vi, 218 pp. Sm. 8“ 6538.13
— Paris and excursions from Paris. With maps,
plans, and views. Edinburgh, 1872. xxxiii,
168 pp. Sm. 8“ 2639.54
— Picturesque guide to the English lakes ; inv’ud-
ing the geology of the district by John Philli/.s.
Illustrations by Birket Foster. 17th edition.
Edinburgh, 1872. xxx, 293+pp. 16“ . . . .*6538.10
— Picturesque guide to Yorkshire. With map and
plans and views. 7th edition. Edinburgh,
1871. xxviii. 393 pp. 16“ 6538.24
— Picturesque tourist of Ireland. With a map
and plans and views. 12th edition. Edinburgh,
1872. 423+ pp. Sm. 8 6538.23
— Picturesque tourist of Scotland. 19th edition.
Edinburgh. 1872. xxxii,616+ pp. Illustrated.
33 maps. 16“ *6538.9
— VV here shall we go ? A guide to the healthiest and
most beautiful watering places in the British
islands. 7th edition. Edinburgh, 1871. xii,
276+ pp. Illustrated. 3m,ap3. Sq. 16“ . . . 6538.11
Black. William. lu silk attire. Leipzig. 1872. 2 v.
Sq. 16“ 760 62 and S. B. 260.12
Black.more, Richard D. Clara Vaughan. Berlin,
1872. 2 V. in 1. 306, 312 pp. 16" 475.9
Blades, William. Shakspere and typographj^; an
attempt to show Shakspere’s personal connec-
tion with, and technical knowledge of. the art
of printing. London, 1872. viii, 78 pp. 8“ . 6592.2
Note. — This little work also enumerates the varioiii
opinions that have been held regarding Shakespeare's
early occupation, and his special studies and beliefs ; and
it contains an imperfect bibliography of books on this
branch of Shakespearian study. The valuable point of
the author is, that, by understanding the arrangement of
the printer's cases, as used in Shakespeare's time, and
the chances of misprints consequent upon type slipping
from one compartment to another, a clew may some-
times be got for deciding the question of doubtful read
Blake. Lady — . Thelady of Lyndon. Boston, 1872.
189 pp. 8“ 421.31
Bloss, C. -V. Ancient history, illustratud by colored
maps, and a chronological chart. Revised by
J. J. Anderson. New York, 1873 [1872]. ii,
445+ pp. 12“ 948.20
Blythe, J. A. St. John. A lonely life. Philadel-
phia, N. D. 17-316 pp. 16“ 1714.6
Shelf. No.
Bonnax. Edmond. L’dconomie politique au xvie
siecle. Sully, dcouomiste. Paris, 1S72. 129+
pp. 8® 3647.51
Bonnassies. Jules. Le theatre et le peuple. Paris,
1872. 195 pp. 18“ 4679.50
Bossange. Gustave. Catalo^e of works of note
published in France in 1870-71. Paris, 1872.
158+ pp. 8“ *6167.3
A'ote. — On p. 71 is a list of the most important publi-
cations relating to the Franco-German war and the
subsequent events of 1870, 71.
Boston, J/oss. Municipal government. Miscellane-
ous documents. Memorial of Samuel F. B.
Morse. [Boston] 1872. 103+ pp. 8“.
522.18, 4444.57, and S. B. 162.4
— Boston society for medical observation. Con-
stitution and by-laws with a list of officers and
members. Organized 1846. Boston, 1872. 22
pp. 8“ *3736.51
Boulogne, Matthieu de. Napoleon rv, chronique de
I’avenir. 2e edition. Paris, 187 [1871]. . . .
64 pp. 12“ *2659.58
Note. — An imaginary history of France, after the
death of Thiers. Napdleon III is recalled, who. after
another plebiscite, in which his government is sustained,
abdicates in favor of his son.
Bountceau-Gesmon, — . Essais et controverses de
droit pratique. Paris, 1872. viii, 480+pp. 8“. 7615.5
Bouscatel, Edouard. L’iraperatrlce et le quatre
septembre. Paris. 1872. 211 pp. 12“ .... 4629.81
Bocssard, J. Etudes sur I’art funeraire moderne
dans ses conceptions les plus pratiques. 200
planches. Paris, 1870. F“ *4070.53
— Eecueil des tombeaux les plus rcmarquahles
executes de nos jours et representes en per-
spective. [Livraison 1-4.] Paris, N. D. F“ . *4070.52
Bouvet, Francisque. Jesus-Christ et sa doctrine.
Paris, 1872. xxiv, 354+ pp. 16“ 3479.51
B. O. W. C. series. Kamely : —
— De Mille. J. The treasure of the seas . . H. B. 27.38
Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll. History of the
Massachusetts general hospital. To August 5.
1851. 2d edition, with a continuation to 1872
[by George E. EUis]. Boston. 1872. xvii,
734+ pp. Illustrations and portraits. 8“ . . .2354.50
Boyce. John. Shandy M’Guire. A story of the
North of Ireland. By Paul Peppergrass
[psfurf.]. Boston [18531. 354+ pp. 12“ . . 1712.9
Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutcnison. Seaside mu-
sings on Sundays and weekdays. By the
author of The recreations of a country par-
son. London, 1872. 318+ pp. Sm. 8“ . . .3449.83
Boymond, Marc. De I’uree. Physiologic, chimie, do-
sage. Avec figures. Paris, 1872. 167 pp.
8“ 3745.61
Brachvogel. Albert Emil. William Hogarth. Ro-
man. Berlin. 1866. 3 v. Sm. 8“ 2879.60
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. Robert Ainsleigh. Ber-
lin. 1872 . 3 V. in 1. 16“ 1717.5
Bradley. W. J. [Rainford series.] Gilbert Starr
and his lessons. By Glance Gaylord [pseud.'[,
Boston [cop. 1S66]. 383 pp. Illustrated. 16“.
Bl. B* 24.42
Brandt, E. Lehrbuch de Eisen-Constructionen mit
hesonderer Anwendung auf den Hochbau. 2te
vermehrte fiir Fuss-und Metermaas umgear-
heitete Auflage. Mit Holzschnitten und Kup-
fertafeln. Berlin, 1871. xxi. 607+ pp. L. 8“ . 4095.51
Brewster. Sir David, editor. Edinburgh encyclo-
paedia. 1st American edition, [with] the ad-
dition of articles relative to [America]. Phil-
adelphia. 1832. 18 V. 4“ ,• • • • *"910-4
Brlalmont, Alexis (Henri). La fortification a fossds
secs. BruxeUes, 1872. Texte, 2 v. 8“ ; atlas,
f 0 3952.51
— Hasty intrenchments. Translated hy Charles A.
Empson. With plates. London, 1872. iv,
94 pp. 8“ .3956.52
Bromley, Henry. A catalogue of engraved British
portraits, from Egbert the Great to the present
time. Wiih an .Appendix, containing the por-
traits of foreigners. With notices biographical
and genealogical. London, 1793. xiv, 479,
56+ pp. Portrait. 4“ *8071.50
AVrt. — According to a MS. note on Uie fty-lcaf the
“ Eliza " written on the title-page is the autograph of
the Princess Elizabeth (daughter of George III I. The
statement in the same place that this work was written
by Anthony 'Wilson, and not by Bromley, appears to
find no confirmation.
Shelf. No.
Brooklyn, K. T. Brooklyn art association. Cata-
logue of the works of art. exhibited at the 24th
reception, March 11. 1872. Brooklyn [1872].'
29+ pp. 3 pi. 8“, 1. p *8070a.50
Brougii.xm. Henry. /ord. Works. Vol.6, 7. Edin-
burgh, 1872. 2 V. 16“ 4579.53
Contents. — Vol. n. Natural theology, dialogues on
instinct, observations on the structure of the cells of
bees, and fossil osteology. VII. Dissertations and ad-
dresses— rhetorical and literary.
BROuenTON, Rhoda. “ Good-bye, sweetheart 1 ”
Berlin, 1872. 2 v. in 1. 16“ 1717.4
Brown, Alexander M. Wintering at Menton on the
Riviera. London, 1872. viii, 176 pp. Sm. 8“ . 2666.52
Brown. Francis Henry. Medical register for the
cities of Boston, Cambridge. Charlestown, and
Chelsea. Boston, 1873 [1872]. -viii, 170 pp.
12“ 3739.50
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. zVurora Leigh. Leip-
zig, 1872. 334 pp. Sq. 16“ . . 339.22 and S. B. 259.22
Bruhns. Carl. Alexander von Humboldt. Eine
wissenschaftliche Biographic. Im Verein mit
R. Avc-Lallemant [etc.], bcarbeitet und he-
rausgegeben. [Bibliographische Uehersicht
seiner Werke.] Leipzig, 1872. 3 v. 3 por-
traits. 8“ 2846.50
Contents. — Vol. I. Seine Jugend und ersten Mannes-
jahre, Sein Reiseleben in Amerika und Asien. von J.
Eowenberg. 11. Sein Aufenthalt in Paris (1808-1826).
Ton R. Ave-I-allemant; Auf der Hohe seiner Jahre
(Berlin 1827-1819.). Von A. Dove; Bibliographische
Febersicht seiner 'Werke [ete.]. Von J. Eowenberg.
III. A. von Humboldt's Wirksamkeit auf verschiedenen
Gebieten der Wissenschaft. Von K. Bruhns [etc.].
Bryant, William Cullen, translator. The Iliad
translated into English blank verse. See
Homerus • S.B. 258.19
Buechting. Adolph. Catalog der in den jahren
18.50 [-1869] in deutscher Sprache erschienenen
Theaterstiicke in Original und Uebersetzung.
Nordhausen. 1860-70. 3 v. in 1. Sm. 8“ . .6149.15
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (George Earle) Lytton,
lord Lytton. The last days of Pompeii.
Philadelphia, 1872. 334 pp. 1 pi. 16“ . E. B. 267.8
Burat, Amedee. Applications de la geologic a I’agri-
culture. Paris. 1872. 89+ pp. 16“ 3999.51
Burdel, Edouard. Le cancer considere comme souche
tuberculeuse. Paris, 1872. ivi, 116+ pp.
8“ 3743.53
Burke. Thomas N. Lectures and sermons. New
York, 1872. 644 pp. Portrait. S“.
3451,50 and S. B. 291.2
Burn, Robert Scott. Outlines of modern farming.
With illustrations. London, 1869-71. 5 v.
12“ 150.1
Contents. — Vol. I. Soils, manures, and crops. II.
Notes, historical and practical, on farming and farming
economy. III. Stock; Cattle: Sheep; Horses. IV.
The dairy: Pigs; Poultry. With notes on the diseases
of stock. V. 2d edition.’ Utilization of town sewage;
Irrigation ; Reclamation of waste land.
Burnout, Engine. La lotus de la bonne loi, traduit
du Sanscrit, accompagnd d’un commentaire et
de vingt etun memoires relatifs au buddhisme.
Paris, 1852. iv, 897+ pp. 4“ 3020.50
Note. — One of the most important of the canonical
books of the Buddhists of India.
Bush, Benjamin. Hints to army officers on the care
of troops. First published in 1777. New York.
1871. 30 pp. 32“ . 5769a. 51
Bushnell. Horace. Sermons on living subjects.
New York, 1872. 468 pp. 12“ 3459.75
Cablac. H. Cours dlementaire de physique. [Avec]
figures intercalces dans le texte. Paris, 1868.*
493+ pp. 18“ - 3969.53
California. Geological survey. ['Various publica-
tions.] V. P., 1864-72. 14 V. Mctmely : —
Catalogue of the invertebrate fossils of the
western slope of the Unitvd States. Part 2.
By J. G. Cooper. San Francisco, 1871. v, (1)
pp. 4-30 ff. 16“ *3869.51
Geographical catalogue of the mollusca found
west of the Rocky mountains, between lati-
tudes 33“ :ind 49" north. By J. G. Cooper.
San Francisco. 1867. 40 pp. 4“ *3862.50
Geology. Vol. 1. Report of progress and sy-
nopsis of the field work, from 1860 to 1864.
[By Josiah D. Whitney. Philadelphia] 1865.
xxvii. 498 pp. PI., and woodcuts in the text.
40 ’ *5873.8
Shelf. No.
California, continutd.
Map of Central California. N. P., N. D. 1st
sheet (S. AV. quarter). Scale, 6 m. to 1 in. . *2362.52
Map of the region adjacent to the bay of San
Francisco. 2d edition. New York, N. D.
Sc.ale. 2 m. to 1 in *4461.3
Mining statistics. No. 1. The auriferous quartz
mines and mills in that part of Mariposa and
Tuolumne counties lying between the Merced
and Stanislaus rivers. Aug.-Nov., 1S65. By
A. Remond. [ rhiladclphia] 1866. 16 pp. 4“ . *3862.51
Ornithology. Vol. 1. Land birds [found in
North America, north of Mexico, and west of
the Rocky mountains]. Edited by S. F. Baird,
from the manuscript and notes of J. G. Cooper.
[Cambridge] 1870. li, 592 pp. 662 woodcuts
in the text. 4“ *5900a.l
Same. [With 495 of the illustr.ations colored
by J. H. Richard. 25 copies published.] . *,*5900a.3
Palaeontology. Vol. 1. Carboniferous and
Jurassic fossils. By F. B. Meek. Triassic
and cretaceous fossils. By AV. M. Gabb.
[Philadelphia] 1864. xx, 243 pp. 32 pi. with
explanations. 4“ *7862.8
Palaeontology. Vol. 2. Cretaceous and tertiary
fossils [of the West coast of North America].
By AV. M. Gabb. [Philadelphia] 1869. xv,
299 pp. .36 pi. with explanations. 4“ .... *7862.8
The Yosemite book ; a description of the Yosem-
ite valley and the adjacent region of the
Sierra Nevada, and of the big trees of Califor-
nia. [By Josiah D. AATiitney.] Illustrated by
maps and photographs [by C. E. AVatkinsJ.
New A'ork. 1868. Text. 116 pp. 4“ . . . . ***23.B.l
The A'oscmite guide-book. Illustrated by maps
and woodcuts. [By Josiah D. AVhitney. Cam-
bridge] 1869. 16». 155 pp. Sm. 4» .... *4462.21
The Yosemite guide-book. [Pocket edition.
By Josiah U. A^itney.] AVith 2 maps. [Cam-
bridge] 1871. 133 pp 639.30
Same. [2d edition, with new maps. 1872.] . 2369a.51
,Vo(«. — The maps of the 4* aud sm. 4® editions are the
Campagne. E. M. Dictionnaire comique.' Paris,
1872. 150-1- pp. 8“ *2682.50
— Dictionnaire univcrsel d’education et d’enscigne-
ment. Redige avec la collaboration d’auteurs
spcciaux. Paris, 1872. - iv, 1211-f- pp. 8“ . .*2682.50
Campaign series. Namely : —
Alger. Charlie Codman’s cruise . S. B. 114.24
Frank’s camp.aign B. 114.22
Paul Prescott’s charge S. B. 114.23
Campin, Francis. Application of iron to the con-
struction of bridges, girders, roofs, and other
works. AVith illustrations. London, 1871.
177-1- pp. 12“ 199.44
Campos Leyza, fitienne dc. Clef de I’interpretation
hebraique, ou analyse etymologique des ra-
cines de cette langue ponrservir a I’histoire de
I’origine et de la formation du langage. Bor-
deaux. 1872. XV, 611 pp. 8“ 3033.56
Camus, .Jean Pierre. The spirit of S. Francis de
Sales. Translated [by Miss H. S. Farrer].
London, 1872. xxii. 411 pp. 16“ 3449.79
Canto, Ignazio. Storia aneddotiea delle campagne
e degli assedj della guerra franco-prussiana,
1870-71. Milano, 1871. 255-|- pp. Illustrated.
16“ 4628.60
Capefigl’E, Jean Baptiste Honore Raymond. La
ligue et Henri iv. 3e edition. Paris [1843].
528-1- pp. 12“ 4623.57
— La reforme etia ligue. 3e edition. Paris, 1843.
594-f-pp. 12“ 4628.53
Captieii, (Fr.anjois) Eugene. Discours ct conferences
sur I’edueatiou. Precedes de son oraison funh-
bre par Adolphe Perraud. Paris, 1872. 544-[-
pp. 18“ ; 3599.55
Carles. Pierre Paulin, fitude sur lea quinquinas.
Paris, 1871. 85-|-pp. 8“ *3785.54
“ Carleton,” pseud. See Coffin, Charles Carleton.
Caron, Louis. Reforme de la legislation de I’en-
registreraeut. Amiens, 1872. viij, 494 pp. 8“ . 7612.7
Cartier. Antoine Pierre. Verdun pendant la guerre
de 1870. Etude militaire sur les trois bombarde-
ments. A’erdun, 1872 . 336-1- pp. Map. 8“ . 2621.51
Case, L. Treasure trove. With illustrations by S.
Eytinge. [Anon.] Boston, 1873 [1872]. vl,
45-1- pp. Sq. 16“ 1346.24
Cas.SEL, David. Geschichte der jUdischen Literatur.
Abth. 1. Berlin, 1872. 16“ 5483.17
Catacazy, Constantin de. Un incident diplomatique.
Lettre au chief justice S. Chase. Paris, 1872.
vi, 80 pp. 8“ 2322.57
Shelf. No.
Catholic World. The. A monthly magazine. Vol.
14. New A'ork. 1872. 8“ 1846.1
Caxton. Laura, pseud. See Co.mins, Lizzie B.
Centlivre. Susannah. Dram.atic works, with a new
account of her life. London, 1872. [Reprint
of the edition published, London, 1760, 61.]
3 V. Portrait. 12“ . . • 4578.51
Con/ent*. — Vol. I. Life; Perjur'd husband; Beaux's
duel; Gamester; Basset table; Love at a venture;
Stolen heiress. II. Isrve's eontrivanee; Busy body;
Marplot; Platoniek lady ; Perplex’d lovers; Cruel gift.
HI. The wonder; The man bewiteh'd; Gotham elec-
tion; AVife well luanagcd ; Bickerstaft's burial ; Bold
stroke for a wife ; Artince.
CfeRE, Paul. Les populations dangereuses et Ics
miseres sociales. Paris, 1872. 378-(-pp. 18“ . 3569.60
Cerisi. Lorenzo Alessio Filiberto. Melanges medico-
psychologiques. Notice sur sa vie par le Dr.
Foissae. Paris, 1872. xxii, 447 pp. 8“ . • . . 3601.51
Chaillot, Amddee. Lejons clementaires de phy-
sique. Avec figures. Avignon [1868], 106 pp.
18“ 3969.56
CilAMBELLAN, Nephtali. La religion, son essence,
son passe, son avenir. Paris, 1872. 162-[- pp.
8“ 3485.52
Chajipagne, Franqois Joseph Marie Therhse Nom-
pere, eomte de. Le ohemin de la verity. Paris,
1872. xviii. 400-f pp. 18“ 3489.52
Chapman. Henry C. Evolution of life. Philadelphia,
1873 [187-2]. vi, 1934-pp. 32 pi. 8“ 3825.50
Charle.s, a. Legislation des etablissements publics
d’instruction secondaire. Paris, 1872. viii,
468 pp. 12“ 3599.54
Chariae Roberts series. Namely : —
— Thurston, L. M. Children of Amity court . . . 1729.7
Charrier-Jl'ignet, F. Code pratique ou le code
civil explique dans ses rapports avec le code de
procedure. T. 1. Paris, 1872. 520 pp. 8“ . . 7623.2
Chava.sse, Pye Henry. Advice to a mother on the
management of her children. 13th edition.
Philadelphia, 1873 [1872.] 408 pp. 12“ .... 1165.22
— Counsel to a mother. Philadelphia, 1873 [1872].
169 pp. 12“ 1165.22
Cheney, Ednah D. Sally Willi.am3. the mountain
girl. Illustrated. Boston, 1873 [1872]. 238pp.
16“ 17'25.6, E. B. 325.31
Cherbuliez, Victor. IJn cheval de Phidias. Cau-
series atheniennes. 2e edition. Paris, 1864.
342-|-pp. Photograph. 18“ 2678.73
— Le comte Kostia. 4e edition. Paris, 1872. 376-|-
pp. 16“ 2678.75
— Joseph Noirel’s revenge. Translated from the
French by Wm. F. West. New A'ork, 1872.
iv. 317 pp. 16“ 498.24
— Paul Merc. Paris, 1865. 352+ pp. 16“ ... . 2678.74
— Le prince Vitale, essai ct recit a propos de la folie
du Tasse. Paris, 1864. 3.56+ pp. 18“ .... 2678.77
— Le roman d’une honnete femme. 3e edition.
Paris. 1868. 399+ pp. 16“ 2678.76
Chester, Samh E. Roly and Poly at Pinkville.
New York, 1869. 260 pp. Illustrated. Sq.
16“ E. B. 17.45
Children’s. The, treasure. Boston [London], n. d.
142 pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16“ 906.9
Church. Arthur H. Colour. London [1872], 112
pp. Col. pi. and woodcuts. 16“ 8069a.23
Church. Florence, /ori7ierly Jliss Mai-ryat. Life and
letters of Captain Marryat. London, 1872.
2 V. 8“ 2448.59
— Woman against woman. Boston, N. D. 221 pp.
8“ E. B. 241.30
Chynoweth, AV. Harris. The fall of Maximilian,
late emperor of Mexico. London, 1872. xviii,
277+ pp. 1 pi. Map. 8“ 2315.53
Cincinnati, Ohio. The Tyler Davidson fountain
given by Henry Probasco to the city. Cincin-
nati. 1872. 118 pp. Illustrated. 12“ .... 2379.51
Civiale, Jean. Collection de calculs urinaires et
instruments de chirurgie. 2e edition. Paris,
1872. 180 pp. 8“ 3743.52
— La lithotritie et la taille. 2e edition, ornee de 34
gravures. Paris, 1872. 657+ pp. 8“ . . . . 3743.52
Clark. Samuel. Bible athas of maps and plans, with
notes [and an] index by George Grove. Lon-
don. 1868. viii. 111 pp. Illustrations. 12 col.
pi. 4“ 3420.50
Claxton. Florence. Adventures of a woman in
search of her rights. [AVith] drawings by the
author, reproduced in fac-simile by the grapho-
type process. Boston [1872]. [London, 1871.]
(28) pp. Obi. f“ 2570.3
Cobb, Sylvauus.yr. AVhiteHand. Illustrated. Bos-
ton, N. D. 50 pp. 4“ E. B. 171.5
Shelf. No.
COBBE, Frances Power, erfitor. Alone, to the alone :
prayers for theists. 2d edition. London, 1872.
xl, 108 pp. Sm. 8“ 3448.58
COBBETT, Richard Stuteley. Memorials of Twicken-
ham. London. 1872. xvi, 428 pp. 8“ ... 2494.7
COBDEJJ club, London. 2d report of the commis-
sioners appointed to revise the laws for the
assessment and collection of taxes in Xew
York, 1872. Reprinted by permission. Lon-
don L18T2 ]. 107+pp. 16“ . 3649.54 and S. B. 159.27
Coffin. Charles Carleton. Story of the great fire,
Boston, Nov. 9-10, 1872. By " Carleton ”
[pseud-l- Illustrated. Boston, 1872. 32 pp.
M.ap. 12" . . 2359.50. E. B. 137.27, and S. B. 155.3
Coffin. Robert Barry. My married life at Hillside.
By Barry Gray [p.sf«ci.]. AVith iiiustrations.
New York, 1871. xv, 290 pp. 16“ . . . . S. B. 144.6
Cohen, J. Solis. Diseases of the thro.at. With illus-
trations on wood. New York, 1872. xvi, 582
pp. 8“ 3795.68
Cole, Miriam. See Harris, Miriam Coie.
Collins, AY. H. Perspective. London, 1872. x, 93
pp. Illustrated. 16“ 8069.5
Collins. (AA'illiatn) AAHlkie. Armadale. Leipzig,
1866. 3 V. Sq. 16“ 760.65
Collins’ eiementary science scries. Namely : —
— Balfour, J. H. First book of botany 166.39
Comforted. By the author of *• Talks with a child
on the beatitudes.” Philadeiphia, 1873 [1872].
114 pp. 12“ 1119.27
COMINS. Lizzie B. The Hartwell farm. By Laura
Ciixton [peeud.]. Illustrated. Boston [cop.
1871]. 200 pp. 12“ S.B. 246.25
— Marion Berkley. By Laura Caxton [pseud.
Illustrated. Boston [cop. 1870]. 255 pp. 12“ .
S. B. 246.26
Converse. Frank B. The banjo, and how to play
it. New A'ork [1872]. 96 pp. 16" 1209.25
Cooke, John Esten. Fairfax. New York, 1868. 405
pp. 12“ E. B. 246.35
— Hilt to hilt; or. days and nights on the banks of
the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864. New
A'ork. 1871. 270 pp. 12“ E. B. 246.34
COOLIDOE. Susan, pseud. See Woolsev, Sarah
CoPPflE. Henry'. English liter.ature considered as an
interpreter to English history. Philadelphia,
1873 [1872], 486 pp. 12“ 2579.56
COQUILLE. Jean Baptiste A'ictor. Du cesarisme dans
I’antiquite etdans les temps modernes. Paris,
1872. 2 V. 18“ 2049.72
Corbin, Philip and Frank, New Britain. Conn.
Illustrated catalogue and price list of builders’,
cabinet, and miscelianeous hardware, with
Supplement. [Hartford] 1872. 320, 187-[- pp.
4“ *8031.50
CORDIER, Eugene. Equilibre st.able des charpentes
en fer, bois et fonte. Paris, 1872. xiii, 292 pp.
Illustrated. 4“ 4010.50
Cordner, John. Is Protestantism a failure ? Five
lectures. Also a discourse on Christian mono-
theism. Montreai, 1869. 96 pp. 12“ .... 5469a. 22
Cornelius. Mary H. The young housekeeper’s
friend. Revised and enlarged. Boston [1871].
312 pp. 12“ E. B. 34.43
Corwin, Edward Tanjore. The Corwin genealogy
(Curwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the United
States. New A'ork, 1872. xxxii,284-|-pp. PI.
and portraits. 8“ *4335.52
COSTE, Jean Jacques Marie Cyprien A'ictor. Histoire
generate et particuliere du developpement des
corps organises. T. 1 and atlas. Paris, 1847.
X, 484 pp. 4“ ; atlas, 50 pi. F“ . *5822.10; atlas *58.1.1
Xote. — .4. work by- M. Coste 7.1822.3]. bearing the same
title, is identical with this as tar as p. 376. where it ends.
But there is annexed to it an “ Explication des planches,"
which is wanting in the present volume.
CouTHON, Georges. Documents inedits sur la revo-
tion franqaise. Correspondance. suivie de
L’aristocrate convert!. Paris, 1872. 390-]- pp.
8“ 2642.54
COMTAN, Robert. Passages from the auto-biography
of a ■* man of Kent.” 1817-65. Edited by Reg-
inald Fitz-roy Stanley [pseud. "I. London. 1866.
XV, 407 pp. Sm. 8“ 2573.52
Cox, George AV.. and Jones, Eust.aee Hinton. Tales
of the Teutonic lands. London, 1872. xii, 394
pp. Sm. 8“ 2878.52
Craik. Dinah. (Maria) Muloch. formerly Miss Mu-
loch. Adventures of a brownie. lilustrated.
New A’^ork, 1872. 139 pp. 16“ 509.29
Shelf No.
Craik, Dinah (Maria) Muloch, continued.
— Fair France. By the .author of " John Halifax
genlieman,” etc. New A'ork, 1871. 238 pp.
12“ .... - E. B. 307.24
— Twenty ye.ars ago. From the journ.al of a girl
in her teens. Edited by the author of " John
Halifax gentleman.” New A'ork, 1872. 354pp.
16“ E. B. 307.23
Craik. Georgiana AI. AA'ithout kith or kin. Leip-
zig. 1872. 2v.ini. Sq. 16“ 760.56
— Same. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. Sq. 16“ . . . S. B. 260.5
Cr.vren. Dunnill. and CO., Broseley. England.
Tile pavements, geometrical and encaustic,
manufactured by them. [No title-page.] Brose-
ley, 1872. 1 p. of text ; 22 pi. F“ *8030.50
Croik.shank, George, and other artists. The comic
almanack, containing merry tales, humorous
poetry, quips, and oddities by Thackeray [and
others], AYith illustrations. 1st. 2d series,
1835-53. London, N. D. 2 v. Sm. 8“ . . . . 6538.7
CuNDALL. Joseph, editor. Ex.amples of ornament,
drawn from original sources by Francis Bed-
ford [etc.] London, 1855. 24 pi. and accom-
panying text. 4“ *4070.54
CcDLiP. Annie, formerly Miss Thomas. Maud JIo-
han. New A'ork, 1872. 83-(- pp. 8“ . . E. B. 241.58
CUORE, L. B. Italian conversation-grammar on Ot-
to’s system. 4th edition. New A'ork [cop.
1864]. vii, 279. 44-1- pp. 12“ S. B. 407.3
CCPPLES, George. The deserted ship : a story of the
Atlantic. liiustrated. Boston, 1873 [1872].
258 pp. 12“ 1728.1 and E. B. 27.37
Curtis. Newton M. The blue brotherhood. New
A'ork [1870], 96 pp. 16“ E. B. 16.30
Dagail. L. De la ddcentr.alisation administrative.
Piiris, 1871. X, 225-]- pp. 8“ 3646.56
Dalbt, AAAlliam Bartiett. Education of the deaf and
dumb by means of lip-reading and articula-
tion. London. 1872 . 32 pp. 8“ 5596.54
Dalton. AVilliam. Conquests of Mexico and Peru.
AA'ith illustrations. London, N. D. viii, 499
pp. 16“ • 770.2
Dash. Comtesse. pseud. See Saint Mars, N. Cis-
terne de Coutiras, vicomtesse de.
Davenant, .Sir AA'illiam. Dramatic works. Vol. 2.
Edinburgh, 1872. Sm. 8“ 2478.59
Cotuents. — Tlie Platonic lovers; The wits; Britannia
triuniphans ; Salmacida spolia.
Davies. Charles. Logic and utility of mathematics.
New A'ork, 1869. 375 pp. Sm. 8“ 3938.51
Davignon. Henri. Les pbaces fortes et les camps
retr.anches. Paris. 1871. 15 pp. 8“ 2623.62
Davis, Caroline E. K. Aunt Lois. Boston [1872].
359 pp. Illustrated. 12“ 1716.3
— Chew alley. Boston [1872]. 400 pp. Illustra-
ted. 16“ 1716.4
Delaunay. Charles Eugene. Cours elementaire
d’astronomie. 5e edition, avec planches, et
figures dans le texte. Paris, 1870. 660-]- pp.
18“ 3929.53
Delsaulx. Joseph. Elements d’optiquegeometrique.
Bruxelles. 1866. viii, 120 pp. 8“ 3926.61
— Elements d’optique physique. Bruxelles, 1868.
Vi, 220 pp. 8“ 3926.60
De Mille. James. The “B. O. AV. C.” series.
Picked up adrift. Illustrated. Boston, 1872.
333 pp. 16“ 417.26
The treasure of the seas. Illustrated. Boston.
1872. 336 pp. 16“ E. B. 27.38
— A comedy of terrors. [A novel ] Boston, 1872.
152-^ pp. 8“ 411.22andS, B. 211.41
— The young dodge club [series]. The seven hills
[i. e. Rome], Illustrated. Boston, 1873 [1872],
331 pp. 16“ . . 1713.4, E. B. 27.36 and S. B. 112.32
Demmin, Auguste (Frederic). Encyclopedic des sci-
ences, lettres et arts, et revue panoptique de
la Suisse. Suivie d’un guide artistique avec
gravures dans le texte. Paris, 1872. vii, 465
pp. 18“ 2838.50
De Morgan. Augustus. A budget of p.aradoxcs.
Reprinted, with the author’s additions, from
the ■' Athenaeum.” [Edited by Sophia De Mor-
gan] London, 1872. vii. 511 pp. 8“ . . . . 2573.53
Denison. Edmund Beckett. A rudimentary treatise
on clocks and watches and bells. AVith illus-
trations. 5th edition. Loudon, 1868. viii,
6—424 pp. 12“ 4018.51
Denison. Mary Andrews. AndyLutrell. By Clara
Vance [pseud.]. Boston, 1869. 384 pp. 2 pi.
16“ ..... S. B. 239.25
• Shelf. No.
* Denison, Mary Andrews, continued.
— Victor Norman, rector. Philivdelphia, 1873
[1872]. 202 pp. 12» 1712.5
Denton, William. Our pl.anet, its past and future;
or, lectures on geology. Boston, 1872. 344
pp. Illustrated. 12“ S. B. 317.13
— and Elizabeth M. P. The soul of things. Bos-
ton, 1871. 370 pp. 12“ S. B. 314.25
Derby, George. [Papers from tlie Third report of
the Massachusetts state board of healtli. Bos-
ton, 1872.] 8“ 5702.50
Contents. — Milt-dains and other water obstructions.
(12) pp. — Slaughtering, bone-boiling aud fit-incltiug.
(23) pp. — Small-pox in Massachusetts. (8) pp.
Desnoiresterres, Gustave (Le Brisoys). La mu-
sique fianqaise au xviii« sifecle. Gluck et Pic-
ciuni, 1774-1800. Paris, 1872. xi,424-|-pp. 8“. 4045.50
Deutsche Kriegs-Bliitter. i-xii. Ilerausgcber und
verantwortlicher Kedacteur : Ottoraar Leh-
mann. [No title-page.] Dresden, 1870, 71. 8“. 2822.53
A'ote. — Chronicle of events, etc., in the Franco-Ger-
man war, 1870, 71.
Deutsche Natlonalkrieg, Dcr. 1870-71. Heft 1-6.
[No title-page.] Leipzig. 1870. 71. 96 pp. 4“. *4821.51
Dev^ria, Theodule, and Piekret, Paul. Le papy-
rus de Neb-qed (cxemplaire hieroglyphique
du Livre des morts) reproduit. dOcrit et precedd
d’une introduction mythologique. Avec la
traduction du texte. Paris, 1872. vii, 9 pp.
12 pi. Obi. f“ *5050a.l
Dialogue aux enfcrs entre Charles x et Louis Phi-
lippe I”, par un contemporain. 4e edition.
Paris, 1871. 53 pp. 12“ *2659.58
Dick, William B. Encyclopedia of pr.actical receipts
and processes. New York [1872]. 607 pp.
Illustrated. 8“ 4005.53
Dick Travers abroad. Namely : —
— Samuels, A. F. Little cricket; or, Dick Travers
in London 1716.14
The lost tar; or, Dick Travers in Africa .... 1716.12
On the wave; or, Dick Travers aboard the
‘ ‘ Happy J ack ” 1716.13
Palm land; or, Dick Travers in the Chagos
islands 1716.11
Dickens, Charles (John Hutfara). Hunted down ;
and other reprinted pieces. Philadelphia \cop.
1861]. 7-467 pp. lilustr.ated. 18“ . . . .S. B. 212.16
Didot, Arabroise Firmin. Etude sur Jean Cousin,
suivie de notices sur Jean Leclerc et Pierre
Woeiriot. Paris, 1872. xii, 306 pp. 7 por-
traits. 8° 8065.54
note. — French painters and engravers.
Di.xon, William Hepworth. Her majesty’s tower.
London, 1869-71. 4 v. 8" . . .' 2493.12
Dobson, Edward. Rudiments of the art of building.
With illustrations. 8th edition. London, 1871.
xvi. 168 pp. 12“ 206.16
Documentary history of the protestant episcopal
church in the diocese of Vermont, including
the journals of the conventions, 1790-1832.
New York, 1870. 418 pp. 8“ 3545.51
Dodge. Mary Abigail. Little folk life. By G.ail
Hamilton [pseud.]. New York, 1872. 219pp.
10“ 414.1
Doellinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. F.ables
respecting the popes in the middle ages, trans-
lated by Alfred Plummer, with [his] ess.ay on
the prophetic spirit and the prophecies of the
Christian era, translated by H. B. Smith.
New York, 1872'. xxiv, 463-|- pp. 12“ . . . . 3467.51
— Lectures on the reunion of the churches. Trans-
lated with preface. By Henry Nutcombe
Oxenham. New York, 1872. xliv, 165 pp.
16“ 3529.56
Dolbeau, F. De la lithotritie pdrineale. Avec
figures dans le texte et une planche litho-
graphide. Paris, 1872. 236-]- pp. 8“ . . . . 3743.54
Donald. James. Chambers’s English dictionary.
With vocabularies of Scottish words and
phrases, Americanisms, etc. Edinburgh, 1872.
viii. 952 pp. 8“ *6585.7
Douen. (Emmanuel) Orenlin. L’intoler.ance deFdne-
lon. Etudes historiques d’apres des documents
pour la plupart inedits. Paris, 1872. xxiii,
313-t-pp. 18" .5469a.23
Douglas, Amanda M. Claudia. Boston, 1872. 381
pp. 12“ E. B. 322.44
Doumergue, E. Un nouveau chapitre d’apologetique
ehretienne au xix sifecle. Le sentiment moraie.
Paris, 1872. 198 pp. 8“ 3584.51
Shelf N .
Dowling, Morgan E. Southern prisons. With ilius-
trations. Detroit, 1870. .506 pp. Portr.ait. 8“. 2325.58
Drake, Samuel Adams. Old landmarks and historic
personages of Boston. Illustrated. Boston,
1873 [1872]. xviii. 484-]- pp. 12“.
228.22. 2329.52, S. It. 155.2 and E. B. 356.13
DRArEYRON-SkLiG.MANN, — . Les dcux folies de
I’aris, juillet 1870- mars 1871. Paris, 1872. iv,
352 pp. 18“ 4029.74
Drew, George Smith. Scripture lands in conneetion
with their history. 2d edition. London, 1871.
xxxii, 438 pp. Sm. 8“ 3048.51
Droz, Gustave. B.abolain. 5e f-dition. Paris, 1872.
.336-]- pp. 18“ 2678.59
Du Breuil, Alphonse. The scientific and profitable
culture of fruit trees. From the French.
Adapted for English cultivators by Wm.
Wardle. With engravii}gs. 2d edition, re-
vised, with an introduction by G. Glenny.
London, 1872. x. 229 pp. 12“ 1166.2
Duchenne, Guillaume Benjamin. Album de photo-
grajihies pathologiques, complementaire du
livre intitule De I’electrisation localisde. Paris,
1862. 17 photographs, with accompanying
text. L. 8“ *3801.54
— De I’electrisation localisde et de son application
a la pathologic et ii la therapeutique. 3e edi-
tion, avec figures et planches. Paris, 1872.
xii, 1120 pp. 8“ 3801.52
— MOcanisme de la physionoraie humaine [ap-
plicable a la pratique des arts plastiques].
Avec un atlas. Paris, 1862. Texte, vi, 1944-
pp. 8“ ; atlas, 93 photographs. 4“ 3601.53
Kote, — “ Provoquant a Taide de courants electriques,
la contraction des muscles de la face, pour leur faire
parler le langage des passions et des seutiments."
— Physiologic des mouvements dOraontrOe a I’aide
de I’experiraentation dlectrique et de I’observa-
tion Clinique et applicable a I’dtude des paraly-
sies et des deformations. Avec figures. Paris,
1867. xvi, 872-]- pp. 8“ 3801.53
Dudevant, Amantine Lucile AuroreDupin. Nanon,
par George Sand [p.vead.]. Paris, 1872. 354-)-
pp. 18“ 2678.80
Dumonteil, Fulbert. Portraits politiques. Les
Septembrises. Paris, 1872. 165-f- jjp. Sm.
12“ 2649.71
Note. — Sketches of the members composing the Gov-
ernment of national defence of France. The title of the
book is taken from the date of the organization of this
goverimient, Sei)t. 4, 1870. The articles were originally
published in the Paris paper, La presse.
Dupanloup, Fdlix Antoine Philippe. Conseils aux
jeunes filles sur I’etude de I’histoire. Paris,
1872. iv, 26^ pp. 18“ 3599.56
— Con.seils aux jeuues gens sur I’Otude de la phi-
losophic. Paris, 1872. xi. 324 pp. 18“ . . . 3607.59
Dupuit, (Arsene) Jules (Etienne Juvenal). Traitd
de I’equilibre des vofltes et de la construction
des ponts en maqonnerie. P.aris, 1870. Texte,
394-]- pp. 4“ ; atlas, 49 pi. Obi. f “ . . . . *8010a.52
Dupuy, Eliza A. How he did it. Philadelphia [cop.
1871]. 17.456 pp. Sm. 8“ E. B.307'27
Dupuy, Paul. Transformation des forces. Chaleur
et mouvement musculaire. Unite des pheno-
menes naturcls. Paris, 1867. xlix, 19 pp.
8“ 3965.54
Durand de Laur, H. Erasme prOcurseur et initia-
teur de I’esprit moderne. Paris, 1872. 2 v.
8" 2844.50
Duvillers, F. Les pares et jardins. l'« partie cora-
prenant planches avec texte. Paris, 1871. viii,
80 pp. 40 pi. F“ *8000.6
Dwight, Benjamin Woodbridge. Modern philology.
New York, [Ist series] 1859. 2d series, 1869
[cop. 1864]. 2 V. Maps. 8“ 2953.51
E., T. 8. Stories for willing ears. London [1871].
160 pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16“ 1716.10
Eassie, 'Willi.am. Healthy house. A handbook of
drainage, ventilation, warming [etc.]. With
estimates and illustrations. New York, 1872.
viii, 228 pp. 12“ 4109.5
Eastlake, Charles Lock. Hints on household taste
in furniture, upholstery, and other details.
Edited by C. C. Perkins. From the revised
London edition. Boston, 1872. xxxiv, 300-]-
pp. 16“ 208.12 ; 8102.26; S. B.313.18
Eberty, Felix. Walter S.cott. Ein Lebensbild. 2te
verbesserte Auflag'e. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. Por-
trait. 16“ 2440.60
Shelf. No.
Edwahds, Annie. Ordeal for wives. A novel. By
the author of “ Ought we to visit her ? ” Is ew
York,lS72. 448 pp. 12« 1713.2
Eelking, Max von. Der Krieg zwischen Deutsch-
land nnd Frankreich, 1870 bis 1871. Leipzig.
1871. 2 V. 8" 2826.54
Eggleston’, Edward. The end of the woi-ld. A love
story. With illustrations. I7ew York [1872].
■ 299 pp. 16« 1712.4 and S. B. 238.29
— The Hoosier school-master. With illustrations.
New York [cop. 18711. 226 pp. 12» . . S. B. 238.28
Eggleston, George Cary. How to educate yourself :
with or without masters. Kew York, 1872.
viii, 151 pp. 12“ 138.20
3595.52, 3595.53, E. B. 154.37. and S. B. 47.26
Egypt. Ministry of war. English residing lessons for
the military schools of the khedive of Egypt.
Alexandria, 1871. 77 pp. 8“ 6589.15
Eisseeldt, Ferdinand. Statistical chart, showing
the increase of the population of the Lnited
States. 1790 to 1880. With an Appendix con-
taining a comparative calculation of the in-
crease of the Hebrews, in Egypt, from the time
of .Toseph, to Moses. Boston, 1872. 8-[- pp.
1 folded chart. 8" *3648.51
Elder, Cj’rus. Dream of a free-trade paradise, and
other sketches. With illustrations. Philadel-
phia. 1872. 96 pp. 8“ 5645.57
Eliot, Charles William, and Stoker, Frank Hum-
phreys. Qualitative chemical analysis. Re-
vised by William Ripley Nichols. New York,
1872. vi. 126, lipp. 12“ E.B. 37.36
Ellen Montgomery’s hook shelf. Kamely : —
— Warner, S. and A. B. Carl Krinken . . . E. B. 17.39
Ellis, Sir Henry. Townley gallery of classic sculp-
ture in the British museum. London, N. D.
2 V. Illustrated. 12“ 8079.64
Elmwood. Boston [con. 1870]. 284 pp. Hlustrated.
16“ E. B. 22.43
Emmens, S. H. Logic pure and applied. London,
1870. viii. 172 pp. 12“ 3609.67
EnctclopLdie d’architecture. Revue mensuelle des
travaux publics et particuliers. 2e serie.
[Texte et planches.] Ire annee. No. 1-12.
Paris [1871. 72.] 4“ *4090.51
Exgelmann, AVilhelm. Bibliothek der schonen Wis-
senschaften. [Vol. 1. Zuerstherausgegehenvon
T. C. F. Enslin. Ganzlich umgearheitet von
W. Engelmann. 2te Auflage.] Leipzig, 1837,
46. 2v. 8“ 2876.50
Consents. — Tol. I. [Die Literatur] bis zar Mittc des
Jahres 1836. H. Die Literatur von der Mitte des Jahres
18;^ bis zur Mitte des Jahres 1843.
Engineer’s, The, guide to the royal and mercantile
navies. Revised by D. F. M’Carthy. 5th edi-
tion. London, 1868. viii, 159 pp. 12“ .... 1208.46
Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. His-
toire du plebiscite. He edition. Paris, 1872.
341-[- pp. 18“ 2679.78
Note. — A romance of the Franco-German war. The
scenes are laid in Alsace and Lorraine.
Essai sur la philosophie de ia guerre. £venements
de 1870-1871. Paris. 1872. 229-|- pp. 18“ . . 4628.55
Estvan. Mathilde. Harry Delaware. New York,
1872. 141 pp. 8“ 421.30
Ethel Mildmay’s follies. By the author of “ Pe-
tite’s romance.” Boston, 1872. 178-[- pp. 8“.
E. B. 241.51
Etton, E. Charlotte. By flood and by fell; or,
causes of change in the material world. Lon-
don [1872], 126+ pp. Illustrated. 8m. 8“ . 3869.50
Faber, Frederick William. All for Jesus. 9th edi-
tion. London, 1871. xxii, 425 pp. Sm. 8“ . 3454.63
Fabre. S. Paul. Des m^Ianodermies et en particu-
lier d’une melanodermie parasitaire. Paris,
1872. 103+ pp. 8“ 3797.56
Fairy fancies. Ploennies, Luise von 755.16
Farabeue, L. H. Precis de manuel operatoire. Li-
gatures des arteres. Avec figures. Paris, 1872.
xiv. 122 pp. 12“ 3748.51
Faret, Camille. Histoire de la guerre de 1870-1871.
L’empire. La republique. Paris, 1872. vi.
504+ pp. 8“ 2626.62
Farqiharson. Martha. See Finley, Martha.
Farrar, Frederic William. Essay on the origin of
language. London, 1860. xv, 231+pp. 16“.
S. B. 37.24
Fawcett, Henry and Millicent Garrett. Essays and
lectures on social and political subjects. Lon-
don, 1872. vi, 368+ pp. 8“ 3565.61
Shelf. No.
Fawcett, Henry and Millicent Garrett, continued.
Contents. — Slodern socialism ; The general aspects of
state intervention ; Free education in its economic as-
pects; Pauperism, charity and the poor law ; The regu-
lation of the hours of labour by the state : National debts
and national prosperity; YVhat can be done for the ag-
ricultural labourers ? The schools’ inquiry commis-
sioners on the education of girls: The education of
women; The clectorial disabilities of women; YVhy
women require the franchise ; The house of lords; An
American on representation ; Proportional representa-
tion and Hare's scheme explained.
Fenn, Charles. Compendium of the English and for-
eign funds, debts and revenues of all nations;
hanks, railways, mines, and the principal joint
stock companies ; laws and regulations of the
stock exchange, etc. 11th edition. Re-writ-
ten and greatly enlarged. With an appendix.
By Robert Lucas Nash. Loudon, 1872. xx.
662 pp. 1 pi. 8“ . . . • 5645.27
Fenton, E. Dyne. Military men I hav6 met. Illus-
trated. London. 1872. x. 219 pp. Sm. 8“ . . 2573.51
Fenwick. Thomas, of ZUpton. and Baker, Thomas.
Subterraneous surveying with and without the
magnetic needle. New edition, with diagrams,
London, 1871. xiii, 165+ pp. 12“ 1169.65
Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Barton, Sara Payson.
FERNBACH,'L.,yr. Der wohl unterrichtete I'heater-
freund. [V erzeichniss der von 1740 bis 1830
erschienenen Theaterschriften nehst Verlegern
und Preisen.] Berlin. 1830. vi. 360 pp. 8“. *6176.30
Ferrand. Eusehe. Aide-memoire de pharmacie.
Avec figures. Paris, 1873 [1872]. xii, 687+
pp. 18“ 3789.55
Ferris, Benjamin G. A new theory of the origin of
species. New Haven. 1872. 70 pp. 12“ . . . 3829.53
Feitllet, Octave. Julia de Trecoeur. Paris, 1872.
237+ pp. 18“ 4679.52
Contents. — Julia de Trfecceur ; Circe.
FLval, Paul (Henri Corentin). Le vicomte Paul.
[Fiction.] Paris, 1872. 312 pp. 18“ ... . 2678.61
Contents. — Le vicomte Paul; La reine Margot et le
mousquetaire ; Le chevalier Tourterelle.
Feydeae, Ernest (Aime). L’Allemagne en 1871.
Impressions de voyage. Paris, 1872. 274+
pp. 18“ ... ; 2869.52
— Le lion devenu vieux. Etude. Paris, 1872.
320+ pp. 18“ ***2678.63
Figcier, (Guillaume) Louis. The human race. Il-
lustrated. London. 1872. xvi. 548 pp. 8“ . . 2236.51
— Same. Illustrated. New York [London], 1872.
xvi, 548 pp. 8“ 143.1
— Mammalia. Their various orders and habits.
With engravings. New York, 1870. xi, 606+
pp. 8“ El. B,33.26
Filippi. Joseph de. Essai d’une hibliographie ge-
nerate du theatre, completant le Catalogue So-
leinne. Paris. 1861. vii, 223+pp. 8“ . . .*6174.18
Finley, Martha, /onneWy Miss Farquharson. Elsie
Dinsmore. New York [cop. 1876], 342 pp.
Illustrated. 16“ S. B. 239.26
— Elsie’s girlhood : a sequel to *• Elsie Dinsmore.”
New York, 1872. 422+ pp. Illustrated. 16“.
E. B. 325.33 and S. B. 239.27
— Wanted — a pedigree. Philadelphia [co;?. 1871],
528 pp. 1 pi. 12“ . . E. B. 307.31 and S. B. 145.28
Fischbach, Johann, and Masics, Hermann. Deut-
scher Wald und H.ain in Bild und Wort.
Miinchen und Berlin [1872], Cnp. 28 photo-
graphs. Ohl. 8“ ***3849.51
Fischer. J/is8 — . Ebb-tide, and other stories. By
Christian Reid [pseud.']. New York, 1872.
166 pp. Illustrated. 8“ 731.29
Fiske, John. Mj’ths and myth-makers. Boston,
1873 [1872]. vi. 251+ pp. 16“.
1087.30, E. B. 156.33. and S. B. 34.17
Fitton. James. Sketches of the establishment of
the church in New England. Boston, 1872.
346 pp. 4 portraits. 1 pi. 16“ 3549.52
Note. — An account of the establishment, and the sub-
sequent liistory, of the Roman catholic church in New
Flagg, Wilson. Woods and by-ways of New Eng-
land. With illustrations. Boston, 1872. xviii,
442 pp. 8“.
165.33. 3849.52, E. B. 232.10, and S. B. 313.19
Flammarion, Camille. Vie de Copemic et histoire
de la decouverte du systeme du monde. Paris.
1872. 248 pp. 18“ 3929.51
Sliclf. No.
Fleming. May Agnes. Guy Earlscourt’s wife. New
York, 1873 [1872]. 438 pp. 12”.
1714.4 .and E. B. 307.36
Focillon, Adolphe. Cours ^Idmentaire de physique.
Paris. 1868. 482 pp. Illustrated. IS” ... . 3969.55
Foebster. Ernst (Joachim). Geschichte der italie-
nischen Kunst. B. 3. Leipzig, 1872. 16” . . 8065.6
Fol, Frederic. Guide du teinturier. Avec figures
dans le texte. Paris, N. D. ix, 422 pp. 18" . 4029.50
Folie, F. Fondements d’une gdometrie superieure
Cartesienne. Bruxelles, 1872. ii, 142-f- pp.
1 folded pi. 4” 5920.50
Forrest. Neil. Honest and earnest. New York,
[187^. 257 pp. Illustrated. 12“ ...... 1725.4
Forster. John. Life of Charles Dickens. V<d. 2.
1842-1852. Philadelphia, 1873 [1872]. Por-
traits. 16” . . . 578,27, E. B. 195.20, and S. B. 67.11
Foster, Hannah. The coquette; or, the life and
letters of Eliza 'Wharton. By a lady of Massa-
chusetts. 'With an historical preface, and me-
moir of the .author. Philadelphia [cop. 1866].
17-302 pp. 16" E. B. 307.33
Fowler, \Villi.am Chjvuncey. Local law in Massa-
chusetts and Connecticut historically con-
sidered. Albany, 1872. 104 pp. 8“ 7612.6
France. Ministry of agriculture and commerce.
C.atalogue des brevets d’invention pris 1791-
1871. Paris, 1836-72. 26 v. 8” *3970.10
— Depositions orales faites dans I’enquete sur la
circulation monetaireet fiduciaire, resumees
par Arthur Legrand, et suivies du rapport du
coramlssaire general. Paris, 1872. xvi, 422pp.
8" 3645.54
— Conservatoire des arts et metiers, Paris. Cat.a-
logue des collections public par A. Morin. 5e
Edition. Paris, 1870. xlvii, 371-|- pp. 18“ . . 4019.56
Franco-German war, 1870, 71. ["Various numbers
of German serials published during the war,
of each of which but few numbers were issued ]
V. P., 1870. PPH. V. 8“ *4821.52
Contents. — Her franzoaigch-preussische Krieg. Von
A. Trabert. I.ief. 1,2. Wien. 32 pp. 8”. — Illustrirte
Kriegs-Cbronik. No, 1-3. Niirnberg. 28 pp. — Hocb
Deutschland! Hurrah Preussen. No. 1. 3, 5-8. Ber-
lin.— Illustrirte Kxiegs-Zeitung. No. 1-3. i,eipzig.
24 pp.
Franklin-Berger, Victor, iltudes physiologiques.
Contemporains avant, pendant et apres la
guerre [1870. 71], Paris. 1871. 140 pp. 12“ . *2659.58
Free-masonrv. The perfect signs and grips of craft
masonry. Including the tracing boards for
three degrees, etc. "With illustrations. N. P.,
1872. 76, 23-t- pp. Sm. 8" 3569.63
Free.man. Edward Augustus. Outlines of history.
New York. 1872. ix. 366 pp. 16" 997.21
Frickell, G. The mamcian’s own book. Edited
by \V[illiam] Hfenry] Cremer. jun. With
over 500 woodcuts. New York, 1870. xi,
162-t-pp. 16" E. B. 37.32
— Same. 'VVith 200 illustrations. London [1871].
325 pp. 16" 186.11
Frost, Sarah Annie. New book of dialogues. New
York [1872]. 180 pp. 12“ 1397.19
Fhothingham. Richard. Rise of the republic of the
United States. Boston, 1872. xxii, 640-[- pp.
8“ . . . .273.2. 2322.56, E. B. 184.13, and S. B. 154.3
Froode, James Anthony. The English in Ireland
in the 18th century. Vol. 1. New York, 1873
[1872]. 16“ . . . 986.9, E. B. 144.2, and S. B. 56.11
Fullerton, Amy Fullerton. A lady’s ride through
Palestine .and Syria; with notices of Egypt
and the canal of Suez. With illustrations
from views taken [by the author] . London,
1872. viii, 349 pp. Sm. 8“ 3048.52
Gagarin, Jean. The Russian clergy. Translated
from the French by Ch. Du Gard Makepeace.
London, 1872. vi, 278-|- pp. 16" 5068.7
Gail H,amilton, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail.
Gairal, J. V. Les descentes de matrice, de leur
gu6rieon radicale par le raccourcissement du
vagin. Traitement des maladies du col paries
liquides. Suppression des ceintures hypoga-
striques. Charleville, 1872. 154 pp. l‘8“ . . 3749.52
Gale, Ethel C. Putnam’s handy-book series. Hints
on dress. New York, 1872. iv, 107 pp. 12" . 197.40
Gardner, Celia E. Broken dre,ams. New York,
1873 [1872]. 252 pp. Illustrated. 12" . . . . 364.14
Gardner, Franklin B . How to paint. For the use
of the tradesman, mechanic, farmer [etc.].
New York, 1872. 127 pp. Sm. 16“ 209.15
Shelf. No.
Gardner, William Sewall. Address at the dedica-
tion of Masonic temple, Lowell, Mass., Febru-
ary 13, A.L. 5872 [1872]. Lowell, 1872. 86-f-
pp. 8" 3565.59
Garnier, Jules. Campagne de 1870-1871. Les vo-
lontaires du genie dans I’Est. Paris, 1872.
316-f pp. Map. 18" 4029.77
Garrett, Edward, /iseurf. See Mayo, Isabella F.
Gaylord, Ghance, pseud. See Bradley, W. J.
Gems of Strauss. A collection of dance music for the
piano, consisting of waltzes, polkas [etc.] by
Johann Strauss [and by Joseph and Eduard
Strauss]. Boston, 1872 . 224 pp. Portrait.
4" 8041.57
General hints to emigrants. With a map of the
world. London, 1866. iv, 209 pp. 12" . . . 669.21
General index to the contents of fourteen popular
treatises on natural philosophy. By a Massa-
chusetts teacher. New York, 1872. 108-|- pp.
8" 3965.52
Gentz, Friedrich von. Briefe an Pilat. Ein Beitrag
zur Geschichte Deutschlands im xix. Jahr-
hundert. Herausgegeben von Karl Mendels-
sohn-Bartholdy. Leipzig, 1868. 2 v. 8" . . 2823.52
Gibbon. Charles. For the king. New York, 1872.
122 pp. 8“ 411.23
Gidel, Charles (Antoine). Les fran5aise au XVII«
sibcle. Paris, 1872. ii. 461-]- pp. 18“ ... . 4628.66
Gift, The, of the knees : or the ministry of prayer,
the ministry of power. Boston [1872]. 328
pp. 16“ 1119.25
Contetits. — Introduction; Asked of God, by Anna
Shipton ; Tel! Jesus, by Anna Shiptun ; Three days in
the life of Gellert [from the Sabbath at home].
Gilbert, William. King George’s middy. With il-
lustrations. Boston, 1871. 501 pp. 16“ . . . 770.1
Gilbert, W. S. More Bab ” ballads. Much sound
and little sense. With illustrations by the
author. London, N. D. 224 [218] pp. So.
16" .:.... 2579.55
Giles, Chauncey. Lectures on the incarnation,
atonement, and mediation of Christ. 5th edi-
tion. Philadelphia. 1873 [1872], 94 pp. 12“ . 3479.52
— Lectures on the nature of spirit, and of man as a
spiritual being, bth edition. Philadelphia,
1873 [1872]. 2u6pp. 12" 5545.62
Gilman, Arthur. Homes and hospitals; or two
phases of woman’s work, as exhibited in the
labors of Amy Dutton and Agnes E. Jones.
[Anon.] Boston, 1873 [1872]. 336 pp. Sm.
8“ 3579.58 and E. B. 204.14
Gladstone, John Hall. Michael Faraday. New
York, 1872. 223 pp. Portrait. 16" . 549.43; 2449.54
Glance Gaylord, pseud. See Bradley, W. J.
Glynn, .Joseph. Rudimentary treatise on the power
of water, a.s applied to drive flour mills and to
give motion to turbines and other hydrostatic
engines. 4th edition. Numerous illustrations.
London, 1872. xii, 162 pp. 12“ 1149.11
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, comte de. Souvenirs de
voyage. Cephalonie, N.axie, et Terre-Neuve.
Paris, 1872. 222+ pp. 18“ 2269.53
Contents. — Le mouchoir rouge; Akrivie Pbrango-
poulo ; La ebasse au caribou.
Goedeke, Carl, and Tittmann, Julius, editors.
Deutsche Dichter des 17ten Jahrhunderts.
Leipzig, 1869, 70. 4 v. 16“ 4879.2
CorUents. — Yo\. I. tAusgewiihlte Diebtungen von
Martin Opitz. II. Gedichte von Paul Fleming. Ill,
Sinngedichte von Friedrich von Logau. IV. Drama-
tisebe Diebtungen von Andreas Gryphius.
Gordon, Clarence. Boarding-schooldays. ByVieux
Moustache [pseud.]. With illustr.ations. New
York, 1873 [1872]. iv. 291 pp. 16".
1712.8, E. B. 1738, and S. B. 129.35
Gossin. Henri. Notions pr^liminaires de physique.
Ouvrage rOdigd conformementauxprogrammes
officiels de 1866 pour I’enseignement sbeondaire
special. Ire [-4e annee]. Vol. 3, 3e edition.]
Paris, 1869-72. 4 v. Illustrated. 16“ .... 3969.51
Gossin, Louis. Elements de physique et de mdea-
nique avec nombreuses .applic.ations a I’agri-
culture et a I’industrie. [Avec] figures dans
le texte. Paris, 1869. 204 pp. 18“ 3969.54
Gould, .Tcanie T. Maijorie’s quest. With illustra-
tions. Boston, 1872. 3.56-]- pp. 16".
798.2, B. B. 242.14, and S. B. 237.35
Gouraud, (Vincent Francois) Xavier. Des crises.
[Pathologic.] Paris, 1872. 94-f- pp. Illus-
trated. 2 folded pi. 8“ 3795.65
Shelf. No.
Graham, Walter. Brassfounder’s manual. With
illustrations. 2d edition. London, 1868. viii,
141 ])p. 12“ 1149.7
Grant. Ulysses Simpson, and Wilson, Henry.
Lives. With portraits and other engravings.
Philadelphia [1872]. 373 pp. 16“ 518.27
Grapiiotyping company, London. Specimens of
photo-graphotype engraving. Loudon [1871].
Text, 4 pp., and 25 pi. 4“ 8062.11
Gray, Barry, pseud. See Coffin, Robert Barry.
Great Britain. Board of trade. Agricultural
returns, with abstract returns for the United
kingdom, British possessions, and foreign
countries. 1871. London, 1871. 78 pp. 8“ . *7064.19
Parliament. Catalogue of important reports,
evidence and papers. London [1861-67],
12“ *4519.24
Report of the committee on intemperance.
Manchester [l869]. xvi, 192 pp. 16“ ... .3579.56
Green, William Henry. A grammar of the Hebrew
language. 3d edition. New York, 1872. xi,
398-(- pp. Folded table. 8“ 3033.55
Green Bay, Wisconsin. Directory and business
guide of the city, and [of the] borough of Ft.
Howard, for 1872 and 1873. Green Bay, 1872.
107 pp. 8“ *4386.64
Greenough. Mrs. Richard Saltonstall. In extremis.
A novelette. Boston, 1872. 202-|- pp. 16® . 1715.2
Gregory, George W. Sewing machine attachments.
A digest of patents granted in the United
States. With a description of English patents
on like subjects and rejected cases in the U. S.
patent office, open to public examination, Jan.
1, 1872. Washington, 1872. xi, 75 pp. 37 pi.
L. go *3981.50
Griffiths, Frederick Augustus. Artillerists man-
ual, and British soldier’s compendium. 10th
edition. London. 1868. xxiv, 400 pp. 16“ . . 3959.52
Grimshaw, William. The handy dictionary [of the
English language], Philadelphia, 1873 [1872],
407 pp. 12“ 2489a. 54
Note. — A re-impressioTi, from old stereotype plates, of
The ladies' lexicon, which was copyrighted in 1829. The
certiheate of copyright and the date (1828) athxed to tiro
preface have been removed. From the same plates there
has been published, with a mere change of title-page,
The geutleuian’s lexicon.
Gripon, E. Cours dl^raentaire de physitjue appli-
qude aux arts industriels, contenant hgures in-
tercalOes dans le texte. Paris, [1869], 2 v.
2go 3969.57
Contents.— VnX.Il. Pesantenr; Chaleur; Electricite.
ITT Chaleur; Electricite; Acoustique; Optique.
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Poets and poetry of
America. With additions by R. H. Stoddard.
With portraits. New York, 1873 [1872], 667-[-
pp. K 8“ . ., 2402.51
Groenland, Johannes, Corner, Maxime, and
Rivet, Gabriel. Des prepar.ations raicrosco-
piques tiroes du rbgne vegetal. Paris, 1872.
75+ pp. Illustrated. 8“ 5924.50
Gross, J.B. Doctrine of the Lord’s supper. Phila-
delphia, 1873 [l872]. xii. 191 pp. 12“ .... 3459.74
GcASCO, Charies. I>e president Bonjean otage de la
commune. Paris, 1871. 198 pp. 12“ .... *2659.58
GuErin, Auriile. iltude sur la teldgraphie militaire
et sur I’organisation du service telegraphique
en campagne. Paris. 1872. 132 pp. 8“ . . .3965.53
Guerre de 1870-71. Impressions et souvenirs du
siege de Belfort, par un volontaire de I’armee
de Belfort. Avec une carte. 2e edition.
Paris, 1872. viii, 172 pp. 16“ . . . 4629.79
Guild, Curtis, Over the ocean. Boston, 1872. viii,
558 pp. 8“ S, B. 343.14
Guillemin, Amedde. The forces of nature, a popu-
lar introduction to the study of physical phe-
nomena. Translated from the French by Mrs.
Norman Lockyer ; and edited, with additions
and notes, by J. Norman Lockyer, Illustrated.
London, 1872. xxxix, 679 pp. L. 8“ 3962.51
Wonders of the moon. Tran.slated from the
French by M. G. Mead. Edited, with addi-
tions, by Maria Mitchell. Illustrated. New
York, 1873 [1872]. 241+ pp. 12“.
148.22, E. B. 36.22, and S. B. 318.32
Hachard, Marie Madeleine. Relation du voyage des
dames religieuses ursulines de Rouen a la Nou-
velle-Orl^ans, avec introduction et des notes
par Gabriel Gravier. Paris, 1872. lix, 122+
pp. *4503.23
Shelf. No.
Hachard, Marie Madeleine, continued.
Note — Fac-simile reprint of the edition published at
Rouen. 17:(8, with tlie addition of an ' introduction and
notes by tlie editor. Of the original ediliou but tlirce
copies are known to exist.
Hacqdart, Paul. Traits pratique et rationnel de
botauique mddicale, suivi d’un memorial the-
rapeutique. Rouen, 1872. xvi. 413 pp. 16“ . 3789.53
Haddon, James. Rudimentary arithmetic. New
edition, revised, with additions, by Abraham
Arman. London, 1862. 152+ pp. 12“ . . . 1149.6
Hale, Edward Everett. His level best, and other
stories. Boston, 1873 [1872]. 293+ pp. 16“.
1714.6 and E. B. 266.20
HalEvy, Ludoidc. Madame et Monsieur Cardinal.
Douze vignettes. 3e ddition. Paris, 1872.
275+ pp. 18“ 2679.77
Contents. — Madame Cardinal; Monsieur Cardinal;
Lereve; Le cheval du trompetto; Le dernier chapitre;
Qnand on attend ses messes; ilistoire d’un robe de bal;
Antoinette; Niniclie; La pette caillc plucheuse; L’in-
surg6; hlistingue et Lenglume.
Hall, Samuel C.arter. Baronial halls and ancient
picturesque edifices of England. Colored
lithotints. Text by S. C. Hall. With engrav-
ings on wood. London, 1848. 2 v. 4“, 1. p. *4090.50
— and Anna Maria. Ireland : its scenery, char-
acter, etc. London, 1841, 43. 3 v. PI., maps,
and woodcuts. L. 8“ 4511.18
Haller, Albrecht von. The virtuous prince; or,
travels and adventures ofU.song. An oriental
history. [Translatedfrom the German.] Lon-
don, 1784. ii, 316+ pp. 12“ 4879a.51
Note. — An imaginary history.
Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail.
llARCOURT, Helen. Bertram Raymond. Philadel-
phia, 1872. 356 pp. 12“ 1714.3
Hare, Augustus John C. Memorials of a quiet life.
London, 1872. 2 v. 2 portraits of Maria L.
Hare. 8" 2449.56
Note. — Memorial of the brothers Augustus 'William
and Julius Charles Uare, authors of “ Guesses at truth."
Harris, Miriam Cole, /oj'mcrZyJ/tss Cole. Rutledge.
By the author of “ The Sutherlands.” New
York, 1872 . 504 pp. 12“ S. B. 147.22
Harrison, William B. Mechanic’s tool book. New
York, 1868. 278 pp. Illustrated. 12“ .... 4019.53
Harrisse. Henry. Notes pour servir a I’histoire, a
la bibliographie et a la cartographie de la Nou-
velle-France et des pays adjacents 1545-1700.
P.arie, 1872. xxxiii, 367+ pp. 8“ *6158.14
Harting, J. Edmund. Handbook of British birds.
London, 1872. xxiv, 198 pp. 8“ 3905.51
Hase, Carl (August). Das Lebeu Jesu. 5te Auflage.
Leipzig. 1865. xvi, 284 pp. 8“ . 3479.53
Hasse, C., atid others. Anatomische Stud’ien.
Herausgegeben von C. Hasse. Heft 1-3. [Ti-
tle-page missing.] Leipzig, 1869-72. 582 pp.
26 pi. 8“ 3746.56
Hatch, Alice J. Under the cedars. Boston, 1872.
264 pp. 16" E. B. 242.6. and S. B. 237.34
Havergal, Frances Ridley. Ministry of song. [Po-
ems.] New York. 1872. xiii. 205 pp. Sm. 12“. 3449.82
Hayden, William B. Light on the last things. Phila-
delphia, 1873 [1872], 193 pp. 12“ 5545.61
Hazen, William Babcock. The school .and the army
in Germany and France, with a diary of siege
life at Versailles. New York, 1872. 408 pp.
8“ ■ E. B. 356.16
Hazlewood, David. A Fijian and English and an
English and Fijian dictionary. Also, Brief
hints on native customs, proverbs [etc.]. And
a gr.ammar of the language. 2d edition, with
m.ap. Editefi by James Calvert. London
[1872], 281, 64+ pp. Sm. 8“ 5039.51
Healy, Mary. A summer’s romance. Boston, 1872.
3-314 pp. 12" 1712.7
Heather, John Fry. Elements of m.athematical
drawing. (1st course.) Practical plane ge-
ometry. London, 1872. viii, 172 pp. 12“ . . . 148.2
Heiss, Aloi'ss. Description genbrale des monnaies
des rois wisigoths d’Espagne. Paris, 1872.
iii, 185+ pp. Illustrations in the text, and 13
pi. 4“ 3090.52
Hello, Ernest. L’homme. Precede d’une introduc-
tion, par Henri Lasserre. Paris, 1872. xxviii,
444 pp. 8“ 3605.66
Hennequin, Joseph Franqois Gabriel. Biographic
maritime. Paris, 1835, 37. 3v. Portraits. 8“. 2245.53
Shelf. No.
Henry IV, of France.. Lettres in^dites au chancclier
de Bcilifevre dii 8 fevrior 1581 au 23 aeptembre
1601, publiecs par E. Halphen. Paris, 1872.
iv. 33.5-1- PP- 8“ 2648.59
Henry, John F. A catalogue with prices of proprie-
tary medicines, chemicai products, mineral
waters [etc.]. Annual, 1872-73. [New York
1872.] 240 pp. 8» 3786.50
Hensciiel, F. a collection of Anglicisms. German-
isms and phrases of the English and German
languages. Berlin. 1871. 244-|-p,). 16“ . . 2889a. 50
Herbert. S. A. F. [Prize series.] M.ay Beli. By
Herbert Newbury [peeud^. Boston, 1869.
452 pp. Illustrated. 16“ S. B. 239.28
Herder, Johann Gottfried von. Briefe von Lava-
ter, Jacobi. Forster, u. A. Herausgogeben von
H. Duntzer und F. G. von Herder. Frankfurt,
1858. 463-j- pp. Sm. 8“ 2849.52
Sote. — Includes, also, letters from Herder,
Hervey, Thomas Kibble. Poems. Edited by [E.
L ] Hervey. Boston, 1866. viii, 437 pp. Por-
trait. Sm. 16“ 2409a.51
Hesba Btretton, pseud. See S.mith, Hannah.
Hesse, A. L’administration provinciale et com-
munale en France et en Europe, 178^1870.
Amiens, 1870. 800 pp. 8“ . . 6560.35
Hiete, Georg. Der franzdsische Kreig von 1870 und
1871. Illustrirt von Waidemar Friedrich.
Abth. 1. Mit Karten und Pianen. Bielefeld,
1872. 8“ *4822.50
HiLLERN,Wilhelmine von. By his own might. From
the German. Philadelphia, 1872. 397 pp. 12“.
785.3 and S. B. 145.28
— Only a girl. From the German by Mrs. A. L.
Wister. Philadelphia, 1872. 544 pp. 12“.
S. B. 145.29
Hobbs, Isaac H., and son. Architecture : containing
designs and ground plans for villas, cottages,
and other edilices. Philadelphia, 1873 [1872].
189 pp. 8“ 4095.52
Hodge. Charles. Systematic theology. Vol. 3. New
York, 1873 [1872]. 8“ 7460.3
Contents. — Soteriology ; Eschatology.
Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. A golden sorrow. Leipzig, 1872.
2 V. Sq. 16“ 760.61 and S. B, 260.35
Hoffman, Franz. Father Muller. From the Ger-
man by Charles A. Smith. Boston [1872].
236 pp. 2 pi. 16“ 1716.7
HOFEAND, Barbara. Self-denial. A tale. Boston,
1845. 154 pp. 12“ 759.24
Hoeeand, Josiah Gilbert. The marble prophecy,
and other poems. New York, 1872. iv, 112 pp.
1 pi. 16“ . . . 339.24, K. B. 166.35, and S. B. 2.56.36
Hoeme Lee, pseud. See Parr. Harriet.
Hoemes, Oiiver Wendell. The poet at the breakfast-
table. Boston, 1872. 418+ pp. 1 pi. 16“.
903.23, E. B. 206.19, and S. B. 36.13
Hoet, Emily Sar.ah. The well in the desert: an old
legend. New Y'ork, 1873 [1872.] vi, 144-[-pp.
Ipl. 16“ 1712.6
Hoetzendorff, Franz von. Hie Principien der
Politik. Berlin, 1869. xvi, 360 pp. 8“ . . . . 3648.52
Hoezer, Heinrich. Her Hildesheimer antike Silber-
fund seine archaologische und artistischeBedeu-
tung. Mit Tafeln. llildesheim, 1870, 107+
pp. 8“ 2833.50
Home, Daniel Douglas. [First] seeond series. In-
cidents in my life. [1st series. With an intro-
duction by .Judge Edmonds.] New York,
1872. 2 V. 12“ 538.25
— Incidents in my life. Ist series, 6th edition.
With introduction by [.J. W.] Edmonds. 2d
series. New York, 1872. 2 v. 12“.
E. B. 215.2 and S. B. 68.17
Homerus. The Iliad. Translated into English blank
verse by Willitim Cullen Bryant. Boston,
1871. 2 V. 12“ S. B. 158.19
Homes and hospitals. Gieman, Arthur 3579.58
Honigmann, D. Das Grab in Sabbioneta. Ge-
schichtliche Novelle. Leipzig, 1872. 182+ pp.
16“ 5488.16
Hook, Theodore Edward. The Ramsbottom letters.
London, 1872. 96 pp. 16“ 2.579.57
Hooper, Samuel, and others. Coinage of the United
States. Debate in the House of representa-
tives, April 10. 1872. Speeche.s of S. Hooper,
W. L. Stoughton, W. D. Kelley, Fernando
Wood. [Washin^n?] 1872. 42pp. 8“ . , 3649.53
Hope, Mrs. — . Conversion of the Teutonic race.
Conversion of the Franks and the English.
Edited by -I. B. Dalgairns. London, 1872. li.
452 pp. Sm. 8“ 3529.52
Shelf No.
Hope, Mrs. — , continued.
— Soquel to The conversion of the Teutonic race.
8. Boniface and the conversion of Germany.
London. 1872. xx, 370 pp. Sm. 8“ 3529.53
Hoppe-Seyler, Felix, and others. Medicinisch-
chemishe Untersuchungen. MitTafein. Ber-
lin. 1866-71. vi, 593+ pp. 8“ 3805.60
Hoppin, James Mason. Did Engiand; its scenery,
art, and people. 4th edition. New York, 1872.
iv. 470+ pp. 16“ S. B. 349.22
How to shine in society; or, the science of conversa-
tion. New York, N. d. 96 pp. 16“ 1129.28
How to speak in public. New York, N. D. 79 pp.
16“ 1399.9
Howard, Clarence J., editor. Recitations. Comic,
serious, .and pathetic. New York [1872]. 180
pp. 16“ 1397.26
Howson, John Saul, and others. A week in Ches-
ter cathedral, being sermons preached at the
re-opening. 1872. Edited by [J. S. Howson].
London, 1872. viii, 224 pp. 1 pi. Sm. 8“ . . 3457.70
Howzeau, Jean C. Etudes sur les facultes mentales
des animaux comparees a celles de I’homme.
Mons, 1872. 2 v. 8“ 3607.60
Hudson, R. Land valuer’s best assistant : being t.a-
hles for calculating the value of estates. New
edition. London, N. d. xxv pp. 100 tables.
Sm. obi. 16“ 5939a.8
Hugessen, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull. Tales at
te.a-time. Fairy stories. Illustrated. London,
1872. iv, 3.57+ pp. 16“ 1716.1
Hugo, Victor (Marie), vicomte. Gavroche : the ga-
min of Paris. From •' Les miserables.” Trans-
lated and adapted by M. C. Pyle. Philadel-
phia [1872]. 22.5 pp. lilustrated. 16“.
1713.6, E. B. 308.8, and S. B. 128.24
Humphry, George Murray. Observations on the
limbs of vertebrate animats. Cambridge, 1860.
44+ pp. 3 pi. 4“ 3991.51
Hunt, Helen. Bits of travel. By H. H. Boston,
1872. 304+ pp. Sq. 16“ E. B. 88.6
Hunt, (James Henry) Leigh. Poetical works. Ed-
ited by Thornton Hunt. With illustrations.
London, N. D. xv, 455 pp. 16“ 2569a. 52
— A jar of honey from Mount Hybla [or sweets
from Sicily in particuiar, and pastoral poetry
in general]. Illustrated. London, 1848. viii,
xxiii. 200-1- pp. 8“ 2769.51
— Dramatic worl:s of Wycherley, Congreve, Van-
brugh and Farquhar. With biographical and
critical notices. New edition. London, 1871.
Ixxxiv, 668 pp. PI. Portrait. 8“ 2571.51
Nofe. — Originally published by Edward Moxon, in
1840. The subsequent " editions ” have been without
Hutchinson, Alexander H. Try Cracow and the
Carpathians. With illustrations. New York
[London, 1872]. vi, 266+ pp. 1 map. 8“ . . 689.28
Hyacinthe, Pere. See Loyson, Charles Jean Marie.
Ideviele, Henry d’. .Journal d’un diplomate en Ita-
lic. Notes inlimes pour servir a I’histoire du
second empire, Turin, 1859-1862. 2e Edition.
Paris, 1872. x. 326+ pp. 16“ 2744.50
Ignatius Loyoea, St., originally Inigo de Recalde
de Loyoia. Meditations; or. the ‘'Spiritual
exercises” expounded, by Father Liborio 8i-
niscitlchi. Translated from the Italian and re-
vised by [.J. B. B.]. Philadelphia, 1866. 429
pp. 12“ 3449.78
Ieeinois humane society. An appeal in behalf of the
society. [No title-page.] Chicago, 1871. 8
pp. F“ 7570a.4
Ieeustrated library of travels, exploration and ad-
venture. New York, 1872. 2 v. Sm. 8“.
Namely : —
— Richardson, J. Wonders of the Yellowstone.
627 27, E. B. 34.42, and S. B. 345.4
— Taylor, ( J.) Bayard. Travels in South Africa.
699.24, E. B. '234.33, and S. B. 34.53
Ieeustrated library of wonders. Namely : —
— Guillemin. A. Wonders of the moon . . . E. B. 36.22
I.mbert-Gourbeyre, Antoine. De Taction de I’ar-
senic sur la peau. Paris, 1871. 135-^ pp. 8“. 3795.71
INFANT.S’, The. delight. Vol. 3. Boston [London],
N. D. 142 pp. Illustrated. Sq. 16“ 345.24
Industrial drawing for beginners. Free-hand.
Stetson, — 209.18
INGEEOW. .Jean. Off the Skelligs. Boston, 1872.
666+ pp. 16“ . 1715..3, E. B. 327.21, and S, B, 238.30
Ingham lectures. The. On the evidences of natural
and revealed religion. Cleveland, 1872. vlll,
365 pp. 8“ 3469.55
Shelf. No.
Ingham lectures, continued.
Co»^c«?s.— Personal cause. By R. S. Foster ; Origin
of life: an examination of Huxley. By II. S. Foster;
Oripin of species: an examination of Darwinism. By
R. S. Ft>stcr. Theism ami antitheism in tlunr n'lations
to science, by A. IMalinn ; Miracles, by E. Thompson;
The Bible a revelation fnnn (Jofl, by J). W, Clark;
Scripture inspiration, by F. Warren; The ullcpeu
discrepancies i»f Scripture, by F. H. Newhall; Adapta-
tion of tl>e Scriptures to man's moral and spiritual na-
ture, by D. Curry; The person of Jesus Christ, by W.
D. Godman.
Ingraham, Joseph Colt. The prince of the hou.se of
David. New edition. Bo.ston, 1872. 472 pp.
Illustrated. 8o 1105.24
Institgt zur Forderung israelitischen Literatnr.
Schriften herausgogeben unter Tieitung von
Ludwig Philippson. A. M. Goldschmidt, [und]
L. IIcrzHeld. ]ter-17ter Jahr, Leipzig [etc.] :
Oskar Lciner [etc.]. 1855-72. 47 v. 16® and
8®. Namely: —
Cassol. D. Geschichtc der jiidischen Literatnr . 5488.17
Honigmann, D. Das Grab in Sabbioneta . . . 5488.1G
— Philippson, L. An den Strbinen durch drei
Jahr-tausende 5488.16
[taxian scenes and stories. By the author of “ What
makes me grow,” etc. With illustrations.
Boston [London], 1872. 180-|- pp. Sq. 16® . . 1716.6
Jacob, Le bibUopliile^pftend. See Lacroix, Paul.
Jacqmin, F. Les chemins de fer pendant la guerre
de 1870-71. Paris, 1872. xxiii, 3514" PP- 8® . 2623.60
Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung. Verwaltung und
Rechtspflege des deutschen Reichs. Ilerausge-
geben von Dr. Franz von lloltzendoi'tt*. Jabr-
gang 1. Leipzig. 1871. 8® ■^3669.52
James, Marian. The elder sister. New-York, 1855.
328 pp. 12® 495.4
James Gordon’s wife. New York, 1871. 174 pp.
8® S. B. 142.9
Jarrt de BorFFF:MONT, Henri de. Manuel de gym-
nastique eclectique pour tons les ages. Avee
planelies [et] figures. Paris, 1871. 587 pp.
8® 4002.50
Jay, W. M. L. winter in Cuba. New York. 1871.
206 pp. 12® E.B. 343.24
Jeaffre.son, John Cordy. Annals of Oxford. Lon-
don, 1871. 2v. 8® 2.555.11
— Brides and bridals. T.ondon, 1872. 2 v. 8®. .2236.52
Jewett. Jeremiah Peabody. History of Barnstead,
1727-1872. Revised [and] enlarged by Robert
B. Cavorly. Lowell, 1872. 264 pp. 4 por-
traits. Illustrated. 8® *4333.51
Jewitt, IJewellynn. Guide to Alton towers, and the
surrounding district, including Dovedale, Asli-
bourne, etc. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1869.
vili, 764" pp- Bq. 16® 6538.15
— Tourist’s guide to Derbyshire. New edition.
With map. plans, and illustrations. Edinburgh,
1870. V. 2834- PP- 16® 6538.25
Joanne, Adolphe (Laurent). Geographie, histoire,
statistique et archdologie des dtq^hrtcments de
la France. Bouches-du-Khone. (38 gravui'cs
ctl carte.) Paris, 1872. 112 pp. 16® . . . .2639.55
Johnson, Samuel. Oriental religions and their rela-
tion to universal religion. India. Boston,
1872. Vi, 802 pp. 8® . . . . 3486.54 and S. B. 311.13
Johnston, Richard Malcolm, and Browne. William
Hand. Historical sketch of English literature.
New York, 1873 [1872]. 395 pp. 12® .... 397.16
Johnston, T. B., and Robertson. James A. His-
torical geography of the clans of Scotland.
Edinburgh, 1872. 39 pp. 6 maps. 4® . . . . 4521.5
JOMBERT, Charles Antoine. Catalogue raisonnd de
I’oeuvre de Sebastien Le Clerc. Paris, 1774.
2 V. PI. 8® *8076.15
— Essai d'un catalogue de I’oeuvre d’fitienne de La
Belle. Avec la vie [liree de ses propres ouv-
rages, et de la vie de cet arti§te, par Filippo
Baldinucci], traduite de I’italien. Paris, 1772.
viii, 230 pp. 2 pi. iu the text. 8® 8076.14
JomNi, Henri, baron de. Atlas portatif pour I’intel-
ligence des relations des derni^res guerres,
publiees sans plans ; notamment pour la vie de
Napoleon. Paris [1827-40]. 2 v. Legende.s.
754- pp. F®. [Planches] 36 pi. Obi. f® . . .*2640.70
Ao^c. — The volume of plates is without a title-page.
— Vie politique et militaire de Napolc^on, racont(5e
par lui-merae, au tribunal de Ccisar, d’Alex-
andre et de Frederic. [Anon.] Paris, 1827.
4 V. 8® *2646.50
Ao^e. — Represents an imaginary scene in Elysium,
May 5, 1821 (the day of Napoleon's death). Napoleon in
Shelf. No.
JoMiNi, Henri, baron de, continued*
the presence of Alexander, Caesar. Frederic the Great,
and others, reviews the history of his life. These heroes
at first doubt his right to a place among them, but, after
hearing him, agree that he has svtrpussed them all.
JONCKBLOET, Willem Josephus Andreas. Gesohichte
der niederlandischen Literatnr. Deutsche
Ausgabevon Wilhelm Berg. Mit cinera Ver-
zeichniss. Von Ernst Martin. B. 1. Leip-
zig, 1870. 8® 2812.50
Jones, William. The treasures of the earth; or,
mines, minerals and metals, with anecdotes.
Illu.strated. New York [London], 1872. xii,
404 ])p. 16® 167.3
JouVE, C. J. Compositions de mathematiques et de
piiysique. I’aris, 1855. iv, 295 pp. 8® . . . .3915.51
JuGURiANO, Nicolas. Des avantages de I’amputation
k la suite des blessures par armes de guerre.
Paris, 1872. 58 pp. 8® 3745.62
JuLiEN, Felix. L’amiral Bouet-Willaumes et I’expe-
ditiondans la Baltique. Paris, 1872. IGO-j-pp.
18® 4629.70
Karcher, Theodore. Les ^crivains militaircs de la
France. Paris, 1872. iv, 3484- pp. Illustrated.
8® *. . . 2676.52
Contents. — Litterature militaire de la France; Auteurs
modernes: biograpMes et extraits.
Kavanagh, Julia. Bessie. New York, 1872. 201
pp. 8® 411.24 and E. B. 241.44
Keats, John. Life and letters. By Lord Houghton
[Richard Monckton Milnes]. New edition.
London, 1867. 3634- pp- Portrait. 16®. . .2448.60
Kellogg, Elijah. Pleasant cove series. Child of the
island glen. Illustrated. Boston, 1872. 336
pp. 16® 457.29
— Whispering pine series. Winning hisspurs. Il-
lustrated. Boston, 1873 [1872J. 253 pp. Por-
trait. 16® E.B. 21.27
Kent, Charles. Charles Dickens as a reader. Phil-
adelphia. 1872. vii, 27I-|- pp. 16® 578.28
Kerverseau, Fr. Marie de, Clavelin, — , and
OTHERS. Histoire de la revolution de [ Vol. 1-7
entitled* Histoire de la revolution de 1789, et
dc I’etablissement d'une constitution en]
France. Par deux amis de la liberte. Paris,
1790-1803. 20 V. 8® 4617.50
Note. — Vol. 1-7 were published 1790-92; v. 8-20, 1797-
18(R, with the change in the title-page indicated above.
For the names of the authors and editors of the several
volumes see Querard’s Supercheries litteraires devoilees.
2e edition.
Kibrizli-Mehemet-Pasha, Madame Melek - Ha-
mim. Thirty years in the harem. Autobiogra-
phy. New York, 1872. 325 pp. 12®.
697.25 and E. B. 109.1
Kiepert, Heinrich. Karte des russischen Reichs in
Europa. 3te verbesserte Aufiage, Berlin,
1872. MassstUbe in 1-3.000,000 *3062.56
Kingsley, Charles. Town geology. New York
[London] 1873 [1872]. iii-Ivi, 239 pp. 12®. . 167.24
Kingsley, Henry. The Harveys. Berlin, 1872. vi,
3.53 pp. 16® . 755.24
Kingston, William H. G. Peter the whaler. With
illustrations. Boston, 1871. 389 pp. 16®.
E. B. 28.49
Kip, William Ingraham. Historical notes of the
family of Kip of Kipshurgand Kip’s bay. New
York. [Anon.] Privately printed. [Albany]
1871. 49 pp. 8® *4335.51
Kissel, Carl. Denkwiirdigkeiton aus der arztlichen
Praxis. Berlin, 1872. xviii, 793 pp. 8®. . .3795.67
Kitto, John. Palestine: [its] Bible history. Illus-
trated. London, 1841. viii, 777 pp. L. 8® . . 3421.51
— Palestine : [its] physical geography and nat-
ural history. Illustrated. London, 1841.
ccccxxxviii pp. L. 8® 3421.52
Klein, J. L. Geschichte des Drama’s. B. 9. Leip-
zig, 1872. 8® 4874.4
Contents. — Vol. 9. Das spanische Drama.
Kleine schweizorische Volksbibliothek. Ziirich,
1866. 16 v. in 8. Sm. 8® 2879a.50
Contents. — Vol. I-VII. Bitzius, Albert. Jeremias
Gotthclfs ausgowaliltc Schriften, viz., Vol. 1.
Geld und Geist, Oder die Versbhuung. 2. Uli,der Knecht.
.3. Pli, der Piichtcr. 4. 5. Leiden und Freuden eiucs
Schulmeisters. 6, 7. Wie Anne Biibi Jowiiger hauslial-
tet. YIII-X. listen, Johann Martin. Dichtungen.
Hcrausgegeben von David Hess. XI-XIV- Zschokke
Shell’. No.
Kleise schweizcrische Volksbibliothek, continued.
(Johann) Heinrich (Daniel). Schweizerisclie Bilder
und Krziihlungcn, viz., Vol. 11. Addrich iin Moos. 12.
Der Freihof von Aarau. 13. Der Fliichtlinj; im Jnra.
14. Die Rose von Disentis. XV. XVI. Kurz, Heinrich,
editor. Schweizcrische Erztihlungen. Gesaininelt und
herausgcgebeu von H. Kurz.
Knight, Charles. Studies of Shakspere. London,
1868. 560+ pp. 8“ 6592.3
Knox, A. E. Autumns on the Spey. With illustra-
tions. London, 1862. 171+ pp. 16° .... 4009.53
Knox, Isa Cr.aig. Young folks’ history of England.
With illustr.ations. Boston [London] [1871?].
vii. 280+ pp. 16° 969.13
KonE, Johann Georg. Die Marschen und Puseln der
Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein. Mit
Holzschnitten. Dresden, 1846. 3 v. 12° . . 2869a.52
Kreyssig. Fr. Vorlesungen iiber den deutschen
Roman der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1871. iv, 300
pp. Sm. 8° 2879.62
Kriegswochenbericht. fiir Jedermann. Nr 1-6.
[No title-page.] Leipzig. 1870. 96 pp. 8° . . 2829.57
Kroeger, A. E. The minnesinger of Germany. New
York, 1873 [187-2]. 284+ pp. 16° 2879a.51
Kuess, Emil. Cours de physiologie professd a la
faculte de niddecine de Strasbourg. ROdigd
par Mathias Duval. Revu par le professeur et
augment!; de I’exposd dcs travaux les plus rd-
cents. Avcc figures. Paris, 1872. xxxv, 575
pp. 18° ... 3769.61
Kugler, Fr.anz (Theodor), and OTiiER.s. Geschichte
der Baukunst. Mit Illustrationen. Stuttgart,
1859-67 . 4 V. 8° 4095.50
Coalenrs. —Vol. I. Geschichte der orientalischen und
antiken Baukunst. Von F. Kugler. II. Die Archi-
tektur des roinanischen Stvies. Von F. Kugler. III.
Geschichte der gothischen 'Baukunst. Von F. Kugler.
IV. Geschichte der ncucren Baukunst. Von Jacob
Burckhardt und Wilhelm Lubke.
Labarte, Jules. Histoire des arts indu.striels du
moyen age et I’epoque de la renaissance. 2e
edition. T. 1. Paris. 1872 . 4° *4071.50
La Chapelle, Alfred, comte de. La guerre do 1870.
Details et incidents recueillis sur les champs de
bataille. 2e edition. Londres, 1871. 258+
pp. 16° 4629.76
Lacroix, Paul. Bibliothfeque dramatique de Pont
de Vesle. .augmentee et completee par les soins
du Bibliophile .Jacob [psetit/.]. Catalogue re-
digd d’aprfes le plan du Catalogue Soleinne, et
destine a servir de complement a ce catalogue.
Paris, 1846. viii, 279 pp. 8° *6174.17
— Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen age et a
I’dpoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illu.stre de
planches et de gravures. Paris, 1871. iv, 599+
pp. L. 8° *6252.3
Lamartine, Alphonse (Marie I.ouis) de. Graziella.
From the French by S. C. B[arney]. Phiia-
delphi.a, 1872. 205 pp. 12° 808.21
— Souvenirs et portr.aits. T. 3. Paris. 1872. 16° . 2679.75
— Souvenirs, impressions, pensdes et paysages
pendant un voyage en Orient (1832-1833). Por-
trait, gravures, cartes [etc.]. Bruxelles, 1836.
4 V. Sm. 12° 3049a.51
Lamb, Charles and Mary. Poetry for children. Ed-
ited by R. U. Shepherd. London, 1872. xii,
94 pp. 16° 1337.9
La MOTTE-FoiiQuft, Friedrich (Heinrich Carl), huron
de. Thiodolf the Icelander. From the Ger-
man. London, 1865. 2 v. in 1. Illustrated.
16° 809.17
Landon. Melville D. Saratoga 1901. By Eli Perkins
rpsc?«f.]. Illustrated. New York, 1872. vii,
^9+pp. 16° 1837.3
Langdon. itary, peeud. See Pike. Mary H.
Lanfrey, Pierre. History of Napoleon the first. Vol.
2. London, 1872. vi. 610 pp. 8° 4625.19
IjA Rochethulon, Emmanuel Marie Stanislas Thi-
baud. marquie de. Du role de la garde n,a-
tionale et de I’armee de Paris dans les prepara-
tifs de I’insurrection du 18 mars. Rapport spd-
cial fait a la commission d’enquete, suivi de re-
lation de la bataille de Buzenval. Paris, 1872.
216+ pp. 8° 2626.64
Lasteyrie, Marie Antoinette Virginie de Lafayette,
marquiee de. Life of Madame de Lafayette.
Preceded by the life of the duchesse d’Ayen.
Translated from the French by Louis de Las-
teyrie. Paris and London, 1872. iii, 45.5+ pp.
12° 2649.77
Lal’RiKres, D. 8. de. Essais philosophico-thdolo-
giques. Avec une preface de Etienne Coquerel.
Paris, 1872. xviii, 357+ pp. 18° 3457.67
Shelf. No.
Lauser, Wilhelm. Aus Spaniens Gegenwart. Cul-
turskizzen. Leipzig, 1872. xii, 3,56+ pp. 8m.8°. 3099.5
Laverack, Edward. The setter. London, 1872. xi,
62+ pp. 2col.pl. Sm. 4° 4005.52
Lavigne. Albert. Questions algeriennes. Le rd-
gime du sabre. I’aris, 1871. 46 pp. 8° . . .2623.62
Laya, Alexandre. Histoire populaire de A. Thiers.
Paris, 1872. 179 pp. Portrait. 18° 2649.74
Leathley, Emma. Early life of Sir W. H. Maule.
London, 1872. iv, 295 pp. 8° 2448.58
Lebert, Hcnnann. Grundziige der iirztlichen
Praxis. Tubingen, 1868. xxii. 942 pp. 8° . . 3795.66
— Handbuch der prakt